What the Fuck Just Happened

By JT Shore

Published on Mar 2, 2019



Ugh. I opened my eyes and instinctively rolled over to grab my phone to cease that screeching sound. For a split second I didn't know where I was, until the dull cinderblock walls reminded me...college.

I threw back the covers and rolled out of bed. I was wearing only boxer briefs and they were tenting out mightily from morning wood. I glanced over to my roommate still tucked into bed, he just groaned and rolled over.

Fuck it, I grabbed my towel and headed to the bathroom before waiting until my hardon subsided. There was hardly any guys awake at this hour anyway.

I took a piss at the urinal and went to brush my teeth. Staring into the mirror I had to admit that I looked good. 6 foot tall, sandy blond hair, blue eyes, well defined pecs, and toned all over. I didn't have a 6 pack or anything, but had a slight v down to the "goods" and a set of toned legs. I was proud of my body which was from a combo of working out and sports in highschool.

If I'm being completely honest, the one area where I was average was in the dick department. 6 inches long (6.25" when i was super hard...yeah I may have measured a few times, what guy hasn't), decently thick, with average balls. Average, average, average. I never had any complaints, but i always wanted that extra inch or 2. Never told anyone that, had to keep my masculine facade of course. I kept my pubes trimmed and my balls shaved, although that was harder at college with a common bathroom.

College....I was a month in and liking it a lot. One thing that was hard to adjust to was the total, complete lack of privacy. My roommate was a gamer and was alwaysssss home. He was a cool dude, really neat, good hygiene, so no complaints there. At home I had 2 younger brothers, but had my own room so I could close the door and bam, I was alone. Like any dude, I jerked off once a day if I wasn't seeing my girlfriend that night. So here I was adjusting to a new routine where I shared a room and my only alone time was in the shower or when my roomie was at class.

The door to the bathroom swung open and I saw my hallmate Connor walk in wrapped in a towel. Connor...what a cocky douche. He was the unofficial leader of 4 guys in the hall he has dubbed "the 4 horseman" that was composed of me, Connor, a red head kid named Eric, and a shorter dude named Joe. We were all outgoing and went out together to the frat and sorority parties.

He grunted at me and went to take a piss.

I hung my towel and boxer briefs on the hook and jumped into the shower. There were 3 shower stalls all in a line with privacy curtains, which was nice, since I was used to open showers in high school ...so at least this was better.

As I soaped my cock, it inflated a bit and I debated jerking off, but was just too tired. Plus I was still getting used to this whole jerking off in the public shower thing. It was a little gross. As I was soaping up I heard Connor.

"Fuck. Yo Zach, can I borrow some shampoo? Totally forgot mine in the room". That's me, Zach.

Before I could answer the curtain was ripped back and I saw a naked Connor standing there. I have to begrudgingly admit he was a good looking dude who, of course, knew it. He was 6' tall with blond hair and blue eyes and a very toned body - more so than mine. His stomach was flat and toned and you could tell he was trying for that 6 pack. I saw his eyes move down my body to look me over...which made me a bit uncomfortable since in high school no one openly checked out another guy. Like I said he was kind of a douche. Thank god I decide not to jerk off, or he would be staring at my hardon.

Almost by instinct in response, my eyes flickered down to his body to his crotch to see a totally hairless pale dick laying on two pretty big balls. Of course.....he looked bigger in the dick department than me. My eyes went back up to his eyes and I saw him smirk. I half expected some snarky comment about dick size as I handed him my shampoo and closed the curtain.

While Connor and I hang out and go out often, I don't consider him a friend. He is one of those guys that loves bragging about his conquest in detail. Throwing in lines like "she couldn't get enough," "I was the biggest she's had," and the like. What pissed me off the most about him was he hated when anyone deviated from his plans or left something early. He got in your face "come on man, don't leave." Him and I got to into a few bouts about it. I didn't back down.

Plus, he always seemed to have a smart comment ready about me. About my looks, my manhood, my athletic ability, etc. It was like he was always riding my jock. I think it also bothered him that I didn't endless talk about the girls I've had sex with.

