What Happens at the Apartment

By Derhunterboi

Published on Feb 3, 2017


Disclaimer: This is a fictional piece of writing containing sexual actions between two men (age 23 and 22), if you are offended or disturbed by this then please do not read.

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What Happens at the Apartment

So since I was sixteen I've had a crush on my friend Matt who was often mistaken for being gay. I mean it's not hard to see why since he loves fashion, music, and has several feminine characteristics. And all throughout the time I've known him I'd often subtley hit on him in the hopes that he might reciprocate, but to no avail. Whenever asked he'd claim he was straight and so I let the issue drop and admired from a distance.

I was a year or two ahead of him in college, so by the time he had transferred to the university from the local college I was already graduated with my teaching degree. Although we had sort of drifted apart while at college I soon found out that his dad was planning on moving, and Matt wasn't too thrilled at the idea; wanting to finish his education here. I decided to make a pact with him, if his dad moves and he still wants to stay here we can get an apartment together. Well, that's exactly what ended up happening.

So around three months ago we rented an apartment together near enough to my job and to his college. The landlord thought we were a gay couple, which secretly I loved the idea of, but once again Matt denied being gay and stated we were just friends. Good thing too because I think the landlord was a bit of a homophobe. Things went well while we lived together, Matt and I had grown close once more much to my delight, and I had learned to cook. To any outsider it would seem we were a couple, which upset Matt to no end while I found it amusing.

Well today started out normally, I'd arrive at the school and prep for lessons and hand out corrected papers, etc. and I think the kids really enjoyed this lesson as it had an engaging debate. However, all of a sudden the school announced it would be letting the students out early due to an impending storm. Normally I would stay after to help any kids that needed it, but with the storm no one was going to stay after and I didn't want to be caught in it. I drove home wondering if I felt like cooking or if maybe we should just order chinese.

I pulled into the parking lot and noticed an unfamiliar car, it was a small apartment complex so it wasn't hard to spot. I thought nothing of it, assuming that one of my neighbors had guests although they did steal my spot. I quickly ran to the front door trying to escape from the cold winter chill, hands shaking as I unlocked the door and shut it behind me.

Now the first thing I noticed was an extra pair of shoes near the doorway, "Odd" I thought "Matt almost never has visitors and I don't see anyone in the living room."

That's when I heard it, creaking from upstairs coming from his room and a moan drifting down the stairs. I smirked, "Matt must've brought home a girl." Although inside me I felt as if I had been stabbed. Part of me always hoped Matt was secretly gay as some vague fantasy we would end up together. Still, this did present a unique opportunity to finally see Matt naked in the flesh.

I silently made my way up the stairs, avioding the creaky steps, and stood outside his door. Carefully I opened it and couldn't believe my eyes. Matt was having sex alright, but the one moaning was him as he took it up the ass from another college-aged guy. I did note that Matt did have a sexy ass but was more overcome with a sense of grief and betrayal, as if I had somehow claimed him for my own. In a split-second decison I closed the door, knocked on it and walked in.

The first thing I noticed was the wave of the smell of man sex, Matt and his cohort stopped and turned in shock. Honestly I hadn't thought this through and was in shock myself.

"I... uhhh... wow... umm..." I stammered, "I'm... I'm just going to leave, you guys... umm.... finish." And I quickly walked out of the door.

I felt like an idiot, what did I expect to happen for him to apologize and throw himself at me? For him to come up with some lame excuse? The reality was that I couldn't handle someone else having him and so ruined their fun to make me feel better. Petty.

I went to the liqour cabinet and removed a bottle of fire whiskey, It was going to be a long night. I was on my second glass when I hear them coming down the stairs, the guy refused to look at me and rushed out the door. Matt just stood there.

"Sooo...." he began.

"So" I said, "you were gay all along."

"umm... yeah" an awkward silence ensued.

"Matt come sit down," he complied and sat in front of me. "I'm not mad because of your sexuality or because you were fucking in my apartment..."

"Our apartment," he corrected.

"Fine," I sighed. "OUR apartment, no what really got me mad is that you lied to me all of these years. I thought we were closer than that and thought that I made it clear you could trust me."

"I know, it's just that only recently did I realize my sexuality but I don't see why that matters, it doesn't change anything!" He said.

"IT CHANGES EVERYTHING!" I yelled and I could feel the tears welling up. "Matt I'm Bisexual!" He looked at me in shock, I decided to just plow ahead. "I've had a crush on you ever since I was sixteen and made advances at you several times! Did you not notice? Was I not obvious enough?!"

"I thought you were joking!" he said, "You always said you were straight!"

"No! I avioded the question, and besides I didn't want to push you away if I told you. But you never gave me any signs you were interested, not once!" Then it hit me, he wasn't. "Look, I get it you're not attracted to me and I had this stupid fucking kids idea that we might end up together. Forget I mentioned anything, I'm going to take a shower." And with that I got up and headed to the bathroom, leaving him sitting there in shock.

I got to the bathroom and quickly locked the door, fell to the floor and let the tears flow. Tears of pain, hurt, betrayal, and stupid childish fantasies broken. 15 minutes later I was cried dry and turned on the shower, hoping to wash away the ache I felt.

When I got out Matt wasn't in the kitchen or living room, I had decide on chinese tonight since I was not in the mood for cooking. I walked upsatirs and knocked on his door, "Matt I'm ordering chinese for dinner, do you want anything?"

The door opened a crack and I could see one eye peeking out, "I'm fine thank you." he said softly. It was then I noticed the eye was red and puffy. He had been crying.

"Were you crying?" I asked concerned, I pushed open the door to which he offered weak resistance. I walked in and was met with a miserable yet touching site. Matt was lying on the floor looking up at me red eyed, surrounded by old photos of us from the past seven years. "Matt..." I began.

"I'm sorry," he said while looking at his toes. "It was obvious but I always thought there was no way you could be attracted to me as well. You hid it well, better than I could. I understand if you want me to move out."

I sat down on the floor next to him, cupped his cheek in my hand and forced him to look at me in the eye. "I offered you a place to stay while you went to school, do you really think I would turn anyone, especially my friends, out on the streets?" He smiled. "It's okay that you don't feel the same way towards me, we're still buddies Matt."

He looked at me, lip quivering a bit. "You..." he began "You're so dense." He then moved in and placed his soft lips on mine. It was like an electric shock between us, and any inhibitions I had vanished as soon as our mouths touched. He pressed his body to mine and I could feel his hardness on my own, we both yearned for this for so long.

I stuck my hands down his pants and gripped those firm ass cheeks pulling him into me, wanting more of him. Finally we had to come up for air, "Sam" he breathed. I looked at him and he smiled. "You have no idea how long I've wanted this, but I can't fuck on an empty stomach; how's that chinese coming along?"

I laughed, "Fuck the Chinese food, I'll make us a meal you won't forget. Today has been one roller coaster of a day, but what does it mean between us?"

"It's pretty obvious," he said "we're going to eat and then fuck each other into next week. Now that we've found each other I have no intentions of letting that go again."

I smiled and felt a warmth replace the void that had grown in my heart since that afternoon. I was at last whole.

The End ********************************************

Note from author: Hey guys I know this isn't a sex filled story but it's based my own feelings and fantasy's. Hopefully one day it'll become a reality :) Anyways I hoped you enjoyed and if you have any comments, questions, or concerns feel free to email me at derhunterboi@gmail.com, and as always thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 2

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