What I Did For

By Will W

Published on Oct 15, 2012


All the usual disclaimers apply. The following story is fictional. None of the events depicted are based on real life events. If you are in an area where it is illegal for you to read this story, please do not do so. These characters are not using protection because they are not real, but you are and you should.

This work is copyright by the author, William Wonder, and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice.

Feedback welcome. This is my first story. All constructive criticism and or fan mail is welcome. Send all comments to wonder90@live.com

Suggestions for part two are welcome. It will be "What I Did for Rusty"

"What I Did for Mike"

The party was loud and crowded. It was a private party at my friend Ann?s house. She lived in a townhouse and her roommates were out of town. The top two floors were packed but she had declared the basement off limits. College parties are the best but I was drunk and I had to piss like you could not believe. If this had been a regular house I would have just pissed in the yard but where she was located there was no place for privacy. If she had a balcony I would have pissed over the edge there and the line to the bathroom was too fucking long.

Ann saw the look in my eye and told me I could go down stairs and use the one down there if I came back up after. Mike, a guy in my fraternity, heard and asked if he could tag along. She looked like she wanted to say no but she said sure. And then gave me a look that said "ugh, my roommates are going to kill me." I hugged her as Mike headed down.

I sprinted past him and but my hand on the door before him. He gave me a look and I told him to go ahead. As he opened the door he said "Come on man. We can share." I said Mike was in my frat. He was a senior. I had just been initiated the previous weekend. We knew each other, but not well.

Everybody in the frat knew Mike. He was one of only two brothers that were black. So when he entered a room you noticed. He was tall, broad shouldered, with cocoa skin and a goatee. He had a killer smile.

He unzipped and started a stream of urine into the porcelain bowl and said "Come on man."

I stepped up. I unzipped and let my stream join his into the water. It was a lot quieter down here than upstairs. The sound of piss was masking the bass from the music from above.

There was a mirror above the sink that covered the width of that wall. While averting my eyes from Mike?s actual cock I found myself staring at him as he pissed through the mirror. His cock was thick and cut. What struck me was how much darker it was than the rest of his body.

When he finally stopped his stream he said something. I looked up and saw him watching me watch him. I noticed I was not pissing any more. And he said "White guys."

"What?" I said.

He said "What is it with you white guys and black cock. You ever see one before?" glancing down at his cock and shaking it a little.

I said "Yeah I have one." And I tucked myself in and zipped up.

He said, "Black cock man. Stay with the game now." He gave himself a little tug, a mini-stroke if you would.

I nodded no. He smiled. "You want to touch it?" he asked.

Before I knew what happened I had reached out and almost grabbed it. I hesitated looking into his brown eyes. He smiled and said "Go on. But...you got to finish what you start man." At that he grabbed my hand and placed it on his cock.

I caught a glance of us in the mirror. He was a commanding 6'3". I a skinny 5'6". He was dark and broad shouldered man with a snug t-shirt that accentuated his muscled pecs. I with a baggy shirt on my skinny frame. I had his ebony cock growing in my hand.

He used his hand on my shoulder and said "Get a closer look."

I found myself on my knees looking up at him. He guided my head to his cock and said "I know I've heard stores of all the bitches you fuck but just remember all the things they did to make you feel good when they blew you and give it to me man."

I leaned in and took his cockhead in my mouth. The smell surprised me a little. Very masculine. And the taste was not bad but his precum was really salty. He moaned running his hands over my buzz cut hair. His hips leaning into me forcing his cock a little more into my mouth.

He turned sideways and turned me with him telling me to "Look how hot you look sucking me man!"

I am a good looking guy. Very good looking. Mike was too. I am more of pretty boy, boy band good looking. He was more all-American football player good looking. It was kind of hot to see me worshiping his cock.

Pull out your cock man, he said. But he took both hands and held my head at the same time. What the hell was I doing?

Everything he said evidently.

"Jerk off that white cock as you suck this black cock, dude."

I did. At first at least, but he got too forceful and I had to put a hand up at the base of his cock. I pulled off and said "Take it easy man. I'm straight. I've never done this before."

He said ?I can tell. But don?t stop?

I used my hand to jerk him at the base as I sucked him at the top. Those words made me want to please him more. He started to hold his breath and tried to go deeper while grunting. I got scared as shit. I didn?t want him to cum in my mouth. I pulled off. He turned and I watched him squirt about five good squirts into the toilet. He then shoved his cock back in my mouth and said "That wasn't bad was it?"

I tried to pull off and this time he said "Just hold on man. I just need to get the last few drops out. Come on now suck a little bit more." And of course I did. Tasting his pungent salty cum.

