Wheel of Time

By Kylix

Published on May 22, 2018


Wheel of Time – Enslaved by the A'dam 3 By Kylix

M/M, bdsm, NC, whipping, humil, authoritarian

This is kinda like a fanfiction of The Wheel of Time. No copyright infringement intended. As a work of fiction, names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

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One Power, the Source, Saidin, Saidar – Source of energy which channelers can tap. The Power is drawn from the male and female halves of the Source, Saidin and Saidar respectively. 5 different elements (Air, Water, Earth, Fire, Spirit) can be drawn from the Power, and subsequently woven together to produce tangible effects.

A'dam - a silver collar attached to a bracelet. The collar effectively makes the channeler a slave of the leash-holder.

Damaro / damane – male / female channeler who is enslaved

Marath'damaro / marath'damane – free male / female channeler yet to be enslaved

Morul'dam / sul'dam – male / female leash-holder who controls the damaro

Der'morul'dam / der'sul'dam – senior male / female leash-holder ------------------------------------------------------

Chapter 8

"You need to stop caring about your modesty."

Joran flinched as Halvate rebuked him.

"Sorry master."

Joran quickly wrapped up his business with the chamberpot and tugged his breeches up.

"Forget it, you won't need any clothes today. I am going to teach you an important lesson. Take off everything."

Joran grimaced as he shucked off his loose breeches and stood bare ass naked in front of Halvate.

"Hands away from your crotch!"

The order was accompanied by a sharp sting on his hands. Joran reluctantly moved them aside, revealing his morning wood in all its 11 inch glory.

"It is a nice cock, you do not need to be ashamed of it."

Joran bristled inside. He wasn't ashamed of his tool. In fact he was flaming proud of it. But it was one thing to brag about it in the shared baths, and quite another to parade about naked as the day he was born.

"Come, we will go to the market."

Joran stood stock still, horrified. Market? In Falme?

It had been a week since he was captured, and while Joran had spent the first three days conpletely naked due to Halvate's cloth weapon trick, he had always been inside the training compound, where he certainly wasn't the only damaro or damane being punished without clothes. Since then, he had been allowed the standard damaro tunic and breeches, and being naked again made him feel incredibly humiliated, as though he was just an animal.


There was a warning flash of heat, and Joran immediately jumped forward. He didn't even try to resist any more. All he wanted to do now was to obey.

"Sorry master."

"You say that a lot but your behavior still needs improvement," Halvate scolded. "This lesson will be good for you."

Without further explanation, Halvate led Joran out of the compound.

Joran cringed as people openly gawked at his naked body on display at the center of the market.

Once out of the compound, Joran had begun to attract attention. However it wasn't until they reached the market that the crowd had become literally crushing, bodies pressing against other bodies.

The residents had cleared a way for Halvate, who was in a Seanchan morul'dam uniform, and the two Seanchan guards that had followed them, but even so the stares and whispers had followed Joran like an incessant swarm of bees.

In the middle of the market square, where there was a slightly raised platform, Halvate had commanded Joran to stand with his hands resting on the back of his neck. He had unwillingly obeyed, and then Halvate had shown him a trick with the a'dam that he had thought impossible.

Halvate had set up a slow stroking motion on his dick, and a slight itch in his hole, and then had taken off his bracelet.

Joran had looked at the bracelet in horror.

"Yes, I can make the effects last without wearing it. It's a trick of the a'dam not many can do," Halvate had explained, a smirk on his face. "Keep your eyes open and enjoy."

The bastard had then hung the bracelet on Joran's stiff rod, and promptly disappeared.

Joran sweated as the itch in his hole grew a notch, causing him to clench his spinchter. The slow languorous stroking on his dick only caused it to be harder than ever, and he was dripping slime onto the cobblestones in one long, relentless stream. He cringed as a mother dragged her gawking son away, chastising him about looking at the shameful animal. Joran stifled a groan as the itch ratcheted up another notch.

Blast it, at this rate he was going to have to shove his fingers into his ass to relive that infernal itch. Where was that blasted Halvate?

Joran unwittingly groaned as the itch, having been ignored for so long, grew even more intense. Too late, Joran stifled his groan, but from the looks of disgust from the passers-by, it had evidently been heard as a groan of lust. And who could blame them, with the way Joran's huge, rockhard erection twitched and slimed every few seconds?

Joran flushed in embarrassment as another groan escaped his lips. He was fidgeting more and more now, the itch becoming unbearable.

Blast, he was NOT going to debase himself by sticking his fingers up his arse in full view of what seemed like the entire population of Falme.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, Halvate had appeared again.

By that point, Joran was a heaving, sweating mess from trying to fight the itch. He couldn't see himself, but he looked like a two-bit muscle whore clenching his ass and pumping his hips forward every few seconds as he made low, lustful noises. His rockhard cock was an angry purple, the knob glistening with slime that dripped down continuously.

"Master," Joran heaved with difficulty, his hands clasped tightly behind his neck in a desperate effort to avoid scratching his hole. "Please..."

"Good, you have kept your hands on your neck. However you have been fidgeting unnecessarily." He retrieved the bracelet from Joran's stiff pole, and then clapped it on. "You still need to learn."

Joran gave a muffled yell and buckled his knees as his sensitive cockhead was abruptly engulfed in what seemed like rotating bristles.

"You want to put on a show for our audience here?"

Joran arched his back and bit back a cry as the itch in his hole intensified tenfold. No, Joran gritted his teeth as he clamped his hands tight behind his neck. He was not going to stuff his fingers into his ass.

