What She Sees in Him

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jan 4, 2015




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Standing under the tree in the heavily pouring rain, I watched Quinn Federlin pull his car up to the roadside, kill the engine, then quickly got out and raced up the steps to his front door and, safe under the small porch there, unlocked the door and went inside. I didn't move for another five minutes, I had to get my courage up, enough to face him. Quinn Federlin. The man my wife was having an affair with. What did she see in him? That was why I was there.

Wet and cold and miserable, I walked up the sidewalk to knock on Quinn's door. I'd been waiting for him to get home for two hours, and the wind was blowing the rain sideways, making my umbrella less than useless. I was soaking wet, bitterly cold, and coldly bitter. Just the right frame of mind to knock on the door of the man who's been sleeping with your wife, isn't it?

I knocked on the door and his answer was the overconfident one I'd come to expect from him. "Come on in! Door's unlocked!" I could have been a murderer, I could have been a robber, I could have been...I could have been a cuckolded husband out to confront the man who had seduced his wife!

So I opened the door and there he was, lounging across on his couch. He'd been home less than five minutes before I'd knocked, but where I was dripping water off every surface of my body, he was dry and comfortable, wearing only a loose tanktop t-shirt and a looser pair of shorts, his sunlamp-bronzed body a golden toned flawless beauty of well-formed and well-exercised muscles, his entire demeanor was of supremacy in every way and every thing. He looked at me, the poor, wet, miserable husband of one of his harem, and said, "Raymond, hey, what's up?" One hand reached up and wended its way through the healthy shock of shiny, lustrous brown hair, all wavy and impossible to disarrange no matter how his fingers threaded through the perfectly coiffed strands.

"I came...." I said and choked. "I came to speak to you about Karen."

"What about her?" Quinn gestured at a chair next to the couch. "Take a load off. You want a beer? A cup of coffee? Or maybe a sponge to blot yourself up with?" And he smirked, his teeth showed in fine, white, even lines of dental perfection.

"I'm fine." I said, though I wasn't. I could have used a hot drink.

"So, get it over with. What about Karen?" He really didn't care, I realized. He knew why I was here, and he didn't care.

"I...I don't want to lose her, Quinn. I know you can take her from me, and I just wanted to say, I don't want to lose her." I had to get it out, but begging this man, this handsome, powerful, muscular, overly virile man, to give up my wife for me, was choking me, not at my throat, but throughout my entire body.

"Lose her? To me? Man, I don't want her!" He said to my surprise.

"You don't?" I was oddly relieved and happy at that. One thing to have your wife cheat on you, another to find her the love-toy of this...this...what was he, anyhow?

"If you don't want her," I went on, "then why did you and she...connect?"

Quinn gave out a loud barking laugh. "Dude, she was there, that was how! I went into the bar, and looked around, and there she was. All there was to it. So I took her."

He was completely unashamed of himself. I couldn't understand it. Karen was ready to leave me for this guy and he thought of her like...like toilet paper! Something to use and throw away and never think about again! "I don't understand you." I said, the first thing that came out easy that evening.

"What's to get?" he said. "I like to fuck, and when I do, I take what I want to. What's the problem with that? You worried about me stealing your wife, I tell you I don't intend to steal her and wouldn't marry her even if she did divorce you. I don't need her, I got plenty of women, I can get any woman I want. So sure, I'll give her up for you. So what's the problem?"

How did he do it? How did he seduce all these women? I'd heard of his exploits many times before, I didn't doubt his claim that he could get any woman he wanted, I knew he'd gotten Karen because it was her turn to be gotten by him, nothing else. My marriage was safe...until he wanted her again. How, how could this man cut such a wide swath of sexual conquest through my neighborhood, through my town, so easily?

So I thought all this, and I burst out with the question. "How do you do it, Quinn? How can you take so many women, so easily? What's your secret?"

"Secret?" Quinn burst out in laughter. "Hell, man, there's no secret! Anybody can get anyone they want." He looked over at me and said, "Me, I want sex all the time. So I get in the mood, I just reach out and take the closest person around."

"But...but how do you do it? How can you just seduce anyone on command?" I couldn't believe this, Quinn had to have some secret and if I could learn it, I could stop him from ever taking Karen from me.

"It's the easiest thing in the world." Quinn said. "One word does it. Confidence."


"Yeah. If you're confident you can get the person, and act on it, that's all it takes."

"I don't believe that!" I scoffed, I was becoming bolder the longer I talked to this arrogant, arrogant bastard. Karen would see through him, especially if he dumped her and then tried to approach her again, like he said he was going to do.

"Sure. I could take you if I wanted to." Quinn said.

"You could not!"

Quinn didn't hear me. He was looking at me, a gaze that was surprisingly...penetrating. Cutting right through me. "Yeah." He said in a tone so soft I barely heard him. "I could do you easy."

