When My Boy Visited My Fraternity

By Matt And Brad

Published on Jul 7, 2024



This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males under 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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When My Boy Visited My Fraternity

I knew my boyfriend was a cockhound from the day we met.

The summer between sophomore and junior year of college, I had a job waiting tables at the local Chili's in my hometown. During one dinner shift, an old lacrosse teammate came in with his mom, dad, and little brother. I hadn't seen him since we graduated two years ago, and I definitely hadn't seen his brother.

I vaguely remember what his brother looked like when he was a freshman in high school and I was a senior, but it was nothing like this cute little fucker before me. A mix of his Chinese mother and western European father, Cody has beautiful brown, almond shaped eyes; a blemish-free complexion; perfectly straight teeth from years of orthodontal work; and a tight, soccer body I could practically see through his shirt.

The boy eye-fucked me all through his dinner, and I was giving it right back to him. When they were on their way out, he slipped me a note with his phone number. I texted him after my shift, and 40 minutes later, he was drinking a load of cum in the backseat of my car.

I used both of his holes repeatedly for the rest of the summer, in and out of cars. I fucked him in my bed, in his bed, in his brother's bed; I fucked his face at the movies and in store changing rooms; I bred his ass in parks and once in the school locker room when I went to watch an exhibition game his soccer camp had.

By the end of the summer, Cody and I were basically dating, as much as a college sophomore and high school junior can be dating. I think we were mostly caught up with having a regular fuck buddy and were just hanging out to get to the sex. I wasn't really fucking anyone else, and I didn't ask if he was.

We didn't call it quits when I moved back to school, so we tried to see how long we could things carry on. Adjusting to college was rough. After two and a half months of regular sex, now I was left to beat off a few times a day to porn, Nifty stories, and on FaceTime with Cody. I got a couple blowjobs from some sorority chicks and a freshman dude, but they weren't nearly as good as the 16-year-old I left behind.

I think I frustrated my frat brothers with talk of Cody and how much sex I got from him. They teased me about being in love with him, but I know they were just jealous. My brothers have always been cool about me being bi. I'm open about it and not the only bi or gay dude in the house, so I've never had to worry about not being accepted, or else I wouldn't have joined this frat.

A few weeks later, Cody said he wanted to come visit me for a weekend. He just turned 17 and got his license, so he was planning to celebrate by coming to see me. His timing was perfect because it was going to be the week before rush and our frat wouldn't be a mad house yet.

I got permission from our fraternity president, and, obviously, I checked with my roommate to make sure it was cool not only to have a guest but an underage one. Because it was pre-rush, no major parties were planned that weekend, but it's still a frat, so, of course, a party was going to happen. I made Cody promise to be on his best behavior.

Sure enough, there was a party going on when Cody arrived Friday night – not a big one, mostly contained to the first floor and our backyard. All the couches were pushed to the side of the room, and chairs and tables were either relocated or repurposed for beer pong and such. Cody, literally, fell into my lap while I was sitting on a living room couch, talking to my roommate, Devin. Or rather, he was dropped on my lap. My brother, Frank, working the door almost didn't let Cody in, because my boy toy looked (and was) underage, but he caught sight of Cody's name on the ID before handing it back. He scooped the high schooler up in a fireman's carry, barreled through the party and deposited the five-foot-six teen onto me.

Obviously, every part of me was happy to see him. That brief contact was enough to set me off, and after a quick introduction to Devin, I rushed Cody to my room and pounded him out. I didn't even give us enough time to take our clothes off. Even though I'd cum twice already that day, it still felt like I deposited a ton of jizz in his teenage pussy. Cody had exploded all over himself at some point while I was drilling him, and since his bag was still in the car, I gave him one of my shirts with our frat letters to wear after we cleaned up.

As if my brothers didn't already know where we disappeared to, Cody's new outfit cemented their suspicion. My shirt was so big on him that it was very obvious this was a spontaneous change of dress and not a gift.

With my balls drained, I was able to be a little bit better of a host, and I introduced Cody around the room to more people, making sure I found Sam, our fraternity president.

Sam is also my big brother, which has always been funny, since I'm double his size. I mean, not exactly, but I'm 6'2" with a broad-shouldered, wide chest lacrosse build, and he's 5'8" with a slim, runner's body, but Cody was more his size than mine. I could throw Sam around if I wanted to...and if this straight boy would let me. I'd love to pound the fuck out of him.

"Thanks for letting me stay here, sir," Cody said.

Sam laughed. "We've heard a lot about you – constantly, in fact – so we're happy to have you. And you don't have to call me `sir'. Only pledges and people I'm fucking have to call me that." He turned to me. "Right, little brother?"

My turn to laugh. "Well, I haven't called you `sir' in almost two years, so..."

"Okay," Cody said, "I'll remember that-" Just then, the volume kicked up on the music, but I thought I heard Cody add, "sir" at the end. I wasn't sure, and I couldn't quite read the look on Sam's face, as I steered Cody away to meet more people.

I introduced him all around the room, trying to introduce Cody to every brother that was there. They all had variations of the same "we've heard a lot about you" response Sam had. Like I said, I talked about Cody a lot. It was only a little awkward when I introduced Cody to a couple girls I've hooked up with. I kept the introductions vague enough that maybe they wouldn't figure out that both people meeting each other have had my cum in all of their holes and on their faces.

The party went on, and I ended up joining Sam for a game of beer pong against two brothers from another fraternity. Cody never played beer pong before, so Sam and I alternated letting him throw for us and take our shots of beer. I was being the charming boyfriend and helping my boy with his aim and form by getting in nice and close behind him and adjusting, but Cody was still just a beginner and kept missing shots, or maybe it's because he could feel my dick against his back and was distracted.

Sam was amused at Cody to a point, but now was frustrated we were losing, so he stepped up. "Man, Little Brother, you are useless. Do I gotta teach the boy how to play like how I taught you? Move over," and pushed me out of the way.

He got up close behind Cody, moved him like a mannequin, and helped guide his toss. It soared into the cup. Cody was very pleased with himself, and Sam gloated in my direction. "Good job, little dude. See, just because our man has height doesn't mean he has the same skills as me. Now, do that again."

Cody batted his eyes at the prez and said, "Maybe you need to show me your skills again, to make sure I got it right, sir."

Of course, that little bit of flattery worked with Sam, so my big bro got behind my little fuck boy and guided him to another win for our side. Then, unassisted but with Sam still standing against him, Cody made three more shots in a row.

By that point, though, we were so far behind that when the other dudes got control of the balls, they ran the table, and Sam, Cody, and I ended up chugging the remaining beer in unison.

"I want a rematch!" I drunkenly demanded.

Cody was buzzed and giggly. "I have to go to the bathroom first."

"Are you okay?" I asked, suddenly concerned my 17-year-old boyfriend was getting alcohol poisoning.

"Of course. I have chugged beer before. I just need to pee."

