When Its Over

By moc.nsm@enotsaekilnwod

Published on Dec 22, 2001


DISCLAIMER: I don't any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. I actually know very little about any of them. (Which would explain if I have painted bad pictures of their personalities). Also, if you're not legally and morally able to read this story then, please, don't, I don't want to have to worry about it, and neither does anyone else.

(I love cut and paste disclaimers, don't you?)

Quick note: I got quite a bit of positive feedback on the last chapter -- which made me feel better, I wasn't big on it, and when I went back and reread to start this chapter I saw about a thousand things I would change, but that's how it goes. Special thanks to Chris, for the positive reinforcement and for not being afraid to tell me when it's moving too slow! Thanks!

BTW -- this will probably be the last chapter till after the holidays- like everyone else I will busy and unless I really get tired of the family I won't be writing much. But I promise to have another one out not to long after the New Year. Happy Holidays!

When It's Over -- Part 9

Jody was sitting on the couch in the living room pretending to look at the latest copy of Rolling Stone magazine when he felt eyes on him. He turned to see Lance looking at him from across the room with and embarrassed grin on his face.

"What?" Jody asked, turning red under the scrutinizing gaze.

"Can we talk for a minute?" Lance was turning red too, and the carpet suddenly became the most interesting thing in the room.

"Sure. About what?" Jody felt a twinge of anxiety running through the last 24 hours in his mind looking for something to apologize about, something -- anything -- he did wrong. "Did I say something to the guys? I didn't piss them off did I?"

"No! Oh god no! You fit in better than most people do, I'm honestly surprised how they just took to you." Lance laughed. The nervousness was cute on Jody; it made him seem his age, which very few things did.

"Then what's going on?"

"I read through some of your journal last night."

"Oh, that." Jody turned a strange red, something close to a very ripe apple, and looked away. There was a reason why he didn't let people read that thing, and it wasn't just because all his private thoughts were in there.

"Yeah. I wanted to ask you something? Well, a couple things I guess." Lance's voice was quite and comforting, his way of telling Jody there was no pressure.

"I'll explain things as best I can, but some of that I barely remember now."

"Well, for the first couple of months of this thing you talk about Casey? As a matter of fact, there are some very choice words, was it an ex-boyfriend?" Lance was embarrassed. You never ask your boyfriend about their past relationships, there's always just too much to compete with.

"Uhmm... Yeah. He was my -- uhmm..." Jody looked at Lance hoping he would get the point, but Lance just stared at him with expectant eyes. "He was my first -- you know..." Recognition settled into Lance's eyes as he chewed through the new information.

"So that's why there's those strong feeling towards him." Lance asked as he picked up the journal, which he had left on the floor the night before.

"Yeah, things didn't go that well for us." Jody sighed, partially because he didn't want to go through it again, partially because he didn't want to have to tell Lance about it.

"What happened?" The dreaded question. A thousand answers floated through Jody's head. He could be blunt about it, acting as though it didn't bother him, but that wasn't very -- honest? He sighed again and rubbed his eyes before looking at Lance again. "If you don't want to talk about it --"

"No, it's a big part of my life and that journal and if you don't know that story a lot of it won't make sense." Lance leaned back in his chair while Jody pulled his legs up on the couch. He met Lance's gaze and managed to hold it this time.

"We met at some horrid little punk bar that didn't card. He was a pretty boy through and through -- more preppy than NSYNC combined I think." He relaxed a little when he saw the smile on Lance's face. He wasn't trying to offend him, just trying not to be so damn serious about it. "He was cute -- and since I was good and drunk, I made a pass at him, fully expecting him to beat the shit out of me. But he didn't. Instead he gave me his number. I took me three weeks to call him, I was so damn nervous." Jody laughed a little at his own insecurities. Lance simply watched him talk, a grin of contentment on his face. He knew Jody was being honest -- not that he normally lied -- but he was also being very open -- which he very seldom was.