I shut off the shower dried off and wrapped the towel around me and got out. Connor open his curtain, flashed a smile, gave my shampoo back and thanked me. Even though he was an asshole, part of me wanted him to like me. I really can't explain it.

As I got dressed and headed to class my mind wandered to my ex girlfriend Ashley. I couldn't help but miss that stupid bitch. I was a popular kid in highschool, playing sports, hung out with the popular group and always had a serious girlfriend. To be completely honest I never even had a one night stand until recently in college, even though I had opportunity all throughout high school. I just always had a girlfriend. Steph was the best sex I've ever had (out of 3 girl friends). She had a killer body, gave a great blow job, was kinky, and had this tight pussy that was amazing. Plus, she was the only girl that was on the pill and let me fuck her with no condom, which was an amazing experience for me. We had dated for a year, but decided to split up in Sept before college since we were going to different schools. Even so, was totally shock when I heard she cheated on me before Sept with this kid Tyler when the summer started. So much for our planned summer of sex. This fuck head Tyler ran in different circles and he was rumored to have a big dick, which made me self conscious. Why him? Because of his dick size? He was known as a player so why would she even want that? I ended up seeing the two of them together at a party in the summer and was instantly jealous. I could tell there was chemistry between them and just KNEW he was fucking her brains out. Of course my friends couldn't resist digging on me how this scrawny, bagging pants, ear pierced dude took my girl.

After class, a nap, dinner and another shower it was time to go out. Friday night and there was a sorority party tonight. The "4 horsemen" met in Connors room. Shots poured and ready:

"We are going to clean up tonight boys. I know Tri Os, and they are hot as fuck" said Connor as he downed his shot.

"Ok, game plan - let's team up so we can more easily engage with the girls. It will be me and..." let me guess, he always picks me for some odd reason "Zach." He flashes me another smile and punched me in the arm. Just great. Twice before we rolled up on chicks and he ended up taking the girl i was interested in home. He flamed out with his girl and then just turned the charm on with mine. Worst of all he definitely enjoyed it and boasted the next day on how he fucked the girl.

The party was loud and crowded by the time we arrived. We spit off into pairs and made our rounds. There were two girls that Connor and I started chatting up. A blond and an Asian girl. While the Asian girl was small and really had no boobs, she was hot as hell. As we talked and drank, I kept imagining fucking her since I always was curious about an Asian chick. We started dancing and before you know it we were grinding up on each other. There was no way she didn't feel my semi hard dick. I made a move and we started kissing and my hand roamed her body a bit. Hers did the same to me and I felt her hand go over my dick and she stared into my eyes with this look that said "yeah I want to fuck." I looked around and saw Connor dancing with his blond. The time had flew by and it was getting late. As I was planning on making my exit with this chick, a group of girls pulled my girl and Connors girl away. One of their friends was apparently sick.

Shit. I was so ready to blow my load. I hadn't had the opportunity to jerk off in a few days. Two weeks ago, I had my first and only one night and kinda regretted it - she was pretty but not hot, but the big turn off for me was that it was obvious she definitely got around. Plus it was a bit awkward and we fumbled around not knowing each other at all.

"Fucking cock blocking bitches!" Connor said as he approached me. "I was definitely getting laid."

"Yeah me too." I replied.

"Let's get the fuck out of here, this place is emptying out. I don't want any sloppy seconds." Connor said. Sloppy seconds was how he referred to the girls that were left over after the pick of the litter were chosen and rolled up on. I couldn't help but think how big of douche bags college guys are. I guess to some extent I was one of them.

We couldn't find Eric or Joe anywhere and started walking home.

"Hey want to come back to my room?" Connor asked. "Let's have a night cap."

"Sure man" I replied. Well this was definitely a first. While we hung out a ton it was more of a tolerate friendship. Strained even, since we often didn't see eye to eye.

We entered his room. It had to be going on 2am, but he was lucky that his roomie went home for the weekends so he had the place to himself. A huge plus for a horny college guy.

He poured another shot.

"Naw man, it's getting late" I said.

"Come on pussy. We have no where to be."

