What Should Have Happened

By J Zander

Published on Apr 11, 2023


I was driving along, minding my own business. It was winter, cold out, but not too bad. The roads looked fine. I pulled to a stop at a stop sign on a fairly lonely side street. There was hardly any traffic.


Some idiot had run into the back of my car.

I put it in park and hopped out. I was really fucking mad. The car behind me was a beater, rust and paint the only thing holding it together.

Behind the wheel was a young guy, maybe 20, blonde, red wine lips and crystal blue eyes. He was stunning.

He jumped out of the car and came over to me. "Oh man, I am SO sorry. My car just wouldn't stop."

I was steamed, his good looks aside. "Insurance."

The guy looked like I'd struck him. "Oh, uh," and then he mumbled something.


He looked at me pleadingly. "I d-don't have insurance."

"Ok, cops it is." I pulled out my phone.

"Wait! Please! If the cops come, I'll lose the car!"


"Please, man, my job depends on me having a car. I'll ... I'll pay you back, in increments."

I gave him my disbelieving look.

He started to really beg then. "I'll do anything! Anything. Please!"

I looked him up and down, slowly so he understood why I was looking. When I got back to his face, he was blushing.

"Even that?" I said, softly.

"Anything." He said back, his eyes downcast.

"You need to be anywhere for the next few hours?"

He swallowed. "N-no."

"Ok, park your damned car, and I'll drive you over to my place."

He hopped in his car, pulled it into a spot and then joined me in my car. I pulled away and drove, perhaps a little unsteadily, to my place. I had just the right setup for the payments he'd be making.

I drove into the garage and let the door roll down. I hopped out, and so did the young guy, slowly. He followed me into the kitchen. I dropped my bag on a chair, went to the fridge and pulled out some popsicles. I smiled at him. He swallowed again.

Then I took him down to the basement. I had made a little extra money this year, and done up a "fun room" in a corner of the basement. It had all the best toys.

He followed me into the Fun Room until he realized what was in it. The St Andrews Cross, the padded sawhorse, the shackles, the stocks, and the sling. He stopped at the door. "Oh, shit."

I smiled again. "I promise I won't hurt you -- much. And you'll leave intact. I'm not some psychopath."

He looked like was going to run. "I, uh..."

I shook my head. "Step outside that door," I pointed, "and I'll call the cops and report your license plate. It'll be even worse, because then it'll be a hit and run."

He looked horrified. "Please. No."

"It's really simple. Shut the door, and take off your clothes. Hell, you might even enjoy it."

His hand shaking, he shut the door (nicely soundproofed) and begin to strip. I had been right -- he had a tight, finely muscled body under the bulky winter clothes. He was a jock. He pulled the shirt up over his chest, nearly hairless, his nipples pink. He unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down. He was, in fact, wearing a jock strap underneath.

"Leave it on." I croaked out. Hell, I swallowed. He was amazing.

I motioned him over and handed him a popsicle. He nearly dropped it, his hand was shaking so bad.

"W-what do I--"

"Oh for crying out loud. It's for you to eat before we begin."

He let out a breath and relaxed. He tore the paper off his and begin to suck on the orange popsicle. I did the same for mine, but went much slower. His he could eat -- mine I did, indeed, have dastardly plans for. I raptly watch him eat it. He seemed to take a more than straight-man's interest in seeing how much he could put in his mouth. That was great for me, visually, but if he was actually into man-on-man action, this might be even more fun for both of us.

While we sucked the sugar off the things, I idly reached a hand and stroked his chest. He blushed and shivered. He had a really nice chest. I smiled at him, and gently played with his nipples. He seemed surprised that I didn't pinch them. A minute or two of feeling him up, avoiding any of the really fun areas for now, and he was already a little stiff in the jock. Very nice.

After a bit, I walked over to the padded sawhorse, and patted it. "Ok, champ, time to get in the saddle."

He chewed rapidly on his popsicle and swallowed it. He walked over, slowly.

"Uh, what--"

"Lay with your stomach on the pad," I smacked it with my hand, and he jumped. "And then put your arms down there." I pointed to the padded cuffs near the front feat of the sawhorse.

Like he was going to the gallows, he lay front-first on the sawhorse. Not wasting any time, I knelt, the popsicle in my mouth, and secured his hands in the padded cuffs. He was starting to breath faster. I moved down to the other end, and nearly fell over. His ass, framed in that jockstrap, was simply perfect. He had creamy, firm globes, faintly blushed. I secured his legs largely by feel, because I couldn't take my eyes off him.

I knelt at that end and with both hands began to caress his behind. It was heavenly hard and smooth.

"Ok, to start with -- oh, right, didn't get your name."

"It's Chad."

"Hi, Chad, I'm John. Relax here a second." I got up, went over to his pants and pulled out his wallet. He looked over kind of alarmed. "No, I'm not robbing you -- just need to check ID." I went through his wallet, tossing the 28-year-old driver's license for the one that declared him to be 20.

"Ok, now, where was I?" I contemplatively sucked on my popsicle, then realized. "Oh right."

I went over and with one hand, gently parted his ass cheeks. Very nice. I pulled the popsicle out of my mouth, now nicely slick, and ran in teasingly along his crack. He gasped.


"Oh, quiet now. Or shout, it doesn't really matter. This first part is a little bit of punishment for the ramming you did to my car."

