What I'm Lookin For

By moc.loa@SM8kaJ

Published on May 17, 2006



Ok, we need to get all of the warnings out of the way. This story contains graphic sexual situations between men. If this is not what you are looking for you may not want to read any further. If you are under the age of 18 (21 in some areas) you should not be reading this, please, you shouldn't even be on this website in the first place. Some situations may or may not contain the use of condoms. Please remember, this is an imaginary story, in an imaginary world.

In the real world, use condoms for any sexual encounter. Please be safe.

What I'm Lookin For

By: Jak8 Jak8MS@aol.com

"You're coming tonight? The light voice said through the phone."

"Not sure, maybe. Shannon, I'm real tired and all I wanna do is sleep." Avery said.

"Come-on, you need to get out.. I mean, I am surprised that your dick hasn't fallen off. Please, with sugar and cum on top." the voice said playfully.

The last time made the corners of Avery's mouth raise into something that resembled a smile.

"Ok, ok... I'll. What time should I get there?"

"Well, the party starts at 8, but you know I won't be there until about 10. I'll come `round and pick you up at 9:30." Shannon replied.

"Ok, see yah!"

With that greeting he hung up his phone and went back to work. Avery Anderson was a guy that for most of his teenage years lived in the shadows of life. He has a great personality and was as nice as he could be. Growing up, Avery would have never thought of himself as hot or even great-looking. He had the body of a swimmer, lean with long arms and legs. His face was cute, with most people being drawn to his grey eyes and dimples. He did have one other thing going for him, his big round, phat ass.

For the rest of the day, Avery sat at his desk and finished up the last of his work for the week. He was a columnist at "The Core" the newest, hottest, hippest magazine for the twenty-something crowd. He did the club scene and some news stories. He tried to do more of the news stories to try to keep reminding himself that he was an actual journalist.

"Have a good weekend Carrie" Avery said as he walked by the editor's office.

"Avery, can we talk for a minute?" Carrie said, motioning for him to sit on the couch opposite her desk.

Avery was not worried, he knew he wasn't about to get fired because he was the best writer on staff.

"I have a new project for you to start on. Have you heard on Trinease Davis?"

"Yeah, hot new designer... really good clothes for women and men. So what about her?" Avery asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well we got her to do an interview and I want you to do it. You're the best, soo it's yours."

Avery thought for a minute, ok, it was really like 5 seconds but to him it seemed like an eternity.

"Ok" Avery said with a nod of his head.

Carrie stood up and gathered her bags...

"Well, I will see you on Monday and give you the details of it... later."

Avery finally left the office and headed straight home, and began to get ready for the party. He took time to get ready and wanted to look his best. Avery stood in front of the mirror in his white briefs. He looked at himself, admiring his 5'10" frame that he had gotten into its current lean shape. He knew that at 26 years, he looked pretty ok. He turned around and craned his neck around to see his best feature, his round ass. Avery had one of those asses people would just love to eat all day long, and bang all day long.

"Ok, snap out of it... Get dressed!" Avery mumbled to himself.

In about 30 minutes, Avery was dressed and ready to go when he heard a knock at the door.

"Hey, I thought you'd never get here" Avery said.

"Traffic was a bitch"

Avery moved out of the way and in walked one of the most prominent young socialites in the city, Sharon Jarvis. Sharon and Avery met 3 years ago at a charity event Avery was covering for the magazine. Well to say the least she knew he was gay the moment he stepped into the room. The two talked all night and have been friends since then. Sharon is your typical beautiful person: tall, skinny, blond, and beautiful.

"Let me grab my coat"

"What's the rush? I don't plan to get there until 10 pm." Sharon said as she plopped down on Avery's couch.

"Soo, what eventful things happened in Jarvisland?"

"Please don't get me started, first I had to go to this charity luncheon and got stuck sitting next to Mrs. Vanderpol. I mean the woman is like 100 and her breath reeks like ass. I will kill that cunt bitch Vanessa for putting me next to her."

All Avery could do was just sit there and listen to the interesting and weird world of the rich. His mind wandered to the fast that he was alone. Well, had had friends and all, but he didn't have anyone in his heart. Avery had only had 2 real "boyfriends". One has been Jackson, the guy he met at freshman orientation. They lived down the hall from each other. Where Avery was skinny, Jackson was not. He played baseball and worked out constantly. Avery was surprised to find out that behind the macho jock exterior lay a bigger nerd than he. They would spend hours watching sci-fi movies. He was also the person Avery lost his cherry to. Growing up as a teenager, Avery always knew he wanted to be a bottom, soo it really worked out when he found a hot top. The sex, lets just say it was interesting. After the first time, Avery didn't want to do it again. Jackson soon warmed him up to the idea and Avery was in it all the way.

