What Our Sons Are Doing

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Jun 17, 2005


All rights are reserved by the Author Kevin Kelly. You must be of legal age to read. I hope You'll read my other stories on Nifty in author's look up kevinmjo. I like to hear from you good or bad write to kevinmjo@aol.com. You live in Montreal stop by the Agora some Friday and chat. Kevin Kelly

I had been widowed young at just 29 and never remarried nor really felt the need to. I raised our only Son Sean who was now 19 years old and still living at home while in college. I had years ago joined a single fathers support group and became quick Friends with another man there who had a Son the same age as my Son Sean. Danny was my age and in fact also a city Firemen like me. his Son Kirk and Sean had become Friends as well and were nearly always together. They would often split their times between one or the other home sleeping over. Danny and I of course thought this was perfect and while they were growing up we would take camping trips and vacations just the four of Us.

Danny and myself had worked it out years ago so we were on the same shift days off and so on while in different fire stations. Danny was a handsome looking man who I was sure must have had the women always after him. Like his son Kirk he was a blonde and kept himself in perfect shape. he looked great in the dress uniform. I knew my story see I was bisexual and after the wife died I just would once in while get out to a gay bar and have a one night stand. That seemed to keep me in balance and of course I did feel and attraction to Danny. Hell the guy had movie star good looks. On camping trips we would often swim naked and I would steal looks at Danny's cock knowing even soft it was one big hunk of man meat. I would never dream of making a move. hell if that ever got around the Fire Department my ass would have been cooked.

There was a few times I sue did come close. I remember the kids were young yet and we were on a camping trip in tents. One for Danny and myself and one for the kids. Danny had had a little to much to drink and had even spilled a beer on His sleeping bag. It was a chilly night there and I suggested Danny sleep in with me? He looked at me strangely then smiled and said " Well as long as this doesn't get back to the department that we were sleeping together I guess it's OK? Our tent was big enough to just about stand up in. Danny was taking off his clothes and had left on just his white socks saying he had cold feet and didn't want to be bothering me with them all night. I noticed his white briefs were a little tented out as he pulled down his pants. I could see the out line of his cock head so clearly in the thin white material. I was getting so turned on by this I had to jump in the sleeping bag to hide my own growing cock. The heat from his body in the small bag was so wonderful and knowing that our two cocks were no more then a few inches apart but it may as well have been a mile I know I couldn't dare make a move and didn't. We were talking about work and all in the dim light from the oil lamp. I felt Danny socked foot then ever so gentile against my bare foot. I said nothing about it just stayed still and then Danny was now rubbing his foot against mine and the feel of his strong socked foot against mine was great and of course had me so hard I had to move back some so my hard cock didn't touch up against his. Danny never let on and just kept rubbing against my foot and talking like nothing unusual was going on. I decided to take a chance and now was more or less playing footsies with him rubbing my foot back against his. The only reaction was a kind of knowing smile from him and a raised eye brow. He kept up the game. Then He stepped it up by now rubbing first his ankle then his hairy bare leg against mine. The coarseness' of his hairy masculine leg against mine had my briefs all tented out. I know he was enjoying his game and yet still afraid to make a move.Then the talking stopped and I had the strangest feeling that he was going to move his leg up over my hip and I hoped move closer so our hard Dicks would touch? To my regret that is not what happened instead Danny rolled over said good night and that was as close as We ever came to getting it on. since I had always wondered if I had made a move would He have gone along?

The years flew by. we remained the best of friends and so did Our boys. Of course I Never lost my attraction to Danny. he seemed to grow even more good looking as the years passed. We had a double graduation for Our boys as we would call them. his family and mine mixing together for the event. As for myself would do my thing at the gay bars meet a guy play around some and then move on. This seemed to be enough. I had never forgotten our night alone in the sleeping bag. One night I was at the Agora bar in center city Montreal. It's a small gay bar with a nice age mix of Men Going in and out I would have to check to insure there were no Fire trucks around to see me enter a gay bar. The bar tenders and most of the customers there knew me well and hell over the years I think I have been in bed with at least half of them. This one night I was there and in the thick of a conversation with a guy I had been wanting to bed a long time. I was aware the bar was filling up but at that point I only had eyes for the trick alone. I noticed him looking across the bar. then he waved and told the bartender to send two drinks to the guys who had just came in. He said to me. " they are from the college up the street and a gay couple They have been coming in here for a few weeks now" I turned to look and see and there across the bar sat my Sean and Kirk locked in conversation. They never saw me looking and I nearly fell off the stool my heart was beating so much. My buddy saw this and asked what was the problem? I told him the story and he was able to help me sneak out the side door without being seen.

The next day we were having a cook out at Danny's just the four of Us. Just couldn't help but think of last night at the Agora and the close call. I kept recalling my friend saying that Sean and Kirk were a couple? Why had I not seen this? Why was I so blind? I never let on about it and they were their normal selves the whole afternoon. Sean had told me that he and Kirk would be sleeping over at my place that night as they were going to put together the new fire place for me. Then Danny said ' Kevin Why don't you just stay over here tonight and let the boys do their thing? I have that big spare room and I could use the company? I agreed and Danny said he would leaned me a change of clothes in the morning. The boys left and we two sat in the yard talking small talk. All the while in the back of my mind was what the Boys were up to and how would Danny react if he ever knew? I must have had too many beers and I think Danny did too? At one point he said " You know I sometimes wonder Kevin about our two boys?

What do you mean I said

Well maybe I could be wrong but I guess you have to forget they are our Son's a minute and think about it?

