When in Rome Do It

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Dec 24, 2004


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Slave's had bought around fresh new uniforms for all those invited to the Caesar dinner. I had joined most of the Troops during the fee time in the pond for a combo swim and body washing. Wow what a hot time that was all these handsome young and well built men naked in and out of the water playing different games and more then a little feel and touch could be seen. I was surprised at how the troops all of whom would be in my class come September had gotten into the whole Roman thing and seemed to really be taking to the gay aspects of that life? I was not one to stare a gift horse in the face. My eyes were drawn at once as I stepped up to the pond by the looks of James. He was naked and standing there just looking at the others in the water. His breast were so perfectly formed and stood out so smooth and nice. His hair just perfect as was his movie star good looking face and then his round smooth hairless ass His powerful legs so hairy in contrast. I walked up to James and said Hello. He turned to look at me and smiled saying. " Sir You have not undressed yet. Are you going to join the Troops in the pond?

I said "Yes i sure need to get washed and it looks like they are having a lot of fun, I'll have to undress and leave my uniform here on the bench" \ James gave me a little knowing smile and said "Oh No Sir You are one of Our Captains, please allow me to undress you sir. That is after all the way of Rome"

He was taking off my cape and folding it on the bench while I stood there loving my job. Then James knelt and was undoing the straps of my sandals. he held a foot at a time as he undid the leather sandals. To my joy he leaned in and kissed my foot then looking up to me he said "Sir You have such masculine feet" off came my breast plate Helmut and wriest bands. then he was taking off my tunic. When he got his first look at my half hard cock he stopped in his tracks and said "Oh Sir You have the maleness of a Greek God, May I touch it Sir?

I looked aaround and so far it looked like none had seen what was going on but i felt it was not the place before I could say anything James had me by the hand and was leading me to a large bush. Once in the bush hidden from the others He was on His knees and sucking in my cock and holding my balls. James was expert at what He was doing and his handsome mouth had me going crazy as I fucked my big cock deep into His throat. After bring me to the limit then back down then back up with His wonderful mouth. James stood up with his hands on His hips a la Superman. I knelt and took His thick fat bare cock into my mouth. His balls were so big and low as I held them and was eating in that hard long cock of his. I was creaming on the ground and James Oh James was giving me string after string of his wonderful cream in my mouth. We stood hugging there hidden in the bushes. Our soft wet cocks pressed together and I knew I no longer feared James as a rival for the Gold ring. There were to be four men chosen and We both would make it. I knew I would help James all I could. I also knew that I would somehow someway get into bed with James?

I entered the Pond and one of the Troops handed me a bar of what was really animal fat to be used as soap. Another came up behind me and asked permission to clean the Captain (Me) permission was granted. As I was treading water in the pond one Troop was washing my rear and the other my front. The one in the rear I knew was Alex. A handsome man from philly pa. who had saved up working hard to be able to attend our School. Alex was not getting much help if any from his family. I was sorry I had not been able to invite Alex to the dinner at this point. Alex had his hands taking some liberties with my body which I did not protest not even when under the water I felt on of his fingers move into my hole. I spread my legs to allow Alex better access to my hole and then he moved into position and he was pressing His hard dick up against my hole right there in the pond. In came his cock head. I let me head fall back against Him it felt so good his fat dick pushing into my hole in the water. Then Alex was at that point holding me tight, pulling me back as he pounded his monster cock into me. My Troop in front of me was kissing me and jerking off my cock. I came fast under the water and it floated to the top Alex was shooting His seed into my hole and kissing my neck as he came in me.

Only then did I hear the call from Eric who was standing on the shore. before I headed to the shore i said to Alex. " The next time I need to invite to the Caesar Dinner You will be the first on the list" Alex smiled and flashed me a look of such charm my heart melted he said "And I hope Sir that we will be together before then alone in bed. both here Sir and even dare I say back at school?

