When Souls Fly Free

By moc.loa@58hairaMmaJfeD

Published on Sep 22, 2004


Morning rose on the Grenier property. The smell of bacon and pancakes sifted through the house as Mrs. Grenier stood at the stove in her light green apron with pink roses on it. Marcus came trotting down the stairs in a white t- shirt, boxers and socks. Mr. Grenier was seated at the table already...waiting for his serving.

"Mornin dad" Marcus came up from behind his dad and gave him a bear hug.

"Mornin son" Mr. Grenier said with a smile on his face, while embracing his son. Marcus went over to his mother and did the same then went back to his seat. He could hear the click of the stove button turn off and his mouth watered as he knew breakfast was about to be served.

"Ok men, here ya are...eat up!" Mrs. Grenier said as she plopped down two heaping plates of southern style pancakes and scrambled eggs, then served herself. The three of them ate and discussed what they were going to do that day, Marcus finished his breakfast.

"Thanks mom, delicious as usual!" Marcus said wiping his mouth with a napkin then kissing Mrs. Grenier on the cheek and heading up stairs. Marcus arrived at his room and looked around pondering about what camera he would take out today. He stood in the middle of his room looking about when he heard a tapping noise coming from across his window. He saw Terell tapping on his window and waving good morning to him. Terell couldn't help but notice Marcus nice "assets" accentuated by his boxers. Marcus smiled, then headed over towards his window to open it.

"Hey you" Terell greeted..smiling.

"Hey what's up?" Marcus asked

"Nothin...just thought I'd say morning to that sexy guy across from me" Terell said winking. Marcus looked around himself in a smart alec manner.

"Where is he?" Marcus asked

"Funny..." Terell retorted..smirking...Marcus giggled.

"Hey..you wanna hang out again today?" Marcus asked.

"Sure" Terell said

"Meet me at my front door in 10 min ok?" Marcus said.

"You got it"

Ten minutes passed by and Terell promptly showed up at Marcus front door. Marcus had his camera ready in hand and both of them set out on their way. They talked along the way about what their plans were.

"Hey..."Marcus started "I got an idea"

"What's that babe?" Terell asked.

"How about you teach me about football today and I teach you a lil' about my world?......you interested?" Marcus asked. Terell paused for a minute.

"Hey that sounds cool......you need to be roughed up man......hehe" Terell said lightly punching Marcus in the arm.

"Hmm...no comment.." Marcus said with a sly look on his face.

They both decided to head to the football field 1st since it was summer and no students were there...Marcus knew a way to sneak in after all, he did have his own secret hideaway once before.... The boys approached the sidewalk and took in the view of the football field.

"Ok so how we gonna get in?" Terell wondered.

"I know somebody..." Marcus said


"I took pics of one of our football games once that won some awards for the school, the principal said I could have access to the field whenever I needed it...I just need to have one of my old school I.D's...they all know about it so we won't get into trouble" Marcus said.

"Damn..you're good.." Terell said as he followed Marcus towards the gate. They entered the field and looked around.

"Where's the equipment and stuff?" Terell asked eagerly

"Over there" Marcus said pointing to a small building to the right of them. Marcus handed him the key and Terell stepped in and quickly found a football. He turned around and stepped out of the building. Terell waited until he saw Marcus put down the camera to surprise him.

"HEEAAAAADS UPP!!!!!!" Terell yelled as he hurled his famous cannon-like toss to Marcus who not that close to say the least.

"What the?..." Marcus quickly looked up and nearly buckled when he saw the football coming at him 90 miles an hour. Keeping his eye on the ball...he awkwardly ran to try and keep up with it. A thud rang through his chest as he caught the ball sending him tumbling to the ground.

"Mmph!" Marcus grunted as he hit the grass while hearing Terell laugh in the background...he dusted himself off and got up.

"Thanks a lot!" Marcus exclaimed.

"Aw come on...that was a nice catch!......paybacks a bitch ain't it?" Terell retorted laughing.

"Yeah yeah yeah"..Marcus said half smiling, half sneering.

"Well it looks like we're all alone here" Terell said

"Yup..." Marcus said "So.." Marcus continued as he snatched the football out of Terell hands "...Am I gonna get a football lesson?" he asked?.

"Yeah...you ever thrown a football?" Terell asked.

