What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Jan 20, 2012


The Missing Chapterr-the idea just came to me and I wrote the last part of the 22 concurrently with this one...but then lost steam, started the last Lane Chapter and was tepid about this one...well here it is...whew!

After seeing that little cock tease get worked over by the convicts and the guard I felt like my school year was getting off on the right foot. The only issues with my incredible preoccupation with watching men have sex and working myself up into a frenzy, was that it caused me to ignore my school work. So after I recovered from that incident, I buckled down and decided to get to work. Several weeks passed and I was pretty involved in my studies. Things at home were good and I hadn't gotten the urge...just the normal "maintenance" of jerking off once a week or so, soon though it wasn't enough. I started getting that feeling and began to edge and torture myself. I began to go on alert to see if I could pick up on any action either at home or school and was soon frustrated by having no luck. I hadn't seen the skateboarder around and I figured after the working over he got, he might be avoiding the campus. My Dad was really wrapped up in work and didn't seem to be up to anything. SHIT... I had to find some action. I made a trip to the adult book store late one night but got spooked when I saw a cop car in the parking lot. The last thing I needed was to get busted in a lewd and lascivious raid. My cock was hard almost all the time and my balls were swollen to twice their normal size...I had to do something. Then one day on campus I saw a sign for a club that was a few towns over, it advertised a gay night on Thursday s with go go boys. Shit... it certainly wasn't up to my usual standards but I would at least get to see a live, hot and hopefully half naked guy. I wasn't too concerned about being caught going to a gay bar, as I didn't really know anyone in that town and I was at a point where I really didn't give a shit. I pretty much came and went as I wanted at home now, so I left that night telling my Mom not to wait up for me. I had dressed as nondescript as possible. I was just going to get some fantasy material and had no interest in getting picked up or anything.