On shore with Eric who was naked I was not sure now how he would take this whole thing? Were we to be lovers and only with each other? Did he see and know what just happened? I was put at ease at once when Eric said "I see the Troops know how to kiss the right ass in camp. That is good Kevin enjoy it just remember no matter how many you play with I am the one you stay with"

I laughed and said "Now Eric You must have been all day making up that line, See never trust and Actor"

We walked naked arm in arm towards our tent. I asked a slave on the way to bring my uniform from the bench. Eric was telling me of his affairs that day which were no less then four men. I shared all that had happened to me with the inspections. Victor and James as well as what he had seen with Alex and the other. I felt so blessed, lucky or what ever you want to call it to have this handsome Actor as my friends confident and lover. I wanted to get him in the tent and to fuck Him as good as he had fucked me before and show him I loved him. Those plans were not to be. Dick came up to us Himself naked and a major distraction as he talked.

Dick said "You two know that the dinner may become an orgy? I think it would be best then that there be no more sex until the dinner so we can be ready to please Caesar?

Eric and I both agreed and we parted. All the while my eyes had been on Dick long hanging soft hot cock. Eric and I laughed at that once alone in the Tent. As was the custom I dressed Eric in the new uniform and he dressed me in mine. he made a big deal of placing the Gold medal on my cape. We left as the hour gong was sounded to note the hour as 5 PM. We gathered along with the others who were to attend the Caesar dinner. Dick and Kirk look so hot and handsome in the Gold capes of the rank. All the Troops looked so hot. There was two carts pulling up driven by slaves. one was for The Captains the other for the rest of the invited Troops.

I had only seen the main house as it was called from afar. As we pulled through iron gates it came into full view. A large four story building which took up a full two city blocks. We past through well trimmed Roman Gardens and stopped at the white doors entrance to the hall of Caesar as the Slave told us it was called. Once in the room it was large and had those Roman style sofa's around small tables filled with food and wine and all kinds of treats. we could make out the one that must be Caesar's by the rich material and it's covering. A slave bought the three Captains to see near Caesar''s sofa. the rest found what ever sofa was free. Eric was close to me.

Music began to play from hidden speakers and the two doors opened an in came servers with more food yet and more wine then behind them came four Troops not of our unit in full uniforms. Then came the chair with Caesar himself upon it. We all stood and gave Caesar the salute. As Caesar was getting out of his chair it was then I thought about Victory? Where was victor? My questions were answered at once when I saw Victory enter behind the chair. he was dressed in a wonderful long tunic with a cape of pure white on his shoulders. The sandals on his feet were not those of any Slave but of fine leather and cut. Victory found me in the group and smiled and moved his hands as if to say "Look at me now" i winked and smiled back at the handsome man.

Caesar took his place and Victory was given a sofa next to Caesar himself which meant that Dick had to move which of course did not please Dick very much at all.

then a toast was made to all the Troops present by Caesar and then followed a show a string of as they were called funny men who told jokes and had us all in stitches for the next two hours as we would eat and drink. then came out 6 men dressed in Roman uniforms. when the striper music began to play we all laughed at the show about to start and they stripped down and tables were bought out and they were all fucking and sucking on the tables. It was a hot show and I am sure there was not a soft cock in the whole place. The lights were dimmed and Caesar stood to say "Any of you men who wish to join in with the show are welcome in fact you would all please Caesar very much if you all joined in"

A small group here then a small group there began to walk up to the middle circle and the group of naked actors. It was so hot seeing our own troops getting undressed there in front of Us a live porno right there. Uniforms were left on the floors and slaves were gathering them up. The Troops were hot and all kinds of fucking and sucking were going on. Dick, Kirk, Bob and myself remained seated as well as Victor neat to Caesar. Eric was up with the others in the circle and getting his ass fucked hard by Bill at that moment.

