When in Rome Do It

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Dec 23, 2004


All rights are reserved by the Author. You must be of legal age to read this story. for the list of my other stories on Nitfty under Author's see kevinmjo. for a picture of a mature Kevin write to kevinmjo@aol.com You must give your age for a picture. If you live in or around Montreal write and talk. Kevin Kelly

That first full day Caesar and his men sure kept us plenty busy. As C0-captain I had even more chores then most of the men. Bob my other CO-captain and I had to insure all the men were where they were supposed to be and on time. We also had to pre-inspect each tent before Dick and Kirk came to do their inspections. There were classes for the spear, for fire making and maintaining. Hand to hand combat as well as classes on Roman history and the Government of Rome. There was to be a free time from 2 PM until 4 PM. We had advised the Troops this would be the best time to make use of the pond for washing and a swim.

Even with all this going on I still found time to reflect on what had happened between Eric and myself last night. A warm wonderful feeling would fill me at just the thought of what a tender lover Eric was. The thought that it was just one night of a month of such nights to come kept me with a wide grin on my face. At one point even Kirk made note of how happy I was looking and I think he could guess the reason for that? I could almost still feel the impression of Eric's big cock in my hole. I found myself getting so turned on by the other guy's and the Roman uniforms that showed their bare well built legs. Because of the thing we had done with Dick's feet yesterday I saw I would notice the Troops bare feet and seeing those masculine feet in all positions was giving me a hard on all day.

I was pleased to be able to report to Dick when he asked that nearly all the Troops were staying in the role with few exceptions. Bob and I had one hour between classes to inspect each of the Troops Tents. We were also told that it was Us two who would invite the 10 men to that nights Caesar Dinner. We were told that the dinner would be like in Rome of old and each we selected should be open to an Orgy. We should base our selections on that fact and as well on how the invited Troops were performing during that first day. James had been invited by Caesar Himself so we had to invite 9 men. We, Bob and I agreed e would invite both our own Mates so that left 7 others to select. This was not an easy task, all of them were so good looking and all were playing the role so well and all of them would be in my class at the school come September. I didn't want to make enemies of any of them.

New to the Gay thing my own self I found that the best way was just to be up front with the Troops during our inspections. The fist Tent the two mates were standing at attention as Bob and I came up. they gave us the Roman salute. We then entered the Tent followed by the two Mates. We checked out the contents of the tent as would any Army officer in any Army. Then I would step up to the one Troop, Look him up and down. Seeing that his uniform was perfect and ask him if it was his Mate who had dressed him that morning? I would tell Him that as his CO-captain His welfare and well being were my first concern. I would then lift up the skirt of his uniform and inspect his equipment. This was to prove one of my favorite duties of all. So very many different sizes and shapes of cocks and the ass on all of them kept me with a hard on all the time. Bob would step up and take his look and more then a few times even touch and fondle the Troops. I would then tell them both that we were looking for men to attend the Caesar Dinner and that it could possibly turn into an orgy. We would note the look on each ones face as we said this and what they would say and later make our selections based on that alone really.

In the third Tent we entered. I did the thing of lifting up the Troops skirt and nearly fell of my feet. There was the biggest cock even soft that I had ever seen in my life. the thing had to be at least 9 inches soft. Bob was just as shocked as I was and he had it in his hand in record time. The Troop was named Tom He had the face of an angel and the body to kill for. his meat was getting bigger and bigger as now Bob and I both were feeling it. We would take turns holding is equally big balls and that monster cock. Tom was enjoying the whole thing. his Mate seemed happy as well and Volunteered that the night before he was able to take all that meat up his hole and loved it.

I was in shock but I guess I should not have been, when Bob was taking off his cape then he bent over one of the chairs lifted his skirt and said to the troop " Let's see if I am man enough to take some of that Horse meat?

