What They Did to Julian

By Randall Austin

Published on Aug 6, 2013


What They Did to Julian Part Seven of Several Parts By Randall Austin

This story is erotic fiction meant for mature readers and should only be read by adults over the age of eighteen years old. Please do not use my stories without my permission and please forward all comments to randallaustin2011@hotmail.com

Randall Austin's Archive Group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Randall_Austin_Stories

(Author's Note: I would like to thank Trip Carver for his colorful suggestions on the processing of manure by the field slaves out at the Baldwin/Fletcher Farms, and for allowing me to use them in this episode, and possibly future episodes, of "What They Did to Julian".)

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Three slaves, pushing wheelbarrows full of fertilizer-boy excrement, which they had just gathered from the manure pit where the fertilizer boys deposit their droppings, entered the threshing room of the manure processing barn, a large concrete building just a hundred yards from the manure pits. They were followed into the threshing room by the lead fertilizer boy, the former Julian Raider, who was now known as `Poopee', his Baldwin/Fletcher servitor name.

The threshing room is a large room where the fresh, warm, and pungent, excrement of the fertilizer boys is combined in a ratio of 2 parts excrement, 1 part vegetable scraps, and 1 part hay, into a rich paste. The ingredients are poured into a vat and hand stirred with large paddles by several fertilizer boys.

One of the slaves paddling the manure mixture, Nicko, set down his paddle and aimed his cock into the vat and starting pissing, as he jokingly moaned in pleasure, "Oh man, this feels so good!"

All of the naked fertilizer boys, including Julian, laughed at Nicko's comment, but Julian reminded the fertilizer boys, "Remember, if you have to piss, Arnold wants us doing it either out in the fields or in the manure pit so that the visitors can watch."

Another fertilizer boy, Ranger, playfully taunted Julian, "You're getting to be Mr. Arnold Baldwin Junior, Poopee!"

Another fertilizer boy called out, "Yeah, Poopee, maybe you're beginning to act like Arnold because you're spending so much time with him. Why is he so interested in you?"

Another field slave teased, "What have you got that we don't? It seems like Arnold is having you spend a couple of nights a week with him! Arnold only had me spend one night with him when I was first enslaved, but I have never been invited back since then."

Julian answered their taunts, "Last night Arnold wanted to let me know about the two new fertilizer boys who will be going into training in a few days. It seems they are my friends."

Nicko called out, "Wow, some more examples of the Baldwin's entrapment enterprise!"

Julian cautioned his fellow field workers about speaking negatively about their owner, "Keep it cool guys. Save that talk for private conversations only. Don't make me have to spank you!"

All the fertilizer boys present in the threshing room smiled and shook their heads, "You wouldn't be able to spank any of us even if Arnold was standing over you with a whip, forcing you to do it!"

Another servant teasingly called out, "Please Poopee, spank me now. I'd give anything to have you spank me!"

The entire room was laughing as the slave Vovo went up to Poopee, turned around, bent over, and stuck his ass out, inviting Poopee to spank him.

Julian only shook his head, as Vovo backed his asshole up against Julian's ferruled cock, and wiggled his butt. Julian laughed, "If that's what you want, Vovo, you're going to have to wait until Thursday. That's when I'm up next to be in the sling."

Vovo jumped up and faced Poopee, "Oh come on Poopee, at least give me a kiss!"

Julian smiled and complied. He threw his arms around Vovo and slowly brought his lips to Vovo's and did a long smooch, as the other witnessing fertilizer boys oohed, ahhhed, and laughed.

Two servant handlers brought Casey Young and Lloyd Reese into Arnold Baldwin's office. Their wrists were cuffed together behind their backs, and they were both naked except for a lightweight processing apron that hung from a cord about their necks and hung down to just below their ball sacks. The apron covered the former footballers' front side, but not their backside.

Arnold stood up from his desk, thanked the two handlers, and told them to fetch Julian. Arnold walked up to Casey and Lloyd and greeted them, "Howdie, boys! Welcome to the Baldwin and Fletcher Farms."

