When Charlie's Sleeping

Published on Jan 9, 2007



It was almost hilarious. Each time Tom would come in from his night job, Charlie would be sleeping in different places and weird positions.

On the couch, on the floor, draped over the lazy boy, at the kitchen table, on the kitchen table, under the kitchen table, sitting on a stool by the counter, in the bathtub, sitting on the john and once even just curled up in a ball on the bathroom floor.

Tom would nudge him until he stumbled to his bed in the bedroom they shared.

The next morning he'd say he got drunk, or was just too tired and go off to his morning job before classes.

Both had jobs either before or after classes and it was exhausting. They'd cram in reading and other classwork inbetween classes, and when they could during jobs. It was hard.

Part of what got Tom through each day was the entertainment of Charlie's sleeping habits. And then there was Charlie himself.

Tall, buzz cut, great smile, loved to play soccer on Sunday mornings and wore very little clothing around the apartment.

For a closeted guy like Tom that could be frustrating as hell and at the same time delightful.

Charlie didn't hide his body at all around Tom. Showering, exercising, watching TV or even sleeping he rarely wore more then a jockstrap or jockey shorts. And sometimes he would be totally naked as he slept.

Tom had touched him, felt his smooth skin, this thick thighs, his large round nipples, his rigid male stalk and his hanging sac. He had even been brave enough to kiss certain parts of Charlie's body while he slept.

How he wanted to put the boys entire cock in his mouth sometime and swallow his flesh and the emissions it offered.

But instead he would either put a blanket over nim and let him sleep or help the boy to his feet and guide him to his bed on the other side of the bedroom they shared.

Tom took a clue from Charlie wandering around the apartment naked as much as he dared. He didn't want the boy to see him aroused everytime, though now and then he couldn't hide it. It felt sexy to be naked or wrapped in a towel or a tented pair of boxer shorts.

"Wow man looks like you need some time alone there" Charlie would say seeing the tent. Or "shit man if you don't go take care of that I'm gonna throw you down and call you Susan".

Tom liked the kidding the horseplay and the atmosphere. His orgasms were hard and draining each time. Regardess of what images were in his head, Charlie always joined them.

"Promise" Charlie threated him once about taking time off for a car trip. He had grabbed his cock and balls thorugh his underwear and wouldn't let go.

Tom prolonged the experience as much as he could feeling excited despite the pain of his friends grasp on his ballsac and cock. "Ok OK I promis" he said breathlessly relunctantly knowing Charlie's hand would release him.

"Wow looks like you liked that" Charlie laughed not only seeing Tom's cock hard but a very easily seen wet spot on his shorts.

"Yea well you let me grab you and see what happens to you" Tom said adjusting his cock under his shorts.

"You wish" Charlie said. The wrestling match that followed made Tom even hornier if that was possible. Feeling his bare skin against Charlies, feeling the boy grab his butt, trying to pin him down and eventualyl having him straddle him pinning him down was almost too much to take.

"Now pussy bottom, I think it's time to show you who the man is in this house" Charlie said and tried to grab Toms ankles and push his legs back as if he was going to fuck him. He got the legs back and just swatted Tom's upturned butt withi his hand.

"See? Anytime I want that ass I can take it" he said laughing.

"Anytime" thought Tom "anytime".

It was one of those nights when Charlie was draped over the couch naked asleep. Tom saw him when he came into the apartment and chuckled. Tests were done and only summer was ahead of both of them. They had decided to stay in town and work their jobs that summer.

"We deserve some time to play" Charlie said toasting Tom with a can of beer. "we do" Tom agreed.

His parents objected at first then made him promise to come home for Independance day for a week...and to bring his roommate they had heard so much about.

He chuckled. Even when there were no classes, Charlie collapsed sleeping. The TV wasn't on and there was only two empty beer cans nearby. Tom peeled his shirt off as he reached for them and threw them away.

He took a can for himself and poured it down his upturned head...feeling it chill his body as it flowed down to his stomach.

Taking his jeans off he flicked his crammed balls freeing them. "Ok boys time to breathe" he said to his glands. And as he pulled on his penis Tom looked at Charlie.

It wouldn't be the first time he stood jacking off looking at his naked roommate while he slept. His cock responded hardening at first thought. Tom moved closer never daring to cum on Charlie but thought that would be a funny and hot thing to do.

He could hear Charlie now yelling when he awoke seeing his body encrusted with Tom's cum. He'd probably attack him in bed slugging his arms, belly and trhowing him around like he did when they wrestled.

He might pull Tom out of bed and push him to the floor demanding he apologize or drag him into the bath room and piss all over him showing him how it felt.

Tom was nearly ready to cum when Charlie stirred.

"What hey, you home" he muttered half awake "Guess bed go" he continued. Tom had clenced his body not wanting to shoot.