That relationship lasted until senior year when Jackson dropped Avery for a twink looking bastard who liked things kinky. After that he swore off men, that was until a year later when he met Alex. Alex was really like Avery and they hit it off. Alex was clumsy and during the time they dated Avery had more things broken than he could remember. He tried to overlook the clumsy part and really grew to like Alex. The sex was great, Alex was not huge of anything, but he knew how to work with what he had and work it good. Sadly, that relationship didn't end because of another person. They just grew apart and decided to go their separate ways.


"Huh, sorry... You know when you start going off, I tune you out." Avery said with a sly grin.

"Let's go, before I hit you."

It was a short ride uptown to the party. It was being held in a gallery soo there was plenty of room to move about. This was where they parted ways. Sharon always went to mingle with the people, he had to hobnob with her fellow rich people. When this happened, Avery was always left to fend for himself. He cruised around the room, looking desperately for a place to just sit down and get a load off his feet. Instead he headed to the bathroom to get rid of some liquids. As he approached the door, someone came out very fast and shoved Avery. The next thing he knew both he and his drink were on the floor.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I guess so." Avery responded as he grasped the hand extended towards him.

He looked up at the face that hand belonged to and almost passed out. Staring down at him were a pair of the most beautiful green eyes he had every seen.

"You sure you're ok?" the guy with the great eyes said.

"Yeah, I am... Thanks for the hand." Avery said as he rose to him feet.

The guy was several inches taller than Avery, and much hotter. He had those great eyes and a face to die for. His hair was butt really short and close to his head and he had a little bit of stubble on this face also. That was not all that was there, the body, the body even under the slacks and tight shirt was magnificent. Avery could tell that the guy worked out, majorily.

"My name's Colin" he said as he extended his hand.


Even his handshake exuded masculinity and sex appeal. His presence was intoxicating to Avery and almost overpowered him. He had only met the guy like a minute ago and he already wanted to let the guy do whatever he wanted to him.

"Soo, are you here by yourself?" Colin asked.

"No, my friend Sharon is here somewhere, probably getting someone's number and you?" Avery replied, trying to be as coy and sexy as he could.

Avery had realized long ago that he was not good at being sexy. However, old habits die hard and if he didn't stop soon he'd run the risk of looking like a drunk monkey.

"No, well yes" Colin mumbled.

Avery had been staring at Colin's mouth. The way that it moved when he said certain words. This was enough to start to make Avery hard, and fast. Then he came back to Earth hard.

"Ohh ok" Avery said.

Colin looked disappointed for a moment, like he was trying to figure out what to say. This made Avery take a moment.

"Yes, I came here with someone tonight... But it will not work out. He is an asshole." Colin replied.

When Avery heard those words, he perked up. He now knew two important things about the hunk named Colin standing in front of him. He knew that one, he was gay and two he was single. The two soon were able to find a quiet corner and talk for a while.

"Soo, you know why I am here, but why are you there?" Avery asked.

"Well I am friends with the couple giving the party and I was also here to get some shots for the paper..."

All Avery could do was stare at Colin's perfectly sculpted face , his ooh soo pouty lips and his hot looking body. He would literally just sit and watch this hunk talk all night.

"You're a photographer? Cool... Have I seen any of your work?"

"Did you see the spread of Katrina Colishna in Vanity Fair?" Colin asked, with a slight bit of pride beaming from his face.

"Yeah, that was you? You are fantastic with a camera, those pictures were great." Avery responded, trying not sound fake.

Colin shifted on the couch as more people came into their area of the room. At on point Avery felt Colin's leg brush against his, this one touch was enough to send a bolt of electricity to his cock.

"Well my career is not as glamorous as the big shot photographer that takes pictures of al the beautiful people. I am a lowly writer..." Avery said, trying to sap every bit of emotion he could from the situation and calm his throbbing cock.

After hearing that comment, Colin broke out into a big grin...

"Even his smile is sexy as hell" thought Avery as his cock returned to its rock-hard status.

"Have you written anything I may have read?"

"Not sure, I am a columnist with The Core" Avery replied.

Colin's face immediately lit up when Avery mentioned the name. "That is a great magazine."

Avery knew this guy was great, sexy, and he had good taste in magazines. He is one of those guys damn. He knew the like him but was never one to make the first move.

The two talked for a little while longer, Avery trying to learn more about the hunk of man sitting next too him. Avery had been trying to put it off, but right now his bladder was about to explode. He excused himself from Colin, actually wanting to tie him to the chair until he got back and was able to use the bathroom.

Knock... Knock...