Lloyd's and Casey's faces were tear streaked. Arnold took a tissue and wiped their faces. "There's no need for you boys to be crying. You're going to be very well cared for, and after a few days, once you get used to things, you're going to really like being here."

Lloyd spoke, "You can't do this to us. We were set up, and our dads are going to get us out of this!"

Arnold calmly replied as he continued wiping Lloyd's face, "Well, quite a few new slaves through the years have spoken with the same kind of hope that they would be freed by their father or friends, with nothing ever coming of it; so naturally I tend to think your fathers will not be able to do much to further your cause."

Casey, his voice trembling, spoke, "Oh no. My dad has the best lawyer; he'll get us out of this!"

Casey's remarks, being old hat to Arnold, were ignored by Arnold as he began a sincere introduction to a servitor's life at the Baldwin/Fletcher Farms, "First of all, I want to apologize to you for the fact that you're handcuffed. The medical and psychological reports on you all indicate that you are non-violent, but sometimes high schools don't have the best appraising mechanisms in place. I am sure you are both well balanced boys, and once we have you both evaluated by our own team after our meeting here, we can give you a proper welcoming and orientation."

"I think you will enjoy your service here at Baldwin/Fletcher. Not only is it a healthy environment, but it is fun. There is great camaraderie among the field boys. You basically will be spending the next ten years of your life cavorting in the California sun."

"And as you have been informed, the state invests a good chunk of what I paid for you, so that on your release you will have a nice pile of cash to either start a business or return to school."

Arnold's demeanor and comforting words did much to ease the apprehension of both of the new slaves.

There was a knock on the door, Arnold walked to open the door to his office, "It must be Julian."

Lloyd and Casey were amazed at what they saw; a naked and decorated Julian, gave Arnold a big hug, followed by an affectionate kiss.

As Arnold and Julian approached the two new slaves, Lloyd and Casey were amazed at what they saw. Julian was transformed. Was the exotic creature before them really their former friend Julian?

Julian's naked body had been dyed a light mauve color, the same color of some white men's genitals, giving him a slightly dangerous look. His entire body glistened with the special field oil and sun screen of the field boys. His handsome face was decorated with lightly painted lips and rouged cheeks. His hair was cut into a four inch tall Mohawk from his forehead to the nape of his neck. His ears had been surgically adjusted to stick out a bit, giving him something of an adorable puppy look, but which made his handsome face seem all the more endearing. And Julian's surgically ferruled cock was now long and thin, and with its foreskin hung to about two inches above his knees; it was not the cock of a human being, but the sex tool of some exotic animal.

Julian's body was decorated with rings, bands, and bells. From his ears hung long, finely crafted, silver earrings. His tits and foreskin were ringed, and from his foreskin ring hung a silver bell. His arms and legs were decorated with silver bands, and about his forehead he wore a gold cloth band. He left both Lloyd and Casey speechless, for they found him both alluring and frightening.

When Julian put his hand on Lloyd's shoulder, tears came to Lloyd's eyes, "Oh my god, Julian, what have they done to you?"

Lloyd started to sob, and lowered his head. Julian spoke quietly, "Everything is okay, Lloyd. Everything will be okay." Julian hugged him, but Lloyd could not stop his crying.

When Julian hugged Casey, he said "Good to see you, Casey."

Casey started to weep, "Oh Julian, how are you?"

"I am well. Once they get you oriented we can spend lots of time together. I have to go now. Don't you two worry. Everything will be okay."

Julian exited the office, and Arnold removed Casey's apron, leaving him standing naked, fully exposed, with his arms handcuffed behind his back. Lloyd trembled, "Oh man, what are you going to do to us?"

As Arnold began to remove Lloyds apron he explained, "I'm examining my purchases. I own you two now."

Lloyd, frightened and confused over his circumstances, was frantic and frightened like a child, "Please sir. Please dear sir, don't hurt us."

Arnold put a hand on Lloyd's shoulder, "Look, you need to calm down. No one is going to hurt you."

Lloyd spoke through his tears, "I saw what you did to Julian. Please don't do that stuff to me! Please sir. Please..." Lloyd began sobbing convulsively.