Tom had this shit eating grin as he was holding that cock of His and came up behind Bob. With His mate on one side and myself on the other Tom was pushing that meat into Bob's hole and Bob had the look of pain on his face as his hole stretched and opened to take in that hard tool. Tom then had a hand on each side of Bob's hip as he was pounding all that 10.5 man killer meat into him dry yet. His mate produced a tube of KY and He asked me if I would do the honor of fucking his hole? Soon I was on the other chair fucking the brains out of the Mates hole while bob was moaning in pleasure. This was the first male ass I had ever fucked in my life and it was wonderful I loved sinking my hard dick into this handsome Roman Troop soon all too soon I was creaming in my first male hole. To my surprise the Troop stood turned then knelt before me lifted my skirt and was licking my dick clean from my having fucked him.

Before leaving the Tent we informed the two that they would be invited to the Dinner that night. We now needed 5 more men. Bob was walking funny as we entered the next tent. there was the tent of Jim and Sean. We went through our usual inspection and when it came to pulling up the skirt of Jim I saw that he had a hard on already. He just said it was because he was so turned on by this whole Roman thing and Bob and I too. He knelt then and lifted my skirt and was sucking my cock. Sean I saw was on his knees and sucking oh bob's hard dick. I gave Jim a load of my cum deep in his throat and these two were our next choice for the dinner. Now we would need 3 Troops more.

We both agreed that all the men were so hot that it was really hard to make a selection. I got the idea of inviting the two Troops who were following us as Our guards. They had heard the moans and knew about the fuckings and sucking that were going on and both agreed to play the male on male role that night. now we needed just one more. As we were talking a Roman servant was walking by I had been looking at Him since yesterday. he was so tall and so well built in his short white servants tunic. A great tan on him and a ready smile. I called out to him to return to us. he walked back in role bowing to us and standing there. He was perfect for the role standing so meekly waiting for one of Us to speak.

I said "what is your name slave?

He said "I am called Victor Sir"

I said " Victor I like that name, Victor we have a problem. We need one more guest for the dinner with Caesar tonight. This guest has to be open to the dinner turning into an all male orgy. You are a handsome man and if you can convince us two you would fit in we may see to it that you are invited?

His eyes became wide and he looked from the two of us and even at the two guards beside Us then said to me "Oh Sir that surely would be any slave's dream come true to attend as a guest one of Caesar's dinners, As far as the all male Orgy Sir, Well if we could use a free tent I would gladly prove my abilities in that area"

We showed Victor to Bob's tent. Once inside I was the one to pull up his short white slave's tunic and both Bob and I let out a gasp to see the tool this man had on him. It was fully erect a good 9.5 long cut and so thick around, it was a real ass buster of a thick cock. I at once dropped to my knees and held his meat by it's base and opened my mouth as wide as I could. victor told me to take it easy as he was pushing that horse meat into my mouth. The smell of his meat and the taste of it. my jaws were hurting but no way did I want to let go of his meat. Bob was soon beside me and we were sharing victors meat between us. As I was licking on His big balls Victor said. " Captain Kevin I have had my eyes on you Sir and I would love if you would want me to fuck my meat up into you sir?

I came up very fast onto my feet and looked at this handsome tan man and then I said " Victor you are so hung i have only been fucked once and that was last night but I would like to try taking you"

