When Harry Meets Brian

By Juston Drew McCance

Published on Dec 18, 2004




If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys and the characters from Harry Potter, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.


Hey guys and gals;

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of WHEN HARRY MET BRIAN. Well, this is a story that involves the Backstreet Boys and the characters from Harry Potter. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them!

But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of WHEN HARRY MET BRIAN. Contact me at McCance1@hotmail.com

Thanks a lot,


_______________________________________________________________ Previously in When Harry Met Brian:

Brian sat there watching Harry trying to gage his reaction from what he just said. He was getting to the point of being really scared out of his wits, that Harry wasn't gay that he was straight. He looked at Harry as he was about to say something, and from the look on his face he thought that he should prepare for the worst. Considering that him and Harry where going to be sharing his bed for the night.

"Brian, I think that you being gay is something that I should not have to worry about, cause I think that it is pretty cool. Anyways Brian I am going to head down to help Molly finish getting dinner on the table, and so that you can get a shower and get ready for dinner."

As Harry turned to leave to bedroom, he was smiling from ear to ear, he was going to give Brian the surprise of a lifetime tonight while they were in bed together. He could hear the shower running and he knew that Brian was in, getting cleaned up; when he reasched the bottom of the stairs the table was completely set for everyone that was going to be at the Borrow for dinner.

When Molly saw Harry, she noticed that there was something different about him. She knew that it must have been something to do with the Brian guy that showed up from the University to help Harry move his stuff to the campus.

_________________________________________________________________________ Now the Continuation of When Harry Met Brian:

Brian's Point of View:

After having a nice freshing hot shower and getting dressed for dinner here at the Burrow, I began to realize that I was having feeling for Harry Potter. During the whole time that I was in the shower I could not stop thinking about him and his wonderful physique that seemed to match his personality. As I walked into the living room, I was met by nine other pairs of eyes who seemed tohave stopped talking as soon as they caught sight of me.

"Hello everyone..."

"Hi, you must be Brian, from Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardary in the United States? Well it is nice to meet you Brian; my name is Ron Weasley, this is my father Arthur, my brothers Fred, Greoge, Percy, Bill, and Charlie and this is my little sister Ginny and last but not least this wonderful looking creature is my fiance Hermonie Granger."

"So, Brian tell us what it is like to attend a University for Wizards and Witchs that wish to further there education?"

"Well Mr. Weasley it is like going to a regular University but there is more to do, and like other Muggle Colleges or Universities there are the sports teams, and then you have the various houses like the wizarding world but instead of being sorted into there houses like we are; they asked to be placed into these houses."

"So what house are you with at Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardary, and what are the other houses that you can be placed in at Grove?"

"Well the Houses are Unicorn, Sphinx, Psyden, Lerumdor, Delta PI Cleo, and finally Alpha Omega Leo. They are the houses that any student could be placed when they arrive during the frosh week activities."

"Cool, so what are you studying while you are there?"

"Well my Major is History of Magic, and I also plan on teaching, young witchs and wizards I am only in my second year at Grove so I have a few yrs left in my particular field. I am hoping to be done at the sametime as Harry, cause he'll be done in four years. And so will I because my area is a five year study in Charms."

"That seems a great field to work in Brian."

"It is Charlie, to tell you all the truth I can hardly wait until I get a chance to intern at a school so that I have the opportunity to pass on what I have learned."

Meanwhile at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:

Dumbledore's Point of View:

"Minevera we have a serious problem on out hands?"

"And what would that be Albus?"

"Well first we have to deal with the fact that we need to find two new teachers that can take over the positions of Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts Professors, effectively immediately. Can you think of anyone?"

"Actually Albus, I know of two young men who are more than qualified to take those positions. One is from America by the name of Brian Thomas Littrel and the other is Harry Potter, they are both at the Weasley's Burrow at this very moment preparing to leave in the morning for a place called Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"Who do u think would be the best in these positons, Minerva?"

"Well if I was to choose it would have to be Mister Littrel for Charms and Potter for Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Would you like to accompany me to the Weasley Homestead so that we may inform them or would do you think we should send an owl?"

