What Should Have Happened

By J Zander

Published on Jul 20, 2010


Note: Inspired by true events, but largely didn't happen (really just the bits before the explicit sex stuff, very unfortunately). Male-on-male sex ahead, watch out! Don't read if you're not old enough, or if illegal where you are (and why are you still there!?).

Some references to earlier stories in this series, but nothing you need to read the earlier posts for. I think you should, mind you. But you don't have to.

As in the other stories, everything after the *** is pure fantasy that SHOULD have happened, but didn't.

It was first thing in the morning, which for me in college was 10am. I was blowing off a REALLY boring English Lit class to hang out in the arcade, which was not the best decision I ever made, grade-wise. I was watching a video-game buddy of mine, Keith, play Solar Warrior. He was doing good, getting farther than he ever had in the game.

I honestly wasn't paying as much attention to the game as I was to Keith. He's blonde, green-eyed and very athletic. Today he was wearing a tight t-shirt and sweat pants. It was obvious to me, when he moved a little -- and he liked to get his whole body involved in the game -- he wasn't wearing anything under his sweats. Nothing. And he was a little hard. Or just really big.

Steve and I hadn't been able to hook up after that one incredible night. Nor had I seen the other guys except in passing. It was midterms and everyone was scrambling. Plus my roommate and his current girlfriend had broken up, so there was nowhere to do anything anyway. The upshot was that I was horny as hell.

So after I drooled over Keith for a good fifteen minutes, I decided to set myself on Brazen.

"So, Keith, you busy after this game?"

Keith was distracted by a wave of evil robots. After he deftly killed them all, and was waiting for the next level to load, he looked at me. "What? Uh, dunno. Not class. I'm too fucking distracted today."

He grimly started the next level, and promptly lost a guy. I guess he was distracted.

"Problem?" I asked.

He sighed. "My girlfriend dumped me. Something stupid, but now she won't talk to me. And I'm ..." he looked around the empty arcade. It was just us. "Fucking horny!" He said softly. He shifted in his seat and I couldn't help notice his semi-hard dick press against his sweats.

I nodded. He started the level over, was a little less distracted this time.

"That sucks." I paused to let him get past a tough bit. "You know, there is something we could do about that..."

"What?" He said distractedly.

I put my hand on his thigh. Very close to his dick, but not touching it. I squeezed gently.

He gasped, looked at me in shock and his little guy died in flames. He looked down at my hand and then back at the screen. It took him a second, and he started playing again. Glancing at my hand every now and again.

He swallowed, didn't look away from the game. "What." He swallowed again. "What did you have in mind?"

I smiled. I hadn't been sure if Keith was into guy-only action.

I spoke softly. "I thought we'd go back to your place, I'd suck you off until you cum, and then I'd fuck you until we both cum."

He looked at me in shock again, and his guy died buried under hordes of aliens. The game made whee-whee-whee sound that indicated that his Game Was Over.

"Uh." He swallowed again, looking at me and completely ignoring the game. I still hadn't moved my hand from his thigh. "What?"

I leaned closer. "I suck you and fuck you."

He let out a breath. I think he'd been holding it.

I grinned. "You up for it, Keith? Or should I just put in another quarter for you?" I pulled out a quarter.

He looked at it, got an exasperated expression on his face, grabbed it and chucked it behind him. He stood up, adjusted himself so he wouldn't scare the horses, and pushed me back.

"Go!" He said, finally, pushing me to the exit.

We stumbled over to his dorm building. We were going a little fast. Thankfully we didn't knock anyone down. Turned out Keith lived in a suite, with four single-person rooms organized around a central living room and two bathrooms. There was a guy sitting on the couch, watching TV when we came in. It was Steve!

He looked shocked to see me. I smiled. Keith was clueless.

"Uh, hey Steve. This is John. We're going to do some studying." And then he pulled me into the room on the left. I crooked my finger at Steve as I went.

Keith shut the door and then looked at me. His hormones had gotten him this far and now he didn't know quite what to do. No problem.

I moved next to him, put my hands on his hips. He moved his head back slightly, thinking I was going to kiss him. Oh no! Guys don't kiss! Whatever. I took hold of his sweats at his waist, then knelt really slowly, taking the pants with me. My mouth was there when his cock bobbed up out of his sweats, and I took it immediately in my mouth. He gasped. I made sure the pants went the rest of the way down, and took more of him in my mouth. He groaned. I moved my hands slloooowly back up his bare legs, nicely muscular, to his firm round ass. He was a little hairy there, but his body hair was blonde. So he was a little furry but it didn't show much. It felt fantastic though. I kneaded his ass while I sucked him.