Charlie's snoring resumed and Tom sat on a chair after retreiving a second beer.

He stroked his half soft cock watching the boy. They had sooccer the next morning in the park to do. Tom loved playing soccer. It wasn't tackle football but somehow the group managed to grapple with each other.

Maybe it as the sight of the bare legs spotted with dirt and mud, the exercise itself or the fact that if it was sunny most of the guys stripped to their waists. Even when there was snow on the ground, if the sun was out they played naked, well nearly naked in Tom's eyes.

Seeing Charlie run down the field always got Tom's gut churning as well. The way his entire body flexed and moved with each effort os his running and kicking. He wished they could play naked. It would be a sight to see all of the guys, tall, short, stocky, slim, mucular or just average put their bodies to the test.

He as hard as hell again needing release. Tom didn't make any sudden decisions, he just moved to Charlie and bent over taking him in his grasp.

Charlie stirred a bit and let himself be brought into an upright position. He moved as he was guided to the bedroom.

Tom had done this so many times before, often as naked and hard as he was now. If Charlie woke enough to see him, Tom didn't know. Actually he had hoped so. but Charlie never said anything other then an occasional "thanks" if they talked about it.

Tom took Charlie into the bedroom. It wasn't a large room, but large enough to have room for two double beds. That mean there was a small space between them. But neither wanted twin beds.

"I toss and turn too much, I'd be on the floor" Tom had said "We could tie two together" Charlies suggested. Despite that thought arousing Tom at the time, he used his Mother's Sears card and purchased two double beds.

Tom negotiated the small space between the two beds and let Charlie fall onto the bed, his bed not Charlie's.

Tom hadn't planned it, he just did it. He was going to lift Charlie again to put him on his own bed but decided instead to fall beside him...he as too tired.

The lamp provided a nice yellow light cast across Charlie's naked body. Tom touched it, following a line from his throat to his penis. The pienis seemed larger then normal, perhaps growing. But Tom assumed that was his imagination.

He turned out the light.

And in the darkness so Charlie wouldn't know who it was, he kissed the boys chest, stomach and crotch. There was no turning back as he licked and sucked in the tube filling his mouth.

In the warm wet recess of Tom's mouth Charlies cock did grow and emit the sperm Tom's tongue urged.

He lay there beside the boy, wondering if he would ever have the guts to do that when he was awake.

"Shit sorry man, guess I just fell where I fell last night" Charlie said as he lay on the bed.

"No brought you in" Tom said not sure if he should hide his morning erection.

"Oh" Charlie said "Looks like we both have moring wood, let's jack off"

It was the first time Charlie had proposed they jack off together.

"Or do you want to blow me again" he laughed.

Tom wasn't sure if he knew about the night before or was making a joke.

"Of I could finally fuck that cute ass of yours"

Tom responded "Which would you prefer?" and laughed pulling on his cock while watching Charlie rub his own cock head.

"Well since I got the blowjob already" he knew Tom thought and wasn't calling him names or demanding I move out.

"And jacking off is so kid stuff" Charlie said reaching into a drawr in the end table.

"I guess it's about time for this" he held a jar of vasoline.

"And beside youknow youwant it"

Tom didn't object as he was turned over. The greasy hand plopped valoline betwen his asscheeks.

He was going to be fucked.

"hey go easy, I never been screwed before" Tom lied of course, He had experimented and thrilled when fucked by strangers and friends. It was how he realized he realyl did like sex with men and was gay.

But he wasn't ready to come out in some big announcement or go to parades or even skulk around bathrooms in the park.

"With a hot ass like that? I doubt it" Charlie said as he lowered himself into position.

The first fuck as harsh but thorough. Charlie seemed to know what he was doing as much as Tom did. But it ended too fast.

The second fuck was in the shower and much hotter, took longer and ended with Tom kneeling and feeling the splash of Charlies sperm all over his face.

The third fuck was after the soccer game. Both boys were horny as hell and barely waited to get back into the apartment before taking each others and their own clothes off.

Enduring or perhaps enhacning the smell of sweat and dirt,they went at each other grabbing slapping, kissing and eventually Tom riding Charlies' cock for what seemed like hours.

Staying dirty, sweaty and naked they drank beer that afternoon. The TV showed some football highlight game which Charlie stared at as if in a trance.

Tom put his beer can down and got on his knees. Charlie didn't acknowledge him except to spread his legs and accept perhaps what he too had fantasized about before.

Tom licked, tongued and sucked the boys cock until it spilled over onto him.

They showered and laughed, playing with each other. Neither mentioned the sex. They lay on Tom's bed exhausted and tired,

But it was the night before.

Tom turned the light out...the fantasy had gotten him through another orgasm. Perhaps he would take the first step, but not yet.

He lay his head on Charlie's chest and closed his eyes hoping for another fantasy whiel Charlie continued to sleep.

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