"Let's go to the Burrow and ask them inperson, this way we can talk with Professor Johnny Wright, the Head of Admissions for Grove University."

Professors Minerva McGonagall and Albus Dumbledore approached the fireplace and each took a handful or suot Minerva went first saying Weasley Burrow and poof and huge flame of green smoke engulfed her and then she was gone, and then Albus Dumbledor did the same and the very samething happened to him. _______________________________________________________________________ Meanwhile back at the Weasley Family Home (A.K.A ~ The Burrow)

Everyone was sitting there talking about various things when they were startled by a huge green flame that surrounded the ever-so-beautiful Professor Minerva McGonagall and the five seconds behind her was Professor Albus Dumbledore. Everyone was very much surpiresed to see both of them at this time of night and for them both to be here it must be important.

"Good Evening everyone, sorry for the disruption of your evening but Minerva and I were wondering if we could have a word with Harry and Brian in private; if that is ok with both of you Molly and Arthur."

"No problem Albus, you and Minerva can take as long as you want. Alright you lot everyone outside at once, so that we can let these four have some privacy. Nobody made a move in the slightest to leave the Burrow in way shape or form, cause they all wanted to hear what was going to be said in the conversation. It was then that Molly voice boomed through out the Burrow bring everyone out of there stuper and getting them up and out of the way."

"Actually could you stay Arthur considering you are the Minster for Magic now and you may stay as well Molly so we can have your input on this matter."

"Certainly Dumbledore, would you and Minerva like a hot cup of tea and some cookies by any chance?" "Thank you Molly that would be appreciated very much by us both."

"Arthur as you very know our Charms, Professor Flintwick retired at the end of last year not to mention that we are still in great need of a Defence Against the Dark Arts Prfessor. We came up with the idea of giving or even filling both of these positions to Brian and Harry on a full time premeant basis. If that is ok with you and of course both of you Harry and Brian. If you both wish to take these posts you need to get in contact with Professor Wright over at Grove University and let him that neither of you will be attending there school. I of course will be here to talk to him if the need arises."

Harry and Brian looked over at Arthur who seemed to be in great thought about the idea of having two very young professors at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. One of them has the most experienced in the field of Defence Against the Dark Arts and the other is experienced in Charms, after thinking about the idea for a few minutes he looked at both Harry and Brian wondering what they thought about this idea of them becoming professors this early and they are not even finished Wizarding University yet.

"Well boys, what do you think of this idea? I mean you Harry are the best in the Defence Against the Dark Arts and well you Brian from what you have told us you are the best at Charms?

"I believe that you have yourself two new professors Albus. And when would you like for us to be at the school to get our lessons ready for this years students and those that are returning to Hogwart's."

"Actaully Harry it will not be me you are going to be reporting to when you arrive at the school, it is going to be Minerva, as she is going to be the new Headmistress of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry starting this year. I am retiring as well."

"Ok, well Albus you are going to be missed at the school. Are you taking up any other positions like maybe one in the Ministry of Magic?"

"That I am not sure of as of yet Harry, I may just well do that."

"To answer your's and Brian's question Mr. Potter, unfortunately you both are going to be required to be at Hogwart's effectivel immiediately starting tomorrow. You both can go into Diagon Alley so that you both may get something more appropriate for dress attire while you are teaching at the school. I believe that Mrs. Finch at the Tailor's will help you to get whatever you are going to need in the range of clothes and as far as the teachers guides go for both courses you can get them at Flourish and Botts. You both will not need to worry about lodgings because you both are going to be lodging at the school."

"Very well Professor, now what about my things in the US, how are they going to get here?"

"Ahhh, yes well I'm glad that you asked that Brian, because we are going to contact Professor Wright at Grove Univesity and let him know what has transpired here over the last thirty minutes. And also ask him to send over your things by Dragon Express and it should be at the school no later than tomorrow afternoon."

