What Maketh a Man - A Short Story For Christmas

By Stuart James

Published on Dec 12, 2013



This is a short story for Christmas. Merry Christmas everybody.

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What Maketh A Man?

It was Christmas eve and the snow was thick outside my home in the Highlands of Scotland. I guess that when I say 'Highlands' you may think that deep snow in winter would be quite natural. But my old stone house was by the sea in the far north of Caithness. Such deep snow was most unnatural. I had just got off the 'phone to my mother. I had told her that I would not be able to drive down to be with all the family for the festivities. But I had promised that I would come and visit as soon as the weather permitted. In truth I was somewhat relieved. Call me 'bah humbug' if you like, but I am not a great believer in the magic of Christmas. The idea of a big family get together, with my elder brother and sister and their 5 young children, is almost physically painful to me. But not going south also meant that I would not see Joey.

On the trips down to Edinburgh to be with my family I would take time to catch up with the friends I grew up with. The one I looked forward to the most was seeing my old friend Joey. We had been best friends since our earliest days at school at the age of 5. We had gone through various schools together. We had studied at the same university together. I had even been best man at his wedding. But since puberty we two best friends had also had a strong physical relationship. I am never really sure whether he goes to bed with me as another aspect of our deep commitment to each other or whether there was a real gay side to him. I know that I am the only guy he has bedded. And I know how much I relish the way he plays my body and eventually fucks me. That was one piece of Christmas magic that I would definitely miss.

But no time for melancholy. What was I to do for the festivities alone? I put on a CD of Christmas carols. Listening to carols - invariably a recording from Kings College chapel - was a family tradition, even though none of us were very religious. I listened about Shepherds washing their socks (yes I like the silly words that go with the soaring music and the angelic voices) and turned on my computer. I went to a file of photos and opened a picture of Joey standing naked with that wicked grin of his on his face. Oh I would miss that cock and those glorious heavy balls banging against my arse.

After a few moments an outrageous idea came into my head. I am something of a computer buff and had treated myself to one of those 3D printers as a Christmas present to myself. It was top of the range and very sophisticated. My hands flew over the keys and soon I had isolated Joey's crotch, turned it into a 3D image and began to turn it into code for the printer. I connected up the new device - this would be my first creation - and pressed the start button. I watched mesmerised as Joeys crotch, starting with the very tip of his penis, was created before my eyes. In the picture of Joey, his cock was semi erect. It was a little filled with blood and stuck out from his body at the base and then curved down so that the tip pointed to his feet. The 3D recreation captured it exactly. Even Joey's creamy skin tone was correct.

I went to the kitchen and opened a bottle of red wine and poured myself a generous glass. As I returned to my study and work room, the printer made a beeping noise - rather like a microwave - to indicate that my confection was ready. I opened the clear plastic cover and took out the fully formed image of Joey's gorgeous genitals. The texture of the model felt like real flesh and was still warm from the printing process. There was no hair on it. I did not think the machine, even though it was so sophisticated, could reproduce Joey's mass of curly pubes. I did not mind. I keep my own crotch shaved and had always wanted to shave Joey. But understandably, he would not let me. I felt and played with the penis and balls I knew so well and imagined what it would feel like inserted up my hole. The penis was not particularly flexible, so I imagined that it might be possible to enjoy Joey at one removed, as it were.

I took a drink of wine and thought about the real Joey's crotch. And then I thought about the arse and strong legs that he used to power his manhood into me. I did not have a picture of Joey's naked backside, but I had a front view of his legs and some pictures of other arses that I had stored on my computer when I spotted one that made my stomach tingle. I was soon back at work on the computer. The torso from the waist to the knees was soon a model in my computer that I turned into instructions for the machine. They were not Joey exactly, but an improvement on him. The arse cheeks were more rounded and the thighs, while still powerful, were not quite so thick. It took me a little time to get the instructions right so that the crotch would fit onto the torso. But I did what I thought would work and was about to press the print button when I remembered that the machine should be able to texture the skin with hair. After all it had been developed originally for making facial facsimiles for police forces searching for suspects. I added the new instructions. At the last minute I changed the hair colour to a dark blond rather than Joey's dark brown as....well the idea turned me on. I sat back and set the machine going as I emptied the first glass of wine.

