What Happened


Published on Mar 15, 2000


This story is not intended for anyone under 18. If this is prohibited in your state, do not read it. This is my first time writing a story of this subject, so please be gentle. I would love feedback! This story does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality of the Backstreet boys or anyone else in the story! This is purely fictional.

I am female, so the I don't have first-hand experience of male-to-male sex. I hope it turned out O.K. I gave a lot of readers what they've been asking for in this Chapter. So, without further Ado.

One last thing, I want to thank the author of `Magic can be real'. He has helped me out a lot. Check out his story, it's one of my favorite. Now, without further Ado.

Last time on- `What Happened' :

Kevin leaned down and kissed his lips slowly. "I mean it now, just as much as I did then. I love you Nickey mouse."

"I love you too, pooh bear." Their next kiss was stopped by a loud knock on the front door.

Kevin sighed and reached down for his jeans. He slipped into them and gave Nick a quick kiss on his forehead before he shuffled through the house.

Nick took a deep breath and ran his hand across his chest. He was so happy, nothing could change that.


Nothing, but that! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------


What Happened


Nick let out a loud sigh. `What a way to spoil a moment'.

He pulled his jeans on and grabbed his shirt.

"I knew it, AJ only broke the band up a couple days ago and you two are already in each others beds." Aaron screamed as Nick entered the uneasy room with his shirt draped across his shoulders.

Kevin stared at Aaron in amazement. "AJ broke up the band.......AJ." He threw his hands up in frustration.

"When you came into this band, we thought it was great. A lot of fans we may have lost, stayed, because they had someone around their age. As soon as you realized the power you had, you took over. Now we have to go through you if we want to do anything concerning the band." He ran his hand through his hair. "We've lost the one thing we fought so hard to get.....control."

"I didn't do anything, but save your butts. This band would have been over years ago if I hadn't joined." Aaron moved across the room to stand in front of Kevin.

Nick took a seat on the couch, he really didn't want to get involved.

"We might have, but at least we could look at ourselves in the mirror. We would know we did our best. The label saw the reaction the fans had when you joined and kept the boyband label going. It felt like the beginning of our careers the lying, the hiding, pretending we were good little boys. Any respect we earned as artist, went down the drain."

"Your 33 Kevin, no twelve year old girl wants to see you running around talking about love to them." Aaron spat at the older man.

Kevin bowed his head, that was one of his biggest fears towards his career, towards all of their careers.

They knew their luck would run out someday, as long as they stayed a "teen" band. They were suprised it lasted this long .

In 2000, they started to move towards a more mature sound and image. When they lost a couple of fans , publicly, the label got scared and threw Aaron in the group. Aaron at the time, being only 13, kept them on the level they worked so hard to change.

"I am the star now, so get used to it. What I say goes and there is nothing you can do about it!"

Aaron averted his eyes over to the couch where Nick sat with his head in his hands.

"And you", he pointed his finger at Nick. "This is your fault! If you hadn't put on so much weight, the band would not have needed me in the first place. You were the cute and popular one with all the girls. Now your just a fat, no talent hack crying after Kevin."

Nick looked up, feeling totally degraded. He saw the look in Kevin's eyes and knew what was coming next. He had to stop him, he got up from the couch and walked in front of Kevin.

Aaron followed him with his curt words. "You turned your back on your family for this asshole. All your talk about wanting to get closer to me, since I was your brother. Well your a sorry excuse for a brother."

Kevin couldn't take anymore of his insults. He lunged for Aaron with his fist clenched. Nick caught him before he made contact. "No Kevin, don't." Kevin could not believe his ears. After everything that happened today and what Aaron was saying, how could Nick still protect him.

Aaron smirked, he needed to know he still had control. As long as Nick feared him, he could do what he wanted.

"Yeah Kevin, don't make that mi........., Nick spun around and slapped Aaron across the face as hard as he could.

"GET OUT." he shouted at a very suprised Aaron.

Aaron grabbed his cheek and looked up in shock at his brother. He couldn't believe Nick hit him, he actually hit him.

