What Should Have Happened

By J Zander

Published on Mar 18, 2010


Note: Inspired by true events, but largely didn't happen. Male-on-male sex ahead, watch out! Don't read if you're not old enough, or if illegal where you are (and why are you still there!?).

Continuation of the events in "What Should Have Happened: Steve 1"

So I untied Steve. I made sure to rub various parts of myself against his naked body in the process of undoing the knots in the silk ties. He certainly didn't object. Once I had him out, he rubbed his wrists for a few moments, but he was smiling at me whenever our eyes met. I cleaned up a little, especially the spots on the carpet.

"Can I borrow a towel?" Steve had come over and stood right next to me. He was covered in sweat and a little of his own cum. He smelled good.

"If you want." I put my hands on his waist and looked up at him. Damn, he was big.

He chewed his lip for a second, looking down at me. Both of us, I noticed, were starting to get hard again. He put his hand on my face, far more tenderly that I would have expected, leaned down and kissed me. I just melted. Well, every part of me except one, anyway. We kissed for a while.

He pulled back. "Ok, I need to shower."

I smiled at him. "How about we save water?"


"Shower together?"

He looked uncertain. "Uh, how, uh would we do that, you know..."

"Without everyone on the floor knowing?" I rolled my eyes. "You go in and I quietly join you. And if necessary, I keep my hand over your mouth so you don't wake up the four other people in the dorm."

He blushed. Full body blushes on tall, muscular naked men? Highly recommended.

He pulled on a towel, and walked over to the bathroom, just two doors down from my room. I gave him a few minutes, and then followed. I was a little alarmed to find both showers running. Apparently Steve wasn't totally plastered, or some of the alcohol had burned off, because he'd left his towel on a hook inside the first curtain and left that partway open. I looked around and under the stalls to make sure we were alone, then darted in. I pulled the curtain shut. I pulled off my robe, put it on a hook and then pulled open the inner curtain.

Luckily I'd chosen correctly. It was Steve. Naked, wet Steve.

"Hey." He said softly.

I smiled and watched him shower for a few minutes. I think he enjoyed putting on a show. Eventually, he couldn't take more showing off and pulled me into the shower. He kissed me, and then gently suggested I kneel by pushing on my shoulders. I did, but the first thing I did was to take hold of his soapy balls and give them a nice twist. He made a low groan. I shot him a warning glance and he pushed his lips together. I worked his balls for a bit, and then gently stroked his soapy cock. He made a groan that sounded like a whimper. I could barely hear it over the water.

I took my hand off his cock, and pulled the soap out of his hand. I began applying more soap to his dick, his balls and then behind, along to his ass. He sighed. I soaped up my hand more and began a slow massage of his ass, moving my fingers along his anus without penetrating him. He started to hum. His dick had gotten very hard, but it was still soapy. I slowly turned him and me until the water splashed down his front. Using my free hand, I carefully sluiced the water so he was clean up front.

I leaned forward and took the head of his cock in my mouth, swirling my tongue. Yup, clean. He gasped. I did that for a few minutes, until his breathing picked up steam. Then I intensified my soapy assault on his ass. I didn't mess around with half-measures, either. I made sure my first two fingers were extra-soapy and then slowly pushed them in. He whimpered more. I sucked more of his cock in, taking a little more than half. It was still a little more than I could handle. I got those fingers in place finally, twisted them a little and began a slow, steady rhythm with them. I got it to where my fingers were going in at the same time I was going down on him. Steve loved it, his entire body was tense with not groaning louder, though and despite his earlier ejaculations, he was well on his way to #4.

Ha! Not this way. I slowly withdrew my fingers, not letting up on his cock. Then I pulled off and stood up abruptly. He looked at me in surprise.

