When in Rome Do It

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Dec 21, 2004


All rights reserved, You must be of legal age to read this story. See my other stories in Nifty.org under kevinmjo. If you would like a photo of the Author write kevinmjo@aol.com You must state your age for legal reasons or no picture. those in Montreal give me a holler. Kevin Kelly

I was lucky enough to get myself into one of the best Actor's School's in New York City. The cost were high but just the opportunity to work with the impressive line up of famous actor's who were to volunteer time each month was well worth it. I had done a lot in high school and my handsome blonde good looks often gave me the lead in most plays. I was full of confidence when I rented my small apartment in the big apple. Dad had worked out just enough money to keep me from starving so that was no problem. I was enjoying just walking the streets of New York on my own.

I would check into the School nearly every day as they had a jobs board posted and I thought maybe I could catch a small side job to keep some change in my pockets. this day I came up to the board and there was a young guy my own age who I had seen around the school looking over the board. I was standing next to him and he looked up and gave me a smile, which I returned. He put out his hand and we shook. He was Eric Jordan and hailed from Montreal Canada. Eric was here like me for the three year acting program He was like me 6 foot but with jet black hair and a cute baby face real leading man looks like myself. Eric just had a smile and attitude that somehow made you like him at once. He pointed to the ad he had been reading. I read it and was surprised to see that it was for a group of 20 men to live as Roman Legionaries for 30 days on a private estate in up state New York earn 500.00 a week. At the end of the third week a short movie would be shot and those who had staring rolls in it would be given a bonus of 15,000.00 each.

Eric was telling me that he was thinking of doing it cause like me he had the rest of the summer off and could use the cash. Just then one of the teachers came up and saw that we were looking at the Ad He said "That is a great deal. One of the board members runs this camp every summer on his large estate and he really takes good care of our pupils. I'd really high recommend it to you both" Eric and I looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. Eric copied down the number and we left to call. At a nearby coffee shop Eric made the call and was telling the person about himself and about myself. I was cracking up at the face on Eric as he must have been asked to describe the two of us in great detail. To my delight he was saying I was and handsome leading man type blonde. Eric hung up the cell phone and said the man would meet us in 20 minutes back at the school.

Back at the school we were both greeted by the same teacher as before and he showed us into the man who would be running the program. Mr. John Edward's. Edward's told us both all about the month and the film that he was prepared to leave with the group tomorrow for the month in the fields living as Roman Legionaries. We were not to bring any clothes other then what was on our backs, All clothes would be supplied for us the whole month. He was prepared to give us a sign up bonus of 1,000.00 right then and there if we could meet the bus in the morning for the trip up? Eric and I looked at each other again and again shrugged and both signed up.

Checks in hand we headed back to the coffee shop and made our plans to leave in the morning. We agreed it was a strange proposition and all but with the teachers recommendation and the money we both agreed it would be a great experience. Next morning I walked up to the school a good full half hour early and was delighted to be able to pick out the one face I knew Eric's in the crowd of 20 other young guy's. We all it turns out were freshmen at the school and all had our first apartments in the big Apple. Two of the men were roommates who came together from Ohio for the school. At 8 Am on the nose the private bus pulled up and off stepped Mr. Edward's. He had a clip board in hand and was checking off our names as we got on the bus. The bus was fabulous inside. personal chairs and a few sofa's a bar that sat 5 in the rear and even a steward to serve up food and drinks. Plush carpet on the floor small TV's around. even a shower and small bed room in the rear. I sat next to Eric and the two from Ohio. They were bob and bill two guy's who looked more like twins then friends. both blonde tall and very handsome. I knew there was going to be a lot of compitions for the few staring rolls in this film.

Soon the Bus with Edward's walking about was making it's way through New York and out onto the high ways. Mr. Edward's got all of our attention after we had been feed telling us he was putting on a film from last years group to give us and Idea of what to expect. The film was rolling and really it was quite good and well done. Showing us the guy's all our own age all dressed in full Roman legioneer's gear and living in a camp that looked like it was from the Rome of old. I was getting pretty excited at the idea and think what an opportunity to learn so much and get paid for it all. Sure that the experience would serve me well later in my acting career?

the film ended and we were all talking when Mr. Edward's got our attention and was telling us more of the month to come. We were to act from the moment we got to the camp as Roman legineers. No watches. only authorized underwear and things like that. Then out came a young man in full Legineers uniform. Edward's was explaining each article of clothing on the man and as he did the man and handsome 2nd year actor was taking off the articles just talked about. Eric, Bob, Bill and I kept looking at each other and surpressing a laugh as this strip show went on. The actor was now down to just his underwear, which was as would be in old Rome. It was really just a white cloth pulled under and around the man's private parts. I was kind of surprised at how this cloth really showed off the man's crotch. I could make out his cock through the light cloth. Just as soon as Edward's was done explaining the use and care of the loin cloth the actor also removed this item and stood there motionless bare ass naked in front of us all. There was a long moment of silence while we all looked at this Adonis in front of us with his nearly hard thick cock there for all to see.