I parked in the far side of the parking lot and walked to the door. There weren't that many cars in the lot but it was still pretty early, only nine 0'clock or so. I paid the five dollar cover at the door and walked down a dark corridor, entering the actual club. The main part of the club included a dance floor with two boxes raised as "stages on either end. There was a big horse shoe shaped bar and a bunch of tables and chairs scattered along the black carpeted walls in the murky darkness. The dance floor wasn't that brightly lit either. There were a few swirling colored lights and the required mirror ball suspended from the black painted industrial pipes and beams along the ceiling. There were about nine or ten guys in the place. A few were at the bar and some sitting at the tables. I noted that the crowd looked a bit older and sort of rougher than I expected. Most of the men were in their thirties at least and were wearing denim and work boots. I tried to check them out without being too obvious. I went to the far side of the bar and a very attractive bartender in a muscle shirt came over and took my order. I took my beer and went a found a table sort of near the dance floor, yet in a nice dark corner. Club music was pumping out of the sound system and soon swirls of smoke came out from units along the floor. The whole place was a bit tacky but I was willing to see what these go go boys were like. I felt a little flutter of excitement in my stomach at thinking about a half-naked guy dancing around getting the men all worked up and horny. As I sipped my drink, more and more men filed into the place. It definitely seemed like this club had a "type". It wasn't like a leather bar, but they all looked a bit blue collar and ranged from thirties to fifties in age. There were no young gay guys or old queens, which is what I sort of expected. The dance floor filled up a bit but no sign of any go go boys yet. I ordered another beer and was getting more frustrated and just thinking I would leave after I finished my drink, when suddenly the lights dimmed even further. The men in the room seemed to get quiet and I felt a change in the energy. From a hidden door on the other side of the dance floor I saw someone emerge. I caught a gleam of skin and a flash of white but with the fog and the dim lights that was all I initially registered. Then he stepped up onto one of the "stages" and I felt my cock twitch. He was incredible. He was young, early twenties at most. He had really short spiky brown hair and heavy lidded eyes. His nose was almost pert and very straight, but it was his lips that dominated his face. They were really full and almost pouty. He revealed straight white teeth with a thin gap between the two front teeth when he broke into a lazy smile. He was wearing a tight pair of white Y front briefs and nothing else. His body was ripped perfection. Every lean muscled stood out and shone under the low lights. The front pouch of the underwear looked packed and I laughingly assumed it was padding to make him look even hotter. He began to dance slowly at first on the cube. He knew how to move his body. He would sway his hips and then roll his pelvis in time to the music. He looked totally masculine and incredibly sexy. He threw his arms back behind his head and slowly rotated on the platform. You could almost hear a gasp from the room full of men. His ass was amazing, a perfect round globe encased in the tight stretched cotton. The fabric clung so snugly that you could see the indentations on the side of his gluteus and the hint of a deep cleft. His back rippled with muscles; the shoulder widely flared and then narrowing down to a tight trim waist. He turned back around and began to move faster and more fluidly to the bass pumping across the room. Men stopped their own dancing and just watched. His crotch seemed to swell a bit as he got into his groove. He would run his hands lightly over his chest and washboard stomach and then flutter them back up over his now erect nipples. His hips swayed and he arched his back and put one arm over his head. He turned and looked out into the crowd then sensuously licked his own hairless armpit. Men were pushing to get closer to the stage now and I saw a hand rise out of the crowd waiving a single. The kid danced over and thrust his hips out letting the man tuck the bill into the waistband of his underwear. The man made a tentative reach to touch the kid, but he smiled and danced away. He turned his back to the crowd, showing off that incredible ass again, he pushed it out and then planted his feet wide on the platform, hands on his lean hips. He looked back over his shoulder and the men's eager face and teasingly caressed the taut flesh. Someone hooted and the kid laughed and spun around, making his way to another man waiving a bill. I noticed his crotch looked fuller now. He let this man run trailing fingers down his ridged stomach before grabbing his wrist and assisting him to tuck the money into the waistband. This went on for a while. He never let anyone do more than lightly touch his chest or abdomen and he collected wads of singles all around his waist. He would seem to get the biggest reaction when he showed off his ass, so soon he was dancing almost exclusively facing the wall, letting the group of, now sweaty looking men stare at his gyrating ass. He soon jumped off the cube and pulled all the bills from his briefs. The men groaned thinking he was done, but he simply dropped his tips into a basket by the hidden door and jumped back up onto the stage. The energy seemed to intensify and the kid got more and more into his dancing. He was covered in sweat now and he started pushing the front of the tight white briefs lower down, showing off the cuts of muscle along his hips. The men in the crowd almost cheered their appreciation at seeing this bit more of him. Soon it wasn't singles being waived at the dancer, it was fives. He danced close to a man clutching a five dollar bill in a shaking hand, when he was very close he abruptly turned and slowly bent over letting the man tuck the bill into the back of the briefs. He lingered, letting the men cup and heft one of those perfect cheeks before dancing quickly away laughing. It was now clear to all in the room that the kid's dick was semi erect and it looked pretty big. He kept scrunching the front of the underwear down lower and lower, letting the material cup and hold his swelling cock. They were so low now in the front that you could see the straight dark line of his pubic hair. Men were going crazy and he was spurred on by their excitement. He turned to the wall and teasingly lowered one side of the briefs in the back, quickly flashing a straight tan line and the top creamy swell of one cheek. He had two shadowy dimples just above the soft curve of his high ass muscles and he slowly lowered the back of the shorts so they were just short of exposing the cleavage of his ass cheeks. There were two or three really big muscular looking men right up front as close as they could get to the stage and I noticed that not surprisingly, they had visibly hard cocks in their pants. The kid was really turning these men on. This show was better than I expected. The kid was spinning around on the stage and letting men touch him more fully now. I noticed one of the big men in the front with a shaved head and a beard tuck a ten into the kid's waistband and then firmly cup and stroke the packed pouch of the underwear. The kid smiled and retreated as far to the back of the small cube as he could and lowered the back of the underwear even more. Now the top halves of the two glowing white cheeks were exposed and a deep shadowy split bisected them. I felt almost a surge towards the stage and noticed one of the bar tenders making his way over. He smiled at the kid and gestured him down putting a hand on the back of his neck and said, "Kevin...no nudity...you know that...keep the underwear up...O.K.?" he lightly tapped the tight ass and hiked up the thick elastic band and went back to the bar. One of the big bulls in the front, with salt and pepper hair and hugely muscled arms protruding from his sleeveless flannel glared at the retreating man. He promptly whipped out a twenty and I heard him say to Kevin, "Show us that ass...c'mon" Kevin looked a bit nervously back at the bar and turned his back on the man, he dropped to his knees and swiftly lowered the underwear, exposing almost his whole ass in a quick flash. It was almost blinding. A glance was all we caught, it showed super high round cheeks, perfect and smooth with a deep hairless crack. The men shouted their encouragement and Kevin collected the twenty. I could see he now had an almost full erection and he shoved the front of the briefs down low, packing it in tight. This time he kept his back to the wall and lowered the back of the briefs all the way, tucking them under his cheeks. He didn't turn around, but you see the sides of his ass, those deep dents of muscle and we all knew his ass was exposed. It was an incredibly erotic, tease. It was clear it was having an effect on the men in the audience, but the kid seemed to be getting increasingly excited himself. Several of the big men in front seemed to surge forward and Kevin laughed and pulled the briefs up over his ass again. Another twenty was proffered and he got real close to the guy and pulled the tight elastic band away from his body, letting the man slide the bill and his hand down the front of the underwear. He stopped him before the fingers could really feel his swollen shaft but this boldness seemed to increase the tension in the room. I noticed the bar tender shaking his head. Kevin kept dancing and caressing himself, getting more and more into it. He looked like he was on the edge of starting to really jerk off. The crowd was generous in its appreciation, soon money was falling out of his briefs and he bent down, collected it and leapt off the cube. He raised his hand signaling with a finger he'd be back in minute and went behind the door. Men did not move from their place in front of the stage. After about five minutes the kid came back out. He began dancing again right away. His cock looked as hard as ever and now I noticed his eyes had a slight glaze. I wouldn't be surprised if he had smoked something on his quick break. He was now teasingly lowering the front and back of the shorts as he danced. He would leave the underwear halfway down his ass and tilt his hips and roll them, writing sexually to the music. The men watching were getting more and more excited and he was letting them put their hands on him more and more. Hands would cup his balls and stroke down his sweaty torso. Two big palms would cup that ass and gently squeeze. I saw him lean down and deeply kiss a man who waved a big enough bill and I saw the bald guy deeply penetrate his mouth with a thick tongue during one hot exchange. I also caught a glimpse of the kid reach a hand down and lightly cup and stroke the man's huge erection through his packed jean front. The big man groaned and bit his lip in frustration...clearly craving more than that teasing fondle. I was shifting in my seat getting more and more excited about where this would go. The incredible tease of not seeing him completely naked and just getting fleeting glimpses of that ass and the sharp line of pubic hair was making me, him and clearly all the other men in the room crazy. It was getting hotter and hotter under the lights and the kid was now sweating profusely. I saw him signal the bar tender and who came over and handed the kid a bottle of water. Kevin didn't even pause in his dancing he just took of the cap and tossed it to the side and took a big pull on the bottle. He danced close to edge of the stage, right in front of the three big men who had staked out that spot. He lowered himself slowly to his knees and leaned his body back, his abs popping with definition. He took the bottle and tipped it slowly and let a rivulet of cold water run down his chest and stomach and soak the front of the underwear. He was almost fully erect at this point and he looked like he had a pretty big dick. The underwear was clinging to his body and the big head and thick shaft were clearly visible to everyone in the audience. The men began to cheer. Kevin smiled and got to his feet, bottle still in hand. He moved to the center of the small stage and turned his back to the crowd. He spread he legs and arched his back, thrusting his ass out and then tipped the bottle right over his head. A sluice of water ran drenched his hair and then ran down his muscular back in a sheet. His underwear was almost translucent now. As the men became more raucous it spurred him on. He stayed with his back to us and lowered the back of the sopping cotton, leaving almost his entire ass exposed and poured the rest of the water from the bottle down the deep channel of muscle in the center of his back. The lights caught the stream of fluid making it glisten and sparkle as it trailed slowly down his body and ran right into his sweaty exposed ass crack and over his now exposed perfect smooth asshole. He stood upright and chucked the bottle aside and pulled the briefs up. His cock was clearly visible and it was fully erect and tucked along to the side, along his hip...if he had let it go, it was big enough where the head would have been exposed over the top of the waistband. Several of the men in the front row had now started touching themselves openly as he got more and more erotic with his moves. I saw the big bearded man languorously stroking a long thick bulge running down one jean clad thigh. Another guy had actually stuck his hand, wrist deep into the front of his pants. Suddenly the lights flashed a few times and Kevin looked towards the bar, I could see the bar tender making a "time out" sign and the kid reluctantly scooped up a few stray bills from the stage and waved to the crowd and went back by the door. The bar tender hurried over and I could make out their conversation, "You gotta cool it Kevin...you're going too far" Don't worry...i have it under control." The kid answered back. "You say that but if these guys all decide to do something...who's going to stop them?" I saw the kid laugh and call over his shoulder before going through the door, "Who says I want to stop them." The men erupted into boos immediately at his exit and a few pounded the stage in frustration. I shifted in my seat to adjust my erection and I saw several of the men in the crowd do the same. They clearly saw that banging on the stage wasn't going to bring him back out, so the men shifted back to the dance floor and the bar to get more drinks. The bar tender said "Kevin is going to take a five minute break and then be back...relax everyone...have some fun." And he returned to the now packed bar.