Sam piped in, "I do, too. I'll show you where it is. Washington!" He called out to Devin, who was standing not far away, staring our way, drunkenly lost in thought. "'Get over here and help your roommate. Try not to embarrass us any more in front of our guests. Come on, little dude."

"Yes, sir."

"Let's rack `em up!" Devin called across the table, as Sam led Cody off. I watched my big bro and the little boy go up the stairs, even though there's a bathroom on the main floor. Maybe there was a line...

I felt a slap on the back of my head. "Yo!" I looked back at Devin, who gestured at the ball floating in the beer in front of me. "Now I see how you lost the last one. Pay attention, and let's crush this." Devin is the only person who could probably get away with that. He's like my twin brother – another lacrosse dude with similar height and build. The only main difference is that Devin is black and I'm as white as they come, with blonde hair and blue eyes.

After that first round, Devin and I dominated more than Sam and me. It took us no time to get those guys chugging all the beers, so we went another round right away.

We were halfway through the second game when it finally dawned on me that Cody hadn't come back to my side. If he had actually gotten sick and I wasn't there to help him, I was going to feel like such shit.

I grabbed the closest brother to me and pulled him next to Devin to take my place and went off in search of Cody. I found him on a couch in the living room with Sam, drinking his I-don't-know-how-many-th drink from a red Solo cup, and talking with a dude perched on the arm of the couch.

"There you are. You okay?"

"Yeah, I told you I was," Cody replied, but I could tell he was a little tipsy.

"Well, when you didn't come back— "

"Sorry," Sam interrupted, "that was on me. We got another drink and were watching you play, but I wanted to sit down. Your boy here was keeping me company."

"Your boy...?" the other dude asked, and I realized it was the president of another frat. It also occurred to me that he emphasized "your" rather than "boy".

"Oh, hey, Martin," I said, and held out my hand to shake. "Yeah, Cody here is my boy...friend? We haven't exactly labeled it."

"They've just been fucking all summer," Sam interjected, "as Nicky here has been telling us, since we got back to campus."

"Ah! I was wondering how Cody fit in. I figured he was too young to be a brother, even though he wears the letters well."

"He sure does," I said, beaming at my boy, who did look good in my shirt. Looking at him out now, I thought I had given him different colors, but I'm a little drunk.

"I didn't know you were gay," Martin said to me.

"Bi, actually," I corrected him.

"Who's bi?" I didn't realize the two dudes that I had been playing beer pong against were now standing right next to me, almost directly in front of Cody. I guess the game was over.

These two were definitely more like twins than Devin and me, but maybe because they were basic, handsome, white, frat boys you could find in any college movie. Even their names were basic - Joe and Chris, though I'd forgotten which one is which.

"Nick is," Martin told the guys. They were all from the same fraternity. "Apparently, he and Cody are..."

"Fucking," Sam assisted.

"Thank you, Sam."

"Oh!" Joe/Chris said. "That makes a little more sense."

"Yeah," said Chris/Joe, "I thought, at first, maybe, he was your actual little brother? But you two look nothing alike, but I didn't want to judge."

"And then the way you were touching while you were coaching him made me think something else was up," Joe/Chris said. "And now we know."

"You did okay, kid. By the time you're a pledge here, you'll be much better."

"Thanks," Cody said, "I guess I just need to practice with more balls." Cody must've been drunk because it seemed he couldn't tilt his head up to look at us. His eye-line never went higher than our belts. His mouth must've been dry, as well, because I thought I saw him lick his lips. I think Chris and Joe also noticed, because they exchanged looks with each other.

Changing the subject, Martin asked me, "Do you find it hard being bi in a fraternity? Sorry, I'm just curious."

"Um...nah, not really. Everyone here's been so supportive, and I—"

"Sorry, to interrupt, but I'm gonna get more beer," Chris/Joe said.

"Me, too," agreed Joe/Chris.

"Me, three," Cody chimed in, standing up.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Yes, Daddy," he teased me. "I'm just really thirsty." Again, with his focus being off, he looked at Chris and Joe instead of me when he said that.

"Lead the way, kid," Chris/Joe said, and let Cody walk between the two of them.

I put my hand on Chris/Joe's arm to pause him a second. "Get him some water."

"No worries, bro. We'll take care of him." Then they followed behind my boy.

I continued my conversation with Martin, half-keeping watch as the trio walked across the room. Cody didn't know where he was going, so they shouldn't have let him lead. He went through the door on the wrong end of the wall, which wasn't the kitchen, but rather the top of the stairs that lead to our basement. We mostly use downstairs for overflow during bigger parties and rush week stuff. There's not a lot there, especially tonight since this party wasn't big enough for us to need the space. They'll figure it out and come back up.

Martin got really into the talk, and it seemed like he wanted to try to get an interfraternity LGBT awareness group started, and that kind of activism is my jam. Mac, the other out, bi brother, got roped into the conversation, too, and we might have gotten carried away.

I don't know how long we were going, when I noticed Cody, Chris, and Joe coming back, seemingly from the same direction they went, but they couldn't have been downstairs this whole time. Or were they? Or maybe we weren't talking that long...

Cody came over and wrapped his arms around me.

"How are you doin', boy?"

"Gooooooood. How YOU doin'?"

"Did you have water?"

"Actually," Chris/Joe said, "he took a couple shots."

"Yeah," continued Joe/Chris, "we thought he wasn't going to be able to handle it, but he did very well."

"Almost couldn't keep it all in his mouth, but he managed."

"I told I told you to get him water," I asserted.

"You did, yeah," Chris/Joe admitted, "but he enjoyed this a lot more. We all did."

Sam could tell I was getting a little heated, because he stepped in. "Okay, it's about time we wrapped this party up. Martin, you should maybe take your boys out, but I'll see you tomorrow."

Martin agreed. "Good idea. Let's go, boys."

We all walked to the door, where Frank was still on duty as doorman. As Martin, Chris, and Joe left, Sam told Frank we were done for the night. Then Sam turned to me, "Come on, little brother. Time to send everyone home."

"Daddy, my stuff is still in the car," Cody reminded me.

"Okay, babe. Where did you park?"

"Just a few blocks away. I marked it in my phone."

"I can take him while you kick everyone out," Frank offered. "I've basically been in the same spot all night. I wouldn't mind the walk."

So Cody went to his car with Frank, while Sam and I got the rest of the brothers to encourage people to leave. The party had thinned a lot by then, so it was pretty easy. We threw a little bit of trash away, but ultimately decided we could wait until tomorrow, and we went to our rooms.

Cody and Frank weren't back yet, so I took some time to change my sheets and check email. I sent a text to Cody, checking if he and Frank got lost, but didn't get a response.

The end of the hallway has a big window that faces campus and the street, so I walked to it, thinking I might be able to catch a glimpse of Frank and Cody.