The itch was suddenly gone, replaced by a light tickling on Joran's sides and sensitive goose eggs.

"Oh blast, ungggh, ahhh...." Joran squirmed, his muscles rippling as he fought to stay still. "Haha- no, no, haha, master...."

"Ungghhh!" Joran's begging abruptly turned into a high pitched shriek as now his entire cock and balls were engulfed in an unbearable itch. He squeezed his hands tight in a desperate attempt to keep his hands where they were, causing his arms to bulge with the effort.

"Continue dancing, Taeru," Halvate taunted. Joran stifled a lustful groan as the itch disappeared and his cock was tossed off rapidly.

"Master, please, mercy!" Joran begged, uncaring that he was doing so in the middle of the thronging market. The stimulation on his privates the entire morning was getting to him, and after a week of chastity, getting his cock tossed off but having the final orgasm denied him was just pure torture.

"No, Joran, no matter how much you beg. That cock is going to stay hard and unsated until I think you deserve release," Halvate said sternly. "Now, dance for me."

Joran gave a stifled scream as now itch exploded inside his cock.

"Seize Saidin."

Joran slowly entered the Void and seized the tumult of power. For a moment everything became sharper, the smells, colors, even the taste of the bile that he had vomited out just now - as well as the acrid tang of blood in the air.

His blood.

"Make a deathgate."

Joran wearily wove a weave of Spirit, Earth and Fire, and watched dispassionately as his small deathgate winked into existence. It shuttered open and closed a few feet back and forth the training yard before dying out completely.

"Release Saidin."

Joran reluctantly obeyed. It was always hard letting go of the Source. However he had learnt long ago to resist its sweet temptation. Joran released Saidin along with the Void, and gasped as all the pain held at bay by the Void came flooding back.

"Too slow!" A thin bullwhip flashed across his naked chest and arms, indiscriminately leaving behind red welts crisscrossing his skin. Some welts had even broken, causing his blood to fly everywhere. Joran suppressed the scream building in his throat. Despite the terrible physical pain, it paled in comparison to what Halvate had already done to him through the a'dam.


Joran welcomed the Void again, relishing in the dulled pain while in the blank, empty mind space. In the Void, with Saidin surrounding him in all its terrible beauty, the marks on his body were nothing but scratches. Joran made another deathgate - this one just a bit smaller due to his fatigue - and watched as it flickered out after a few passes around the courtyard.

"Are you mocking me, Taeru?! Drop your breeches this instant, I think a cock whipping is in order!"

Joran flinched as the bullwhip struck him hard across his back and shoulders. Light, that bullwhip was going to whip the skin off his dick. For a moment Joran thought of disobeying, but a look of warning from Halvate, and Joran reluctantly dropped the idea.

"Hurry up!" Another lash on his abs to encourage him. Joran flinched as a new broken welt appeared across his stomach, but kept resolutely silent. He was not going to give the blasted bastard the satisfaction of hearing him scream. Undoing his drawstrings, Joran stepped out of his loose breeches and kicked them to one side. He wasn't wearing any loincloth, which Halvate had told him was unnecessary for damaro. It made stripping that much faster.

It had been ten days since Joran's capture and submission to Halvate, and by now Joran was inured to the shame of displaying his naked body. As Halvate had told him, damaro and damane were considered animals by Seanchan standards - hardly anyone cared that he was naked. In any case, Joran had already had all semblance of modesty ripped away when he was taken out a few days ago into Falme.

Compared to hours of the sexual torture in full exhibitionistic view of the crowded market with Joran's throbbing cock and lustful groans, mere nakedness was almost a relief.

Joran wondered how it was possible he could have changed that much in the short span of ten days. His old life, his old luxuries and excesses, his old inhibitions, seemed so distant that it was hard to imagine life other than as a damaro.

"Grab that dick and pull it up!"

Joran grudgingly obeyed, a frisson of fear running up his spine. While he had experienced much more than a bullwhip on his dick through the a'dam, none of that had done any actual damage and the phantom pain in his mind had faded after a good night's sleep. With the bullwhip, Joran was afraid that his manhood would break permanently. Would Halvate allow that?

"None of those pleading eyes! Halvate coddles you too much. A bit of blood and pain is what you need to get your channeling up to shape!"

Joran felt a pang of betrayal as Halvate only stared at him impassively. Why was he allowing this brute to mutilate him like that?


Despite his earlier resolve, Joran couldn't help but let out a scream as the tip of the bullwhip connected with his tender dick. Reflexively cupping his groin, Joran dropped to the ground, unable to remain standing as he curled up helplessly around his burning dick.

"Stand up before I string you up by your balls and whip your cock bloody!"

Joran whimpered as he struggled to his feet. His eyes sought out Halvate's, but the ice-blue orbs were devoid of compassion. Joran felt a flash of anger at the cold boy. Why could he allow this bastard to treat him like that? It wasn't as if Joran hadn't tried. He had been channeling for the whole day and was just simply exhausted. Besides, he had never been that strong in Fire to begin with. If he was forced further, there was a real possibility of burning himself out.

"Pull that dick up Taeru!"

Joran screamed as another lash scored his tender dick.

Halvate seethed as he supported Taeru's broken body back to his chambers. Blast that rotting piece of grolm muck! He had heard stories about der'morul'dam Hido's cruelty, but this was the first time he had witnessed it first hand. That blasted bastard had deliberately pushed Taeru to his limits, and then whipped him until he was unable to stand, and then whipped him some more until he had passed out. Halvate sent another wave of strength through the a'dam, worried about his Taeru's half-dazed stumbling gait.