He groaned again. The TV got louder outside. I was a little disappointed in Steve, until I heard the scrape of a footstep near the door. I don't think Keith noticed, he was a little distracted. I increased my tempo, and began moving him, like I was guiding him to the bed. I didn't go far, I just needed him away from the door.

I took a breath, and then deep-throated him for all I was worth. He groaned. I looked up. His eyes were closed. I reached over with my right hand, and very carefully unlocked the door. Just before the snap noise, I grabbed his balls with my left hand and gave them gentle twist. He shuddered and groaned again. He was rock hard.

And the door was unlocked.

I made room, and then reached over and sloooowly turned the knob. Once it was unlatched, I abruptly pulled it open. Keith's eyes opened and he made a startled grunt.

Steve was standing outside the door. He had on a tight white t-shirt, and that's it. He was stroking his large cock. He looked surprised, too.

I pulled off Keith. "Steve, Keith. I think you two know each other?"

I leaned over, took hold of Steve's dick with my hand, and pulled him into the room. He didn't need a lot of pulling. He shut the door and locked it. Steve tentatively smiled.

"What the FUCK is going on?" Keith was holding his cock in both hands, as if to hide it from Steve.

"By a happy coincidence, your roommate Steve and I are acquainted." I turned and looked at Steve. "And I had no idea this is your suite, too. But there's no way I was going to waste this opportunity."

Steve swallowed and nodded. He switched his gaze to Keith, who was turning red.

"You. You're into guys??" Keith's question ended on a squeak, directed at Steve. "I, man, this is too much. We gotta stop."

His mouth said no, but his dick said yes. It was hard and he couldn't really get it all behind his hands. He was big.

I smiled, moved up to him and took his cock away from him. I stroked it a couple of times. He gaped at me, and grunted. Then I cupped his balls in my hand and squeezed a little.

"Here's how this is going to go, Keith." I motioned Steve over. He came, and I took his balls in my other hand. "I'm going to fuck you. And while I'm doing that, you're going to fuck Steve here. Isn't that right, Steve?"

Keith's eyes widened.

Steve smiled. "Yes, sir."

"Good answer." I pulled on Steve's balls, and lightly rang my finger behind them. He shuddered and closed his eyes.

"Wait!" Keith said. His cock bobbed, and honest to god, I think he got bigger. "I've never -- I mean, hell! I've never been fucked, and holy shit, Steve!"

I grinned at Steve. "I think we broke Keith."

"I can think of a way to fix his head." Steve said. He touched my arm, I let him go. Steve knelt in front of Keith and started licking his cock. Wow, that was hot. Keith was mesmerized too. I tugged on his balls and Keith groaned.

"I!" He got out. If Keith was a pinball machine, his readout was TILT.

I knelt next to Steve and the two of us started licking and sucking along Keith's shaft. Tasting Keith and kissing Steve was nice. Keith made noises between a whimper (indecision) and a groan (ecstasy). We kept up a pretty good suck-fest on Keith. Every few licks and sucks, I'd take his balls in my mouth, and then Steve would alternate with me.

Once I had a good rhythm going with Steve, I used my left hand to caress Keith's thigh. Then I made my way to his balls. And then I started to rub my finger behind and up to his anus. He was gone. Only Steve's hands kept Keith fully upright. His breathing was getting more ragged. I gently pushed my finger into him, just to the first knuckle. Keith shouted, and Steve caught the cum spurt during his suck stroke. I hastily met him at Keith's cock-head, and sucked with him. We shared spit and cum equally. It was glorious.

I pulled my finger back, carefully. Keith staggered back to his bed and fell onto it, gasping for breath. I kissed Steve some more and we got a little passionate. I pulled back, and stroked one of his nipples through his shirt.

"Fuck!" Keith said from the bed.

Steve and I laughed. I took off my clothes. Steve stood up, watched me undress and then waited for me to tell him what to do. Good boy.

I went over to Keith and pulled his shoes off. Then his sweatpants. I ran my hands up his legs to his waist, and pulled him over to the side of the bed.

"Hey! Wait, I uh...UNNH!"

I had taken his cock in my mouth again, gave it a massage. He was slowly getting hard again. I also began gently massaging around his anus with my finger.

I had a thought and pulled off. "Steve? Can you go grab some supplies?"

Steve unlocked the door, went out and was gone about ten slow strokes of sucking Keith. He got back and re-locked the door. He reached into a bag he'd brought, and handed me some lube without being asked. I looked up at him and smiled, then went down on Keith's cock again. I distributed some lube on Keith, and my finger. Then I pushed my finger slowly into him.

