What Happens at the Apartment

By Derhunterboi

Published on Aug 21, 2017


Disclaimer: This is a fictional piece of writing containing sexual actions between two men (age 27 and 26), if you are offended or disturbed by this then please do not read.

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******************************************************************************** What Happens At the Apartment 3

Matt and Sam continued living with each other after that fateful night, luckily Sam was able to somewhat patch things over with his parents. While they didn't fully agree nor understand they were at least on speaking terms, the subject of sexuality was simply never discussed. Given the situation perhaps this was the best to be hoped for.

Unfortunately life is unpredictable and often messy, and as Matt and Sam deeply cared for one another fate had other plans. After two years of living with one another Matt had some difficult news.

"Sam we need to talk," Sam lowered his fork hesitantly; not liking the tone of this conversation.

"Alright, what about?"

Matt sighed heavily, running his hands through his hair. "I received a job offer in Illinois, it pays well and is in a district I've dreamt of working in, but..."

"But I wouldn't be able to go because of my work," Sam finished.

"Yeah... and... there's more. I think I may like a girl I've met who lives in that area..." Matt looked up hesitantly expecting the worst.

Sam felt as if he'd been stabbed in the chest. Just as things were starting to work out and now he'd be left alone... dumped for some chick. But if this is what Matt wanted...

"Well... I can't pretend that this is what I want but..." sam managed a weak smile that attempted to cover the hurt, "I just want you to be happy so I say go for it."

Fuck, thought Sam, this is literally the worst thing I'd ever had to do. Matt could of course tell Sam was faking it but thought it best that it end quick and painless rather than drawn out.

Within two months Sam was left alone in a much quieter and emptier apartment thinking of Matt. Matt was in his own place in Illinois thinking of Sam, partially in denial about himself and who he is. There was no girl.

4 Years Later

Sam nervously waited by the airport terminal for the flight to arrive, he and Matt had only recently reconnected after a few years apart and had decided to go on trip across the U.S.

Much had happened during the intervening 4 years, little to Sams knowledge Matt had dated several girls while in Illinois in an attempt to "fit in." Yet, despite that he still felt a sort of emptiness that no woman had yet come to fill. Sam had had a string of boyfriends that lasted a few days to a few weeks, but nothing emotionally satisfying. Suicide had been on his mind lately, and if not for his friends, family, and students then an incident may have occurred.

Hence the reason that Sam was literally bouncing on his heels when the plane finally arrived. Perhaps things have changed. At 27 Sam looked good, he worked out at least once a week at the gym in order to maintain his weight, watched what he ate, and picked up figure skating as a side hobby. He was slim but not muscular and still managed to turn a few heads at the local bars, but he was getting nervous as the 30s were fast approaching.

Just then the passengers began coming out of the terminal and Sam could immediately pick out Matt. His hair had gotten longer and he seemed a bit more built than from before, but other than that hadn't aged a day. Matt spotted Sam standing there and couldn't help the smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. It would be nice to see him again.

"Hey," said Matt.

"Hey yourself," Sam responded with a smile.

The two walked over to retrieve the luggage and conversation was halting at first. By the time they had reached Sams car it was like Matt had never left. The ride over was filled with inside jokes, teasing, a fair bit of talking about their lives since the breakup.

Matt couldn't help but admire Sams looks and vice versa. The two were too busy discretely checking each other out to notice the other doing the same.

"So Matt, how has Illinois been treating you?" Sam asked, broaching the subject.

"It's been good, the district wasn't exactly what I had anticipated but I settled in. Dated a bit but nothing long term really, you?"

"About the same. Still at the same school, the kids have been great of course. As for dating I tried a bit but couldn't find anyone permanent. For the past year I've given up that and have focused on working on my PHD now."

Both were equally surprised at how much the other had adapted and moved on. Communicating such things had never been their forte though.

"So what's the agenda for the next two days?" Matt asked.

"Well I figured you'd want to visit some family today and tomorrow so you can borrow my car for that since it's summer vacation and schools out. Then Thursday we can go to the local fair and then begin prepping for the trip, sound good?"

"Sound like a plan!" Matt smiled, Sam was always good for planning things whereas Matt would rather just go with the flow. Just it's nice to have a planned schedule sometimes.

Within a short time they pulled up to the driveway of a nicely sized, well kept, older house.

"This is yours?!" Matt asked surprised, "What did you hit the lottery or something?"

"Hah, no nothing like that. I paid off my student loans about three years back and have been taking classes here and there to increase my pay grade and built my resume. This house was a steal due to a foreclosure so I bought it and have been renovating it for the past few years, you like?"

"Very much, I'm impressed you never seemed the do-it-yourself kinda guy," Matt said with a smirk.

Sam laughed, "Please, I still hit my thumb constantly. No I hired guys to do most of the work for me. Finding someone for the woodwork was a nightmare though. Come inside and get settled."

The inside was not grand but well groomed, you could tell the owner had put a lot of effort and money into the place. Same was single and childless so it only made sense for him to find a passion in something. Sam guided Matt to the guest room to store his things and showed him the grand tour.

Sam turned to Matt afterwards, "I'm going to go prepare dinner why don't you go unpack your things or if you want you can watch something on T.V, i'll be in the kitchen if you need anything."

"Sounds good," Matt replied and as Sam turned to walk away he could help but admire Sams nice ass. Sighing he turned towards the living room to see what was on.

Once dinner was ready, a lovely dish that was a recipe Sam had been working on for such occasion, Sam couldn't help but think of the last time they had sat down for a meal together; and the result thereof. He could tell Matt had a similar train of thought and so started telling stories to lighten the mood.

When dinner was over the two made their way to the living room and decided to watch a comedy special like they used to back when they were roommates. Even though there were two couches and a armchair to choose from Matt still chose to sit next to Sam. Partway through a particularly funny joke Sams leg accidentally rubbed against Matts'. Neither decided to move them and so they stayed like that all through the night.

That night while in bed both Sam and Matt had similar thoughts drifting through their minds. Possibilities about what could have been and the vague possibility, however far fetched, of what could be. Hopefully this trip across the country will shed some light in each mans' unfillable darkness.


Note from Author: Hey guys! I know it's been awhile since my last upload and I do apologize for that, college is almost over and so the workload is strenuous at best. Sorry about the quality and length of the last chapter, I was going through a rough time emotionally and kind of vented. Turns out all that worry was for nothing though :) Parents can be pretty amazing sometimes. Anyways, this story is also based in some reality and some fantasy... People move on sometimes despite our own personal wishes and dealing with that is never easy, all you can really do is be there for them though. Hope all is well and as always if you have any comments, questions, or concerns please feel free to email me at derhunterboi@gmail.com, Thanks!!! xoxoxo

Next: Chapter 4

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