Someone on the floor was having sex, and it was getting louder on the walk to the window. I could hear a high-pitched moan and the knocking of the bed against the wall, and it sounded like the girl was getting it good.

The sound was the loudest outside Frank's room. Since Frank was off with Cody, his roommate Leo must be giving it to his girl. Momentarily distracted, I leaned against the wall to listen and started chubbing up, thinking about sinking into Cody one more time before we went to sleep.

I continued down the hall to the window and looked out. I could see people walking by but none looked like my teenage boy toy and my six-foot, baseball player frat brother. Still no response to my text, so I decided to call Cody instead.

That's funny timing. A phone was ringing somewhere on the hall, too, which I probably wouldn't even have heard if the sex sounds hadn't paused as well.

"Hey, daddy!" Cody answered.

"Everything okay? You didn't respond to my text."

"Oh, sorry! I didn't see it until just now. Yeah, I just parked further away than I remembered. We're almost back."

"Cool. I was just concerned."

"All good here. Frank has me covered."

"Okay. See you soon."

"See you in a minute, babe!" and Cody hung up.

I walked back to my room and had just passed Frank and Leo's room when the sex started up again. They must have taken a quick break before crossing the finish line, because I heard this girl yell "Fuck!" and then high pitched, muffled screams as the bed banged even harder than before.

Fuck, Cody was gonna get it good tonight because I got back to my room super horny. I wonder how long I'd have before Devin came back in.

Cody came in a couple minutes later with his bag, and Frank leaned imposingly in the door frame.

"I didn't think the walk here was that long! I'm sorry, babe!" He came over and gave me a hug.

"You made it back. That's all that matters." His shirt was a little damp. "Is it raining out or were you sweating?"

"Sweating! Once you called, we started moving faster. I guess I got sweaty."

"That makes sense. Thanks for keeping him company, Frank."

"My pleasure. We had a good time together. He's a great kid. Glad you're around for a couple days."

Then Frank left us to get ready for bed, which consisted of me pressing my lips hard against Cody's, stopping only to pull his shirt over his head. I spun him around, kissed the back of his neck, while I undid my pants and Cody did his. I pushed mine down to free my dick, and then bent Cody over to hold onto the bed frame, while I squatted down to pull Cody's shorts to the floor. I spat in my hand and gave my cock a good smear with it, because, as I stood, I lined my cock up with its target and slid in. The hardness of my dick and our height difference practically lifted Cody's lower half off the floor, but he held on tight to the frame and tightened his grip as I started to bang his butt.

I had just taken one hard swat to his ass, when the door to my room opened and Devin walked in.

"Sorry, man," I panted, taking a second to stop the drilling in Cody's hole. "I couldn't wait."

"All good, brother. Don't stop on my account. I'm just gonna grab my toothbrush."

So I continued to slide my dick in and out of Cody's hole slowly, while Devin went to his bathroom caddy, got his stuff and left. It seemed like Devin took more than a few glances at us, but maybe I was really into showing Cody off at that moment. We'd walked in on each other fucking before (or "been asleep" while it was happening), but this was the first time I felt like he actually watched. It didn't bother me, and it didn't seem to bother Cody either.

Cody's ass felt so good on my cock, that as much as I loved savoring the sensation on my dick, I knew I should finish up before my roommate got back. I slam fucked Cody until I exploded inside him.

I was pulling my softening cock from Cody's abused hole, when Devin walked back in the room. Cody's rear was gaping at Devin at first, but my boy was tightening back up right before our eyes, not fast enough, though, to hold the back the dribble of cum that started to emerge from his bowels.

"Shit," I heard Devin whisper.

"You have good timing today, brother," I said, still a little out of breath.

"I guess so."

Devin seemed hypnotized by Cody's boy pussy, which is understandable, because it's pretty special. I'd never seen Devin pay that close attention to a dude before. Cody wasn't helping either, as he unsteadily, walked to his bag and bent over to get what he needed. Devin's eyes were still bulging out of his head, looking at Cody's ass and the small rivulet of jizz making its way to Cody's smooth balls.

Cody put on a pair of shorts, gave me a quick kiss, and left the room. That seemed to break the spell on Devin.

"You okay, bro?" I asked my roommate.

"Y-yeah, man. All good."

I couldn't help but chuckle a little, as I started to pick up Cody and my discarded clothes. I stopped laughing when I looked at the fraternity letter shirt in my hands. This was definitely not mine. I knew the colors looked off, but it's also a medium, and I only wear larges. I wonder where this shirt came from and what happened to mine.

I grabbed my stuff and headed to the bathroom. Cody was brushing his teeth at the sink next to my shirtless brother Shainu, when I walked in and headed to the stall to piss. After I finished, I took the sink on the other side of Cody, who rinsed, spat, smiled at both of us in the mirror, and winked at me in the mirror before he left. Cody leaving broke the trance on Shainu, and my 5'9" sophomore brother with an Indian background and swimmer's body removed the toothbrush from his mouth and exhaled.

"He's been having that effect on people, apparently," I remarked, and then followed up with, "I didn't know you were into dudes, Shain," when I noticed his 7.5", wrist thick, uncut brown cock poking obscenely out of the slit in his boxers.

"I didn't know I was either," he responded, truly baffled. "But he's just...so fucking beautiful." He splashed some cold water on his face. "Who is he?"

"That's Cody."

"Cody..? Your Cody?"

"Mm-hmm," I replied with a mouthful of suds.


I spit. "I know." I patted my brother on the back and walked to my room.

Devin was in his bed and Cody in mine, on their phones, when I got back and stripped down to my boxers.

"Lights on or off?" I asked the room.

"Off," Devin replied. "I'm done for the night."

"I guess if you two are finished, I can be," Cody reluctantly agreed.

Devin let out a "Hah! I wouldn't say I'm finished, but I should call it a night."

"Are we ever really finished?" I asked rhetorically, as I turned off the lights.

"I'm not," Cody answered anyway.

As I crawled over Cody and took my big spoon position closer to the wall, I couldn't tell if Devin specifically made a "Hmmmm" sound or if he was just sighing as he got comfortable.

Even though I just dumped my load in Cody less than ten minutes ago, I was ready to go again, because I, too, am never really finished. But I didn't want to be a worse roommate to Devin than I already was that night. I made what I thought was a compromise to myself. I craned Cody's neck back and made out with him for a little bit. I also lowered his shorts as quietly as I could. My cock was poking out the leg hole of my boxers. I pushed the head of my dick against Cody's pucker and got little resistance. The load I had just left in him was still fresh and provided the right amount of lubricant for him to take me.

I went in balls deep, and his startled gasp was not quiet. After that, the room was silent. Three of us in the dark anticipating what would happen next.

But I fell asleep. Lame.