"Um..not much.." replied Marcus

"Well... let me show ya..." Terell got behind Marcus and grabbed his right arm. "1st of all you need to grab the football by its stitches like this" Marcus felt the warmth of Terells hand over his as he guided his fingers into position. "Now when you throw the ball try to spin it with your hand to make it fly through the air"

"Ok...here it goes.." Marcus let out his best throw which only produced half a twirl then a thud on the ground about 20 ft away. Marcus sheepishly looked at Terell. " I suck"

"Hey it's alright" " Ok now you throw one..I wanna watch you...without getting clobbered by the ball this time" Marcus pinched Terell jokingly

" Ow...um..ok then" Terell got into form and threw the ball...Marcus watched as he saw Terells muscles go to work..watching what he taught him.

"Well...I know this one......TOOUUCCCHDOOOWWWWN" Marcus yelled.

Terell laughed "There ya go!".

"Ok...time for your photography lesson Mr." Marcus changed the subject as he took out his camera and beckoned Terell to come over. Terell took one look at the camera...

"I'll have to remember that aint a football" Terell said trying to sound funny. Marcus shook his head.

"Anyways...my turn!" Marcus got behind Terell..."ok this is where ya look through to see what your looking at" Marcus pointed to the eyepiece. "And this is the shutter right here" Marcus subtly put his chin on Terells shoulder while he said that.

"Ok...and what are all these other thingies?" Terell asked

"That's to adjust lighting and focusing...... you turn them opposite ways till you can see your subject clearly in the lens" Marcus explained dutifully.

"Ok I gotcha..." Terell took a few moments to figure it out while Marcus wrapped his arms around his waist.

"I think I'll focus on you right now" Marcus said kissing Terell on his neck. Terell giggled and fell backwards a little.

"Hey I gotta FOCUS so I can get this right mr. playful" Terell said lovingly.

"Oh yeah sorry..." Marcus said. Terell turned around to Marcus

"Now let me get a shot of my baby" Terell said with a smile.

"Oh..ok...how do you want me?" Marcus said making Terell crack up with various corny poses.

"Just be you man" Terell said putting the camera up to his face. Marcus decided to just pose casually with his arms crossed and smiling. Terell clicked the shutter.

"Crap! my finger got in the way" Terell said disappointed. They both laughed as they were now even. "Eh..I'm just a rookie"

"It's alright"..." I can show you my darkroom later if ya like.

"Yeah...that sounds cool...you can......show me a few things?...hehe" Terell jested.

"Yes yes..." Marcus said..."You wanna hang around here longer or you wanna head back?" Marcus asked.

"Eh let's head back...I gotta get ready to baby sit Michelle tonight" Terell replied.

"Ok...yeah by the way how is she?" Marcus asked as they walked towards the gate and exited."

"She's funny as ever...she's cool to babysit". Terell said. " I wanna tell you something..." Terell said a lil hesitantly.

"What's that?"

"I'm glad I met you..."

Marcus paused for a minute.

"You know.....I'm glad I met you too......how did this happen?..." Marcus said.

"Things like this just happen babe I guess". Terell said as they were well into their walk. The yellow and pinkish sunset was beginning to show its glory on the town of Shelby Alabama as the boys headed back to their homes. Marcus began to asses his lifes journey up until now...he began to realize how grateful he is for everything, including what was walking beside him. They came upon the street they lived on and arrived at their houses.

"Hey..before you head out...stop by my house......I got a lil something to give ya ok?..I won't keep ya too long" Marcus said grinning.

"Well ok then...see ya in about 30 mins ok?" Terell replied.

"You got it" Marcus patted Terell on the back and hurried up to his room. As soon as Terell turned to head for his house he saw his mothers car darting into the driveway in a hurry. Terell went over to greet her.

"Hey sweetie could you help me with these groceries please?.." Mrs. Jackson huffed as she was exhausted from job searching that day.

"Sure mama" Terell grabbed a few bags and took the mail from his mothers hands so she could find the keys and open the door. She darted into the house sighing.

"Whew...I been all over this town today" Mrs. Jackson exclaimed.

" I bet"..Terell said dropping the pile of mail onto the table. Little did he notice one of the letters with a yellow envelope ...in their haste, both Mrs. Jackson and Terell never even noticed the name on the return adress.." Marvin Jackson".....

Meanwhile .........Marcus...in his room......pulled out a piece of paper and began to write what was developing in his mind on the walk. He was writing Terell a love letter. Marcus poured his heart out. He always had felt passion when taking photos. Never had he felt the same rush of emotions writing on a piece of paper...he knew this was real. He heard the knock at the front door and grabbed the letter and ran downstairs, looked through the peephole and opened the door.


"Hey Hey" Terrell smiled. Marcus slipped the letter between the the doorjam and the screen door.