When the piece was finished I carefully attached it to the crotch. The join was seamless. I had seen sculptures in museums like the part statue before me. But never in a museum had I got such a hard on as I did by looking at my own work of art.

I was soon back at the machines making the right leg and then the left. By now Joey was only at the back of my mind. The legs I designed had perfect oval calves, the high arched feet I loved to suck and with symmetrical long toes and manicured nails. I finished my third glass of wine drooling over the lower half of the Adonis that stood before me. I did not intend to stop now. The rest of the torso had a beautiful V shape from the waist leading to broad shoulders. The nipples were large and dark. The belly button had a visible knot for all to see. And the crowning glory was the sweep of dark blond hair across the chest.

When the arms came out of the machine, they were muscular and strong without being too big. And the hands had long but powerful fingers.

I only now had to do the head. I went to open a second bottle of wine as I pondered the problem. I could put Joey's head on my idealised man. After all it had his crotch. But that would not be right. Joey was ideal in his own special way. I thought about people I knew and then about glamorous celebrities. My mind focused on a film I had seen recently that starred.....well let's just say two Hollywood 'A' listers that the whole world finds beautiful and that I sometimes fantasise about. At my computer I got a picture of both side by side and began to merge their features. I suppose the end result could have been a Frankenstein monster. But I was getting skilled at this, and the final result, as I rotated the 3D image on my screen, made my heart flutter. I gave him the dark blond hair that I had put on the rest of his body. It was fairly short and a little unkempt. And I gave him one of those manicured beards that take so long to perfect but that make you look as if you could not be bothered to shave for a day or two. He also got the square chin and large Adams apple that I adore.

I set the machine whirring for a final time and watched as his head was created from the neck up. I finished my 5th or was it 6th glass of wine? I forget exactly how many I had had. It was pitch black outside and past 9.00pm. I had been working on this project for nearly 12 hours. The machine brought the rotating head to rest with his blue eyes and long lashes staring directly at me. The beauty took my breath away. I carefully removed his head from the machine and attached it to his body. I sat back and looked at him. He was perfect. A real work of art, although I doubted that I would ever be able to display it. People would think me odd if not actually perverted.

The long day and perhaps the alcohol made me drift into a deep sleep as I imagined my man. I was awoken by what I remember as a whoosh of cold air - although no windows were open - and a loud crack. And I thought there had been a flash of light. And then again the lightning flashed out to sea and I could see my man's face in sharp detail in the glow. In the second bright flash I am sure I saw his eyes blink! I felt a little unnerved and wanted to get up and move away from this beautiful monster. But I sat transfixed looking at the form before me.

He came over to me and picked me up in his arms. His mouth came over mine and he kissed me long and deep. He said nothing. I could feel the power of his muscular body as he carried me to my bedroom. He stripped me so that I joined his nakedness, while all the time he maintained a deep quiet. He climbed on top of me and began to play my body in just the way a man always does in my dreams. The sensuousness of his body and the way he stroked and played with mine brought me to heights of arousal I had rarely felt before. He entered me and I could feel his powerful thighs thrusting his cock deep inside me. His actions brought me to a shuddering climax. I was quite exhausted and soon I fell asleep.

I did not wake for many hours. When I did it was already light and I could see my man standing motionless and quite lifeless at the foot of my bed. I felt the dried sticky mess of my ejaculation on my chest and belly. Did it really happen? Or was it just the drink? I shook my head to clear it a little. It had to be the drink. But why had my man got a smile on his face that I am sure I did not design?

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