"Unnnnh!" Keith bucked against my finger, and found his head against the wall. I got my finger all the way in. "Stop, wait!"

I twirled my finger in him and he groaned long and deep. I found his prostate in my twirl, and began to gently stroke it.

"Oh GOD!" He exclaimed, and pushed his ass back against my finger, raising up from the bed a little. His cocked pushed deeper into my mouth as well. He shivered.

I pulled off his cock, and slowly removed my finger. He sat up and looked at both of us. Steve was hard as a fucking rock, and pretty red.

"Why did you stop?" Keith sounded surprised: that I had stopped, and that he was asking the question.

"Time for the main event." I smiled. Then I stood up, and pulled Keith up to his feet. He was a little unsteady. I held him loosely for a moment, my cock coincidentally between his thighs. He swallowed.

"Main ... event?"

"Yeah. Steve, why don't you get into position?"

Steve smiled, pulled a towel off Keith's chair and laid it out. The he got down on all fours on it. Holy shit, his ass looked good. I sometimes forget.

Keith was looking, too. He seemed hypnotized.

I ran my hand up his tight abs to his nipples, and gently pinched one. He looked at me. "Want to fuck him, Keith?"

He bit his lip and then nodded. I pulled a condom from the strip Steve had brought (he could see where this was going), ripped it open, and in one smooth movement, slicked it along Keith's hard cock. He grunted. I pushed Keith over to Steve, and pushed him gently down to the floor. Without prompting, he put his hands out and gripped Steve' perfect round ass.

I got behind Keith, put my arms around and under his. I gripped his cock, and nibbled his shoulder a little. He sighed. My cock was between his legs, nudging against his balls. I moved a little forward, pushing Keith along. His cock head pushed against one of Steve's cheeks. Keith gasped.

"Ok," I said softly. "You want to gently pull his ass cheeks apart, so we have a clear shot."

He obediently parted Steve's pearly cheeks, revealing his pulsing anus. Steve was watching us over his shoulder. I lined Keith up a little better and pushed him a little farther. His cock-head pushed against Steve's asshole.

"Ok, here we go." I pushed against Keith's ass, and his cock slipped into Steve.

"UNNhhhh!" Steve hadn't been fucked in a while, I guessed. He groaned, even with Keith not moving.

Keith was breathing more rapidly and muttering "Holy shit! Holy shit! Holy shit!" under his breath.

I kissed his neck. Then his shoulder again. I took one hand off his cock and tweaked his nipples. When I thought Steve was ready again, based on his less labored breathing, I pushed Keith further into Steve. Slow and steady. Steve and Keith let out low groans. Steve punctuated his with grunts. I continued to caress Keith, kissing his neck and shoulder, until he was balls-deep into Steve.

Keith shuddered. I could feel it all over. "Fuck! He's so, unh! So TIGHT!"

Practically right into his ear, softly, I said, "Yeah, Steve has the best ass in town, bar none." I pulled back from Keith a bit, grabbed a condom and ran it up my hard-as-steel cock. "Ok, Keith, lean forward over Steve. Hold onto his shoulders. That's good. How does that feel?"

"Fucking fantastic!" He gasped out. "God!"

I admired Keith's ass. Very nice, covered with a fine down of golden blond hair, but not too much. He also had a great all-over tan. I grabbed the tube of lube and drizzled some on the small of Keith's back. He shuddered again, and looked back.

"What, uh, what are you doing?"

I smiled, and ran my hand down from his back along his ass crack, gently massaging his anus. I did that for a moment.

"Gee, I think I'm going to make you the meat in a Keith sandwich."

Keith gasped as I pushed my finger into him, slow but not too slow. His body shuddered and his ass squeezed along my finger. Nice.

I wiggled my finger a little, twisted it. Keith moaned. I pushed my finger in farther. He shuddered again. Damn, he liked his ass played with. I was a little worried he wouldn't hold out long enough. I pulled my finger out, put my index finger next to it, applied more lube, and then pushed them both in.

"UNH!" He grunted. Probably a little pain, but he didn't pull away. Not that he had anywhere to go but deeper into Steve. What a shame that would be! I twisted my two fingers slowly and ran my free hand up and down his back. He was starting to sweat and his breathing was in gasps.

It was time. I withdrew my fingers slowly. As I was lining up, kneeling behind Keith, he looked back. His eyes widened.

"Wait! I'm not--"

I shoved the tip of my cock into him. He shrieked, and Steve grunted. Keith had tried to pull away from me and just succeeded in ramming himself into Steve.

