When Opportunity Knocks

By ua.moc.dnabdaorbeissua@dbpp

Published on Jun 16, 2010



Another true story only the names have been altered, any comments can be made to ppbd@aussiebroadband.com.au


When Opportunity Knocks

Following on from account of the Landlady submission I continue with this true story as it unfolded and still exists today, albeit less frequent but still happening.

After being to Chris's 18th birthday party at one of the local Hotels I arrived home to find 3 messages on my answering machine, 2 were fairly insignificant but the last which was only a few minutes old was telling, it was Tim, Chris's older brother who had broken down on his way back home some 20 miles away, he was with a mate of his, Tim contacted me because he thought his Mother had come back to my place for a night cap before going home herself, she had yet to arrive but couldn't be far away.

The nessage was "tell Mum my car is broken down on the Old Town Rd and come pick me and Luha up", that was his mates name, another schitzo guy who over indulges in weed and what ever else he can get his hands on.

From memory Tim and Luha had quite a bit to drink and should not have been driving anyway, the Mother arrived at my house about 20 minutes later, had a cup of tea and then set off to get Tim and Luha, it was fairly late now, perhaps 11, 30pm or a bit later, I figured it would close to 12.30am by the time she would get home, I thought I better call to make sure they found their way home OK.

Tim answered the phone and said all was fine, they had been home about 20 minutes and the Mother had gone to bed, I asked him what he was doing and he claimed that he and Luha were going to stay up all night, of course I asked why and the response was "because there was nothing else to do"

I told Tim he should have come back to my place if he was looking for something to do, he immediately said "yeah we should have" and left it at that, I was just being nice to him, a brief history about my interactions with the guy is important here.

Tim had been diagnosed with paranoid schitzophrenia about a year earlier, his mate Luha had been diagnosed some 2 years earlier than that, to me Tim always appeared to be a quiet and mysterious character, he never spoke unless someone asked him a question and usually that response would be a yes or no or maybe but in a polite manner.

I had invited Tim to come fishing with me and Chris but he always declined, he preffered to keep to himself or mingle with other schitzo people, its funny how they seem to be able to seek eachother out, anyway Tim would always be in a world of his own, he really didn't seem to have any interests at all other than to consume as much alcohol as he could and mix it with pot, he lost his painting apprenticeship a few months earlier and he had become a drain on the families finances, the father was and still is an asshole and wanted nothing to do with a schitz son, in fact from what I had heard from Chris and his mother he more or less told Tim to get out of the family house, no doubt living with a schitzo son/brother is not easy and the father just didn't have the ability or desire to accept it or cope with it, Tim lived in an old caravan on the property away from the house and would only venture to the house for food and amenities provided his dad wasn't around.

I had offered to take Tim to social services to be asessed for a disability payment but he had always declined that offer, I guess because he had to mingle with other people and admit he had a problem, it would have been income to him and less of a drain on his parents but he couldn't quite make that connection, I mentioned this to Tim everytime I saw him but the answer was always the same.

Its funny how people just seem to allow someone to wallow in their own helplessness when schitzophrenia is concerned, I had been to Tims house several times over a few week period to take Chris fishing or just to chat to the mother, they lived out of town on a dairy farm some 20 miles away and not near anything other than other farms, I would always attempt a conversation with Tim if he were around but most times he was hiding in his caravan.

The last 2 visits I made to the family house I made a specific visit up to Tim's caravan to say hello, the first time he didn't let me in, we had a short conversation at his door, the last visit he invited me inside, the place was littered with cigarette butts, milk cartons and general rubbish and junk, it appeared as though he never cleaned up after himself.

There was a single bed tucked away in one corner, a table and radio in another and a lounge chair and table in the middle, not very celubrious surrounds at all, too make matters more univiting the placed stank of smoke and dampness, I didn't say anything other than "your caravan appears to be well lived in ", Tim laughed, I think that was the first time ever in 2 or 3 years that I had seen him smile.

Tim laid on his bed smoking while I asked questions and tried to engage him in conversation, he mostly responded with a Yeah or Nah (NAR), very difficult to get him to talk about anything, I thought maybe if I introduced sex into the equation he would be more likely to talk, sure enough he volunteered his interest in fucking women which didn't really surprise me much.

Tim is about 182cm tall and quite slim, very hairy compared to Chris but brownish hair rather than red, not as nice looking as Chris his brother but nice enough, as he laid there smoking he asked what did I want, I was a bit shocked at the question because I had been there 10 minutes or so and it appeared as though he was just now acknowledging my presence.

I told him I was just interested to hear what he was up to and what he had been doing to and have a look at the place he hides in so often, he laughed again and seemed a bit more chatty after that, I asked Tim if he was looking forward to Chris's upcoming party and he said yeah, he said he was going to drink as much as he could, I said to him he shouldn't do that because he wont be able to perform for the girls if he happens to get lucky on the night, again he said yeah then after a pause he said yeah it would be nice to have a fuck for a change.

I immediately picked up on that comment and said to him, "so you mean you stay up here tossing off all the time" and he laughed and sad yeah , "all the time" and we both laughed at that comment, I stayed about another 10 minutes trying to get him to open a bit, he hardly said a word, I did all the talking, he just listened and we occassionally say yeah or nah, I got the impression he would prefer that I leave, so I said "well I catch up with you then", Tim said no stay a while you don't have to go, I made up some story that I was needed elsewhere, Tim told me to check in on him whenever I was there, I said I would and I also offered for Tim to come around my place if he were in the town.

Back to the story.

About half an hour after I spoke with Tim he calls me on the phone and asks if I would come out to get him and Luha and bring them back to my place, it was close to 1am by now and I'm thiking it is way too late for any kind of distractions, I thought about it for a few seconds, I have to admit I was a bit dumbfounded by this request, never before had Tim initiated any sort of conversation with me let alone ask me something, if I said no it could be that he will never contact me again and feel as though I am just another let down.

I ummed and ahhed for another few seconds and then asked why he wanted to come over to my place, he said"it would be cool to stay somewhere else with different company", he sounded almost normal, so I agreed to go get him, it would take approx half an hour to get and the ame time back which makes after 2am, I asked him to meet me at the gate away from the farmhouse so as not to attract attention for the others inside the house, he agreed.

I got out there in good time, Tim and Luha were waiting for me at the gate as arranged, they got into the car quick smart, Tim in the front and Luha in the back, they seemed really upbeat about coming to my house, they were both chatty and excited which sort of inspired me to be even a better host than I had planned.