He mouthed a "What?!" at me. I smiled, put my arms around him and swiveled in the stall. Then I pulled apart from him, turned him around by the waist, and pushed between his shoulder blades. He got it quick, put his hands on the opposite wall and bent over, unfortunately not all the way. The state I was in, I'd make do. I fumbled past the curtain for the pocket of my robe, grabbed the damned condom, opened it and slicked it down my cock. I applied some soap to it and then pushed it against his ass.

I pushed in, Steve grunted. I put my hands on his shoulders and then I slowly pushed all the way in. He grunted again, nothing too loud. I guess I had loosened him up some. Or he was better with pain than I thought.

Then there were noises from the next shower stall. We froze. It was a nice sort of agony, waiting to hear that other shoe drop with my dick stuck in Steve.

There was a groan, and it wasn't from Steve. Hell, where I was positioned, I'd know for LOTS of reasons if it had been Steve. It was from the next stall over.

Apparently we weren't the only ones saving water. There was some quiet talking, below what I could hear. Then some laughter. Male laughter, two voices. Hmmmmm. Then another groan, longer this time.

I smiled. Steve shot me a shocked look over his shoulder. I replied by pulling out and then pushing back into him, kinda hard. He groaned, but tightlipped. There was another groan from next door. I pulled out and rammed back in as hard as I could. This time Steve let out a loud groan.

There was a startled silence from next door. A softly spoken word or two I couldn't hear. Some low laughter and then another groan.

After that, the race was on.

I started to fuck Steve in slow, regular strokes, trying to time his groans so they alternated with our new buddies next door. At first, Steve wasn't terribly cooperative, trying to stay quiet. But between the other guy's groans and my successful attempt to find his prostate with my thrusting, he got into the groove. After a few minutes, the bathroom was filled with the sounds of running water and loud male cries. It was seriously hot.

We kept up our race for a while, probably ten or twenty minutes. I think we had the edge, since the guys next door obviously hadn't already cum multiple times already that night. They shouted out and then stopped. I was still going, and Steve was into a nice regular rhythm right along with me. Once in a while I stroked his cock, which hadn't gone down since I started. Things were getting really good, and then someone pulled open our shower curtain.

It was the guys from next door. I stopped in shock, luckily pushed all the way in. One of the guys I recognized as living down the hall. He was latin, dark hair, about my height (short average) and had blue-black hair. He was exceptionally good looking, definitely #2 to Steve's #1. The other guy I didn't know, but had seen around campus. He was blond, very fit and good looking. I thought he had girlfriend, but either I was wrong or he was really playing the field.

The latin guy smiled. "Need a hand?"

Steve was in shock, I could tell. His ass was clenching on my cock tightly in panic.

"Sure!" I said.

The shorter blond guy got down on his knees and started sucking Steve in earnest. Steve let out a low, startled groan and shook.

"Wai--UH!" Was all he got out. I started fucking him again. Somewhere between my thrusting and the blond guy's enthusiastic sucking, Steve decided to just go with it. He began pushing back against me again. The latin guy kissed me, then a surprised Steve and then started roaming his hands over both our bodies. He was getting hard again, I could see.

We kept going for a while. It was amazing and even Steve, paranoid about being thought gay, couldn't deny the hotness of the situation. Eventually, he couldn't hold out any longer.

"I'm -- uh uh uh -- cumming!" He grunted.

The blond guy didn't seem to care and if anything, increased the tempo of his sucking. Steve let out a long low cry, between a groan and a shout, and came. I could feel it as his ass spasmed on me, making me cum.

I fell against his back and he barely held up against wall.

"Holy shit." Steve said.

Blond guy got up. "So, you guys want to do Round 2 in Paul's room or yours?"

Steve laughed a little shakily. "Round 2? Fuck, guys, that was round 4 for me and round 2 for John here."

They looked a little wide-eyed at us. Paul, apparently the latin guy, smiled. "I don't care what round it is, I want to fuck that amazing ass of yours, big guy. I think I can get round 5 out of you." He pushed his pelvis out a little, displaying his now very hard, very long dick. He was easily 3 or 4 inches bigger than me.