He pulled out. He tucked in. I was on my knees and hard. I started to jerk and he told me to wait.

He pulled me up and said "You want to hang with me tonight man. I know a better party where the hostess is not uptight and doesn?t rope off half the house. It is a friend?s house and he is chill. I promise you will cum tonight man."

I said "Sure." He then told me to put that away and I could get off later.

I followed Mike upstairs and bumped into Ann again on the way out. I told her thanks for a good party but I was going to head home.

Mike was waiting for me about a half a block from her house. He asked me where my ride was. He said his was closer so we went to his car and I got in.

We arrived at the next party after an awkward silence in the car followed by small talk about my pledge class that had just become brothers. When we pulled up I knew the place. Andre, a guy I work with, lived there. I had a bad feeling about this. When I walked in behind Mike. Andre, greeted me warmly "Wade, my boy, how you doing?"

We made small talk. Andre kept giving Mike a funny look. I later overheard Mike tell Andre that he knew me but had forgotten my name until Andre had reminded him. I felt really small. This party was not the lively party I had left but it was ok. There were five other black guys, a latino - named Eddie, and a redhead - named Rusty.

I decided to go for broke and just started drinking with abandon. I didn't really know what I was doing, why I was there, or how Mike seemed to have this power over me I could not explain. Eddie, kept asking for the punta. It was funny at first but then it got sad. A few guys left - leaving Mike, Andre, Eddie, Rusty, and myself.

Somehow or another be began playing a card game named Asshole. The winner of the hand was called president and could tell people what to do and the ultimate loser was called asshole and had to do demeaning things. Well before long, probably because I was drunk off my ass I was the 6 or 7 time consecutive asshole. All the guys started making me do weird things. Eddie eventually said he had to work tomorrow and left but before he left he teabagged my forehead for being asshole. That lead to other guys wanting to demean me more.

After an hour or so of play I was only wearing my t-shirt, with a colander on my head. I lost my pants, boxers and socks in earlier rounds. I the word ?slut? written on my forehead and then Mike says "Tell everyone what happened at Ann's tonight."

I paused. Mike looked at me and said "Tell them, Asshole."

I shook my head no looking at Andre. If Andre was not here this would not be so bad but I worked with him. He couldn't know.

Mike said "My boy, Wade, the Asshole, has started a new career tonight. Wade do you want to tell them what it is."

I shook my head no. Panic in my eyes.

"Let me guess" said Rusty. "Asshole are you a DJ?"

"No." I said quietly.

Andre said "Are you a stripper?" as he leaned over and pinched my left nipple hard through my shirt.

I recoiled and said "No."

Mike said "He likes sucking cock."

Andre sat open mouthed. Rusty laughed. Mike smiled his smile.

"Asshole, come over here and show them." he said pointing beside him.

I sat for a second in disbelief.

"Now." He said softly and firmly.

I walked to him. Got on my knees and after glancing to Andre, I opened up and took his soft cock in my mouth. After a few minutes he was hard and thick like before. He pulled me up by the scruff of my hair and said "Now I think Andre needs to see how talented you are."

Andre, my friend, said "Get over here asshole. Or should I say cocksucker. Come on cocksucker suck my cock." As he slid off his cargo shorts and let them drop to the floor. His cock stood erect and hard. Slimmer than Mike but a little longer.

I leaned over and took him in my mouth. Jacking him at the base. He started fucking my face with quick jabs and in less than five min he was cumming in my mouth. I started gagging and struggling to spit it out while he was still using my mouth as a pussy. My eyes were watering. Cum all over my face and shirt.

Rusty said "Come here bitch." He pulled my shirt off and pinched my nipples. I yelped. He laughed. "Mike how do you find so many white guys that want to suck cock?"

Mike laughed. Rusty stood up. He also took his shirt off and let his jeans drop to the floor. His pale skin compared to Andre?s dark skin seemed fake unreal. Little red hairs and freckles everywhere.

He stood above me and as I leaned in to suck him he pulled away. He walked over to the couch. I had to follow. This was more humiliating than sucking Andre. But I am not sure why. He leaned back, legs spread and asked me to suck his balls first. I looked at Mike. He nodded yes.

Mike said "You got off yet tonight, Wade?"

He knew I hadn't. I shook my head no. He laughd. Rusty held my head down and said "Feels to good baby. Don't stop."

So I licked and sucked and fondled him as I got naked. Then Rusty told me not to touch myself until he had cum. Mike laughed at that too.