"This is for you...you can read it later ok?...keep it in a safe place" Marcus said with a serious look on his face. Terell tucked it away in his pocket.

"Hmm...ok..." He winked. "Is that it?"


"Ok...I gotta be goin now" Terell said.."don't wanna miss my bus"

"Yeah...catch ya later!" Marcus exclaimed as Terell hopped down their front steps and waved back. He patiently waited for his bus to come along and wondered what the piece of paper was. Soon the bus came and he arrived at the Johnsons' place about 20 min later. He knocked on the door. The sound of little footsteps came toward the front door.

"Yay! time to cheer cause you are finally HERE!" Michelle rhymed as she ran towards Terell. Terell bent down and greeted her.

"Hey there...how are you?" Terell inquired.

"Good!" Michelle said as she grabbed Terell and yanked him inside the house impatiently. The Johnsons were getting ready.

"Is that you Terell?" Mrs Johnson shouted from down the hall.

"Yes it's me!" He shouted back. Mrs Johnson expressed her relief upon Terells arrival, they were late to the social event they had planned that evening and the house was hectic.

"Mommy says we can make pizza tonight..can we Terell?? please...it's my favorite!" Michelle said bopping up and down.

"You bet squirt" Terell replied putting his stuff down. The Johnsons left the money on the coffee table and thanked Terell for coming in advance in case they forgot later. Michelle and Terell began to settle into the evening.

"Are you hungry yet?" Terell asked Michelle.

"Yeppie deppie!" Michelle replied.

"Let's go make that pizza!"

"I haven't had pizza in soooo long...mommy and daddy say I eat too much of it...they're no fun.." Michelle lamented.

"Well...they just want you to be healthy that's why" Terell explained. "Ok..let's get to it". Terell asked Michelle where all the utensils were...and of course she pointed them out using her amusing little rhymes which almost got on Terells nerves but he let it slide, other than that she was well behaved. Everything was set out on the counter as they opened the packet of pizza dough from the refigerator. Michelle smiled in delight as she helped Terell flatten it out on the pan almost falling forward and pressing her hands all the way through from excitement.

"Oops.." Michelle said frozen with laughter. Terell helped get her hands unstuck and amused at her silliness. "This little girl is a trip" Terell thought to himself. The pizza dough was smoothed out as they both attempted to collect themselves for the next step.

"We need the tomato sauce now" Terell said giggling. Michelle brought him the tomato sauce which happened to come in a oddly packaged plastic tube...like toothpaste. Terell looked at it..then looked at Michelle...

"Don't look at me...my mom and dad shop at that weird Price Club store where they have big ole packets of of soap...looks like youre moving out of your house when you leave" Michelle retorted.

"Okie dokie.." Terell said as he tried to CAREFULLY open the sauce with a knife 3 times before opening it on the fourth accidentally piercing it hard and send sending some of it on Terells shirt. Michelle couldn't help but bust out laughing.

"That's ok you don't look like a fool, I'm gonna have some of it on me too!" Michelle said as she reached over and dipped her little finger on Terells shirt and smeared some on her forehead laughing like a hyena. Terell stood there in shock and then started laughing too. He went and got them both cleaned up and returned to making the pizza. Miraculously, everything else went smoothly. The pizza was made, they ate,watched some TV, played some cards and it was time for bed. Terell tucked Michelle in bed and thanked her for the fun time makin pizza. He hung around until the Johnsons got home and then hopped on the bus to get home. He looked out at the city lights wondering what Marcus had on that paper but couldn't read it on the bus's weak light. The bus came to a stop a half a block from his house and he walked home. When he finally came into his room at home, Mrs. Jackson was sound asleep. He took off his jeans and threw them on his bed. He slipped on some briefs and a tshirt..then anxiously eyed the letter that peeked out of his jean pocket on his bed. He went over and pulled it out and began to unfold it. As he opened it all the way, his eyes began to read the 1st few lines of the letter...and he stopped.

The tears in his eyes began to form as he looked out towards Marcus's window..just from the 1st few lines..he was touched. He went towards his window and stood for a minute. He kissed the palm of his hand...then placed it on his window as if sending it to Marcus through the night.

** WHHEEWWWWW!!!! ok guys......This chapter was a bit longer than the last ones cause of the intermission. I've been gathering inspiration and living life and I want to try and put some of it in this story. And if you want me to put what Marcus wrote in the next chapter you can hit me up at DefJamMariah85@aol.com for feedback!!!....sorry for the wait but I promise you I'm still continuing the story!"

Next: Chapter 14

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