The words, because they were so soft, slid into my brain in a way that a shout never could have. I felt almost...hypnotized. I sat there, still wet and soggy, as Quinn rose from the couch and stood before me. His hands went out, and still dazed, I took his hands in mine and rose from the chair and when I was up, the hands fled mine and went around me and closed the space between us and his lips reached for mine. I felt...helpless and unable to resist as he kissed me, and my lips moved themselves to interlock with his and I was kissing him back and he thrust his body closer still to mine and his chest crushed against mine and then his groin ground into my own and his erection was obvious and hard and it writhed against my lower abdomen, just above my own organ, which was still flaccid, but...no, not still limp, it was stiffening, and I felt no ability to choose what it did or why it let itself respond to this man, this rude, heartless, arrogant man, he'd use me and cast me aside, and somehow, right then, it just didn't matter to me at all.

And his lips left mine and kissed his way over my cheek and down my neck, and I just tilted my head to the side and I groaned and now my cock was hard and painful in the cramped area of my still-soaking-wet briefs.

But Quinn's hand reached into my pants, forcing its way past the waistband and belt at the top and then under the elastic and into my crotch area, and his fingers caught my cock and freed it from its twisted pain, and when he did, it was like he freed me from the pain of my damaged marriage, the pain of my feelings of inadequacy with my wife that would stray from our marriage to join with this man, and the pain even of being wet and cold for so long as I waited for him to come home.

"Yeah, man, you're good and hard." Quinn whispered in my ear, a husky, heavy, liquid voice that poured into my brain like molasses and coated my common sense with its thick sweetness. "Mmm, I bet you can make me feel really good with that dong of yours, couldn't you?"

"Yeah." My voice didn't say that, exactly, it just gave a sort of affirmative squeak, high-pitched as a gerbil.

Quinn chuckled, a rich, forgiving sound, and he said, "Let's get you out of those wet clothes and you can show me you mean that."

My clothes clung to me like a second skin, peeling them away was like being born anew. Quinn discarded his own minimal clothing in no time and he helped me fight the battle of my own soaked and reluctant garb, pushing me back onto the chair and wrestling my shoes and socks off, peeling my pants down my legs and wrenching the briefs from my groin, until I was as naked as he.

When he was done, he again gave me his hands and when I took them he led me like a child into his bedroom. The bed was just a bed, I'd imagined a wild seduction chamber, but it was as ordinary as a ten-dollar toaster. The bed wasn't even made, the coverings were a tangled cloth-snake on top of the wrinkled sheets.

But Quinn placed me on that bed and I laid back on the pillow, smelled on this pillow and sheets the aroma of how many, many nights of sweaty sex it had borne, and that was like an aphrodisiac to me, I was only the latest of his conquests, but this was MY time in the bed! And when Quinn laid himself beside me, I growled and grabbed him!

"And that's my secret." he told me before I locked my lips on him and kissed him hard, my tongue diving into his mouth and his plunging into mine. I sucked on that moist organ and it was coated with the nectar of the gods, and his hand grabbed my cock and my own fumbled and found and grabbed his.

We jerked on each other, nothing soft or romantic about it, it was a frantic, spasmodic movement of our hands, we were mauling each other's organs with our hands, but I was too horny to care even when his motions caused my cock pain.

But Quinn grunted once and said, "Okay, man, let's get this into a 69, because I need some dick to suck on after all those cunts I've been licking."

I couldn't squirm around fast enough to get to his cock. Quinn was ludicrously endowed, a solid ten inches of hard male prong (no wonder I'd felt it rubbing on my stomach before) and it was mine, all mine! I dove onto his prick the way I always wanted Karen to work on mine and she never did, with my mouth loaded with my saliva, my teeth carefully held at bay, and most of all, my entire mouth wanting all of him as deep as I could drive him!

Quinn did a good job on my cock but I outperformed him just the same, I was diving on him with a speed and agility borne of my fierce hunger to possess this man, to take all of him. I was giving this arrogant stud a dose of his own medicine, loving him so well that he was losing all control, and he gave up, let go of my cock and just moaned as I got onto all fours to work him better, feeding at him like a dog working over his bowl of food, hard chomping motions of my head and neck up and down, gulping as I went, and Quinn moaned, squirmed under me, I had this beautiful man writhing under me, and then he groaned, his hips thrust upwards at me and then he was exploding into my mouth, hot heavy splatters of come gushing up into my mouth, the flavor of it was the flavor of pure male fertility and I was feeding on it, I swallowed it and sucked more out when the flood faltered and then I was working on a deflating dong and then it was a weak, limp flap of flesh unworthy of a proper stud.

"Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man!" Quinn moaned. "You are fucking insatiable, aren't you? I have never had a blowjob that fucking intense! You knew just what to do to me, ah, shit!"

I slapped my cock on his face and he smiled again, said, "Oh, yeah, you need some more attention, don't you?" And he sucked my cock back into his mouth.

He was good, and I was enjoying it but then he let go and said, "Now, man, I'm going to slick you up a bit more, then I want you to jam this hard mother into my ass. I've been fucking for so long, and the women all moaning so much, I got to find out what it's like. And you're the man to give it to me."