About ten minutes passed and then almost all the lights in the place went down. Just a few soft white spot lights illuminated the cube where Kevin had been dancing. Music started...JT's Bringing Sexy Back...men bunched up around the cube, surrounding it on all three sides and the door opened. The kid stepped onto the cube and I jerked and knocked over my half full beer bottle. He had a tiny khaki green towel loosely wrapped around his lean hips. It was slung so low it was clear to see he wasn't wearing the white briefs. His half erect cock was prodding and poking at the front of the material, causing to tent. He held onto the joined ends to the cloth loosely with one hand as he began to dance. His hips swayed to the music causing his cock to bob and bounce. The men around the stage were staring in rapt attention and a hush seemed to have descended on the entire bar. They all watched...knowing he was naked under that towel. He began to move around the stage sensuously writhing and lowering himself to his knees, still keeping the towel barely in place. Since there was nowhere to tuck bills, men were just throwing random tens and twenties onto the stage. Kevin inched forward on his knees to the big man with the dark beard and nodded in acceptance of the twenty he placed between the kid's spread knees. The man leaned in and hungrily clamped his mouth over the boy's, the muscles of his cheeks rippling as his tongue penetrated deep into the kid's mouth. Kevin still gripped the edges of the thin fabric but with the other hand he grabbed the man's thick hairy wrist and guided it up under the towel. The man groaned as his hand made contact with the kid's hot cock. I could see him greedily run his fist up and down the shaft. Kevin opened his mouth and panted out an excited breath, his lips still wetly sliding across the man's. As the guy skidded his open hand up the length of the kid's dick, Kevin rose shakily up on his knees, reached out and slid a hand onto the man's enormous erection. He stroked it and cupped the thickness of the clearly oversized penis. Oblivious to the crowd, the kid fumbled with the thick belt buckle and undid it rapidly. Using one hand he unbuttoned the man's pants exposing the front of a pair of tight black underwear. He groaned as he ran his hand down the man's hard hairy lower stomach and into the waist band. The men closest to the pair could clearly see what was going on, but the crowd blocked the bar tenders view. The kid tremblingly ran his palm over the man's huge hard-on; I could see him gasp as he cupped right where the head would be. He pulled away slowly and extracted his now wet fingers from the front of the man's pants. As he got to his feet and continued dancing, his cock standing straight up, barely concealed by the towel...he looked out into the crowd of men and languorously licked the traces of precum from his hand. He backed away from the stage front and facing forward he smiled a sly grin and let the ends of the towel go. He still held the material with one hand but the majority of it was hooked on the end of his cock, which was standing up straight past his navel. He swayed his hips causing his cock to wave. His ass was bare but as he was still facing the audience we couldn't see it, but the effect was still startling, he was virtually naked in front of a crowd of horny men, in a public bar. He used both hands to now grab the corners of the towel, draping it loosely in front of him. And thrust his hips forward using his erection to pop the towel forward in time to the beat of the music. The men went crazy; those on the sides of the stage could see the hugely protuberant cheeks of his ass and were hooting in appreciation. He danced back closer to the front and spun on the spot, carefully manipulating the towel to cover first his hip then ass, as his back ended up to the crowd. He ran the material across his taut backside and then let the center of the towel dip low, exposing the top half of his ass and the deep cleft. He looked back over his shoulder and smiled and then dropped to his knees right on the edge of the stage and let the towel drop lower. The two men closest immediately reacted. They reached out and began to firmly caress those two perfect globes and the big man with the salt and pepper hair let his thick digits stray into the crack of the kid's ass directly rubbing two blunt fingers across that perfect hole. The kid shuddered and leaned forward, now in doggy style position, arching his back, giving them a perfect close up view of that amazing ass. The bar tender pushed his way through the crowed and yelled out..."SHOWS OVER" Kevin pulled the towel up and wrapped it around his waist, he got to his feet and faced the bar tender ,"Alright, alright...I'll keep the towel up...relax." He tucked the ends of the material firmly on one hip, his cock pushing the material out far in the front, and began to dance again. Reluctantly the bar tender went back to his station. The frustration in the crowd was palpable; everywhere I looked I could see huge erections prodding pant fronts. The erotic tension was making my mouth dry and I took a big drink of my beer. The kid stayed away from the edges of the stage but he was still moving sensuously to the music, throwing his arms back behind his head and thrusting out his towel covered erection. The material had loosened again and dipped dangerously low in both the front and the back, but for now he was playing it safe, and kept a hand there securing it. The two big men in the front weren't content now though, with a simple strip show. The bearded man had a look of pure lust on his face and the man with salt and pepper hair looked almost angry. As the kid danced around giving them only brief flashes of his pubic hair and the top of his ass they devised another strategy to egg the kid on. I saw them whisper to each other and then both of them used their big broad backs to push the crowd back a bit from crushing them up against the stage. Now their packed and swollen groins were in clear view of the kid dancing on stage. They kept their eyes locked on the kid as they began to stroke up and down the full length of their erections. Even through the heavy denim it was clear to see that both men were hugely endowed. The sheer size of their erections pushed the front of their pants out of shape. The kid stumbled as he danced and I saw his cock jump...he was clearly affected seeing two men sporting enormous erections, inches in front of his almost naked body. His dancing seemed to slow as the men continued to tease the kid. I saw the guy with the greying hair shove the thick belted front of his pants down low and I gasped the huge wet head of his cock we peeping out the top of his pants. These two guys were big bull studs and the kid couldn't take his eyes off them. A third man soon joined in the fun. A big light haired guy came over to the pair. He was a bit younger, maybe in his thirties and taller and leaner than both. He had three days or so worth of stubble on his cheeks and a navy tee-shirt and green cargo pants. His cock was clearly fully erect and BIG. He lined up next to the other men and began to cup his crotch, squeezing his balls through the pants. This rough action soon caused a dark spot to bloom on the front of his pants as he leaked precum through his underwear. Kevin continued to dance on the stage but he kept his eyes locked onto the trio. The bearded guy had undone his pants and was letting his rampant, underwear covered cock bob in front of him. The kid took a deep breath and threw his head back the towel slipping dangerously low. "Show us that ass..." came a call from the crowd. Kevin slowly rotated, turning to the wall. He rocked his hips, causing the towel clad ass to bulge and writhe. He looked over his shoulder at the three men and let the towel drop, clutching it in front over his cock. His ass was simply unbelievable. Now fully on display the cheeks were so high and round, the skin smooth and perfect. A deep tan line circled his tiny waist and the tops of his thighs, causing his ass to look impossibly white in contrast. The men in the crowd let out a collective gasp and I saw the big organs of the three bulls jump. Suddenly the lights went up and the bar tender called for last call. Kevin gathered the ends of his towel and wrapped it loosely around his waist. His legs looked a bit shaky as he jumped off the cube and went back through the door. I saw him stop and peer through the crack and make lingering eye contact with the three men. I sat back in my seat and figured I'd finish my beer and let my hard-on go down before hitting the bathroom and then head home. I certainly couldn't complain about the show...it would definitely fuel a few sessions of edging later in my bed. I snaked my way through the crowded bar, guys were sloshing down their last drinks and cruising to see who they could pick up before having to leave. I went towards the back of the bar and saw the men's room door; I pushed it open and went in. I stopped short the three big men from the front row were at the sinks talking; they stopped when I came in and eyed me. I quickly looked away and went to the farthest stall and went in locking the door. I strained to hear their conversation, starting to feel a flutter in my stomach.

