What Caucasians Have

By Sammy

Published on Jun 9, 2023


What Caucasians Have

Part 2

So wearing just towels we went outside to the pool area and found it was indeed lit up for night use, just as Tak had said. The tub was still heated and even had underwater lighting. It was big enough for about six people to sit--three along opposite sides. Obviously designed with gay guys in mind.

It was quite a turn on actually, kissing and playing under the water. The perfect hors d'oeuvre before heading back to our room for the main course.

Then just as things were heating up, Frans turns up at the poolside without Dieter, wearing just shorts with a towel around his neck. "Beautiful night. The pool and jacuzzi are one of the best things about this place. Mind if I join you?"

The last thing I needed was him again, spoiling the romantic moment, but not so obvious how to delicately tell him to wait, since the pool was clearly shared among all the guests. But before I can say anything Frans has dropped his shorts by the pool behind me and plopped down into the tub right beside me and opposite Tak. I can see the look of shock on Tak's face. Frans turns to me, beer in hand, and the stream of chatter starts up again.

"It's always interesting to meet new guys here. Dieter and I love to figure people out. We just were talking about you two after dinner. You probably did also about us. It's a nice change of scenery being here in the jacuzzi, a perfect temperature and cloudless night, the stars look different here, ....

My attention shifted over to Tak and I was surprised to see he still had an erection and didn't seem to realize it as he wasn't making any attempt to conceal it. If I'd been hard when someone else turned up I'd have tried to hide it, and it would have turned limp pretty quickly. Perhaps Frans wouldn't notice as the ripples in the water distorted visibility quite a bit. I discretely waved my hands under the water to keep it from calming. And with his cock floating anyway, it wasn't obvious whether it was hard or not. Then I noticed Tak's stare and followed his eyes to glance over at Frans whose cock looked hard too. Yuck. So he was getting excited by Tak. Angry now, I wanted to get us both out of the tub gracefully. But I couldn't catch Tak's eye, and Frans was still yacking away.

"... had another late night drinking until he passed out, but was up the next day as if nothing had happened. Well, I can still ..., hey, I see it doesn't take much for Tak to get hard. What a horny little boy. Having dirty thoughts? Unlike Samuel here," he says, taking a careful look at my cock.

"So what does it take for you to get hard, Sammy? Or is it like the smiling? Never happens. Just joking! Still no smile. Actually I bet I know--you're probably exactly like Dieter."

"So where is Dieter?" I asked, pleased to change the subject. "Why didn't he join you out here?"

"Oh, he's in our room waiting--probably playing with his condom collection. He knows I won't be long."

This was getting really bizarre. And the thought that I was somehow like Dieter. But at least he's about to leave. Otherwise we should get out ourselves.

Then Tak interrupted cheekily with "So what does it take to get you hard, Frans?"

Teasing the guy isn't going to help us get rid of him, I thought. And hadn't Tak noticed he was hard. It's at this point that I look again at Frans's cock and see that it probably isn't hard at all but just floating in the water like mine but much bigger looking. I feel jealous and irritated that Frans has seen the difference in size between us.

"Maybe you'll find out', he says, leaning towards Tak. "But since we're playing the guessing game I wonder if I'm right about Sammy. I bet he likes watching you have sex with other guys" he says, lightly brushing his hand up Tak's thigh.

With this, something shoots through me like a bolt of lightning and I stand and swivel round to punch him in the face. But he is quick to react and standing too, catches my fist and somehow twists my arm behind me. He's stronger than he seemed and I feel his whole body pressing into mine, and a tingling in my cock. I'm confused at what is happening, my loss of control and why I'm getting aroused. I try to shake him off and aim to get out of the pool while keeping my back to him, but he's laughing and maneuvers me onto my side, gets me off balance, then lets go as I splash down into the water on my back. Rising to the surface and wiping my eyes, I see both Frans and Tak staring at my cock, which is sticking out obtrusively.

"Relax my friend", says Frans, "so the idea is new to you. Just follow the lead of your cock".

Tak comes up and holds the back of my head, then gives me one of the deep kisses that's always driven me wild. But my heart is pounding. What's going on? Does Tak want to mess around with this creep? Why is that disgusting thought turning me on?

Then Frans comes over and pulls us gently apart. "OK guys I got you both hard, so now it's time for you to figure out what does it for me." We're now standing in a circle at the shallow end of the tub, water up to our thighs.

I look down at Frans's cock which is still limp but probably somewhat expanded in what must be an exciting situation for him. It was bigger than my erect cock, though mine had started to subside now. I'd often heard that big cocks don't grow that much when they get hard.

"Wondering how big it gets? Make a guess."

I could tell that Tak was guessing and keen to find out, but he didn't say anything. I was panicking.

"I bet Tak has had some big ones, haven't you, Tak? What's the biggest one you've had in your mouth or ass?"

What a nerve asking such a question, I thought. It was none of his business. Though I had wondered myself whether any of Tak's previous sex partners had been hung, we'd never talked about anything like that.

"I don't know," said Tak, "I didn't measure". I was glad for this tactful response.

"Oh I think you are a good judge of length without even a measuring stick," Frans insisted. "Compared to Sammy, was he 3cm longer, 5cm? Oh I'm sorry, we must use inches for Sammy. One inch longer, two inches?"

He's not going to tell you, I thought, though I now had an opening to ask Tak at some point. But it was irritating that I was being used as the measuring standard.

"Maybe two," Tak volunteered.

I was annoyed that Tak had answered, and a pang of jealousy hit me that I'd been beaten by so much.

"I bet you liked that one. But you still haven't said how big mine gets. How many inches longer than Sammy's?"

And all three of us were now staring at Frans's soft cock next to mine.

"Sammy, you can guess too."

I was paralyzed, wishing this had never happened, but unable to pull away.

Eventually Tak said "Why don't you show us?"

Then Frans gave Tak a playful slap on the butt and stepped out of the tub.

"Come and join us in our room. It's this one," he said, pointing.

Frans slipped his shorts on and walked back into the house. I was embarrassed, confused and upset with Tak at his flirtation, which had ruined the romantic evening. Now at least sense would prevail and things would calm down.

(to be continued)

all comments welcome to sammyxviii@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 3

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