He licked my cock and I got so hard I couldn't stand it, it wasn't his tongue, it was the thought that I was going to get to fuck this man, this beautiful man, this perfect man, and he wanted me to fuck him.

When he let go I scrambled around like that dog, this time about to mount a bitch...or another male dog submissive to him. And Quinn lifted those beer-keg-sized thighs of his up and spread his legs wide and his hands rose, again beckoning me to him.

I lay my body down on top of him and those hands reached down to guide and feed my prick into his ass. I found that hole and I pushed at it and Quinn gasped, his hands now on my back convulsed. "Hey, man, easy, take it easy. I'm a pure virgin here."

Such a man, a virgin? Yes, in this way, he could be virgin. But not for much longer. I settled for a slow, gentle, insistent motion, and Quinn moaned and his ass gave way slowly, slowly, to my prick's persistent pressure. Then, there was a sort of popping feeling and my cock slid in a few inches.

"Oh, man, oh, God!" Quinn groaned. "Shit, man, that's hurting so fucking much!"

"So do the women, the first time." I reminded him. "But they get to loving it."

"I know." Quinn grunted. "I'm not asking you to stop. Just go easy, man!"

And I resumed my slow pushing into his ass. Quinn groaned a few more times, then he sort of gasped and I felt a bit of his insides pressing against my glans. "Oh, shit, man, that's doing it!" Quinn breathed. "Push it in a bit more."

I did and he groaned again. "Ah, yeah, man, that's it, that's got it! You found my fucking butt-clit!"

I pushed in a little further, and I had my cock in pretty far. I had some inches to go, but I had Quinn moaning in pleasure, that was all I wanted for now. I began to fuck him, slow movements at first, barely pulling back and forth an inch with each stroke, but as I moved, Quinn began to groan more and his ass began to let up on the killer clench it had on my prong. As he loosened up, I began to fuck in deeper and moved more.

Before long, I was making long strokes in and out of Quinn's butt, and he was clutching me desperately and moaning with every stroke. I watched this man, this powerful god-among-men, and he was lying under me like my wife, moaning like my wife did when I made love to her, moaning like a woman...like my woman! Quinn was my woman now!

And with that, I again began like a man possessed, I began to thrust in and out of Quinn faster and faster, I moved and grabbed his legs and hauled him upwards and rose up onto the balls of my feet and with my back arched over him, I began to rabbit-fuck him and Quinn was more than moaning now, he was letting out howls of joy and rapture at every thrust, and his cock was hard again and he had one hand pumping at it as I fucked his butt.

My own orgasm assailed my senses, I had this man in ecstasy and I couldn't bear it any more, I had to come, and I yanked my cock out of his ass, letting him fall to the bed and me squatting over him and my own hand jerked my prick and I exploded all over his stomach and chest, and as I did, Quinn threw back his head and moaned and he again spurted jizz out of his cock, a second orgasm and he added his spunk to mine and I finished and sagged down onto my knees and then down onto Quinn's body and all that jism on his body was smeared onto me as well.

I feebly sought out his lips and kissed and Quinn kissed me back, two men exhausted and spent, we gave each other these kisses as a form of saying thank you without words, of saying it was good, of saying that we had pleased each other.

We got dressed in a sort of semi-embarrassed silence, I don't think Quinn had expected it to be as intense a session as it was. When I had managed to pull my wet clothes on, I turned to Quinn, now back on his couch and he'd regained most of his composure.

"So, Raymond, now do you see what I mean? I can get any woman I want, so if you don't want me to touch your wife again, then I won't, no big deal."

"Yeah. Thanks." I said to him. "And thanks for showing me your secret."

"You were a hell of a fast learner." Quinn said. "When I took you to bed, I hadn't planned to get fucked by you." He shook his head. "Still don't know how that happened, but hell, it was fucking awesome. I'm still tingling in my ass from it."

"Glad you enjoyed it." I said to him.

"We're going to have to do that again some time."

"Yeah. Sure. Whenever you want." I said. But my mind and heart was on my wife. All mine again. All mine!

But two nights later, I was sitting in my chair with my wife on the couch, the two of us watching television, and there was a knock at our door. I went to answer it and it was Quinn. The cockiness of the man was gone, in its place was...a sort of hunger.

He didn't even say hello, what he said was, "I have to see you again. Ever since that time, it's like I don't want anyone else, I don't want to be with anyone else. I went to the bar last night to pick up a woman and none of them appealed to me, none of them at all. I kept thinking of you. Just you. You've touched something in me, Raymond, something I just can't live without anymore. Can we do it, Raymond? Can we do it now?"

And as simple as that, it was done. I moved out of my house and in with Quinn. And when we walk down the street together, all the women that he had loved see us and I can hear them saying of Quinn, "Whatever does he see in him?"

I could tell them what he sees in me. But I don't think they'd believe it.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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