I don't know how long I was out, but I came to semi-consciousness to the sound of Devin pleasuring himself. I was no longer spooning Cody and was facing the wall, so I couldn't see anything, but Devin was really going to town. We'd jerked off in the presence of each other before, but I don't remember his bed squeaking quite so much or him whispering to urge himself along. I definitely heard many "fuck"s and "that feels amazing" and "so good". He must have been using a lot of lube, because the squishing sound was really noticeable, as well.

I listened as the squeaking intensify, and Devin choked on his moans during his orgasm, to try to be as quiet as possible while he shot all over himself. Listening to the sound of my roommate's breathing regulating lulled me back to sleep.

I don't know how long I dozed again when I felt the weight shift on the bed, and Cody snuggled in next to me. He must have gotten up to pee or something. I didn't feel him get up.

When I woke again, the light was brightly shining, and my cock was being slurped by a hungry teenage boy. I ran my fingers through his hair, got a firm grip and pulled him up for a morning kiss.

"I've been awake for, like, an hour," he said. "I'm hungry. I thought blowing you would be the best way to wake you up."

"Always a good idea. Grab my caddy and a towel, and I'll meet you in the shower."

"Okay, daddy."

He throated my morning wood a few more times, before releasing it with a pop. He gathered the items and left the room.

I took a couple minutes to stretch in bed and give a quick check of emails and Tweets on my phone, waiting for my erection to go down, but he was large and in charge that morning. I looked over at Devin, who was still zonked out with the covers mostly off him, and his big, black dick draped over his thigh. That obviously wasn't going to help my cock deflate, so I decided to just brave the walk to the shower with my erection leading the way. At least I put on boxers in an attempt to be more decent. Luckily, I didn't pass anyone in the hallway or see anyone in the bathroom.

A towel that looked kind of wet was hanging on a hook outside a stall with a caddy on the floor underneath it. It looked like both were left in haste. Regardless, I recognized my caddy and towel outside the one shower that was running with the curtain closed.


"Yes, daddy."

"Do you want my piss or should I use the toilet?"

"Oh, fuck, daddy. Um, toilet but I want your cock when you get in here."

"Okay, boy." And so I went in a stall and emptied my bladder, which involved some contorting, since I was still hard.

When I got back to the showers, that mystery second towel was now being used by Frank's roommate, Leo Ruiz, who was standing there, drying off his caramel colored baseball body and his dangling 8" cock.

"Where did you come from?" I asked him.

"Oh, hey, fam. I just had to get in and out real fast. Didn't get to shower at the hotel before we left this morning, and I gots things to do today."

"The hotel?"

"Yeah, homie. We had an away game last night; only got back an hour or so ago. Catch you later, fam."

My mind just started to wonder who I heard fucking in Leo and Frank's room last night if both were out, when a small, wet hand clamped down on my pec and started pulling me into the shower.

Once in, Cody dropped to his knees and pulled my now soaking wet boxers to the tile floor. My rapidly growing cock once again found its home in Cody's mouth, while my boy managed to find soap to wash my legs. I leaned against the wall and lifted one foot at a time for my boy first to wash and then suck and lick. He then licked his way around my legs to my ass and buried his face between my cheeks, before he pulled back, soaped and rinsed my crack, and then put his tongue in my hole again. He stood up and got my back, and then moved to the front to worship my chest, abs, and arms. I hooked my fingers behind my head to give Cody full access to my pits, which he licked before he washed them. I closed my eyes to enjoy that sensation, because that is my favorite part of the muscle worship Cody likes to give me.

I felt him soap up my dick and down to my balls, giving me nice long strokes. I opened my eyes and saw him putting shampoo into his palm.

"Up," he ordered me.

I put my hands on either side of his waist and lifted him into the air. He wrapped his legs around me, reached behind him and lined my cock up with his hole.

"Lower, lower," he repeated, until I had him impaled on my cock down to the balls, which is when he told me to hold, so he could shampoo my hair. I love my head scratched, and my hair washed, and to have it done with a boy's hole surrounding my cock was fucking incredible.

When he was done, I adjusted my grip on him and fucked him while we were vertical, with only my feet pressed against opposing walls to steady us. I pounded him steadily until I told him I was getting ready to cum.

"I want your cum in my mouth, Daddy."

I let Cody dismount from my cock and get back on his knees. He started fucking his own face on my cock, taking me deep into his throat repeatedly, determined to get my load for breakfast.

And he got it! I shot hard into his mouth, and my boy swallowed every drop, as I tried to remain upright, using the wall for support. Cody continued to nurse on my dick, and I worked to catch my breath.

From outside the shower stall, I heard, "Nick?"

"Yeah?" I moved the curtain to the side and saw Mac in the bathroom.

"There you are. Jacob and I are driving to McDonald's for a late breakfast. Do you and Cody want to come?"

"Well, the boy just ate but let me check with him."

Since Mac has been in Cody's exact position with me more than a few times, I had no problem pushing the curtain open further to reveal Cody on his knees.

"What do you say, boy? Want an Egg McMuffin?"

He let my cock fall out of his mouth and looked Mac right in the eye when he said, "Yeah, I'm still hungry."

I turned off the water and grabbed our towels. Mac was still staring at the porn scene in front of his eyes, so I dismissed him with a "We'll meet you outside in ten."

"Oh! Yeah. Okay! See-see you...downstairs." He tripped over his words and then over himself leaving the bathroom, trying to look back at us while also trying to look like he wasn't looking back at us.

Cody and I met Mac and his boyfriend Jacob out front in the promised ten minutes. They were both standing next to Jacob's car, looking like another version of Cody and I from the boyfriend catalog. Mac was close to my height but slim and toned from years of long distance running and with a darker coloring from his Eastern European background. Jacob was closer to Cody's height at 5'8", built like a compact, muscled bulldog with fiery, curly red hair and bright green eyes. According to Mac, Jacob is also a power top, sporting an extra girthy 7" dick, which Mac is more than happy to put his long legs in the air to accommodate.

They took the front seats, and us in the back. We only drove a couple blocks before we pulled up to a dorm, and a 5'9" version of Chris Hemsworth approached the car, wearing basketball shorts, a sleeveless muscle t-shirt and a backwards baseball hat.

"That's my roommate Bill," Jacob informed us. "He's joining us."

Bill hopped in back, and Cody moved to the bitch seat to give him room. He put his hand on my leg as he resettled, and the new body contact caused my cock to respond. I was going commando, so I know Cody felt the jump in my pants.

We introduced ourselves, and Bill asked Jacob, "Am I, once again, the token straight guy on another food outing?"

"I know. I'm sorry I make it so hard for you."

"Ha! You wish!" Bill laughed the hardest at his own joke, but he took it down a notch when his eyes settled on the boy next to him, finally taking all of Cody in for the first time. Cody was looking back at him, but he was simultaneously showing my cock attention. I leaned back against the backseat, closed my eyes, and let him have at it. The public teasing felt good.

"We'll try to keep the conversation only on things you can follow along with," Mac assured Bill. "Baseball and blowjobs."

