What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Oct 17, 2002


It just seems to be taking longer and longer to be visited by the muse. Sorry for the wait-maybe fan appreciation would hurry the next installment along.

Same warnings apply-please don't read this explicit fictional story if your not supposed to.

I did my best to stay far enough behind Shane so as not to loose him or allow him to see me. He was walking rapidly down the street towards the river along which the boulevard ran. I could tell by the gingerly way he was moving that he had a serious case of blue balls. The tight crotch of those 501's must have really been cutting into the tender swollen flesh of his cum filled nuts.

Shane reached the boulevard and ran across the busy street. He looked around before walking down an embankment that ran along the river. I quickely followed. He looked extremely nervous and was sweating as he tried to stroll casually along a rough trail that led through the underbrush. As I crept behind him I started to hear voices. Mens' voices. Shane obviously heard them too. He started to slow his pace. He was hesitating as if he maybe changed his mind. Suddenly a figure stepped out form behind a tree up ahead. Shane gasped and I ducked behind a bush. It was a man, maybe about 50 years old. He was wearing dirty jeans and a tool belt. He must have come from a road crew that was working on the street. He smiled slowly at my friend. "Hey kid what are you doing?" he asked in a deep voice. He was tall I noticed and looked well built, his salt and pepper hair was longish and looked somewhat mussed.

Shane choked out a creaky response "Nothing...just taking a walk."

"So you always walk in the woods with a bulge in your pants?" the smiling man said.

Shane lowered his head. I couldn't hear what he said but the man began to chuckle as he said "You came to right place."

The man put out a burley arm and guided Shane into the bushes.

I carefully crept closer and found a spot where I had a clear view. The man stood before Shane.

"What do you want son?"

Shane didn't respond but lowered his eyes to the crotch of the man's stained jeans. He licked his lips nervously and even from my vantage point I could see the look of hunger in his eyes.

The man stepped closer-he dropped his arm from Shane's shoulder and placed it pointedly on the bulge that had begun to form in his pants. He slowly stroked his crotch for Shane. He large hand began to trace the outline of his growing hard-on.

"You want to suck my cock boy?" he growled.

Shane simply nodded.

"Well I think that can be arranged ...but first STRIP. The last word was stated in a loud commanding tone.

Shane's head jerked up-"But someone might see me" he muttered.

"So, if they see you sucking my dick what difference will it make if your clothed or naked they will still know you for a slut." He laughingly replied.

Shane's reluctance was clear. I could almost hear his internal struggle-god I want cock, but bad enough to risk being naked in a public place.

The decision was soon taken out of his hands. At that moment another man came stepping through the bushes. He was younger than the first and blond-he also was wearing work type clothes and a yellow hard hat

"That's some long piss you're taking" he said. He stopped short when he saw Shane.

The older man looked at Blondie and said. "I found this when I finished-what do you think?"

A slow smile spread across the blond mans face. "Looks good to me".

He circled around Shane and began to run his hand over Shane's back and over the pronounced curve of his buttocks.

"Damn have you seen his ass?" he exclaimed.

Salt and Pepper said, "No not yet we were just getting to the unveiling."

Shane seemed to come to his sense. He whipped his head around and tried to side step the two men.

"Hey I'm not sure about this." He said, his voice quiet and breathy.

The men were having none of his reluctance though. The blond man immediately grabbed Shane and pinned his arms behind his back. The older man stepped forward and began to roughly cup and fondle Shane's cock. I could see that scared or not Shane hadn't lost the steel spike my Dad had left him with.

The blond guy leaned in and began to bite at Shane's ear whispering things into it intermittently. Shane struggled weakly but I could see that the older man's hands were doing a lot to reduce his resistance. The man was now earnestly stroking up and down the outlined shaft of Shane's thick cock. A wet spot had begun to form on the front of my friends jeans.

"Let's get this little puppy naked" growled Salt and Pepper.

He grabbed Shane's t-shirt and with one big tug ripped it down the middle. He pulled the ripped fabric out from between Shane's pinned arms and the blonde's body, which was now pressed tightly up against Shane-his crotch grinding into the mound of Shane's ass.

With the boys torso now exposed the man went to town. He began to stroke the rounded smooth muscles of his chest and brutally pinch the young man's nipples.

Shane moaned and began to thrust his hips forward looking for more contact.

"We've got a hot one here eh"

The older man popped the buttons on Shane's jeans and slid them down the boy's hips. He ripped off his shoes and soon my high school buddy was standing there totally naked with a raging hard-on jutting out from his tight stomach.

The blond released Shane's arms-Shane made no move to escape as the older man began to unbutton his own bulging jeans.

I was once again overwhelmed-

I looked down at my own crotch and was amazed to see the huge wet stain spreading across my pants-I was leaking like a hose.

When I looked up my friend was naked, bent over with a huge cock buried deep in his throat and the blond man's tongue deep in his tight ass.

In the clearing beyond this scene I could see several more men walking towards the trio-

God what will happen next.

Should I continue...be my muse spur me on.

Next: Chapter 7

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