What Should Have Happened

By J Zander

Published on Mar 2, 2010


Note: Inspired by true events, but largely didn't happen (really just the bits before the explicit sex stuff, very unfortunately). Male-on-male sex ahead, watch out! Don't read if you're not old enough, or if illegal where you are (and why are you still there!?).

As in the last story, everything after the *** is pure fantasy that SHOULD have happened, but didn't.

I was walking back from a friend's dorm room, same building as mine but on a floor I didn't know well. I rounded a corner too fast, and ran right into Steve. Well, I didn't know his name was Steve then. He stopped, I stopped and the two women he was with stopped.

"Watch out, dude!"

I muttered, "Sorry. Didn't see you."

He smirked and turned to one of women. "That'd be a first."

Shit! He'd recognized me. I blushed. Steve was easily the hottest guy on campus, and we had a LOT of hot guys at this college. He had black hair, and that pale milk complexion with the slightly red dimples that makes you think of Irish Spring, rolling green hills and rainbows. He was taller than me, wider than me and built. He worked out, I don't know for what sport, but in most of my fantasies it was wrestling. He had stout legs in jeans that were usually too tight, and his ass was bubble-perfect. I had the distinct feeling that my lingering stares hadn't gone unnoticed.

He put his arms around the women, smirked again at me and moved off. "Later."

I was asleep when someone banged on my door. I groaned and rolled out right away. The last time I had lingered, waiting for my roommate to get it, it had been Campus Security with my too-drunk-to-walk roommate in tow. They had banged until I came to the door and my head had pounded for hours afterwards. And I had had to stay up all night to make sure my idiot roomy didn't choke on his puke.

So I got to the door fast.

It was Steve. He swayed a little when I opened the door, and he was leaning pretty heavily on the door jamb. He wore his tight faded blue jeans and a loose cotton football jersey, which left part of his pecs showing and part of his belly button.

"Hey. Can I, uh, come. In?" He slurred his words a little.

I nodded. "Sure."

He lurched past me and nearly fell. I caught him around his extremely solid waist, but I'm not much of an athlete. I couldn't hold up his dead weight. We both sagged to the carpet, both of us shortly lying flat, with Steve on top of me. I was temporarily distracted by this. He sighed gustily near me and I could smell beer. I looked past him, the door was still open. I stretched my foot out a little and pushed it. It swung shut and clicked.

My roommate was gone for the night, the door was closed, and the hottest guy for miles was drunk on top of me. I enjoyed the sensation for a few minutes. I eventually realized that I was pinned to the floor. I wasn't too sad about that.

He blinked a few times, looked at me. "What's your name?"


"Hey John."

"Hey." Every breath he took made my cock harder under my robe. I hadn't put anything else on and I slept in my briefs. I was pretty sure he knew too, since his thigh was pressed right there.

"I'm Steve."

"Hey Steve."

He blinked a few more times. "I, uh. I'm here for something."

I looked at him. "You want me to suck your cock because your threesome didn't work out, and you're as hard as steel?"

His mouth dropped open and he looked shocked. Some of his drunkenness faded. "How?"

"Steve, your cock is pressed against my thigh. And you looked pretty happy with those two women earlier."

He sighed. "Yeah, they didn't go for it. With me!"

I shook my head. "Their loss."

"Yeah." He looked at me. "So, uh, you're, uh--"

"Gay? Yup."

"Oh." He shifted his weight a little and I caught my breath. I didn't want to make any loud noises and spook him. "So, uh. You'll suck me? Dude, I'm desperate."

"Oh yeah. One condition."

He looked at me curiously. I don't think he thought I'd even hesitate. "What?"

"I get to fuck you afterwards."

"No way! I'm not ... gay." He shifted on me, but didn't get up or pull away. It was obvious his BODY knew what it wanted anyway. He was, if anything, harder.

"So?" I looked around the empty room. "No one has to know, it's just you and me here. My roommate is with his girlfriend. A lot of people are away for Spring Break." I looked him in the eyes and lowered my voice a little. "And you might really enjoy it."