"I'll be out in a minute." Avery said as he looked over to the bathroom door that he found out upon entering had a broken lock.

Avery looked at himself in the mirror, trying not to look stupid when he noticed the door opening.

"Hey!" Avery shouted.

"Sorry, I thought you had gotten lost" Colin replied as he walked into the bathroom.

"Ohh, sorry" Avery said.

Then Colin did something Avery didn't expect, he started to move closer to him. Softly laying his hand on Avery's arm, he pulled his close to him. The next thing Avery knew, he felt those lips he had been dreaming about earlier against him. Colin had an expert mouth and knew how to kiss. Soon, Avery felt Colin's tongue invading his mouth and dancing with his. This was all he needed and soon Avery's hands were exploring Colin's body. He could feel each hard muscle in his back, his huge arms, muscles flexing and tensing. This was pure heaven. Finally Colin began to pull away from Avery.

"Wow" Colin said.

Avery looked at Colin for a moment, then a smile come over his face, "Damn, you are hot and can kiss."

"Sorry, I just couldn't control myself... You really looked cute when we were talking."

"You think I am cute?" Avery asked.

"Yeah.. Hey you want to get together on Monday sometime?"

"Sure, I'll be free after 6" Avery replied.

For the rest of the night, Avery was truly on cloud 9. It didn't even faze him when he found Sharon in a corner making out with 2 hot male models. All of this seemed to just roll off his back.

Well Monday rolled around and Avery knew that he had work that he needed to do. He slowly got out of bed and padded into the bathroom to begin his morning ritual. This consisted of staring at himself in the mirror for about 5 minutes. He always tried to tell himself that he wasn't one of those people that worried about getting older. He shaved and brushed his teeth before stepping into the shower. He allowed to warm water to slow over his body.

Now, Avery normally didn't wake up with morning wood, but his had not been a normal weekend. He had met Colin and this had all the blood rushing to his cock. With the water pouring over him, he reached down and grabbed the 7" shaft in his hand and began pumping. His mind rushing back to Colin and imaging what his body looked like underneath those clothes. Then Avery took his other hand and began to play at his asshole, just temping himself enough.

"Mmmmmm" were the only sounds occupying Avery's mouth.

The gliding motion of his hand increased as Avery began to thrust his hips, imaging a cock was pounding away at his ass. Then in that split second, he shoved 2 fingers up his wet hole...

"Ahhhhhh!" Avery screamed.

Avery held his hand down and caught his cum in his hand. This was also something that Avery loved, CUM. He loved to take a hot load in his mouth, he didn't care. He happily slurped his own loads down also. After bringing his hand to his mouth, he slowly lapped the cum out of the palm of his hand.

After a good brush of the teeth and some clothes, Avery grabs a cup of juice before running out the door and got to work.

Avery was cool, calm, and collected as he got ready for his date, not really but at least he tried.

"Calm down, just get ready" he told himself, trying to make his heart stop beating soo fast.

This was his first date in about 6 months. Ok, Avery was horny as hell. He felt like he would jump out of his skin and attack the first hot guy he saw.

Knock, Knock

When Avery opened the door, he truly got an eyeful. There stood Colin... in jeans, nice black shirt, leather jacket... He just looked like pure sex.

"Hey, I'm glad you could find me." Avery said, trying to keep the growing bulge in his pants down.

"No prob" Colin said as he walked past him into the room.

Ok, this was truly the first time Avery saw him in good lightening and without being drunk also.

Colin began to look around the living room, trying to get a feel of who Avery is.

"Nice place, much cleaner than mine" Colin said, flashing that bright smile to Avery.

"So, what did you have planned for us tonight? Something fun? Something intimate? Something noisy?" Avery asked like a kid trying to figure out what he would be getting Christmas.

"You'll see"

With that Avery grabbed his coat and headed out after Colin.

"So, are you originally from here?"

"No, I grew up in Chicago and moved here after college. I wanted a change of pace." Colin replied.

After a short taxi ride, they arrived at a small restaurant. It was Italian, Avery's favorite. However, he didn't want to look like a bad eater in front of Colin. The conversation was great, this was what Avery loved, learning about someone new. There was of course the usual flirting and staring deeply into each other's eyes. Dinner was fantastic and the company was great. Eventually they ended up outside of Avery's building.

"You want to come up for a drink?" Avery asked trying not to look Colin in the face.

Colin thought for a second, then looked at Avery, "Sure".

Once upstairs they took their coats off and Avery went into the kitchen to get the wine and glasses. When he came back, he found Colin going through his bookshelf and cd collection.

"You got some good stuff here."

"Thanks" Avery replied.

