What Happened Tommy

By Vic

Published on Jul 10, 2011


"Ok? Whatever you say. I gotta use the restroom. Be right back." I got up and started heading towards the restroom. On the way there, I notice a book lying on the floor next to the small end table. 'No way,' I said to myself. I specifically remember a book dropping on the floor last night from a small table I bumped into. Not only that, I even recall the 'dude's' facial hair rubbing against my ball sac. Didn't Jerry just recently shave? It can't be can it? Then I noticed the rings around my wrists.


"Yeah dude. Wassup?" he called back. Jerry?my own very best friend. I just can't believe it. How could we have been friends for so long and I not know that this guy was gay, had some kind of infatuation for me, and more importantly that I could even be down with liking it so much. I mean don't get me wrong, after last night; there's no doubt in my mind that I'll ever be the same again. Even now as I look at him, I can taste the warmth of his mouth and the texture of his tongue as it explored every bit of my own. With the mixture of Coors Light and spearmint flavored mouthwash, my mouth began watering like I could taste him right then and there. Even remembering the way that he laid his naked sculpture on my body while cradling my head in his hand, had made my cock suddenly twitch in the thought. Shit! Did he notice? Can he sense me recalling last night's magnificent rendezvous? I notice that he's looking at me in a kind of strange way. "Hello?Earth to Thomas. Is anyone in there?" He laughed to himself. "Man. Are you alright? What's going on with you?"

"I don't know. I got a lot on mind. Let me ask you a question. My head is still all foggy from last night, but what happened? All I remember is you telling me to come here and the rest is a blank."

"I had to literally pry you out of the bar stool, because you were so totally smashed. Then after carrying you for what seemed like an hour due to your dead weight, we finally got here, and I dropped you on the couch. You were out like a light after that. So I left you here and went back to the bar. The strangest thing though was when I came back; you were passed out ass naked on my floor. That was also when I heard you making some weird ass sounds. Hmm?I wonder what you were dreaming about?" he chuckled to himself. If only he knew. "So I woke you up, helped you get dressed, and got you back on the couch. Oh and by the way, not that couldn't help myself but to look, you weren't lying about your size, geez. You seriously don't remember any of this?"

"Dude?like you said, I was totally out of it." Is he for real? I could've sworn that it was him that I was with last night. It couldn't have been a dream, all the evidence is here?in my face. "So you left me here alone?"

"Yeah? Why? Did something happen? Was someone here?" He sounded genuinely concerned. Maybe it wasn't him, so there's no reason to push this any further without putting myself out there. "No. It's nothing. It was probably just that crazy fucking dream I had. It seemed so real."

"So I guess you're still not gonna tell me, huh? Even though you said you didn't really remember."

"Jer'...dude, just forget it. I don't wanna see you getting all hott and shit while telling you about it." I joked and he actually never pressed it any further after that.

About a month went by, and I couldn't think about anything else but having a guy's tight ass wrapped around my fat man stick while his cock and balls slap my stomach as he rode up and down my shaft. Each night, I'd tie my legs down to the bed as well as my left hand to the headboard, close my eyes, stroke my cock, and reflect on my New Years fuck night. How would I ever get that to happen again? I can't just go up to Jerry and ask him. What would he say? So that only leaves me with one option?I gotta flip the script on him. Take matters in my own hands and tonight's the night.

'You've reached Jerry, and at the beep?you know what to do.' Jerry phone had gone straight to voicemail, so that meant he must've turned it off. "Hey Jerry. It's Tom. Listen, I was thinking we should head on out to the dive later on tonight because you know we haven't hung out in awhile. We could drink a couple beers, hit on a few chicks?you know? The way we use to do. Meet me over there at about midnight, ok? See you then." Ok, this was perfect. I had about six hours to devise a plan to get him drunk, take him to his place and tie him down to fuck his tight pink hole; all this while he not know it's me doing it. As the night drew closer to midnight, I finally figured out how I was gonna make this long anticipated night actually happen. I'd gotten to the bar around 11:45pm to get a few drinks in to knock off the nerves. I can't believe I'm going to do this. Sure there's a lot of "What ifs" to consider, like: what if someone's at his place, what if he's not alone, what he plans on doing something later? As I threw back a couple shots, I pondered over these questions. Why didn't I think of this before? So much time had gone by that when I looked at the clock, I forgot about the biggest "What if" possible; what if he doesn't show. It was about 1:30am. I reached in my jacket pocket for my cell, and realized I left it on counter at my apartment. It was only about a half hour until last call so I decided I'd wait for him. It was too late to try and get him plastered but maybe if I get drunk enough, I'll have another repeat of that night I'll never forget.

