What Happened Tommy

By Vic

Published on Jan 24, 2011


"...3...2...1...Happy New Year!!!!" everyone screamed out at the bar that was two miles up the street from my apartment. There wasn't anything really happy about it. My girlfriend Haylen, or should I say my now ex-girlfriend, had recently broken up with me about four hours ago because she says the 'spark' in our relationship had died. Really? And right before the New Year? Haylen and I had been together for about five years prior, so you can imagine my disposition. It'd taken me the better part of three hours to get out of the apartment just to make it out here, and the last hour drowning out my sorrows in shots and beer. Honestly, if it weren't for Jerry, I wouldn't have even came out at all.

My best friend Jerry called me non-stop, to hang out and bring in the New Year with him at the bar just next-door to his apartment. "Tommy," he said, "forget her. She's the past. The New Year calls for new things, so snap your ass out of it, get dress, and high tail it over here. You're gonna miss the ball drop." Jerry always had a way to make me feel better. We'd been friends for like thirteen years. Throughout school, we were like inseparable, always wreaking havoc on any and every situation we could put our hands on. Having the name Thomas and Jeremy aka Tom and Jerry didn't help our cause either. "Alright already, I'll be right there." I responded.

"Another year bro, can you believe it? Seriously, I need to get some fucking ass tonight?"

"I'm with you on that one." I replied. "What's one chick's loss is another chick's gain. Haylen's really gonna regret that she gave up this 9" man cock." Jerry laughed hysterically. "I'm serious dude. That's not funny. You know that saying, 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone.' Well when some other dude starts trying to fuck her, she's gonna miss the couple of inches that my Doc Johnson was hitting and theirs aren't."

"Let's toast to that...to that phantom Mandingo in your pants..."

"Fuck you dude..." I said, then holding up my bottle, "how about we toast to this Mandingo that you wish you had in your pants...wait that came out wrong. I mean, that you wish was coming through your...dude that doesn't work either."

"Tommy, you are so shit faced right now that you don't even know what the fuck you're saying." Yeah, and as he said it, I did feel the room spin a little bit. "You think you can even make it home?"

"Yeah, man. You know I'm right down the road. I'll be fine."

"Yo, I won't even hear of it. Just come back to my spot until you sober up. What kind of friend would I be to let you walk home in this condition? Besides, I don't want you to get ambushed by all these women who heard you mentioning about your...9" man cock." And so the laughter started again...

When I woke up, I was on the couch in Jerry's apartment. By the look on the clock above the TV, it was about 10:47am. My head was a bit foggy with a major headache to top it off. I hardly remembered the night before, let alone how I got here in the first place. One thing stood out to me though, not as clear that I'd like to remember, but enough that it lingered in my mind...

It was dark...dark enough that I couldn't make anything out but not so dark where as I knew I wasn't alone. I took a step forward and instantly bumped against a small table of some sort. Something fell but there wasn't a sound like a crash. It was more like a drop...a book? I stepped around it and continued forward feeling around so that I didn't hit anything again. I really must've had a lot to drink earlier because, though it was dark, everything seemed to be spinning and in a bit of a haze, but I continued on. The next thing I knew, I was pushed down onto the floor. Feeling a bit queasy, I stayed there with questions twirling around in my head. Where was I? Who was it that pushed me onto the floor and why? Why did Haylen break up with me? Should I have drunken so much? And the questions just kept repeating themselves over and over again.

It wasn't until I felt someone spin me over and began restraining me, that I snapped back into reality. "What's happening and why are you doing this to me?" I said, but gotten know answer. The person continued tying me down. When it was all over...nothing. It was as if the person just left, but I knew they didn't. I could sense them, staring. You know that feeling you feel when you know someone was watching you; well that was what I was feeling. They were just staring, getting some kind of cheap thrill out of watching me bound down. I could've screamed, but with the weak stomach and pounding headache I was having, it would've done no justice for me. I just simply said, "what is it that you want from me? I didn't do anything wrong." Then that's when it all hit me.