"...fucking little tease...i can't get the image of that ass out of my head." said a deep voice.

"I know...it looked fucking incredible...shit...he was just about naked up there...my dick feels like it's going to explode." Answered the other guy.

"I can't believe a little queer got us so excited...I knew you said I wouldn't be disappointed, but I wasn't really into this gay bar thing...but shit he was something else...you see how he couldn't' take his eyes off our dicks?" the other guy just laughed in response.

"Horny little fucker." The other voice said. I heard them finishing up and the urinals and washing their hands. "I gotta do something about this hard-on...feels like it's going to explode." It sounded like he was struggling to zip up his pants. "Yeah...what do you think about trying to catch the little fucker in the parking lot...I bet with a little monetary incentive he'd be willing to continue the show." The other guy answered, his voice sounding a bit excited, "You think..?" he said. "It's worth a fucking try..." the third guy said and I heard them all shuffle out. I quickly zipped up and swallowed over the lump in my throat and rushed through the now almost empty club. I bolted for the parking lot and tried to scope out a place where I could have a good vantage point to see if anything went down. I had just wandered over to a sort of loading dock area where there was a chipped and weathered picnic table, most likely where the bar staff took their breaks, when the trio exited the bar. They walked around and sort of hung out by a big pick-up truck parked off to the side of the lot that obviously belonged to one of them. It was pretty dark in the now deserted lot and there were just circular orange pools cast from the pole lights that delineated the parking rows. I took a closer look at the three men. They were all pretty big, well over six feet tall. The guy with the salt and pepper hair and the jacked arms in the sleeveless flannel was smoking a cigarette. The younger guy with the blond crew cut was leaning against the truck and rubbing his still swollen crotch. The third dark haired bearded man kept craning his neck to the door of the club, keeping an eye out for the dancer.

I caught their conversation, the big blond was speaking, "Christ where is he...my cock hasn't gone down at all...you think he'll play along Bran?" he said directing the comment to salt and pepper. "Yeah...shit did you see what he was doing for the twenties we were chucking at him? If it hadn't been for that prude of a bar tender he's of let us do him right there on the stage...fucking slut." Bran said. "He's got the perfect lips for sucking dick...bet he'll blow us all for enough cash. Chuck..." He said looking at the big bearded guy, "How much cash you got on you?" The man turned back to them and fished out his wallet, "I got sixty left." He said. "What about you Donny?" he asked the blond. He looked at the older guy, "I got another thirty or so...think that's enough?" he said an edge to his voice. I could see all three men still had conspicuous bulges in the front of their pants and were in that stage of horniness where they are willing to act a bit reckless. Bran the grey haired guy looked thoughtful," I bet he'd do it for free if we...persuaded him." He said with an evil twinkle in his eye, he continued, " D'you see how slutty he was acting up on stage. Little whores like this'll do anything if you get them in the right frame of mind." I felt my dick twitch at his tone...he was definitely a no nonsense guy and I was eager to see how the dancer would react to these three horny men trying to get blow jobs from him in a parking lot. I didn't have to wait, because just at that moment the door to the club swung open and Kevin, the stripper walked out. He was dressed in a pair of track pants and had on a jacket and a gym bag slung over his shoulder. He glanced at the three men and did sort of a double take and started to walk to a small sedan parked at the other end of the lot. Bran stepped forward, "Hey...Kid...c'mere for a minute." He called out. The kid came walking over to the truck. I caught his eyes flick down to the packed looking crotches and he seemed to hesitate. "Hey Guys...what's up?" he said. The big guy, Chuck looked the kid up and down in a very obvious way, "That was quite the show you put on in there. " he said. Kevin smiled uncomfortably. "Yeah...uhh...thanks...it's the job...you know." Bran stepped a bit closer, looming over the significantly shorter and smaller kid, "It didn't look like work to me...looked like you were enjoying yourself. " he said. The kid smiled exposing that gap in his front teeth, "Gotta work for the tips...customers like it when I look like I'm having fun." He said. The blond, Donny moved in a bit, his jeans were bulged out obscenely and there was no way the kid could miss that the man was very aroused. "So...you're saying you just do this as a job...you don't get off on showing guys your body?" he sort of whispered. Kevin took a bit of a step back, he was almost hemmed in by the three big men at this point and he looked wary. "Ummm...I guess it's nice to be appreciated...makes ya feel good...but listen...I'm straight...I have a girlfriend, this is just a job...and I can't beat the money." He finished. "Really...so that big hard on you were sporting is all part of the show...you weren't really excited?" Bran said, his voice sounded almost menacing at this point. Kevin tried to step away a bit further, "Listen guys...I don't know what you want from me...but I gotta get going." As he started to walk away from them Bran reached out and wrapped a huge hand around the kid's bicep, holding him in place. "Hold on there Boy...I think I get it now...you fucking get off on being a cock tease...is that it?....think it's funny to get the queers all riled up...get us hot and bothered and then just laugh and run away...oh no...not this time." He said. He stared hard into the kids eyes and shook his head slowly for emphasis. The kid looked at each man in turn, taking in their size and considerable musculature and, god love him, he couldn't help himself, his eyes slid down and he swallowed hard at the sight of their obviously rampant cocks pressing against the front of their pants. "Hey...man...c'mon...what...?" he stammered. Chuck moved around the kid, blocking his exit, "Listen... Kid we're fair men... we're willing to make it worth your while..." he leaned in and put his lips close to the kid's ear, "You were fucking hard as a rock as you put your hand down my pants back in the club...and that was for a twenty tip...so don't shit me...o.k.?"

The kid looked around at the three men, "What do you want?" he said.