His Taeru? Since when had he started thinking of the big muscular damaro as his? It was dangerous thinking, as all damaro belonged to the Empress, may she live forever.

Taeru stumbled again, nearly depositing all of his weight onto the smaller Halvate. Halvate gritted his teeth in anger again. Damn that blasted Hido!

Unfortunately there was nothing he could do about it. Hido was a der'morul'dam, and Halvate had to obey no matter how much he disagreed with the training method.

When they reached his chambers, Halvate gently deposited the half-conscious Taeru on his bed, uncaring of the blood that immediately soaked his sheets. He wiped Taeru's sweat-drenched brow, alarmed when he felt heat emanating from Taeru's pale face.

Blast, his damaro had a fever. Halvate clenched his fists again in anger. This was why the a'dam was preferable to real physical punishment. There was no risk of infection, and with the phantom pain of the a'dam Halvate could easily relieve it. With real cuts, real blood, and a real fever, there was nothing Halvate could do.

Halvate tucked his blanket around Taeru's welted body and made to stand up. He was stopped short by Taeru's hand on his tunic.

"Master... why?" Taeru groaned weakly, as though in a feverish daze. "Haven't I been good? Why have you destroyed my cock?"

The soft pleading words broke Halvate's heart. He gently pried away Taeru's grip and sent a wave of strength through the a'dam.

"I'm so sorry, Taeru, I will get you Healed and things will be alright again," Halvate whispered softly, almost to himself. Tucking Taeru's hand back into his blanket, Halvate went in search of the Healing damaro.

Joran awoke to a warm weight snuggled inside his arms. Opening his sleep-crusted eyes blearily, Joran thought for a moment that he was mistaken, for it looked distinctly like Halvate, his captor and master. Wiping the sleep away from his eyes, Joran blinked and stared at the boy he had been cuddling in his sleep.

It was Halvate.

It was the first time since his first night of capture that Halvate had shared his bed. Joran blinked again, and then realized that it wasn't even his pallet.

He was in Halvate's bed, cuddling his master like a lover. Abruptly, he was aware of his own nakedness, and a hot rigid pole crossing swords with his own morning erection.

Joran flushed a deep red. Immediately he tried to disentangle himself from the cuddle, which only caused Halvate to awaken.

"Had a good rest, Taeru?" Halvate rumbled in his silky baritone as he rubbed his eyes. For a moment Joran glimpsed the human boy underneath the cool exterior Halvate exuded, before his usual cold mask of impassivity slid into place. Joran wondered if he had imagined it.

"Good, it seems that you are refreshed and strong again," Halvate murmured as he concentrated. Of course, Halvate was reading his emotions and feelings through the a'dam.

"Do you remember much of what happened yesterday?" Halvate asked.

Joran thought back to the day before, abruptly remembering the whipping he had suffered under the der'morul'dam. Immediately Joran checked his body, amazed to see only thin, silvery, barely visible scars crisscrossed over his body. His dick was back to normal once more, no longer whipped into a bloody mess. The only evidence of the whipping were the lines of dried blood on Halvate's bed.

"You got me Healed?" Joran asked in surprise, a little touched. "Thank you master."

"You had a fever and the bleeding from your manhood would not stop," Halvate said matter of factly. "I had Taro Heal you, although it is imperfect and left behind scars."

That doesn't explain why I am in your bed, Joran thought, but decided not to press the issue. He thought he had the measure of his young captor now. The cold facade was really just a mask. Deep down inside was a tender boy who truly cared for Joran. Sure he could be a sadistic little bastard sometimes, but never without reason, and never to the point of unconsciousness.

Joran felt a burst of affection for the stern boy-master in front of him. It was strange, a few days ago he was raging against him, now Joran just wanted to hug him and feel his approval.

"You may hug me," Halvate said, a quirked eyebrow the only expression on his face. "The multiplied comfort for you through the a'dam would be beneficial to your recovery."

What a convoluted way to agree to cuddle, Joran thought, smiling inwardly. "Thank you, master," Joran said as he gingerly gathered the muscular and lithe boy in his arms. Halvate shifted closer, pressing the whole length of his naked body against Joran's, his head resting on Joran's bicep. They were close, almost breathing each other's breath. Joran adjusted his position to fit Halvate's, and stiffened as his 11 inch erection stabbed into his master's modest 7 incher. Before it could become awkward though, Joran felt a wave of relaxation through the a'dam.

"Just relax, run your hands across my back like this."

Halvate demonstrated, running his hands down Joran's broad, muscular back to cup his butt, kneading the tense muscles along the way. Joran sighed in pleasure as Halvate stroked his skin. Light, it felt good.

"Try it on me."

Joran hesitantly explored Halvate's supple back with his hands. Now that he was so close to Halvate, he could see that his boy-master's golden yellow skin was also riddled with hair-thin, pale scars which looked suspiciously like his own. Joran though was prevented from further investigation by his own reaction.

"Oh, Light, unggh!" Joran moaned unwittingly as the simple pleasure of stroking was returned tenfold to his body through the a'dam. He cupped the back of Halvate's neck and kneaded, letting out a loud moan as soothing pleasure exploded across his own neck.

"Aaah, Light- what, why are you laughing?" Joran asked mid-moan when he caught Halvate chuckling amusedly.