I looked around the bar. Why hadn't I noticed that I was the only one that was there? It was 1:55am and the bartender gave me the last call. Jerry never showed. This sucks. I can't believe it. That whole day of planning went down the drain. Now I'm left here to literally wallow in my sorrow.

"Dude, are you ok?" The bartender asked me. "After all those drinks, I hope you're not driving."

"I'm ok," I slurred. "I just need to used your phone to call my buddy and see if he's home so that I can stay the rest of the night there."

"Sure. That's not a problem at all." He handed me the phone. While I dialed Jerry's number, I noticed that the bartender was busy hurrying to clean up the bar and put the different bottles and glass in their rightful spots. Why was he in such a hurry? Just like earlier, Jerry's phone had gone straight to voicemail again. "Is everything alright," he asked after he'd seen me slam the phone back onto the receiver. "Were you able to contact your buddy?"

"No." I responded kind of sourly.

"Listen, if you'd just wait another half hour, I can take you home when I finish up. Does that sound like a plan to you?"

"Sure. Thanks a lot." Besides, what else was I gonna do. I could barely speak clearly, so who knows how my walking would be if I tried getting up. He offered me one more drink while I waited. I thought it tasted a bit funny, but maybe that was all in my head. As I watched him while he cleaned, I realized how nice of a guy he was. Sure he'd seen me in here more than a few times in the past, but he didn't KNOW me. So that's real nice of him to offer me a ride.

"I'll be right back. I gotta put up a couple things in the back, and then I'll be ready to go." As he went in the back of the store, I sat and finished up my drink. What the fuck was Jerry doing so important that he left me drinking alone? I was mad now. How could he? As I thought about it, I realized that I needed to use the restroom. I left the bartender a note in case he came out and seen that I wasn't there. I didn't want him to leave and I get locked in the bar. As I got up and headed towards the restroom, I felt myself stumbling over my own feet. 'Take it slow, Tommy', I said to myself. I mean, I wasn't in any kind of rush.

When I'd gotten into the restroom, I headed straight for the urinal. I undid my button and zipper, but instead of taking my cock out of my pants, I dropped my pants and boxers right to the floor. I looked down at my cock. "Well.." I started. "It looks as though it's gonna just be me and you again tonight. I know you were waiting on a tight, fucking man hole to penetrate but that doesn't seem like it's gonna happen now does it?" As I reached down to grab hold of my cock in an attempt to take a piss, I noticed a shadow coming up from behind me. The next thing I felt was a hand grab hold to the back of my neck and pushed my face against the wall.

"Vell?vell?vell. Now vhat do ve have here?" I heard the guy say. His voice was sort of foreign, like a guy having an accent?Russian perhaps? The wall was pretty cool against my right cheek as I was made to stare at the far left side of the restroom. My head started feeling light as the room suddenly began to blur. What was happening? Should I yell or react in some way? Well, one thing I was sure about was that whatever I were to do wouldn't leave me with much follow-through due to the fact that my legs were confined to the pants that were around my ankles. So I did nothing. Still pressing my face against the wall, he stepped in closer while taking to time to press himself firmly against my bare ass. So was this the kind of night I was in for? Yes?finally. My cock sprang to life with the thought of the type of evening there was ahead, but I had to keep my cool. I didn't want him to know that this is what I've been waiting for an entire month. As he leaned his face in closer to mines, I noticed he was wearing a type of face cap, and all I could see was his eyes and mouth. He then whispered in my ear, "Just vait until I'm done vith you."

"Listen, I don't want any trouble," I managed to say. "Please, I don't do this kind of shit, but if you want, I might know someone that might be down with it."