They ended up sitting on the couch drinking their wine. All Avery could do was look at Colin's face, it looked like one of the models he photographed. Colin stared back, gazing into Avery's eyes. Then things changed, Colin took his and Avery's glasses and set them on the coffee table. He slowly moved towards Avery, his movements almost cat-like. Soon his hand caressed Avery's smooth face and his lips found his. The kid was something special. Avery could feel Colin's tongue trying to get into his mouth soo, he let it in. It felt wonderful to Avery to be in this strong man's arms.

Then Colin found it, Avery's ass, in all its round glory.

"I think we can take this to the bedroom" Avery moaned.

With that, Avery pulled Colin from the couch and led him to the bedroom.

"I want to see your body." Colin whispered.

Avery felt unsure. Could he really be naked in front of this hunk... He had felt the muscles when he caressed Colin and he didn't want him to be disappointed. He soon shook those thoughts out of his head. Slowly removing his sweater, he showed his lean torso with his small nipples. Colin just stood there and took in all that Avery's body had to offer. Avery slowly removed his pants and underwear, his lengthening cock popping out.

This made Colin smile.

He slowly moved towards Avery, running his fingers over Avery's chest. He embraced Avery, wrapping his arms around his body and resting his hands on Avery's ample ass. He nibbled on his ear and neck, this was the kind of intimacy Avery had not experienced in ages. Colin then pushed Avery down on the bed and went to work. The kiss was spectacular, Avery intertwined his tongue with Colin's, their bodies pressed hard against each other. Avery could feel Colin's hands at work kneading his ass with his hands. Avery could feel Colin's mouth on his cock. The head from his mouth was divine.

"Ohh yes... Please yeah!" Avery moaned.

Every nerve in his body was tingling. Colin's hands were roaming over his body, exploring every nook and cranny.

"Wait, wait.. I don't want to cum yet.." Avery moaned.

He pushed himself up from the bed and looked at Colin.

"My turn"

This made Colin smile. Avery slowly began to undress Colin. His shirt came off and revealed the spectacular body underneath. Avery leaned forward and ran his tongue over Colin's pecs and nipples which were soon hard. All Colin could do was lay his head back in pleasure. Avery loved this, Colin's body was the canvas and his tongue was the brush. He worked his way down his stomach, paying special attention to his washboard abs.

"Damn, I could wash some clothes on these" Avery thought to himself.

Avery could feel every nerve in his body telling him this was right. Colin's cock was like a work of art, carved out of marble. It was hardening to its full 8" and was thick. Avery grasped it in his hands and let it roll over his fingers. He slowly brought it to his mouth and let his tongue play with the head. He would quickly lick it then bring it back, causing Colin to shutter allover. Avery soon was in his rhythm, his head bobbing up and down as his tongue encircled the thick shaft. His left had firmly holding onto Colin's now sweaty, muscular ass and his right hand teasing his abs and pubic hair. Colin just lay back on his elbows, his head rolling around.

"Yeah, suck it please... Oh Oh..." Colin moaned over and over.

For Avery, he already had a mouthful soo all you heard from him was a muffled moan.

"Wait, wait.. I don't want to cum yet..Please" Colin pleaded.

Avery slowed his movements, allowing most of the cock to slip out of his mouth except the head which he still sucked like a baby with a pacifier.

"Fuck, you know how to suck a cock." Colin said, breathing heavily.

Avery just smiled, his lips puffy from sucking and covered in spit and precum.

"My turn" Colin cooed.

He stood up, looking down at Avery and pushed him on the bed. He then jumped straight into action, taking Avery's hard, throbbing cock and going to work on it. Colin moved his head with lightening speed. His tongue teasing Avery's cock, his fingers playing at Avery's asshole.

"Turn over" Colin said.

Avery looked down at him and shrugged for a moment then turned over. It was then that Colin came face to face with the monster... Avery's bubble butt..

All Colin could do was smile for a second and lick his lips.

He began with slow licks, just to tease Avery as he spread the two mounds of flesh. Soon the licking ended and the good stuff started. Colin went to town, his tongue as the cock to Avery's ass.

"Ahhh, yes.. Ahhh yes. Eat my hole... Please eat it. Yeah tastes good huh?" Avery kept babbling each time Colin's tongue went deeper.

He kept pushing his ass onto Colin's face, trying to get more of his tongue in these. Avery's entire body tingled as he felt the tongue pierce the boundary of his ass.

"Damn, now that's an ass." Colin said breathing heavily.

"Well, it hungry and I'm hungry form something long, thick, and hard..." Avery said sly fully smiling.

