Whats a Jock to Do

By Russel Mohan

Published on May 26, 2006


The following is part 4 of a story, (What's a jock to do?) written by me, Russel Mohan, Part 1,2 and 3 are already submitted to the Bi/Encounters section.

Thank you very much!

TITLE- What's a jock to do? Part 4 Copyright Russel Mohan 2006

(I would really love to know what you, the readers think about my story, please send your honest comments to my e-mail, macron12@hotmail.com, really appreciate your time!)

I would jerk off every now and then, even to porn on the internet, mostly muscle men fucking twinks. It almost became like an obsession, where I needed to jerk off and watch porn everyday. I liked it however, but knew I would get bored, as I needed the real thing sooner or later.

I was worried at the fact that this part of my life was passing me by, and I wasn't doing anything about it. What was there to do, break up with my girl and lead a gay lifestyle? I would in effect not be leading a gay lifestyle however, as yes, I mean I would have sex with men for sure, but I wouldn't be doing the whole stereotypical thing that gay men do, you know, living in night clubs and hanging out at bars all the time. I would just be me, and be the same jock I was till I died, lead the same lifestyle and whoever wanted to criticize my choice could just do that, that was their problem, not mine, I'd just bash their face in.

So as I thought it over, I decided that I would definitely have to do something about the fact that I wanted to sleep with a guy, instead of shutting up these feelings in the back of my mind and wanking off to porn. Confronting these feelings would be hard, but keeping them locked up in my mind, and avoiding them, would be harder as time went by, and I didn't want that to be me. I knew that a lot of guys wanted to do it with guys, and did do it with guys, even though they acted homophobic and used words like `faggot'. I didn't want to be a closet case, nor some flaming queen. There was a lot going on and the wheels in my head were turning big time.

So, I decided that since, I was the kinda guy to make a move when the going gets tough, I decided to do just that and make a move. Just how I was going to make this move, would be another story, one that I didn't have figured out yet.

My birthday party was coming up, and I needed to see Trini again on the day when all the furniture would arrive, and me and him would sort the place out, and decide what went where, as he was the `designer'. Kelly wanted to be there, and I didn't mind, but I was kind of looking forward to having Trini there alone with me. I was not going to rape him though, although the thought did cross my mind. However, I would have loved him to hit on me though, see if he had the guts to do that, but I wasn't counting on it really, I mean he wouldn't do that at all, especially considering the fact that Kelly was his best friend, and I was her boyfriend and a good 6'4 and your typical straight football jock. Well the day of the furniture arrival did come, and I was really glad with the choices that we had made, well that mostly Trini had made, since it was he who had decided on what would be bought.

It was me and Trini home alone at my place now on this early morning a few days after the shopping, as the delivery guys left and all we had to do was decide where to put the couches and new tables. They were mostly wooden, expensive and we got rid of the old furniture in the living room, as it was mostly that room which we were concentrating on. I decided before to hire some professional painters and they had done miracles for the place with the new paint and colours, being a nice baby blue, with the furniture going perfectly with it. I was really pleased after we had re- arranged everything, and Trini decorated the place with some nice artwork and flowers which we had also got on that day, and we had even picked out a beautiful new carpet, that did cost me an arm and two legs.

After it was all done, I had no doubt that Trini would make a great interior decorator one day, and felt glad that I had given him a chance to show his skill, and after the hours we spent together, I felt more comfortable with him being around me, and was starting to like him a little more. He was a great kid with a lot of talent, and a lot going for him. "So, you are coming to my birthday party right?" I asked him. "Sure, it sounds like a lot of fun. I'd love to come, but I think I'm coming down with something." "What's the matter? You have a headache or something?" I began to get a bit worried. "Nope, not that. It's just that I'm beginning to feel some fever and a cold coming on." On hearing this I got a bit worried. I didn't know what to say as I felt responsible for making him sick, since I was the one who had brought him out here to my beach house and made him help me with the decorating. He was really starting to look a little pale, even though he was brown skinned. The phone rang and it was Kelly calling to say that she had a shoot starting early tomorrow and would stay with a friend as she was there now and was tired, and as the friend's place was close to the shoots location, it would be more practicable to stay there.