I wanted to get off so badly. My cock was hard and leaking precum. So I sucked Rusty the best I could. He was not forceful like Andre he let me do all the work. Calling me names the whole time. "Cocksucker. Bitch. Whore. Cum slut." On and on.

As I was sucking I felt pressure on my ass. Rusty kept me sucking as a lubed finger entered me. Wow I got harder. Not thinking that was possible. Then another finger. Finally I felt a cockhead at my ass. Mike said "You ever anal before?"

I shook my head no with Rusty in my mouth. He tasted worse than Andre but maybe it was because Andre made me gag. I didn?t know.

Mike said "So you're a virgin?"

I shook my head yes on Rusty?s cock.

Mike pushed in "Not any more bitch." He said.

So there I was sucking a pale redhead?s cock with a black cock in my ass. And before tonight I had only been with women. I had never ever touched a cock before.

Mike and Rusty developed a rhythm. I just was there to be used it seemed. Before too long Rusty seemed ready to shoot. I pulled off not wanting to taste his cum like I had Andre. Just as my mouth was free he shot several ropes of cum all over my shoulder and chest. He even got a little in my hair.

Mike took that as a sign to start pounding away. He slammed into me. I was moaning and grunting something awful. I wanted to appear manly before these guys but I was just a pretty boy that they were using to get off. Mike got faster and harder. He asked me 'Do you want me to breed you, bitch?"

I moaned "No..ooo.ooo" as he thrust into me.

"Where you want it in your mouth or your ass boy?"

"Neither." I said.

"That was not an option. I am getting close! better decide."

"My face." I said, trying to give him an acceptable alternative.

"OK" he said.

He pulled out all the way. Damn that hurt. And I felt empty.

He spun me around and shot jizz all over my face, my hair, my eyes. He said "Damn you look a mess." As he wiped his cock against my tightly pressed lips.

"You get off yet tonight baby?" Mike asked.

I shook my head no.

"What's that, fag?"

"No" I said.

"I can't hear you, asshole."

"No. I didn't get off tonight"

"Do it" Mike commanded.

"Do what?" I said.

"Jerk off" he said.

I was so embarrassed. I was covered in cum in front of these guys that had just used me and he wanted me to jerk off for their entertainment.

"I promised you, you would get off with me tonight. So you can"t leave until you cum."

I was so hard. I didn't care at this point. I grabbed my cock and started jerking it. As I did Rusty came over and started scooping up cum on his fingers and sticking it in my mouth. I shook my head no at first but the longer he did it the more I realized I was not going to win this one either. I ate it. I ate Mike's and Rusty's cum.

Mike makes me lay down on my back. They all sat around me laughing. Calling me pathetic and pretty and whore. And I came so hard the cum landed on my neck. I shot harder than I have ever shot before. Coating my abs my chest my navel. I was whimpering when I was done. Moaning like the whore they said I was.

Rusty picked up my boxers and told me to clean myself up. I used them to wipe myself clean the best I could. Mike asked Andre if he could crash there tonight. Andre agreed. He then asked me if I wanted to stay. At that moment I just wanted to get the hell out of there. I said I wanted to go home. "Ok," Mike said. "Have a good one. Thanks for the mouth and ass man"

I reminded him that he gave me a ride there. He said he was too wasted to drive I could crash with them or walk. Rusty said he was headed out and could take me home. I grabbed my cummy shirt and boxers and decided I could not wear them. So I just carried them after I put on my jeans commando and I didn't even look for my socks. I slid on my shoes and followed Rusty.

Rusty unlocked his car and I slid in. It was cold. My nipples were hard and I was starting to shiver. He put the car into reverse and took me back to my car. He then did something that surprised me. He followed me home. He said he wanted to make sure I got there safe after such a rough night.

As he walked me to my door he asked to come in to take a piss. No one was home. I said yes. He seemed nice when he was not around Mike. He came out of the bathroom naked. He asked me if I wanted round two.

I got on my knees and started sucking him before I know what I was doing. I reached into my pants and started jacking. He knocked my hand away and asked me to wait until he got off. I did. He shot all over my face and said he thought I looked hot that way.

After making me eat it, he laid me back on the floor and jerked me off. He fingered my sore ass slowly and had me moaning like a bitch. He kissed me and licked my nipples and told me how handsome and hot I was. This time I did not cum as much this time but it felt nice. It felt amazing. Rusty leaned in and kissed me. He kissed me for a long time running his hands over me rubbing my cum in. He told me how sexy I was. Before leaving he entered his name into my phone and told me to call him sometime. He then reminded me that the word Slut was on my forehead and that I might want to do something about that before my roommates saw it.

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