When Fantasy Becomes Reality

By Derhunterboi

Published on May 27, 2018


Disclaimer: This is a fictional piece of writing containing sexual actions between a man (age 28) and a minor (age 13), if you are offended or disturbed by this then please do not read. Additional Warning: This is also a work that takes place in the Star Wars Universe although has no affiliation with Lucas Arts or the franchise. It is purely a work of fiction.

Copyright notice: ALL references to Star Wars and The Expanded Universe system, are copyright George Lucas/Disney and Lucasfilms/arts company. This story holds no affiliation to George Lucas or his Lucasfilms/arts company. If for some reason this disturbs you then please do not read further. Thank you.

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***************************************************************************** When Fantasy Becomes Reality

Chapter Seven: Unexpected Surprises

Opening my eyes after dozing off I awoke to Peters large eyes looking at me in love but with a hint of worry. I wasn't surprised given the ordeal he had just been in and he certainly had questions.

"Go on, what is it?" I asked.

"It's just... Eric what happened? I remember fighting that Sith and I started losing then he was about to kill you and then everything went black..." he sighed, "and what the heck is happening to me? I feel... different."

I laughed, "Peter don't be frightened you've merely awakened your latent force abilities. As for what happened it seems that in your hour of need you called upon those powers and threw everything at the Sith, which in turn caused him to explode. Needless to say I'm quite proud."

He started laughing and had to take a few breaths to regain his composure. He then turned to me, "we have a weird relationship don't we? Most parents would be proud of their kids getting good grades, but you feel proud when I blow up people!" I laughed too, "Well being a Jedi-in-training means that blowing up people is part of your grade. Now we next need--" I was interrupted by my holo going off, odd given that they knew I was supposed to still be unplugged until tomorrow given the nature of this trip. I answered and Master Siralla's face greeted me.

"Master, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Eric, thank god I was able to get through to you. Listen, we have a situation here on Coruscant and need you back immediately. I normally wouldn't ask until you returned but right now you're the only person I can trust. Meet me in my quarters when you land."

"I understand Master, and I assume discretion is key here as well?" I asked.

"Yes, thank you Eric. I will see you soon. May the force be with you."

"And with you Master," right before I ended the call I heard her mutter "and with us all" under her breathe. It must be pretty bad to get Master Siralla so worked up.

"Master Eric, what's going on? She sounded really upset." Peter said.

"Yeah she did, listen Peter whatever happens I need you to make sure you don't leave me side under any circumstances, understood?"

He smirked, "Like I ever would to begin with!"

We soon landed and immediately made our way to the temple. I began sensing an unusual amount of trepidation and fear in the city, the situation must be serious indeed. Soon me and Peter found ourselves outside Master Siralla's door and could hear yelling inside.

Upon entering I was met by Master Siralla and Master Tik arguing loudly about something important evidently.

"--no way you can possibly send him. He has his own responsibilities now and cannot be distracted from that duty!" Master Tik yelled.

"I know that! But we don't have the luxury of choice at the moment and he is the most qualified and best suited for this assignment, I understand your concern but--" I cleared my throat to make my presence known.

Master Tik quickly made his way over, "Eric I tired persuading her but she's persistent. Please try to talk Master Siralla out of this madness."

Master Siralla was obviously not impressed, "How about we start by sitting down and I can explain the situation?"

Once seated Master Siralla looked between me, Peter and Master Tik before finally speaking. "As you know we here in the order are dedicated to kindness, goodness, and peace and must protect the Federation from the interests of the Empire. That being said a situation has arisen with dangerous implications."

"Go on..." I said.

Master Tik interjected, "We've received reports of several communications stations on Coruscant going dark, at first we thought it was just local gangs stirring up trouble but we fear it's gotten worse."

"As you know Eric the Dark Council of the Sith are still very much after you and since your return have been thwarted from doing so due to to your constant movement. As a result we believe they may resort to more drastic measures mainly... invasion."

Peter jumped up, "Invasion! Are you serious?! The Sith are going to invade Coruscant!?"

I gave Peter a sharp look, "Padawan sit down. Let the Masters explain before jumping to conclusions. You may learn something." He blushed sheepishly and sat down.

Giving Peter an irritated look Master Siralla continued, "At this moment we believe invasion is unlikely however these same communication stations have still been receiving and transmitting signals off-world to unknown planets. When I brought this to the attention of the Senate and to the Council they immediately dismissed it as nonsense. Now at first I assumed it was bureaucracy being inept as usual but for the Council to do the same..." She trailed off looking at me expectantly.

"You believe we may have a traitor," I finished. She nodded as Peter looked at me in shocked disbelief.

"But how?" Peter asked.

I turned to him and decided to answer, "Padawan do you recall our visit to the Oracle when I mentioned a certain former Master?" Peter nodded. "Well there are things that we have kept from you out of your own safety, but given this development you should be made aware. First is that this former master was truly dreadful, as Master Tik can attest to, and later would join the Sith order and be elected to the Dark Council. He is the same man who has been hunting me these past years and so it is not unreasonable to assume that he still has connections within the order. Secondly, he is a master manipulator and will likely attempt to in some way contact you to get to me. We need you to be aware and tell us immediately if you feel anything odd. Understand?" He nodded.

I turned to Master Tik and Siralla, "So what's the plan then?"