He slowly stood up from the floor, still holding his burning cheek.

"As much as I love you, I won't put up with it anymore." Nick took a deep breath. "I'm leaving the band."

Aaron gasped, "Your what."

"He said he's leaving and so am I." Kevin put his hand on Nick shoulder for support.

Aaron panicked, "That would leave only me, Howie and Brian."

"I'm sure once the other guys hear about us, they'll leave also. Then you'll have what you`ve wanted all a long. You will be the star." Kevin hissed at him.

Aaron's anger increased at the words. "Fine, I don't need any of you. Lets see you make it without me."

Nick looked at him with pity in his heart. "I love you Aaron.........now GET OUT."

Aaron saw the hatred in their eyes. He grabbed the door handle with a huff and stormed outside.

"I'll teach you to disrespect me." he shrieked as he slammed his car door. "We'll see what management has to say about this."

The tires squealed across the pavement as his car shot down the quiet street.

Inside the house: As soon as the door shut, Nick whole facade vanished. The tears found there way down his face. His whole body heaved over the lose.

Kevin pulled him into his arms and squeezed him tight. Nick snuggled as close as he could get, "what have I done?"

Kevin ran his hands through Nick's soft hair. "You did what we all should have done a long time ago."

"Then why do I feel so bad?" Nick looked up, hoping to find some solace in his eyes.

Kevin didn't say anything, he just bent down and swept Nick into his arms. He locked the door and headed upstairs.

"Hi, this is John Norris with an MTV news brief. In shocking news a couple of days ago, AJ Mclean, of the famed Backstreet boys, called it quits. This came right on the heels of his assault on fellow backstreet boy, Aaron Carter. The band's management refused to comment on this, except to affirm the departure of Mclean. The rest of the band could not be reached for comment."

The TV cut to a clip of AJ punching Aaron. "Oh my...ohmigosh! Can we get a close up? Backstreet Boy AJ Mclean has just attacked Aaron Carter.." -AJ shut off the TV quickly.

His heart was thumping steadily against his chest as a cold sweat rolled off his body. He arose, with anger, tears blurring his vision. Enraged, he threw the remote at the TV screen, shattering the remote on impact. He dropped to his knees, pulled his shirt over his head, and rocked himself back and fourth, crying loudly.

Nothing made sense to him, this was inhuman, this didn't make sense. AJ had had this sensation before, the sensation he had when Aaron made him mad. He was going to have a nervous breakdown again. Picking himself up, he staggered into the kitchen where he had his medication laid out on the counter.

He got halfway there, and fell to the ground in an awkward position, sulking on the tile. His career was over, and so were the guys .

He pulled himself over to the counter. His hands shook as he opened the bottle of pills. He made a glass of water and downed three of them. He could barely breath. The walls were moving in on him.

He made his way back into the living room and threw his body onto the couch. He tried to calm his self down. He clutched his heart and took a deep breath.

`Come on Alex, get a grip.' The words wrung out in his head. He felt his heart slow down a bit, but his head felt like it would burst.

He reached over and picked up the phone. His fingers gradually dialed the familiar numbers.

The phone rung as he set up with a slight pain through his chest. He propped his body up with the couch pillows and waited after the third ring.

Just when as he took the phone from his ear, the other line picked up.

"Hello." Came the tired voice on the other line.

AJ stopped and thought about what he was doing. `I can't go back........but I need this."

"Hello, is some one there."

AJ held his breath, "I'm going to hang-up if........"

"Brian...... it's me."

Here's Chapter 6! I know it's kinda short, but I hope you enjoyed reading it, as much as I enjoyed writing it. I want to thank everyone one who wrote to me, I appreciate it. I'm the only one who thinks my writing sucks, LOL. Anyway, please disregard my moment of stupidity in the last chapter. I misspelled HAMMOCK. Don't worry, I was severely punished.

Send any comments, good or bad, to-BARBARABBCONTEMP@aol.com. Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 7

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