What Happens at the Apartment

By Derhunterboi

Published on Jun 1, 2018


Disclaimer: This is a fictional piece of writing containing sexual actions between two men (age 27 and 26), if you are offended or disturbed by this then please do not read.

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What Happens At the Apartment 4

Both Matt and Sam lay there that night conflicted over their mutual feelings for one another, both too afraid to get up and talk about it with the other. This house, vastly different than the small apartment they had shared together during their college days, was both comforting and warm and for Matt he felt it was somewhere he could potentially feel at home in. The thought scared him.

The breakup a few years prior was sharp, painful, and much too fast. Neither had had any time to get used to being apart before the other was gone. Sam of course had been more or less miserable the past 4 years and had yet to find any sort of long term relationship. Guys would often say he was too clingy or had too much baggage, and that's not surprising seeing as he felt abandoned by the one he truly loved.

Matt was no better, originally thinking the job in Illinois would be his dream and remove many of the internal conflicts he felt about himself and his own sexuality. He was wrong. Unresolved problems are not something you can run away from and they often chase you down until dealt with. Only two years into the move and Matt realized that the only person he could have ever possibly talked to, and unloaded some of his burden on, he had left and cut off from his life. The one person whom he felt a genuine love for, and it was that love that scared him. How do you possible amend for something like that? Is it even possible?

These were dark thoughts to be having for both on their first night reunited, perhaps in the morning things would be better.

*********************************************************************************** Sam woke up first as he was used to the Eastern standard time, whereas Matt would need to readjust, and he began to make coffee and a light breakfast for the both of them. Twenty minutes later saw the rise of Matt who immediately gravitated towards the coffee. Sam watched over the lip of his mug as Matt stretched, showing a bit of the skin of his navel. Afraid to be caught Sam quickly looked away blushing. He couldn't help be reminded of the beauty of Matt's body and what he remembered lay just south of that navel.

Recovering Sam coughed to get Matts attention, "So like I said yesterday I think today you could, if you want to of course, go visit family and borrow my car for the day. I have some loose ends to tie up around here before we can leave Friday."

"You sure you don't want to come?" Matt inquiried, "You know my aunt would love to see you!"

Sam smiled at the thought but politely declined. "I really do have work to do here, plus I wouldn't want to take away from your time with your family. I'll have something prepared for dinner so just be back around 5 or 6." With that Sam got up to leave but Matt grabbed his arm.

Looking into Sams blue eyes Matt smiled, "Hey Sam... thanks." Sam nodded and smiled before walking away to go make a few calls. He couldn't help wondering if there was more to that gesture than what was implied. Also those eyes...

Matt stared after Sams retreating figure, I always forget he has such beautiful eyes' Matt thought. I need to apologize, but how do you apologize for something like this?' Matt continued to ponder the situation as he sipped his coffee.

An hour later saw Matt showing up at his aunt Carla's house, he could see her in the window waving happily. It had been 4 years since she last saw him and she often worried about Matts emotional well-being since the breakup. He had become so distant both literally and emotionally.

As Matt walked in and hugged his aunt he was immediately hit by the smell of freshly baked pie and an onslaught of food. This woman,' he mused she's not even Italian but you'd think she cooks for a family of twenty every night.'

Settling down with his plate and watching some Game of Thrones reruns after a few minutes aunt Carla breaks the silence. "So Matt how have you been? I haven't heard much from you in the past four years and want to hear everything about you since the move."

As Matt began explaining his job, students, and coworkers Carla could see that he was holding back something. "And how about your dating life? I may be your old aunt but I want to see you happy."

Matt was quiet for a while, when he spoke it was begrudgingly. "It's been... difficult... finding someone. For a long time I was scared and in denial of who I was and what I was and only have recently realized that running away doesn't change a thing. And in the process of running away I may have pushed away my best shot at happiness."

Carla looked at her nephew a long time before answering, "Is this about Sam?" Matt just nodded.

"Look Matt I don't have all of the answers for you but I do know this: Sam loved you. He probably still does. The fact that you two are going on this trip shows that he genuinely wants to be with you. Now don't get me wrong, what you did was terrible to the both of you but I think it's time you moved on and simply live for the moment." She paused before continuing, "I can tell you this, after you left Sam was miserable. His family is not exactly understanding of how he feels and you know he's always been a bit of a lone wolf. He's hurting Matt, you both are. I think you need to be open and honest with one another."

Matt nodded at his aunts wisdom and wiped the tears forming in his eyes. They continued watching Game of Thrones for the rest of the visit.

Back at Sams house we find Sam sitting in the living room, alone, going through old picture albums of him and Matt together. He of course really had no plans for the day but wanted to give Matt his space, they were no longer together so why should he follow Matt along everywhere like a lost puppy. Lingering on a rare photo of the two of them kissing in a photo booth they had come across at a fair Sam quickly closed the book. No need to linger on the past after all.