We got back to my house before 2am, given that we were stopped by the local Police for a breath test we made very good time, it was a coolish night so I put the gas heat on and turned on the TV, of course they wanted to watch MTV/rage for music, so I pretty much left them to their own devices, they had their own beer and cigarettes so I didn't have to do much in the way of host.

I stayed up about an hour before asking them if they wanted to sleep or stay up, they wanted to stay up so I asked them to not make any noise, I showed them where the spare bedrooms were which were past my room, they seemed convinced that they could last the night so I left them too it.

I had no reason to check on them at all, they did not make any noise and from what I could gather they were watching Tv, around 4.30am Tim came knocking on my bedroom door, it is always open, I never close it for anything, I always sleep naked and I always have a TV on even though I don't always watch it just for the light it casts across the room should I need to get up.

I ask Tim what he wants and he comes inside my bedroom, there was no need for me to turn a light on, I could see him and he could see me, he makes a comment about the nice set up of my room with the Tv and then notices I am sleeping in a water bed, he seems very excited about the water bed and sits on the end pushing up and down to see what it does, we are talking about a 22 year old fellow here but his behaviour was almost child like excitement.

Tim asks me what is it like to have sex on a water bed and I said good enough, cosy and comfortable but you have to take a good hold otherwise your partner slips away too easy, he laughs at that comment, I tell him to lie down on it and try it himself, so he does, he lays across the bed with his hands behind his head motioning up and down and across to feel the wave like effect, he claims it is awesome and I suggest he should try it out one time, he says yeah !!!!!!!

So I ask him what he wants and he wants to know if I have any porn, "how did I know he was going to ask that", his younger brother Chris asked me the same thing last year and that ended up being an eventful time for me so I figured what the heck, so I told him I did but I'd have to hunt around for it and I'd meet him back in the living room.

I got a tape and went into the living room dressed only in my underwear and a shirt top and put the video on, before it started I told Tim and Luha that they weren't to increase the volume of the tape because I didn't want neighbours thiking I had a loose women with me, they both laughed and Tim asked me if I was going to stay and watch it with them.

I had intended to go back to bed and spy on them occassionally but now that an offer was on the table I decided to stay, I put one back light on so I could see what they were doing, it also allowed us to see the ashtrays and booze instead of having to get up and avoid spillage, they seemed cool with it so we settled down to watch the porn.

Both Tim and Luha sat in front of me which was very convenient, I could see them both without it being obvious, Luha spread out on the bean bag and Tim across the sofa, Tim was wearing Levi jeans with a zip and Luha was wearing track pants, the heater was still on so it was a comfortable temperature in the room, they both seemed very comfortable indeed.

Luha was a few years older than Tim and a bit shorter with a heavier build, not stocky and muscled, he has fair dark blonde/mousie hair and a bit of bum fluff facial hair, easy on the eye I guess but not someone I would normally be attracted to, Tim was taller and slimmer with a narrow face, goatee beard and hald length brown hair, his body was slender and elongated compared to his brother Chris, Tim had a lot of body hair which is noticebale through the top of any shirt he wears, he always had a growth of unshaven beard across his face, dark and wiry hair, I imagined that he had a similar dick to Chris, it was not obviously visible through his jeans but the way he wore his trousers suggested that there was a package there, just my impression or guess more than anything.

Luha on the other hand seemed more likely to be average, depending on the way he was sitting or standing you coud just make out the impression his dick was making against his track pants, just another guess that he wouldn't be hung but I've been wrong about that many times before.

As is the norm there was an uncomfortable silence while the porn was playing, neither Tim or Luha were making any comments about the quality of women or men in the flicks so I volunteered a couple of comments about their pussies, dicks and body types just to break the ice, most times they just agreed with me and offered no other comments.

Maybe 10 minutes had passed in to the movie when Tim got up and said he had to take a piss, my experience with guys say that while watching porn is that they are looking to have a quick wank over the scenes they have just witnessed, about 20 seconds after Tim left the room tohave a piss I got up and follwed him, sure enough he was in the loo taking a piss, I could hear the piss hitting the water so I wandered back into the living room, Luha did not even notice I had left the room.

Tim arrives back and aks if he had missed anything exciting and Luha told him no not really, Tim settles down again with a cigarette and drink as does Luha, they both smoke a rediculous amount, I smoke socially but this was annoying but I didn't want to say anything about it in case they got the impression I didn't want them there.

About an hour into the video I was getting tired, it was around 6am and I needed some sleep, I told the guys I was going to bed, Tim asked how much longer of the porn to go and I said it was a 3 hour tape, he seemed happy with the answer so I went off to bed.

I had been in bed about 10 minutes, my mind was racing thiking about those 2 guys up in the living room watching porn, I was sure they must be getting toey so I got up and had a look from my bedroom dorr, I could see all the way down to the living room quite clearly, I could see Tim slouched on the sofa and Luha in the bean bag although it was difficult to tell if they were excited or not.

By now daylight was making an impression, light was filtering in to the living room and both Tim and Luha were even more visible, Luha got up and started walking towards me, I could remain where I was without attracting attention if Luha headed to the bathroom, if he went past the bathroom and down the hallway towards the bedrooms I would be spotted so I decided to walk out into the hallway just in case he came past, he headed into the bathroom and of course I listned for the tell tale sounds of piss which were quite evident, Luha finished his piss and went back into the living room so I followed him.

The light in the lounge was no longer making any impact because of daylight so I switched it off, I had to walk past Tim to flick the switch, on my way back I noticed that Tim had undone 3 or 4 buttons of his shirt and the belt and top button of his jeans were also undone, no doubt to let his dick expand if need be, neither Tim or Luha acknowledged my presence, they seemed fixated with the porn.

The current movie would soon end, I was tired by now and neither Tim or Luha seemed likely to be attempting any sort of wanking behaviour so I made the call about whether to continue or send them to bed, I asked if they wanted more porn or to sleep, they both empahtically said more porn so I put another one on, again a 3 hour tape.

I had another cigarette even though I didn't want one it was just to be socialble more than anything, so I figured its about time I start asking questions seeing neither of them are volunteering any sort of comments at all, so I called out "has anyone had a wank yet", there was no response, I wasn't sure whether they heard me or not so I asked again and still no answer, it seemed like they were both so intent on watching the movie that they didn't hear me at all.

