When in Rome Do It

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Dec 25, 2004


All rights reserved. You must be of legal age to read this story. See my other stories in Nifty.org. under Author's see kevinmjo. To get a picture of the Author write to kevinmjo@aol.com You must give your age in years for legal reasons. Those in Montreal drop me a line.Kevin Kelly

The next few weeks seemed to just fly by. I was so into this whole thing and really in my heart didn't want it to ever end. I was not alone in this feeling. At night around the camp fire over our goblets of wine we would talk about the school year coming up. The camp and the whole Roman thing. We had all become great friends those past few weeks. We grew all of us in our roles. Looking around that camp fire on those nights seeing all the young handsome would be Actors gathered I thanked my lucky stars for this opportunity and Thanked in my mind the man we knew as Caesar. In private talks at Captains meetings Dick, Kirk Bob and I would propose and talk about who we would recommend for the four leading men at the end of the encampment. Bob and I would be two of them as Bob had also been awarded for Service (in Bed) to Caesar. James was a shoe in with his good looks and His skill at working men to do what He wanted and with it all His ability to just make everyone like Him. The 4th Man was a tie between My mate Eric and Alex. Out of loyalty, I of course cast my vote for Eric but in my heart of hearts I also saw Alex as a leading man. Bob went along with me on Eric. Dick and Kirk were for Alex. we had decided to put it up to Caesar Himself to break the tie.

My relationship with Victor the slave was becoming somewhat of the camp rumor. Many felt that I was not being true to my role as a Captain to be involved with a slave. With this in mind Victor and I would keep our meetings as secret as possible. victor slept in a room in the basement of the mansion house and during the afternoon free times we would arrange to meet in his room. Many a night I would spend also in victor's room then sneak back to camp before the others woke. Only the posted guards knowing of my night out.

Why would I do that? Easy victor was just that hot in bed and that major meat of his just knew who to fuck my hot ass hole. Also I loved to plant my cock deep inside Victor and have that strong body begging for my cock. Kissing Him and holding him naked in bed was a dream come true. I was and I knew it, falling in love with Victor. One night as we lay in his bed after more then an hour of making love. We were facing each other and he had his bare foot over mine, He was propped up on one arm talking when he said "Kevin, We have less then a week to go and We have not even talked about what we are going to do after this camp ends?

I looked into His eyes and knew He meant about the two of Us. I rubbed my bare foot against his and said "Victor you work here at the house for Caesar or Mr. Edward's I know and it is a great job and I am sure He pays you well but could I possibly ask you to come back with me to New York and well live with me? Look I have a small studio apartment that will be just perfect for the two of Us."

Victor had a pensive look on his face and stood up his soft cock hanging down nearly in my face he said "Kevin I would do anything for You but Caesar can be a jealous man, I know I know how he can be. Your up for being one of the four and all the cash that goes with that plus the movie deals. I can just see Caesar pulling the rug from under You if you leave with me?

I had never even thought of this? I had been having sex with Caesar nearly every other day and I knew him to be a warm loving man who was hot as hell in bed. Not a man who would stand in our way. I stood up now and said "If I have the talent and the determination to be a great Actor then I will. The money and the movies deals would sure help but if that means giving up You Victor then the hell with it all." Victor took me into his powerful arms. It was nearly time I had to leave for then camp.

Back at camp the situation was on my mind as I entered the tent. There was another man in my place beside Eric. I could not see who it was only his feet hanging out from under the blankets. At first I was full of rage that Eric would dare have another man in my bed with Him, Then I got calmed and know how silly I was being. hell I just left another man's bed myself. The man was stirring and then the blanket came off his head and shoulders, It was Alex. I had less then an hour before we would have to call the morning muster. I silently took off my uniform and came into the bed besides Alex. I put my arm around his bare shoulder and onto his powerful chest. Eric slept next to Alex as my hand was inching down Alex's hard chest to his ABS and then to His bush of hair. to my delight when I touched the root at the base of His wonderful cock it was rock hard and ready. What a cock hound I had become in these last few weeks. We had kept the KY in the pillow case, I got it out now and grassed up my hard cock. Then I was guiding my cock head to Alex hole as he lay on His side. I was there prepared to enter into His round firm hole. I pushed and the head of my cock entered into him. he stirred and he moaned then got quite again. A look over to Eric showed me he was still sound asleep. My cock head paused just inside of Alex felt so wonderful. Now I pushed in more of my fat cock shaft and this bought Alex fully awake. In some shock he looked to Eric who was waking now and then back over His shoulder to me still fucking more of my cock int him. Alex flashed me a grin and pushed his hole back onto my cock. As I was hammering my hard cock into Alex then Eric reached his arm over Alex to rub my bare shoulder and said "welcome Home Mate"

I suppose I should have known that we were all of Us actors. Alex sure knew how to play a role too. he moaned and moved and even fought at times as if he were virgin and this all turned me on so much, so very Much. Eric was smiling that most handsome smile of his into my eyes and as I fucked my fat long cock into Alex Eric was saying things like "Oh Yea Kevin give him that hard met of yours, Oh Yea Kevin fuck that big dick into his hole. Oh Kevin mix you hot load into him with mine" I was working up a good fuck sweat pounding now oh Alex tight hole feeling his powerful hairy leg and hip under mine as I fucked into him hearing my mate Eric's words as I fucked him deep and hard. I creamed my load mixing as Eric had said with his own for the night before. We dressed now, Eric Dressed me while I dressed Alex and both Eric and I dressed Alex. At that moment there was not a happier man on the face of the earth then myself. I had made my choice to stay with Victor and if that meant giving up all that Caesar was going to give Us, Then so be it! I told Eric while Alex was still with Us of the situation and offered Him to live with us and be sort of a threesome. Eric was blown away by the offer and at once agreed to form a threesome with Victor and I.

