What Should Have Happened

By J Zander

Published on Feb 20, 2010


Note: Inspired by true events, but largely didn't happen (really just the bits before the explicit sex stuff, very unfortunately). Male-on-male sex ahead, watch out! Don't read if you're not old enough, or if illegal where you are (and why are you still there!?).

You know how you're insulted, and it's not until much later you think of an appropriate reply? This story is the reply this guy SHOULD have gotten, if only I'd thought of it at the time. Oh, if only! The true events end at the *** and after that it's all good juicy fantasy.

Chris had invited me over. His college and mine were in the same town, but separated by several miles. I'd biked over after classes. I didn't mind doing it (kept me in pretty good shape), mostly because I really had a thing for Chris. I can't say why, exactly. He was fairly average looking. Very athletic body, mind you. And red hair. Sort of my kryptonite. Red hair and that pale freckled complexion? Whew!

When I got there, though, it was obvious he'd forgotten he even invited me. He was gearing up for his intramural hockey game, which was in just half-an-hour. He even acted put out that I was there at all. I sat in his desk chair, watching him move around and put things in his gym bag, getting angrier and angrier. This was just more of a long list of things he'd been doing since we both got to college. I'm sure it was just him being distracted by all that stuff going on Freshmen year, but all I could see was more of him ignoring me and treating me like crap.

Then he started stripping down, right in front of me, to put on his hockey stuff. The combination of anger at the way he was treating me and his hard, pale muscled body near-naked right there in front of me drove me right over the edge.

At the same moment he dropped his white briefs to put on his jock strap, I reached out and seized his balls.

"What the fuck!" He squawked.

He went to grab my arm, but I squeezed. The pain caused him to bend over towards me, gasp and try to move away from me. He backed up against the wall.

"Listen to me, Chris." I was a lot calmer-sounding than I felt.

He was gasping and trying to push me away. If he'd really thought about it, he could probably have dropped me, but the pain and cold and shock of the whole thing had him totally off-balance. He was gasping, and asking me to stop.

I got in his face. "Just listen. I came over here to throw myself at you. And when I got here? You act like I'm an asshole for even coming."

I eased up on his balls some. He swallowed and looked up at me. I could tell he still didn't get it. "I came over to suck you." His eyes widened, and he got, if anything, more red. "Hell, I'd even have let you fuck me if you wanted to."

Now he got it. I could see it dawn on him. John's gay! He was willing to suck me! I could have had sex!

As I talked, still gripping his balls tightly but not painfully, I started stroking him with my index finger. That little patch of skin behind the balls is SO sensitive. "But nope, that's not going to happen." He was starting to breath faster, and still staring at me wide-eyed. "You have a game to get to, and I'm pissed." His limp cock, formerly dangling against my wrist, started to grow, stretching along my forearm. I continued to stroke him, and also gently tugged on his balls.

He gasped, and between breaths, choked out, "What ... uh! Can ... unh! We do?"

I smiled. I have to admit, although my anger was still hot, it wasn't the only part of me that was. "Well, if you want to come over to MY dorm room after your game, you could do that. If you want to have some fun."

He gasped again, and was having some trouble breathing. He was certainly enjoying what was going on. His cock was rock hard.

I let go. He gasped again, partly in pain, partly in disappointment. He sank down the wall, squatting and put a hand to his crotch. I couldn't tell if he was trying to relieve the pain or clutch his cock. I turned away and went to the door.

I stopped and turned. "Oh, and if you want to have a really good time, stop by the drug store. Pick up condoms and lube."

He gawked at me. I smiled, opened the door and left.

After losing my temper with Chris, I went into a sexual fugue. All I could think of was how he smelled, how his cock felt against my arm and the shock on his face. I got back to dorm room and beat off, cumming almost immediately. I drifted off on my bed, naked, exhausted from the high.

I woke up and it was like it hadn't happened. It was dark, my room only lit by the lights out in the quad. It was well past 11. I cleaned up, put on some sweat pants and tried to read. I had no idea when Chris' game got out, and I had no idea if he'd actually come. Hell, I didn't even know if he liked men. Women, yes, but other than my fantasies and some very suggestive (to me) wrestling matches in high school, I had nothing.

So I read, paced, looked out the window and paced some more. About midnight, I gave it up and just lay on the bed. I didn't think I could sleep, but the knock on the door definitely woke me up. I crossed the space very fast, nearly killing myself on the chair. I stopped at the door, took a deep breath, and put on as much calm as I could muster. Then I opened the door.