I touched the popsicle to his ass again, a little less teasingly this time and he gasped again. I stroked it down his crack, over his anus and along the jockstrap. Well, that would just have to go. I got up, got some scissors and cut them off. He flinched at the first snick sound, and then relaxed when he realized I wasn't harming him. Not with the scissors, anyway.

This time, I pulled the frozen treat along his ass crack and lay it against his balls. He shouted. "Stop. That's fucking cold!"

"Oh, it sure is." I moved the popsicle up and down, getting more sticky liquid on him. He squirmed in the restraints, gasping.

I stopped. He sighed in relief. I leaned forward and licked from his balls up to his anus. Hmm, cherry. Cherry popsicle that is. Probably that other thing, too.

He shuddered at the touch of my tongue and groaned. I think he surprised himself. Your first rim-job can be quite the shock. I licked a little more of the cherry flavor off him, lingering a little on his anus.

"Fuuuck." He said, low and breathy. Cool, he was getting into it. This part, anyway.

I pulled back and ran the popsicle along his crack again. This time he groaned. He'd gotten the pleasure signal and the ice was another sensation in the catalog.

"Ok, Chad, now that we have the appetizer out of the way, let's get to the first course. This might get a little cold."

I rubbed the tip of the popsicle on his anus.

He shouted "Fuck!" and then, "Cold!"

I gently but firmly pressed the tip of the popsicle against him until after a moment, and a long string of muttered "fuck, fuck, fuck" from Chad, the tip of the popsicle was in his ass.

"Oh, GOD"

In response, I pushed another inch into him. He shouted something, not making any sense. I twisted the popsicle. His whole body shivered, partly cold and partly having a popsicle stuck up his ass. I slowly but surely pushed the popsicle into him. Sticky cherry fluid began to leak out of his ass, slide along his balls and drip off his hard cock. I twisted the popsicle a little more. He was whimpering and groaning, breathing heavily.

I gave him one good smack on his ass. "Ok, enough of the lesson."

Ever so slowly, I pulled the popsicle back out. It had melted quite a bit, and cherry juice was sluicing out as I pulled. Chad gasped and groaned as I went. Finally it was out. I tossed it, put both my hands on his fine, fine ass and pulled his cheeks apart. He was pretty red, what with the food coloring. I leaned in and started licking in earnest. His gasps and groans turned to one continuous low moaning.

Then I stuck my tongue in his ass.

"Holyshit. Holy! Shit!"

He was cold and cherry flavored. It was divine. I don't normally go for that sort of thing, but I started to wonder if I could convince my regular lover to try the popsicle. I tongue fucked him until my jaw hurt. When I stopped, he was dripping his precum into the pool of cherry, and hard as a rock.

I stood up, shucked my clothes, grabbed a condom and suited up. Chad was just catching his breath. He looked back, and his eyes widened.

I grabbed a bottle of lube, and drizzled it on his ass. His really perfect ass. I spread it around with my finger some, then pushed lube into him. He gasped, but didn't complain. He wasn't as cold inside as he'd been earlier, quite hot now. He was also pretty relaxed and loose.

I pulled my finger out, slow, and stood closer.

He watched, worried.

I grabbed his hips, and moved forward, my dick slipping against his ass. Damn! Then I found his hole, and pushed a little. He squeaked. Seriously. I held it there for a moment, letting him get accustomed. It's not that I'm all that big (I'm not bad, mind you), but it was his first time. Except for my tongue, I mean. And that popsicle. And my finger.

Oh, fuck it. I pushed, sinking my dick into him in one long, slow stroke. He started groaning but ended in kind of a scream when my hips met his sweet, sweet ass. I held it there for another moment, savoring. He gibbered a little, and tried to catch his breath.

"So, Chad, what do we say to people we've rear-ended?"

He struggled to catch his breath. "I...I, unh..."

I pulled back, slow, and then rammed into him.



As I held myself all the way in, he squirmed in the restraints and was barely able to breath. I took a moment to stroke his ass with my hands. The extra time got him to speech.

"I'm ... unh ... sorry!"

I pulled back and then pushed in again, a little slower this time.


"Sorry, what?"

"I'm sorry, sir!"

"Good boy. And what are you sorry for?"

I pulled out and pushed in again. He grunted, but didn't scream and didn't test the restraints again.

"Sir, I'm sorry I rear-ended your car."

"Apology accepted, Chad. Plus I think we're going to be even when it comes to being rear-ended." I chuckled.

Then I started to fuck him, in long, regular strokes. With a little work, I even managed to find his Go spot. His moans lost their frantic tone, and now bellowed his lust. I kept my hands busy caressing his ass, rubbing his sides, and even playing with his nipples a little. About halfway through my hammering, I felt the spray of his cum on my feet, and his ass clenched on my dick. It was very nice, but I didn't let it slow me down. I gave him quite the pounding.

After I don't know, 10, 15 minutes (totally lost count: really sweet ass), I came. I gave him one last hard thrust while I was still hard and to really spike my cum, then pulled out. I ditched the condom, caught my breath and took a much needed drink of water. Wow.

I went over to Chad and untied him. He got up, shaking a little. I handed him some gatorade (electrolytes!) and ran my hand along his back reassuringly.

"So, how'd you like it?"

Chad swallowed. "It was terrifying and painful and I've never fucking cum so hard in my life." He looked shy for a second, and blushed. "Can we go again?"

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