After about 20 seconds of silence Tim pipes up and says "yeah I think has already", too which retorts "no I haven't", Tim says" I thought I saw you having a toss before when the black guy was fucking the asian chicks", Luha says no I was just feeling myself up" and they both laughed hilariously.

I then made the comment that it is no use watching porn if you are not going to have a wank with it and Tim said yeah !!!!!!!!!!

I waited another 20 minutes or so and Tim realizes he has only one cigarette left and asks Luha how many he has which he answers 2, neither of them have any money as well so I figure there may be an opportunity to exploit this situation coming up, but can I stay awake long enough ?

Luha all of a sudden starts repositioning himself in the bean bag, it may be because of discomfort but it may also be the prelude to getting a hardon, sure enough within a few seconds I could see that Luha was getting a fat dick, the trackpants made it very easy to see that his dick was wandering around in there, it didn't seem to be a long dick but it appeared to be fat than normal so I watched him for a few minutes to see who he would cope with it.

Every now and then Luha would play with his dick and look around to see if either Tim or I were watching him, Luha would put his hand down inside his track pants and play with it but not actually wank it this went on for quite a few minutes before Tim noticed and cried out "look Peter Luha has got a stiffy", we all laughed but pretty much ignored the comment, Luha seemed quite unperturbed that attention had been drawn to his stiff dick, it didn't stop him from playing with it either.

To keep the theme going on I asked Tim did he have a stiffy and he said"yeah I've had one for hours", he seemd very matter of fact with the comment, not embarassed or shamed with admitting at all, I also volunteered that I had a stiffy and that I should be taking care of it real soon, they both ignored me altogether which was dissapointing yet again.

By now it was approaching 8am and I was dog gone tired , neither Tim or Luha seemed affected by the lack of sleep at all, another tape was required or a decision about bed so I asked what they wanted, they both wanted more porn so I got another tape, Tim asked me where I kept them, perhaps a hint that I could go to bed and they would look after themselves, I said they were scattered all across the house but most were in my bedroom for when I needed them, he never made any comment about my comments.

This tape had been going about 20 minutes and this particular tape had scenes of bisexual activities in it as well so I was interested to see how they would re-act to that, Luha got up from the bean bag saying he was taking another piss, as he got up I trained my eyes onto his crotch and sure enough he still had a hardon, I waited a few seconds and followed him down the hallway to the bathroom, I knew it would probably be difficult for him to piss with a fat dick so I allowed him a few extra seconds to get organised, sure enough I could hear piss hitting the toilet bowl so I went back into the living room.

Much to my surprise when I got back Tim had undressed himself down to his underwear and shirt, he was slouched on the sofa with his back against an arm rest and the rest of his body stretched out in front him along the sofa, I could see his dick poking through his briefs which seemed to be a size or 2 too large for him, jockey style briefs without a cock hole/pouch, I sat down and stared at his dick intently almost willing it to come to life.

Tims dick was positioned downwards and into the slack area of his underwear, it could not possibly be hard given its location but it did appear to be aroused, I sat down and lit another cigarette just as Luha arrived back into the room, Tim tuned around and said "I didn't realize it was that came back in here I thought it was Luha", I said its OK, no need to be shy about sitting there in your underwear, I;ve been like that for hours, hoping to set a more relaxed mood for us all.

Luha volunteers that he cant strip down to his underwear because he is not wearing any, I said that's OK, we're all big boys now you can sit there naked if you want, he never responded, Luha just sat in the bean bag and even he appeared not be have a hard on now, it was all becoming a bit much for me now, it was close to 9am, no sleep, the hightened arousal state of mine for the past few hours with no release or action made me feel even more tired, I was going to announce to them I was going to bed when Tim got up and made his way down the hallway, I thought he was going to the loo.

About a minute passed and there was no noise so I wandered out and there was no noise coming from the loo, I then made tracks for the bedrooms and sure enough here was Tim laying on the bed in the room next to mine with a huge hard on and he was having a toss.

I was gob smacked, he had a huge dick, at least 8 inches and as fat as buggery, really nice looking dick with thick redish hair around it, lots of chest hair and very very hairy legs, he was laying there totally naked and engrossed in a big time wank, he would go fast for a few seconds and then slow right down, I thought for sure he was about to come, it almost seemed as though he was edging.

A few minutes had passed by now and still he was having a good old tug, his dick looked fantastic, close to aprefect specimen, whoever did the circumcision on him was a stickler for detail, it was indeed a very nice looking dick.

Tim would change hands as he was wanking away but he seemed much more comfortable with his right hand, I had the perfect vantage point, the doorway to this bedroom was in front of where the bed sat, so in effect I was behind the bed head so Tim wouldhave to get up and turn around to see if anyone was watching him, he didn't seem to be too concerned about, the door was fully ajar.

While all this excitement was happening I had completely forgotten about Luha, so I raced down there to see what he was up to, it was a much more sedate situation there, Luha was still sitting in the same position and probably hadn't even noticed that Tim or I were no longer there, suddenly he turned around to see me sitting there and asked where Tim was, I said I didn't know so Luha got up and went looing for him.

About 20 seconds later I hear laughing coming from down the hallway and then a few moments later both Tim and Luha re-appear in the living room laughing and giggling, Tim blurts out "hey Peter Luha just caught me jerking off on the bed", both still laughing their heads off like little kids, I asked Tim if he spoofed over himself or the bed and he said Nah I never got a chance Luha stopped me.

Luha pipes up and says" I didn't stop you at all, you have never stopped before while I've been watching", both still giggling their heads off, it was quite invigorating to see them behaving like this, as if neither of them had any inhibitions about wanking in front of eachother, so of course I cant let this pass without making some appropriate comment, so I asked then if they wank off eachother, Tim says Nah, but we toss off together a lot and Luha confirms it with a "yes all the time comment".

I said that's good, mates should always feel free to act that way, its an imprtant part of being a guy, neither of them made a comment on that.

Anyway, as all of the excitement transpired Tim was still sporting his huge hard on his underwear, he had come down to the living room in his underwear only and was pretty much parading around with his hand on his dick as he described how Luha walked in on him while he was wanking, I found it all very inspiring and erotic indeed. It was after 9.30am now, the porn seems to have taken a back seat, Tim asks for some coffee and a cigarette as does Luha, I told them both the coffee was free but the cigarette would cost a wank, Tim said nothing but Luha asked "you mean I have to wank you or you wank me", I said both in a jokingly manner.