"You look funny moaning like that," Halvate replied seriously. "Beautiful, but funny." He ran a finger along Joran's jaw, continuing down to Joran's muscled pecs.

"You know, in Seandar, if you test successful as a potential morul'dam, you are given the choice to be damaro or morul'dam," Halvate confided.

Joran's eyebrows rose. That he did not know. Fifty years after the Last Battle and he had thought the Seanchan were still vigorously denying that morul'dam and sul'dam could channel.

"They put a collar on you and ask you to knead the muscles of the morul'dam. You then wear the bracelet and try to make the damaro feel what you just felt. Then you are to make your choice to become damaro or morul'dam."

Halvate grinned. "Most choose to become damaro after that. The message is subtle but effective - damaros lead a life of pleasure as long as they obey. Of course, the much longer life and the fact that you are taken care of are also bonuses. Some morul'dam also choose to become damaro after a while, especially when they start to get on in years."

"Are there many more damaro than morul'dam?" Joran asked, curious, shivering in delight as his strokes on Halvate's skin were returned to him tenfold.

Halvate sighed. "Yes. Each year we have fewer and fewer who want to be morul'dam. One day Seandar will have no more morul'dam and no more sul'dam."

"And you master?"

"What about me?" Halvate asked.

"Do you want to become damaro?" Joran held his breath, unsure if his question would offend.

"I don't know yet," Halvate said, his ice-blue eyes clouded with uncertainty. "I have many years to serve before the benefits of being a damaro are apparent. I just hope that there will still be morul'dam left if I become damaro."

"And if there are no more morul'dam?"

"I don't know, Taeru," Halvate said heavily. "I don't know."

Chapter 9

Halvate allowed Taeru to cuddle him for a while more, letting the tall damaro touch and stroke his body. Halvate snuggled deeper into Taeru's embrace, breathing in deeply the manly smell of his damaro and rubbing himself against Taeru's dark fur.

"Master, please," Taeru begged in a strained voice.

Halvate opened his eyes and looked at Taeru in curiosity. "What?"

"Master, forgive me, but you are pushing yourself against my rod. I have not touched myself in weeks, and not being able to shoot is just..." Taeru looked deeply embarrassed by the admission.

Halvate chuckled. "I can feel your hardness and your need. It greatly pleases me that you are unable to find release. I like it when you are hard and dripping and suffering but absolutely unable to do anything about it."

Halvate ground his hips against Joran's erection, feeling a dark thrill when Taeru's handsome features grimaced in pleasure and suffering.


"Enough of that, Taeru. Come, it is time for our morning workout and breakfast. It has been some time since you have been naked, hasn't it?"

Halvate smiled as the a'dam swelled with horror. It was quickly followed by acceptance and a sense of resignation. Good. Taeru was learning to accept distasteful commands now.

"It has been three days since you tortured me in the market, master. I have learnt my lesson well."

"We'll see how you do today then. Stand."

Halvate took off the bracelet and hung it on Taeru's dripping pole as he dressed himself in a light shirt and loose breeches. He smirked when Taeru let out a groan of frustration when Halvate brushed the tip of his purple cock.

"I will have to punish you Taeru for groaning without permission," Halvate said sternly. Clapping the bracelet back on, Halvate sent a wave of lust to the damaro's cock, causing the big muscular man to moan and nearly buckle his knees.

"Uhhh, master... Taeru is sorry..."

Halvate looked on, fascinated as Taeru's 11 incher pulsed and spat out a few drops of clear slime. His knob was an angry purple, and his goose eggs, originally hanging low, were drawn up painfully tight against his body.

Sufficently satisfied by his choice of punishment, Halvate led the way out to breakfast.

Joran whimpered as he felt feather-light strokes on his cock, causing his massive rod to spit out even more slime.

Halvate had been doing it all day, making Joran whimper and convulse in need in stark view of everyone in the camp compound. He wasn't sure what Halvate was trying to achieve besides making his blue balls even worse.

"Seize Saidin."

Joran forced his thoughts away from his blue balls and dropped himself into the Void. He seized Saidin, revelling in the rush of power and ecstasy that was the One Power.

Now this gratification he could enjoy.

"Show me what you can do with Water." Halvate demanded.

They were standing by a small pool of water in the training yard, in the midst of fifty or so other damaro and damane who were also doing their daily training. While Joran wasn't the only one bare ass naked, he certainly was the only one hard and dripping like a horny dog.

Joran ignored his predicament and nodded. He started to go through the standard Asha'man weaves involving Water - fog, mist, sleet, hail, icicle spears, whirlpools - almost all the weaves taught in the Black Tower were battle weaves.

He finished his repertoire with a weave that had always pleased him - a fountain in the middle of the pool, one that, for a change, had no real purpose other than making fountains pretty.

Halvate nodded his head as he watched the beautiful changing shapes of the fountain. Joran smiled in pride. It was rare for a man to be strong in Water, but Joran was one of those rare ones.

"Do you know a weave to purify water for drinking?" Halvate questioned.

Joran nodded again in pride. It wasn't easy to learn the weave, and those not strong in Water couldn't even form the first layer.

"I want you to pee and purify it," Halvate challenged.

Joran raised an eyebrow. Now that was just insulting. Recycling of body fluids was the first thing he had to learn when he became Dedicated in the Black Tower.

Concentrating, Joran let loose a stream of piss from his erection. It was never easy to pee while hard, but at least Joran didn't have to worry about it going everywhere. He caught his stream in a simple knot of water, then, quick as thought, wove the four layers of the purification weave and laid it on top of his piss.