Steve swallowed, then grinned. "Round 5 it is!"

In short order, we made sure the coast was clear and then dashed down to Paul's room. The blond guy introduced himself as Brian. Once we got inside, Steve, Paul and Brian dropped their towels. I kept my robe on, but left it open.

"So, uh, what now?" Steve sounded a little uncertain. His cock didn't look indecisive though. He was clearly more than half hard.

"I say that since Steve is the new guy to male-on-male action, we spend the next hour pleasuring him." I wasn't going to let a single minute go to waste without fondling my favorite jock.

Paul smiled. "Sounds good to me."

Steve looked around at all of us and blushed. I could see the lust pop in the eyes of the other two guys when that happened.

We moved up to him and started caressing his body. Steve obviously loved the attention. As we moved our hands over his tight muscles, along his thighs, along his abs, his chest, his back, his amazing ass, he got harder and harder. By unspoken agreement, we avoided his cock. After about ten minutes of this treatment, Steve was moaning non-stop.

I pulled away, and touched the others, who also pulled back. Steve looked around. "What? Why the fuck did you stop?"

I smiled. "I suggest we pleasure Steve in all the ways he can be." I looked him in the eye. "How about it, Steve? Do you want Brian to suck your cock, while Paul fucks you, and you suck my cock?"

His eyes bugged out and he swallowed. Paul grinned and Brian smiled devilishly. Steve stammered, "I, uh." He let out a breath. "You think you guys can get me to cum again?"

We all nodded. I mean, seriously, what did he think we'd say? And I was betting we could do it.

"Then ok, what are we waiting for?" Steve smiled.

"Brian, lie down on the rug." I pointed, Brian lay down. "Steve, put your knees on either side of his head," He did. "Now, lean forward and put your hands on the floor." He did. And now he was doggie-style over Brian.

Steve gasped. Brian had decided not to wait and was mouthing Steve's cock. I smiled at Paul, who had a wicked expression on his face. I handed him a condom, which he applied. We got into position, Paul at Steve's ass, me at his head. I could see Steve swallow a little at the prospect of sucking cock. As far as I knew, he'd never done it.

"Ok, Steve, hold your lips over your teeth. I'll take it slow." I looked over. Paul was kneading Steve's ass, his rigid cock ready to go. "Although I'm not sure that Paul will."

Steve tentatively put out his tongue and licked the head of my now-rigid cock. It didn't seem too bad, apparently, because he then took the head in his mouth. I moaned. He swirled his tongue around a little and I looked down at him in shock. How did he know to do that? Then I moaned again, because who cared?

Paul put his finger in Steve, slowly, and the groan he made vibrated up my dick and into my whole body. Wow! Paul moved his finger in and out of Steve with increasing speed and with some twisting action. More moans from Steve meant more ecstasy for me.

Finally Paul couldn't take any more fooling around. He held Steve's waist, got into position and slowly pushed his dick into Steve, who made one long, vigorous moan. It was the highlight of my sexual experience to that point. It was only surpassed when Paul got his dick all the way in, and then gave Steve a final push to drive it home. It had the effect of pushing poor Steve fully onto my cock.

I groaned, Steve moaned or screamed (I couldn't tell) and Paul groaned.

My cock was warm, wet and really happy. Steve choked and I backed off. I'd have been more sorry if the guy hadn't done it to me. But he'd paid, so I took it easy and watched for what Paul was doing. We got into a nice rhythm. Paul would push into Steve, I'd pull back a little, Steve would slide up my cock from Paul's pressure and then would slide back down when Paul pulled off. I was in heaven. And based on the frequent moans from Steve and the sucking sound Brian was adding from below, I wasn't alone.

We kept that up for a LONG time. We'd all just cum, so there was no rush. But I have no idea how much time it was. Felt like a good hour. I stroked Steve's hair, his back when I could reach it, his muscular arms. Paul was caressing Steve's ass, pulling it a little farther open sometimes. We were all sweating and hot.

