What Caucasians Have

By Sammy

Published on Oct 14, 2023


Tak immediately sprawled across the bed on his front, so I couldn't get at his cock anyway. Frans ran his fingers playfully through Tak's hair as Tak started to lick. Then one hand started wandering down Tak's back to his ass. And I could see that ass was quivering at his touch and pouting. My loathing for Frans kept getting submerged by the excitement of seeing Tak magnetized by his huge cock. And now it was happening again. Tak was saying nothing but it looked from his reaction that he was up for the challenge of taking his biggest ever cock in his ass. After the fucking from Dieter, his mind was evidently in a different place. He had had his practice. I was revolted and fascinated at the same time.

Dieter was back from the bathroom and playing with himself lightly as he slipped back into his familiar role of voyeur. Frans had stood up and was now rubbing his cock against Tak's thighs and ass. The cock seemed longer than Tak's narrow waist and it looked physically impossible that he could take it. I didn't know enough about anatomy to know what happens deep inside an ass. But I had a vague idea there were turns that would not allow a straight cock to get that far.

Finally, Frans asked Tak, "Ready for it?"

"Did you say you had poppers?" was his reply.

"We do. Good idea."

And within a few seconds Dieter had brought a small bottle and a cloth, which he handed to Tak. I'd never liked the smell of poppers. It reminded me of smelly feet and I always declined when offered it. Tak had poured some onto the cloth and was clutching it to his nose. I noticed that his cock had gone soft, and wondered what the point was if that was the effect it had.

Dieter brought out his cigar box again and handed a condom to Frans. "Sammy, you roll it on me. Come and share the action. We don't want you to be left out."

Here we go again, I thought. Last time he invited me to touch his cock, events turned nasty. It seemed Frans couldn't be content just to have his way with Tak, but had to insult me in the process. Still, the prospect of seeing Tak give it a go was such a thrill that I willingly followed my instructions. Perhaps Frans would give me a break finally.

The wrapper was the same size as the others but the condom had a much bigger circumference. It rolled over the head of Frans's cock without too much difficulty and all the way down his shaft, coming to an end near the base of his cock.

"Now rub the lube all over it. Lots of it. That's good. Imagine it's your cock. Imagine what you will do with it. How much Tak loves it. You saw how he loved to suck it. Now his ass wants it. He's a lucky boy tonight. You can guide it in. Feel as it starts to slide into his hole. You can push it in. You can fuck him with it. Didn't I say you would soon be fucking Tak again? Now you can fuck him with a big cock. You like it more, fucking him with a big cock?"

I was punch drunk at this point. There was no resistance left in me. He had won. I had lost. I felt each new insult as it landed but was powerless to do anything about it. And there was no referee to stop the fight.

Tak's head was still lying on the bed buried in the poppers rag but his ass was up in the doggie position. And Frans, kneeling on the bed, was perfectly positioned for me to guide the cock in. As if hypnotized, I began by opening Tak's ass cheeks with one hand and brought the cock to Tak's hole with the other. Frans was pushing delicately and I found I really could judge the angle of entry as though it were my cock. Then I think Tak pushed back with his ass a bit as I felt the shaft slide through my light grip and saw the cock head disappear into Tak. I looked at his contorted and screwed up face. Was it an expression of pain? I wasn't sure. But I'd never seen him look so beautiful. Frans was supplying the forward push, Tak the backward push, and I was steering the cock.

The two of them remained completely still for half a minute or so while Tak's ass was getting used to the stretch. Then I felt the cock slowly sliding in some more. Another contorted expression on Tak's face, and another rest. I made sure the lube wasn't drying out and added some more, liberally, to the shaft that was probably going further in.

I felt some movement again. How far in could it go? Any further and I'd have to move my hand away. That would be a shameÑnow at least I had a role. The cock was barely moving, getting no friction but was very hard. Then I heard Tak quietly plead, "Fuck me, Frans."

Frans took my arm and moved it away from his cock. Placing both hands on Tak's waist, he started to pull out gently for the first time. Ever so slowly. Back and forth. Some breathy perfumed moans started to come from Tak. Bleating sounds I'd never heard before. Frans was behaving extremely gentlyÑnot at all like Dieter had just done. It reminded me of those nature programs where a ferocious lion handles her cubs without the slightest danger of hurting them.

Not much more than half the cock had been fucking Tak up until now. But then came a moment when Frans kneeled up a bit higher, bent down over Tak's back, gently nibbling on his ears and licking his nape, and then used his weight to sink into him. Tak let out a yell and was arching his back turning his head from side to side, face contorted again, breathing rapidly. I saw that Frans's cock was almost fully embedded.

Tak looked delirious. His eyes didn't seem to be taking anything in. His face remained intensely strained. I couldn't tell whether it was from a state of extreme pleasure, pain, or a mix of the two.