"John, wait!" Keith looked back. His ass was spasming on my cock head. I looked at him, my eyebrows up.

"What the fuck, Keith? You have 2 seconds before I lose control."

"Just. Don't. Move." Keith took a deep breath, and then pushed back, slowly but surely impaling himself on me. Wow! Steve let out a low groan that went with Keith's louder groan. Keith was taking it slow, but his ass was squeezing me every time he paused. It was amazing. I put my hands on his back, mostly to steady myself. I think it took him a good five minutes until his ass and my balls met. I was watching the clock at the start, but by the time he got there, I had pretty much lost track of everything BUT Keith.

Then he more quickly pulled away from me, not-so-slowly fucking Steve on the return. We all groaned. He nearly had me all the way out, and then he pushed back against me, faster this time. Then into Steve. Keith had the rhythm, and once he knew how far he could go in either direction, he got faster and faster. Back against me, then forward into Steve. We became a fucking machine, back and forth for a nice long time. But not long enough.

On an upswing into Steve, Keith shouted wordlessly and stopped. His whole body shivered. I could feel he was coming and thought I could help. I moved forward and shoved my dick all the way up into him. I went so deep, I probably shoved Keith farther up into Steve. Keith yelled. His ass grasped my dick. I came, spurting hard into the condom. FUCK!

I gasped for breath, Steve tried to catch his. The muscle-god was holding us both up. Keith had practically knocked himself unconscious. He lay against Steve, sucked in breath and let out groans. Once I caught my breath, I ran my hands up and down Keith's sides. Then wiggled my still-hard dick back in forth in his ass, pushing gently against Keith and Steve. They grunted.

"Hey Steve, is Keith still hard?"

"Not really. Still feels good though."

"How would you like to try something different?"

"Me?" Steve asked.

"Yeah, you. I'm still hard and I'd like to finish up with Keith here, but I'm guessing you could still use some loving, right?"

"Fuck yes! We're having sex together and I've only cum once. We've barely started." Steve sounded cheery.

Keith sounded slightly outraged. "Don't I get a say?"

"Nope." I gave his fine ass a playful slap. "But don't worry, you'll enjoy the hell out of it." I gave him a gentle push with my cock, still buried deliciously deep in his ass. He shuddered and groaned. Steve grunted. "Ok, Steve, you pull out from under there."

It took some jockeying, and some very entertaining jiggling, but shortly Steve was out from under. I manfully refrained from starting to fuck Keith immediately. I had bigger plans. Hopefully not TOO much bigger!

"Ok Steve, grab a condom and suit yourself up."

"What?" Steve looked positively bashful. When he was confused and flushed like that he was the most adorable adonis.

I smiled at him. "Steve, I want you to fuck me while I fuck Keith some more."

Steve got an evil grin. "I get to fuck you?! Sure you can take it, boss?"

"No. Not really, but being in the middle of a sandwich is one of my hottest fantasies."

"Hotter than fucking me?"

"Hell no, but definitely up there."

He grabbed a condom, slicked it up his monster cock and got behind me. Keith was looking back, watching us both.

"Cock thrust for your thoughts, Keith." I underlined my question by pulling back slightly, and then gently pushing into him.

He gave a short laugh. "I thought my first threesome would look a little more, uh, feminine."

"You can't tell me you didn't picture a threesome with a girl and a guy at some point?"

He bit his lip. "Well, once when I was drunk. But it was always me fucking him in my fantasy."

"How's this compare?" I wiggled myself inside him.

He moaned. "Damn! Better, way fucking better."

Steve was behind me, his presence a heat I could feel in my back and my legs. He breathed on my neck, kissed me there.

"So, boss, you should bend over."

I leaved over Keith, using his shoulders to bear some of my weight. "Just be careful. We don't want to crush poor Keith here. And uh, could you loosen me up a little?"

"Oh yeah." Steve started caressing my ass. Then he moved, and suddenly I felt a hot wet sensation. He was running his tongue down my crack! God! It felt SO good. He reached my anus and I lost my grip on Keith. It felt like I melted. My whole body shivered. I was flat on Keith's back, my arms flopping against the floor. Keith grunted with the extra weight, and shifted a little. Steve didn't stop, he tongued me for all he was worth, even taking each cheek of my ass in his hands, pushing them apart and then penetrating me with his tongue. I gasped and shouted. It felt fucking amazing.

After a few minutes, I gasped out. "Steve!"

He pulled away from my ass. "What?"