Paul finally couldn't take any more. He started giving it to Steve fast and hard. I had to be careful to let Steve breath. He wasn't complaining, that was for sure. Four or five of Paul's ramming strokes and I came. Steve swallowed like a champ, not that he had a LOT of choice, but he didn't seem to mind at all. In fact, he kept sucking even after my last drop. It was nice for a while, but eventually I had to pull out.

"Unnnh!" Steve's groans were a lot louder without my dick in his mouth. It was hot. I sat on the floor, against one of the beds and watched. Steve was grunting loudly and regularly with Paul's strokes. Brian was sucking Steve like it was his job. I was a little sorry I'd cum before everyone, but not sorry to get a better look at the show. Super hot.

Paul went even faster. Steve was a mindless fucking machine. "UNNNH! UNNNH! UNNNH! UNNNH!"

Paul and Steve shouted at the same time, Paul pushing all the way in. Brian was vigorously swallowing something. Paul collapsed on Steve. Brian pulled out, and let Steve collapse too. Brian had a happy smile and a little cum on his lips.

Behind us, the door swung open. A Campus Safety officer stood there. He was pretty young, not much older than us, and built. He looked around the room, saw Paul and Steve in a naked heap. Me and Brian naked.

"What the fuck is going on here?"

I wasn't intimidated. I'd just had some of the best sex of my life and wanted to even more of it tonight.

So I looked over at him. "Sex party. Want in?"

His eyes got a little wider, and he licked his lips. I smiled. Oh yeah, one more for the party.

He came in and shut the door, locking it behind him.

Paul, Steve and Brian looked shocked. I stood up, put out my hand. "I'm John. Welcome to the fucking."

The safety officer looked a little shy for a second, then took my hand. "I'm Clive."

"Say hello to Clive everyone."

There was a weak chorus of hello's.

Clive unhooked his utility belt and dropped it in a chair. He rubbed his crotch. "So, uh, who can I fuck first?"

"How about you, Brian? You haven't cum again. Want to get fucked by the nice Officer?"

Brian smiled. "Yes, please."

Clive smiled and began to remove his shirt. Brian stepped forward and unhooked Clive's pants. In short order, the officer's well-toned body was revealed. He was wearing white briefs and a prominent cock was soaking the front of them. Brian obligingly pulled them down, and then immediately took Clive's cock in his mouth. Clive groaned.

Paul and Steve were watching raptly. Paul decided he wanted to do more, and pulled out of Steve. He tossed the condom aside, stepped over and said hello to Clive by kissing him.

Paul pulled back after a moment. "So, Clive. How do you feel about being fucked?"

Clive looked a little surprised, then swallowed. "I, uh, do really want to fuck Brian here." He pushed himself a little deeper into Brian's mouth.

Paul grinned. "That's fine. You can do that while I fuck you, if you want."

Clive's eyes got wide. He didn't say anything, just nodded.

I helped Steve up. He was pretty rubbery. Hell, he'd cum 5 times tonight. Brian got off Clive's dick and on the rug. He grabbed a pillow and put it underneath him, then got into a doggie position over it. Clive looked hungrily at Brian's nice ass. I handed Clive a condom (I like to be prepared). He slicked it on his rock-hard cock and then knelt behind Brian. He wasn't wasting any time.

Clive lined up, took hold of Brian's waist and pushed his large cock in. He went slow, but he didn't wait for anything, including Brian's grunts and whimpers. Only once he was all the way in, and leaning over Brian's back, did he stop. He put his hands on Brian's shoulders.

"Fuck that's good ass." Clive was taking deep breaths. So was Brian.

Paul tapped Clive on the shoulder. Paul had his cock hard and condomed. He was ready to go. Clive licked his lips, swallowed and then leaned more forward. Wow, he had a great ass, too. Must be all that campus biking he did. Damn! Paul knelt, lined up and gave Clive a little of his own medicine. Paul's sizable cock pushed into Clive, who gasped and then groaned all the way in. Paul pushed in until he was balls-deep, too.