Sam began thinking what he could make for dinner, he was debating whether to go to the store and do some steaks or perhaps maybe a pasta dish instead. In the end the occasion of reunion, however brief, called for steaks so Sam grabbed his coat and decided to walk to the nearest grocery store down the block.

Arriving he quickly began picking up produce and vegetables he might need as well as a few other essentials he hadn't thought of. Making his way over to the meat department he was going through the steaks trying to decide when a unfamiliar, yet kindly voice interrupted him.

"May I help you sir?" Looking up Sam was met with a pair of extraordinary emerald green eyes belonging to a quite handsome young man who obviously worked there. Sam guessed he had to be 19 or 20, no doubt uninterested in a man almost in his 30s.

Recovering Sam replied, "Wha- oh yes, I'm trying to decide on a good pair of steaks to grill tonight for me and my boy-erm uhh- my friend." Smooth that was real smooth Sam berated himself, possibly blowing his chances with this guys, however slim those chances were. Sam was surprised when the clerk laughed softly and pointed to a pair.

"These are probably the best, a bit more pricey but when you look for steaks you want a marbled look as opposed to only beef. Typically the taste and texture is better and easier to eat." With this the young man put his hand gently on Sam's arm, "If you'd like I can go and find some smaller ones in the back?"

Sam was in shock, was this attractive young man hitting on him? At work?! "Uhhh Yeah sure that would be great," Sam found himself saying without thinking. The clerk smiled and walked into the back room leaving Sam standing there dumbstruck that someone so good looking would possibly be interested.

No,' he thought. No it must just be in my head, he's probably straight anyways. Knowing my luck he probably is.'

Soon the clerk returned with two packaged steaks and smiled at him, as he handed the steaks to Sam the touch lasted a bit longer than it should and the green eyed beauty nodded knowingly to Sam before walking away. Looking between the packages Sam found a notes that read:

"Hey, I don't normally do this but I think you're very attractive and would love to go out sometime. Text or call me when you can XOXO." and below was written a phone number. Sam quickly looked around, afraid anyone had seen the exchange and quickly pocketed the note. Maybe" he thought, but certainly not while Matt is around... but maybe.'

That night while Sam was cooking the steaks Matt walked in. "Hey Sam!" he called, "Auntie Carla says hi by the way and said she's mad you don't visit her more often!" Matt walked into the kitchen and smelled the air, "Man that smells good, I can see you haven't lost your touch."

Sam laughed, "Yeah well I haven't had much occasion to cook like this in awhile so..." he shrugged. "Anyways hows Aunt Carla? She doing okay?"

"Yeah we mainly just watched game of thrones and ate," Matt replied. "So tomorrow is this fair right? And then we pack on Thursday and leaving Friday?"

"That's the plan! I just hope I don't need to go shopping before we leave, I think I'm low on matching pairs of socks but we'll see. Hey why don't you go find us something on Netflix while I finish this up? Should be done in 10 minutes."

Nodding Matt went into the living room and began surfing through Netflix when his eyes fell on a photo album he didn't recognize sitting on the coffee table. He flipped through the pages, instantly recognizing that Sam must have made a photo album from all their pictures. From the day they met in school to their years dating. His eyes lingered on a rare photo of them kissing in a photo booth. He remembered that day, it was a day of laughs and cotton candy on Sams breath... The moment was spontaneous and unexpected and marked their first kiss together. Matt's fingers lingered on the photo unconsciously, rubbing the image of Sam's jawline.

"Dinners ready!" Matt was broken out of his trance by the call and quickly put the album back where he found it. Perhaps,' he thought. Perhaps there's a chance of us if Sam is sentimental enough to keep an album of us still. At least he doesn't hate me... I hope.'

After dinner they watched a few episodes of some food show on netflix about chefs and cooking which Sam found genuinely interesting while Matts thoughts kept drifting back to what his aunt had said.

"So Sam-" he began but was interrupted.

"I think it's time we call it a night don't you? We have a big day tomorrow so..." Sam suggested.

"Umm... yeah, yeah that's a good idea. I'll see you in the morning then." He watched as Sam went up the stairs and sighed as he got up to shut off the lights. How do I break the subject with him?' he thought. I don't want to ruin this trip but the tension is going to drive me nuts.'

Similar thoughts ran through the mind of Sam that night as well. Both men felt and were wondering the same thing, battling with the same feelings, but both too scared of the fragile relationship they had managed to rekindle between them to jeopardize it in fear of the others reaction. Love may come easy but sadly communication never does.

End ***************************************************************************

Note from Author: Hey guys thanks for reading! Sorry it took so long to continue this series but life is a pain in the ass and I had to prioritize. I'm trying to take a more serious, realistic, and slower turn with this series so the sex may take a few chapters to get back to. I feel emotional connection is so much more important to portray than the physical ones. Let me know your thoughts, criticisms or any feedback on the story or series! I'm always open to suggestions or ideas for other stories! Email me at Derhunterboi@gmail.com Thanks all! Hope to hear from you soon! xoxo

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