Bran stepped in real close to the kid and said in a low voice, "this is the deal kid, you blow us...get us off good and we'll each give you forty bucks...that's one-hundred and twenty dollars for doing something you know you're dying to do anyway." As he finished his proposal he slid one big hand down between the almost negligible space between their bodies and firmly cupped the kid's crotch. He smiled slowly and stroked his palm up and down, "Yeah...I can feel that you like the idea. " He smirked and turned to his two companions, "He's almost fully hard already...little faggot." He said.

"What...here...right out in the open?" the kid shifted uncomfortably. Chuck looked at Donny and said, "Shit he's going to do it!" His voice cracked with excitement and I saw the front of his jeans lurch as his dick jumped at the prospect of the kid sucking him off. Bran looked down at the kid, "Yeah...right here...it's dark...there's no one around...feel my dick kid...you tell me if you think I have the patience to go somewhere more to your liking." He forcefully directed the kid's hand to his packed crotch and Kevin held his breath when he felt how big and aroused the man was. I saw his hand shake a bit as he ran it slowly down what must have been ten or elven inches of erect cock straining against the big man's jeans. The three men had been hard for the almost the entire evening, since seeing the kid dance and planning how to get some action and I could tell they were super eager to get things going. Chuck walked up close behind the kid and placed two big hairy hands on the kid's shoulders. He took a second and slung the kid's gym bag on the ground off to the side. "Get on your knees kid...no more talking. Kevin shrugged off his hand, He whipped his head around looking at all three, "Where's the money?" he said. The men quickly fished out their wallets and pulled out cash. Before the kid could grab It, though Bran collected the wad of bills." You get this when we're done with you." He said. "What the fuck, Dude...you think I'd take off with your money?" Kevin said. "No...just want to make sure you're significantly motivated..." Bran said and tucked the money into the back pocket of his jeans and put a hand out to press down on the kid's head, forcing him to his knees. Kevin's back was to the truck and they were in one of the pools of light from the overhead poles. Kevin looked up at the three men standing over him, "Whose first?" he asked. Chuck laughed. "You little fucker...isn't the first time for you is it?" he said. He was running one hand up and down the now enormously engorged cock running along his hip, pulsing in time with his heart beat against the denim of his pants. The kid gave a slow smile, "I've done gay for pay before...no big deal...suck a dick... earn some cash. " he said. "Bran smiled and started undoing his belt, "Oh...well let's see if you're worth the money and the effort. I'll tell you...I'm pretty fucking horny...it's been too long since I've gotten off and what you did in that club...we'll let's just see where this goes...huh?" Kevin looked a bit startled, "All I do is oral...nothing else. " he said. "Bran reached in the undone front of his pants and struggled to maneuver out his hard cock, "Shhhh...just get to work Kid." He said and finally freed his dick. Kevin gasped when he saw it. It was big...definitely over ten inches and thick. The head was round and blunt and the shaft was perfectly straight. It stood up high and tight to the man's stomach throbbing slightly. The flushed red glans was shiny with precum and Bran used a tight fist to squeeze another clear drop out. Kevin stared at the erection and his tongue crept out of his mouth and involuntarily swiped across those full lips. Bran reached a hand out and cupped the back of the kid's skull pulling his head forward. The kid may have said he was straight but his eyes were heavy lidded with lust as he opened him mouth and let that big blunt head bump against lips glossing them with shiny fluid. The big grey haired man looked down and let out an exhale as he purposely prodded and poked the kid's mouth with his big swaying cock. The kid would try and close his lips over the head and he'd pull back slightly and rock his hips. The teasing was causing his cock to swell even more and the head visibly hardened, filling with more blood. Kevin closed his mouth and bit his lip in frustration. It was clear that money or not he was definitely getting motivated. "You like that big dick...huh Kid?" Bran whispered. The kid didn't answer he just moaned softly. Chuck crouched down next to the kid and reached a hand between his legs and squeezed. "He's fucking hard Bran...keep teasing him...let's get him really going...just like he did to us up on that stage. " he said with an evil laugh. Bran moved his hand from the back of the kid's head and placed his palm square on his forehead, holding him back from his bobbing hard on. He continued to lewdly hump the now dripping cock against the kid's face and would let the big head graze those lip but never letting the kid take it into his mouth. Kevin seemed to be getting more and more frustrated. The man's cock was liberally leaking precum and the lower half of the young guys face was slick and wet looking. He would lick the salty fluid off his lips after the head made sticky contact, but it was clear he wanted more. Donny eased over closer to the boy's face and even Bran gasped at the size of the bulge in his pants. A huge mound of erect cock was protruding from the front of the blond guy's pants and he pressed it against the kid's cheek as his buddy waved his wet cock head inches from his mouth. Kevin reached a hand up and squeezed the cloth covered tube and Donny smiled, "There you go Kid, another big dick for you...you want to see it...take it out...go ahead. " he urged. Kevin almost reluctantly pulled his eyes off Bran's pulsing cock and turned towards the younger blond man. Chuck had stood back up and said, "yeah...there you go...take out his cock...then you can free mine." Kevin fumbled with the button on Donny's pants but finally it popped free and he slowly lowered the zipper. The man wasn't wearing any underwear and his huge thick erection swung out. It was smooth and pink with an oversized mushroom shaped head that was just a shade darker then the shaft. Light blond pubic hair surrounded the wide base and two heavy hairless balls hung below the slightly curved penis. Kevin made a motion to touch the cock and Bran quickly slapped his hand away, "Not yet whore...do only as your told...we're paying for this...you work for us for the next hour or so." He said. The kid groaned low in his throat and sat back on his heels looking at the two huge cocks in front of him. He turned towards Chuck. Chuck looked down at him and smiled "My turn...take my dick out...but be careful...I'm pretty fucking excited and I wouldn't want to shoot so soon." He wasn't lying, his cock made a huge snake like outline down the left leg of his pants. It ended mid-thigh in a round mound that indicated he was sporting another hugely bloated head. It was so hard, but trapped in the tight pant leg that it was jerking and straining against the fabric. The kid knelt up and undid his pants. He slid the zipper down and ran his palm down the man's flat hairy stomach into the waist band of his black underwear. Chuck gasped when his hot hand made contact with his bucking shaft. The kid struggled, but carefully eased the huge penis out of the top of the underwear. Once free from the confines of the pants it rose up, painfully swollen to stand hard and throbbing, almost reaching the big man's chest. "Holy FUCK." The kid breathed. All three men now pressed in closer surrounding the kid with their hard-ons. "Take off that coat..." Bran said. Kevin leaned back and unzipped his jacket, his eyes still riveted on the three cocks. He let it slip off his shoulders to the ground behind him. He was wearing a white sleeveless hoodie sweatshirt with nothing underneath. He sat up and bit his fat lower lip again and let his hand stray to the thighs of Chuck on one side and Donny on the other. He licked his lips and flashed his eyes up to Bran...waiting for instructions. "You know kid...before you get to suck my dick...I think you owe me something." He said. "W...what...?" Kevin stammered. Bran stepped back a pace and said, "You were such a fucking little bitch tease with that ass of yours...I do believe you owe me us a taste of that hole." "FUCK YEAH" said Chuck. Kevin shook his head and attempted to scoot back. "No...that wasn't the deal...I told you I'd give you a blow job...but that's it." He struggled to try and get to his feet. `Grab him Chuck." said Bran. The big bearded man wrapped his hands around the kid's lean muscled arms and pinned them behind his back, yanking him to his feet. He looked panicked and his breath was coming in big heaves. Chuck held him firmly in place as the older man walked up close, his long erection grazed the kids belly and a light wet smear streaked the white sweatshirt. He took one big palm and lightly slapped the kid's cheek, "Listen you little...cock...teasing... motherfucker...We will do whatever we want to you...you understand?" he didn't wait for a response just slowly slid the zipper down on the kid's hoodie exposing his smooth muscled chest and washboard abs. Despite his protests and the rough treatment it was clear from the raging hard on prodding the front of the light track pants that the kid was really excited. Bran ran a big rough hand lightly up the kid's ribcage, to his chest. He grasped a pale pink nipple in between thumb and forefinger and brutally twisted, as he said, "Now we're each going to take turns with you...I'm going to tongue fuck you over and over again...until you're fucking screaming...got it?" he said and slapped the kid's face once again. "Bend him over the back of the truck Boys." He said and stepped back to watch as Chuck and Donny moved the kid roughly around to the tailgate. Chuck reached in the popped the latch lowering the back. He slammed the kid forward. Kevin braced his hands on the bed of the pickup, his back to the three men. He looked up to the sky and swore under his breath, "What the fuck did I get myself into. Bran laughed, "Hold his arms. Chuck and Donny moved on either side of the kid and secured his wrists down to the truck. They leaned up to watch as Bran stepped forward his cock swaying, he leaned forward and whispered into the boy's flushed pink ear.