He had a point, so I downed the shot. I was pretty drunk already and it went right to my head.

"That blond was grinding up on my cock on the dance floor" Connor mused. "I would be fucking her right now."

"Yeah man, that Asian girl was feeling up my dick" I countered. "She definitely wanted it bad. Bet she was so tight."

"I slept with an Asian girl once. She was pretty good, but not as tight as I would have thought for her skinny body. No boobs though which was kinda weird." Connor said.

"Eh, I'm alright with that." I replied

"Or course you are since you are into dudes." Connor joked.

"Don't put your fantasies back on me bro." I joked back.

"Bro you wishhhhh, you couldn't handle me. Hahaha." Connor shot back. "Let's watch some tv."

We both sat down on his futon in front of the tv. He turned it on and it was paused on a porn scene. Some girl was freeze frame licking on a very large penis.

"Ha. Forgot I was watching this. Why watch on a small laptop screen when you your roommate is gone and you can cast it to a tv." Connor said.

He started playing it. The girl slurped and bobbed on the big dick and then moved to the guys balls.

"Ugh I could use that about now. You think that Asian chick would be munching on your balls right now?" Connor asked.

"Yeah man. She had the look in her eye she would do whatever I wanted." I replied.

"Of course she would bro. We were like the hottest guys at the party. Plus you have your balls shaved, which girls love." Connor said. Guess he noticed in the shower this morning.

I saw him adjust himself, stand up, quickly slip his jeans off and sit down in only boxers. "Had to get these off" he stated.

"Ok man, I'm gonna call it a night" I said. It was obvious he wanted to take care of business.

"Naww dude, why don't you chill for a while" he replied, looking over at me and flashed that smile of his.

"I'll leave you to take care of business, ha" I replied.

"Why don't we both take care of business?" he said

"Uhhhhhh...." I wasn't sure exactly what he getting at or what to say.

"Haven't you watched porn with friends before?" He asked

"Yeah but we just watched and that was it" I replied. I immediately started to get uncomfortable.

"It's not a big deal man, we are both dudes. Dudes jerk off. Plus beats jerking off quietly in your bed tonight." He countered. He has a point there, but this just wasn't something I had every really thought about or was prepared for.

"Naw it's cool" I said. I stood up to leave.

"Ok whatever. I know you are a prude. Hahaha." He laughed. Was he trying to pull one over on me? Get me to say ok and then totally turn it against it me?

"Dude I'm not a prude." I shot back. I was tired of him riding me about not being a total douche guy.

"I've already seen the goods man. It's not a big deal." He said.

I looked down at my crotch, seeing the outline of my hard cock. I was achingly hard after grinding against that chick and watching this porn. He was right, I was kind of a prude when it came to girls, talking about sex, jerking off etc. It's not like I wanted to be.

I made a split second decision and thought screw it, so I undid my belt, slipped off my jeans, and sat down in my boxer briefs.

Connor just turned back to the screen and put his hand down his boxers. I thought to myself "what the hell" and put my hand down my boxer briefs and grabbed my aching cock.

Man I needed this. As I focused on the screen the guy was pushing back the girl on to a bed and then mounted her. He put his hand around her neck and squeezed a bit. My cock jolted and I leaked some extra precum.

"Shit that's so hot man" Connor said. "Mmhmmmmm." I relied.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him unbutton his boxers and take out his dick. All of sudden this got real, and I almost stood up to leave. A dude is sitting next to me jerking off.

I was horny and drunk, however. and thought to myself "fuck it, I need to release this dick." And brought my cock out too. I kept staring straight at the screen, ignoring Connors hand moving up and down his dick out of the corner of my eye.

"Nice man, bet girls like that" I turned to see Connor staring at my dick. My eyes automatically went down to his. It was the first dick I ever saw hard. It was paler than mine, a inch (maybe two) longer than mine, and looked thicker too.

"Never had any complaints" I said as I looked at his. His dick was like an alien to me. Something you've seen on TV but never in real life. Sure, I've seen countless cocks in porn and have an intimate relationship with my own, but this was so different. He turned back to the screen, leaned back and spread his legs a bit. I did the same.