Luha said "yeah sure, I'd wank with ya anytime, I'll even suck your dick if you want", I was again gobsmacked, even Tim seemed startled by this admission but he was laughing and goofing around as was Luha.

I said good, so I'll know where to come when I need a wank, Luha said "sure anytime" still laughing, I was pretty sure he was serious about it, I asked Tim "what about you" and he said Nah again, Luha pipes up and calls Tim a frigid slut, "he never wants to play around, all he ever does is flop his dick around and jerk himself off", Tim retorts, "I let you play around with me sometimes" in a very serious manner, Luha says"yeah but you wont wank me or suck me off when I need it" to which Tim says"but I'm not gay", Luha says "neither am I" and I pipe in and say "just because you wank and fool around doesn't make you a gay, it just shows that you want to help out your mates when they need taking care of, I do it all the time", Luha says"yeah ya see".

The 2 of them now feel the need to introduce some straight experiences into the conversation to qwell any notions I may have been developing about their sexuality, classic denial tactics by straight guys, I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about, they try to deflect attention away from themselves and their willigness to admit to same sex desires or thoughts or behaviours so they are not called "gay".

Anyway, I tell them its about time they get to bed, there is no discussion about it, they both make their way down to the bedrooms, the room Tim went into has a double bed and doona and the room Luha went into has a single mattress on the floor with a doona.

I make my way into my own room, I can see into Luha's room from my bed, I had the perfect view of him lying there, if I wanted to spy on Tim I would have to get up and walk past the entrance to Luha's room but again he probably wouldn't see me because the bed faced away from the doorway and the bedhead was against the wall making it almost impossible to see out unless he turned around.

I figured I should give them about half an hour to see if they were going to wank, I sort of had this twisted idea that maybe Luha would come into my room and do good on his statement that he would wank with me anytime, only time would tell I guess.

As for Tim, well I was pretty sure he would attempt another wank judging by his rampant display before being interupted, I just couldn't get over the shape and size of his dick, it was much more impressive than his younger brother Chris, not as long but just as fat with a nice fat cut head, of course by now I was busting a nut to wank myself, I wanted to give the boys time to settle before I would make a decision on whether to toss myself off or apply some wandering hands to the sleepers.

Next thing I remember is the phone ringing, its now 2pm in the afternoon and Tim's mother is on the phone wanting to know if I have seen or heard from him, I told her he was here with me and Luha, of she course she wanted to know the ins and outs of a ducks ass so I told her the story, she seemed surprised intially that I would pick him up but at the same relieved that he was somewhere safe and with someone responsible, she said she would be in the town around 6pm and would pick him up then.

It took me a few moments together my thoughts and remember what exactly had transpired last night, I took a piss and checked in on the boys, they were both snoring their heads off, obviously Luha did not make good on his offer to wank me and Tim was in la la land.

I checked in on the boys at regular intervals to see if they would be in a position where I could feel them up, it was Luha who made the first motion to lie on his back, I saw him move and waited about 10 minutes and went in and asked him if he was awake, there was no response, I waited another few minutes, as my eyes dashed around the room I noticed that Luha's track pants werelying on the floor next to him on the other side of the bed, remembering that he claimed to be not wearing underwear I thought therew would be asy passage to his unleashed dick.

I lied down on the floor next to him but not touching the bed, I then slid my hand down under the doona and stopped where I guessed his dick should be, I very gently lifted up the doona and made my way above and then onto his dick, I allowed my hand to settle very gently to see if there was any reaction, to my glee there was none.

Luha was uncut, I could feel his foreskin wrapped around near the top of his dick, he was pretty stiff and hard, his dick was bending slightly to the left, it was warm and friendly indeed, he wasn't big by any stretch of imagination, probably my size and circumference, a tad over 6 inches hard and a bit fatter than ormal but not by much, I picked up his dick from his belly and placed all of my fingers around it and gave it a gentle but firmish squeeze, it came to life immediately.

Of course by now I am as just as hard as Luha, I stroked Luha for about 3 or 4 minutes being careful not to exert too much pressure on his dick to wake him, there was no tell tale gyrations from Luha so I was satisfied he was asleep, I was happy to keep playing around with is dick for as long as possible, perhaps another fifteen minutes went by, during this time I would place a small amount of my pre cum onto Luha's foreskin tip and a tiny bit onto the small amount of knob exposed at the top of his foreskin, the moisture of my pre cum would be evaporated by Luha's dick quite quickly so another spittle was required every minute or so.

As I slowly stroked Luha's dick I would get particulary excited at the sound of his foreskin travelling over the top of his dick, it would make sort of a clicking sound.

I was drawn to noises coming from Tim's room, it sounded as though he had repositioned himself so I left Luha and his hard dick alone to check in on Tim. Sure enough Tim had moved over onto his side facing me and the doorway, his long and slender torso was tretched out to the end of the bed so I imaginaed that his dick would be in a position to be felt easily, I noticed that Tim also had all of his clothes on the floor so he was naked under the doona as well.

I almost instantaneously found Tim's dick lying downward to the mattress, it was placid but still long enough to reach the mattress, perhaps it was the way he was laying on the bed that made it appear longer than it actually was, never the less it was impressive.

I found his knob straight away but he was laying in an awkward position, my hand was actaully touching against Tim's belly so I couldn't really fiddle or play around with it without causing some friction onto his belly, so I just held it in between 2 fingers and squeezed it gently every so often to see what would happen, the knob was fairly responsive, not unlike his brother Chris.

I stayed in this position and waited for a few minutes to see if his dick would come to life, it didn't which surprised me and also disappointed me, just as I had this thought Tim moved over to the other side of the bed and his ass was now exposed and what an ass it was, almost completely covered in thick reddish brown hair, even his crack was haired up immensley, I desparetly wanted to touch it but was unsure how sensetive that area would be, as you know it can be super sensitive especially if you are unprepared for any advance.

I gathered the gust to have a go at it and placed my hand just short of his crack, I placed my bird finger into position and then followed his crack from the top of his ass down to almost the junction of his nut bag and back again, my finger travelled along there with ease but I was careful not to allow too much pressure, it was certainly a huge rush for me and my heart felt as though it was about to burst through my chest such was my excitement.

