What Happened


Published on Mar 10, 2000


This story is not intended for anyone under 18. If this is prohibited in your state, do not read it. This is my first time writing a story of this subject, so please be gentle. I would love feedback! This story does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality of the Backstreet boys or anyone else in the story! This is purely fictional.

Feel free to let me know how you feel. Good or bad -- BARBARABBCONTEMP@AOL.COM

Here is the next installment, it's also a little emotional. I'll try to stop with all the drama, it's just at that point right now. Enjoy!

What Happened


"You sure your going to be O.K.?" Howie asks as he helps Brian carry his bags into his apartment.

"I think so, I just want to relax and try to put it out of my mind for a little bit" Brian turns the light on in the kitchen and starts to fix two drinks. He is more worried then he wants to let on. No one has heard from AJ since he left, two days ago. He knew the last check was enough to take AJ anywhere he wanted to go. He would do anything just to hear his voice right now, at least to say he's O.K.

Brian takes the drinks into the living room and hands one to Howie. Neither speaks as they're lost in thought. Howie sighs and take a swig of his drink.

Brian lays his glass on the coffee table, "where do you think he went?" He looks over to Howie.

"I don't know.... definitely not his house. That's the first place the media would look. If he was at a hotel in town, management would find him. Most likely, he's miles from here."

Brian stared into his glass, "How long do you think he's known about my feelings for him?"

Howie thought about the question for a minute, "we haven't talked seriously in a while, he never said anything." Howie looked over at Brian, "I know how much you care for him Bri, but he needs a little distance right now. We would only remind him of everything and he needs a break,"

Howie downed the rest of his drink and set the glass on the table. "I really need to get home, I need sleep bad." He chuckled as he headed to the door.

Brian stood up to see him out. "Thanks again for helping Howie, I appreciate it." He pulled Howie into a hug, "I don't think I've hugged anybody this much." He halfed smiled as he released Howie from the embrace.

Howie opened the door and stepped into the hall. "Have a good night and call me if you need me." Brian nodded as the door shut.

Brian leaned against the door and sighed. He ran his hand through his hair and closed his eyes. `Where are you J', he thought as he let out another sigh. He pulled his body from the door and picked up the glasses from the table. He took them to the kitchen and rinsed them out. He made his way back into the Living room to lock up, as he reached down to turn the lamp off, he saw the light on his answer machine flashing.

He pushed the play button as he sat on the arm of the chair. "1:15 A.M., Saturday June the 25th." came the automated voice.

"Bri, it's me....." Brian gasped as AJ's voice filled his ears. "I know it's late, I just wanted to let you know I'm O.K.. I don't know where I'm going or when I'll be back! I just wanted you to know I'm fine. I hope you understand, I have to do this for me and for the group. I'm so close to the edge Rok, it's scaring the hell out of me! I hope you will still be there when I get back, but if not I understand. I just wanted to let you know........I love you too Bri." Brian felt the tears slowly fall from his eyes. He had waited so long to hear those words. AJ took a deep breath, "I know it's kinda cruel to tell you like this, but right now it wouldn't work. I can't be what you want right now. Maybe when I get back. Anyway....please tell the guys to take care of themselves and I'll miss all of you. ......I love you Bri......bye."

Brian stared at the machine as the message came to an end. He thought about listening to it again, but that would only hurt more. He had never been so happy to hear AJ's voice as he was know. `At least he's safe', he thought as he wiped the tears from his face and turned the lamp off. He headed to bed, he decided to call the guys tomorrow and let them know.

Howie locked the front door of his dark apartment. He flicked the lamp on as he dropped his keys on the front table. He finally got home after making sure Brian was doing alright. All he wanted right now was a hot bath and a warm bed. He headed upstairs to his bedroom. He slowly opened the door as not to wake his sleeping wife.

He turned on the water in the shower and pulled his robe out. His whole body relaxed at the thought of the water against his skin. He got his shoes and socks off, he jumped as he felt a set of hands start to unbutton his shirt. He turned around to see his beautiful wife smiling at him.

"Hey handsome, what are you doing home" Jenn asked as she finished the buttons on his shirt.

Howie pulled her into a tight embrace, "The rest of the week was canceled, until we can figure out what to do without AJ." He lowered his lip to hers in a soft kiss.

"What do you mean, without AJ? What's wrong with AJ" she asked as she pulled away from the kiss. She was very protective of AJ, since he used to date her sister. They had developed a strong friendship over the years and she was there for him when he went through his breakdowns.