Arnold let Lloyd cry out his emotion for a bit, as he took in the sight of Lloyd's man-tits; breasts that are just a tad more pronounced than those found on most young males.

Once Lloyd's crying began to diminish, Arnold spoke, "The only reason you're so upset is because you have believed all of the horror stories you've heard about this place. You have been monitored both electronically and by my handlers, and I have heard some of the things you've said about this place and about my brother and me. You called me a `sicko perv' and that you were going to get me by the balls."

Arnold was tempted to grasp the boys by their balls to prove a point, but he was considerate of the fragile condition of both of his new purchases. He continued, "Life here is good and fun for the field workers. You will see."

Lloyd didn't believe him, "The things we've heard are true. It's not right the things you make the slaves do. It's not right. Casey told me how you hang the slaves in slings and everyone gets to do stuff to them."

Arnold did not want to humiliate Casey, but he needed to make a point, "Casey, you didn't seem to mind doing the things you did to Julian as he hung in the sling. You sucked his long cock, and you fucked him."

In total embarrassment Casey could only shout, "I did not!"

Arnold nodded, "I'll have to show you the video to refresh your memory."

Lloyd gave a stunned look to Casey, and asked quietly, "You fucked Julian?"

Casey was devastated and confused, and started to cry. Casey's tears caused Lloyd to do the only thing he could possibly do at the moment, to start sobbing again.

Arnold shook his head as he dialed up his handlers, "You better come in here. These guys need some serious calming down."

Arnold addressed the sobbing slaves, "You guys are really something. My handlers are coming to get you. They're going to help you calm down, let you soak in a tub, and give you some nourishment."

Jack met up with his remaining circle of friends, the ones that had not been enslaved by the Baldwin brothers, at Flora's Cantina. Sitting at a table with two pitchers of beer in front of them, Jack addressed Donny, Rick, Granger, and Sam, "I heard from Lloyd's father that Lloyd claims that both he and Casey were victims of entrapment. He is going down there to visit his son and Casey; but he told me that he was afraid he wouldn't be able to do much based upon his research of the Baldwin/Fletcher Empire, and California criminal law."

"Mr. Reese is considered to be a top notch defense lawyer, and if he is skeptical about there being any loopholes in the cases against Lloyd and Casey, then it seems that the Baldwin/Fletcher people probably know the ropes well enough to outmaneuver any appeal."

"So I asked Mr. Reese what it would take to override California's indenturement laws as they pertain to victims' claims of entrapment. He said that since Baldwin/Fletcher had video of Lloyd and Casey actually raping his slaves, the only thing that could trump that would be similar video of the entrapment."

Jack took a big drink of beer, and announced his plans, "Therefore, gentlemen, I propose that we make our own video of the entrapment!"

Granger shook his head, "How are you going to do that?"

"With your help, Granger!" Jack put his arm on Granger's shoulder, "You're going to California, Granger, armed with a state of the art lapel camera, and you will capture the Baldwin's Estate attempt to entrap you. You're going to call Arnold tomorrow morning, tell him who you are, and say that you want to visit your best friends, Julian, Casey, and Lloyd."

Granger wondered, "Will he let me?"

Jack was certain, "Oh yes! I've researched the guy. Not only do the Baldwin/Fletcher Farms have pretty open visitation policies, but people who know Arnold say he really is quite a civil guy, and actually treats his slaves and their families and friends very well despite his horrid reputation."

"One former Baldwin/Fletcher slave wrote that the horrible reputation of their farms comes from guys who visit the farms and personally find the idea of being naked and watched like a zoo animal the worst thing they can imagine, and so they talk about how being such a slave would be the worst thing that could ever happen to someone. But there is no huge record of slaves who have served terms at the Baldwin/Fletcher Farms reporting instances of abuse. Most of the slaves who have lodged complaints felt that the experience was totally humiliating. But humiliation is considered to be a subjective matter by the courts, and not regarded as abuse."

The five friends ended up drinking pitchers until Flora's Cantina closed. As they walked out of the pub and chatted on the sidewalk before going their separate ways, Jack warned Granger, "Just make sure you don't have any alcohol while you're at the Farms. Be on your guard every step of the way. But always act calm and natural, don't make anyone suspicious of your behavior, and always be gracious for any hospitality shown."