The ball of yellow liquid floating in the air gradually turned clear, until it sparkled in the morning sun.

"Done, master."

Halvate stepped forward and dipped his fingers in the ball of liquid. He tasted it, approval flashing over his face.

"That tasted just like fresh mountain spring water," Halvate commended. "Not even a hint of piss."

Joran tried not to blush in pride. He was one of the best Asha'man in Water, although he did know several women who could purify water to the same extent as him.

"I think you will be very much coveted for, Taeru. It is rare, man or woman, to be able to purify water to such a degree of freshness. I assume you can also detect groundwater?"

Joran nodded.

"Better and better. It is Seandar's luck to have found you. I think a reward is in order. Would you like to find some release for your cock?"

Joran perked up as he nodded vigorously. "Yes master, thank you!"

"Alright, tonight I will enter you and give you the best release you can find. Don't make me regret my decision."

Joran nodded his head happily. Finally! His blue balls were going to get some relief.

Joran frisked impatiently as he knelt on the floor by Halvate's knee, waiting for him to finish his dinner. He had long ago wolfed down his own dinner. Halvate, the bastard, was making him wait. It was worse because he couldn't see Halvate's progress with his dinner. At the mess hall, damaro either sat or knelt on the floor by their morul'dam and ate from plates on the floor, while their masters dined on chairs and tables.

"He sure is squirming a lot, your Taeru," the morul'dam opposite Halvate commented. "Not like my Nomi here." He reached a hand out to fondle his damaro's hair.

Nomi gave a low rumble of contentment. Joran could feel his master stiffening, although Halvate acted nonchalant. "Well," Halvate said with a hint of pride, "Today I found out that Taeru is a water-finder and a water-purifier. I promised him release tonight and he is being impatient."

The other morul'dam bristled, but Joran could sense the hidden envy. Nomi, the large, thick set damaro, frowned, although Joran wasn't sure if it was because he wasn't given release, or that his abilities were called into question.

"Well even when I grant him release Nomi is much more well behaved than that."

"You are right of course," Halvate demurred. "He should be punished for not behaving appropriately." Without warning, Joran suddenly found himself caught in what Halvate called the bonds of fire.

They were simply bands of imaginary fire around his neck, wrists, chest, hips, and ankles, conjured in his mind by the a'dam. If Joran even shifted half an inch, he would touch the searing bands. He sweated as he held himself stock still. The kneeling position he was in was rapidly becoming uncomfortable. He had been locked in worse and more humiliating positions though, at least this was endurable.

"Much better," Halvate drawled.

Much to Joran's discomfort, Halvate continued the verbal sparring with his dinner partner while Joran sweated in his frozen position on the floor. Nomi was giving him looks of pity and commiseration, but it was all Joran could do not to move. To make matters worse, Halvate was still continually stimulating his dick, making it twitch and pulse and burble out copious amounts of slime.

Finally, after an interminable amount of time, Halvate finished his last bite of dinner. Joran collapsed onto the floor weakly when Halvate released the bonds of fire, but quickly got to his feet as Halvate pulled on the leash.

"You will comport yourself next time with sufficient decorum," Halvate rebuked. Joran lowered his head, feeling ashamed of himself. "Thank you for the lesson, master."

Halvate smiled. "Take care that you do. Now come."

Joran happily followed behind his master.

Chapter 10

Halvate wasted no time when they returned to their chambers. Taking his clothes off, Halvate gestured to his damaro.

"Have you pleasured a man before?" Halvate asked.

Taeru shook his head slowly.

"It's not that difficult. I will teach you." Halvate sat down on his bed and beckoned to Taeru.


Halvate could feel Taeru's apprehension through the a'dam.

"Just relax, this is meant to be a reward for you. The more you are able to please me, the more pleasure you yourself will get," Halvate explained.

He cupped the back of Taeru's head and pulled his head to his well defined pecs.

"Suckle on my teat," Halvate whispered as he gently pressed Taeru's mouth against his pec. He sighed in pleasure as Taeru's hot mouth enveloped his nipple. What turned him on more though was Taeru's loud moan of pleasure vibrating through his nipple.

"Oh yeah, use a bit of your teeth, Taeru, that's it..."

Halvate chuckled when Taeru's moans turned into whimpers of pleasure.

"Feeling good, huh?"

Taeru nodded, his mouth still clamped around Halvate's right nipple.

"Use your hand on my other teat," Halvate instructed.

Taeru squeezed his eyes in ecstasy and whimpered when both Halvate's nipples were manipulated.

"You feel like your own nipples are bursting with pleasure don't you? They are so sore and tender you just want to lick and lick and lick-" Halvate reached down and twisted both Taeru's nipples.

Taeru gave a half-scream, his handsome face twisting in an expression of pain and rapture even as his mouth remained suckled on Halvate's nip.

Gently Halvate pulled Taeru's head back, a thrill running down his spine when he regarded Taeru's flushed expression.

"How was that?"

The expression on Taeru's face was one of wonderment and embarrassment, like a virgin on her nuptial bed discovering her first orgasm.

"Master, that was... Light, I never knew a man's milk sucklers could feel that way..."

"Like this?" Halvate teased as he took each of his nipples between his fingers and rolled them around, while sending a burst of ecstasy at Taeru's two teats.

Taeru almost screamed as he clapped his hands to his well-formed pecs.