He bit his lip. "No, ah, running to your f--friends and telling all about it?"

I shook my head. "Just you and me, no one else. Besides, who would believe me?"

He was still thinking. While I waited, I took the opportunity to move my thigh along his hard cock. He gasped and shifted against me again.

"I, uh. Uhm. Fuck! Ok. Yes!"

I kissed his neck and shoulder a little. The I pulled back, put my hand under his loose shirt, and rubbed along his ribs. He sighed.

"Uh, Steve?"

He didn't answer. I stopped rubbing.


He pulled his head up. "Wha--what?"

I looked up and down him. "I'm pinned."

He looked down at me and blushed. It was amazing to watch. He rolled over onto his back off of me. My eyes went right to his cock, tightly outlined in his jeans. I turned onto my side, reached out and very gently ran my fingertips along the shape of his cock. He groaned. I sat up, knelt next to him and began unbuttoned his jeans. His had a zipper. I pulled his jeans up and very very slowly pulled the zipper down. Didn't want any ... entanglements. About a third of the way down, it was obvious he was wearing a jockstrap. I swallowed, but marshaled on. The front of his jock was bulging with his manhood, and also pushing along to the right, nearly out of the jock. Wow, big guy! What had I gotten myself into?

I got my hands on the edges of his jeans and started to pull down. Man, his jeans were tight.

"Lift up a little." I reached around under him, and pulled his jeans with my thumbs. My hands were free to caress his sweet, sweet ass as I pulled. It was taught and silky smooth. And hard. He sighed as I groped him. I continued my thumb pull and caress down his meaty thighs. Finally, they were off.

He was wearing a jock that snapped in front. It was impressively constructed, considering the pressure those snaps were under. I gently pulled on one side and it unsnapped like it had been about to give. His cock flopped out onto his stomach. God, he was HUGE. I was half tempted to get a ruler, but my libido violently shoved that thought aside. I leaned down and licked along it's length, from his balls to the tip. He groaned the whole way.


I unsnapped the rest of the jock, and then slowly pulled it off him. It dragged across his cock, nearly binding up on it. He gasped, and his dick snapped back up to his stomach once I had the jock off. I clutched his balls with my left hand, gently rubbing and tugging on them. His breathing was picking up speed. I grasped the base of his dick with my right hand, gave it a small squeeze. He groaned. I let go of both, then pushed his legs open. He looked up. I positioned myself kneeling between his amazing thighs, grasped his balls again, took his cock in my hand and then took his head into my mouth. He groaned louder and lay back down on the floor.

I began a steady rhythm sucking him, eventually letting go of his cock to get better access. I couldn't take it all -- the monster was too damn big. But I tried. I got about halfway down on it. Steve put his hand on the back of my head and began to stroke my hair. We did this for a while. His breathing got faster, and he started to push up on my downstrokes. I choked a little and backed off.

The second time I did this, he pushed down on my head, forcing his dick all the way into my throat. I choked. I couldn't breath. I also couldn't move my damn head, he had both his hands locked on my head. As I started to panic, he pulled up his legs and then groaned loudly. Then a fountain of cum went off and down my throat. I might have enjoyed it if I wasn't about to pass out. I grabbed his balls and twisted them, but that wasn't enough for him. He just groaned even louder.

He let go just before I lost it. I pulled back, gasping and rubbing my throat. He fell back on the floor, his breathing slowing as he lay there. I got up, got my glass of water and emptied it. I felt a little better.

"You fucker." I wanted shout, but it came out a hoarse whisper. I went over. Steve had one hand on his chest, the other off to one side, and his legs splayed out. He was asleep.

I nearly kicked him.

Then I remembered our bargain.

And the silk scarves my roommate had been juggling earlier.