A few minutes later I was starting to get close.

"You always get that hard man? It looks like iron." Connor asked.

I looked down. It was definitely harder than normal and felt like iron too.

"I don't know, I guess" I said.

"Let me feel" Connor said. Wait what? He wanted to feel my dick? I was confused on why he would want to. As his hand reached across to my dick, my hand instinctively let go and he grasped my hard member.

"Wow dude so hard" he said. He ran his fingers over my shaft a bit. It felt so good to have another hand on my dick and caused my cock to jump. "Harder than mine. Feel."

I looked over at his big dick. This was getting too weird, I should just stand up and leave. But to be totally honest I was curious about his size and convinced myself it was ok: just two guys getting off and comparing junk. No big deal right?

So I reached out and grab his hard dick. I was immediately struck by how it felt just like mine. Hot, hard, soft at the same time, it was just bigger. A lot bigger. I couldn't help but to run my hand up the shaft - definitely 2 inches bigger than mine. It was also thicker.

"Feels just as hard as mine bro" I said sheepishly. I thought about how I had another dudes hard dick in my hand, and immediately let go of his dick. Connor did the same to mine.

I grabbed my dick again and my dick oozed more precum than normal. Connor and I started jerking off again. I couldn't help that my eyes would occasionally dart back to his dick. I was jealous of its size.

I heard him grunt a bit and saw cum shooting out of his cock in long ropes. That pushed me over the edge and my dick exploded shooting my own ropes with the first one hitting my chin.

"Damn man, you always shoot that far?" Connor asked as he looked at the cum on my chin.

"No" I replied honestly. My balls felt totally emptied out.

"I could do that when I was like 14. Man you must have needed it" he said.

"Yeah man, so did you" I replied as I nodded to all the cum on his chest. He got up and grabbed a paper towel and handed to me and started to clean it up.

"Smells like cum in here, haha" he stated.

"Might have to do with the gallon we just shot," I laughed.

After I cleaned up and put on my jeans. "Ok goodnight man. See you tomorrow."

It was Saturday morning so I laid awake in my bed after I woke up. Chris, my roomie, was gone. I had morning wood plus a headache and I tried to sit up but thought better of it. Yup, definitely hung over, but not as bad as it could have been.

My thoughts drifted to lastnight and everything that happened in Connor's room. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel about it. As much as I tried to tell myself it was just "broing" out, I also knew that it wasn't exactly normal. To be honest, it was a kinda nice not jerking off quietly in bed and it was a strange bonding moment. Like Connor and I shared something that two guys normally don't. Just two guys getting off no big deal, right?

I saw Connor later in the morning and he acted totally normal - and so did I. If anything he was nicer to me than he was before. Treating me more like a buddy which was refreshingly nice. Over the next few days we definitely spent more time together, worked out bunch of times and hung out more. When he wasn't being a douche he was actually pretty funny. We went to several frat and sorority parties and I got laid again (yup with that Asian chick. And no it wasn't exactly as good as I thought it would be). Connor, of course, never seemed to have much trouble finding girls.

Tonight we were going a party thrown by the hottest sorority on campus. Connor had hooked up with a sophomore girl in the sorority and she had invited him (and by extension us), so the 4 horsemen were ready to ride!

Decked out in our best, Connor, Eric, Joe and I rolled up to the party and were in awe of all the hot girls. Connor looked at me, smiled and nodded. Me and him broke off to find a drink and then some girls to talk to.

We found the booze, did two quick shots and then got a beer. Immediately we started talking to a few girls, but after a few minutes I realized something was off. The girls were drinking, but not that heavily and they seemed more interested in talking to each other than with us.

Connor spotted the sorority girl he's knew and went over to talk to her. He came back and said:

"Dude it's a rush event. The girls are trying to make a good impression to the sisters. That's why they aren't drinking a ton. No way they would go home with us, they don't want to be seen as sluts. Fucking hell." Connor vented.

"What are we going to do? Try to go for the sisters?" I asked.

"Naw look at them, they are busy too. Let's bounce the fuck out of here." He replied.