So she stayed there and I proposed to Trini to spend the night at my place if he wanted to. I had spare clothes that would fit him from the clothes that I had bought for Remo ages ago, when I thought he would be staying with me and the thought of Remo had now no effect on me, even though I wondered sometimes what it would have been like, had we even started anything together.

Trini refused my offer at first, but I kept on insisting until he finally gave in, although very reluctantly.

Looking tired, I told him to go upstairs and run himself a bath, and I would order some dinner, as it was early evening and we were both very hungry. I even put on a DVD, and he watched it while I got some work done on my laptop. I had gotten him a big blanket and he was all tucked up on the couch with it, with some hot tea as well. It was getting late now and when I checked on him after finishing some work on my laptop and making some business calls to Europe, I found that he was looking a bit worse, and his fever had gotten higher. I called a good friend and she said to just give him tea, and some pills, and make sure he was comfortable. She also recommended some soup for him. So I actually felt good, that he had stayed over and that I could take care of him

I told him that I'd make some soup, well soup out of a packet, but that would be good, and that I'd give him a pill after which would help. He thanked me and asked me if he wasn't keeping me up. I said no, that it was no problem. He looked extremely sweet and helpless there, and as I finished the soup and put on another DVD for him, I got a feeling of pure joy and happiness, just being there with him. It was a documentary about marine life. He was interested in watching it, and I'd never seen it. It was actually Kelly's, and it was quite soothing, as it was about dolphins.

The moon was full tonight, and there was a beautiful breeze blowing, nice and cool which came through the window and gave the room some fresh air. I sat down next to Trini on the large sofa with the soup. He thanked me and took it from my hand as I offered it, but he looked so weak, that I took it back, and something amazing happened. I told him to keep cool, and took him in my arms.

My huge bodybuilder guns holding him now, his head gently resting on my chest, with me feeding him the soup. I couldn't help but kiss his forehead, and hold him tight. He made no objections at all, and was like a baby in my arms, just enjoying the warmth and safety. I enjoyed his scent, the smell of the apple shampoo he used in my bathroom, and the softness of his skin. We cuddled with the softness of a symphony created by pale moonlight on a desert island, listened to by lovers watching for whales by the seashore and feeling the holiness and sacredness of their love.

In that instant I felt something amazing, as if this being in my arms was relying on me to watch over and protect him. That was sacred, and when he finished the soup, he yawned and fell on my lap, lying down on the couch with his head resting on my crotch area against my stomach. I felt his breathing, and lifted him up with the blanket. Holding him in my arms, making sure he was warm and I took him upstairs to my room and lay him down on my big bed, with the windows open and the gentle California air blowing into the room, caressing both of us, and making this bedtime scene the more romantic as it was fast approaching midnight, and lovers everywhere were going to bed, only we weren't lovers.

He was almost half asleep on my large bed and I turned of the lights, brushed my teeth, removed my clothes except for my boxers and got into bed with him. I could feel him sweating out the fever now and knew I had done a good job at helping him get over it, he turned his head to my chest, and I clutched him tight in my arms. His t- shirt was getting wet with his sweat, so I pulled it off gently along with the blue jeans he was wearing. I couldn't help myself, and decided to go all the way and pulled off his underwear, and felt his body, his cock, his ass and asshole. I could feel him resisting a bit, but I just told him to hush and sleep as I slipped under his covers too, with my upper body uncovered by the sheets, and all of his body tucked inside as I didn't want him to get cold.

He left it to me and trusted me, so I kept my boxers on and clutched him tight and fingered his hole. But I had to come, as my balls were full and I really wanted to explode. So I slid my boxers off and gently pressed the head of my dick against his boyhole, and sliding it up and down against the rim of his hole till I finally came. It felt amazing, all that warmth exploding, and I dipped my finger down and scooped up some cum, and gently pushed it into his mouth cleaning out his hole like that. He made some little moans, and I kissed his forehead and cheeks again, and out of the blue I said, `sleep tight little bro.' He turned to me and smothered his head against my chest and that was all I needed him to do, so that I knew that he felt exactly about me as I felt about him. We could have been two lovers on an island that night. I didn't want to think about anything else, except about the two of us lying there on my bed while the birds flew on about their business on this Californian night.

Next: Chapter 5

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