"I guess then we should get ahold of Professor Wright, then shall we; Professors McGonagall and Dumbledore looked towards the fireplace and waited until the face of one Professor JohnnyWright came into view."

"Hello, may I help you?"

"Yes, you are Professor, it is us Harry Potter and Brian Littrel, we are calling you to inform you of a major change to which just occurred less than two hours ago."

"Oh, and what would that be Mister Littrel?"

"The fact that Harry and myself have been offered positions to teach at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I will be teaching Charms and Harry will be teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"I see and when did this come into effect and who gave you both those jobs?"

"I beleive this is where myself and Professor Minerva Mcgonagall come into play Professor, we offered the boys the positions and they are to start tomorrow. Another thing could you possibly send over Brian's things by Dragon Express Mail, address it to Howart's School and it will arrive here in one peice."

"That can be done tonite and it will sent off immedately to your location. And good luck to both of you boys."

"Thank you Professor Wright, and we'll keep in touch and again we are very sorry that we will not be attending Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

"It is prefectly alright Brian, I am glad that you and Harry both were able to get jobs especially in your fields of study after all both of them are tedious work, but I am pretty sure that with the two of you teaching at a school such as Hogwart's your students will be able to learn plently from you and your experiences. I wish you both the best of luck, and yes I would like it if you both would keep in touch with me, Good Night to you all."

Harry and I just looked at Molly and Arthur Weasley and Manerva and Albus to see what there reactions where and much Harry's surprise they were very happy. If I was to guess, I would have to say that Molly and Arthur treat Harry very much like a son and big part of their family. When the meeting was completed Molly let everyone else back into the house, and immediately they began to ask Harry and I what had happened, we looked over at Manerva, Albus and Arthur to see if it was alright to tell them. "If you both wish to say something to your friends, then you are more then welcome, considering that it is going to be in the Daily Prophet in the morning anyways. So, by the next day it will be common knowledge in the entire wizarding world that Hogwarts has two new professors on its staff."

Harry and I looked at each other and then at our friends, we knew that they would not let up until they found out what the meeting was all about. Everyone knew that Harry and I had some really great news and they were very anxious to hear what we both had to say. We waited for everyone to have a seat before we started to speak, Minerva and Albus stayed to hear the reaction of everyone of the Weasley children including Miss Hermione Granger.

"If you are all ready to hear what happened in the meeting then I guess either way you are going to find out what was said in here. So I guess that we should tell you all before you all go completely nuts with excitment."

"Quit stalling and tell us already!"

"Ok, we are going to get the point, Ron. What would you all say to having Brian and I stay right here in England permeantly?"

"I 'd have to say what about you both attending Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States?"

"Well everyone that is what the meeting was about, you see Harry and I have been appointed to become Professors at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, starting effective immediately. Because we both have experience in Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, we have been hired to fillful these posts with Harry's knowledge of DADA and my knowledge of Charms."

The look on everyones face was priceless, after a few minutes they were jumping up and down like there was no tomorrow hugging us and congradulating the two of us like we had just been named Kings of the World. Harry excused ourselves considering the fact that we both had to be up in the morning to go in Diagon Alley so that we can get everything that we were going to need to begin our new lives as Professors at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Once we reached our bedroom, we closed the bedroom door, and I was surprised to see when Harry's lips came crashing on to mine, we stayed that way for quite sometime before Harry pulled apart, I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but pure and honset love and even devotion, I also saw that there was love in his gorgous green eyes; I pulled him into another kiss and this one I put so much love and devotation into it that he was breathless when I pulled away from him. I pulled Harry over to the double bed and began to undress him as I kissed him with so much love and passion that I could muster, and he returned the favour to me by undressing me, I layed him down on the bed and got in and covered us both up with the blankets; once our heads hit the pillows we were both asleep and very content to be held by the other. _______________________________________________________________________ WHEN HARRY MET BRIAN ~ Chapter Three:


If you are under 18 or not of legal age in your country, please don't read on. If you couldn't accept themes in the likes of homosexuality, please don't read on. This is a story concerning gay males having intimate relationships and is considered FOR ADULTS ONLY due to its sexual theme and contents. BUT if you really like this stuff, please don't tell others.

