What Caucasians Have

By Sammy

Published on Jun 18, 2023


What Caucasians Have

Part 3

"OK," I said, "let's get back to our room."

"Getting scared now?" asked Tak. "Come on, we're both enjoying this adventure. Let's see where it goes. I know you want to see that cock hard."

"I've had more than enough of Frans. He's proud of his cock but it was semi erect all the time and probably doesn't get much bigger than that."

"You may be right, but we're both curious. Let's go and see. We can leave without doing anything with them."

"Look, Dieter will be there too. Won't you feel stupid going to look at Frans's cock with him there? And I bet they will try to draw us into something."

"Well, you said you thought Dieter was good looking, so maybe you'll get turned on by him. You already got turned on by Frans. Now you seem to be afraid. Come on, honey, let yourself go. It's not threatening to us. They are a couple, we're a couple. We'll never see them again; it's just a holiday adventure."

Then Tak started gently stroking my back and moved in for a kiss. I was alarmed at Tak's keenness, but also excited. I didn't know why. As the deep kiss began, his hand moved down to my cock.

"Let's go see them," he whispered, "Whenever you want to leave, just tell me and we'll go."

My heart was pounding now. Could I let this happen? What would be going too far? I should set some firm limits. What if he wants Tak to give him a blow job? That would freak me out. A hand job? Maybe OK. But how could we leave without it being awkward? Maybe make a clear announcement when we arrive. Say we're curious to see if Frans's cock ever gets hard, but that's all. Yes, that would be a good line.

"OK, honey, let's go and satisfy our curiosity. But we won't be drawn into having sex with them if they want it. Are you all right with that?"

Tak gave me another kiss indicating his consent and guided me out of the pool. We dried off a bit and put the towels back around our waists.

I let Tak knock on the door. It opened quickly with a beaming Frans and Dieter arm in arm wearing shorts.

"Great to see you. And as we predicted. We have Margueritas for you."

The drinks were pressed into our hands. I was immediately struck by the room. Almost twice the size of ours, with more plants, more lavish furnishings and mirrors everywhere. This was obviously the best room in the guest house and it seemed designed as a sex palace.

Before I had a chance to deliver my line Frans announced to Dieter. "They are guessing how big my cock is but they haven't guessed yet what makes it hard. Now we can tell them." And turning to us, "We like to see a sex show. We get hard watching you fuck for us. On the bed, on the floor, standing up. Let us see. We have all the equipmentÑcondoms, lube, poppers. We have bets on who is going to top."

I was taken aback but Tak seemed delighted at the idea. He turned to me and started kissing again. And I felt strangely relieved and no longer threatened. If they get turned on by us that would be fine. And they would see me fucking Tak. One of them thought it would be the other way round. Huh. I wonder which one thought that. They would see me sliding into his cute butt and him loving the pounding. I was already tenting my towel.

"Good, guys. Now drop the towels and enjoy yourselves. Dieter will fix you up with a condom. Who is going to top?"

"We don't use condoms" I responded "we've been exclusive for over a year".

"Oh, it's a big mistake guys. You say that in one romantic moment but you can't predict what will happen. You must always use them. Dieter, what do you say?"

Dieter studied our cocks and said, "They are close. Sammy's a S88 and Tak's a B99. I have both. So Tak, you're the top?"

"Turns out it's me," I announced. "I guess I can wear a condom for old time's sake. You have one for me?"

To my surprise Dieter had an entire drawer of condoms of different sizes with a chart showing sizes and a mysterious code. I took the condom out of the packet he gave me and noticed the circumference was smaller than usual.

"It will fit like a glove," Dieter insisted.

At first I thought it would be too tight but once I started rolling it down below the head it seemed fine. And for the first time I noticed the condom came to an end when I unrolled it. There must have always been some extra length I hadn't used on other condoms. But this one stopped right at the root of my cock. Dieter had sized me up perfectly.

Tak sprawled on the bed and I started lubing him. He seemed hot for this with our spectators. I pushed my cock in slowly and with my hands on Tak's hips I gradually pulled his ass towards me and then slowly let my cock out a bit for our hosts to see. I could watch myself in the mirrors too. We were well into our role as porn stars.