"Fucking cock tease...there's no one here to interrupt us now, no bartender to break up the party...and before you get to taste my dick I'm going to fucking eat that ass pussy out thoroughly...I'm going to get you off with just my tongue, get you all soaking wet before we really even get started. This will teach you to tease" Bran's low growl caused the stripper to shiver. I could tell this was way more than he had bargained for.

"I've been fucking dying to get my tongue in you...taste that sweet hole...you've been such a prick tease...just giving me flashes...barely letting me see it...I'm going to take my time , touch it...stare at it and get my tongue deep up into every inch of you...fucking eat out that ass...make your hole spasm on the tip of my tongue and you're going to cum like you never have before."

The guy was leaning in and letting his huge swaying cock graze the kid's ass, still covered by the track pants .

"Get upon the truck" he ordered. Kevin positively leapt up on the tailgate and knelt there with his back to the big man, his hands still being held tightly by the wrists by the other two guys. His jacket flapped open and rode up in the back showing his tight trim waist. His kneeling position caused his ass to protrude almost obscenely as he arched his back a bit looking back over his shoulder and thrust that perfect ass out still fully covered. Bran rocked back on his heels and let his hand go up under the hem of the hoodie and lightly glide down the boy's sweaty back. His cock jumped and throbbed arching up back towards his chest as he reached both hands up and firmly cupped the two perfectly rounded mounds. The stripper squirmed at the contact and his breathing quickened. I could see him look down between his knees at his own rampant cock trapped in the track pants, he seemed shocked at how out of control hard his cock was. The big grey haired man began to gently squeeze and knead the firm flesh of the strippers ass. Donny and Chuck stared I rapt attention, their dicks jerking and swaying in excitement. Kevin began to moan almost continually as my Bran began to thoroughly explore every inch of the kid's ass. He paid special attention to the deep cleft and ran two thick fingers roughly into the kid's cloth covered asshole.

Bran began to talk as he worked the kid's ass over "You fucking whore...look at this hot ass...oh God... what I'm going to do to this...after you shoot a couple of loads from my tongue fuck, I may then let you feel just my cock head inside that tight asshole. Let that tight ring clamp down on it...feel its size...maybe I'll even pump a hot load of cum up there...huh...would you like that?" Bran seemed to be unable to contain himself any longer and with a groan he hooked his fingers into the waist band of Kevin's pants and slowly lowered them. I thought the guy was going to shoot right then as his hands shook as the pants slid lower and lower over the shining white perfect skin, Kevin leaned up, his thigh muscles shaking and craned his neck to look over his shoulder at Bran's mouth hanging open in pure unadulterated lust at the sight of his ass. The kid let the sleeveless hoodie slide off his arms and impatiently threw it into the bed of the truck. "Fuck yeah..." moaned Donny. The strippers pants were tucked down under the round cheeks and his cock was bound up tight in the twist of the track pants at his crotch. I could see it jump and pulse at being that much closer to being naked before the three men. I stared in amazement; the two cheeks were so round and tight that they pressed together creating that perfect Y of cleavage at the top swell of his ass. Sweat from his back had trickled down causing the deep crack to glisten. There were shadowed dents of just the hint of muscle under the soft flesh and he had two deep dimples in his lower back right over each cheek.

As Bran gasped, staring wide eyed at the now almost naked kid kneeling in front of him, his cock twitched once...twice...and a thin stream of precum oozed out and splattered to the ground.

Ohh... God kid you're too much" he groaned and leaned forward. He roughly gripped the tender flesh of the two globes and pulled them apart Kevin's hole was perfect, hairless and pink. Bran gasped and moved his head forward. Kevin jumped as if electrified as just the tip of the older man's tongue made flitting contact with that pink hole and his entire body began to tremble.

Kevin looked back over his shoulder and gasped "Christ ...shove you're tongue in...lick my hole...I want it" his voice echoing across the empty parking lot.