"Oh please, don't listen to that shit," spoke a deeper yet faintly recognizable voice. "He tried that shit on me before and ended up being the best fuck I'd ever had." The Russian dude spun me around?now having me pressed inside the urinal. "Mmm, and with the look of his Doc Johnson, it seems he didn't have to bad of a time either." Now that I could see both of these guys, I noticed they were in the same attire: all black and a face cap. The guy from the New Years Eve night was a lot shorter than the Russian. When he walked over to me, he bound my feet together (not that he needed to?with my legs still constricted by my pants), and after the Russian pulled me out of the urinal, he then proceeded to bind my hands behind my back but only after taking off my shirt. "Oh and by the way, don't worry about that bartender. I managed to take good care of him, so he won't be a bother to what'll be going on in here." They both began to laugh. A moment later, the shorter guy's hand began to slowly slide it's way around my waist before taking a firm hold on my already raging hard on.

"Now Rocco," he said to the Russian, "I need for you to kneel down in front of good ol' Tommy here." That's precisely what he did?which was kind of odd with Rocco being twice the size in stature than of the shorter guy. In either case, this was it. I missed out on it last time but now it was clear that I was in the process of getting some 'oral communication.' "Now Tommy, look at Rocco. Do you know what he's waiting for?" as he shook my cock up and down.

"I take it that he's waiting to put his mouth around my cock and suck me off until I'm bone dry."

"Well not quite," he paused. "I'm afraid that we interrupted something that you were about to do before we came in here, right? You see, my boy Rocco here would love it if you were to show him right now what it was that you were about to do."

"You mean?"

"That's right?just let it flow." The second he said it?it happened. I mean, what was I gonna do? I'd been drinking drink after drink after drink and I really had to go. I looked down as I watch the guy behind me directing the flow of my fountain. As it soaked into Rocco's thin, black t-shirt, I began to notice the definition of his body as he rubbed the warm liquid against himself. "So how does that feel Rocco? You enjoy having Tommy piss his man juice all over you?" He started moaning as if he'd gotten his first drink after surviving 20 mile hike through the Sahara Desert. He was yearning for it, craving more of it as it continued to pour. This in turn was definitely getting me hott.

"More," the Russian called out while taking off his t-shirt and wringing it onto his chest. "Oh yeah, zhat's hott. Keep itz going. Fucking piss on me," he continued on. He undid his pants and I watched as he pulled out this pretty thick uncut cock and began stroking it. Suddenly, the other guy (I'll call him Knife aka N.Y.F. aka New Years Fuck) let go of my shaft and left it to flow freely and under no control. Rocco then grabbed hold, with his free hand, and aimed it straight at his mouth. The shorter guy came from behind me, somehow shirtless, and stood next to Rocco. That's when Rocco turned and blew it onto the Knife's torso. Talk about a hot scene, this was fucking phenomenal. Who would've ever thought that I'd be getting so turned on right now? Not forgetting to mention that this was far more than I was ever expecting. By this time, I was finished letting loose my own personal waterfall, but that didn't seem stop them. They went at each other like animals. Still on his knees, Rocco went at Knife's pants while Knife forced the other's face into his groin. Because Knife had sweat pants on, it took nothing for Rocco to pull them down and leave his cock bobbing in the air. He looked up at Knife in an almost pleading manner?like a child who wanted his favorite toy back. "Let me taste Sir," said the Russian to the other. "I vanna taste this fucking hott cock as it slides down my tongue and hits my zhroat." He's goes to reach for it, but Knife grabs hold of his wrist and throws it back down.

"No no, you can look but don't touch. Now what else is it you wanna do? I'm all ears."

"Let me feel your balls slap my chin as you pound and zhrust your cock down my zhroat. Just as you zhink you're giving me it all, I take hold your ass and pull you into my face making me choke as your cock pushes against the back of my mouth. Please sir?I'm begging you. Please fuck my face."

"Beg for it!"

"I have?I am. Vhat else do you vant? I'm already on my fucking knees."

"What was that? Are you talking shit?"