I decided to leave Tim be for a while and turned my attention back to Luha, to my disappointment Luha had turned over and was now facing away from me and in a foetal position, not really a spot where I could get a feel of anything, I decided there and then that I had to blow so I took out my stiff dick and jerked myself off over the top of Luha s he lay there in bed, it took about 30 seconds to reach the pint of no return, I was overwhelmed with the wild sensations of an intense orgams, I blew my poof all over the doona cover Luha was lying under, the load I shot had been the culmination of hoiurs of imagination with these 2 guys, it was one of the best loads I had delivered in quite a while.

Now that I had spoofed all over the doon if Luha woke up anytime soon soon he would definitely see the cum blobs all over the cover, I sort of figured that he would be Ok with it seeing he volunteered a wank with me anytime I wanted.

I went out into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee, it was around 4, 45pm now and I was toying with the notion of waking them up sometime soon as Tims's mum was only to be around an hour away, I thought I would give Tim another chance to perform so I wne back down there hoping to get some dick action.

Tim had moved again but he was still not in an ideal position for me to play around with, he was facing the other wall but outstretched across the bed, both of his feet were outside the covers as was all of his upper torso, his arms were crossed and he was laying mostly on his left side, one leg was totally outstretched and the other crossed about half along its length, his dick should be still gatable if I attacked from the correct angle.

I was reluctant to go onto the other side of the bed, if Tim woke up I would really have no credible explanation for being on that side of the bed so I again gave it a miss and went back into the kicthen, I checked in on him every few minutes to see if there had been any change.

I also checked in on Luha and there was no change with him, my cum stains were still clearly visible from nearly half an hour ago, I was starting to think that there was to be no maore action, time was getting away from me, it was now after 5.15pm and I should really be waking them up in prepartion for their ride home.

I decided I would give Tim until 5.30 and then wake him and Luha if there was no action, at around 5.28 I checked in on Tim and sure enough he was now in the correct position for a fiddle, he was laying on his back with his legs still outsretched, I had lean across the bed but it was a chance I was prepared to take, I found Tim's dick almost straight away, it was semi hard and very responsive, it took only a few seconds to jump to life and get hard, I grabbed Tim's dick in the traditional wanking grip and played around with it for about 10 minutes, Tim's dick was extra hard by now and it responded to every touch I made to it, Tim's dick was very impressive, it flexed strongly each time I touched a different portion of it, it almost appeared to be alive and kicking such was its intense flexing, I'd never encountered anything like it.

I was interupted by ruffling noises coming from Luha's room so I had to stop playing with Tim's dick, I went in to see what Luha was up to and he was out of bed and trying to get dressed, he was standing totally naked in front of me and seemed a bit embarassed that I had caught him this way with a half hard dick, I said to Luha "no need to be embarassed mate, I've seen it all before, I then admitted to him that I had played around with his dick for a while before I blew a big wad of spoof over him about 2 hours ago, he started laughing and said"you should have woken me up", I just laughed.

I told him that Tim's mum was on the way and he should get tidy and have a coffee and I'll wake up Tim, he followed me out of the bedroom and shouted to Tim to get out of bed, Tim awoke really ruffled as to suggest where the hell was he and what had he been doing, it was really quite an amazing look on his face.

Luha and I went down to the kitchen, several minutes had passed and there was still no sign of Tim so I said I was going down to see whats taking him so long, Luha said that Tim would be having a toss that's why he is taking so long to get here, sure enough I walk in on Tim having a serious wank on top of the bed, he was completely naked and as hard as a rock, he was really getting into it before he noticed me, he stopped and had a look of real disappointment on his face at being stopped, I didn't want him to stop and almost said the same, I explained to him that his Mum was due any minute so he should get up, Tim seemed genuinley disappointed about the prospect of going back to the farm, he asked "why the hell is she coming here", at that monet Luha arrived and asked Tim if he had a good wank, Tim responded "no I didn't get a chance to blow because everyone keeps interupting me", everyone laughed out aloud which I'm sure eased the embarassment a bit for the both of them.

Tim got out of bed and came up to the kitchen just as his mum arrived, within 10 minutes both he and Luha had disappeared, I sort of felt a bit relieved they were gone in a way, I was dead tired but I was also disappointed because it could be a long time before I see any action like that again.

I decided to go to bed around 8pm, I didn't have to work for another couple of days so I thought I could catch up on some sleep, I fell asleep almost straight away, boy was I tired, all nighters like that don't agree with me anymore even if there is a possibility of a prize at the end of it all.

Once again I was awoken by the damn phone ringing, I reluctantly answered it thinking maybe there was some family drama or even work asking me to come in on my day off, I had no idea what time it was, all I knew was that it was dark, I answer the phone and its Tim much to my surprise.

"hey Peter, its Tim, what are you up to?", I'm thinking to myself what the hell does he want now, I look at the clock and its 11.11pm, I answer him by saying "yeah I'm OK just hanging here doing nothing special, Tim asks if he can around, I say "where are you" and he explains that he got a ride back into town with Luha's Dad and they dropped him at the Post Office which is only a 5 minute walk away from my house, I tell him its Ok to come around and hang up.

Sure enough 5 or 6 minutes later Tim is at the door, I get out of bed and answer the door in only my underwear, he comes inside and see's I am in underwear and asks if I were in bed, I tell him "its OK I was just watching some TV and wasn't going to sleep anytime soon" so I ask what he wants" and he launches into this vitriolic tirade about his Mum and Dad telling him what to do and giving him grief about everything and anything , he claims he had to get out of there because they were all conspiring to get him and send him crazy, I could clearly see he was having a physcotic episode, I'd never seen him like this and I was a bit concerned about how his behaviour may progressively worsen.

So I ask him what does he want me to do about it, he pauses for a few moments and then says "I want you to let me stay here for a while with you, 2 weeks maybe if that's Ok", whilst I was flattered by his willingness to be around me, I wasn't so keen on the idea of leaving him alone at my house while I was away at work, I thought to myself you best think this through before you respond because he may get aggressive. I explain to Tim that he is welcome to come around anytime I am at home but I cant leave him here alone while I am not there, I claim that his Mother had specifically asked me to do this and it was one of the conditions of my lease with her, he seemed satisfied with that answer but then asked could he come to my workplace with me, I said that would be Ok but it would be boring for him, he said he didn't care.