What happened next seemed to be a fast forwarded movie. All of us Bob myself victor and even the two guards were completely naked. victor had me on the bed legs up in the air and he on the floor eating my hole out. His tongue was so hot and wet and he must have had a long tongue to go with his cock cause it came so far into my hole. One of the guards was then putting a pillow under my ass to raise it up to Victor. The other was Kying up my hole. Then almost to the cheers of the others Victor that handsome stud was mounting me. The look of pure pleasure as he put my hairy legs on each of his shoulders and then guided his massive strong cock to my hole. This was only the second cock head I had ever felt like that against my hole ready to enter me and I loved it all again. The head felt soft yet hard against my hole wanting to enter me and spread me wide real wide. Victory said "Thank you Sir for this" Then he pushed his massive wide prick into me showing me no mercy at all as the whole shaft was fucked into me at once. I screamed with the pain of it and still loved it. i stopped one of the guards who was about to pull Victor off of me saying "Oh no, Let him continue" victory was not a gentle lover like Eric had been he was rough and hard and pounded the hell out of my hole and fucked me like no tomorrow. his cock head hitting again and again that spot deep inside me. spreading the walls of my hole so wide I feared I would tear open and bleed right there. His big hairy balls were slapping against my ass so fast and so hard as He fucked into me I was afraid he would rupture Himself. I looked up as he was fucking me at his handsome face His well chiseled chest and arms, So strong so all male so Roman. Then Victor said "Oh sir You have the best ass I have ever fucked Oh Sir I love fucking you hot ass, oh sir I am going to cream my load into You sir" With that he was indeed creaming his load deep inside my hole and I was creaming mine into one of the guards mouth who had at that moment knelt to take my hard hot cock into his mouth.

As we all stood to dress I joked, That the walls of my ass would never again meet after the fucking Victor had given me. As we parted Victor said he would be able to borrow the correct cloths need to attend Caesar's Dinner. Now the task of informing Dick and Kirk that we had actually invited one of the slave's to the Caesar's dinner. As it had been my idea, it was mine to tell Dick. he did not take it very well I thought for a moment he was going to actually hall off and hit me. Then he thought and said "Caesar will take this good or bad and it being your idea you are the one who will have to answer for it Kevin" Kirk had a look on His face as if to say "Kiss that gold ring good-bye Kevin. Dick looked at Bob now and said "You were there when this was done and you are not being forgotten. both of you must be punished for this. Drop and lick both Kirk and my feet"

This time I did so with pleasure. I had my tongue all over Kirk's masculine bare feet, in between his toes and up and down the ankles of his strong feet then took my turn doing the same to Dick's manly feet. thinking all the while how much I would have enjoyed licking their feet long into the night. I was getting so turned on with licking those feet and tasting them and smelling them I forgot myself and my place for a moment and reached up to take hold of Dick's hard cock under his skirt. I at once regretted it but to my delight Dick made no protest and then I was sucking his strong hard cock into my mouth and in short order I was tasting the nectar of his manhood in my throat load after load of my handsome strong Captains juice was filling my mouth. I was holding his big hairy balls as he drained his loads into me.

Just as Lunch was finishing up Caesar came into the camp. He was being carried on a chair by four Slaves one of which was none other then Victor. we all saluted Him and as the chair was lowered Caesar motioned for me to come to him. He stood and I was shaking as I came up to him.

Caesar said "So you have taken it upon yourself to invite a slave to one of my dinners?

I was looking him in the eye thinking the worse that could happen was he sent me packing? I said "Yes Great Caesar I have, But this is no normal slave, This is a man who has served you well and long and deserves to be repaid with the honor of your table"

I was unable to read anything from his face and so was nearly collapse on the ground right there when I heard Caesar say "I like your thinking and your manor of putting it into words. You took a chance that could have cost you everything I promised you. You took a great risk. I like my troops to be that bold and as loyal as you are Kevin. This slave will be at my dinner tonight and He will be treated as your equal and the equal of all others, Well done troop"

After Caesar talked to Dick and Kirk and addressed the troops he left. then another slave came up to me standing next to Dick and Kirk and gave me a medal, he said "Caesar has ordered this medal for you and your service to him, You are to wear it on your cape for all to see"

Dick was putting the medal on my front cape and he leaned in to kiss me on both cheeks then said 'you've got big balls Kevin and tonight I want to lick the seat off those big balls of yours" he walked away and Kirk took me in his arms in front of all the Troops and hugged me.

My Mate Eric came up to me then our first meeting since morning and hugged me too. As we hugged like that I could feel his hard cock through the thin skirts we had on. The cock that had taken my cherry. The free time was now upon us and we all to the man headed to the pond for our cleaning and swim time.

More to cum soon Men kevinmjo@aol.com

Next: Chapter 4

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