"Works for me," he agreed. "What about you, Cody?"

"Oh, I don't know anything about baseball."

That made me smile and open my eyes. I glanced over at Bill, whose face was completely red.

The conversation moved on from there, with Bill doing most of the talking on our short drive to McDonald's. Almost anytime he wasn't talking, I would catch Cody and Bill swapping some looks. The effortless chatting continued while we sat around the table, scarfing down the greasy goodness.

"How's your psych paper coming along?" Mac asked me, when he was able to get a word in. We're in the same Introduction to Psychology class to satisfy a gen ed requirement.

"Slowly, but I'm glad I have another week."

"Or two days."

I paused with a big bite of McMuffin in my mouth. "What?"

"The paper is due Monday."

"Next Monday."

"This Monday."

"No, dude."

"Yeah, man."

That set me off on a minor freak out, checking the date and comparing it with our syllabus. I could barely focus on anything but trying to sort my life out, with Mac and Jacob assuring me everything would be okay.

"So, babe," I said to Cody, when he returned from the bathroom and sat down next to me, "looks like I'm gonna have to spend some time working on a paper this afternoon. Not long, but I need to put a dent in it."

"That's okay, daddy. I have plenty of things I can work on back at your house."

Bill sat back down at the table on the other side of me and tucked right back into his food. I hadn't even realized he was away from the table, too, which I should have since he's such a talker. But now he was on the silent side.

"What's up with you, bro?" Jacob asked his roommate. "You're suddenly all quiet and squirrely."

"Nah, man. Just enjoying an exceptional morning at Mickey D's."

We headed back to campus, and Bill was much quieter on the return trip. I glanced over at him a couple times, and he had a stupid grin on his face and would occasionally glance over and laugh to himself.

The boys dropped Cody and me off at the frat house, and we went up to my room. Devin wasn't in his bed, so I guess he got his day started.

I pulled Cody into me. "Before I start my paper," I said, and then kissed him hard. Our make-out session escalated quickly. I lifted him off the ground, and he wrapped his legs around me. I ended up sitting on the bed, with Cody grinding his ass against me. He hopped off my lap, got on his knees in front of me, and deftly took my cock out of my pants. He started hoovering my dick like a boy possessed, which was perfectly okay with me. I put my hands behind my head and relaxed while he did his work.

I picked my head up when I heard the door open. Devin walked in on us again, having obviously just come back from the gym.

"Damn, bro!" he exclaimed. "Every fuckin' time!"

"Sorry, dude. It's not like I'm planning it!" I grabbed Cody's head and started fucking his face. "We're almost done anyway."

"I can come back."

"Nah, man," I said, while thrusting. "I'm...I'm...FUCK...cumming!" and I unloaded into Cody's throat, grunting and groaning the whole time. I collapsed back on the bed, while Cody cleaned off my cock and got every drop of my jizz.

My cock started to soften in Cody's mouth around the same time I caught my breath. "Alright, boy. Gotta piss." I stood up in front of Cody and tucked my dick away. "You coming?"

"No, Daddy. I'll wait here."

I propped open the door on the way out, because it was starting to smell like sweaty dudes and sex in the room and went down the hall to the bathroom. A piss turned into more, and I was thankful my phone was still in my pocket. What the fuck did people do on the toilet before cell phones?

The faint sound of sex reached me in the bathroom. Someone must have been listening to porn loudly on the floor, or another lucky brother was getting his rocks off.

I could see one of my sophomore lacrosse player brothers, Mike, hovering in my doorway, when I came out of the bathroom. He must have been having a funny conversation with Devin, because he laughed when he saw me. The sex sounds stopped immediately after. I guess whoever was watching porn realized people were in the hallway. As I got closer, I heard Mike say, "Don't forget," and then move toward me.

"What's up, Mikey?" I said.

"Not much, Nicky. Cute boyfriend you got there."

"He sure is. You suddenly into dudes now?" I knew he was just being an ass, but part of me was hoping he'd say he was, for future reference, because he is a sexy fucker – brown hair with a smattering of freckles on his face, pillow pecs, trim waist, and great ass. I used to love watching him parade around in his tighty whiteys during pledge week last year and making his pale ass red from the spankings.

"I'm not, but a pretty boy like that could make me rethink things."

"I could help, too."

"You're too much man for me, bro." He grabbed at my nipple and then continued down the hall.

I walked in the room and Devin was wrapping a white towel around his dark, naked waist, providing a beautiful color contrast, as well as an impressive bulge from his dick pushing out the fabric. Cody was plopping some of his schoolbooks on my bed. I thought I had done a better job making my bed before we went to breakfast, but maybe the two of us got the covers more disheveled than I thought when he was throating me a little bit ago.

I sat at my desk and fired up my laptop, as Devin left to shower and Cody situated himself on my bed with his homework. I was trying to not focus on how annoyed I was I had to spend the afternoon doing this paper, instead of spending quality time with Cody and showing him the campus, but such is college life, I guess.

"Now, I have to use the bathroom," Cody said, as he came over to kiss me. "Sorry I missed out before." He left the room, and I finished organizing my materials to start my psyche report.

The porn started up from somewhere on the hall again. I hoped it wouldn't go on too long, or I'm going to be taking a lot of breaks to fuck Cody.

Somehow, I was able to put it out of my mind long enough to figure out my outline for the paper. I got lost in thought for a little while, trying to decide on how I wanted to approach the subject, but Cody was back on my bed when I snapped out of it. The porn had also stopped, so Cody's ass got a temporary reprieve.

We did our work in silence, which was barely even interrupted when Devin came back from his shower. As he was getting dressed, Mike appeared in our doorway again.

"Yo, D, do you want to grab some lunch?" he asked my roommate.

"Yeah, man, let me finish getting dressed."

"Cool, I've gotta run back to my room for a few minutes anyway."

Even though I had my back to the door, it felt like Mikey lingered in the doorway for a few extra seconds, but when I turned around he was gone.

"I'm gonna go to the kitchen and get some water," Cody said.

"Can you bring me back a bottle?"

"Of course, daddy," and he left the room.

He came back a few minutes later and handed me a small bottle of Fiji water. "Thanks, babe."

Mike popped in again not long after. "You ready?" he asked Devin.

"Yup," Devin replied. "You guys want to come?"

"I'm good," I said.

"Yeah," came Cody's reply from the bed. "I might have had enough to eat."

Devin left with Mike, giving him a high five at the door on the way out.

Living in a fraternity house, you never know who's going to be coming and going on a Saturday afternoon, but Cody and I weren't interrupted that often, so we managed to get some work done.

I took a quick break to chat with Shainu when he stopped by my room. While my brother and I were talking, Cody slid past him in the doorway to go to the bathroom, and then Shainu left to let me get back to my paper.

I was surprised at how quickly I took to this assignment. I might actually be able to finish it before the party tonight, because, of course, there's always a house party.