"It got very serious very fast. I thought I was in love with him, and I guess I probably was, at least partially. I gave a lot to him, and I thought he was giving a lot back. He taught me a lot." Jody started again. He held Lance's gaze but started to play with his fingernails out of nervousness. "I guess it was about 3 or 4 months in I found out he was going out clubbing with friends -- normally going home with someone else." Lance leaned forward a little, looking for anything in Jody's eyes, pain or confusion, anything. But they were vacant for the most part, with the exception of some nervousness still floating around. "He had always been very protective over me, my older guy, he was about your age now back then, and it showed sometimes."

"You were what 17?"


"So he was 5 years older." Lance was bothered by it a little. Jody seemed to prefer older guys. He could rationalize it to himself -- Jody did act much older than he was, but there was something very vulnerable about it.

"Yeah. And I should have walked away. Or maybe ignored it. Maybe even beat the shit out of him. But I didn't. I went numb for a while, and when I started to think about it, instead of just replaying it over again in my mind, I decided I couldn't do that." Jody took a big breath and a sip of water from the bottle on the table next to him. "So, I decided to play with him a little." Lance raised an eyebrow questioningly at him and Jody had to grin a little, he was adorable like that.

"I would follow him to the clubs and see which guy he left with. The next night I would go back to the club and try and find the same guy, and when I did, I went home with him." Lance looked shocked for a second, it passed quickly though when he realized it was Jody, and he did enjoy playing with people's minds that way. "After a while, when I thought I was getting good -- when my ego was big enough -- I started to flaunt it a little. Letting him see bite marks, maybe bringing home the guys shirt or something. Occasionally I brought them home with me when I knew he wouldn't be around, a few times when I thought he would be. I enjoyed it sometimes, but I was going insane."

Jody suddenly realized that he was rambling on and that he let his eyes slip down to the carpet. When he brought them up to meet Lance's stare, his heart started beating rather hard. The look on Lance's face probably wasn't anger, closer to disappointment.

"I don't know why I did that. My mind gets twisted sometimes and I do strange things to get the attention of whoever is hurting me." He tried to explain, but suddenly realized the look wasn't because of him. He did his best to hold it in but it came tumbling out of his mouth. "Your jealous?" Lance looked a little shocked and hurt by it, but his mouth immediately started moving trying to form an answer.

"Well, he was your first love, he took your virginity, and he was the first to break your heart, kinda hard to live up to, you know?" Lance blushed a little. He knew he should have never asked.

"Well, I don't know how far you got in that journal, but me and Casey ended soon after that. And I don't think I ever even bothered to look back." Jody said moving across the couch, trying to get closer to Lance.

"Yeah, but still."

"What? Lance you mean more to me now than he ever did. He never made me feel important, or gave me any of his time. And look at you. You run around trying to get my career going non-stop. I have never seen anyone work so hard before, and I know how much I'm paying you, and that isn't why." Lance had to laugh a little. His percentage of what royalties Jody got was pocket money for the most part, and he never got into this for the money.

"I don't know. I mean, you have been with a lot of people -- wait, I didn't mean it like that." Lance immediately moved closer and was about to try to apologize when Jody stopped him.

"Don't. I've been with people, and maybe a few too many, but I made that choice." Jody smiled not really wanting to hear Lance force his way around calling him an outright slut.

"Ok, but my point is, last night I could tell you were experienced, that was quite obvious, and I didn't care then, it just made it all the more fun, but now when I think about it." Jody had to smile a little. Lance could be the most intimidating businessman to ever walk the face of the earth, but when he it came to his own insecurities he was as scared as the rest of the world.

"Well, you weren't a virgin Lance, and you brought plenty to the table with you." `How the hell do I deal with this?' Jody's mind drifted for a moment, but was yanked back when he saw Lance stand up and walk over to the couch. He nearly screamed when Lance suddenly jumped on him. Jody expected to be tickled (which he hated) or to wrestle around a bit, neither of which happened. Lance simply curled up against him. Instinctively Jody wrapped his arm around the blonde and laid his head on his neck.