Edward's pointing now at the man's bare cock said "Now I would like all of you to forget any hang ups you may have about male nudity. In the legion's of Rome there was no place nor room for such feelings. As Roman Legioneers you will be out of uniform nearly as much as you are in it and living and sleeping in close quarters. you'll each be assigned a mate (we all chuckled at this one) This mate will be your tent mate and partner in all that is required of you in the Ligion's camp. You'll get to depend on each other for the success of your encampment. This man here you may have seen in the film he was one of four selected tostar in last years film and as such was not only given the bonus but a contract tomake four films over the next three years he has left in the school being paid a hefty 50,000.00 per movie. You may be this years star"s? Work with your partners to that end and live a a Defender of Rome. Not just act as one live as one."

We were served more drinks and I took a beer even given the early hour. Eric had one himself and we decided to be each others partners. The Actor was walking around the bus talking to all and still totally nude. I tried my best not to let my eyes go down to his large tool but my eyes seemed tohave a mind of thier own and so a few times Eric caught me looking at the man's meat and smiled. I noticed that Bob and Bill from Ohio were getting an eye full too.

the driver announced over the speaker that we were just 30 minutes from the camp. the Nude Actor suddenly appeared with a handful of plastic bags and in a deep sexy voice he was telling us to take off all our clothing and put everything wallets watches rings in the bag and use the Lock on the bag to secure it. Each bag had our name on it. Looking around i could see that everyone was as nervous with this as I was and the silence as we all undressed you could cut through. I peeled off my sneakes and socks looking over at Eric as he seemed to be pacing himself with me. then off came my pull over shirt. My jeans came down and I placed them in my bag looking over again at Eric who looked really hot in his tight white briefs. Then i peeled off my briefs and put them in the bag, locking it. ilooked now at Eric and he looked down at my exposed cock and back up to my face and gave me a wink and a smile that nearly cracked me up. I did the ame to him and wow was I surprised to see my New mate had a big ass cock to match his good looks. It was perfect in shape like He was. with his bare smooth chest ahiry legs and strong hard stomach. Bob and Bill were also hot in the big dick department. the Actor ws walking down the Bus and shamlessly inspecting each man's cock and ball's He came to Eric first in our little corner and said "MM you sure are blessed there buddy." then looking at me he said " You got yourself a horse cock on you buddy" I noticed that more then a few of the guy's were showing half hard cocks now. I walked with Eric, bob and Bill to the rear bar to get us all another beer. The bar area was packed I guess they all felt so strange they just needed a drink. while I was in line to get mine behind Eric The bus jerked a little, enough to cause me to lose my balance and I half fell into Eric's back To my utter casternation my half hard cock was pressed right in Eric's crack. I was stammering how sorry I was and Eric just turned looked at me with that handsome face and said. " hey no sweat mate you just owe me a shot at you later like that" Bob had seen and heard the whole thing from behind me and ssaid in my ear " that sounds like a good deal to me kevin" With that I felt Bob's half hard cock pressing in the crack of my own ass. I didn't move, not sure really what to do or say not wanting to mke a big deal of it and draw attention to myself I just turned to him and said " yes and i'll be over to your tent tonight to get my pay back"

Edwrds came from the room as the Bus was pulling through two iron gates. As he walked towards the front of the bus he was taking a good look at all the guy's nakedness and thier bare cocks. From the front he said. " Now we are here and the rest of the day is just getting use to the place and the role You all will be playing for the next month. You'll now be shown to a room and you'll each be given your Uniforms. If you have not selected a partner yet do so now each must have a partner. You'll dress your partner and He will dress you. this is to tach you that you are now a team."

The Actor came up still nude only now sporting a fully erect hard cock bouncing out in front of him and at least a good 8 inches long and so thick. He Held his cock in his one hand and said " My name is Dick, Just like this, So you should have no problem remebering my name? I will be acting as your Captain this month and teaching you to live as a defender of Rome. I will be needing two do-Captains to work with me and for now as I really don't know any of you i will just pick two and you'll be on trail for a week"

He was looking over the group of naked young men. We could see he was taking in the whole body of each of us in turn and this made me feel so uneasy, Seems my dick was at full mast. all 7.5 of it standing up.

