Whats a Jock to Do

By Russel Mohan

Published on Apr 8, 2006


The following is part 1 of a story written by me. It is no way connected or based on actual events. The characters are purely fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely co-incidential.

What's a jock to do? Part 1

Copyright Russel Mohan 2006

(I would really love to know what you, the readers, think of this first installment, Please let me know, by e-mailing me at macron12@hotmail.com)

The rain came down at around 9.30 pm. I got up and looked out of my window, and saw that there was no chance I could go out. It was heavy, but then again, this was spring weather and could be considered normal. Anyway, I had already taken my shower, and decided to kick back with a good book and a nice cup of cappuccino. I know it might not be considered `manly' to drink cappuccino, but I loved it, rich and soothing.

That night was the night of the football game and I was expecting to join my buddies at the bar, but finally called to cancel. There was no way I was going out tonight in this shit weather, even though there might have been some very hot babes from the cheerleading squads, and I was tired anyway. I should tell u something about myself, since you're wondering who the fuck I am, just so u know.

My name's Robert, I'm not what u would consider anything below average. I'm a full jock, 6'4, a good 220 pounds of hard muscle, and absolutely not gay. I tried gay sex with a guy already, was great and loved it, but I'm still not gay. I'll never be gay, nor ever touch another guy. Men like me are men, we go out with women drink beer, tell you what to do, and really answer to no one, and at the age of 25 and having had a great life because of my parent's money, my money and very, very good looks and what I've accomplished, there was no was I was gonna throw everything away, by taking on this label of `gay'. I hated it, and hated more what I saw going on the world. Poverty, hunger, those were real problems. Not deciding on your sexuality.

Maybe one day in a perfect world, I could just be gay, but for now I can't. There's too much going on in this world and in my life, college, girlfriend, friends and family. So that night, I went to bed early after reading, and woke up the next morning, to something I never thought would happen to me.

There was knock on the door now, as I got up the next morning, and there he was standing in front of me. This boy, this beautiful, poor hungry creature. He tried to hide it, but I couldn't see how it was possible for him to hide it. I didn't know what he was, but he was there standing in front of me. Young, beautiful and wearing short denim cutoffs, with a yellow t-shirt, that looked worn. I guessed he was 17/18, and by his accent, he was American alright, but from the south. Cute guy, black hair, dark brown eyes, and skinny. At first, I didn't know what to think when he opened his mouth to speak to me. "Hello sir, sorry to disturb you, but was wondering if I could mow your lawn against a small fee."

I was looking at a skinny thing like him, and wondering how the fuck could he handle a lawnmower. By that time in the morning, the sun was coming out and oh yeah, I was shirtless while I was speaking to this little puppy. The sunlight was coming onto my blonde chest, and oh yeah, I own my own beach house in Malibu, and that's where all of this is taking place. Well like I said I didn't know what to say or do, first thing I wanted to do was just to fuck him and jack off in his face and let him sleep off the harsh sex on my bed, then who knows.

"Sure", I said, "Go ahead, the mower's around back in the garage, follow me." I slept in my vintage blue shorts, I decided also, that I would also go out to some gay hangouts, and hangout. Not look for sex, just take my girlfriend and her friends, who knew some `gays', who invited us to hang out with them, tonight. Hmmmm, maybe I would still go, who knows, let's see what's up with this kid.

He started mowing my lawn, and I just sat back on my porch, of my big expensive beach house, that I paid for with my dad's stock market money, and mine as well, of course, I had to reimburse the old man, and I would, later. Anyway this kid, was mowing away while I had my size 15's up on the railings of the porch watching him and having coffee, overlooking the front yard and the beach. Oh yeah, I was just waiting to see how long he would last before fainting his skinny white ass on the grass, and then, we'd see what would happen. "Why don't u take your shirt off, it's getting hot now", I suggested, as the sun showed its face, on this early morning.

He did as I said, and I was surprised. For a tanned, boy with dark hair and eyes, he had pink nipples, a stomach that showed no fat, and thin long arms, A little hairy though. Well not that hairy. Just a few strands, on his hole of a chest, poking out a little, nothing a quick shave couldn't fix. Then it happened, or was going to. He was gonna fucking put me in the county jail or something for having his foot cut off, if I didn't go and rescue him from that lawn mover, because he was too starved and faintish to handle it properly. That's when I got up, left my cappuccino, and cereal, and my comfortable porch, and put hand on his scrawny shoulder, and told him to get on the porch, and finish the rest of my breakfast. And when he opened his mouth to say he could finish, I just told him half kindly, half authoritatively to shut up and go do it, as if I were speaking to a newbie on the football team.