Everything in this story is purely FICTIONAL. Or it's not true!!!! Even if this story involved Backstreet Boys and the characters from Harry Potter, all that happens here is fictional. Again, it's not true. I don't know anything about their sexuality, if they're gay (but I do have my speculations) or not but I wrote this of freedom of speech and my love for these guys. AGAIN, it's NOT TRUE!!! But don't we all hope that it's at least true. Hehehehe.


Hey guys and gals;

Hi everyone! This is the first chapter of WHEN HARRY MET BRIAN. Well, this is a story that involves the Backstreet Boys and the characters from Harry Potter. I hope that you like this first installment.

A bunch of apologies for the typographical and grammatical errors found. I finally realized that I hate prepositions I'm having a hard time using them!

But, I would like to hear some feed back or even suggestions as to what you think or even what you would like to see in the next chapter of WHEN HARRY MET BRIAN. Contact me at McCance1@hotmail.com

Thanks a lot,


_______________________________________________________________ Previously in When Harry Met Brian:

"I 'd have to say what about you both attending Grove University of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States?"

"Well everyone that is what the meeting was about, you see Harry and I have been appointed to become Professors at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, starting effective immediately. Because we both have experience in Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts, we have been hired to fillful these posts with Harry's knowledge of DADA and my knowledge of Charms."

The look on everyones face was priceless, after a few minutes they were jumping up and down like there was no tomorrow hugging us and congradulating the two of us like we had just been named Kings of the World. Harry excused ourselves considering the fact that we both had to be up in the morning to go in Diagon Alley so that we can get everything that we were going to need to begin our new lives as Professors at Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Once we reached our bedroom, we closed the bedroom door, and I was surprised to see when Harry's lips came crashing on to mine, we stayed that way for quite sometime before Harry pulled apart, I looked into his eyes and saw nothing but pure and honset love and even devotion, I also saw that there was love in his gorgous green eyes; I pulled him into another kiss and this one I put so much love and devotation into it that he was breathless when I pulled away from him. I pulled Harry over to the double bed and began to undress him as I kissed him with so much love and passion that I could muster, and he returned the favour to me by undressing me, I layed him down on the bed and got in and covered us both up with the blankets; once our heads hit the pillows we were both asleep and very content to be held by the other. ________________________________________________________________________

Now the Continuation of When Harry Met Brian:

Harry's Point of View:

It was around 8:30 am whenI woke up and realized that I was wrapped up in Brian's arms with my head resting on Brian's musclar chest. I layed there and watched as it rose and up and down, it was only a few minutes before I heard him say something to me. "Are you going to lay there or are you going to get up so that we can get showered and dressed so that we can head into Diagon Alley so that we can get what we are going to need to begin our new careers as Professors at Hogwart's."

Just the thought of Brian and I teaching at my old school and the very place that I called home for so many year's, was something that I was looking forward to, and showing him where I use to hang out and even to show him Griffindor Tower and the old common room and my old quarters was getting me all excited. I also could not wait until I was able to get him to Diagon Alley so that we can shop for the supplies that we were going to need to in to teacher at Hogwarts.

We both got out of bed, after getting separate showers which we thought would have been a great idea considering the fact that we did not want no one knowing that we were begging to date each other only after meeting just yesterday. After having good home cooked breakfast, Brian and I got ourselves ready to head into London and the Leaky Caldron so that they could get into Diagon Alley. We would have taken the floo, but instead we apparated into Leaky Caldron , this itself did not take once we were in the Leaky Caldron, Tom the bar owner greeted Brian and I. We left and went out the back into the alley way and I touched the five bricks and the wall began to split apart and formed the doorway into Diagon Alley, I pulled Brian through and we began our journey through to Gringotts Bank, so that we both could get some money out.