Dick pointed to Bob standing next to me and said " You there come up here besides me" Bob walked up like a man going to his death. He had a hard on too and the cock that had just moments before been pushing against my crack was a good 8 inches long. Bob blushing took his place next to Dick.

Dick then looked around again and I nearly died when he pointed his finger at Me. I walked up and stood on Dick's other side.

Dick looked down at both our hard cocks and then at His own and said to the others " Well here are your leaders men and it looks like your leaders are saluting you first"

They all cracked up laughing at that one even myself. I felt more at ease hard cock and all and when I saw that Eric had a hard cock on him too I smiled at him and he smiled back. It was only then that the thought actually hit me. could my new mate Eric be gay? and was he coming on to me? I had never considered myself to be gay. Oh sure as a kid I did some experimenting with other boy's, like jerking off together and humping naked on each other but that was all. I had gay friends and had no bad thoughts really about gay's knowing it was just what they liked.

We marched or tried to intothe large room and there on tables were piles of fantastic Red Roman uniforms and shields, boots and on top the underwear cloth. Eric Bob, Bill and I walked together having formed our bond on the bus. we sttod as the others did at the piles. Mr. Edwards gave a speach about us being actors and that we should now get totally into the role of a defender of Rome. Dick then told us that we should take turns dressing our mates. The room became busy with the 22 men doing jsut that. i was taking the loin cloth to fit it around Eric's cock and balls. They were so big and his cock standing out so much he just smiled at me. up came Dick who took the cloth from my hand and said laoudly for all to hear " I'll show you how this goes on" He knelt and was putting the cloth around Eric's 29 inch waiest. then he took his one hand and held Eric's balls as he bought the cloth under Eric's hairy balls and voer his fat cock, then tucked the cloth into the waiest band. he stood and said " You must not be timid here men. this is your mate the man who's live you are putting in his hands do not feel ashamed to do hism up right. Go ahead and do as the Roman's would do and touch when you have to" He pulled off the cloth from Eric and handed it to me to redo. I knelt and put the cloth around Eric's waiest and looked up at him smiling down at me as I did then i took Hole of his balls which now filled my hand and felt the softness of them in my hand and liked it. I pulled the cloth over Eric's hard cock touching it as I did and he moaned. Bob ws behing Us doing his buddy Bill and Bill was moaning as Bob was feeling his hard cock and he said. " I want you to take it all off for me tonight too Bob"

Soon I had Eric in full Roman uniform and he cut a handsome figure in his flowing red cape. Now Eric knelt and soon my own balls were in his hands. Any questions about Eric and his being Gay left my mind at that moment. The way he held my bare balls in his hand and The way he smiled as his finger was brushed against my bare open hole removed all doubt. then he had my underwear on and yet again took hold of my hard cock in the cloth to adjust it as he said. All dressed we headed to an open field and lined up. Across the field were small two man tents. five on one side and five on the other. then there where three tents facing the others. these were for Dick and his two co-captains Bob and i and our mates. This made 25 of us in all rather then the 20 we had thought. then out came Mr. Edwards from a van that had pulled up. he was in full uniforms as well and He had a gold cape on with a gold plume in his helmut. He was a man of 40 or so and in perfect shape with the perfect V body. A handsome man even more so in his gear. With him was another Roman troop. This a young man of maybe 20 or so. he was introduced as Kirk. he would be dick's mate for the month and also a teacher to help us all adjust to the life of a Roman troop. Kirk had the blondest hair I ever seen on a man and was so handsome, His legs were so perfectly formed. i found myself wishing I had gotten tosee kirk and Edwrds Nude.

The rest of the day was spent learning our gear and how to live here. the meals would be as they were in Rome of that day and bought out to us. We would need to gather wood and water from nearby to run the camp. we would be asigned to guard the camp 24 hours a day. do workouts each morning. we would drink only water milk and wine. we would have no showers or baths rather wash ourselves in the pond on the property. we would use the open latrin outside the camp. We wopuld be given classes on the use of our spears. as well as hand to hand combat a la Rome.

We had done a lot that day and then at 5 Pm I was talking to Dick and Kirk out side the command tent which was large enough to hold 6 men in it and was shared by the two leaders. Eric came up to us and told us that he ws done his asigned duties for the day. Dick said "You seem to keep holding on to your waiest, You having a problem?