"You want this cock?" Rocco didn't answer, but you can by the look in his eyes that he was eager though he was appearing to be difficult. Knife placed his left hand on the back of Rocco's head and wrapped his right hand around his shaft. Rocco began pulling back. "So you're telling me that you have no desire for this anymore," he said as he slapped is cock across his face. Though the Russian was playing the part of resisting so well, his cock was leaking with determination at the same time. With me ass naked and still restrained, all I could do was watch while my cock pulsated up and down vigorously wanting to participate. Knife must've been able sense that from me because the next thing he said was, "well since you seem to be being a bit difficult, I think I'm going to need a bit of help." That's when he looked over at me. "Well, what do you say Tommy boy? You care to help me make a slut out of this Russian?" Me? Really? I was left speechless. This entire episode seemed so surreal that I felt as if I was watching a porno. "C'mon Tommy, speak up."

I nodded my head. That's all I could do still being in shock by the offer. He left Rocco to play with himself as he walked over to me. Walked up to, really close in fact, to the point to where our cocks touched. Such a familiar feeling it was, that the inside of my body felt as if a fuse had been lit and a mini bomb had exploded. He moved in close even more too where his cock had nowhere else to go but up my pubes and onto my stomach; mines simply cradled his ball sac and his left thigh. His head was so utterly close to mines, that his breath was making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. He placed both hands on my shoulders. While looking into my eyes, he proceeded to slide them down my arms until they were placed on the better part of my ass. With a sly smile showing through his face cap, he started pressing me hard onto his body. Our cocks jerked as they were sandwiched between our bodies. When he was done, he slowly lowered himself to the ropes around my ankles. I watched as my cock, leaking driblets of pre-cum, slid up his bare torso. I suddenly felt the warm breath of his mouth as it brisk past his face, and I shook. What the fuck dude! Is he ever gonna give me a fucking blowjob? He began untying the ropes. When he finished, he came around back and placed his hands on the ropes binding my wrists.

He began whispering in my ear. "Look at him Tommy." Rocco was now on his back with his pelvis thrusting in the air while he stroked on his cock. With his other free hand, he was fingering his boy hole with one finger then two. After taking it out, he put it in his mouth and started salivating on it so that he can try for a third and a fourth. This entire ordeal was more than un-fucking-believable, and here I was?front row center. My deepest, darkest fantasies, that I didn't know I had, were springing fourth to life, right in front of my eyes, and I was about to be part of it. "You see Rocco's been trying to suck my fucking cock for the past two years, but has never gotten the satisfaction. Do you know why?" I shook my head. "Why would I, if it's continuing to make him more and more horny by each rejection. You like what you see, don't you Tommy ol' boy? Well listen, I've noticed how your body reacts every time my face gets close to your dick. I bet you want me to suck it. You want me to take my tongue and slowly lick around the head as my fingers fondle behind the undercarriage of your ball sac." I felt his hand sliding down the crack of my ass until it reached that very spot. I moaned in excitement. "Mmm, yeah I can taste you right now. Your pre-cum dripping on my tongue?NO...dripping down my throat because your cock is now touching the back of my mouth. Do you wanna feel it? Do you wanna feel my spit as it lubricates your cock while my head bobs up and down making you harder and even thicker to where my mouth is opened as far as it can stretch, and it's become the ultimate mouth-sterbator? Well, now I'm gonna untie you only if you do as I say?whatever I say. Only then will that fantasy become a reality, got it?

"Yes," I said.

"What was that?"

"Yes sir." He took the rope off. This sudden demand for authority was giving me a rush. Rocco was still at: moaning, fingering, stroking, and thrusting. He appeared to be having the time of his life, and we weren't even part of it. There was something about his eyes though that let you know that there was something else he was yearning for. "So what is it that you want me to do sir?"

"Did I ask you to speak?" he reprimanded. "Now get out of those pants and I want you to squat over top of that Russian's face." That's what I did, and not a moment after that I had my ass in his face, did I feel his tongue begin its exploration. "That's right Rocco?rim his fucking tight boy hole. Lick it like you wanna lick the head of my cock."

"Ohhhh!" I screamed out. If I thought that what Knife did to me a month ago was something, then Rocco here has definitely got him beat. "Damn. Dude. Whatever you're doing man don't stop! Fuck. That feels so fucking good. Fuck yeah!!!" I sat even lower trying to take on every bit that I could. Whatever that tongue of his was looking for, I sure as hell hoped it never finds it. At some point though, I must've fallen forward because when I opened my eyes, his cock was right in my face. What do I do: grab it, hold it, lick it, or stroke it? It was beyond me because I've never done it before. Would I do it right? I didn't know but, before I could finish putting my thoughts together, Rocco had grabbed hold of his rod and stood it straight up towards my mouth. I guess I was supposed to suck it. I started lowering my head, but before my lips came even close to the lips of his dick, I felt my hair being pulled back. I looked up to see Knife staring down at me and his massive cock obstructing our line of sight.