Once we both enough money to pay for everything that we were going to need to start our new careers off on the right foot, especially with the Brian, teaching Charms and me teaching Defence Against the Dark Arts. We made our way to the Tailor's just to see what Mrs. Finch had in the way of new line of clothing for Professors. When we walked into Mrs. Finch's store, she was so very happy to see me again back in her store. I introduced her to Brian and informed her that we were taking the positions at Hogwarts and that we needed new clothes to teach in, she was very surprised to hear this news and took us out back to the newline of Professors clothes that just came in yesterday, she took our sizes and got us to try some things on. She was very happy to serve us both and once we had made our decision on ten different sets of clothes for each of us she was very shocked when we paied for them right then and there.

We left here store and made our next stop to be Flourish and Botts for our instructors books and some parchment, ink and quills. Once everything was paid for we contacted Manerva and we told her that we were going to need some help in getting this stuff to the school; she came along with Madame Hooche and they both helped Brian and I carry everything by floo back to the school. Once we were all back at the school I sent one of the school's barn owls back to the Burrow to let Molly know that we were both there and safe and sound and also to let here know that she could get my stuff sent over to the school, I was actually surprised when it arrived about half an hour later with Hedwig, Hermes, Errol, Pig, and Brian's Owl "Edge" and the School's Barn Owl they were six very tired looking owl's and deserved a nice rest. Once they all landed just a few feet in front of me, Hedwig was very happy to see me, she gave me a very affectate nipe and flew off up to the owlery, along with the other owls.

Manervea showed us to the suite that we would be sharing while we would be teaching, we walked for what seemed to be forever but it was only thirty minutes. When we stopped she turned to us and also pulled out a piece of parchment, and at the sametime she said the password for the doorway that woul dlet us in and even her. The was an easy one, one in which would be not one to forget that was for sure "Gryffindor"; as the wall swung open sh escourted us into the sitting area where there was a huge fireplace, a couch a couple of armchairs, floor rugs, a dinning table, one door that led into the bathroom where there were two sinks, a huge bathtube, a shower and then there was the bedroom that had a king size bed, and a couch, a loveseat and a couple more armchairs and some coffietables lamps and another table in the bedroom. The one thing that I guess that both Brian and myself both took noticed of was that all of the colors in the room were that of my old house Gryffindor.

"Professor are you trying to tell us that we are both going to be looking after Gryffindor House, as in Co-Heads for Gryffindor House?"

"That is exactly what I am trying to say Mr.Potter. I hope that this is alright with you and Brian considering that this matter was not decided upon until just three hours ago. Madame Hooche, Professor Dumbledore, Servus, Sprout, Hagrid, Madame Pompfery all agree the two of you would make great heads of House so you are both title bears of Deputy-Heads for Gryffindor House and there is also something else but, I would like it if I could have a word with you Harry while Brian gets settled in?" I looked over at Brian and he gave me a nod saying that he would be fine and that I could go with Manerva.

We walked outside and down into the court yard, we sat on one of the benches; it was then that Manerva made her move; "Harry, if you are wondering why I asked you to come out and talk with me this is the reason as to why, I would also like to give you the opportunity of being the Deputy-Head Master of Hogwart's?"

"Excuse me! Deputy Head Master, but I thought that Hooche, or Sprout or even Severus would have taken the position?" "Because none of them want to have the extra responsiblity on top of what they are already doing for classes. And another reason that I am askin gyou is because of the fact that you and you alone have shown that you can be trusted with alot of responsiblity and you can get the job done even if you are over tasked with things to do. So will you take the position?" "I guess since you put it that way, I guess that you have yourself a Deputy-Head Master."

I walked back to the suite and as soon as I walked into the room and the panel closed behind me, my lips were being assaluted by Brian's own lips and we continued to kiss as we walked over to the couch in front of the fireplace. Brian laid me on the couch and began to undress me as he ground his cock into mine. I let out a moan showing that I was enjoying what he was doing to me and I knew what it was doing to him, I could feel his erection on my leg. I felt Brian reach down between us and pull at the bottom of my tshirt that I had on and pull it over my head. At the same time I reached around for his and pulled his up over his head and through it over to wear he had mine, I then made a move for his jeans but he stopped me just short of the button and pulled me to my feet and picked me up and carried me into the bedroom, where he had me necked within minutes of us entering the room, and he was just as necked as I was. We made love for the first time since, our first meeting back at the Burrow; it was also at that time that I wanted to have Brian in my life more now than ever.