I'm thinking to myself, "great now I have my own puppy"

Tim seemed very relaxed all of a sudden, I invite him into the living room and ask him questions about his condition and the way it impacts on his life, his responses and comments were very revealing and sad, I got the impression it was as though there were other people living inside his head that interacted with each other and he was left as an observer, it would be horrible to live such an existence.

Tim was very clear about his condition, he knew he was schitz and couldn't do anything about it other than to take the prescribed medications, he was reluctant to do this like most shitziphrenics because for the medications to have any beneficial impact they have to build up a sufficient deposit in their brains before they become effective, that can atke weeks and most people cannot put up with the side efects such as hearing voices, hallucinations and thoughts of doom and gloom, it's a very insidious condtion indeed.

I asked Tim if he had been taking taking his medication and he replied "yeah", I then asked if he needed anything and he said cigarettes, it was now after midnight and I wasn't going out to get some so I offered to share mine as long as we didn't smoke like chimneys, he agreed and I also reminded him that the cigarettes are not free, he remembered the previous conversation with Luha and laughed and said yeah.

Tim has an almost child like disposition on occassions, he can be as lucid as anyone but it seems to be a rarity, for the most part he appears to be adult enough to get by but stubbourn and inexpressive when asked questions, I thought to myself I can put up with him as long as he stays calm, I asked him to contact his Mother and let her know whats going on , just to cover my ass, he agreed and she seemed Ok with the idea, so we were set for an interesting couple of weeks I guess.

So I ask Tim what he wants to do or if he wanted food or something to drink, he said he was fine, he asked for a cigarette, we had that and then sat chatting for a while, it was now about 1.30am and I was dead beat tried, I told him I would have to go to bed soon and he said yeah he needed to as well, he then jokingly said "am I allowed to wank tonight", I said of course as long as you wank me as well, he laughed.

He asked if he could have the same bed as last time, I told him that's fine, I followed him down to the bedroom next to mine, Tim was still wearing the same clothes so I figured there was a good chance he was wearing the same underwear, I asked him if wanted to take a shower and he said no, he beagn ti undress infront of me, sure enough he was wearing the same underwear, I was tempted to make a comment but I bit my tongue and stayed silent about soiled underwear.

I told Tim it would be necessary toleave the hallway light on just in case he got up in the middle of the night and needed the bthroom or if he awoke scared he would be able to see where he was, he was quite agreeable to this and seemed to acknowledge that I was aware of his needs before he could mention them.

He climbed into bed and I told him to yell out if he needed anything, he said yeah.

I got into my bed and toyed with the idea of watching some porn hoping he wouldhear it an get sexed up again, trouble is all the porn was still down the living room so I made an excuse that I was getting water and asked if he wanted any, he said Nah.

I got back to my room and quickly turned down the volume of the Tv and inserted a porn movie, one that I knew had plenty of noisy babes to it, I got into bed and turned it on and fast fowarded it for afew seconds and then hit play, sure enough Tim heard the commotion and asked if I were watching porn, I made out that I couldn't hear him so he asked again and I still did not respond, Tim gets up and comes into my room and aks if I am watching porn to which I answered of course, I always watch porn before I sleep, he asked in a very serious voice if he could watch it with me and of course I said yes.

He sat down at the end of my bed, he was only wearing his underwear, all I could see was his back, I told him that I couldn't see the TV properly because he was blocking myview, he then asked if he could get into my bed and watch it there, I said that would be OK.

So Tim jumps into my bed real quick and gets comfortable, he lays on his back with his arms folded behind his head and settles for a moment or 2, he then comments about how comfortable the water bed is and how warm the water is and how the bed takes the shape of your body, he was quite smitten with it indeed.

About 10 minutes passes and I could tell Tim was getting horny, he would keep moving about trying to find a comfortable position , he would sit up and then lay back down on his back for a while, thenhe would sit up again, I asked him if he was OK and he said "yeah", he eventually settled on his back with his pillow folded up against the bedhead, there had been a few minutes of no movement so I thought he's Ok now.

One thing about a water bed if someone makes the slightest movement the whole wave effect comes into play, under normal circumstances turning over hardly makes a difference but if you sit up or lie down again it does, so if Tim moved I would know it, All of a sudden I ntice a slight movement in the bed, Tim is still on his back but he is ever so slightly moving his hips up and down to simulate some kind of sex with the people on screen, I don't say a word.

The movements get slightly more obvious and it continues this way for a couple more minutes until it becomes blantantly obvious, I still say nothing, although now I can see that he has a hard on, it is clearly pressing up against the doona cover as his the remainder of his body has fallen into shape with the bed, I stare at his motions wondering whats going through his mind and what will his next move be.

Tim's movements are even more obvious by now so he is not trying to hide his excitement and horniness, still I say nothing and don't move a single finger, Tim's breathing is now heavier and intense, its as though he is mentally fucking the chick giving head to a group of guys in the porno, by now I am as hard as a rock and my dick is poking obviously through to the doona, I watch Tim as much as I can to see whether he has noticed my dick sticking up but he doesn't seem to notice or care, its almost like he is in a trance focused on the screen.

By now Tim is definitely simulating sex with her, he is moving in tandem with her mouth movements and sighing each time she goes down on the guy, this has been going on for a few minutes now so I figured he must be getting close to cumming, all of a sudden Tim sits up and reaches down to his underwear and rips them off and throws them onto the floor next to him and begins tossing off his dick, he is sitting right next to me and seems oblivious that I am watching him, I look straight at him and he doesn't see me such is the intensity of his interaction with the porno, he is completely focused on the wank.

I moce over to his side of the bed and take his dick in my hand and start wanking it for him, it takes him amemnet or 2 to realize that I have done that, he still has his right hand on his dick wanking away before I get to take over, Tim becomes even more intense and his breathing becomes extremely loud with the occassional groan.

Tim's dick is as hard as a rock, even harder than I get and thats pretty hard, I try my best to keep up with his gyrations but I am using the wrong hand for such a manouvre but I'm doing pretty well I think, the head of Tim's had swollen to an enormous size and rigidity, this was one hell of an experience for me indeed.

Then without warning Tim gets up out of bed and walks out into the living room without uttering a word, he didn't cum because I had his dick in my hand for a few minutes and there was no evidence at all of any spoof anywhere, he could not have possibly cum without me knowing so I'm thinking what the fuck was that all about.

