What Friends Are For

By moc.duolci@6381yytrohs

Published on May 26, 2019



The last 7 and a half months have been the hottest months of my life. My name is Brian, and I've always been a freak. When I first started to experiment with watching porn on my moms old desktop computer years ago, I noticed that simple porn involving just sex did not satisfy me one bit. In fact it didn't even give me an erection. I found a link to some foot fetish video one pubescent night while I was looking for something interesting, and once I clicked on that I quickly learned that I had a raging foot fetish. I watched foot porn for the first few years, then I started to notice there were a lot of other fetishes out there that turned me on just as much as gay foot porn, and that list continued to grow throughout middle and high school.

Let's start with the present and work our way back, so I'm Brian and I'm 18. Right now it is August here in the sunny state of California, and I'm enjoying the last week I have before my friends start separating for college. Gray is going to LA, Brent is going to New York, and Lorenzo is moving to Texas with his older brother. It really sucks that they're leaving now, especially after the last several months we've had together. I've always been gay, and it's always been very obvious to people who've met me or heard me talk. Luckily the town I grew up in was a very progressive town that didn't adopt a prejudice towards gays. My friends all knew, and they couldn't care less.

Gray has been my absolute best friend since second grade. We've grown up together, having sleepovers and bonfires, traveling together, we've just always been best friends. I always knew that Gray wasn't into guys, and even though he is a fine ass dude, I never made an attempt because I didn't want to ruin our friendship or alter his opinion of me.

Now let's rewind to last December, a couple days after Christmas. It was senior year for me and all three of my closest friends, and we had been spending plenty of time together over the holiday. Being the freak that I am, I of course spent a lot of my free time away from them looking at porn and playing with myself. I stumbled across a chastity blog online, and it turned me on like crazy. I spent days checking out this blog, and busted several nuts to it. I'd never thought of the idea, but I've always been submissive and had such a boner for giving up control. I spent a few days imagining myself having a key holder and having my own dick locked away from me while another man nonchalantly withheld the key from me. I started to practice edging, and after edging myself for four days straight with no release, I decided I was going to find a key holder and I was going to order a chastity belt.

It came in a few days after Christmas, and I excitedly locked it on. It felt so dirty and hot, I felt like such a pervert with it on. I wore it for a couple days without a key holder, just to make sure it fit well.

I had read on that chastity blog a story about a guy asking his hot straight friend to be his key holder for him, and the story was so arousing that it inspired me to ask Gray if he would hold onto my keys. I know I said I was scared to come onto him, but this is different, right? I mean, I'm not asking to stick my dick inside of him and I'm not even asking for his dick, I'm just asking him to hold onto a key for me. After rationalizing in my head, I decided to head over to Grays house a few hours before our New Years Eve party started, that way I could talk to him alone.

He answered the door looking sexy as ever, with his sexy sperry's (no socks) and blue shorts. His short blonde hair looked damp, as if he'd been outside in the sun for a while.

I loved when he would wear those sperrys, I've gotten a few whiffs of them before after he passed out during several sleep overs. We went up to his bedroom and he plopped down on the bed, I sat down on the footrest that was across from him. "My jeeps messed up dude, I've been outside for the last two hours trying to fix it." He was saying, starting up a conversation. "Damn man, that sucks" I replied, staring at his sperrys. He started to roll a joint, oblivious to my stares. We chatted back and forth for a moment until he finished the joint and reached for his lighter. "So what's on your mind, bro?" He asked, lighting the joint and looking as sexy as always.