Son a bitch, he was like real puppy, young, stupid, can't handle himself in the real world. What if it were some asshole's door he knocked on, and really got his foot cut of, shit. Anyway I finished that up in 25 minutes, wasn't a lot to do, and he finished my breakfast and was dozing off, as I came up to the porch, where he was just falling asleep. I just left him there, after throwing a blanket over him, and making sure he was out of the sun, then I made myself some more breakfast, same cereal with milk and got back to book, where I read for a while on the porch, with him opposite me, then noticed 2 hours after that he was waking up.

His boy sweat was now apparent, and I enjoyed that scent. The sun was now fully out and I was already having to wave to the neighbours going out for a walk with the dog, or just a walk with their spouse. I got up as soon as he opened his eyes, and felt sorry for him. He was completely at my mercy, and he was damn lucky I wasn't the kind to pick on scrawny wimpy guys. But as he opened his eyes, I just asked him his name, where he was from and what he was doing around here. To which he all answered, he was Texan, hitchhiked here, was homeless and mowing lawns for a living. I asked him why, he said he didn't have a home or family anymore, and had graduated from high school. He said he was sorry about this morning, and that he could do more work. I just looked at him, and thought, `yep, this kid is totally at my mercy'.

At this point, I got him upstairs and into the shower, after that, he'd dress in some fresh clothes, and then come down and we'd head to town for lunch, after all I planned on having a nice lunch, by myself in town on the beach and watch the babes, and there was no way this kid was going to ruin it. I could leave him in the house, instead of kicking him out and leaving him to the world, but instead I just looked at him in my big clothes and shorts, and was like, ok, he looks so sweet. I can't leave him at home, instead he might steal my football trophies and sell them, but I highly doubted it, cause he seemed genuine enough. So I just told him to get into the convertible, and we'd have lunch at the beach, but before I would have to get him some clothes as mine didn't fit, and he was still barefoot, and there was no way those small feet, could fit into my shoes.

His name was Remo, by the way, and I told him if anyone asked, he was my cousin come to visit. How he could have a cousin that looked this starved, would be up to people to guess. Anyway, I took him to my favourite surf store and got him a few shorts, underwear, tight white ones, briefs and a tonne of t-shirts. Remo, didn't say anything as he was in the car and just waited for me there. "Ok great, I got u some good fresh clothes and underwear and sandals. You can put them on when we get to the beach."

This was done and I got a good look at him naked, as he striped off my huge underwear and put on his new ones, to which he slightly objected to, at the thought of being fully nude in a public place, at which I said, just shut up and put them on and be thankful I didn't drive off and leave him there naked. He obeyed, and I told him to keep quiet and I would do the talking for now. He kept quiet and just whispered a shy thank you', to which I said your welcome' to. Not that I didn't want to hear him talk, I was only too eager to hear about him. But I had a lot on my mind for now and needed to think. We sat down and had some lunch, I told him to order anything, except pizza and burgers, and we both had some pasta with great sauce and bottled water. He ate it up ferociously, and I just watched him and laughed a bit, at how starved he was.

As a man looking at a boy like this, you can only wonder what could be done now. I had taken him in, showered him, clothed and fed him. What the fuck is this, adopt a little brother day? Anyway, I pulled out a book out of my sack and told to get some dessert for himself, handing him a twenty and told him to keep the change. He got up and went to the stall to get some ice cream, I told him to go look into my sack where he would find the newspaper, and a pen. I then told him to write down the jobs that he could do which were available, and not to waste any time doing it, he did this while I read and he enjoyed his ice-cream. Even though he had nothing and was virtually homeless still. I thought I wasn't doing too bad for him. I felt proud of myself and was happy at the fact that I had done him some good, and he didn't have a such a bad deal either, after all he was hanging with me, riding in a hot car and eating good food, and wearing cool clothes. Yep, I did feel good. I just got nervous when I saw this bitch Katrina coming. Great, the slut would ask me a billion questions. This is what happens when your girlfriend hangs out with nosy chicks with no job and way too much money on their hands, that their parents give em and then complain about it.

As Katrina came up with her tight ass body and big tits bouncing up and down in that sweet little pink number, I couldn't help but think how many men wanted to get on top of that ass. I did not want her nosing around my business, and was quite lucky when some guy friend of hers got in her way and started talking to her. Thank you my man! Whoever the hell it was! So I suggested that me and Remo take a walk on the beach, and just enjoy the sun, when I was getting a call from my girlfriend now.

Great! She was confirming for tonight for the faggot bar. "Oh no! Did we really have to go", I said. "Yes sweetie, sure sweetie, love you sweetie." Then I hung up and secretly rejoiced that I was going to a homo bar, even though I acted as if I rather spend a week at an ABBA concert. My girlfriend Kelly is a great girl, I treat her with respect and I love her. Yes, so shut the fuck up and don't say another word about it. Guys like me are entitled to love, anyway, if I didn't love her, I woulda kicked her waxed ass to the curve. And what a nice example of Brazilian ass it was. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! I told Remo that we were going out tonight to some gay bars with my girl and her girlfriends, and gay guy friends. I was sure Remo was homo, as he was a bit femme, but wasn't sure if he was attracted to me.