Ever so softly I felt a hand slowly slide up my left leg. Up it went from my outer ankle, over my knee, in towards my inner thigh, then back down. This happened about twice, until the third time they included the other hand on my right leg. This time though, as both hands continued up my inner thighs, they casually skimmed across the crotch of my jeans, gently pressing the under carriage of my ball sac. As they barely slid around the bulge of my cock, their hands rested on buckle of my belt. Before they could even undo the buckle, I suddenly realized that with the amount of effort it took to bind me up, this person had to be a DUDE!!! Suddenly, I started frantically tugging away at the ropes...which in fact did no good. It only left me with a ring of pain around my wrists and ankles. "Dude," I shouted, "I ain't gay, man. Don't do this. I swear man, when I get outta this, I'm gonna fucking pound your head in. Get the FUCK off me." Through all of that, it didn't do any good. He only ended up sitting on top of my stomach. His back must have been towards me because his hands were back at my buckle. First it was my belt buckle, and then it was the top button of my jeans. After that, he slowly drew down the zipper with his right hand while his left hand lay resting on the elastic band of my boxers occasionally snapping it against my body.

It was happening so fast, that I didn't even have time to react. Before I knew it, he had my jeans down to my ankles and my shirt was unbuttoned. The weight had left my body, so he must've stood up. There was some movement and about 10 seconds or so later, the weight returned, but it was a bit different this time. I felt the skin of his legs against my sides, but on my stomach I still felt some sort of fabric...his underwear? Thank God... "Dude, really. Don't do this, man," I said trying to plead with him. Again, there was no success. So I figure what's the point. At least, because it was dark, I could imagine it was a female. I'd be fine, right? Still on top of me, he slid back towards my chest with his cock pulsing from my abs all the way up to my chest. Then he laid there. I could feel the heat of his ass radiating in my face, as well as coolness of his breath as he blew onto my boxers. As he slid his hands down the outside of my thighs, he began rubbing his face on the front of my boxers. From the many of girls I'd been with, I never had a girl do this to me before. It was a new experience, that's for sure...and for one, an experience that I was starting to enjoy (at least my cock was). I think he seen that too, because he made a surprise sound and got up.

When he got back down, the first thing I noticed was the bulge of his briefs pressing against the bulge of my boxers. This was all too surreal. This kinda thing never even crossed my mind, so it's safe to say that I'd never thought it'd feel this good either. As he lay on top of me grinding himself against mine, he started kissing and licking on my right nipple while finger playing on my left one. Is it possible for me to feel as hott as I do now? I didn't think guys were able to feel this kind of pleasure. It doesn't help that these restraints aren't giving me any control either. After about 5 minutes or so, he kissed his way down my abs, following my thin trail of stomach fuzz, reaching my belly button, and then stopped. He pulled down my boxers, exposing my hard and erect cock, rocking in quick rhythm to my breathing. After about a little more movement, the next thing I felt was unlike anything I could even begin to explain. To have cocks touch through clothing was one thing, but now that I was practically butt to balls naked, when his cock pressed against mines, my entire body went rigid...in extreme ecstasy. My hip thrusted upward as if it didn't want his to move away. It wanted more...more, and with each thrust, more. He had left his right hand on the back of my left hip pulling me to his body as if he was feeling the same way. A moan escaped from my mouth which in turn made us grind even harder. I closed my eyes trying to imagine...imagine? Well, I'm not even sure what I could even remotely compare this to, but I do know that I was in my own place of Zen. The feel of his hand...pulling me close. The warmth of his body, like static...sparks jerking me away but the jolts aliving my hormones to pull myself closer. The moisture of his...kiss?