Master Siralla glanced at Tik before continuing, "At the moment we need you and Peter to investigate these communication stations and see if you can track those signals. Following that we may require you to do a more thorough investigation. Understand that no one is to know of your mission due to its ramifications."

Master Tik grunted, "I don't agree with Master Siralla that we should send you given that you have a new Padawan and that you are the enemies target... but you are the best equipped to handle such a sensitive mission."

"Your disapproval is noted Master," Siralla curtly replied. We all stood to leave and Master Siralla looked me squarely in the eyes, "And Eric please come back to us safely. May the Force be with you both."

"And with you as well," Peter and I replied in unison.

Leaving the room Peter looked up at me, his blue eyes meeting mine. "What do you think Eric?" He asked.

"I think we have a big job to do Peter." I had a bad feeling about this in the pit of my stomach but would rather not worry the boy.

Following the coordinates we soon came across a ramshackle building with graffiti covering it. At one image Peter stopped and pointed asking what it was supposed to be depicting.

I rolled my eyes, "Do you really want to know?" He nodded. I sighed, "It's supposed to be a Besalisk penis..."

"What?! But it has three arms!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah they have that, if you don't believe me look it up. Just don't use my computer, last thing I need are those kinds of ads. Come on let's continue."

We made our way inside the building and came across the servers which definitely were still active. I gestured at them, "Looks like the intel was solid they are definitely still transmitting. Remember to keep your presence concealed I don't want anyone to get suspicious." Together me and Peter began searching the files.

Ten minutes later we hit gold, "Aha! Found it, looks like their transmitting off-world to a station in Hutta. Great... I freaking hate Hutta."

Peter looked at me, You mean we get to go there?" he asked excitedly.

I laughed, "I don't think get to' is the right term it's more like have to' but yes, sadly we will."

Suddenly I felt a blaster pressed against my head, "or will you?" a steely voice asked. I slowly turned only to see two bounty hunters holding blasters straight to me and Peter's heads. `Great, just great' I thought to myself.

One of the bounty hunters gestured his his head, "Alright big shot get moving, he have a speeder waiting outside." Thinking quickly I decided for the time being we had no choice, I was sure if I were alone I could handle it but there was no way I was going to put Peter in potential danger.

As soon as we stepped outside I heard the sound of blaster fire as one of the bounty hunters fell down dead, a hole between his eyes. The second one barely had time to react before he joined his friend.

"What the heck was that?!" Peter exclaimed.

As if on cue a man in his early twenties walked out behind some boxes with two smoking blaster pistols. He wore a smugglers outfit complete with a leather jacket and was both handsome and somehow familiar. He walked towards us with a shit-eating grin on his face.

"Good, hoped I would catch up to you. You know you're a lot harder to find than most right?" Only up close did I recognize the stranger, those piercing eyes and that stupid grin reminded me of someone.

"Dane?! Is that you?!" I asked. Dane was the bratty kid I had saved on Hoth all those years back, now here he was a strapping 19 year-old.

He laughed, "Yeah it's me. Surprised?"

"Yeah last I saw you you were still living with your grandparents on that outpost on Hoth, how are you? What's been going on?" I asked as we hugged.

"Well my grandparents sadly passed away last year and so I joined up with this crew and have been drifting ever since. The whole time I was trying to find you though, I really owe you for what you did back then. Thank you."

I felt myself getting emotional, "No need to thank me I'm just glad I was there to help." Suddenly I sensed a growing attraction near me and realized Peter was totally checking out Dane! Oh I am so going to bust him for this later.

"Dane I want you to meet my Padawan Peter, Peter this is Dane a friend from a few years back when I was a Padawan myself."

"Hi," Peter shyly said as he shook hands I could see his eyes lingering on Danes considerable bulge.

"Hey little guy, listen your Master here is a really good man, do me a favor and look after him okay?" Peter nodded. "Good! Listen, Eric I know you guys are probably on some big important mission but if you ever need a skilled pilot or smuggler don't hesitate to get a hold of me, k?"

"Sure thing Dane I would love to do some catching up," I replied.

"Oh I'm sure we could manage to arrange that," he winked at me "In fact we could catch up many times over."

My mouth dropped, did Dane just hit on me in front of my Padawan?! And why was I so turned on by the idea of it?

"Y-yeah, ss-sure I'll holo you when I get the chance."

"Awesome, well it was good seeing you. Stay out of trouble okay? I don't want to have to save your ass every time," he laughed. I smiled as I watched him walk away.

Peter looked at me, "Did he just flirt with you? What the heck went on between you guys?"

I laughed, "Nothing so don't worry about it." I looked at him and smirked, "Although judging by your thoughts and stares I'd bet you like to get to know him better too wouldn't you?" Peter blushed mortified that he'd been found out.

"Shut up! It'd never happen anyways I'm with you forever so don't forget it!" He shrugged before continuing, "It doesn't hurt to look though right?" We both laughed as we walked back to the temple to report in.

So engrossed in the steamy conversation that we didn't notice the small speeder bike quickly leaving the alley across the street. Things were about to get interesting.


Authors Note: Hey guys, sorry It's been so long since I've published. Life is chaotic and writing had to take a backseat for a year. Hopefully I'm back for now and will try to continue this series if you are interested. Please message me with comments, concerns, ideas and suggestions to derhunterboi@gmail.com. I love hearing from you all and would love some feedback. I even accept nudes ;) jkjk (not really). Let me know how you liked this series or if I should change/add anything to the story. Thanks!

Next: Chapter 8

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