"Aaron decided he would take AJ's part in `My life so far'. He also had management agree to change all our part on the albums to suit him." Howie pulled his pants and boxers off and slipped into the steamy shower.

"I know how much it had to hurt AJ over that, he wrote the song." Jenn drops her night gown and joins Howie in the shower. She slips her arms around his back and kisses his neck. Howie turns around and wraps his arms around his wife.

"I just pray that he doesn't have another episode without us around to help." Howie mutters as he lays his head on Jenn's shoulder.

"He been really distant with me lately", he sighs into her neck. "As long as he's safe, he needs some time away."

"How is Brian taking it?" Jenn asked with the shampoo in her hands. She massaged it into Howie hair and shoved him under the spray.

"He says he's O.K., but I know he's worried sick. I just hope we can get something worked out, I'm not ready to quit. As mean as that sounds, I'm not ready to throw my career away on some self-centered brat. Me and the guys have worked too hard." He washed his body as Jenn finished his hair.

"It's not mean honey, I'm sure AJ's worried too. This is all he has left, since he gave up the solo projects." Jenn reached over and turned the shower off. Howie stepped out and wrapped them in his robe. They wabbled in to their bedroom and laid down on the bed laughing. Howie threw the robe onto the floor and pulled back the covers. Jenn crawled over into his arms and settled for the night. "I hope things work out for you guys, you know I'll be there for all of you." Jenn told him as she leaned down for a quick kiss.

"I know baby, that's why I love you. Goodnight." Howie reached over and turned out the light.

Kevin drove along listening to the new `Live' album.

He had just dropped Nick off at his parents house. He wanted to be by Nick's side when he confronted them about the Aaron situation. He was debating on wether to turn around and go back anyway, but he knew that would only make matters worse for Nick.

He was headed South to his best friend's house. He thought that maybe he would be able to make some sense of everything that had happened.

A small moan was the only noise heard through out the house as the couple made love. "Ohhhh...... yes baby" came from the blonde as he ran his hands along his lover's back.

He raised his hips to meet the thrust of his boyfriend's thick rod. The force against his prostate, sent a tremble through his body. He clenched his fingers into his lover's back as he felt him plunge deeper into his warm hole.

The bed started to creak as his man grabbed onto the headboard for more leverage. His sweaty thighs, wrapped themselves around his mans hips as he rode him.

He could barely breath as the heat poured down on them. Sweat glistening from every pore of his hard body.

His eyes squeezed shut as he sensed the familiar tingling in his balls. He grabbed the sheets and arched his back as he felt his release rumble through his penis. A small scream escaped his mouth as his sweet juices shoot out of his pulsing head. His heart felt like it would burst through his skin.

The muscles in his tight ass gripped his boyfriend's dick to the root. He felt the breath quicken near his ear as he ran his tongue along his man's collarbone.

He came down from his high as he felt his inside fill with his love's cream. After a couple more small thrust his lovers drops onto his chest, completely spent.

The blonde runs his fingers through his man's dark hair as he slips into sleep "I love you......."

They are awaken an hour later by the front door bell. The blonde raises his weary body from under his lover. He stumbles over to the intercom on the wall, "Who is it?" he asks.

"Lance, it's Kev." He perks up a bit. He didn't expect him back so soon.

"When did you get back Kevin?"

"Yesterday, can I come in?"

"Sure, do you still have your key?"


Lance moves back to the bed and places a kiss on his mans forehead. He reaches onto the floor and put on his discarded robe. He closes the door softly behind himself and walks downstairs into the living room. He sees Kevin sitting on his couch, staring into space.

"Hey sexy, I missed you!" He says as he pulls Kevin into a hug.

"Yeah me too." Kevin returns the hug. They settle onto the couch.

"I saw the news!" Lance says as he reaches over to grab Kevin's hand. "How is he?"

"I wish I knew, we haven't heard from him in two days, I'm really worried."

"He just disappeared?" Lance say with an suprised look on his face.

"Yeah, he didn't tell anyone where he was going." Kevin stares into his lap.

Lance suddenly remembers something from the last time they talked. "How are you and Nick doing?"