After finding Eric and Joe we left and discussed our next move. Connor was pretty fired up but didn't want to go to another party. So we called it a night even though it was midnight.

On our walk home Connor leaned near me to softly say: "dude come back to my room. I was saving this, but I have some killer weed. I really only have enough for 2 and Eric would smoke the shit out of it." Eric was a big pot smoker.

Eric and Joe went back to their rooms and I went into Connors room. We did 2 shots to continue the evening and then vaping his weed.

"You smoke a lot?" Connor asked.

"Naw, just a few times, but I've never got really high." I replied.

"Well shit. This is pretty potent, so watch out." He said.

After a couple hits I was really feeling the shots and weed. "I'm going to change out of this shit," Connor said and proceeded to take off his button down and jeans, throwing a pair of mesh shorts on. "Get comfortable man. Take a load off."

I really did want to get comfortable and sat down on his futon. The combination of weed and booze was making me feel damn good. Maybe I should smoke more weed if it made me feel this relaxed.

"Let's watch a movie," he stated putting on an Avengers movie. We started cracking jokes and laughing about various parts of the movie. Now I was really feeling the weed and laughed hysterical at a few things that were only marginally funny.

"Hey want to watch something else?" Connor asked mischievously. Where is he going with this, I immediately asked myself. "Like maybe you know, some good porn."

Alarm bells started to go off in my head. While I didn't forget the other night, I wrote it off as a one time thing. I honestly never even thought about it since that morning.

"Ummm ok," I said. I was very unsure about this. One time was ok, but two? I was confused at why he would want to. If I had a roommate who left during the weekends I would be kicking him out, stripping naked, and jerking off.

He threw on some porn and we started watching. To my surprise it actually had a basic storyline to accompany the shitty acting. It wasn't all that bad

"Weed always makes me a little horny. You?" Connor asked.

I felt really good, but not horny perse. However, as the storyline progressed I felt myself getting harder.

"Kinda," I replied with my eyes glued to the screen. I was fully hard now.

"Dude I need to release the beast," Connor took off his shorts and boxers. His big dick stood at attention. I just stared at it for a minute. Last time I was too nervous to do anything by steal a glance or two and didn't really take in all the detail, so this time I just stared. As far as dicks go, it wasn't bad, not like some of the ugly monsters you see in porn with veins. He was cut with a pretty pronounced head and a smooth shaft that led to a pair of smooth balls.

"So you going to join or what?" Connor looked over at my jeans and the obvious hard pipe that was stretching across my crotch.

I was about to say no and just head back to my room, but a part of me didn't want to. I looked back at the screen to see a blonde girl was sucking a black guys dick, when her "boyfriend" walked in. The boyfriend was yelling at the girl, and the girl was yelling about how she needed a real man. She basically dragged him over to the black guys huge cock and pushed him to his knees. To my total amazement the guy started sucking the black guy's cock with his "girlfriend" egging him on.

"Ohh I forgot about this part." Connor said sheepishly. "I hope it doesn't bother you."

Honestly, my dick was super hard and I was glued to the screen. While I had accidentally stumbled on some gay and bi porn before I quickly switched it off. This was the first time I really watched. I didn't get why a guy would suck another guys dick, but to each their own I guess.

My dick needed release. It needed out of these confine and to join Connors in the open. I stood up, undid my button down, stripped down my jeans, and sat down. I grabbed my dick and pulled it through the opening in my boxer briefs. Connor looked over at me (and my dick) and smiled.

On screen the black guy was now pumping in and out of the blond girl, while the boyfriend just watched. His girlfriend was being owned right in front of him.

"I think I would let a guy suck my dick. Most girls give shitty head. Heard guys give amazing head." Connor confessed out of no where.

"Yeah I guess they would know how to. I would never let a guy give me head man," I replied.

"Never? Like even if it was going to be the best blow job of your life? And no one would ever find out?" Connor asked.

"Uhhh, ummm, I dunno. I guess when you put it that way." I stated. "I mean who would turn down an amazing blow job?"

"Dude look at the black guy's dick. Can you imagine if you were that big?" Connor commented. The black guy probably was close to 10".

