What Goes Around Comes Around

By john smith

Published on Feb 21, 2023




Disclaimer: The following story is fictional. It in no way encourages or approves of the abuse of minors which is abhorrent. The author resides in San Diego and would be interested in meeting 18-25 year olds who like the story.


I drove home exhausted and frustrated with that damn device still on my swollen sore balls. Just thinking about how horny I was gave me a hard on in the car...well not really a hard on: the device gives you about 2 inches in which to expand so you can't even get fully hard. My dick instead would press painfully into the end, and it would grow in circumference until the skin was purple and protruding out the sides.

Upon getting home, I figured I had to do something. I took a shower, soaped up the device, and tried to get it off. No such luck: I could probably slip my dick out if I was willing to really hurt myself, but then my balls would be squeezed in the rest of the device to such a degree that it would not be worth it. I could break it, but I knew what that would lead to. I tried masturbating around it with q tips, a small paintbrush, etc. All I could do was get a painful attempt at an erection as my dick would swell to the limits of the CB 2000.

I gave up and decided to get my mind off of it for a while. I turned on the TV and heated up some dinner. I must have been pretty tired because I fell asleep in front of the TV.

I awoke to the doorbell ringing and pounding on the door at around 7am. Bleary eyed, I walked to the door: it was "master" Mark, the just turned 18, looks about 16 high school boy who also held the key to my CB 2000 and the authority to demand anything he wanted. With him was another kid who looked about 18: his name was Joe. I recognized him from his tall lanky build and blond hair: he was a forward on the basketball team.

"Come in " I said politely, hoping that Joe was not aware of my situation.

"What did you say BOY" replied Mark.

"Sorry Sir, I meant to say, come in Sirs" was my meek reply.

Joe broke out into a huge grin... "Jesus, you weren't bullshitting me...but does he really do whatever you say?"

"Sure does" said Mark... "Watch this...BOY! STRIP!" he commanded.

I dropped my clothes as ordered, and Joe stared at my crotch: "What the fuck is that?" he asked.

"It's his chastity belt" said Mark... We don't let him cum much".

"God, I get blue balls if I don't pop twice a day...how long has it been for him".

I replied "about a week sir...sort of...well they don't let me have an orgasm, but they milk me".

"Milk you?" was his puzzled reply.

"Yes sir, by massaging the prostate, my fluids are expelled without the pleasure of an orgasm" I said, trying in vain to sound clinical and dignified as I explained it.

"And how does your prostate get massaged, BOY?" he asked.

"Well, different things, usually a hand or a cock" I said, staring down in embarrassment.

Mark interrupted our discussion: "Boy, Joe and I are spending the night. You will go pick up a DVD for us and have Beer ready when we arrive at 6. Also, you will be freshly washed, shaven, and douched".

"Yes Sir" I replied.

The 2 boys went off to school, leaving me to wait. I spent the day resting, cleaning up the house, and restocking the fridge. I got in the shower and douched repeatedly, then cleaned up and was waiting for the boys dressed only in by CB2000 by 5:45. At 6:30 the boys arrived, carrying a couple of pizzas. I opened the door for them, then took the pizzas. I served them each a cold beer and Pizza on plates.

"Wow, this is so cool...he's old enough to be my dad and he has to wait on us" said Joe.

"Oh, it gets better" said Mark, snapping his fingers and pointing to a spot just in front of him. I ran to the spot and awaited orders.

"Undress me boy" he said.

I undressed him, neatly folding his clothes, and at the end took off and folded his boxers. The boys dick hadn't gotten any smaller... "Christ" I thought.. "How did such a little guy get such a big dick".

Joe saw this, and snapped his fingers. I soon had him undressed, noting that his dick was not as big as Marks, but was a thick 7.5 inch tool above large pendulous balls. I thought to myself "No wonder he has to pop twice a day...those things must hold a gallon".

Mark noticed that Joe was erect and offered my services. "Hey, he gives a good blow job...and if he doesn't, well teach him to improve!"