Caesar said to us near him. you are all supervisors of these men and as such it may not be proper to join in with an orgy? But behind those doors are a private room You may all use. I will be most pleased to watch you in there"

He got up and we all stood as well and we followed him into the smaller room which actually was rather large and had tables of food and wine all around it. in the middle was an area with warm fur rugs. This was to be the sex spot? One chair sat there and Caesar took up his place. Dick came up to me and took me in his arms. I was so happy to have Dick's arms around me and so excited that he and I would be having sex. Kirk, Bob and Victory were undressing each other. Then Dick and I began to undress each other as well. I knelt to undo Dick's leather feet straps and was kissing his manly strong feet when I heard Caesar say. " Oh yes Kevin I like that touch" I kissed up his thick strong hairy legs up under his skirt to his big balls. Dick was peeling off his uniform as I worked up his strong hard body. Then My reward I opened and took Dick's cock into my mouth it was all I had thought it would be so manly a smell so steel hard so thick in my mouth. I held his hairy balls as I sucked him. I even worked a finger in his hole and He was loving it. I knew I would be fucking that hot tight ass of my Captains. As I sucked on that wonderful thick cock I also peeled off the rest of my uniform and dropped it on the floor Salves were there to remove the discarded uniforms so as to keep the area free for sex. Dick got on all fours and a slave came up to hand me the KY and i greased up my big dick then I put it up against my captains hole and he was looking back at me and he joked "Fuck me real good Kevin and I'll give you a medal too" I pushed the wide head of my cock into Dick's hole and oh God it was tight and my dick pushed into his hot hard muscular ass. Dick was letting out yells of pain as I fucked into Him I knew that was to please Caesar but it sure felt good to me too as I fucked all my cock into his hole. I pounded his hole so hard and fast loving my fucking Dick. Then i felt Kirk behind me and he was saying "Kevin hold off buddy, make it last come out now and let me fuck You some"

I pulled out of Dick's hole and Dick got up and took me in his arms and gave me a kiss our hard cocks pressed together his said in my ear "Oh Kevin I love you fucking me" Then to my delight. Kirk the most handsome man in all the camp had me on my back and was mounting me then he was pushing that hard fat cock of his into my hole and fucking me so good I begged for more and more of his cock in me looking at his strong shoulders and arms as his fat long cock was pounding in and out of me. Kirk's cock head was again and again trusting, pounding against my prostate. Suddenly I was seeing none other then Caesar standing there. He was smiling down at me and a slave was helping Him out of his robes. The man was as I said in his 40's but so well build with a hard tight body and ABS to kill for and His bare cock was so hot long at least 9 inches and the knob of his head so fat. Caesar was mounting my bestrewn my legs and that big knob head of His was ready to push into me. I reached up smiled as I held His strong hairy arms and Caesar was then fucking his massive hard knob into my hole and spreading me so wide. Caesar knew how to fuck a man I was in pure delight loving his cock pounding deep in me and hitting again and again that spot inside me I was then cuming all over Caesar and myself and then Caesar was shooting his load into my hole filling me with His Royal cream. I would now be a vessel of Caesar's cum. His big balls took one last slap against my hole as he pushed the last of His cram into me. We stood afterwards and kissed both naked and wet. Our bare cocks touching. Caesar said to me then. "Kevin that was so good for me. I promise you that you shall be one of the four selected, And I would like a repeat of what we just did another night alone here?

I kissed His bare shoulder and said "Oh Thanks you my Caesar and I would love to have you do that again often my Caesar.

We all had a drink of wine and a few good laughs then headed out into the other room the orgy had by then spent itself and while the men were still naked, they were mostly sitting around exhausted from the sex. We soon dressed and were leaving to get the wagons back to our camp when Victor came up to thanks me and asked if he could meet with me alone in my tent the next day during the free time? I looked at my handsome slave and of course said yes remembering his hot big cock and the fucking he had given me with it and wanting more. Victor walked back into the house and we took the ride back I told the others about the offer Victor had made and was surprised to hear Dick say under his breath to Kirk. " this man is going to be owning this place mark my words"

Kirk looked over at me then and said "Kevin, You are making all the right moves buddy just keep going as you are going. Just a word of advice to You. All is not always what it seems to be. That is so very true of this place and this camp. We are all actors all in a role. If you are a good actor then the audience has no idea what the real You is."

I had no idea what the hell he meant by that nor with the wine in me and the wonderful feeling of Caesar's and Kirk's cock in me and the promise of fucking Eric that night did I really care.

More to cum men. Who really is who at the camp of Caesar?

Next: Chapter 5

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