I wait for a few minutes before venturing out into the living room, Tim is there in total darkness, I turn the light on and he is laying on the sofa still with a roaring hardon, he seems unperturbed that I am there and looking at him, I probably sat there for about 2 minutes not saying a word and he just laid there as though he was alone, I thought I better ask if everything is OK.

He never said a word.

Of course I'm puzzeled about whats just happened, Tim gave no indication he was uncomfortable with what was going on, he seemed to be really into like and old pro, he knew exactly how to mimick sex on the video, so what was the big deal, did he feel uncomfortable about another guy wanking him or was it me inparticular wanking him off, it was a very awkward situation indeed and still silence.

I reckon about 10 minutes passed before there was any conversation, all that time Tim laid there with a massive stiff dick and just staring out into the never nevers, so I ask again if everything is Ok and is he alright, he says yeah !!!!!!!!!!

At least he said something.

So I fish around for more info, Tim claims he just felt a bit uneasy about being next to me in the same bed and wanking his dick, I said it was pretty normal for friends and guys to fool around like that if they wanted to, he said yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!

So whats was the big deal then I asked.

Was I misunderstanding what he actually said, so I asked him to elaborate on what he said, with a minor dose of aggression in his tone he said "I told you, I didn't want to wank in your bed while I was next to you in case I blew all over the sheets and made mess, I am always getting told off by Mum for doing that at home even though its my own room".

I have to say it was a big relief to hear him say that, all that he was concerned about was the mess he would leave should he blow his load in my bed, so I quickly told him that he can blow his load in my bed anytime he likes if I am in the bed or not, he had a big chuckle as though he was getting the answer from someone else inside his head, it was quite weird but that's no doubt what had been happening to him.

I offered Tim a cigarette which he gladly accepted, he remained on the sofa with his hard on for about 5 minutes after finishing the cigarette, I then told him to come back to bed and finish off what we had started, he said "yeah Ok ".

I raced back to the bedroom and pulled out a cum rag from my nightstand and strategically placed it on Tim's side of the bed, when he walks in still with his raging hard on I hand the rag to him and tell him that's his from now on and he laughs agreeingly, I rewind the tape back to where he was so exciteable and settle down into a comfortable position.

Tim lays back and allows me to wank him off, again moving with the flow of the video, its as though he didn't miss a beat, my he has a hard dick, never seen anything like it before, really really rock hard and it had been like that for at least a half hour by now.

I'm really enjoying this session with Tim, in all reality he is the perfect wank/fuck buddy for me, slim build and a very hairy body, very hairy body indeed and with that nice dick to go with it, I;m thiking to myself where the hell have been all this time, I'd been firendly with his fmaily for more than 6 years and we never even made eye contact properly until a few months before this episode.

Tim is now getting totally engrossed with the chick on the pron video, he is even repeating some of the words as the characters take on the chick, some of them fucking her in both holes and she sucking on each dick, Tim starts mouthing off suck me off, suck me off, initially I thought he was getting into the theme of the movie but no, he wanted me to suck his dick, so I go down on him as he gyrates back and forward, it's a bit difficult doing this to anyone because keeping up is always out of sync, but I try valiantly.

I had been working on Tim's dick for about 5 minutes by now I and I was thinking he must be getting close to blowing his load, with that thought coming to mid so did Tim, he blew his load into my mouth without even warning me which is a bit selfish but I guess he was caught up in the role playing he though it not necessary and I never made him feel as though he done wrong.

Tim blew about 5 squirts of spoof into my mouth, the first 2 were very strong squirts, they would have shot across the room if my mouth were not covering his dick, the other 3 were lesser dribbles, pretty much an average squirt for some one with such a rock hard dick.

I finished cleaning up Tim's spoof and just played around withhis dick for another minute or so before it started to slowly subside, it was a very very exciting session for me, I asked Tim if he was satisfied with the event and he said "shit yeah", I then handed him the cum rag and said I guess you wont be needing this now and he burst out laughing like a little kid, that was quite weird as well.

Tim continued to weatch the video for another hour or so, I drifted in and out of sleep hoping that he would remember that he is supposed to be tossing me off as well at some stage, I didn't ask, didn't want to pressure him into it, I wanted him to want to do to for me.

I gave Tim plenty of space in the bed, I wasn't being clingy or intrusive towards him at all, I figured he will find a comfort zone and if he wants to act he will if not then fine, I had the future in mind more than anything else, I wanted him to feel as comfortable around me in and out of bed as possible, always.

Tim got the gist if the video player sorted out after a while, he would fast forward the tape and then rewind to spots he found exciting, he found another scene where the chicks were being fucked by big dicked guys lined up waiting or their turn, he must of found that because I heard protest about the fact that the guys didn't get a chance to cum before the chicks moved on to the next guy.

I was awoken from my semi sleep by Tim getting into spanking hid dick again, this time he was more intense with his wank, it was lamost an aggressive rather than a sensual wank, never the less he seemd in toatl harmoney with the blow jobs happening on screen.I moved over and took control of his dick not missing a beat, he seemed very relaxed and glad that I was playing withhis dick again, he sighed as he felt my hand regain control, it took less than a minute this time for Tim to unload, his groans were much more pronounced this time and the spoof seemed even stronger than the last, I had rested the cum rag on his chest and he asked me if I had captured it all, I told him that all his cum was on the rag and he seemed rleived about that.

Tim's dick went down to placid very quickly this time but he didn't ask me to move away and he didn't shy away from me, he just laid there in a very relaxed way and said to me that was the best blow job and cum load he had done for a long long time, I sais "I'm glad to be able to help you out anytime just ask or just show up OK, he said "yeah"

It was now about 3am and we both drifted off to sleep, I was surprised Tim stayed in my bed, I had no problem with it at all, in fact I was loiving the fact that finally some guy wanted to be in my bed with me for sex !!!!!!!!!!!!

Tim still hadn't touched me dick yet, it didn't really concern me too much but it would have been nice for him to offer to blow me off, Tim was fast asleep after his cumming episodes and I mean fast asleep, I decided to toss myself off while he was next to me, so I reached over and held his dick with mother hand and enjoyed the toss, Tim's dick remained soft throughout my wanking session, I reached over and grabbed the cum rag and spoofed onto it with 30 or 4 decent squirts, when I placed the cum rag onto my chest just below my belly button I could feel the wetness of Tim's spoof still there, that only enhanced my orgasm, I felt satisfied now and again drifted off to sleep.