Cody's phone started to ring, but he wasn't on the bed. Was he still in the bathroom? He appeared a moment later, trailed by Frank and Leo, in matching fraternity shirts with cut off sleeves and shorts. Leo was carrying a frisbee.

"Look who we ran into in the hall," Leo said.

"They thought I needed help coming back from the kitchen."

"The kitchen?" Leo asked it like a question for some reason.

Cody shrugged. "I got thirsty again."

"Thanks for bringing him back safely."

"Oh, it'll be our pleasure," Frank said, laughing and they continued down the hall.

"You just missed a phone call," I informed my boy.

He checked the screen. "Oh, it was my mom! I'm gonna go outside and call her back." He came over and kissed me and left the room.

I had nothing else to do but to continue with my work. After about 10 minutes, I gave myself another break. That tiny bottle of water was emptied long ago, and I hadn't stretched my legs in a bit, so I decided to venture to the kitchen.

Walking down the hall, I heard talking coming from Frank and Leo's room, muffled at first, but much clearer when I stopped outside.

"Yeah, bitch, you like that big dick? Fuck yeah, I love watching your pretty mouth work that brown cock."

That definitely sounded like Leo. His girl must have been waiting in the room, or she came over real quick. Frank must have been sex-ciled somewhere, so I'll ask him.

"Get your slut mouth on mine now. Suck that big dick."

Wait! That was Frank's voice. Are he and Leo sharing a someone in there? Was it Leo's girlfriend? I only met her a couple times, but I didn't think she'd be into that. I don't think Frank was dating anybody. Did they get some random chick over who was this down to fuck?

I started to lose track of who was talking after that, but my cock was rock hard in my jeans.

"Slobber on both of those dicks, bitch. Yeah, how's that meat feel against your face? Huh? Huh? You little whore. Can you take both in your mouth, slut? Get those big heads in there. Fuck yeah, just like that. Yeah, get these dicks nice and wet because you know what's coming next, don't you? You want these dicks bad, huh? Yeah, suck my buddy while I get your pussy ready. Fuck yeah, open that hole up. Oh, it's already wet and leaking cum. What a little whore. This isn't your first fuck today, is it? You ready for more? Here it comes, bitch."

Then I heard a high-pitched moan, followed by gagging and the unmistakable sound of flesh slapping flesh. My frat brothers continued to verbally goad each other on as well as talking down to the easy bitch being spit roasted on their dicks. I was a heartbeat away from whipping my dick out right there in the hall, but I forced myself to move away from the door. Cody was, for sure, gonna get it good when he was done.

My dick finally started to soften by the time I made it to the kitchen, but I had an obvious wet spot right on my crotch. I grabbed a big bottle of Aquafina from our shelf of water in the fridge. I could hear the sounds of Super Smash Bros on our giant living room TV, so I popped in to see Devin and Mike playing. Devin glanced up when I approached, and then did a double take to my crotch.

"Is that for us, bro? I'm flattered."

"You wish, fucker," I replied. "Leo and Frank are tag teaming someone in their room, and I overheard a little of it."

Devin and Mike laughed and high fived each other again. At Mike's feet was a small bottle of Fiji water.

"Mikey, where'd you get that Fiji?"

Devin answered for him. "Oh, didn't you know Mike is a water snob. He doesn't like that cheap minerally bullshit Sam buys at Costco."

"Shut up, asshole. But, yes, I keep these in my room."


"But I keep some in the kitchen fridge so I don't have to keep going back and forth if I'm chilling here. You want one?"

"I didn't see any in there," I replied.

"Guess I took the last one. I thought I had a few in there."

"Cody gave me one before. He must've taken a couple earlier."

Devin chimed in, "Good choice of words."

Mike agreed. "That's probably right, Nicky."

"Makes sense," I admitted, and then headed back upstairs.

Leo, Frank, and the mystery girl were still going at it when I got back to my floor, but now it was just moans, curses, and "fuck yeah"s. I paused outside their room again, sipping my water and adding to the wet spot on my crotch. The sounds intensified and I'm pretty sure I overheard three orgasms. I was about to make it four, if I didn't get back to my room.

My door shut behind me, and I heard three pairs of footsteps in the hall, and I assumed the threesome made their way to the bathroom. I was about to text Cody, when he walked in. I walked over to him, pressed him against the door, and covered his mouth with mine.

"How's your mom?" I asked, when I came up for air. I yanked his shirt over his head.

"She's good," Cody replied, as I repositioned him so that he was holding onto the bed posts at the foot of Devin's bed.

"Where did you tell her you were again?" I yanked down his shorts.

As I hooked my shirt behind my head and fished my slick cock out of my pants, he said, "Spending the weekend with friends."

I spat on his ass and lined my cock up at his hole. "So she has no idea you're taking frat boy dick all weekend, huh?"

"Noooooooo, sir," he exhaled, when I bottomed out in him. "No one knows how much frat cock I'm taking this weekend."

I would have loved to savor the sight of my big dick spreading his hole, but I was so horny and needed to fuck. Sawing into his ass at a rapid pace, I thought about the times I fucked my boy in the last 12 hours, which were all quick and dirty. Nothing against quick and dirty, but maybe I should slow it down a little and not use him as a fuck toy, especially since I was starting to notice a loosening of his hole.

That would be for next time. Now, I needed to get my nut, standing there, slamming 17-year-old hole while he shook my roommate's bed frame.

I felt the door hit me in my side. I had to stop it from opening more.

"You at it again already, boy?" Devin could only see Cody's twink body in the opening of the door, but obviously I assumed he was talking to me.

I pushed forward and flattened Cody against Devin's bed in order to come more fully into view. For a second, I thought I caught a leer on his face before it changed into an odd look of surprise to see me.

"Yeah, man. Sorry. You know I needed this so bad. Just give me a minute, literally."

I closed the door on Devin then wrapped my hand around Cody's throat and squeezed, not super hard but enough to solidify who's in charge and to hold his back against my chest. Almost immediately after, I felt his ass spasm around my cock and that set me off, coating his insides with my load. I put my hands on top of Cody's and pressed my forehead to the back of his head, giving us both a chance to catch our breaths.

I ran my hands over the wood and over Devin's bedding to see if I was going to have to do his laundry later, but it looked like Cody only anally orgasmed and didn't shoot. Mentally, I patted myself on the back for that accomplishment.

"You hungry, boy?"

"Yessssssss," he hissed, as I vacated his hole, which was now much slower to close than it had been.

Still naked, I opened the door and told Devin he could come in. Once again, my roomie's eyes were glued to Cody's butt, as he limped across the floor to get dressed. It didn't help that Cody pulled a yellow and black jock strap on, which framed his ass perfectly, as he bent over to put on matching stripped socks.

I tried snapping Devin out of it. "Yo! Bro!"

"Hmm?" He finally remembered I was there, as Cody's ass disappeared into his jeans.