I had told him before I came that I wanted to talk, as a way to ensure I couldn't chicken out. "Well, I never imagined having this conversation before. I don't really know how to kick it off" I said, looking down and stealing another glimpse of those sexy shoes and feet. "Bro you know I'm the chillest dude you've ever met, just spit it out." He said, hitting his joint and passing it my way. I had a few tokes, and that helped me get my thoughts together so I could lay them out for him. I finally just went for it "well, as I know you know from borrowing my laptop last summer, I'm kinda a freak" I started out. He laughed "yeah, you certainly are. Dude your background screen was some dude on his knees sucking on some big funky looking toes, you could've at least changed the background before letting me borrow it" he said, laughing again. I laughed "yeah, I honestly wasn't thinking about it. But anyways, it's not just the feet thing, I have all kinds of kinks. Have you ever heard of a chastity belt before?" I asked, deciding to see what he already knew so I wasn't over explaining. "Yeah, I heard of it. You remember Kim, the chick I dated sophomore year, she was a weird one. She wanted me to wear one, that's why I dumped her. She wanted me to be her bitch or something, but I don't like following orders and I like to cum way too much. But yeah, I've seen em. They look evil and terrifying bro" he said. "Well, I recently discovered how much of a thing I have for wearing them" I said, looking down as I said it. He started to laugh, "You definitely ain't putting one on me!" He said jokingly, laughing even harder. I laughed back, then replied "no, that's not where I'm going. Actually I have one on right now, I've had it a few days, and I need a guy to hold my key for me" and as I said it, I noticed the corners of his mouth start to climb up the side of his face, making a wicked grin I had only seen maybe twice throughout the years of our friendship. Seeing that grin made my dick try to get hard, it turned me on because I knew he was liking the idea of being my key holder just from his facial expression. Then he replied "and your asking me to hold onto it for you?" He said, grinning like I just begged him to take a million dollars from me or something. I looked down and replied "yes, I know it's weird but your the person I trust the most in this world, and I've always thought you were really good looking. You don't have to do anything, if you don't want to. Just keep the key and if you want to you could tease me for fun." I said, staring at his sperrys. "You said it's locked on right now?" He asked, noticing me looking at his sperrys. "Yes" I said, still staring. He lifted his foot up so it was resting on my lap "why don't you take my sperrys off for me" he said, with that wicked grin still splattered on his face. "Are you serious?" I asked, feeing a rush of excitement from what he just said and how he was casually teasing me with the feet he knew I loved. "Dead ass. And when you take the first one off, set your key inside it. All of your keys, if were gonna do this then we're gonna do it right." He said, staring at me the entire time. I grabbed his shoe lace and untied it, shaking from excitement. I pulled it off slowly to reveal a size 13 foot, the smell hit me instantaneously. Being sockless in those old sperrys all day definitely left a perfect smell, and I was enjoying it. As I slid it off I set it down beside his foot, then reached in my pocket for the keys I brought over to give to him. As I pulled them out and moved my hand over to drop them inside, he lifted his foot off of me and grabbed his sperry. He smacked the key out of my hand with the shoe, causing it to fall between his feet on the floor. "Get down there and pick it up with your mouth, I want you to put the keys in my shoe with your mouth. And set it down in there gently" he said, holding his sperry out so I could put the keys inside. He did this on purpose, probably because he'd caught me smelling his shoes before when we were 15. He knew I enjoyed his scent, and now he was gonna tease me for it. I bent down on all fours and grabbed the keys with my mouth, then lifted my head up and stuck it straight in the opening. "Remember, set it down gently on the insole of my shoe. If I hear it drop from a distance I'm gonna make you redo it" he said. This forced me to shove my head as far in his shoe as I could, until I felt my nose touch the insole. That's when I let go with my mouth, setting the keys down inside his rancid shoe as gently as he requested, then I pulled my head away.

"That was really good, great job boy! Now take off the other shoe, and once you get them both off I want your nose on them. We're gonna play a little game" he said, enjoying the power he now had over me. I got the left shoe off and he scooted back on his bed, causing his feet to stand straight up on the edge of the bed. I dove into his soles, resting my nose right in the crack of his toes so I could suck up his sweet smell. "Alright, here's the deal. We now have 2 hours before the party starts, and I don't want stinky feet when the guys get here. They aren't like you, they don't want to smell my funky feet. So, Your gonna air them out with your breath. Keep your nose there and take loud sniffs, and for every time your nose loses contact with my foot I'm gonna add a week to your chastity sentence. Also, every time I notice I can't hear you sniffing anymore, I'm gonna add a week to it, so get to work and don't forget the rules." He said with a smirk, then picked up his phone and started playing on it. I savored the delicious smell, trying my hardest to keep my nose touching his feet. I started to doze off for a moment and that was my first `strike' as he announced "uh oh, strike one for Brian! Lost contact, 1 week now." And then about ten minutes later "can't hear you smelling down there, week 2." He got up to go to the bathroom sometime during all that, and as he walked back in he was smiling "week 3, you lost contact" he said, obviously having way too much fun. "But you went to the bathroom" I said, trying to excuse it. "Who has the key?" He asked, sitting back down and pressing his foot back to my face. "You do" I replied, taking a deep whiff. "Good boy, so if I say 3 weeks, that means 3 weeks, right?" He asked, grabbing my nose with his toes. "Yes sir" I replied, lovin' the smell of his feet. "Good. Let's make it 4 since you tried to defy me. And when nobody else is around, keep calling me sir. I like hearing that" He said with a giggle, then started to roll another joint. This went on until he got a text from Lorenzo saying he's outside. He lightly kicked my face then, and said "go wash your face off, you stink bro. Then come back in here for the party, and act casual." And I went to the bathroom to clean up.

That was the beginning of what would become the most exciting time of my life. My dick was throbbing within its cage, as I could still smell Gray's feet until I applied soap and started scrubbing it away. That night Gray told our friends that his mom had a fit about the floors being dirty earlier and demanded everybody take their shoes off at the door, which was a lie. He did it so I would be distracted by seeing their dirty socks all night, and it worked. I stared and stared, between his bare feet and Lorenzo and Brent's dirty socks. Lorenzo had on white puma ankle socks that were obviously dirty on the bottoms, and Brent had on black nike ankle socks that were very shiny on the bottom from sweat. When it was time to sleep Gray had us lay foot to face in the bed so it wasn't awkward, and he put me right in the middle. I was between him and Lorenzo, and once the light went out and nobody could notice, Gray started rubbing his hot feet all over my face. I didn't get a wink of sleep, I spent the whole night licking and smelling Grays feet, then once I knew Lorenzo was asleep, I peeled one of his socks off and shoved it in my mouth. I chewed his sock and sniffed on his bare foot the whole night, alternating from Gray to Lorenzo. Little did I know this was just the beginning of me tasting Lorenzo and his foot funk.

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