Chris stood there. He looked a little flushed. He had changed his clothes, put on his jean jacket over his hoodie. And he had a bag in his hand.


"Hey Chris. Come on in." I left barely enough room for him to pass me. He looked nervously up and down the corridor. No one was around. He pushed past me, fleetingly rubbing something against me and he moved into the room. I closed and locked the door.

He looked around, at my roommate's bed and then at me. "Uh..."

"No worries. He goes home every weekend, doesn't come back until Monday morning." I gestured at the blanket I'd thrown down next to my bed. "Plus, in case he comes back early, you're too drunk to walk home and had to crash here."

He swallowed and looked around again. He set the bag down on my desk. I went over to him, closer than is polite and put my face close enough nearly to touch noses. He visibly didn't back up, and swallowed again.

"Take off your pants."

"What?" He sounded nervous and surprised.

"Take off your pants." He looked down at himself and then back up to me. I smiled. "I'm going to have a hard time sucking your cock through your jeans, Chris."

He let out a breath and chuckled. He pulled off his jean jacket, then pulled the hoodie over his head and dropped it on my bed. Despite my outward calm, I nearly fainted when his t-shirt rose up a little from his waist and showed off his pale white waist and abs. He put out a hand, touched my bare chest and pushed me back a little, then pulled off his shoes. I swallowed. He looked at me again, then unbuttoned his jeans. Damned 501s. It's a good thing I didn't have to unbutton that, I'm not sure my hands would have been steady enough. I noticed his hands shook a little.

He pushed the jeans down slowly. Probably because they were tight. Underneath, he was wearing a jockstrap. It was a good thing I didn't have a heart condition, I would probably have died. Red hair, pale skin, muscles AND a jockstrap? Holy shit! He stood up, and kicked his jeans over to the bed. He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of the jock.

"Stop. I'll do that."

I moved closer. He smiled, more confidently now, more relaxed. And why not? He was going to get his cock sucked and I had (seemingly) dropped back into the more submissive attitude I normally had around him. Without any warning, I reached my hand out, and gently grasped the jock's sack, nicely cupping his cock and balls. He winced. I smiled, and he was nervous again.

"Don't worry, no ball squeezing this time." I paused, gripped just a LITTLE harder. "Unless you want me to."

He swallowed, and shook his head. He was getting red again, and hard. His jock was starting to tent.

"Ok, no pain. But no promises for later." I let go of him, and I lowered myself slowly to the floor. I reached out, grasped his legs at his knees (which were shaking slightly) and slowly moved my hands up. I moved them nearly to the jock, then circled around to his ass, lightly grasping him beneath the straps. I kneaded his ass a little, marveling at the rounded, hard shape. It felt even better than I had imagined: velvety smoothness, very slightly hairy and under that an almost granite hardness. I leaned forward and kissed the skin above his jock. He gasped. I looked up at him. He was intent, and a little glazed. I kissed him a few more times, never too near his now rock hard dick. The jock was straining against him.

I looked up again. "Ready?"

"Yes!" He gasped out.

I smiled. Pulled my hands away from his ass, reluctantly, bring the straps out with them. Then I pulled my hands down, and the jock came with them. His dick bounced out of the jockstrap. He made a sound, that little grunt I've heard him use when he's hot. His dick bounced a little more as I brought the jock down to the ground.

I looked at his engorged dick-head for a moment. Then I leaned forward and licked it. Chris sucked in a breath. It was good, and there was some pre-cum. It was interesting. I wanted more. And I wanted to make Chris make more of those wonderful noises.

I took his cock in my mouth, just the head. I swirled my tongue around it. He let out a deep groan. This I hadn't heard before. It was good. I took more of him in my mouth and gently sucked. He groaned again, something deep and animal. He tried to push a little more in, I let him, but I made sure my hands were on his thighs. I didn't want this to go too quickly.

I sucked for a few more minutes, and Chris alternated groaning and gasping for breath. He was definitely getting closer. I pulled off and licked the underside of his cock, balls to tip, and then pulled away.

He looked down and made a noise almost like a whine. I smiled.

"I can finish you now, if you want, just like this. But I have an offer to make."

"What?" He sounded agonized. He fidgeted a little and his cock bounced; it looked even harder than before.

"If you want, I can try a technique that's ... a little odd. If you let me, and follow my instructions, you should have the best orgasm you've ever had."

He took in a breath. "And?"

"If you do, I get to fuck you afterwards. If you don't, you can fuck me."