So we passed by some stores along the way home from the beach and I got him some cool party clothes. He begged me not to get them for him, saying they were too expensive, so I told him to consider this out of his pay, as he would be helping me in the house, since I had no caretaker out of the bums I fired, and he had no place to go. Yes, I was liking Remo and considering that it would be a good break for the kid to let him stay at my place, and have him work around the house for it.

Ok so fast forward to tonight, we got all dressed and polished up and damn I did look good. I wore a pair of black Armani trousers, and a black Kenzo shirt, with very fine strips of dark colours, very trendy. Oh and can't forget my Tod's for my size 15's. I can't believe Kelly had spent so much money on these shoes, but they did look great on my feet. As for Remo, i dressed him well, casual, slim fit Levi's and a yellow t shirt with a cool surfer print and designer flip flops. The kid looked great, but as we drove to the bar in town, he marveled at the people, buildings, places.

This town was alive at night and there were tonnes of bars, gay and straight that you could go to. We were gonna meet Kelly and her crew' at Trinidad', a great new gay bar, and probably even catch a glimpse of some Hollywood royalty. I got in with Remo at my side after parking, and we went straight to the bar. But I went straight to the bathroom, as we walked in. I just needed to take some deep breathes. I was in a gay bar! This was the first time in my whole life. Shit! What the fuck was I doing here? Does this mean I'm gay! DAMN YOU KELLY! I had to calm down, so I just breathed in and out, and remembered this was just a bar, like any other bar, and that I had to be cool.

As I got out of the bathroom, I really started to notice the place. Was definitely a Caribbean decor with its dark wooden floor, and matching ewell polished furniture, classy green plants in big expensive vases. The owner was making the rounds serving the clients in this huge space of a bar, and making sure everyone was comfortable. Classy but comfortable, the way a bar should be!

Alright, ENOUGH, of all this girl talk, decor and shit. Where the fuck was Kelly and her crew? I sent her a text message, saying I wasn't surprised we were the first to get here. Got no answer back, so I assumed she was harassing Frat boys with her girl and gay guy friends on the way here. I just hoped they weren't from my Frat.

Anyway, I got a Smirnoff Black Ice for myself, and Remo took a white beer. The men were rolling in and there were some cute bitches in this place, both boys and girls. I mean, come on they were bitches, coming to a bar all dressed up nice and shit, playing as if they were there to have a good time, when we all knew they wanted to get picked up and fucked! They were just lucky I was here. If any gay bashers came in, I'd tie their balls to My convertible and drag em through the dessert and then leave them to the vultures. Yep, I wasn't gay, maybe bi, but these were my people' tonight, and they'd be under my protection.

So, I was liking what I was seeing. Kelly finally waltzed in with her crew. As usual, there were her two best girlfriends, a bit too superficial even for me, but good girls, and the boys were there, all three of them. Two looked like a couple, a buff black and also buff white guy. Both tall like myself, but with less muscle, thank goodness, as I was the most buff stud here, and did not want to see that changed. However, the third guy, shy looking thing, hard to place where he was from, very dark brown skin, short, well dressed, but seemed a little distant. Hmmmmm, I wasn't sure if I liked him. But anyway, my sweetheart was here and she came up and kissed the living heck outta me, and I got the whole crew some drinks after intros were made where they needed to be.

In the meantime Remo had disappeared to the bathroom and the bar was getting full. Now I know what you guys are thinking, that Remo and me will fall in love and live happily forever after. Well the fact that I said it, shows that I was thinking about it, and that I maybe a big softie under this massive chest, and I was getting a little jealous and nervous, when I saw Remo talking to this guy, as he left the bathroom. He winked at me and I winked back. I started feeling a bit nervous and didn't know what to think. Kelly was here, looking hot, and I liked her, and enjoyed her company, but all of a sudden that didn't seem like enough.

Remo came over, asked if he could join those guys over there. He said they were from Texas like himself. Well, I didn't show it, but I was a little angry at him leaving like that, and said sure that he could go. Kelly asked me about him, to which I just signaled to her not to. She just looked at me as we sat side by side, with a confused look, but I told her not to worry.

I started wondering about Remo, who really was this kid? He didn't seem that shy, and looked like he was having fun. Well, I mean who was I to think that anything could happen between me and him. He hadn't shown any real interest in me, and after all I had taken him under my wing voluntarily, and I mean who would refuse that. Well, if I lost Remo tonight, it would be ok, at least he helped me realize I could like a guy.