Eric said " Yea it's the loin cloth feels like it is ready to fall off on me"

Kirk said ' come into the tent eith me and i'll check it out" Kirk looked at me and said you come along Kevin he is your mate after all"

The three of us entered the tent. we followed Kirks lead taking off the helmuts and Kirk knelt down in front of Eric and had his skirt pulled up and was taking off the man's white cloth from around him. the view of this handsome stud in roman gear knelling there had my own dick so hard. I saw that Eric had a half hard on when the cloth was removed and Kirk said " Looks like you like this attention Eric"

Eric smiled at me and just said "Well to be honest Sir it is kind of a turn on sir"

Tomy surprise kirk took Eric's growing cock in his hand and then his balls in his other hand and was giving him a hand job. Eric was closing his eyes and now pumping his big 8 incher into Kirk's hand. Then Kirk leaned down and he was taking the wide cock head of Eric's into his mouth. Kirk was bobbing up and down his blonde hair moving so fast as he sucked on Eric's meat. Eric was now holding Kirk's head as kirk gave him a blow job there in front of me. Then I saw Eric's face tighten up and he said "Oh easy there kirk Your finger is so thick man, easy" My God Kirk was fucking a finger up into Eric's hole and Eric was allowing him to do it and letting him do it. My cock was so hard I wanted to join in but didn't know what to do so I just stood there transfixed by it all.

Kirk came off Eric but stayed on his knees he turned to me and said " Would you like me to adjust your loin cloth Kevin?

I stepped up to him lifted my skirt and He was pulling down my cloth and then sucking my hard cock into his mouth. so wet so soft and hot I was pumping into his wet hot mouth. Kirks hands were going up and down my hairy legs as he blew my hard meat. his hands on my bare balls felt so really hot. Then I opend my eyes when I felt the back of my skirt being pulled up. It was Eric he had come behind me and was now feeling my bare ass in his hands. Kirk let out a moan and kept sucking in my hard cock. thenEric had his cock pressed along the crack of my hole and his arms around my chest as he was humping his fat dick against me. I loved it all and wanted it all i was pushing back against Eric's hard big cock then deeper into Kirks hot mouth. The flap of the tent flew open and in walked dick. he stood there and smiled at the whole thing then to my delight he pulled up his own skirt and he had no loin cloth on. he came to me and i took hold of his fat bare cock and made sure to get a good feel of his big balls. It was all too much and i couldn't hold back any more I was craming into Kirk's handsome mouth and he was taking me load after load down his throat. Eric behind me was really turned on and pumping faster against my bare ass with his fat meat then I felt his creaming his load on my bare ass crack. Dick was now beating his own meat and soon he was shooting his thick cream and had it pointed to shoot into my pubic hair bush filling my bush with his load, strig by string of cum shot onto my bush wetting it all up.

Kirk stood up with a grin on his face and said " Men from now on I think we can do away with the loin cloths. Go au natural?

I was out of brath and nodded. Eric came around and took me in his arms and we kissed. our armored breast plates touching. The feel of Eric's arm pits sweaty from his humping me really turned me on. I took his ass in my own hands under his skirt and they were so round and firm and I would be sleeping with them soon.

Dick had fixed up his uniform and had his helmut back on He looked at me sternly and said. Ishould punish you for doing my mate here in my own tent with me just out side?

I looked at him totally surprised I said " I am sorry Sir but it was your Mate here who started this all"

Dick His eyes growing large said " I want you both to kneel and lick my bare foot, that is your punishment"

I looked at Eric and was about to say "No way dude" but I saw Eric shrug his shoulders and he was kneeling down. i just got down next to him. I was at dick left foot Eric at his right. i held his foot and I had to admit dick had a strong manly bare foot. I licked the top of his foot then around the angle and to my own surprise iliked doing it , like the manly foot against my tongue. Now my hand went up his powerul bare hairy legs as i was licking his bare feet. up to the top of his legs then I brushed against his bare sweaty balls. Eric was soing the same. Then dick called out " " enough men, it's time to check on the troops before dinner." we got up and fixed our uniforms and before we walked out of the tent Dick put his arm on both our shoulders and said " Look this is your first night together so I want you two to get to know each other tonight and tomorrow you both be kirk's and mine guess after dinner for some wine and fun

we both agreed and Kirk said he would have something for us before we left. then he handed us a large tube of KY and said to keep it from being seen by the others. Eric smiled at me and shrugged his shoulders again. He put it in the pocket of his cape.

the men were called to line up and Dick was inspecting them follwed by myself and then bob the other co-captain. he addressed them saying. " You willnow have your first meal in the field enjoy men and the wine will be flowing. If any of you would rather not wear the loin cloths you are welcome to not use them" he pulled up his own skirt to show that he did not have one on and asked me to show mine , which I gladly did. The second Dick dismissed the men nearly allwere taking off the loin cloth right there in the camp.

more to come

Next: Chapter 2

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