Listening to this, the tall boy was stroking his meat. He said "Suck me bitch". I got down on my knees and began to blow him.

A few minutes into the BJ, I got a critique by the little fuck: "You know, I felt teeth twice...he's OK but not great".

Mark replied "Wow, he did a great job for me, I think he just needs a little motivation. BOY! Go Get your paddle, strap, and sawhorse".

I trotted off and returned with the items in a minute, setting up the sawhorse in the middle of the living room.

"Bend over the sawhorse boy" was the next and expected command.

I did so, knowing that a beating was inevitable.

Mark then took the role of the teacher, taking the Paddle in his hand and smacking it on his palm he began "You see, this boy is still in training...WHAACK... he is going to learn to be a good cocksucker...WHAAACK... I am really embarrassed that you had to feel his teeth...WHAACK...

I was sucking in my breath, trying to not give them the satisfaction of seeing me cry and beg. Of course, at this point there was no dignity: bent over by 2 adolescent boys who were ordering me around and beating my ass. But old habits die hard, and I tried to take it without complaint.

"Here Joe, its your turn...Why don't you give him 20 hard ones, then we will see if his dick sucking improves".

Joe grinned broadly at this "Jeese..I never thought I'd be getting to do this to a guy old enough to be my dad...".

His surprise at this opportunity in now way affected his arm. He SLAMMED the paddle down on my ass "CRAAAAAAACK...OH" came the first one.

"I'll teach you to suck my dick right boy...CRAAACK... `OOOOOH'".

"You will learn to service me properly BITCH.. `CRAAAACK...OOOH...Please sir...I'm ...CRAAAAACK...AAAAAGH...Please...CRAAAAACK... Sorry Sir...CRAAACK...Pleeeeeeease..."

He completed the twenty ignoring my promises, then I found myself back on my knees again sucking his dick.

I was doing it perfectly: no room for criticism at all...Then the sadistic little shit said "Hey, I think I felt a tooth".

That was all Mark needed, he picked up the paddle and smashed it down on my ass while I was sucking Joe... "CRAAAAAAAACK...MMMMMMMPH...".




Mark kept up a steady pounding as I alternately sucked and screamed until Joe blew a load into my mouth. I was right...those big balls did hold a gallon.

Before I even had a chance to catch my breath, the two boys had switched places. Now I was sucking Mark's dick as Joe pounded my ass with the paddle.

"CRAAAAAACK...MMMMPH...CRAAAACK...MMMMPH" went the paddle and I in a macabre harmony.

"OOOOH FUUCCCK THAT FEELS SOOOOOOOO GOD..I"M CUUUUUUUUUMING" screamed Mark, in a mercifully short period of time.

I was then ordered to go get them more pizza and beer, which I respectfully served them, grateful that their appetites had returned to food for a while.

"Hey Boy, go get your electric cock ring and buttplug" was the phrase that ended my respite.

Groaning inwardly, I ran and got it.

Mark was quite awkward with it, but after 15 minutes he had it all set up. He adjusted the bipolar butt plug to massage me. As soon as it started, I was draining precum, so he removed the CB2000 and placed a condom over the end of my dick to catch the mess. Then he hooked up the cock ring on a second circuit. I was directed to lay down on my back beneath the sofa where the boys sat. They started the movie, and I lay on my back having my prostate milked by the electric butt plug.

After a while, the two boys took off their sneakers. I suppose their sneakers were no better and no worse than other adolescent boy sneakers: their sweaty feet had been in them all day. Soon I was presented with feet to lick, which I did to the best of my ability. I was "encouraged" to do this well by periodic JOLTS of electricity applied to the cockring.

The move turned out to be kind of boring to the boys. They decided to spice it up by making me scream from time to time. It was kind of a game for them...they would insert a scream where it seemed to go in the movie by shocking the hell out of my dick. This was found to be terribly funny by them, and continued off and on for the whole show.


Next: Chapter 7

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