As the time went by I noticed the shy brown guy. He was sitting there, looking exotic and a little nervous. I didn't want to say anything to him, that would make it look like I was `interested' in him, which maybe I was. After all I wasn't even sure that he was homo or not. But then again he was so shy, and kinda like a little pretty boy you just wanna scope up in your arms and make out with till the Malibu sun came up and have wake up in your arms, like a little brother. Hmmmmmm, I was getting carried away here. Remo was getting up from his table, and kinda looking at me. The other guys he had met were getting up to, and it looked like they were leaving. I sensed I should go over and talk to him. I had no idea what was happening, but I felt this awful melting feeling in my heart. Thank goodness Kelly was there. I think she sensed something and asked if I was alright. I said yes and then told her I'd be back.

Well they come and they go. Anyway Remo never really came into my life, as he left the bar and headed out with the guys, I felt a bit of a pang in my heart after talking to him. He was sweet though, thanked me for everything, but said that these guys were from Texas and they could help him out, with a job, place to stay, whatever. One of the guys there even offered to pay me for what I had done for Remo. But I just said it was ok, and he didn't owe me anything. As Remo left, I felt like shit.

Now I knew how people felt when they were a bit ditched'. I'd never been ditched' in my life, and so the giant football hero had fallen, and all it took was a scrawny ass boy from Texas. Well, Remo had a good heart I could tell, but he couldn't think about it. Remo was gone, he was young and probably like himself, just entering the gay scene. I looked out at the roadster leaving with Remo and his new friends, and guessed they were going to some party somewhere. At this point Kelly came out and put her arms around me, she sensed something, and I was glad to have a woman there, even if a tear was rolling down my cheek.

Well at this point in my story there isn't much I can say. Kelly knew something was up, and I couldn't say or do anything really to let her know what had happened, cause I simply didn't feel like it. My emotions were everywhere and I just asked her if she wanted another drink. "How about you sit down", she said, "And let me get the drinks." I agreed and had another Smirnoff. I decided that it would be a bit shitty to go to the bathroom and have a cry, especially when the shy brown guy looked at me, and asked what my name was. He wasn't the typical kinda guy I would go for, I must admit. I mean there was nothing typically American' about his face and body. My guy friends had all dated, exotic' girls, and considered them like dating any other white girl. But in the gay scene, there was this thing about white men and coloured guys, even though I wasn't in the scene, I felt it. Like maybe there was a relationship where money was involved or something.

Let's say I was walking down the street with this guy. A 6'4 tower like me, with a 5'6 guy like that, a little pretty boy and he looked damn young, but had an air of maturity about him. Hmmmmmm, I know I shouldn't really be considering these things, but this was America, and even though we are all about `freedom', these taboos and cliches existed, and people thought and talked about them a lot.

"Name's Robert, we were introduced earlier", I said, as he asked my name. "Oh yeah, I'm sorry, I'm kinda bad with names", he replied. By this time, the rest of the crew were either dancing or mixing and mingling, so it was just me and him left. I dunno, but in those two seconds, something changed. It's amazing what happens when you talk to someone, how they can change. We were talking, and I was getting relaxed, I even started to find him attractive. Bizarre that this would happen, just out of talking to someone, and getting to know them. I was kinda tired and yawning a bit, and so was this guy. When I asked him his name, I coulda burst out laughing, turns out it was Trinidad! I was like WHAT?' He then explained he was half Spanish, half Indian, born and raised in the USA. Trinidad' was a Spanish name. Well shows how much I know about Spanish culture.

"That's a cool shirt you got there", he said. I thanked him and felt like I scored a touchdown with my dress sense. Just then he asked if wanted another drink. I told him `naa', but I needed some cigars from my car. I got up, and asked if he wanted to take a walk with me, after all i was parked round the corner. "Shouldn't we tell Kelly", he said. "Naa, we'll be back in no time", I replied. As we walked out, I couldn't help noticing him, noticing me, he smiled way too much when we talked, and if I didn't know better, my man's intuition told me he wanted a piece of my jock self, but he was very neutral, talking about the city and other things.

Nothing personal at all, at least he wasn't nosy or prying. I appreciated that and couldn't help but laugh a little when he asked if I was a football player, after seeing the football in the back seat. I said I was on the team at university, and he picked up the ball and threw it in the air, and said catch'. I caught it alright, and we ended up spending 15 minutes out there playing ball, throwing and catching. Kid was not that good, but I was in training mode now, and people were observing and making comments like Wow, check out the jock and the rookie.' It was funny, and were both laughing. Whoever thought that I would have this much fun.

By Russel Mohan Macron12@hotmail.com Copyright Russel Mohan 2006

Next: Chapter 2

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