I got out my supplies, and made sure the door was locked. I got a pillow off my bead, put it in the middle of the rug. I tied one of the scarves to Steve's splayed hand, carefully so as not to wake him. I tied it off to a leg of the metal desk. I tied the other scarf to his other wrist, but left an end loose. I did the same for both his ankles. Then I quietly muttered nonsense to him as I carefully and slowly turned him over. He didn't rouse. I secured his other wrist to another leg of the desk. I tied one ankle to a heavy chair my roommate had brought in, and the other to one of the posts of the metal bunk-bed.

I stepped back to survey. Steve was tied down to various tough-to-move pieces of furniture. His extremely fine ass was pushed up a little because of the pillow under him. He looked divine. I pulled off my briefs, wadded them up. I got another scarf, and as quickly as I could I pushed the briefs into his mouth. He struggled a bit, but not before I got the scarf tied around his mouth to keep the briefs in.

He woke up and pulled on his restraints. "Hhhhnn!"

He thrashed. Some of the furniture moved a bit, but not much. I smacked his ass. "Steve!"

"Whhn!?" He stopped struggling.

"Stop moving. This was part of the bargain remember?" He thrashed a little bit more, still couldn't get loose. "Yeah, I didn't think you'd go through with it. Look, I'll go easy on you, if calm down."

I reached between his legs and ran my finger along behind his balls. He flinched, and then groaned.

"Besides, I'm guessing you want cum again." I stroked him some more, used my other hand to tug gently on his balls.

"Hhhhn." Not sure if that was a word or not.

Still stroking and tugging, I picked up the pace a little. His cock was getting hard quickly. I pulled it out so it wasn't confined under him. He groaned some more.

I held onto his balls, still playing with them and dipped my finger in the open jar of vaseline. I took the goop and ran it up from his balls to his hole. He twitched, and shifted away slightly, but didn't stop groaning. I circled his anus, slowly, gently. Then I pulled down on his balls, not painfully but just short of that, and pushed my finger into him.

"Hhhhnnnnn!" He squirmed, not quite thrashing like before. His ass squeezed my finger. I had just the tip in. I twisted it a little as he continued to squirm. A few minutes of that, and more ball play, and his breathing had become more pronounced. His massive cock was full mast, too. I alternated balls and cock stroking. The steam-engine noise coming from his only-through-the-nose breathing was pretty fast now.

"Do you want me to stop, Steve? Or do you want me to do more?"

"Mmmmnnh!" He had lifted his head up to look at him, his eyes were wild. He nodded along with trying to say "more".

It was all the encouragement I needed. I pushed my finger all the way in.

"Hnnnn!" He pulled away a little, in reaction to some pain, but didn't thrash. I twirled some. His groans changed tenor when I located his prostate. Pre-cum leaked out of him onto the carpet. I gently stroked him there. His groans got lower and he started to push his ass against my finger. I took my other hand off his balls, and started playing with his ass, pulling one cheek aside to get even deeper access with my finger.

This kept us occupied for a while. Once I noticed sweat forming on him, I slowly pulled my finger out, dipped it and another finger in the vaseline, and every so slowly pushed them both in.

"Hhhhnnnnn!!" I was having trouble distinguishing his pain groans and his ecstasy groans. He wasn't trying to pull away anymore. I got to his prostate again and began a two-finger massage, slow and sure. He was groaning and making a whistling noise through his nose, trying to get more breath to groan with.

I did that for a while. The pre-cum was flowing out of him. I reached down with my other hand, and ran my finger gingerly along his length. That got him going again. I increased the tempo of my fingers -- the ones in him and on him. He was pushing back on every stroke now, making regular grunts every time my fingers met his prostate. It only took a few minutes and he gushed mightily. Belatedly I realized I should have put a towel down. Oh well, fuck it!

As he came I pushed my fingers in deep and held them against his trigger spot. Then I fluttered my fingertips.

"HHHHNNNN!" He was as loud as he could get with the gag.

After a moment of that, he slumped. I gently pulled my fingers out, and patted his ass. It jiggled and I had to swallow.