"Master - that - that was like shooting but through my milkers," Taeru groaned. "They are so sensitive now, the slightest touch makes me tremble so..."

"Stand up, let me see your cock."

Taeru stood up, a little unbalanced from his nipple-orgasm. Halvate raised his eyebrows as Taeru's 11 in erection bobbed into view.

It was purple, it was erect, but more importantly, it was the longest and the stiffest Halvate had ever seen. Veins popped all along Taeru's orgasm-deprived flagpole, which stabbed into the air at a forty five degree angle, so stiff that it looked carved onto Taeru's body. His entire cock was drenched in slime, and his balls had receded into his body so much that they were barely visible at all.

It had been ten days since Halvate had snapped the a'dam around Taeru's neck after all. Ten days of chastity and non-stop stimulation. It looked incredibly painful.

"Do you want release?" Halvate teased.

"Yes, please, master. My plowstick is so hard it hurts so badly..."

"Only my hand can give you release. The a'dam denies you the final release otherwise."

"Please master..."

"I want you to enjoy this as long as possible. I am going to lie down and you are going to do whatever you want to me. Whatever I enjoy, you will enjoy tenfold."

Halvate leaned back as Taeru descended on him with a hungry expression.

Joran was almost crazy with need. Pleasuring Halvate was like a drug.

Like smoking hemp and growing wings to shoot straight into the clouds, the ecstasy so very overpowering.

Like gripping Saidin, feeling more full of life than ever, a tumult of power and pleasure coursing through his body.

And yet, the release he sought stayed resolutely outside his reach. No matter how much stimulation and pleasure on his body, his cock just simply refused to shoot.

It was like the ability to come had been neutered. No matter how much he clenched and struggled, the final climax eluded him.

Joran was crying tears of frustration as he straddled his master, his lips nuzzling his master's neck, his fingers drawing circes around the Seanchan's dark brown nipples, as he frotted his dick vigorously against Halvate's 7in erection.

"Oh, master, unggh, I just want to come so badly...." Joran sobbed incoherently as he stepped up his ministrations on Halvate's body, planting kisses all over Halvate's muscular arms and chest, feeling the flutter of his lips magnified tenfold by the a'dam on his own body.

He moved his kisses down, clamping his lips around a dark brown teat and began sucking it desperately. The other teat he rolled in his right hand, feeling the sensations magnified in his own sensitive nips.


Joran's groans intensified when Halvate used his hands to start tickling Joran's nipples.

"Like it, don't you," Halvate teased. "Use a bit of your teeth."

Joran grazed his teeth lightly over Halvate's nipple, gasping when a sharp ecstasy pierced his own nipple. He repeated the action, this time squeezing Halvate's other nipple too, and nearly screamed from the stimulation.

Light, if he didn't already know it was impossible, he would have thought he was orgasming through his nips.

"Suck my pole, Taeru," Halvate commanded breathlessly. It seemed that it wasn't only Joran feeling aroused.

Joran hesitated for a fraction of a second, before his own need overcame him. Sliding down Halvate's taut, youthful body, Joran grabbed Halvate's rockhard 7 incher and closed his mouth over its head.

It tasted musky and salty, but Joran decided that it wasn't too bad. Experimentally he flicked his tongue under its head, and gasped from the lightning bolt of rapture that hit his own cock.

"Light, master, this is-urfffgh-"

Halvate had pushed Joran's head down his cock, muffling whatever Joran wanted to say. Joran gave a moan of pleasure as his tongue massaged Halvate's mushroomy head. Whatever he was about to say was promptly forgotten as Halvate began to thrust into his mouth.

Joran half-screamed as his own cock exploded in overwhelming pleasure. Joran felt Halvate grab his hair and forcefully push his head down his cock, forcing it down Joran's throat. Joran's muffled yell was tempered by the incredible feelings between his crotch, so much so that he completely forgot he was the one whose mouth was so roughly abused.

"The rougher I get, the better it will feel," Halvate panted as he held Joran's head down, forcing his cock deep into Joran's throat. Joran gagged, but that only served to excite both him and Halvate even further when his throat clenched around Halvate's cock.

Halvate released Joran and got to his feet.

"Lie down on the bed."

Joran massaged his throat as he complied. Light, he was so hard it felt like he might burst any moment, and the heightened stimulation only made his need to come much sharper. Joran didn't know if he could take much more stimulation without release. It was just so frustrating!

"Raise your legs."

Joran gingerly brought his knees to his chest and grabbed his thighs. He suddenly felt exposed and vulnerable as Halvate loomed over him. Halvate's cock pushed against Joran's virgin cherry, causing his sphincter to clench.

"Master... please, I've never done this before..." Joran admitted nervously.

"Don't worry your cock will feel so good that you will not feel the pain. You feel that?"

Joran gasped as pleasure overwhelmed his sensitive cockhead. Halvate had just simply butted his glans against Joran's hole, but when magnified tenfold that was enough to send Joran reeling.

"Oh Light, that feels so good... Master, please stop torturing me and let me come..." Joran begged, frustrated and on edge.

"Oh yes I will let you come, but only after I have driven you out of your wits," Halvate whispered. "I want you begging for mercy and release by the end, and for your balls to feel so ripe and full that you wish you could just rip them off."

He leaned forward, pressing against Joran's legs with his muscular chest. "And as for this monster," Halvate glanced down at Joran's swollen 11inch tool, "I want it to drip enough slime to coat your entire body, I want it to drive you so mindless that you will try to touch your cock - even though you will receive a shock. Yet you will continue to touch and punish yourself, because your need is so overwhelming..."