Frans began to pick up the fucking again. It was slow and restrained. He must have learned that it was the only way anyone could handle his massive pole, at least when taking it for the first time. He seemed to like giving it slow too.

I was shocked at how loud Tak was getting. I always thought Samantha on Sex and the City was way over the top, an obvious exaggeration for the sake of humor. But Tak had her beat for decibels. The entire guest house surely knew what was going on. I was slightly fearful we'd soon have some of them knocking on the door or just barging in to see.

Tak was primed to explode, and this time it was his turn to shoot rather more quickly than Frans would have wanted. The first spurt gushed from his cock without anything touching it. And he then immediately milked the remaining spurts with his hand as his groans finally died down to intermittent whimpers.

Dieter was stroking himself forcefully now, obviously no longer holding himself back. I did the same. It had been a very hot scene, and Frans would surely not be policing my hand now. Frans was slowly withdrawing. I could see his cock again. More and more of it. It was amazing how much cock there was to come out. Had it grown some more inside Tak? Its emergence finally from Tak's round little butt was a magnificent sight.

Frans quickly got rid of the condom and kneeling straddled over Tak's ass was preparing to shoot over his back.

"Yes, Sammy. You can jerk it now. On the bed beside me. That's right. Like a little boy and his big brother jerking off together."

My heart was thumping once more. Frans evidently was going to turn on the insults again in these final moments. He was indeed like a big brotherÑa mean and nasty one. Then why didn't I stop jerking myself as the stream of foul talk started up again? I looked up at him and he was staring straight at me, smiling away. In that light his muscles were a sexy bronze, and pumped. His strong jaw and disheveled hair gave him a rugged masculine look. I couldn't help myself. Frans's poison had circulated. It had taken control of me. The taunts were making my cock harder.

"Looks like your boyfriend got the fuck he was craving. I'm sure he's glad you chose to fuck him with the nice big cock and not the little one. That's a good view of them side by side. You can judge the difference in length now can't you? How many inches? You can discuss it with Tak after. Yours looks like a boy's cock. I had already a cock that size with thirteen. With fourteen it was bigger. How does Tak come with just a boy's cock fucking him?"

The excitement was welling up inside me, my entire groin area was humming, and with a moan of relief I came again onto Tak's back. It seemed to have an immediate effect on Dieter who had been standing beside the bed stroking himself occasionally as he watched the action. Now he stepped forward and shot a much bigger load further up Tak's back. Frans had his mouth open but he'd stopped talking, and now he'd stopped stroking and was just holding his cock lightly. Then his back arched slightly, his head tilted back and several jets of cum shot out, landing in Tak's hair and his upper back. He looked completely satisfied and triumphant.

Everyone was drained, and for the first time that evening the sounds were just of breathing. Tak had a huge Chinese character on his back. He lay there for a while before Dieter came and wiped it off with a towel. Then Tak raised himself up and sat on the bed. His face bore an expression of bliss and calm.

It was Frans who broke the silence. "Guys, this was one of the best experiences we've had here, and believe me we've had many good times with the guests at this place. It's lucky we arrived before you leave tomorrow. This is such a perfect place for the vacation. You have a lot of fun and relaxation and it can also be a place for personal growth."

It seemed appropriate to leave quickly now that the action was over. For the first time that evening Tak looked as though he was ready to leave too. And Frans was launching into a stream of reflections that we could happily do without.

"One surprising and wonderful thing about human nature I learned. When a man discovers he was born with the short end of the stick, so to say, he doesn't just suffer like you would expect. Well, some do unfortunately. They keep trying to find a partner they can satisfy, but trouble is always around the corner. For most guys it's different though. The wonderful thing is men are designed so to have a handicap can be a great source of pleasure. Being inferior to other men becomes very exciting and they love it. Once they discover it brings such pleasure they never go back. They never try to compete with the alpha males. They give up trying to convince everyone they have a decent sized cock for fucking. And they stop pretending to themselves also, because they find being inferior is much more enjoyable. Don't you agree it's wonderful they can find pleasure from it? It proves there is a God. Of course it doesn't matter if you're a bottom like Tak. Then your size is irrelevant. But it's great that Sammy has found himself today."

As I predicted, Frans was running his mouth again and was now spewing out some ridiculous philosophy. Thankfully there was no need to stay and listen to any more of that garbage. Tak had had his fun and now we were at the door exchanging the customary meeting of pouted lips.

Frans had one parting comment for me. "Your boyfriend is a very special guy. If you want to keep him happy, if you want to keep him, you must often find some guests to invite over. It could be a good arrangement for you both."

And as we were exiting the door Frans gave me a playful pat on the butt.

(All comments welcome. I'll be very interested to hear what you liked and didn't like, what you thought worked well or not so well, and whether you identified with any of the characters.)


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