Bran pulled back and just stared and lightly stroked the kid's overheated flesh, letting him wait...teasing him. His two Friends seemed hypnotized by the scene and their cocks were dripping precum as they watched the kid writhe and squirm under their buddies attention

"You want more...ready for my tongue Faggot?" Bran asked as he turned a soft stroke into a stinging slap, causing Kevin's ass to shake. "I think we need some insurance that this little session gives us our money's worth...wouldn't want you to get off too quick and loose your motivation. Chuck...give me your belt." He said. The big bearded man slowly slid his wide black leather belt form the loops around the waist of his pants. Kevin's flushed face turned a deeper shade of red, "Wha...what are you doing...ohhhh" he ended in a long drown out groan as Bran roughly shoved his track pants further down his thighs, causing his rock hard cock to snap up tight to his flat stomach. He firmly grabbed the kid's heavy hairless balls, he caressed them and then wrapped his fist around them pulling them away from the kid's body. He wound the thick leather around them, trapping the balls low in the sack away from his body. The kid's cock jumped and a thin string of precum oozed out of the shaking dick. "HOLY FUCK...now he won't be able to shoot...FUCK. " gasped Donny. A satisfied look on his face, Bran leaned forward again and parted the kid's sweat glistened ass cheeks. He had to exert pressure to separate them, exposing that hole again. He smiled as he leaned in and began to just brush the tip of his tongue against all the sensitive nerve endings. The kid was vibrating like he was having a seizure and his entire body was now covered in sweat. Bran pushed just the tip in to the tight ring, this slightest penetration caused Kevin to groan so loud Bran pulled back. Kevin turned, "C'mon." he huffed, "Please...shove your tongue up into me...ohhh GOD!" The man smiled at this torture and brushed the full flat length of his tongue across the kid's asshole. He then formed his tongue into a spear and began to force the tip and the first few inches into the tight wet hole. He had just gotten in almost to the root and was groaning himself uncontrollably now at the silky feel and taste of this perfect ass. This seemed to tip him over the edge and he lost control and braced his hands on the clenched muscles of Kevin's ass and thrust in further, harder. Kevin jumped and shook even more, his thighs quaking, spread to the limit of what the bunch of fabric around his knees would allow. His arms tensed and strained against the two men holding him in place. Bran groaned and pulled back, his face wet with spit, gasping for breath. He choked out "One of you... get up on the truck...give the little whore a cock to suck while I lick him to orgasm."

Donny moved first. He released the kid's wrist and leapt up into the bed of the truck. He moaned as his cock bobbed and the backside of the head grazed the waistband of his pants. He knelt on the grooved metal bed of the truck and aimed his enormously swollen cock at the kid's face, which was now hanging over his splayed knees, his mouth open in lust. Once the huge pale pink member was in front of him he immediately opened his mouth and tried to capture the dripping tennis ball sized head in his wet mouth. Donny pulled back, teasing the boy. He grinned maliciously and grabbed the base of his dick and began to rub the sticky head all over the strippers lips. Chuck exhaled a huge breath and barked out a barely coherent..."fuck yeah." These men were determined to pay him back for teasing them in the club. Bran had driven his wet face back inot the steaming ass crack of the kid and went back to just fluttering his hot tongue over the Kevin's asshole. Now and then he'd let the tip slightly penetrate the tight opening. Whenever this happened the kid would gasp and thrust back harder. The two men continued teasing the boy in this manner for several minutes. Kevin was getting got more and more agitated he was moaning and breathing hard. From across the parking lot I began to make out words in his exhalations. "God...more...I want more...more tongue...Oh god- More cock...please I'm fucking begging." Bran pulled back and made eye contact with his buddy and a message seemed to flash between them. Instantly their actions became more determined. The cock that was painting Kevin's lips pressed harder and the tongue flicking his ass began to dip in more frequently and a millimeter deeper. The kid just exploded..."yeah god please...keep it up...I'm pleading with you" His balls seemed twice their original size now and the belt binding them seemed to bite deeper into his tender flesh. Bran was now mercilessly cupping, rubbing and pulling on them. A constant stream of clear fluid was running from Kevin's cock pooling on the floor of the truck bed. Donny also seemed done with games. He grabbed the kid by his short spikey hair and aimed, letting his bloated cock head lined up with Kevin's mouth. The bond let out a groaned "yeah" as the kid's hot, swollen lips grasped the wet head and his cheeks puffed out when the entire glans was finally in his mouth. The stripper groaned deep in is throat and began to lower his entire head down on the cock, impaling his throat on the rigid dripping shaft. The kid was clearly no novice. He rotated his head and neck on the up-stroke and pulled off the cock totally at the top. He flicked his tongue out dipping it into the piss slit and then thrust himself down again. He continued this pattern of impaling his mouth and then withdrawing to flick his tongue on the head. I watched in disbelief as he got a steady inexorable rhythm going, slurping and groaning the whole time. I was mesmerized to see him deep throat the man's huge cock over and over again. Donny's body was trembling as he strained his thighs further apart, he gasped out, "Oh god...you can't believe how good this little whore is at giving head...it's fucking incredible." Bran was busy at Kevin's ass as well. He now had the cheeks spread wide with and was flattening out his tongue and torturously licking the hole. He was rhythmically swiping his entire tongue over the puffed lips, over and over again. The stripper was attempting to thrust back and his cock was vibrating. While he worked on the boy's hole, he was continuing to fondle and caress the bound balls. Bran's own cock was producing a veritable river of precum that was running down the huge shaft and dripping off his balls to pool on the ground between his feet. The older man then formed his tongue into a rigid point and began to slowly work it into the boy's tight ass as far as it would go. "Man...this ass is tight...I can barely get my tongue in...but I will...the whole thing...ummm," groaned the man. He was pushing more and more of his flexible member into the ass and it seemed to open up before him. He would alternately lick with his flattened tongue and then he would spear it in about half way. Kevin seemed about to collapse. It appeared the only thing keeping him up on his knees was that one hand being still tightly gripped by Chuck who was digging his fingers into the kid's wrist as he stroked up and down his wet cock watching his two buddies totally work the kid over. Kevin's knees were spread wide and he was bobbing up and down on the enormous cock stretching his throat. His cock was blood red and his balls looked like two boulders. His dick was pulsing and slapping up against his abdomen with every stroke of his throat and lips on the monstrous cock in front of him. Donny's copious precum and his own saliva were running down his chin I was nearing my limit, my cock was leaking clear fluid in a constant stream and it was jerking in my hand. The big man's hands flailed out and then literally tore at the kid's track pants. He brutally ripped them over his knees and whipped them to the ground behind him. Now Kevin knelt there totally naked. Bran leaned back bracing his hands on the tailgate and said, "Fuck yourself on my tongue bitch!" He extended his tongue fully and just kept his head still. With a groan and a slurp, Kevin pulled off the cock long enough to be sure of his aim and then began to thrust his hot, wet, split ass back onto the rigid projectile. Once the first glorious gasp of penetration occurred, he returned his mouth to the huge, slick cock bobbing and jerking in front of his face. I watched in awe as Kevin continued to impale himself on the blond man's rigid erection , he was rocking forward deep throating the cock and then rocking back jamming his ass onto the face and tongue of the man standing behind him. It couldn't go on like this, it was too much. Bran's cock began to jerk and slap harder against his stomach. He knew he was too close to stop. He pulled his face out of the boy's hot ass and stood up. He took his painfully engorged cock and slid it slowly, shakily up the dripping crack of Kevin's ass. As the huge slick head reached the small of the kid's back it exploded. A huge shot of thick cum flew and landed with a wet hot splash on the straining muscles along the kid's spine. The cock continued to jerk and fire off volley after volley of hot cum all over the boy's back and ass. The older man pulled back a little and let a shot hit directly at the boy's open asshole. Cum dripped off his ass and ran over Kevin's bound balls. I could see that they were trying to retract and if not tied up, the stripper would be shooting right now. Ever since the first wet splash hit his back and ass the kid was yelling and moaning as if being scalded. Donny cut through Kevin's frenzy with a command. "Swallow my cock you fucking whore...ohhh" Kevin groaned and impaled his throat on the turgid cock, he got right back into his rhythm. Bran fell to his knees on the gravel of the parking lot and leaned up and buried his face in the drenched cum soaked ass he had just ejaculated all over He began to scoop huge amounts of cum out of Kevin's ass with his tongue. He licked rivulets of cum off the trembling white ass cheeks. He sucked cum into his mouth from the boy's creamed ass crack. The whole time he moaned as Kevin just about screamed around the huge cock stretching his throat. Bran began to deeply tongue fuck the kid again, forcing cum in and out of the drenched hole. Donny pulled his long dick out of Kevin's mouth. It looked impossibly long coming out. He left just the huge flushed bloated head resting on Kevin's lower lip. The dick was shaking and jumping. With a loud groan the blonde man let go. A thick wet splash of cum blasted out of the rock hard head and jetted right into Kevin's open mouth. The force caused the kid's head to snap back, dislodging the cock from its resting place. As the man's powerful orgasm continued it caused his enormous cock to jerk wildly, shooting semen all over the kid's face and hair. Kevin leaned forward and caught the head in his mouth again. I could see his Adams apple bob as he swallowed what must have been a huge shot of cum. The big blond pulled his cock back and another shot of sperm fired out of the gaping slit and spattered the boy's cheeks and forehead. Chuck was still twisting his tightly wrapped fist around the soaking wet head of his long erection, his whole body was shaking and his mouth was gaping open...he was so close just watching his tow friends unload all over the kid. Just then I heard Kevin almost scream and I noticed Bran grasp his tortured balls and begin to undo the belt. The minute he pulled the leather away the kid's ball snapped up to his body and semen positively exploded from his dick. It came out more like piss than cum, one solid stream. It landed with an audible splash on the metal floor of the truck a few feet in front of the kneeling boy,; big stripes of heavy white semen lashing between Donny's splayed knees. The boy groaned at the next shot and heavy droplets splattered the man's pants all over his bulky thighs. More and more sperm kept jerking from the rigid head while Kevin almost wept in relief . Bran seemed to come to his senses and saw that Chuck was still furiously masturbating his rampant cock staring at the kid as cock weakly shot out a thin watery shot of semen. Bran stood up and went over to Chuck, "You close buddy? Don't come yet...I have something special for you...can you hold on? " he said. Chuck could barely speak with the effort he was expending not to all over the bed of the truck.