"Ha, shit yeah. That would be amazing." I said. I also was curious about something so I just went head and asked. "You are pretty big yourself man. Like, uh, how big are you?"

I can't believe I just asked that, but I really wanted to know.

"8 inches exactly. Its not like I haven't measured 1000 times growing up. Hahah. You?" Connor joked. He held his dick by the tip giving me view of the full thing. It was impressive.

"Like 6 inches.....exactly" I said kinda of sheepishly.

"Nothing to be embarrassed about man. That is a good size." Connor said.

"Dude, I'm not embarrassed! I just wish I was, uhhh, a little bigger," I said back.

"Yeah I guess don't we all. But dude your dick is like perfect." Connor stated. Perfect? I wasn't sure what he meant.

"I, uhh, mean, like, for girls to suck. Sometimes they have trouble with mine." He said quickly, but I wasn't sure if that was he originally meant.

We didn't say anything for another few minutes. We just sat, stroked our cocks, and watched as the black guy pounded the girl while the boyfriend watched.

"I mean it man. Like you should be proud of your dick," Connor said going back to the early conversation. On some level I think he sensed my insecurity about my size. He reached over and literally moved my hand and grabbed my dick. He started feeling it.

"Like any girl would love this" he said again and started jerking me off slowly. It actually felt good to have someone else's hand on my dick. I was leaking precum like crazy, but I wanted to stand up and leave. I wasn't sure what was happening but it seemed like a line that shouldn't be crossed.

I looked over at him and he flashed one of his smiles and gave me this look. "Relax bro. Relax."

I don't know why, but I did. My head was fuzzy because of the weed, and my dick was saying "keep going."

He was staring at my dick and said really quietly "dude I gotta...." and then trailed off. I wasn't sure what he meant, until he lowered his head into my lap and I felt my dick enter his mouth.

What the fuck?!?!? I went to stand up, but he pushed me back down on the futon, never taking his mouth off my dick. He was now deep throating me and it felt amazing.

"Bro, stop man," I said.

Connor pulled off my dick and looked into my eyes and whispered "relax man, just relax, it's going to feel amazing."

"Connor, come on man." I pleaded. This was wrong. I didn't want this.

Without breaking eye contact he put his mouth back on my dick and started sucking.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Another guy was sucking my dick. A dude, with my dick in this mouth. I was really starting to freak out when he pulled off my dick and started sucking on my balls.

Holy. Fuck. It felt amazing and whatever resistance I felt melted away a bit. I relaxed my body and opened my legs. Getting my balls sucked was a weakness of mine and a treat I didn't get often. This was definitely better than any girl.

I actually let out a moan when he went back onto my dick and deep throated me, keeping his lips on the base of my dick and swirl his tongue around my whole dick. It felt amazing.

I put my hands on his head to go deeper. I needed to get more of me into this mouth but he choked a little. It was weird feeling his short hair rather than the long hair of a girl.

I started to feel the familiar churning in my balls and said: "dude I'm getting really close."

I thought he would pull off right away, but he started sucking harder and faster. Holy shit. I felt my balls tightening and my cock get every harder.

I looked down at my dick in his mouth as I busted. My orgasm was like a huge wave over me and I felt 5 or 6 shots spurt in his mouth. I saw his throat moving as he swallowed it all.

I was in a total daze and was slumped down on the futon as he jumped up and stood over me and was furiously jacking off. I was almost eye level with his dick, which but was like a 2 feet away as he stood over me. I heard him grunt and could literally see the cum flying shooting out of his dick and into my my chest and dick.

Holy shit what just happened? I was still only beginning to process it. Connor was still standing above me breathing heavy with his eyes closed. As his orgasm subsided, he opened his eyes and they went wide with panic as he looked down to see his cum all over my chest. When we made eye contact he quickly looked away.

I was flush - a little ashamed and confused. He threw me a towel and said "I'm going to shower" and almost ran out of the room.

Right before he left I looked at his face and he looked like he was going to cry. After he was gone, I was alone in Connors room, cleaning a ton of HIS cum off MY body.


Next: Chapter 2

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