What Happened


Published on Mar 8, 2000


This story is not intended for anyone under 18. If this is prohibited in your state, do not read it. This is my first time writing a story of this subject, so please be gentle. I would love feedback! This story does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality of the Backstreet boys or anyone else in the story! This is purely fictional.

Feel free to let me know how you feel. Good or bad-BARBARABBCONTEMP@AOL.COM

What Happened


As Aaron turned to head out with Dan, a small voice could be heard repeating "twelve years...."

Aaron spun around to stare at AJ "Twelve years......., twelve years I've been a Backstreet boys and I've never once regretted my decision to join" AJ slowly lifted his head till he met Aaron eyes.

"Not once .......not till tonight. We've worked hard to get where we are. We gave up our time and are privacy to make this happen. We open doors for so many groups."

AJ stands from the couch, his face contorting inanger with every word from his mouth. "We set records and standard in the music industry and for ourselves. We produced a bond that has seen us through deaths, managers, Competition and life." Aaron starts to ease out the dressing room door, his face betrays his cocky nature. He has seen this look in AJ's eyes, one to many times. "In one year......one year you destroyed all that."

AJ began to push Aaron down the silent halls. "I've watched you hurt everyone in this band. You use us and degrade us .........I'M SICK OF YOUR SHIT AARON" AJ screamed as he grabbed Aaron around the collar. Aaron struggled to break free of AJ's intense grip. "If it wasn't for me this band would have gone down the drain years ago." Aaron spat towards AJ as he felt his back brush against the entrance door.

Reporter: "Were here live at Radio City Music Hall, here in NYC, where the Backstreet Boys just performed to a sellout crowd. Were here with some anxious fans waiting to get a glimpse of their coveted Backstreet boys." The reporter stepped over to get the reaction of a few of the wild fans lined-up against the security barrier.

"Excuse me, I just wanted to talk to some of the fans about the concert." Ten girls started screaming and waving into the camera.

"All I have to say is.... NICK WAS SO HOT!" screamed a girl proudly wearing her Backstreet boys t-shirt. This, of-course, set off the crowd again.

The reporter covered his ears and tried again "What was your fa.......... " Before he could the next question out of his mouth the entrance door flew open.

The crowd gasped as AJ tackled Aaron and decked him the face. "I hate you, you jerk." AJ screamed as he landed another right to Aaron's face. The crowd started screaming at AJ to stop as security pushed the barrier back.

"Oh my...ohmigosh! Can we get a close up? Backstreet Boy AJ Mclean has just attacked Aaron Carter.."

AJ drew his fist back to land another punch, when he felt his body being lifted into the air. His limp body gave no resistance. He felt the tears sting his eyes as Kevin carried him back to the dressing room .

The crowd could no longer be contained, they rushed forward, coming to Aaron's aid.

Kevin kicked the door open and carried AJ back to the couch Howie was laying on. Howie sat up and made a space for AJ.

AJ's face immediately fell into his hands, he couldn't hold anything back anymore. Brian willed himself not to cry. Although he knew this was it, he needed to be strong for AJ. He lifted his body from the floor and began to gather AJ's things.

No one said a word as they watched Brian fill AJ's bag for the last time. He finished the packing and set AJ's things by the door.

Nick pulled himself up and kneeled in front of AJ. He lifted AJ's face and wiped the streams of tears away. He pulled AJ into a tight hug, he couldn't find the words to tell AJ how sorry he was for what his brother did. He hoped everything would be said inside his arms. He lifted his head when he felt AJ run his fingers through his hair.

AJ smiled his understanding down into his friend's face. He knew that Aaron was still Nick's brother, no matter how many things he fucked up. He would never expect Nick to give up on him.

AJ patted Nick on his back as he started up from the couch. He walked over to his stuff by the door, afraid to look anyone in the face.

Howie rolled off the couch and threw his arms around AJ, grasping him tight. "Take care of yourself, ok man?" He begged. AJ sniffed in response. He let him go and Kevin came up to him, patted his shoulder. He had done his crying already. Bye Boner," he whispered hoarsely, before turning to go into the bathroom, so not to make the others see him cry. He was the oldest, if he lost it, the others would have no one to turn to.