"You wanna come grab food with us?"

"Nah, man. Mike and I are gonna order pizza."

I got dressed quickly. "All right, bro. We're heading out, so you can have the room for a bit. Ready, boy?"

"Yes, Daddy," Cody replied.

There was a small eatery on the first floor of the closest dorm a couple blocks down the road from my frat house, so we went there since it was convenient. I guess neither of us had eaten since McDonald's, and we wolfed down our food.

We got back to the house, where it looked like some brothers were already rearranging furniture for the party tonight. Sam caught us before we were able to make it back upstairs.

"Just the brother I needed to see," he greeted me.

"I didn't do it," I said.

"Ha! You didn't, but you will."

"What am I doing, exactly?"

"The keg delivery isn't coming. The store got the dates wrong and thought our party was tomorrow and not tonight, so there's no delivery driver available to get our beer in time. The store HAS our kegs, and I need you to go get them."

"Oh, I can do that."

Sam looked relieved. "Thanks, Little Bro. I would go, but we stupidly scheduled a presidents' meeting that's supposed to start in a few minutes, and I'm hosting them all in my room. Also, you have the bigger truck."

"All good. Cody and I will just take a drive over."

"Um, no offense, little dude," Sam said in Cody's direction, laughing a little, "but you might want to take someone who can help you lift the kegs. I think they weigh more than he does."

"You're probably right...sir," Cody agreed, then turned to me. "Besides, I should probably take the time you're gone to finish up the homework I didn't get to."

"You sure you want to hang here?"

"Yes, daddy, I'm sure."

"Okay. Frank!" I called, and my fraternity brother looked around for the source of the shout. For a second, he almost looked guilty when he realized it came from me. "Sam said he'd buy us tequila if we picked up the beer kegs for him."

"Sweet!" Frank said.

"I didn't say that," Sam objected.

I teased him a little. "Didn't you?"

"I heard it," Cody said, backing me up.

"Traitorous little dude! Fine, add it to the tab. I'll sort it out later."

I brought Cody back to my room, kissed him goodbye, and grabbed my keys. Then Frank and I headed to the liquor store.

It took a little longer than I thought it would. First, they couldn't find Sam's order in the system, and then they couldn't locate the kegs in the back. So the whole errand took a little over an hour.

We had some people at the house, when we got back - mostly brothers who don't live in the house and their girls with their friends. We recruited a few to help unload the kegs and get them on ice.

With the beer situation under control, I headed to my room with two bottles of tequila – one for me and one to bring to Sam. He was already buying, so I charged a third bottle to him. I figured he wouldn't mind.

Cody's books were still spread out on my bed, but no boy with them. I dropped my bottle on the desk and headed up to Sam's room. I fired off a text to Cody to see where he was, while I walked.

As I got closer to the room, I almost ran into Martin, the president I was talking to at the party last night, who was on his way toward me. "Oh, hey, man."

"What up, Nick?"

"The meeting still going?"

"Oh, yeah. We finished old business quickly, but there was something else that just needed to be pounded out. I'd love to go longer, but I have somewhere to be."

"You coming back for the party later?"

"Maybe. But, hey, say goodbye to your boy for me." He patted me on the shoulder as he walked past.

I guess Cody made a good impression on him last night, but I wonder why he had a shit-eating grin on his face.

I knocked on the door. Sam opened the door quickly, wearing only a pair of basketball shorts. His fit body was a little sweaty and flushed. He must have been expecting it to be Martin coming back, because his expression changed when he realized it was me.

"Oh, hey, Little Bro," he said, wedging himself in the doorway, trying to block my view.

Considering I'm so much taller than Sam, that was futile, and I could clearly see into the room behind him. There was a sunset glow inside, and I recognized that light scheme for when we sit around and get high together - not exactly appropriate for a fraternity business meeting, but definitely appropriate for a smoke sesh, which I assumed they were also doing based on the haze in the room. It looked like a couple of the other dudes were standing around may have been shirtless like Sam, and one guy might not have had shorts on.

"Since you were buying, I got you one, too," I said, handing my Big Bro the tequila. "How's the meeting going?"

"Oh, you know. We're definitely pounding something out."

"That's what Marvin just said. Do you always have your meetings topless?"

"We try to keep it relaxed, but it was getting way too hot in here, with the smoking and whatnot."

"Is that the right atmosphere for a meeting?" That dude definitely didn't have shorts on...and now it seems like he's not the only one. "In fact, it's looking kinda gay in there to me, Sam."

"That's your department, Nicky. We're just bros, hanging out and having a good time."

The dudes behind Sam shifted and not only could I see that a few guys were, additionally, not wearing pants, but they were completely hard!

"Oh, shit! Are you guys having a--?" I was so focused on the three – no, four! – hard dicks out in the open ten feet away from me, that I thought they were having a good, old-fashioned circle jerk and just being bros, like Sam said.

But then I noticed the unmistakable curve and dimpling of a creamy, white ass. I couldn't see the top half because whoever it was was bent over and obscured by the dudes waiting, but the bottom half was firm, toned and beautiful, all the way down to the stripped leggings she had over her calves.

When I found my voice again, I asked "Are you having an orgy?"

"No, Little Bro!" Sam said, losing whatever shame he may have been having and opening the door wide, so I could see six other, half or fully naked dudes in the room behind him. "This is a presidential gang bang. I told you something had to be pounded out. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to my place on the train. Thanks for the refreshment though. See you downstairs."

Sam closed the door on me, just as I caught of the girl in the stripped leggings slightly adjust to the weight of a dude with a seven-and-a-half-inch pipe getting behind her.

I heard Sam, through the door, say, "We got tequila, boys!" and a cheer go up from all the presidents.

Fuck, I thought straight dudes only did shit like that in porn movies! I'm going to add that to my spank bank for a long time coming and see how drunk I have to get Sam for him to spill more information later.

Cody wasn't back in my room when I checked again, and I thought about rubbing one out quick, with that sexy tableau fresh in my mind, but a text from Cody came through.

sorry just missed you >> a book I need for class isnt in my bag >> went to see if its in my car >> ill try to hurry back

Then I could wait for him to come back. In the meantime, people were trickling in for the party, so I went to join them.

I was outside having a heated debate with a couple brothers about whether Tom Brady was the best or worst thing to happen to football, when Cody finally appeared next to me.

I kissed him, hard. "Hey, boy! Where ya been?"

"I texted you! I was looking everywhere for you, daddy."

"You smell like weed and tequila."

He giggled. "Well, I did get a little distracted by a shot and a joint."

"I've been craving weed and tequila since...oh, I can't wait to tell you. But first, who'd you get the weed from?"


"Let's go find him."

I must have been outside for longer than I thought, because the house was so packed when we went inside. No wonder it took my boy so long to find me.