That night Victor's room was full with both Eric and I in it. To my delight Victor had agreed to Us three being a team after the encampment. We would move in the small studio of mine until we could find another larger place. Victor said He would have no problem finding work in New York while we two attended the School. Laying there in Victors small bed the three of Us together. Then looking on as victor gave Eric a fucking with that monster cock of his and my giving Victor words of encouragement as he fucked deep into my mate. My turn came that night to have the pleasure of being fucked by both Eric and Victor. My hole was dripping cum as we all fell asleep in that small room. My mind fill of dreams of Us together in our won place in New York.

That night would be the last of the Caesar Dinners and Orgy to be held. The 10 Troops were picked and Dick, Kirk Bob and I were to present Caesar with our selection of the four winners, We still had a tie between Eric and Alex to let Caesar decide. That afternoon I had asked for a private Audience with Caesar. During the free time while the others were at the pond Caesar was meeting with me in the dinning room. I told Him of my love for Victor and his love for me and how along with Eric we were prepared to risk his anger to keep our love. Caesar again was hard to read. No sign of anger, No sign of joy came to His face. Then He stood and said things to the effect that while it was not His normal thing to fall for anyone Troop he had allowed Himself to fall for me and that now I did this risked it all for a working man! He said He felt I was not really prepared to pay the high price of stardom? he would give His answer at the Dinner.

I left feeling that the choice between Eric and Alex was now made easier for Caesar, he would drop me and take the two of them. I had a tear come to my eye but then I thought of Victor and Eric and our new life. The day was spent in a cloud for me going through the rituals of the camp and the chores of CO-captain more on automatic then with any feelings.

The dinner was even more lavish if that is possible then the others had been and we were all impressed by the affair. Then I noticed that my Victor was not there? I asked one of the slaves who I knew was close to Victor where he was? I was told that Victor was no longer in the employ of that Caesar man up there" He said it with more then a little hate in His voice. I turned to look at Caesar with my eyes flashing my feelings, he saw me and stood to say "My Troops I will now announce those whom have been selected to win the contracts." He was now reading from a list He was handed by Dick. I heard Eric's name called and Eric rushed up to thank Caesar, Then I heard Alex name called and as Alex rushed up to thank Caesar I knew what my fate was to be. The four were selected. Alex, Eric, Bob and James. I had tears in my eyes but still managed to walk to the four of them and give each a hug and congratulate them on the win. Then Caesar asked for silence. We all turned to hear his words.

Caesar looked around and then said. " We all in this room and Yes on these grounds are actors, We are all myself included playing are roles. The Job of any Actor is to make the people forget them and really think they are the person in the role they are playing. I too am an Actor, You see I am not the owner of this place nor the man who will be giving out the contracts, I am not the leader, The Caesar as I lead you to think I was. I will now present you the man who is the leader, The Caesar and the benefactor of You all."

With that the trumpets sounded and the two large doors opened and the Caesar chair was coming in on the shoulders of four slaves. There seated in all his splendor was Victor. The chair was lowered and Victory dress in wonderful robes came to me and took me in His arms and then said for all to hear. " This year we will have five stars, Kevin here is to be the first, Eric over there is to be the second. The three of us will from now on rule as equals this little part of Rome. We will continue each summer to help as many young Actors as we can and We will together as one enjoy life" Eric had run up to Us and we all three were arm in arm taking the hugs and cheers of the Troops. Slaves appeared and soon they were undressing Us two Eric and I in front of all. then we were dressed in the same robes as Victor.

There was a big going away party for all the troops the next day all now dressed in street cloths ready after to board the bus for the trip back to New York. Eric, victor and I would follow the next day in a limo. We would be living in the three story condo in New York that Victor owned. you see Victor was a wealthy man and as well a Teacher at the school. We have spent our Winters at the school and the past three summers running the camp. I have stared in two movies so far and gotten great reviews, Eric has topped me with three so far and we are getting a following in the movie world.

we have an open relationship with Victor and We love him dearly. We share our men with the three of us and I "ll tell you about that one day. These past three summers Dick and Kirk are the Captains of the encampment. The three of us are the Caesuras. Mr. Edward's who also teaches at the school runs the daily operations of the encampment. I love when the Bus pulls up at the beginning of each summers encampment with the new troops. Love to see them that first day like us form the one on one relationships as Eric and I had. I love the school and acting, most of all I love Victor and Eric.

If you would like to hear about our first year in the school, let me know or if you would like it to end here let me know? Kevin Kelly in NJ and Montreal Que.

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