Joran shivered as Halvate leaned down even further until they were nose to nose. "I want you to scream and beg, and know that I am the only one who can grant you that sweet release. I want you to know that your cock now belongs to me completely, and if I wish, you might just stay hard and dripping forever."

Joran's heart fluttered with apprehension and excitement at the thought of Halvate denying him release forever and gasped as his cock flexed painfully, spurting out a few drops of slime onto his abs.

"Are you ready?" Halvate asked, his baritone voice thick with lust. "I am not going to be gentle."

Joran nodded his head fractionally - and Halvate thrust straight into him.

Halvate was more aroused than ever as he watched his Taeru writhe and gurgle unintelligibly on the bed.

He could admit it freely now. Taeru was his, and no matter how often he reminded himself that all damaro were the property of the Empress, may she live forever, Halvate just couldn't stand the thought of sharing this perfect specimen of hunky male flesh.

He pulled out of Taeru's tight hole and thrust in forcefully, revelling in the tight warm passage which clenched around his pole. "Unggh!" Taeru squealed in a high-pitched voice, and Halvate felt a thrill of excitement as Taeru bucked his body, his handsome features twisted into a rictus of need and suffering.


Halvate ignored Taeru's pleas and thrust in again, eliciting another squeal from the muscled damaro. Halvate watched with a dark thrill as Taeru's massive pole throbbed and ejected more spurts of slime which joined the pool on Taeru's sweaty abs.

"Master, please- aahhhh!"

Halvate triple plunged into Taeru's sweet hole again, causing the damaro to arch his back and scream in pleasure and frustration.

"Master, please..." Taeru sobbed. "I need to shoot so badly..."

Halvate's cock twitched as he regarded his tall, manly damaro sobbing tears of frustration. Taeru had clamped his arms around his thighs in an effort not to touch his cock, his muscles taut with tension.

"Put your hands on your head," Halvate ordered. Taeru gingerly complied, stretching out his muscular chest and causing his arm muscles to bunch up sexily. Halvate resisted a groan of pleasure as he took in the sight of his hunky, handsome slave underneath him.

"Beg me again," Halvate demanded.

"Master, please let me shoot..."

Halvate's cock clenched as he looked at Taeru's frustrated and suffering expression. Light, being in control via the a'dam already gave Halvate a massive power trip, but to have the big, muscled guy beg pathetically for his permission to shoot...

"I will, just maybe later," Halvate teased, causing the poor damaro to groan miserably.

"You are in for the ride of your life," Halvate said as he grabbed Taeru's hairy legs and sttetched them even further apart, opening up Taeru's hole so he could thrust even deeper. Without giving him any warning, Halvate started plunging in and out of Taeru's hot bottom. Taeru gave a cry of pleasure as Halvate pounded his hole in earnest, each thrust causing the muscled body underneath him to writhe and buck as though experiencing the utmost ecstasy.

Halvate smiled as he regarded the muscular damaro he was making cry out the most sublime of noises. His damaro was sweat-streaked, his dark fur drenched and matted against his pale skin, his muscles rippling as he bucked and writhed his body, unable to stand the magnified pleasure shooting through his cock. Taeru's arms bulged from the effort of holding himself back from touching his cock, and with each thrust he would cry out and whimper, and his massive rod would pulse visibly, spitting out long streams of slime which by now had completely drenched his stomach and chest.

Halvate leaned down further, pressing down on Taeru's legs until the muscular damaro was folded in half, his purple cock jutting into his hairy, sweaty pecs.

Halvate looked into Taeru's silver-grey eyes, now completely feverish with need and arousal, as he plunged deep into Taeru's hole.

"Master... please..."

Ah, Taeru's begging eyes, with his arms locked behind his head, his vulnerable body twisting and writhing from Halvate's cock deep inside him. The power trip was intoxicating.

"We have all night, Taeru."

"No!" Taeru sobbed. "Please... my cock hurts so badly master..."

Halvate smiled evilly. "I don't think you're desperate enough."

"Master, please... I beg you, please let me shoot, I'll be a good damaro, please just let me shoot..."

"Eventually, my dear Taeru. But only if you're good."

"Master... I'll be good, please, haven't I been a good damaro for you?"

Halvate nodded his head as he smiled. Light he loved seeing big muscular men writhing under him and begging for release.

"Ok, since you said you'll be good.. maybe I'll let you come tomorrow instead," Halvate teased.

"No master! You promised Taeru..."

"Oh yea, forgot about that," Halvate smirked, a thrill running through him as his damaro whimpered in frustration.

"Squeeze my teats, Taeru," Halvate commanded, even as he continued to thrust.

Taeru whimpered as he complied. Halvate smiled as Taeru howled in ecstasy.

"Keep on howling like that and you'll make me come," Halvate growled. He released Taeru's furry legs, which wrapped around his hips instinctively, and reached down to pinch Taeru's nipples.

"Ahhh master!"

Halvate grinned. He was so going to enjoy the night.

Joran's mind was a complete mess. All he could think about was the overwhelming ecstasy running through his body.

With each thrust Joran felt as though his cock would explode. And his balls...

Halvate was right, they felt so tender and full of seed that Joran really wanted to tear them off.