"Pretty isn't it." He said. I just nodded. It was as if his cock was hypnotizing me. I felt my tongue moisturize my lips and then my teeth pressing down on my bottom lip as if I was nervous and yet anxious for this tasty treat. "You know what I want you to do with it right? You ever sucked a cock before?"

"No sir."

"Then I guess it's gonna be your lucky day then." If I hadn't noticed if Rocco was still on his exploration, I noticed now. It stopped, and I knew what he was thinking?'Two years I've been trying to get my mouth on this dude's cock and this fucker'? I mean, who could blame him. I would've thought the same thing. "The first cock that'll ever get to touch your lips will be mines, but first?" and right then, he was on his knees. He reached around to back of head, took a grip of my hair, and pulled my face to his. This was all too familiar. There wasn't a single difference from what I felt the month before. If I didn't know better I'dve felt like I was having a weird case of déjà vu. My cock was getting harder and even more rigid by the second. I wanted him. I wanted to feel his body on me?to feel his cock grinding against mines, but there was one thing that I stopped that from happening. Rocco. My ass was still on his face (though now it was serving no purpose) and his open legs were between us. That's when I began feeling earthshaking movement right underneath me. What the fuck was going on? I stopped kissing Knife for a second, though it wasn't easy. In fact, as I think about it, it was actually kind of difficult. He was moaning into my mouth, pulling my head even closer with one hand and playing on my nipple with the other. It true actuality, it was more difficult in the fact that it felt so good that I didn't want him to stop, but I just needed to know what literally was happening right under me. As I looked down, I noticed Rocco was really working his hips, even so, so that I also noticed Knife was getting more and more erect. The veins on his cock were getting more profound that it as well as its owner was getting anxious by the second. I felt the play on my nipple stop, and then I saw Knife grab hold on his massive rod and shove it into Rocco's ass.

"Is this what you want?" he yelled while pounding him vigorously with no remorse. "?you fucking sexy-ass Russian. You like when I impale all this uncut man-meat in your fucking tight ass boy hole?"

"?" It was barely audible but I knew he said something because the heat from his breath made my ass tingle.

"What was that you fucker?"

"Yeah!" he said again, but this time with aggression.

"Then say it?fucking tell me."

"I love it ven you fucks me like zis. More. Give me more of your cock." Did he ever. Rocco had to reach one hand behind him in order to keep him from ramming into the wall with each thrust. I started to feel his tongue again?it was different this time. It was less determined but more relaxed?as if satisfied. Right then I knew exactly what he'd done. He stopped me from sucking Knife's cock. I was fine with it. I wasn't sure if I knew how to do it anyway. As Knife continued to fuck Rocco and I sat in ecstasy while Rocco gave me the rimming of a lifetime, I heard my name. I didn't understand why Knife would be calling out my name while in the middle of pound-n-thrusting Rocco, but I left it alone. With all the moaning and groaning going on, who knows?maybe it was Rocco.

Knife put Rocco's legs together and had me hold them back as he continued to fuck him as if he were a soldier getting his last fuck in before leaving for war. I was so hott at the moment that I let loose of his legs and started jerking off, and that's Knife leaned over to insert even more inches into his tight ass. Two inches?that's how far his face was from my cock, but I don't even think he noticed. He was very much into his zone. Here was my chance?my chance to see how it would feel to have my cock be sucked off by a dude. I admit, I was a bit nervous, but if I didn't do it now and at this very moment, then I may never get the chance. With my right hand, I took a firm hold of my cock at the base and squeezed. I wanted it as hard as I could get before I shoved it into his mouth. I realized that I had to do it quick because he might jerk away if he knew it was coming. I reached out in front of me with my left hand ready shove his head onto my Doc Johnson when the bathroom door flew open.

"Tom?.my?" There Jerry stood in the door frame, with a shocked look on his face.

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