I woke up a couple of times to check on Tim he was asleep like a baby, even snoring at some stages, I was just pleased to have there with me.

About 7am I wake up needing to take a piss, when I get back into bed I feel Tim's hand against my chest, I don't know whether it found its wat there innocently or deliberately, I just left it there, after a couple of minutes Tim's hand has now found its way down onto my dick and he is clutching my dick and balls into one hand, not really playing with them just resting there it seemed, I was quite content to alow him do it.

I again drifted back into sleep, the next time I wake up it is close to 9am, Tim is laying on his back with his hands behind his head withhis eyes open, I ask him if he is Ok and he says "yeah"

I take the intitative and put my hand on his dick and sicover that it is again as fat as ever, rock hard, he sighs as I touch it once again, Tim has tremendous control over his dick, he can make it flex in a movement of maybe 2 or 3 inches at a time, it is a tremedously powerful flex with his dick, almost as though there is an invisible hand down there making it go up and down as he desires, that would take a lot practtice I think.

Anyway I am just lying there playing with is dick and Tim comes out and asks me if he can fuck me up the ass, I'm a bit taken aback by this request, its not something I would have imagined him ever comnsidering but he obviously does, I ask him why does he want to do that with me and he replies, "because it makes me feel good when I fuck someone up the ass", so I ask him who he has fucked up the ass and he rattles off these few girls names , none of which I know or have heard of, he then says "he always wanted to fuck some chick whose name escapes me right now up the ass but she wouldn't let him", I asked him if he had fucked Luha up the ass" and he said "yeah once", he then said Luha had fucked him in the ass a few times", I asked if he enjoyed it and he said "yeah it was Ok after the second or third time", these were very big revelations for me, I had always imagined Tim as having a decent dick and a womans man, I would never has guessed in a million years who would let someone fuck him and thathe would fick Luha, especially after the incident the other night where Luha goaded him about not performing for him when it counted, it just goes to show you how wong you can be about some doesn't it?

After a few more mintes of discussing his need to fuck ass he asks me if I am going tolet him fuck me in the ass, I said no and he seemed genuinely upset about the rejection, he asked why and I told him I wasn't really in the mood for it, so he asked if I would fuck him up the ass, again I said not but maybe sometime soon, he then asked if I would take care of his fat dick so I wanked him off again, he didn't take lomng to blow either, it took about a minute and his groans of satisfaction were even more noticeable this time around.

So in the space of some 36 hours we had gone from sheepish talk of sex to full onorgams three times, I had fiddled and played around withhis dick while he was asleep and awake, I had played around withhis mate Luha for an hour or so and then blown all over him and now he is asking to fuck and be fucked up the ass, what a couple of days this tuned out to be.

I was glad to see that Tim was comfortable with my company, he was a comletely different person now and I was pretty impressed withis buddy in Now had.

Eventually we got out of bed late morning, we didn't do a lot of talking actually, Tim is not one for small talk at anytime, a couple of times during that day Tim went down to my bedroom and laid naked in the water bed, I didn't follow him into bed, I just looked to see how he was going and how he was feeling, he never asked me to go away ever, he would just be in his own little world and allowed me to wander around him without any fear or embarassment.

Late that afternoon I found Timlying on the bean bag in the living room, he was naked and fully hard once gain, boy, what an appeitite he has for getting off , I aksed him if he wanted a blow job and to my surprise he said "Nah", I then asked if he would like to fuck me up the ass and he said "yeah".so I went into the bathroom and got some lubed, on the way back to the living room I stripped off and lubed up my crack good and proper, I use Ky because it has a nice fragrance and moistness to it rather than a wetness.

Tim was expecting me to lay down on the floor stomach up and doggy style so he could enter me, he seemd a bit confused that I had taken position over the top of his dick and gone down on it, he let off a huge sigh as his dick entered me, he allowed me to take control of the movements, this was a new position to him, something I don't think he had ever given any thought to. I got comfortable with his hard stiff dick inside of me, I could clearly feel Tim's powerful flexing with his dick, he was really enjoying this session, I could tell by his constant sighs of relif and sensuality that it was indeed a good situation for him.

Tim just laid there withhis eyes closed, it seemd he did not want tomake ye contact with me, or was he just caught up in the situation so much he was thinking of ther times or other people, no matter what his thoughts were I knew he was really enjoying it with me, he never took control of the situation he was cokpletely happt for me to moce slowly up and down on his dick so he could reach a climax.

I guess we had been going about a minute when Tim says he is about to blow, I took his dick into my hand and wanked the spoof out of him, he blew about 5 or 6 squirts of spoof this time with again the first 2 very powerful and a few dribbles after that, again I asked if he enjoyed that and he said "shit yeah I coud do it like this for the rest of my life"

I patted Tim on the chest and gave him a bit of a rub down just to ease him out of his tightness, his body had tensed up immensely just as he cum, I knew it was a good one for him, he was totally obsessed with the moment, his dick took a few minutes to go down, I just had to ask him whyhis dick stayed hard for so long and for so often, he said "the medication he was taking for the schitzophrenia gave him intense orgasms and a hard dick for hours on end, the only true benefit of taking the medication he claims, apparently he had some side effect issues such as day dreaming all the time, slurred speech and a dry mouth, occassionally he would get tremors as well, but he claims not to be as bad most people, the only thing he didn't handle well was concentration, he would easily drift off into his own liitlw wrodl for huge amounts of time each day, I could attest to that.

So me and Tim are fuck buddies now, we have wanked and fucked each other hundreds of times over the past 12 years, we still do to this very day, although the frequency is a lot less these days seeing I live 500 miles away from him, he comes to visit me 2 or 3 times a year and I visit him at least once a year, there is this unspoken signal we use to communicate our desires and needs, I grope him if I want to have sex and he just appears naked if he wants me for sex, we never ask eachother we just use this as a way of sendingout our intentions.

Its more for Tim's benefit really, his schitzophrenia is a major part of his life now, its mostly under control but he feels a need to send signals rather than sk I am happy to go along with that.

This past year Tim has become less and less interested in sex, I guess it's the medication he is now on, he rarely intiated any contact let alone sex, he tals of it occassionally and will text me asking if he can fuck my ass but rarely fllows through with it, not much I can do about it I suppose, I just along with the flow, after all he is my mate first and that's all that matters, that's what mates do right ?

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