This was one of those times when it was good to be tall, looking for another tall dude. It actually didn't take long to spot Mac, with Jacob at his side. It took some maneuvering, but Cody and I managed to sidle up next to them.

"I hear you've got some pot," I said to my brother.

"Not on me, but I've got some upstairs."

"Can we...?"

"For sure, man."

I turned to Cody. "Is that okay with you, boy? If we go smoke somewhere quieter?"

"Whatever you want, daddy. There are a lot of people in here!"

The four of us headed upstairs to Mac's room, taking a quick stop in my room to retrieve my bottle of tequila.

"I'll pack a bowl, while you pour the drinks," Mac said.

"Shots?" I asked the room, and everyone was for it

"And I'll fire up some Smash Bros," Jacob chimed in.

"Sounds like a party of our own!" I said, as I lined up some shot glasses.

And that's how the four of us spent our night, smoking, drinking, and playing a friendly but competitive game. There was definitely some rough housing going on the more we drank and smoked.

I was vaguely aware that the bowl kept coming to me more frequently, and I felt like my shot glass was being refilled often, when it seemed like the others were barely taking sips.

My game play was suffering, so I let the other boys carry on without me.

My head was swimming, and my thoughts were getting hazy. I scooted up on Mac's bed and leaned against the wall for support.

I found myself taking prolonged blinks, where my eyelids were so heavy that it was a struggle to open them every time. I felt like I was taking mini-naps.

At one point, Mac was next to me, leaning back propped up by his elbows. He looked over at me and asked me a question. In my fog, it sounded like he said, "Is this okay, Nick?" But he must have asked "Are you okay, Nick?" because he's a good friend.

But maybe not...because I thought I saw Cody's head in Mac's lap. He must have been on the floor, between Mac's legs facing the TV, with Jacob's hand on his head.

No, I just caught Cody's eyes, look up at Mac and then over at me. Is that Mac's cock in Cody's mouth? I tried to say something but my mouth felt like it was full of cotton.

My eyes closed again, and when they opened, Jacob was now standing behind Cody. Why is Jacob shirtless? And why is Mac's cock still in Cody's mouth? Is Mac naked too, now?

"Nick? You sure you're okay?" I hear Mac's voice.

Did I dose off again? I open my eyes, and I'm lying down, looking up at Cody. He's shirtless now and riding my dick. But why don't I feel any sensation of it? I touch my body, and I'm still wearing clothes. I turn my head to the side and realize I'm laying right next to Mac, and Cody is doing squats on his lap. I can see his legs with the stripped socks on either side of Mac's body. Stripped...

I blink again and this time Cody is looking right at me, with his head against Mac's chest. My gaze travels down his naked back, and suddenly Jacob's broad chest with a light smattering of red hair is in my sight line. He lunges forward and now Cody seems to be sandwiched between Jacob and Mac.

I'm thinking "Oh, fuck!" just as Cody moans those words out loud, but our meanings are not the same.

My eyes closed again.

The next time I opened them, I was in an empty bed, and it was way too bright in the room for the headache that I have. When I build up enough strength to raise my head – slowly! – I see that there's no one else in the room. It takes a few moments to remember that I'm in Mac's room, and then I remember what happened last night. That couldn't have happened. It must have been a stoned/drunken fantasy, right?

Where was Cody?

At a snail's pace, I began the process of getting upright and then out of the bed. I gingerly made my way to the bathroom to rinse out whatever died in my mouth and to splash my face with water.

The house was eerily quiet for a Sunday morning...afternoon? I hadn't even checked to see what time it was. Regardless, it was a blessing considering the pounding in my head, but also unsettling because where was everyone? Was I still dreaming?

There was no sign of Cody in my room, and Devin was missing as well.

I went to the first floor to see if there was any sign of life, and there they were. The furniture had been put back to its regular location following the party, but instead of the brothers claiming spots on all of the couches and chairs, they were all crammed on and around one couch. I was coming up behind it and I could see four brothers sitting on cushions, two on each arm, and one or two standing next to the arms and a few standing behind the couch. Leo, Frank, Shainu, Devin and Mike were standing facing the couch; Mac and Sam were walking over toward me.

"You look like shit," Mac said to me, handing me a bottle of water.

"Don't yell at me," I said, wincing. "This is partially your fault." I chugged that bottle of water so fast.

"Here," Sam said, handing me a shirt that was draped over his shoulder. It was a T-shirt with our fraternity letters on it.

"What's this?"

"A replacement shirt."

"What happened to mine?"

"I threw it out."


"It had piss all over it."

"Why did it h--?"

"Nick," Mac interrupted, "do you remember what happened last night?"

"Um..." The synapses in my brain weren't firing yet. "It's a blur."

"That's what I thought. Then this might to come as a shock to you."

They walked me over to the couch, and I saw why everyone was crammed on it. Cody on his knees in front of it, naked except for his socks, servicing four cocks while the other brothers, watched and stroked, waiting for their turn.

I knew my boy loved dick, specifically mine, but this?

"How long?" I asked.

"Since he got here on Friday."

"And the whole house has fucked him?"

"Not yet," came from a few guys on the couch.

"We have," Devin said, indicating the brothers who were standing.

"And not just our house," Sam chimed in.

Frank added on, "Yeah, it was sneaky, but we did our best to keep it somewhat discrete. Once he started out in the open this morning, we knew it was only a matter of time before you saw."

I looked at Cody, kneeling in his stripped socks, and had a flash of stripped socks again in Mac's room...and also Sam's.

I mean, I already knew my boyfriend was a cockhound.

"Who's fucked him today?" I asked. Everyone looked at each other, frowned, and shook their heads. "No one? So no loads in him?"

"He...um...flushed himself out after we woke up this morning," Mac said.


I can't quite describe the emotion I was feeling. Anger? Betrayal? Jealousy? A combination of everything? With the whole mix of feelings, my breathing increased as my heart rate went up. I think adrenaline started flowing through my system. All of a sudden, I felt refreshed, and my head was clear.

I was completely aware that the brothers had their eyes on me and were gauging my reaction. They were probably not expecting me to strip off my clothes. As conflicted as I was about how all of this was going down, I was into it on some level, as evidenced by my growing erection.

I walked over to my cocksucking boyfriend and knelt behind him. I repositioned his tiny body, so that his ass was in the air. His hands came down to the floor to balance himself, causing his face to impale itself on the brother he was currently servicing.

I looked at his hole, marveling how it was definitely more puffy than when he arrived on Friday. I knew he was taking my cock easier and easier, but I blindly thought it was only because of me and my dick.

So my boyfriend is a slut for cock.

I spat on Cody's hole, and I felt a hand wrap around my dick. Mac was next to me, smearing lube on my cock. These guys were prepared .

Well, if he wanted a lot of cock...

"Okay," I said to the room, as I buried my cock balls deep in Cody's ass.

...he could have just told me.

"Who's going second?"

I don't mind sharing.

All hands shot up in the room.

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