After a quick nap after Brian and I had explored each others bodies, we got dressed and began to prepare our lessons for our classes and that also meant that we would be needing a syllobus for each year that we were to be teaching. I remembered most of the lessons that I was tought when I was here so I was able to help Brian out by setting up his lesson plan and his syllbus along with making sure that mine was also set up. I decied that I was going to have to tell Brian about the other opportunity I was given by Manerva and the fact that I took it.

"Brian, I was offered another position along with this one?"

"Oh, yeah what was that, sweetie?"

"She offered me the position of being the Deputy-Head Master of the School along with the title of Co-Head of Gryffindor House with you baby."

"Harry that is great baby, you are going to make a wonderful Deputy-Head Master of Hogwarts!"

"Yeah I know, the only difference is Manerva said that there was someone arriving today that would to be taking the position of Professor for Transfiguration. She said that they are arriving by floo network I dont even know who it is; she said that I would be surprised when I see them, because it was someone that I went to school with, but I have no idea as to whom it could be."

Just then a green flash brought them both out of there thoughts as they both looked towards the fireplace in the Great Hall and once the smoke had cleared, Harry was suprised that it was Hermonie Granger stepping out of it with Ron in tow both of them carrying her trunk and or Crookshanks, her ginger cat; who seemed at the moment to be scared out it mind with pure fright. She looked over towards Harry and Brian as they got up and made her way towards them followed closely behind by Ron carrying Crookshanks. When Ron and Hermonie got to wear Harry and Brian were she grabbed them both and pulled them into a hug which made them both blush beyond belief.

"Harry and Brian it is so good to see you both again, as you both can probably figure out I am the one taking the positon as the Transfiguration Professor as my permeant position."

"We were just wondering who it was Manerva was referring to all this time! But, I guess in all ccongradulations are in order." "Oh, by the way Hermonie! You and Ron are looking at the Co-Heads Of Gryffindor House and the new Deputy-Head Master of Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardary."

"What do you both mean that you have been named the Co-Heads Of Gryffindor House and which one of you is the new Deputy-Head Master?" asked both Ron and Hermonie whom had questionable looks on there faces.

"What we mean is that shortly after Brian and I arrived here, Manerva spoked to us both and offered us the position of Co-Heads of Gryffindor and then after we had finished that conversation, she dismissed Brian and that she had something else that she wanted to talk with me about and that was when she offered me the position of Deputy-Head Master."

"That is so great Harry and Brian, congradulations to you both on your most recent appointments, because I know that you both are going to do wonderfully with these titles on top of that you are also going to be teaching in the fields that you both well known for." With that Harry and I showed Hermonie were she would be staying and then left her to get settled in well Ron left to go back to the Burrow considering that it was the weekend and that he was an Auror. And I also had a funny feeling that he was also going to mention everything to everyone of the Weasley Clan, who were very much like my own family. We said good-bye to Ron as he took the Floo-network back to the Burrow. A few minutes later as Harry and I were sitting in our flat talking with Professor McGonagall, when there was a knock at the door an in entered Hermonie wearing a smile on her face that looked like it could not be removed.

After talking for a few little while longer, we thought that it would be a good idea to hold a staff meeting here in mine and Harry's Flat, we thought that we should discuss what was going to done this year and what not. A few minutes later everyone was in the flat and was sitting around the room next to the fire place, we found out during the meeting that we were going to be having a few new people join the staff as Assistants in the subjects of Care of Magical Creatures, Potions and Tranfiguration, once we found out when these three Assistants were going to be arriving we made sure that they each had there own flats; the meeting adjourned shortly after that with everyone going to bed.


Email me and let me know what you think? JDMcC

Next: Chapter 3

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