"If you don't stop, I'm going to cum. That's. I don't know what that is, but you do it really fucking well. Now fuck me."

"You sure?"

I glared back at him. "Just go slow, it's my first time."

"What?!" They both blurted.

"Well, I've always been on top. It just never came up before."

Steve leaned over, put his hand down on the floor for support and kissed me on the lips. "Thanks, John."


"For letting me be the first."

I shrugged, probably blushing a little. "Well, only fair, I was the first to fuck you."

"True!" He leaned up a little, and was fiddling behind me. I felt the tip of his cock on my ass, and he got it in position.

"Lube!" I shouted, a little panicky.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." He grabbed the bottle and hands shaking a little, blobbed out a huge gob on my ass. He used his cock to wipe some up, then got back in position. "Here we go."

He pushed the head of his monster against me. It felt like he was fucking me with a telephone pole. Slowly he pushed the head into me. The pain was intense, and I moaned through my pressed lips. I wasn't going to scream. I wasn't. The head fully popped inside me, and I may have blacked out for a second. The flash of pain was incredible. I gasped for breath. It just HURT. Underneath me, Keith wiggled. My cock, which had shrunk a little, started to straighten. I groaned. Intense pain and intense pleasure at the same time was almost an overload. I had tears dripping down my face from the pain. I was having trouble catching my breath.

We were like that for a few minutes. Every once in a while, Keith pushed against me and I groaned. Eventually, the pain began to fade, and my cock was rock hard again.

"Push in." I told Steve. "Slowly!"

He put his hands on my hips, and pushed a little against me. The pain wasn't as bad as before. And I was getting this fierce feeling of fullness. His cock was HOT inside me. Like Steve was impaling me with this super-sized dildo that he'd just warmed up in hot oil. Only it was ALL Steve. God! As he pushed into me, slowly, inch by extraordinary inch, Steve stroked my sides, my neck, my ass. He ran his fingertips over me, sending shivers all over my body. Under me, Keith was fucking himself with my cock, pushing against me, pulling back and then pushing against me again. The pleasure from fucking him was washing over the pain from Steve's monster-truck cock inside me.

Then Steve reached bottom -- mine. I could feel his balls rubbing against mine, the delicate sandpaper-scratch of his pubes against my ass. He was all the way in and I was having trouble thinking. All I could do was feel.

Steve leaned over, his muscled chest rubbing against my back. I could feel his erect nipples. He ran his hands over me, and then Keith. Both of us groaned. Steve reached around and tweaked Keith's nipples. Keith squeaked and groaned, pushing against me and back against Steve more. It was a chain reaction of pleasure.

"Ready for the rodeo?" Steve whispered in my ear.

"Uh. Uh. Yeah?" I said.

Steve laughed, pulled his dick back slowly to the tip and then pushed into me rapidly. I shouted as he pushed me into Keith.

Then Steve rode me like a bucking steer.

The guy's stamina was amazing. He kept up long, even strokes, punctuated every fourth or fifth stroke by a rapid ram, for an hour. Every time he pushed into me, I pushed into Keith and we both groaned. Every time he pulled out, I pulled out of Keith. We got a great rhythm going. About ten minutes into this, Keith shouted and came, his ass spasming against my dick. I held out another ten minutes, and came. I didn't pull out -- I was still fucking hard! For about two minutes when I came, every stroke of Steve into me pushed more cum out into the condom buried inside Keith. It might have been the best orgasm I ever had, or the one after that was. I was sandwiched deliciously between two extremely hot guys, their sweaty bodies warming me, rubbing against me. Keith came again about a half an hour later.

Eventually, Steve lifted me up a little, pushed himself all the way up into me and came fiercely, his whole body shuddering against mine. He let out a low muttering groan. We all collapsed onto our sides, me still inside Keith, Steve still inside me. Both of us were still hard. It took us a while to catch our breath.

At some point, my cock softened and I popped out of Keith. He sighed. Man, he REALLY liked the anal stimulation. That could definitely be fun later. Much later.

Steve stayed hard and I began to fear he'd want to fuck me more. He still held his muscular arms around me.


"Yeah, Steve?"

"That was fucking amazing."

"FUCK yeah. Keith?"

"Hnnh, uh, yeah. That was awesome!"

"So, uh, John?" Steve whispered in my ear. His deep voice and his breath on my ear combined to make me shiver. I was still really erotically charged, what with Steve's manhood still shoved up my ass, pressing firmly against my exhausted prostate.


He nibbled my hear, and whispered again. "I love you."

"Steve, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship. I love you, too."

Next: Chapter 5: Rear Ended

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