And then there was the nipples. Every flick across Halvate's nipples sent paroxysms of rapture through the a'dam back to his own. At the same time, Halvate was pinching Joran's nipples, mixing in sharp stabs of pain with the overwhelming pleasure, and with each pinch Joran would cry out in arousal, his tender nipples so sore he swore Halvate seemed to be milking them.

And then there was his ass.

His virgin, cherry hole, which Halvate had plundered so thoroughly. Even though Halvate's cock wasn't as large as Joran's, it still felt big, almost too big for Joran's tight ass. And Halvate was thrusting straight into a specific spot that, even without the a'dam's intensity, was making Joran squeal and spasm wildly.

"Master... please!" Joran cried out. Light, Joran had never felt more humiliated than ever, having to beg for release, as though he was no longer a man. Paradoxically, the humiliation excited him, which only added on to his frustration.

It was undeniably the best sex Joran had ever had, except for the tiny fact that he could not come.

Joran sobbed as Halvate plunged away at his virgin cherry. His whole body was taut with need, and he didn't even want to think about his cock which had swollen into a purple monster bulging with veins. His foreskin had peeled back all the way, exposing his angry, purple mushroom which dribbled slime copiously onto his pecs.

Throughout all this while, his cock had been completely untouched. It ached so fiercely that Joran feared it would literally burst with need.

"Oh Taeru, the night is just starting. I haven't even used the a'dam on you yet and you are already at your limit?"

"Master?" Joran questioned fearfully as he stared into Halvate's eyes.

"Well, for example, an itch up your ass that only my cock can relieve," Halvate replied, his eyes blue-green with desire.

Joran gasped as the inside of his ass started to itch. He clenched his eyes shut and groaned uncontrollably when his sphincter spasmed around Halvate's cock, in turn causing his own to explode in ecstasy.

"Oh Light, please master, this is... you're killing me..." As much as Joran didn't want to admit it, the humiliation of begging his master turned him on like crazy.

"Oh yeah," Halvate groaned huskily as he leaned in close to Joran, his young boyish face mere inches away from Joran's even as he pumped away. "And what about an itch on your cock?"

Joran whimpered as an uncontrollable itch came over his cock. Unthinking, he stretched a hand over to his cock, only to get the rudest shock of his life as his poor dick was zapped.

"Ahhh!" Joran yelled, his lust momentarily abated by the pain, before flooding back with a vengeance, stronger and more demanding than ever. Joran whimpered shrilly as his cock pulsed painfully without release.

"Master, that was evil," Joran groaned pitifully. Light, at this rate he would have to cut off his cock, it was physically hurting him so much now.

"Oh yeah, I want to torture you senseless, beg me," the young morul'dam commanded.

"Master, please... please let your damaro Taeru shoot," Joran half sobbed. He started referring to himself in the third person the way he had heard other damaro say. "Taeru will be a good boy, he will do what master commands. Please master, you can torture Taeru in Falme or anywhere, just let me come!"

"Oh yeah," Halvate panted heavily as he plunged away at Joran's hole. "Light, you are such a handsome damaro, my Taeru. I am getting close. We will come together."

"Yes master!" Joran whimpered as Halvate pounded his poor ass faster and faster, a sense of urgency to his strokes now. The pleasure on his cock was building up, and as he stared into Halvate's sweaty face, he saw Halvate smile.

"Lock your hands behind your head," Halvate ordered.

A light itch started building up in his ass, his cock, his nipples, even on his blue balls. Joran whimpered piteously as he realized what Halvate was going to do to him.

"Master, Taeru needs to shoot so badly, please don't torture Taeru any more..." Joran begged even as he raised his arms and put his hands behind his head. He felt helpless and exposed in this position, and it was a struggle not to scratch the building itch and overwhelming need on his sex.

"Ah Taeru, you are so beautiful," Halvate panted as he drove his hips into Joran's butt. "Scream for me."

Joran howled as light whips began to whip him across his engorged cock even as red hot needles stabbed into his tender nipples. Unlike his punishments, this time the light pain only fed on the excitement reaching a crescendo in him, sharpening his ecstasy with an edge that made Joran hunger for more.

"Oh Light, master, Taeru is going crazy," Joran whimpered as another wave of red-tinged ecstasy rocked him, causing him to buck his sweat soaked body.

"Oh yeah. scream for me my damaro."

Joran gasped and screamed as red-hot pain stabbed his balls and cock.

"Ahhh! Master have mercy- unggghhh!" Joran's muscled body spasmed and quivered as suddenly wave after wave of pain and pleasure crashed against his body, driving the crest up higher and higher, until he was literally teetering on the edge, helpless like a leaf in the wind as sheer sexual ecstasy flooded his senses.

"Master! Master! Please!" Joran screamed, his eyes clenched shut and his body taut with need, like a bursting dam held back only by the tiniest bit of rope. He felt Halvate grab his jaw and opened his eyes. He locked eyes with Halvate's blue-green ones, and in that instant, Halvate reached down and flicked his finger across Joran's piss slit.

The world shattered.

"AHHHH!" Joran screamed and screamed as weeks of pent-up frustration exploded from his tortured cock, rocketing over his head to splash against the wall of the bed. Rope after rope of white come was wrenched from his balls, spurting into the air like a geyser, like a fountain, as Halvate's and his own climax convulsed and roared through his body.

Like hurtling through the sky, his whole body locked in a helpless rictus of ecstasy as his abused cock erupted uncontrollably again and again in the most earth-shattering orgasm he had ever experienced in his life.

The only thing Joran heard before he passed out was a disbelieving gasp and a choked question.


Next: Chapter 4

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