"You ok?" He whispered.

"Yeah, just wanted to be over here, you mind?" Lance's voice was small. Pulling him closer Jody merely groaned a little in comfort and snuggled into his back a little more. A few minutes later he felt Lance's breathing slow down and become more regular. Jody loosened his grip just enough so he could lay his face in the cure of Lance's neck and found himself losing the battle to sleep.

Lance turned into the warm feeling on the right side of his neck. He was rewarded with small kisses leading up and down his exposed skin. A small groan escaped his lips and he finally forced his eyes open. The kisses stopped and suddenly his vision was full of Jody's face -- a tired grin on his face. Jody hesitated for a second before he leaned down a little and kissed the older blonde on the lips. There were several small kisses before he pulled back.

"Morning." Jody said after pulling his face back into the warm place between Lance's neck and shoulders.

"Is it morning?" Lance asked, surprised at how tired he had been.

"No, about nine. Josh just called and asked if we wanted to go with them for a while."

"I didn't even hear the phone, sorry."

"No problem."

"What did you tell him?"





"'Cause I already cooked dinner for us -- and I wanted some more time with you, if that's ok?" Lance pushed back against Jody a little more, enjoying the closeness. The decision was a good one, and the smell of food in the air made him realize he was hungry. "Come on. Lets eat before it gets all cold and gross."

"I got a man that cooks, that is so cool." Lance joked trying to sit up. His back was sore and he had to roll himself off the couch to get up. "Either I need a new couch or a bed downstairs. We never seem to make it up there."

Jody just laughed as he got up and wrapped his arms around Lance's shoulders. He licked Lance's ear lobe lightly before whispering, "Food now." Lance had just recovered from the chills Jody had sent down his back when he felt a pair of hands forcing him towards the kitchen. The smell was familiar to him, and when he saw the table it all fit.

There were two large bowls of pasta cooling at two of the places. A bottle of wine sat nearby and some bread was in a basket next to the wine. He remembered that at some point he had told Jody he liked pasta and Jody had promised to cook for him sometime, but it had been an idle promise, right?

"I told you I would cook for you one night."

"I figured you'd forget about it."

"Nah, I'm not that bad." Jody whispered in his ear again, causing the same chills to go down his spine before leading him to a chair at the table. After getting him settled in he went to a place directly across the table and sat down. Lance hadn't realized how hungry he was until the food was right in front of him. He immediately had a mouth full of hot pasta.

"Well, there goes the romantic evening." Jody joked as he took a big bite. Lance simply blushed slightly and forced himself to slow down. Jody watched him eat for a few minutes. He watched Lance's jaw move up and down and the muscles tighten as he chewed. When Lance noticed the stare he blushed again. "Do you always blush?"

"You do it, too."

"Yeah, but I was just looking at you."

"Well, I'm not used to some one watching me eat."

"Your cute when you eat." Lance laughed out loud at the comment. It was sweet and all but at the same time the few people he had dated before tended not to strive for any form of romance. Jody just smiled at him and continued eating. They talked off and on between bites, mostly about lunch. Jody was still slightly nervous about the guy's reaction to him, after all, he had given them plenty of reasons to not like him, but they seemed to anyway.

Lance reassured him as much as he could, but seemed much more interested in the food. When he finally put down his fork his eyes were swimming in contentment. "I ate too much I think."

"Probably. It's not like your going to get fat or anything-you spend more time in the gym than anyone I know."

"You've seen Justin and Josh, you see what I have to keep up with."

"Ha. No contest. Their great but nothing like you."

"You just want more sex." Lance was shocked at his own comment this time. It had run through his mind but he had never planned on actually saying it.

"Nothing wrong with that." Jody smiled, noticing Lance's discomfort and stood from the table. "Come on, we haven't showered since, well, yesterday sometime."