I was blushing now and again just said " What do you mean?

Danny sat up in his chair and was leaning closer to me and in a low voice said. "They are 19 years old both good looking Men and both with hard masculine bodies. Yet We never hear about them with a girl and they are sleeping together every chance they get. I just wonder you know what I mean?

I was at a loss at what to say and so just shrugged my shoulders saying " Well Hell Danny even if they were gay they would still be our boys and I suppose We would still be there for them?

Danny nodded his head Yes and then sat back in his chair I could tell he was thinking and then he said " You mind if I make a strange request of You Kevin?

I said ' No strange or what ever I hope You know You can ask me anything. So what is this strange request of Yours?

He now leaned forward and closer in his chair again saying. "I'd like you to sleep in with me tonight instead of the spare room. That way we can talk things out and when We are all talked out just fall off to sleep. I'll bring a few cold beers up?

I was looking right into his wonderful blue eyes and I knew I would jump at the chance if for no other reason then to just see his strip once more and maybe do the foot thing with him again. I agreed.

His room was really large. One of those 54 inch TV's in it a big king size bed and is own bath room. To my surprise the ceiling above his bed was all mirror and I was kidding him about being a pervert. he shot back with a strange thing saying I was about to find out just how much of a pervert he was tonight. I got my treat as I discreetly was watching his strip off his clothes. again seeing the out line of his cock head in his white briefs and again like in the tent he kept his socks on. In bed we laid there admiring ourselves in the mirror above. he even put his arm around my bare shoulder as if posing for a picture. Then like in the tent we were each on our sides in the middle of the large bed with our beers in hand talking. Again to my delight His socked foot was rubbing against my bare food. he looked so handsome so strong and I was so turned on knowing again our hard cocks were just inches away. His bare hairy leg was again rubbing against mine only this time with the beers I let him know I liked it saying. " Danny I like this little massage you are giving me. I liked it when we did this that time in the tent too" he smiled and rubbed more saying " I was hoping You would like it and I never forgot that night myself. In fact Kevin I have often thought about that one night and what could have happened between us then?

I said " Oh Danny you would be so surprised if only you knew how much I have thought about that night and how much I am enjoying the feel of your leg on mine right now"

He moved closer to me and when he did ever so our tow cock head came in touch. They were pushing against each other hard yet soft his pressing in my cock head just the wonderful cock heads in our briefs touching. his leg was now over my hip kind of locking me in place with his cock now pushing more into mine. his powerful arm came over my shoulder and his chest now was against mine. I could feel our nipples touching against one another and our balls now touching. My arm came up under his and I felt his sweaty hairy arm pit against my arm and we were pulling into each other now and humping our hard cocks and rubbing legs. Feeling each others bodies shamelessly in his bed. My dream had come true I was in his strong handsome arms feeling his hard cock against mine. His hand came free and he put it under my chin holding my face in place smiling into my eyes he then kissed me full on the lips. I pushed my tongue into his wet warm hot mouth. To my delight he was sucking on my tongue now and pushing his strong cock into me. his socked foot all over the place exploring my legs and our moans of pleasure. Then Danny was pulling at the band of my briefs pulling them down over my hips I lifted to allow them to come free my cock sprang out and I was pulling down Danny's briefs now and I touched his bare cock for the first time. It was thicker then mine but seemed to be the same 7 inches as mine and cut. his cock head was so big a real mushroom head on it. the cum hole so wide and wet with his pre-cum. I reached down now and was actually holding his big hairy sack of balls in my hand.

Danny was now pushing me down on my back and coming on top of me our briefs down enough to allow our cock and balls to be against each other all the way. I looked up into the ceiling mirror and saw his muscle rippled back. The skin so tight over the manly muscles he had saw his hot bubble ass and his strong hairy legs. I was now licking his face his handsome face knowing He and I would never return to what we were nor ever want to. I wanted him so much all of him in all the ways two men could have each other and all at once. My was to prove a perfect male lover. he came up on the bed and was pulling down my white briefs pulling them over my feet. Then He lifted my one bare foot and was licking my big toe and then actually sucking me bare big toe as if it were a man's cock. up my body he came licking every inch of my legs and my thighs. Then his tongue was licking on my hairy bare balls taking them into his hot mouth and sucking on them then all around the base of my cock root and then eating licking at my patch of pubic hairs driving me crazy. then he was taking the root of my hard cock into his mouth and then up the thick cock shaft. Then He moved around to be on target to suck in my big cock head and lick some of my pre-cum into his mouth. He came off me and from above me said " MM Your cum taste so good Kevin mind if I get some more?

I said absolutely not only let me get a nice taste of Yours too? he laughed and then moved onto my chest. His hairy powerful legs straddling me and he guided his thick cock head into my mouth and I was holding and sucking on his bare thick cock tasting his own pre-cum in my mouth loving my strong Firemen's cock in my mouth not believing my luck. We got into a hot 69 then and seeing it up there in the ceiling mirror was so hot being able to see all of his strong powerful body as we sucked each others cocks like this. I couldn't hold off we had been at it for more the 45 minutes I shot my load into his handsome mouth filling his mouth with my cum load and then I was jerking his off and holding his balls and when he came I put it back into my mouth and drank in his thick cream load after load of his man cream was flooding into my mouth. After was laid in each others arms all night naked wet with cum.

If You like it so far let me know? write kevinmjo@aol.com give your age for legal reasons. If You in Montreal I am at the Agora gay bar in Montreal Friday's 7PM until 9Pm ask for Kevin Kelly

Next: Chapter 2

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