Avery smiled as he settled in, getting ready as Colin reached into the nightstand and got a condom and lube. Avery was always prepared. He soon felt the cold feeling of the lube being rubbed across his asshole and the steady probing of thick fingers. Colin leaned down and softly began to kiss Avery, those soft lips almost made him melt. Then he felt it. The thick cock breaking through the outer ring. The kiss masked Avery's cry of pain as it found it way to its nice, warm home.

"Fuck" was all Avery could muster.

"I intend to" Colin responded.

His movements were slow and gently at first. The in and out movements almost in sync with their heartbeats. Now, Colin had a thick cock and this drove Avery nearly crazy every time it would go in, most pushing him to his breaking point. He wrapped his arms around Colin's muscular neck and held on as Colin's speed increased.

Soon, it was like a free-for-all. The moans got louder and the smacking of skin to skin increased in volume and speed. Avery had latched onto Colin's neck, sucking and kissing. For Colin, he was a muscular fuck machine right at that moment. Every muscle in his body was tense, he held Avery tight...

"Ohh fuck, I'm gonna cum" Avery screamed out.

Then it happened, something that hadn't happened in a long time.

"Ahhhhh!" Avery screamed.

His cock exploded in a spray of cum, bathing both his and Colin's stomach... Without even touching his cock.. Colin didn't miss a beat.. He was a man on a mission that had one goal. His thrusting picked up even more in speed and intensity. He was hitting every button Avery had, even making him hard only about a minute after he had just cum.

Then Colin's body tensed up all over and Avery knew it was time. He grabbed onto Colin's ass and pulled him into him as deep as he could.

"Ahhh fuck... Yeah take it, take it..." Colin yelled out, almost like a wild beast.

Avery could feel the streams of hot, cum shoot into the condom and warm his insides...

Darkness surrounded him, it enveloped him allover... Avery slowly began to open his eyes and take in his surroundings. He finally realized he was in his bed... He tilted his head and say Colin sleeping next to him, his arm across Avery holding him close. He could feel each breath Colin took, his rippled abs against his back, his cock nestled in the crack of his ass. It was great.

"Soo, was it good?"

A smile came over Avery's face, "Hell yeah. The boy knows how to fuck."

"I told you he was cut when I say you two making out at the party." Sharon replied.

"Can we talk about anything else but Avery's sex life" the other person at the table said.

"Adam, we always hear about the new pussy you shag all the time... Now it is Avery's turn." Sharon shot back.

Adam Stein is everyone's friend, and has been Avery's since college. He is ok with the fact that Avery's gay, but doesn't always like to hear about the details.

"Adam, you're a photographer, have you heard anything about Colin Davidson?" Sharon asked as he played with the salad sitting in front of her.

Adam thought for a moment, "I mean he is good, really good. I mean, I don't get into people's personal lives, soo that is really all that I know."

"Well you're a big help" Avery replied, with a huff in his breath.

When Avery got back home, there was a message waiting for him.

"He wants to go out again, I don't' know what to do!" Avery shouted into his phone.

"Calm down and say yes idiot." Sharon replied.

"Hey Colin, I'd love to go out again."

"How about Wednesday night, `bout 8ish?" Colin asked.


Wednesday finally rolled around and Avery has 2 big things going on, his interview and his date. He got into the office later than usual and got started with the little paperwork he had to do.

"Good luck on the interview" his editor Carrie said as she left for lunch.

Well Avery is tired of waiting around so he goes and runs a couple of errand, since his meeting with Trinease Davidson isn't until the afternoon.

"Hi" Avery said, extending a hand.

"Hi, you must be Avery" said the voice extending a hand to grasp his.

Standing across from him was Trinease Davidson in the flesh. Here was the hottest up and coming designer to enter the scene. Avery couldn't help but stare at her beauty. He honey coffee skin was almost flawless, with a body to die for.

"Thanks for doing this interview." Avery said with enthusiasm as he glanced around the loft that served as her design studio. People in the background went about their business as the interview began. As Avery soon found out, her story was fascinating. Growing up she had looked forward to going to fashion school, got pregnant when she was 16, and things got delayed somewhat. Soon the interview was in full swing with really both of them asking questions to each other.

"Mommy" a little voice rang out as pattering feet came bounding across the hardwood floor.

Just at that moment, Trinease's face lit up even more as she took her daughter in her arms. And she was a beautiful girl, you could tell she was a biracial child. With a much lighter skin tone than her mother, but with the same twinkle in her eyes.

Then a familiar voice appeared.

"Sorry, we're soo late. Briana wanted to stop for something to eat."

Avery knew he knew that voice. It was that deep voice that ever since Friday had made his cock stiffen. Avery slowly turned around and met the beautiful green eyes of Colin. He looked soo fucking good that is her were food, Avery would want to eat him up right there. Avery could also see Colin looking at him with that same look he had given him at the party. However, Avery had a couple of questions about the situation running in his head.