The kiss was like the calm before the storm. Just like that, my body went from being rigid to a fluid ocean molding my body to every different movement he made. Each movement his lips made...his tongue made, was in perfect rhythm with mines. Why was this so different than any female I've kissed? They're just lips right...just tongue? I was damn-near breathless. It wasn't until he stopped that that I felt myself gasp for air only to find that cut short when his tongue started working the spot between the my ass and my balls. I literally started going ballistic. If there ever was a place for a man to have a G-Spot then that would be the place. It's a high that there isn't any coming down from. As he went at it, I noticed I began to gyrate my hips while he jerked all 9 of the inches I had to offer. He must've been enjoying it too because he let out a couple choice sounds all the while moving up my sac to the base of my shaft. The fuzz on his face, sent shivers up my spine as it skidded across my ball sac. Twenty four years and I never thought I could feel pleasure like this. I thought it was only for girls to enjoy and we were just there to bust a nut. Most my past encounters, never liked to go down on me, so I was a long way from experiencing this. And who would've thought it'd be with a dude.

Would getting head be any different? I guess I wasn't gonna find out because the next thing I knew was that he was on top of me grinding my cock between his ass cheeks, sliding it front to back in a continuous motion. "Uhh. Yeah." I moaned. "Just like that...like that. Any faster and I'm liable to shoot my load right here and now." Then he stopped and got off. What'd I do? Did I say something wrong? I wasn't sure. I mean hey, I never done this with a guy before. Are there rules...things of what and what not to say? Just then, I felt the restraints of my ankles come undone, and the sneakers, jeans, and boxers completely removed from my legs. My bottom half was free. As I lifted my knees up, he was back on and this time with a vengeance or should I say urgency. With his back facing me, he propped up my 9 incher and sat on it as if he were doing squats in gym class. "OH GOD!!!" he screamed out. Those were the first words I'd ever heard him speak. "YES!!!" he continued. Up and down he kept riding...and with such force. I'd never had any girl be able to take all of me and let alone so quickly. Up and down...up and down. There was nothing too intoxicating about this. I started thrusting...giving more. I wanted to make sure he left no cock unturned. Suddenly, the most amazing feeling happened. I felt a small nudge of his finger at my anal entrance. It didn't go in. He only placed it there to fiddle, and yes, was he doing a good job at it. My body suddenly came alive, like having a mind of its own. Not only was I thrusting upward, giving him something he could feel, but I was also thrusting forward so that I could also feel more. It was getting so intense...his finger going in and out of ass while my cock was going in and out of his ass. "Uhhhh," I screamed out. "You gotta stop. I'm getting ready to cum." But he kept on working it...faster even. At one point, he sat there rotating on it. "Dude. Uh Seriously, breath I'm about to c.....uu.....mmm." And with that he stopped. I could feel my cock pulsing against his walls.

After that, I can't remember anything. There was a weird smell but that's all I can remember.

"Dude. What was with all that noise you were making last night?" Jerry was just coming out of the kitchen. He had a bowl of cereal in his hand. "I would've woken you up, but you seemed so peaceful so I let you sleep."

"Did I say anything strange or weird even? I had the craziest dream, I guess."

"Geez. I'll say. You sounded as if you were a dog in heat. What was it about anyway?"

"I don't really remember." I lied. I can't let him know I was having an oh so vivid dream about fucking a dude. I looked at Jerry and noticed a freshly cut nick from shaving on the side of his face. I pointed to it. "I see you still don't know how to use a razor."

"Yeah, my uh job says I need to have a fresh shave before I come in today."

"You don't work on Tuesdays?"

"Uh, a meeting."

"Ok? Whatever you say. I gotta use the restroom. Be right back." I got up and started heading towards the restroom. On the way there, I notice a book lying on the floor next to the small end table. 'No way,' I said to myself. I specifically remember a book dropping on the floor last night from a small table I bumped into. Not only that, I recall the 'dude's' facial hair rubbing against my ball sac as well. Didn't Jerry just recently shaved? It can't be can it? Then I noticed the rings around my wrists.


Next: Chapter 2

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