I stood up, took off my robe and tossed it on my bed. Steve was still trying to catch is breath. I knelt back down and tore open a condom. At the loud noise, he looked back. I was surprised. He didn't thrash or try to call out. He just widened his eyes, and swallowed. With him watching, I slowly pulled the condom onto my hard cock. I hand't cum yet and I was a little crazed. He was lubed and in position. I didn't wait long.

I moved forward, grasped his waist and pulled up a little. He obligingly moved up. I couldn't have moved him without his help. I moved my hands caressingly along to his beautiful ass, and parted his cheeks.


He looked back at me again. "Dhhhet."

I took that to be "do it" and I did.

I pushed my cock into him, just to the tip, waiting to hear his reaction.


Not bad. I paused a moment, stroking his sweaty back and ass. He was pulling in air sharply through his nose. I pushed his football jersey up until I had my hands on his bare shoulders. I was bent in an awkward position, but not for very long. Using the leverage, I slowly pushed into him.


I'll give him this, he didn't try to pull away. I went until our balls met. I wiggled a little when I got there, which made him whimper a little. Then I lowered myself onto his back, and began stroke his magnificent chest and abs. He sighed, and then groaned some more. I eventually started playing with his nipples. That made him a little crazy. He squirmed against me and moved his ass back and forth. I nearly came right there. Between the heat of his ass, the feel of his muscled body beneath me and the sounds he was making, I had to count back from 100 to keep myself from losing it entirely. There was NO way I was going to get this far and not fuck Steve as much as I could. One stroke in was not enough.

I pushed off him, got ahold of his waist, and pulled almost all the way out. "Hhhhhhn."

"Ok, Steve, here we go."

I rammed all the way in, hard.


Then I pulled out and did it again.


Then I changed to long, slow strokes. He more or less caught his breath and grunted with every stroke. After a few minutes, he started to push back against me whenever I slloooowly pushed into him. I took that as a signal. I started to pick up my pace, and I tried a few different angles of attack. Until, at the peak of one stroke, he made an entirely different noise. It was almost a squeal, but it was hard to tell through the gag.

I smiled, and tried to hit that spot every time. He was grunting with every push in. With the rapid strokes, he started having trouble getting his breath. I was hitting his button just a little too rapidly. I couldn't have him pass out. I pushed all the way in, leaned forward, and untied the gag.

He spit out the briefs, gasped and then gulped in air. I tossed the scarf aside. I held myself inside for a couple of minutes, letting him catch his breath.

"John?" His voice sounded rough and he spoke quietly, but it sounded like he thought he was back in charge.

"Yes?" I put amusement into my voice.

"Don't. Fucking. Stop!" He emphasized his point by pushing back against me as hard as he could in his restraints.

I laughed, pulled back and pushed back into him hard. He groaned, louder now without the gag. It was MUCH better this way. I kept up a rhythm hard and fast. I had to dick around a little to find that spot again, but when I did he shouted.


I don't know how longer it went, it seemed both forever and not nearly long enough. Steve trembled beneath me, like an earthquake, and his ass spasmed on my cock. He'd cum, again. Third time! He really was horny tonight. I kept pounding, and near the end of his orgasm, I came. I kept pounding away anyway, I REALLY didn't want to stop, but eventually I just collapsed on top of him.

We both worked to get our breath back. He got there first.

"John?" His voice was lower, a little more docile, I thought.


"Can you untie me now? My wrists are killing me."

I pushed off him again, but didn't pull out. I kneaded his ass a little. He wiggled it.

"Uh, Steve?"


"Are you going to beat the shit out of me when I untie you?"

He turned his head around to look at me. He had a big silly grin on his face.

"Are you kidding? I've, uh," he stopped to swallow. "I've NEVER had sex that good! I came without even fucking anyone! Three fucking times! I want you to untie me so we can do MORE."

Well, who could refuse that?

Next: Chapter 3: Steve 2

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