Steve and I were mesmerized. I'd never seen a sandwich fuck before, not in person anyway. I got the impression Steve hadn't either. I reached over and took his cock away from him, stroking it slowly while I watched. He looked over at me, smiled and took my cock in his hand. THAT's how you masturbate -- have a hot guy stroke you.

Clive was trying to catch his breath, sweat starting to form on him. Man, he was built. Paul pulled out just as slowly as he went in, and then pushed back in again slowly. Clive groaned. Then Clive pushed back against Paul, pulling slowly out of Brian. Paul pushed him back in. Then Paul did a slow grind against Clive, causing both him and Brian to groan. Paul shot us a grin.

"I'm fucking two guys at once!" Paul laughed.

Clive grunted, and pushed back against Paul again. A few more slow repetitions, and the two of them got the hang of it. Clive and Paul went faster, grunting and gasping, pumping and pounding. Brian kept up a steady grunt every time Clive's dick bottomed out in him. It was nearly simultaneous with Clive louder grunt as Paul thrust all the way into him. The three of them were pretty loud, and I was really enjoying it.

So was Steve. He was full-on hard again. I fished around near me and got hold of a thing of vaseline. Not ideal, but good enough. I pulled out a big glob of it and plopped it on his dick. He smiled at me, and took the jar. He did the same for me. It was cold and greasy feeling, but very good. We went back to stroking each other, only now with slick lubrication. We kissed, and then concentrated on watching the threesome.

"Unnh. I'm, unh! Going. Uh! To. Cum! UNH!" Clive pushed in as far as he humanly could into Brian and his whole body shuddered. Paul kept up his fucking rhythm into Clive, which just seemed to make Clive jerk more and groan. I think Brian had cum sometime during the thrust-fest. His head was on the floor, his ass in the air under Clive and he was moaning.

Paul gasped. "You want me ... to stop ... or switch ... big guy? ... I'm goin' to ... be a while ... fucking your ... sweet ass!"

Clive was still shaking a little, and was gasping for breath. He let out soft grunts on every push into him.

"Don't stop!" he gasped out between rams.

"Ok!" Paul called out. He kept fucking going. It wasn't like I was timing it or anything, but since I could see Paul's alarm clock, I know this session was a good 15 minutes. Part way through, Clive jerked back a little from Brian and lunged into him again. They both cried out. Apparently Clive had gotten hard again without pulling out of Brian. Or maybe the intense action meant he never got soft, cum or no cum.

Anyway, Paul had his way with two guys, pushing Clive vigorously back into Brian for more fucking.

At the 15-minute mark, Paul started a really punishing rapid stroke, ramming into Clive again and again and again, as fast as he could do it. The guy is a serious sex-alete! It didn't take long for Clive to start shaking, and all three shouted on Paul's last ram in.

Brian collapsed on top of the pillow he'd laid out. I guess he knew Paul's fuck style. Clive collapsed on top of him. Paul pulled out of Clive, nice and slow. Paul grinned, pulled off the condom and tossed it effortlessly into the basket. The he slapped Clive on the ass. Paul looked over at us, Steve and I still noisily wanking each other. He grinned, and made his way over on his knees.

"Ok, boys, last call!" Paul pushed our hands away, and took our cocks in his, one hand on each of us. Just as energetically as he'd jammed into Clive, he began ... doing things with his hands. I can't describe what he did. He twisted, pulled, squeezed and twirled us. Fast. In just a handful of minutes, we were gasping for breath, and a minute later we both came again. It was a little painful but totally fucking worth it. Paul then leeringly smeared us with our own cum, up and down our chests.

I let out a breath. "So, who is glad we all stayed on campus for Spring Break?"

Next: Chapter 4: Keith 1

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