He looked at me and licked his lips. I could see lust and doubt cross his face.

I looked up into his eyes. I could guess the one barrier to this. "No one needs to know about it. No one is coming in here. It's just us."

"Who decides if it's my best?" He whispered hoarsely.

"You do. It's your orgasm. But if it is the best you've ever had?" I smiled evilly. He swallowed.

"The best?"

"Never tried it, but it's what I hear."

He took in a deep breath, looked down at his cock and then looked at me.

"Do it."

I moved forward and took his cock, nearly to the base. I even choked a little. He groaned so deeply, I could feel it in my mouth. While he was distracted with that, I groped under my bed. I moved up and down his cock slowly. Finally I found the jar of vaseline, got it open quietly and coated my index finger with it. I left the jar open between my knees -- I'd probably need it.

I brought my finger up, and spread the greasy goop along behind his balls. He gasped, probably from the cold and shock, and then groaned. I moved my finger further back, and gently circled his anus. He let out another groan, and I could feel his whole body shiver through my hand on his thigh. I took it slow on his cock, and slowly circled his asshole. I kept up this pace for a few minutes, easing off if he started to seem too eager. When I thought he had relaxed enough, I tightened the circle of my ass massage, deep throated as much of his cock as I could and pushed my finger into his ass to the first knuckle.

He groaned. "John, don't--UNH!" I had pushed my finger in deeper when he got to "don't". I wasn't planning on stopping. I'd made that pretty clear.

I eased my finger out, and then pushed in again. I wasn't doing much with his cock, letting it rest in my mouth. His attention had definitely been diverted. I looked up. His mouth was open and he was looking at me in shock.

I pushed even further in. He made a noise between a grunt and a whine. "Wait! I -- UNH!" I had gotten my finger as deep as it would go and could feel the tight knob of his prostate. My finger was wet and hot. His ass muscles were squeezing my finger, almost pinching it. But I had reached my goal.

I not so gently began rubbing my finger along his prostate, simultaneously sucking his cock. He made weird fluttering groan noise, and he leaned over me, grabbing the top of my desk. His stomach pulsed against my forehead with every groan and gasp. I kept the finger pace up. Kept sucking him. The sounds he was making didn't sound human. They made me so hot. My sweat pants were tented, and I had a growing stain there from pre-cum.

I kept at it for several minutes. Chris's whole body was shaking. I slowed my fingering for just a moment, and added my middle finger. He cried out a little in pain, but when I got both fingers on his prostate, his whole body went rigid and he started cumming.

I didn't stop the prostate massage. Every push of my fingers caused a spurt of cum into my mouth. I was swallowing at pace, a first in my sexual experience. I lost track of how many times he spurted. I pushed into him until his cock jerked but nothing came out. Then I pulled my fingers out of him.

He collapsed like a rag doll, or a puppet I'd been holding up. He dropped mostly on me and we fell back onto the floor, luckily on the blanket I'd put out. He gasped for breath on top of me. His sweaty hair and face were up against mine. His eyes were wild. I could feel my cock pushed painfully (for me) against his bare thigh. I had cum in my sweatpants.

I put my arms around him, and kissed him on his cheek. He seemed to rouse at that, and caught his breath. He lifted up a bit and looked at me for a moment, then kissed me on the mouth. I was shocked, but kissed him back. It was very good.

A few minutes of that, and he rolled over off me. Still breathing a little fast.

I turned onto my side, and rubbed my hand on his stomach under his t-shirt. He was wet and sweaty and smelled divine. "So?"

He looked at me, another look of lust, doubt and fear. He swallowed.

"That. That was AWESOME!" He slowly grinned.

"Glad you liked it." I moved my hand up to rub one of his nipples. "And?"

He looked sheepish. "Shit. I've NEVER cum like that. Ever."

I smiled. He swallowed again.

I rubbed his chest, and then stood up. I was a little shaky. I got my balance, and then pushed my stained sweatpants off. I hadn't put on anything underneath them. I was hard. After all that, I hadn't stopped being hard, even after cumming. My cock bobbed from the motion, and Chris seemed hypnotized.

"Want to suck it?" I asked softly.

He blinked and looked up at me. "I, uh, no. Uh..."

"No sweat, there's always later." I leaned forward over him and started feeling around inside the bag he'd brought. I was right over him. He made that little grunt sound again. I glanced down to see him gently stroking himself, and looking at me.

I pulled out a condom, and the lube. I noisily undid the package.

"Uh. Um. I don't know if, uh..."