I was in the centre of the bed fucking Tak doggie style and Tak was close to the edge in danger of being pushed off it. Dieter and Frans put their drinks down, slipped their pants off and walked round to Tak's side, almost ready to steady him if he got too close. Dieter had a great body and his cock looked as though it would be bigger than mine though nothing like Frans's. "Nice motion," he complemented me, "but don't push him over."

Frans looked back at me and smiled. His cock wasn't getting erect but was definitely expanding, and now bigger than we'd seen it at the pool. I wondered again if something of that size could ever get really hard.

Dieter put his hand on Tak's shoulder and pushed him back a bit. "Thanks," I heard Tak say in a breathy voice. Frans gave him a pat on the head then started to caress his hair. I could see Frans's cock was beginning now to rise and looking huge. I was jealous but couldn't deny I was fascinated watching it grow. Tak was staring right at it less than a foot from his head.

Then Frans said to Tak, "You like to take it both ends? You like both holes plugged? I know you do. It's your lucky day today."

I wanted Tak to be the one to say we weren't going there, but he was silent. I wondered whether to say something, but perhaps I didn't need to since in any case Tak couldn't possibly take a cock in his mouth that size.

Frans was now so close to Tak that I couldn't see his cock any more. Frans was looking at me and told me to watch in the mirror. I turned to my left and could see his cock now amazingly horizontal and gradually approaching Tak's mouth. I felt a panic again as it seemed Tak was going to try to suck it. Dieter was watching me and smiling. Suddenly his cock was rising and he started stroking it gently as his eyes shifted back and forth between me and Frans's huge cock on Tak's lips. Then I saw Tak's mouth open and inches of cock slide in and out. Tak was struggling for air and I stopped fucking him out of concern.

Frans put his hand on the back of Tak's head and pushed it firmly onto his cock. The angle was wrong and Tak's cheek puffed out as huge as Louis Armstrong blowing his trumpet.

"That's enough," I spoke up finally. "You can see he can't take it."

Frans withdrew and Tak was able to swallow and speak.

"No, I'm OK," was all he said.

Then he maneuvered himself into a more upright position and took the cock in both hands, caressing it and licking it. I was seething that he was disrespecting our agreement and obviously enjoying his feast. And I was annoyed with myself that I was turned on by the view I had of that cock, now in front of Tak's beautiful face, completely obscuring his nose and both ears but not his spiky jet black hair, glistening brow, and greedy eyes.

Then with another maneuver Tak tilted his head back and guided the cock to his throat. I knew he could deep throat me but was sure he'd gag if he tried taking on that extra thickness and length.

But now that Tak was taking charge he was amazing me. Sliding it down, withdrawing a bit, then coming up for air, swallowing and repositioning himself, then plunging down again like a pearl diver going further and further with each dive in search of treasure.

While getting serviced, Frans had begun talking in German. Dieter even threw in a few remarks, laughing and smiling as he watched and jerked.

As I saw Dieter laughing my anger became acute as I realised what was going on. The show wasn't Tak and me. It was Tak and Frans. No, it was Tak and Frans with me playing a supporting role as the victim. And that was how Dieter got off. That was how Frans got off. And the worst thing was that part of me was enjoying it and Frans had told me so.

Why have you stopped?" Frans suddenly asked me in English. "This Asian slut boy needs it from both ends."

My feelings seemed to become transformed as I contemplated my role. We'll see how comfortable the slut boy feels getting fucked while he deep throats. And lubing up my condomed cock again, which was achingly hard, I pushed my way back into the action, determined to interfere with that cock sucking.

I fucked hard. I fucked viciously. Let Tak adjust his position. Let Frans adjust.

"Oh look once how he fucks", Frans blurted out. "Now we really see something. That's right. We knew you could. Fuck him hard. Yah, fuck him with that little thing. Fuck him as deep as you can."

A sharp stab of hatred followed by a wave of pleasure seized my body as I shouted out uncontrollably, slamming myself into Tak, with the cum surging into the condom, flooding my cock with a warm sloppy feeling I wasn't used to.

Frans had removed himself and I was collapsed over Tak. I was sweating and still spasming.

My head was spinning, I was clutching my darling Tak. Sounds of German voices, cheering and laughing. Shame and horror at what had just happened. It wasn't a dream. How much harm had been done?

I whispered in Tak's ear. "I'm sorry honey. I'm so sorry. We went too far. I need to be alone with you now. We must go."

(to be continued)

all comments welcome to sammyxviii@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 4

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