Kevin gets a sad look on his face. He's hesitant to meet Lance's eyes, he knows what he will see there. "It isn't working Lance. I'm tired of the hold they have on him. Every time he seems to move on they suck him back in. I can't do it anymore, I can't keep putting what life I have on hold for him. Especially if he doesn't feel that what we have is worth dealing with this once and for all. As bad as it sounds, I'm to the point where it's them or me."

Lance knew this was coming. Kevin was the type of person who needed security and total trust. He needed someone he could depend on no matter what. As long as the Carters had a say so in his life, he knew Nick wasn't that person.

"We've been trying to do this again, but it's the same thing over and over. I've given him the benefit of the doubt, but I want...no I need him to make some type of effort or....that's....it." Kevin hung his head over the back of the couch.

Lance was cautious with his next statement, but he knew it needed to be said. "Kevin, I don't want to upset you, but...maybe it's time for you to move on." He waited for a reaction.

Kevin squeezed the bridge off his nose to relieve some of his stress. He lifted his head up and smiled at Lance. "The funny thing is, that exactly what I've been telling Nick to do. Seems were in the same boat. I know I'll be there for him, the question is will it be as a friend or as his lover?" He looked up as he heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Hey Kevin, how are you?"

"Hey Joey, I'm doing as good as can be expected."

"Yeah, we saw the news, I hope he's O.K." Joey said as he planted a kiss on Lance's lips. He sat down on the couch and laid his head on Lance's lap.

Kevin watched them with envy. They had sustained a good relationship for two years now. He wanted that more than anything, but he knew he and Nick were a long way from that.

"How's Nick." Joey asked

"He's good......I guess. Were not as close as we used to be. I took him to his house, before I got here."

"Are you sure that's a good idea with everything that's gone down."

"No I don't, but he insisted." Kevin saw Lance yawn and knew it was time to go.

"Well I guess I'll see you guys later. I just wanted to say hi and let you know what's going on."

Joey sat up and let Lance out. He followed Kevin to the front door. "How about we have lunch tomorrow." Lance asked as he pulled Kevin into a quick hug.

"I'd like that, I'll call you around 11."

"Alright, drive safe."

Kevin pulled away, "bye Joey."


Kevin walked to his car and headed home.

Nick pushed open the door to his parents estate. He peered at the remains of his hard work. He has provided for the family since he was twelve. He made a deal with Lou, instead of the small salary he gave the guys in the beginning, he paid off his parents house. That was the first sign to Jane, that she could use he children to get anything she wanted.

The house was empty and all the lights were out. He walked along the halls in search of the stairs. The only noise was the sound of his footsteps. He found the stair and went up, careful not to trip.

He reached the door to his room. He stood with his hand on the knob, unsure of what would be waiting on the other side.

He sighed and pushed the door open. The lights were out and the blinds were down. The darkness enveloped his body as he entered the room. He felt along the wall for the light switch. He gasped as the light cascaded upon the room. It was empty, completely empty.

His bed was gone, his furniture, his personal things. Everything was gone. The only thing left was his carpet and the trash can by the door.

His heart dropped. If there was any doubt left about where he stood with them, it was now shattered. They had made his choice for him.

He shut the light off and walked into the hall. He closed the door with a heavy heart. For once, he didn't cry, he knew it was coming.

They had pushed him away since he was sixteen. It started with little things like not returning his calls and sending his uncle when he asked one of them to come with him. When things happened inside the family, he would find out to late or not at all. His parents kept his brother and sisters away from him. They said they didn't want them to get to attached , since he wasn't there. That's one of the reason he tried so hard with Aaron. He couldn't let his only brother go. They even went so far as to move to California, when he was seventeen, without telling him.

He saw it happening, but refused to believe it. As much as they hurt him, he always put them above anything and anyone who actually cared about him. He couldn't deny it anymore.

He made his way to the garage. As he flipped the switch to raise the door, he was relieved to see they didn't take his car. His Durango was his baby, it meant to much to him. He opened the driver's side door and slipped in. As the car's engine came to life, he noticed the boxes on the back seat.

He pulled out of the garage and drove to the end of the driveway. The ride down was the longest drive in his life. A little piece of the person he thought he was, disappeared with every motion. He got to the end of the driveway and put his key in the mailbox. Goodbye' he thought as he drove away from his home'.

Well that's all for Chapter 4. I know it's another emotional installment, but let me know what you liked and what you didn't. Thanks for reading!.

Send me any mail good or bad- BARBARABBCONTEMP@aol.com C-YA

Next: Chapter 5

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