"Fuckk...yessss...I can-you want me to shoot in his mouth?"

"No –hold off one second" said Bran, he moved over to Kevin's straining red face, his cock dripping. The big grey haired man roughly grabbed the kid around the waist and held him steady.

"Come over here Chuck...I'm going to back his slick asshole onto the head-I want you to hold back until you're in...then let loose cum inside him." Bran said

Chuck expelled a huge breath and said "Fuckin hurry-I've got a huge load and I'm seriously almost there."

Donny still kneeling by the kid's head said. "You're going to let him cum up his ass? He asked incredulously, "That'll teach the fucker to be a cock tease." Chuck shuffled over, his hugely engorged cock swaying out in front of him. He stood behind the kid kneeling on the tailgate, his eyes wide looking at his massively swollen dick and the kid's pale white ass cheeks, dappled with semen. Bran gently guided Kevin back.

"Kid carefully grasp my friends cock at the base to steady it and then I want you to slide just the head in your ass" he instructed him.

Kevin turned his sweaty face up to the big grey haired guy "Please...let me go...i...I can't believe this happened...please." His voice was raw and though he said he wanted to go I saw that his cock was still heavy with blood despite the huge orgasm he just had.

"No –do as you're told Cunt' said Bran.

Chuck was losing it, he said "Dude... do it I'm on the edge"

Kevin spread his knees wider and looked back over his shoulder, he grabbed the thick base of his cock and Chuck said "Easy... I'm gonna shoot"

Donny and Bran looked on as Kevin aimed that throbbing head at his sopping wet asshole.

"Now just the head Fucker... remember" he warned.

Kevin arched his back and the tip came in hot contact with his ass lips.

Chuck groaned "Fuuuck...c'mon"

Kevin exerted a bit more pressure and his tight ring parted and the head eased in with exquisite slowness. Kevin's cock jerked and the head visibly hardened. I couldn't believe it, he began to cum once his ass clamped down on the fat head lodged in him. A thin jet of cum flew out and landed with a splat on the floor of the truck. Kevin moaned. As he continued to shoot his ass was spasming on the engorged head now lodged in him.

That was it, Chuck screamed "The little fucker is shooting...I can fell it...ahhhh"

Bran laughed gleefully, "Hold on man-let's let him finish-can you hold it?" he asked.

"Fuck I don't know how I have this long but yeah... I'll try"

Kevin's shooting seemed to taper off after three or four heavy shots and sweat was pouring off him. His balls must have been aching after all the cum he had shot

Bran grabbed the kid's face forcing him to make eye contact. "You ready to let my friend breed you? This is what happens when you're a cock tease." He spat.

Bran reached around and let a big hand cup one semen spattered ass cheek. He lightly slapped it causing the kid's ass to shake. He looked up at his buddies straining sweating face and said, "Do it!"

Chuck let out a huge breath and released. Kevin's head dropped and he moaned at the first scalding shot entered him. Bran grabbed his waist, his fingers digging into the flesh to keep him from moving or dislodging the cock. Chuck seemed to just keep cumming and cumming. I could see the sperm travel up the thick tube along the bottom of his impossibly hard shaft and his balls churned and bounced in his scrotum. As the men watched, cum began to seep out around the edges of Kevin's super tight hole. Then it was done; Kevin collapsed face down in the back of the truck. His white skin gleamed in the artificial light of the pole lamp. Heavy streaks and drops of sperm covered his ass and back, there was cum on his face and splattered into the stiff spikes of his hair. The men began to do up their clothes and Bran chucked the kid's pants and hoodie at him. "Get dressed and get the fuck out of here." He said. As my own orgasm wracked my body I saw Bran throw the sweaty folded bills at the shamefaced kid as he struggled to pull on his pants. "Here...you earned it." The three men's laughter carried off into the dark night.

Next: Chapter 45

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