Were they friends?

Was he a babysitter?

"Daddy let me get some ice cream!" the beautiful girl shouted

At that moment, Avery's dream fantasy came crashing down, all he could do was just stare at Colin with disbelief. They were able to get back to the interview and finish it without Avery going off. After the goodbyes, Avery left out of the building.

"AVERY, AVERY!" a voice shouted.

Avery just kept walking, he didn't want to talk, he just wanted to be alone. Just then he felt a strong hard grip on his arm.

"Dammit, slow the fuck down." Colin said trying to catch his breath.

"Look, I'm not some fucking plaything.. I am not looking for a straight guy that wants to explore the other side. Sooo, just leave me the fuck alone.." Avery said with conviction.

Colin just looked at him for a minute...

"Look, I'm gay... I will be by to pick you up at 7.." he said with that sly grin.

"I'll explain everything tonight... Look, let's just forget about going out.. I can cook dinner, you can come over and we can talk. Please" Colin said, giving a sincere look on his face.

Avery just stood there for a moment, trying to fully process everything that had happened. His body and heart were telling him to say yes- the guy is nice, funny, hot and his cock fits great in your ass. But his brain was telling him no, no NO!

"Ok sure... We have a lot to talk about." Avery replied.

He took Colin's address and then left to go walking with just him and his thoughts.

"Damn, this day couldn't get any worse" Colin said.


"You know the guy I have been telling you about. The nice one that I had a date with the other night and who I have one with tonight ?" Colin added.

"Yeah, get to the point."

"That was just him that left here."

"The reporter?" Trinease said with a surprised look on her face.

"He didn't know about us or Briana yet. Soo, this kind of hit him like a ton of bricks."

She just looked at Colin, trying to not show any emotion on her face...

"You'd better not fuck this up... He can write bad things about me." She said with a slight smile.

"Look, I don't think it's that bad. You need to just sit him down and explain what's going on. That's only if you really like him. If not, it's none of his fucking business."

Colin looked at her for a moment, then to their daughter reading a book.

"I just don't want him thinking I am some straight guy just trying to get some kicks out of him." Colin said, sounding really upset.

"Baby, if he thinks your straight... Just send him in my direction and I will tell him the real truth. Which is you are 100% GAY. I will tell him about the times you couldn't get it up. Or maybe that time I caught you jerking off to my brother's jockstrap."

Colin just looked him up and down, "You didn't have to bring that shit up."

For the rest of the day, Avery was in a haze, his mind not really here or there. He tried processing everything that happened that day but couldn't.


"Sharon, you got a minute?" Avery asked.

"Sure... Babe what's wrong, I can hear it in your voice?" Sharon said very caringly.

"He's got a kid!"

"A fucking WHAT?"

"I went by to interview Trinease Davidson, while I was there he walked in with their daughter. I didn't know what to say."

"Ok, let's think about this and stay calm" Sharon responded in her usual calm tone.

"Why the fuck didn't he tell me... DAMN" Avery said as he sat at his computer.

"Maybe because it's none of yah damn business" Sharon replied.

Avery thought for a moment, then realized what she was true.

"Ok... Ok"

Colin spent the rest of the day with Briana, and enjoying the time with his daughter. They went grocery shopping for dinner and that night went to the park. However, the entire time, Colin's mind was on Avery.


"Hey, I'm glad you came... Come on in" Colin said, moving out of the way for Avery to come in.

"I won't pass up a free mean" Avery replied, trying to keep his emotions in check.

"Dinner `ll be ready in a little while, but I wanted to talk first."

"Look Colin, you don't have to explain anything to me." Avery said coyly.

"I know I don't, but I am going to tell you anyway."

Colin sat down on the couch next to Avery.

"Trinease and I went together in high school, this was before I accepted I was gay. One night I was actually able to get it up and the rest is history- nine months later there was Briana. We both knew I was gay but I love my daughter and want to be apart of her life." Colin said, every emotion on display on his face.

Avery fidgeted for a moment, feeling utterly stupid of how he acted earlier.

"I am sorry about how I acted earlier. I over reacted and freaked out, when I shouldn't have" Avery responded, biting his lower lip.

Colin moved closer to Avery, wanting to be near him. Avery could feel the heat coming from Colin's body and it made him hot.

"We'd better eat, before this goes any farther and the food gets cold." Avery moaned as he pulled himself away from Colin.

The two got up and walked to the table, where a spread of food was laid out over the table. Delicious would have been an understatement about dinner, everything was wonderful and flavorful.

"I am surprised you'd go for somebody like me..."Avery said, glancing towards the window.