Brian was the last to say goodbye."AJ... there is so much I want to say to you....I.... AJ pulled Brian into a firm hug, "I know how you feel about me Rok", he whispered to a very suprised Brian. "I've known for a while......I just couldn't deal with that and everything else." AJ ran his hands along Brian's sides, "I'm not sure how I feel about it, there is just so much I have to resolve before I could even think about sharing myself with someone else and you deserve better than that." Brian shook his head as he meet AJ's eyes. "Will you call me and let me know how your doing" Brian whispered holding his tears at bay. "Anything for you" AJ smiled pulling Brian in a little tighter, he shuttered, hugging him for the last time.

AJ and Brian let go wiping the tears from their eyes. AJ looked around the room one last time. He smiled at the guys and grabbed his bag. Wordless, AJ approached the door, Brian opening it because his hands were full.

He walked out the door into the dimly lighted hallway and turned to face the group. "I'll call when I get in," he rasped making eye contact for the last time.

Quickly, he turned around and headed out the back way of the hotel, so no one would see him make his exit. He made his way down the elevator and onto the sidewalk. Once outside, he signaled a cab. Looking back once at the room he had just come from, he sighed and entered the cab. There, he sulked like he'd never done before. There was no turning back, his career was over. AJ cried until he couldn't cry anymore, until there were no tears left to cry. He was just wasting salt, his body trembling with sadness.

Back inside the dressing room now, the boys hadn't said a word to one another. Nick sat staring off into space. Kevin paced the room waiting for the uninvitable to happen when Aaron and Dan returned. Howie walked over and wrapped his arms around Brian, who stood in the half open door. Brian pulled him close as he cried on his shoulder.

The door slid the rest of the way open and their heads turned in that direction hoping it to be AJ. Dan strolled in after a angry Aaron.

Dan looked around the room, "where's AJ."

"He's gone," Howie mumbled. Aaron raised his brows surprised. "Really? Aww," he said, but you could clearly detect no signs of compassion in his voice." Good, I don't care, that crazy bastard is better off by himself. He wasn't cut out for this," Aaron scowled.

"C' mon Aaron, let's go." Dan said plainly, heading for the door. Aaron followed him out then turned around to face the guys, staring glumly at him. He shook his head and flashed them the bird before slamming the door shut. "That asshole AJ," he mumbled loudly, from the hall.

AJ was moving silently through the subway, like any other shadow, creeping, attempting to maintain a low profile. Hat pulled down low over his eyes, jacket collar turned up and head bent downwards. He reached a stray into his pocket and pulled out the last paycheck he had received, crumpled, and barely legible handwriting scribbled on it.

While waiting for the train to pull up to the station, he briefly recollected all the good times he had being a Backstreet Boy. He smiled, remembering the experiences they had, the trips they took, and music videos they made. The CD's that went multi platanium in a matter of days, and he'd especially miss all the attention.

Then he remembered Aaron, and he frowned. The cops, the mental institution, the fights. He shuddered at the thought. How did they ever manage to keep all that away from the public? The behavior reminded him of New Kids on the Block. Come to think of it, the guys were really good friends. They had done so much for him already. Keeping him together, lying to the reporters for his sake. Now he was leaving them.

He didn't know exactly where he was going, when he was going to get there, and how long he had to keep a low profile. But he could go just about anywhere with that paycheck. He had already planned out his escape. From here, he would cab to the airport, and from there, Florida. Back home, where Howie had successfully built and reserved condos for them all. God bless Howie.

To his left, were some fans that had obviously attended the concert. They were raving on and on about Aaron, the last name he wanted to hear at that moment.

"I cannot believe AJ could do something like that to our Aaron!" a blonde girl of about 13 said to her friend as they waited on the descending train.

"I hope they fire him. Aaron is a better singer anyway!"

The train screeched to a stop and he decided to get into a compartment without them, the last thing he wanted was to be recognized.

That's it for part three, I hope everyone enjoyed it. Let me know what you like and what you don't like. I would really appreciate it. Thanks again to everyone who wrote before!

My address-BARBARABBCONTEMP@aol.com

Next: Chapter 4

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