A drunken Granger responded, "You can count on me, boys! I'm going to get the evidence that will get our friends freed!"

Dunn Akers, Arnold Baldwin's head servitor trainer, was pleased to see that the bathed, shaved, and sedated, Lloyd Reese had calmed down enough to enjoy his meal, and handle his initial questioning and physical evaluation without constantly breaking down into tears.

And Dunn was pleased to see that after five hours of nudity, Lloyd was no longer constantly asking for some clothes to wear.

He touched Lloyd on the shoulder, led him to an exam table, and told Lloyd to lean over it and spread his legs.

Lloyd had been successfully calmed down, but when he felt a lubed rubber rod touch his anus, he was worried, "What are you doing to me?"

"I'm going to be working a small comfort stop up your hole to sort of see where you are on this end of things."


Dunn put a comforting hand on Lloyd's back, "Now are you going to stay in place while I try to loosen you up a bit, or do I have to tie you down?"

Lloyd was worried, but was sedated enough that he was no longer frantic, "Why are you doing this to me?"

"Because we control you field boys through your sexual urges. All the boys are in a give and take situation, you all have to do your part to help each other out."

Lloyd did not know what Dunn meant.

"Controlling your urges keeps you boys all sexed up, and ensures that there will be plenty of boners popping up uncontrollably on you boys while you're working in the fields. It's what the visitors really like to see!"

Dunn was surprised that he was easily able to work the relatively small gauge comfort stop all the way up into Lloyd's butt without him complaining, or even seeming to be aware of it.

Lloyd began to sob again, so Dunn reached around the front of Lloyd, grasped his penis, and slowly started to pump it. He whispered in Lloyd's ear, "Calm down, big fella! If you relax this isn't going to hurt too much!"

Because of Lloyd's stressed out condition, his cock immediately erected almost the moment Dunn grasped it. Dunn was pleased at the size of Lloyd's erected cock, "Whew! What a nice catch you are for the Baldwin brothers!"

Dunn let go of Lloyd's cock and slowly worked the comfort stop in and out. It had the effect of calming Lloyd, and Dunn realized that Lloyd was sexually stimulated by anal work, for his penis remained rock hard and was starting to ooze precum.

As Dunn worked the stop in and out, he explained, "This is called a comfort stop because it's what we use to calm the field workers down when they're stressed out. Often we send you boys comfort stopped to work out in the field. But the stops we fit you with for field work usually have fancy tails attached to them. Gives a real nice show, and the crowds go wild."

Lloyd, a straight boy who never before had played with his asshole, was finding out that there was pleasure to be had from it. He wanted to cry over the things Dunn was telling him about field service, but he was heading towards an orgasm that was bringing into play thousands of delicious nerve centers Lloyd had never before experienced.

Dunn decided to reward the young footballer, and grabbed his cock and started to pump it. The very feel of Lloyd's stiffness told Dunn that Lloyd was near to coming. He pumped Lloyd's dick as he slowly worked the comfort stop, "You feeling good boy?"

Dunn looked Lloyd over appreciatively, "You have some mighty pretty looking tits on you. While you're in training I'm going to fit you with tit hogs. They'll train your nipples to stick out nice and long, just like a girl's."

Lloyd heard Dunn's words, but chose instead to get lost in Dunn's ass and cock manipulations. It was the only escape he had.

Dunn commented, "I'm going to be watching how much juice you spurt. We're thinking of opening up a milking station for the visitors where they can watch some of the boys get milked. For that area of the theme park we only want to use those boys who put on a good spurt display."

Hearing such a thing just before he shot his load, Lloyd hoped that he wouldn't shoot too much. But his hope was lost in the orgasm that was overtaking him, as his cock, ass, and groin area gave him sensations he had never before experienced. As Lloyd shot stream after stream of young man cum, Dunn could hardly wait to give Arnold the good news about his latest catch.

To Be Continued...

For more of Randall Austin Stories, Please join his Archive group: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Randall_Austin_Stories

Next: Chapter 8

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