"Yeah, I was starting to feel a little yucky."

Jody ended the conversation by placing his hand over Lance's mouth. When he removed it he replaced it with his mouth. A slow passionate kiss followed as he pulled Lance out of his chair and started walking backwards towards the stairs. Lance followed pulling his mouth away for a short breath here and there. Neither of them watched as they went up the stairs, choosing instead to start removing articles of clothing. By the time they reached the shower Lance only had on his flannel pants, the waistband of his gray boxer-briefs showing. Jody was down to his boxers, having lost his baggy jeans about half way up the steps.

Lance leaned around Jody turning on the water in the shower. Jody took the opportunity to slide down the wall he was pinned against a little -- bringing himself face to face with Lance's right nipple. As soon as his tongue made contact Lance shivered and leaned more of his weight onto Jody. Jody responded by pulling it into his mouth, sucking lightly, and letting his hands wander over Lance's hard abdomen. Lance moaned trying to focus on adjusting the water as Jody continued to tease his nipple.

Lance managed to mumble something about the water being ready when Jody moved from the right nipple to the left, in the process letting his hand wander farther down. He slid Lance's pants and underwear down his legs stroking the exposed flesh as he went. Lance out of instinct began grinding his body into Jody, rubbing his hardened member across Jody's stomach.

A whimper escaped Lance's lips when Jody slid further down the wall and immediately grabbed the shaft, pulling it into his mouth. He barely had it all the way in when Lance began bucking his hips. The blonde balanced himself on the wall he had Jody pinned to, a look of pure lust on his face. Jody didn't move his mouth, mostly for fear of banging his head on the wall, he chose instead to simply use his tongue and let Lance set the pace.

It continued for several minutes before he felt Lance begin to speed up his strokes. He had to hold onto his hips to keep him from banging Jody's head against the wall. Lance had begun to mumble incoherently sometime ago and it was slowing slipping into groans until Jody made out one phrase, "I'm so close." As soon as he heard those words he began to suck harder and move him tongue on long strokes up and down Lance's long shaft. Jody had just begun to prepare for it when Lance came. He managed to swallow it all down, and sucked as much more as he could out before he felt Lance sag against the wall, gasping for breath.

Jody let Lance slip form his mouth and slid back up the wall he had been pinned to, meeting Lance's mouth before he was completely upright. Lance's kiss was frantic and he grinded his hips against Jody's now aching member. When Jody finally had to break the kiss for air, Lance's head slumped against his shoulder. "You drive me crazy you know that?' Lance whispered as he began to run his hands up and down Jody's back.

"We better get in the shower before we run all the hot water out." Jody replied, his face flush from Lance's words. He couldn't think of anything else to say, so he kissed Lance on the lips again, lightly and as tenderly as he could.

When they made it in to the shower Lance still leaned on Jody, letting him support both of their weights. Jody was massaging shampoo into Lance's scalp and letting himself slip between Lance's muscled thighs. Lance was melting into his arms, his mind nearing overload with all the sensations. Jody himself was finding it hard to concentrate on Lance's hair, putting more effort into his hip movement. When he finally couldn't go on anymore he leaned Lance's head under the spray of the shower rinsing away the shampoo as he kissed Lance's neck and shoulders.

When Jody was satisfied he had at least gotten most of the shampoo from Lance's hair -- the smell of which wasn't helping matters -- he somewhat roughly pushed him against the wall of the shower. He reached back and adjusted the spray so it flowed over their backs as he kissed Lance between the shoulder blades. He gently bit at the skin, dragging his teeth lightly down his spine. His hands had just managed to cup Lance's ass when a thought popped in his mind. As he massaged the globes in his hands, he worked his mouth back up Lance, till he reached his ear.

"Are you too sore?"

"Oh god... no"

"You sure, we have a lot of traveling soon, and I don't want you to be uncomfortable." Jody's words came out more as breathes in Lance's ear. The chills down his spine weren't soothed with the warm spray. His only answer was to push back against Jody's groin and hands, begging him silently to go with it.