Colin looked at Avery strangely, "What is that suppose to mean?"

"You look like the guy that likes other hot guys with muscles. You know, the ones that look like they should be models. The BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE..." Avery replied, with a smirk on his face.

Colin just looked at him and shook his head, not wanting to reply. He tried to hold it and look offended, but it began to show all over his face.

This time Avery made the first move, slowly moving in... His lips meeting Colin's. Colin wrapped his strong arms around Avery, his hands moving down and grasping both ass cheeks in his hands, getting a good meaty hold. Avery was in heaven, his tongue meeting Colin's... Colin nibbling on his ears and neck.

"God.. you are soo fucking hot" Avery screamed.

He reached down and undid Colin's pants then reaching in and pulling out his shirt, exposing his muscled chest. At that moment, Colin reached around Avery, locked his hands and picked him up. Avery just went with it, his legs around Colin's waist, resting on his ass.

When they reached the bedroom, Colin lowered Avery to the bed. He then finished taking off his clothes, Avery doing the same thing. Soon both were naked, their bodies against one another. Avery grabbing all 8 thick inches of Colin's cock in his hands. Colin looked at Avery with a sneer on his face as he traced his way down Avery's stomach to his cock. There he engulfed the entire thing.

"Ohhhh... yeah" Avery moaned as his body writhed in ecstasy.

Colin just latched onto Avery's ass with both hands and moved his head up and down. The cock inching its way down his throat. He used his tongue to encircle the shaft. His fingers probed at Avery's hole, knocking to be let in. Avery just laid his head back, enjoying the treatment his cock was receiving. Soon he found himself thrusting his hips to meet Colin's mouth.

The sweat had begun to form on their bodies, it glistened in the moonlight.

Colin's sucking got faster as he started to pull and knead Avery's balls, trying to milk the cum right out of him. Avery's thrusts got harder and faster.

"Ahhh, Colin I'm gonna cum!" Avery screamed.

With that Colin went completely down on Avery, just as his cock exploded. It was like a rushing river, so much that Colin had to back off a little, trying to keep from choking. Soon Avery had settled down, but was still having mini-orgasms, his body shaking all over.

Colin was finished milking Avery's cock for everything it had, he soon was staring Avery in the face. Their lips met and mouths opened, their tongues mixing the cum together.

"Fuck, that was soo fucking hot." Avery moaned as he tried to catch his breath.

"Damn, you taste good... Let's see how other parts taste." Colin replied.

At that moment, Colin flipped Avery over and in his stomach, his ass sticking high in the air.

"Yeah baby me that fucking ass." Colin said seductively.

Avery shoved his butt into the air, waving it around. Colin was like mesmerized by the sight in front of his eyes. He reached down and grabbed the hairless cheeks and spread them. Almost winking about him was Avery's puckered asshole. He slowly blew across the hole, this sent shivers all over Avery's body. He could have creamed himself right here.

Then Colin went to work, his tongue going up and down the crack of Avery's ass. Finally stopping at this hole, his tongue working on it. Going in and out, acting like a little dick fucking it.

"Yeah, eat my hole..."Avery moaned.

"Fucking hole tastes great, tastes real good." Colin replied, driving home the point, he slapped Avery's ass.

Then Avery pulled away, the air cool on his wet asshole. He rolled over on his back and looked at Colin. He slowly began to crawl towards Colin, his mind on one thing. His head at Colin's crotch, he began to nuzzle the crotch of Colin's underwear. Avery would lick it, rubbing his nose on it. Soon a wet spot appeared on the front of Colin's briefs. Avery reached up and pulled them down, Colin's thick cock almost popped him in the face. Avery opened his mouth as wide as he could and inhaled the tube of beef.


Avery's lips stretched around Colin's cock, his head moving up and down. Colin would move his hips in different directions, hitting different parts of Avery's throat. He soon grabbed onto the back of Avery's head, his hair in his finger and began power fucking his face, Avery's nose hitting Colin's pubes. Colin could feel his cock snaking down Avery's throat.

"Yeah baby, I'm gonna cum!" Colin yelled.

He tried to pull out of Avery's mouth, but Avery wouldn't let go. He still moved back and forth on the cock. His tongue doing a lot of the work.


With that, Colin's cock exploded in Avery's mouth. The hot nectar filling up Avery's mouth. Avery trying his best to swallow the large load. His hands found Colin's asshole and soon began playing with it, trying to coax more cum out of him. Colin shook all over from his orgasm, almost light on his feet. His cock becoming sensitive, but not wanting to take it away from Avery. With that, Colin collapsed onto the bed, his chest heaving, trying to get air. Avery began to nibble on Colin's ear, slowly trying to bring him back.