I looked him in the eye, took the condom out and slowly pushed it along my rigid cock. He swallowed, and this time it was just a look of lust that passed over his face.

I dribbled lube on my cock, then knelt on the blanket.

"Ok, get up."

Chris sat up, then pushed himself to a kneeling position facing me. I put a hand on his shirt-clad shoulder, and applied pressure. He looked nervous now, but he turned away from me. Then I pushed on his shoulder, bending him over and into the doggy position. His ass was perfect, and I lingered long enough for him to look back over at me. I smiled, and while he watched I drizzled lube over his ass, mostly near his crack. His whole body shivered.

I dropped the lube nearby and moved forward. My cock nudged one of his cheeks, and hell, if I hadn't just cum, I would have right then. I moved my finger up and down his crack with a gentle motion, spreading some of the lube on his ass with my palm. He grunted again.

I reached under with my left hand and tugged on his balls, running my thumb behind them. He groaned. I took the opportunity to push my finger into his ass.

"UNH!" He grunted half in surprise and half in pain. I had pushed my finger all the way in one go. He spasmed against me for a moment.

Mmmmm, that was nice. I pushed as much lube into him as I could, starting a gentle rhythm, not trying to reach his hot button. I pulled out, gathered more lube off him and then pushed it in slowly with two fingers.

"Unh. Uh." Softer this time.

I moved my fingers back and forth for a minute or two. His breathing getting faster, and his cock was hard again, bouncing against the fingers of my left hand.

Finally, I couldn't take it anymore.

I pulled out my fingers, making a slow circular motion as I withdrew. He groaned again. I let go of his balls. Then I grasped both his cheeks with my hands. His ass was slick and soft and hot. He was red or pink nearly everywhere. I pulled his ass apart, exposing his anus. It throbbed. I got into a better position. Chris looked back at me, a worried expression warring with his lust.

"John, I'm not sure --- UNNNH!!" I cut him off by pushing the head of my cock into his ass. His ass squeezed against me. I only paused because I think I lost conscious thought for a moment, the sensation was so good, so intense.

When I surfaced, I started to push in. Chris groaned and made small whimpering noises from the pain. He was trying to catch his breath, probably to object again. I didn't stop until I had my whole length inside him.

I had hold of his waist. I ground against him a little, getting another groan amid the gasps. I held myself there for a minute, maybe two, not pulling out but not staying still either. Then I ever so slowly pulled out until just the tip of my cock was in him.

I angled a little differently, and then rammed into him.


I held it there, pulling out just a little and then started short, rapid little strokes. I had found his prostate, and was banging the hell out of it. About halfway through his ass spasmed around me, and he blew his load on the blanket, shouting out. I kept going. I lost track of how long. Finally, I had to stop to catch my own damn breath. I was all the way in him, probably pushed against his love spot, based on the low insensible muttering coming from him. I leaned forward and held onto his shoulders. I breathed for a few minutes, enjoying the wonderful hot sensation on my dick.

"So how is it for you?"

He gasped a few times, then blurted out: "FUCK!"

"Ok!" I laughed, pushed off his shoulders, held his waist again and started to long-dick him in ernest. He kept up a long groan, interrupted by gasps for breath. With every thrust, I erased more of the memories of the stupid hurtful things he'd done to me. The cruel teasing. The put-downs. After a while, I even forgot about those.

I felt like my head was going explode or catch fire. On the up-swing of one of my pushes into him, I came. And came. And came.

I collapsed on his back, my cock still lodged inside him, trying to catch my breath. His t-shirt was soaked in sweat, and he was hot beneath me. His chest expanding and contracting beneath my dead weight as he gasped for breath too. It was bliss after bliss. I lay there for a while.

"John?" His voice was small and hoarse.

"Yeah?" I said dreamily.

"I uh. I can't hold you up forever."

I chuckled. Then I took a breath and levered myself up off him. I stroked his back as I rose. Then I ever so slowly pulled out of him. He groaned again. Hell, I groaned too.

The condom was heavy with cum. I carefully pulled it off and then tossed it in the waste basket. I sat down with my back to the bed. Chris moved around and sat down next to me. He was so close his bare leg was pressed against mine, and he put his arm around me.

He ran his hand along the back of my head and looked at me. His mouth wasn't smiling but his eyes were. He leaned over and kissed me. More passionately than I'd ever been kissed. We broke off too soon.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

He laughed. "Fucking me silly?"


Copyright wittyremark@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2: Steve 1

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