Jody pulled Lance's cheeks apart slowly, rubbing himself around the tight hole a little. When he found his mark and was satisfied it was slick enough he bit down on Lance's ear lobe a little as he applied some pressure. Lance gasped and relaxed his body against Jody some, letting Jody's head slide in easier than the night before. At the feeling Lance tensed a little, and Jody continued to kiss and bite at his earlobe.

"Tell me when your ready." He said as he found Lance's collarbone, nipping at the tight skin. His hands worked up Lance's sides, finally finding his nipples and lightly playing with them, driving Lance insane while he waited for the pain to succeed. Lance groaned again, telling Jody he was ready to continue.

Jody proceeded slowly, pushing in at a steady pace, with just enough force to keep moving. He was three quarters of the way in when Lance bucked back into him, sliding the rest of the way. When the gasp escaped Jody's lips Lance momentarily thought he had hurt him until he felt hands work around his body, stroking every inch of his exposed flesh. He turned his head a little and found Jody's mouth waiting for his.

The kiss was fast and frantic and Jody began to pump slowly in and out of Lance. Lance alternated between groans and whimpers as Jody racked across his prostate, causing his now semi hard penis to jump to full attention. After a few strokes Lance felt Jody's hands working their way around his body again, finally finding positions. His right hand encircling Lance's member, stroking in time with his own movements. His left hand found the shower wall steadying them both a little more. Between the severe foreplay for Jody, and his partners constant thrusting back into him it didn't take him long to reach his own climax.

He was about to mention it to Lance when he felt Lance's muscles tighten around him and a shudder break across his body. The realization that Lance was coming again had just hit him when he felt himself start to come. Jody pushed as far as he could into Lance, and let loose. Both men gasped for air and moaned in pleasure as their individual orgasms cleared their mind of anything else, but the two of them.

Went Jody finally felt his slow down he felt into Lance's body, pushing him into the wall. He could barely feel his legs and his knees were more than a little weak. Lance turned his body around -- putting his back to the wall and found Jody's mouth. They kissed between gasped and whispers -- their hands sliding over each other's wet bodies.

"It's getting cold in here." Jody finally said, now that most of the warm water was gone.

"I know. We should probably get out." Lance breathed sending the same chills he experienced earlier down Jody's spine. Jody finally raised his head from Lance's shoulder where he had been resting it. He caught Lance's eyes for a minute before kissing him again. It was a slow soft kiss that lasted merely a second. Lance smiled at him before pushing him back slowly towards the door. Jody turned off the now cold water as he slid out of the shower. He grabbed a couple of towels from the shelf and wrapped one around his shoulders, and another around Lance as soon as he made it out of the shower.

They had made it to the bedroom and into the warm bed when Lance turned to look at Jody again. Lance's green eyes were sparkling brightly and there wasn't an ounce of tiredness in them. His face had a glow -- the same glow he had the night before and suddenly Jody realized how gorgeous he was. Lance himself was staring at the somewhat cold blue eyes he found admiring him. Even when Jody was at his happiest they look liked glass in winter -- cold and sharp, but there was a glistening to them.

"I'm not tired." Jody finally admitted after he began to feel self-conscious, he wasn't sure if he would ever get used to being examined.

"Me neither."

"What do you want to do?"

"Well, its only midnight. The guys are all still out clubbing -- wanna see the Orlando night life?"

"We could." Jody actually thought it sounded like fun. He had slept most of the day and after that work out he felt a little restless.

"I'll call their cells and find out where they are."

Lance slid over in the bed reaching for the phone. The cool air rushed down his back when he pulled away from Jody. The coldness didn't last long -- Jody scooted up closer to the blonde wrapping his arms around him. "We should probably consider getting dressed, too."

Well, What do you think??? Let me know downlikeastone@msn.com.

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