What Happened


Published on Mar 6, 2000


This story is not intended for anyone under 18. If this is prohibited in your state, do not read it. This is my first time writing a story of this subject, so please be gentle. I would love feedback! This story does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality of the Backstreet boys or anyone else in the story! This is purely fictional

WOW!!!! Thanks to everyone who wrote to me about the story! I didn't expect to get any responses, so I really appreciate everyone who took the time. The overall response was good. I look forward to putting my ideas out there. Anyway on with the story!

(A side note- It was only supposed to be five years, not nine. Sorry !)

Feel free to let me know how you feel.Good or bad -- BARBARABBCONTEMP@AOL.COM

What Happened


"Let's get this shit over with" Aaron Carter strode in with `his' manager, Dan Butler. He sauntered over to the mirror to check his appearance. He stood well over six feet, with spiky blonde hair and big brown eyes. His swimmers build was starting to show some definition . He was especially full of himself today, after the autograph session the label had set up just for him .

"I love being loved," Aaron gloated, stepping over Nick as if he was barely in existence. Howie turned his head away from them.

"Aaron, your over an hour late and we haven't had a chance to warm-up yet!" Brian practically screamed at him.

"That's too bad, because you guys really need it!" Aaron sneered "I'm really tired of carrying this band"

Kevin rolled his eyes as he helped Nick off the floor .

Aaron whipped around in time to witness this. "What the hell are you two doing!"

"He's just helping me up Aaron" Nick said quietly.

Aaron squinted his eyes as he heard Kevin whisper under his breath.

"What was that Kevin?"

"I said....."

"Kev, please?" Nick jumped in.

"NO, I want to hear what he said!" Aaron shouted, his face turning red.

Kevin started to speak until he looked in Nick's eyes and saw him pleading with him. He knew as long as the threat of Nick losing his family was present, he had to play by Aaron's rules.

"I said....we have a concert to do"

He walks out and slams the door, disgusted with himself for letting Aaron win again.

Dan starts toward the door "You have five minutes before huddle-up, I suggest you all get ready" He left the room .

The guys leave to meet the rest of their entourage for the pep talk and prayer before the show.

Nick heads over to Kevin, who is sitting off to the side.

He lowers his body down to the arm of the chair. "Hey"

Kevin continues to check his mic cords and his pads as though he doesn't hear Nick speaking to him.

Nick sighs, "I know your mad at me over this, but what can I do? You know why I can't say anything" Kevin continues to ignore him. "At least say something to me."

"What do you want me to say?" Kevin answers without looking up. "To be honest, I don't know why you take this, your twenty-five years old. I think your old enough to understand that they don't accept you for who you are and move on." He finally looks up into Nick's eyes. He sees the pain that has been there for far to long.

He reaches over and pulls Nick onto the couch. "Would it be so bad to have them out of your life?" Kevin intertwined their fingers . "I know your worried about how it will feel to lose them, but think about how they make you feel when your around them! They don't respect you and their always after your money or your connections. The only reason Aaron and Leslie got record deals in the first place was because of you. I remember the first big check we got for `We've got it going on'. She took it before you even saw it and spent it . That's the way it went till you were eighteen. When she realized she couldn't legally just take your money anymore, she played the family angle. As much as you don't want to believe it, they are using you baby"

He sees the tears in Nick's eyes as the words sink in. "It wasn't always like that" Nick whispers.

"I know" Kevin wipes the first stream of tears away. "That's the way it will be from now on, if you don't take some action. I'm not saying shut them completely out of your life, just let them make the move to correct things with you!"

Brian comes over to let them know they are about to go on . They all line up at the end of the curtain. "Make me look good" commands Aaron.

The six guys known as the Backstreet boys took center stage amidst a mass of screams. The curtain rose as the music for Popstar' began to pick up speed. The boys performed a decade of songs. The hits from all five albums with a few new ones . The end of the concert was now upon them, they prepared for the beginning of My life so far', the number one song in America. Brian started the verse with Kevin and Nick blending in the background . All the boys came in at the chorus . Howie stood from his stool as his solo verses came out. He looked out into the crowd and sang with all his heart. He recovered his seat as the rest of the guys came in to smooth out the chorus . Brian looks over, preparing to hear the beautiful sound of AJ voice, when a slightly out-of-tune voice sprung out from the air. Everyone turned to look at AJ. He sat with a look of total shock when he realized his mic had been turned off. There in all his glory was Aaron Carter disgracing AJ's part with his squeaky voice. The guys looked on helplessly as AJ began to shake. Brian sprang to action and grabs AJ's arm to lead him backstage before he explodes. Brian is a little afraid as he sees the rage in AJ's eyes. The rest of the guys try to finish the song without Brian and AJ.

Brian manages to get AJ safely into the dressing room. He gently lays him upon the couch. Brian watches for any sign life, as AJ stares off into space. Several minutes go by without a sound as Brian trys to get a reaction from AJ. He breathes a sigh of relief as the door swings open and the three `original'members, slowly walk in.

Howie takes the seat next to AJ. "How's he doing", he asks as he begins to rub AJ's back.

Brian shakes his head, "He hasn't said a word and he doesn't respond when I speak to him".

"AJ" Nick says quietly from behind him. He reaches out to put his hand on AJ's shoulder when Aaron and Dan come charging in.

Aaron yelled, "Are you guys trying to ruin me?" he asked selfishly. "It sounded off with two voices missing." "It sounded off because of you asshole" Howie shouted "Who gave you the right to take AJ's part" "The record company thought it would be a better idea to have the favorite one sing the most parts." Dan came to Aaron's rescue. "The song is number one, which means you will perform it for a while . The fans want Aaron, that's what they will get" He emphasized the last part. A smirk spread out on Aaron's face "That also means that there will be additional changes on most of our songs" "Like hell it does, your not taking us off any songs. Fans are used to our versions, especially the older hits. How can you explain that to them" Kevin had risen and was now practically on top of Aaron. "As long as they know it `s for me, there won't be a problem, old man" Aaron leers towards Kevin, daring him to make a move. Everyone watched as they stared each other down. The tense moment ensued until Kevin walked slowly behind himself, never breaking the eye contact. Aaron smiled in victory as Kevin lowered his head into his hands. As Aaron turned to head out with Dan, a small voice could be heard repeating "twelve years...."

I want to thanks the people who wrote me, I really appreciate it. I know this part was kinda boring, I just want to set the story up for the good parts. Thanks again! Send me any mail good or bad- BARBARABBCONTEMP@aol.com C-YA

Next: Chapter 3

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