What If

By Steve Smith

Published on Jun 20, 2008


Friday came, and I still had little knowledge of what was to come. My boss hadn't told me much at all. He said everything was going to be taken care of, and that all I had to do was show up with an open mind! Nothing about what to wear, nothing about how long id be, or what would be ah, required! He picked me up at the assigned place and time, and said I looked good as I got into his car. Summertime, so I had worn tight jeans, and a tight t-shirt. A very tight pair of tighty whities underneath, and that was pretty much all!

We drove for a bit, and he suggested that if I really wanted to have fun, I'd take this pill before we got there. I asked him what it would do to me, and he said-" It'll make you feel awesome, sexy, and willing to try anything 'cause you're feeling so good!" With that kind of intro, how could I resist. I was later to discover that it was very good X! He was right- I started feeling pretty good before we even got to the house- back at bit off the street, with lots of privacy.

We went right in the front door, as if we were anticipated. I was lead around to the back of the house, to the pool deck, and the bar/entertainment area. It was SET UP! All kinds of comfy places to ah, spend time, all the amenities, bar, TV, fire pit, etc. The owner soon appeared, with a servant! The servant was clad only in what I would call a loin cloth. The owner, a robe. He welcomed us, and asked us what we would like. My boss mentioned some kind of drink, I was already feeling the pill, so I meagerly asked for a beer. The owner laughed, told the servant to get the drinks, and add a shot of Tequila for me as well. He invited us to sit in one of the alcoves on the side of the pool.

The owner- Bud, started things off after we had our seats. He looked right at me, and said "I know you are new to all of this, and I think it'd be best if we went at your pace. I don't want you to do anything you don't want to do. I want you to have fun in my home, and I'd be lying if I didn't tell you there are lots of things I'd love to do to you, but it's most important that you be comfortable." I told him the truth- I was new to this, and I didn't know enough to know what I wouldn't be good with. This answer seemed to be correct, he laughed, and said, "Ok, let's say this- we'll start off slow, and see what happens. "You'll be compensated for your time regardless, but I must say, I do tip well for efforts that are ah, over and above..." He told both of us to feel free to use anything we wished while at his home, what's mine is yours, he said after he displayed an array of pharmaceuticals. "Why don't you go check out the bath house, and see if there is something you'd be more comfortable in" he said to me. As I headed off to do as I was told, I got the feeling that this was not Tom, my bosses first time at this place...

The bath house was nothing short of decadent. There was a vast assortment of toys, outfits, and lounge areas. Bondage set-ups were all around. I'm pretty sure any sexual taste could be accomodated in that place! On the sofa in front, was an assortment of bathing suits. I had to chuckle, all of them were exactly one size too small for me. I didn't think this was a coincidence. None of the choices covered much up, so I chose a g-string that felt like it was made of silk. Wow, it felt so good as I got undressed, my hands seemed to slide on my body. Putting the suit on was even better! I suddenly felt like I was taking too long, so I took several deep breaths, and went back to join the guys.

The drinks had arrived. The servant was standing silently off to the side. Bud seemed delighted. Please, come join us, we're just about to light up a joint! Come sit next to me, and have a shot." I did as I was told, went over to him, and sat close on the couch to his left. He raised the shot glass to my lips, and assisted it down my throat! It burned, but not nearly the way I thought it would. As we passed the joint around, He kept touching me more, and more. Soon enough, his hand was grinding my cock through the suit. He could feel how excited I was becoming, and I started to care less and less about any inhibitions I might have had. The drugs, the atmosphere, whatever, I soon became totally willing to do as I was told...

Somewhere in this, I was told to stand, and remove the suit, which I willingly did. I let him touch me as he wished. I think I heard Tom chuckle behind me, but I didn't care at that point. I was led to my knees, and Bud stood before me, and told me to open his robe. I did as I was told, and without being told to do so, shoved his semi hard cock into my mouth. I opened wide, and began to suck like I was born to do it. I was totally in the zone, I mean I shrugged off any inhibitions, and just went with the flow. I slurped and sucked until he was rock hard, then felt his hand on the back of my head. He started to fuck my face, harder and harder- he just kept slamming away. I tried to be as accommodating and enthusiastic as possible, but there was little I could do. My body was tingling, he was trying to shove his cock THROUGH my throat. I moaned, groaned, and moved as "slutty" as I could. It must have worked, because I soon felt him start to shake, then both hands on the back of my head. The movement stopped suddenly, as he shoved one last time, all the way, and shot a huge load deep down my throat. I took it all in, and licked him clean, waiting for what would come next.

"Man, you were right Tom" Buddy chuckled. He took my hand, and led me to a seat next to him on the couch again. He caressed me all over as he handed me my drink, and started another joint. He leaned back, pulling me toward him, and positioned me so as to best give him access to my body. "Part of Tom's finder's fee is that I let him do what he wants with the boy- wanna watch at least the first part? I have a feeling that you and the boy will ah, learn to play well together..." (The boy was a paid servant, 20, and well, a "happy employee") The question was more of a statement. "I think Tom likes to get a blow job in public, before he goes to work in private..." Tom simply nodded his agreement. This entire time, I'm still completely naked, and Buddy is fondling me, getting closer and closer to opening up my ass. My head was in the clouds, I was in lala land, having a great time. Nobody was getting hurt, I was getting paid to feel great, it had to be too good to be true, but there was no way or reason to stop anything. I watched as the boy came in, stood in front of Tom, was shoved onto his knees, and Tom's dick shoved into his mouth.

I figured this was a time when it would be good to be entheusiastic, and so I began to rub Buddy back. I let my hands wander all over his chest- he wasn't awesome, but for some reason, I loved the way he felt. I also loved the way his hands were making me feel. I felt him slid a finger into my ass, and wiggled as he moved it around. I tried to relax, and loosen up, and he soon had two fingers in me. We were watching Tom face fuck the boy, and Buddy had my ass raring to go. I somehow managed to ask him to use a condom , he wasn't trying to fuck me yet, but I didn't want to forget! He chuckled again, and said, "Just relax, enjoy yourself. You sucked the life outa me, I need to recover a bit. You are one hell of a little slut, so I'm just hoping your ass is as good as your face was! Don't worry, WHEN I fuck you, it'll be safe." He just kept toying with me, he had my ass screaming, and I was literally under his control. We cheered on as Tom filled the boys' throat with a load of his own. He let the boy free, but he remained on his knees. "Looks like we both gotta recharge huh Tom? Let's see if the boy likes the new kid's ass." The boy came over, took a condom from Tom, grabbed my hand and led me to the other couch.

He lifted the loin cloth, and shoved his cock in my face. I opened wide, and sucked him for all I was worth. I got the boy hard quick, and he soon opened the condom, handing it to me, and told me to put it on him. After I had done so, I was flipped around, and the boy shoved his cock into me in one quick thrust. It took my breath in me, but I was loving it. He quickly sped up. I moaned and groaned, wiggling my ass as best I could. It wasn't long before he couldn't take it any more, and I began to feel him shudder. He slapped my ass a couple of times as he finished off, it was kinda quick, but intense!

Buddy motion me back to him, more to follow....

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