"There is another part of me that is still hungry" said Avery as he fingered his asshole.

Colin looked at him for a second, then got that sly, sexy smile on his face.

"I think we can accommodate that." Colin replied as he held his hardening cock in his hands.

Avery lay on his stomach, he could feel Coin's weight on top of him. Slowly Colin spread Avery's ass and found the puckered pink hole. Avery breathed in as he felt the cock at his hole, then he cried out.


Colin just let him get use to it, just remaining still. He slowly began to thrust, his pelvis meeting Avery's meaty ass, that slapping sound breaking through the silence of the room. He would lean forward and whisper in Avery's ear, while nibbling on his ear.

"Your ass is soo good, I could live in it forever" Colin whispered.

The thrusting increased, Colin's ass flexing each time his cock went deeper into Avery. Avery laid there, his mind everywhere. Avery let his hands claw at the sheets, his mouth pulled at the pillows. The cock in him, stretching him further than he had ever been before, seemed to hit every spot it should.

"Fuck me, fuck me... FUCK ME!" Avery said louder and louder.

Colin's thrusts were deliberate and deep, the warmth of Avery's insides caressing his cock. He would alternate between slow to fast hard pounding. The slapping of flesh and the moaning of voices was all that could be heard, conceived. Colin would bite into Avery's neck and back, almost in effect marking him. The sweat rolled off their bodies, their legs intertwined. Colin not letting go, his thrusts almost animal like, raw, powerful, and earth shattering.

"Come on baby, gimme that ass... Yeah, I want that ass." Colin moaned to himself.

Finally, Colin began to tense up.

"Fuck, I'm gonna cum!" Colin shouted.

This is what Avery was ready for, he felt Colin give one final deep thrust, then all hell broke loose.

"AHHHH!" Colin screamed, his cock literally exploding in Avery's ass.

Avery could feel the hot cum begin to pour into his ass, he knew he wanted it all. Colin began to slowly thrust in and out of Avery's ass.

They went to sleep just like that, with Colin's cock firmly planted up Avery's ass.

"Morning sleepy head" Avery said as Colin began to stir next to him.

To wake him up, Avery flexed his ass muscles, bringing Colin to full arousal.

"Fuck, isn't that thing ever satisfied?" Colin moaned as he wiped the sleep out of his eyes.

"I don't know, is your anaconda ever satisfied?" Aver snapped back.

Avery looked at the clock on the night stand and bolted up.

"Shit, I am going to be late for work!" Avery said as he got up from the bed and began gathering his clothes.

Colin just smiled and began to get out of the bed. He quickly threw on some white briefs and went to the kitchen.

"I'll make some coffee."

Avery finished getting dressed, all the while thoughts ran through his head.

"Fuck, I could fall for him soo easily. What makes me think I haven't already."

Once Avery was dressed he headed out into the bright loft space. Standing in the kitchen was a body of perfection, Avery stood there sipping coffee, his briefs low on his hips, his crotch bulging.

"Smells good" Avery said, smiling.

After pouring himself a cup, they just stood in the kitchen, looking at each other. Avery made up his mind, he set his mug down and walked towards Colin.

"You `bout to head to work?" "Colin asked, that sexy, sly grin on his face.

Avery just smiled at Colin, then reached forward and grabbed his bulging crotch.

"I got to have to do this again" Avery said smiling as he dropped to his knees, pulling Colin's briefs down at the same time.

Colin's cock sprung out, nice, thick, and hard. Avery went to work, soon that cock was pistoning in and out of his throat.

"Fuck baby, you know how to treat a cock good." Colin moaned as he thrust his hips forward.

Avery soon pulled away from Colin and stood up.

"You know what I want..." Avery said as he undid his pants and let them and his underwear drop to the floor.

"What about work?" Colin asked as he stepped forward, his wet dick in hand.

"I can take the day off, how my ass has an itch only you can scratch." Avery said.

With that Colin pressed forward.

"AHHHHHH!" Avery moaned as Colin's cock entered him.

"Yeah, that's my baby... Love this ass." Colin said as he teased Avery's ass.

"You want to go out tonight?" Colin asked in between thrusts and grunts.

"Fuck yes... FUCK ME!" Avery replied.

The End

Let me know what you thought of the story... Your comments, both good and bad are welcomed... jak8ms@aol.com

I know that I have not written in a long time, but I will be continuing my series story and beginning new ones.

Here is a list of my other stories here on Nifty.org Authoritarian

Now Shut Up and Open Wide (Mar 30,04)


Play Hard to Get (Oct 31, 03)

Love Ain't All That's Up (Jan 7, 04)


I'm The Daddy Now (Nov 2, 03)

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