What Am I to You

By Smoke Pup

Published on Aug 10, 2023


I stumbled out of the basement, limping slightly from the rough fuck the two men had given me just before and leaned against the wall when we got up the stairs, still catching my breath as Master Bass stretched out.

"So, this week still on?" He grinned at my father who was checking his phone.

"Definitely. I have to go on this business trip, so my faggot needs a sitter." I looked at them in confusion before Bass spoke again.

"You hear that boy? Your Dad wants me to sit on you... and you can expect plenty of that when you're at my place this week."

"Are you serious?" I asked my Dad, insulted that I wouldn't have the house to myself.

"Damn right, son! Just yesterday, you were out getting your behind blistered as soon as I turned my back. Now I know that you're such a cockhungry faggot, how do you expect me to trust you?" He started. "Besides, this way I know where you are and what you're up to. And I trust Bass to train you well."

"But you said I could throw a party!"

"We'll plan our own kind of party, faggot. Stop your whining unless you want to be trained into a full toilet this week." Bass interrupted and I snapped my mouth shut, my face flushing a bright red. "Atta boy."

"Imma take a shower before I need to head out and you can do your chores. I expect you two to behave while I'm out?" My Dad asked.

"Me!?" Bass responded with a big grin while I just nodded.

"Yes Daddy."

My father rubbed the top of my head softly before stepping into the bathroom and locking the door behind him as Bass motioned for me to join him on the couch.

"Listen, kid. We're going to have lots of fun this week. If you want to throw a party, I can drop you off here and pick you up in the morning. I'm working most of the week, but I expect you to be ready in the morning before going to work and eager and ready when I'm back."

"Yes Master." I responded quickly, feeling a wave of relief as I already invited everyone.

"However, I'm not like your father. I am a sadist by nature and besides any permanent markings, you should expect a lot of pain and suffering while you're on my watch." He reached out into his breast pocket and took out another cigar which made me blush, remembering what happened to the last two cigars the men smoked.

I was laying on the fuckbench after they both unloaded inside me when my Dad rested his boots on my back, sitting in his comfy chair and finishing his cigar while Master Bass, teased my swollen hole after he fucked it for a good hour.

Master's cigar went out already and only a nub was left when he pushed the cigar against my hole, teasing it so much that I started to beg.

"Please, push your cigar in my hole, Master. Fuck me, please."

My hands moved to my hole where Bass's nub was stored, making him smirk.

"I expect that nub to stay in there until tonight, boy. Before you go to bed."

"Yes Master." I responded and got on my knees in front of him.

He handed me the cigar and without saying a word, I started to prepare it for him.

I wet the end of the cigar and got the cutter from the little table next to him as I felt his boots rest on my legs, playing with my new equipment around my dick.

"Looking much better with your clit locked, pig." Bass smirked as I clipped his cigar with a gulp.

I brought the cigar to my lips again and checked the draw before I lit it, like I was thought. When the cherry was right, I handed it back to Master, who planted it between his own lips and relaxed back in the chair, obviously pleased by my work, which made me feel proud.

"Mmmm we'll have a good week ahead. You better be all rested tomorrow, boy."

"Yes Master." I blushed as my hands rubbed over his leather boots.

"Get down and lick em clean, boy." He ordered and I did what I was told. The taste of the leather on my tongue made my locked dick throb in the cage, which now felt more like an annoyance, but that just made me hornier and more eager to worship.

"Have you chatted with Jeremy yet? He texted me this morning, still under the impression you want to become his boy. I think we already know what you decided."

"Well..." I started but Bass just chuckled.

"Just keep licking boy." He said as he moved his boots so I could lay on the floor and in better position. "Even if you are not sure what you want, I got a pretty good impression."

I blushed even deeper at his comment and continued licking as was ordered.

After about 5 minutes, my Dad came back from the shower and sighed.

"Alright, I'm going to head out in a few. Make sure to clean up after us and then you can do whatever the hell you want. Now come give me a kiss."

I looked up at Bass for approval and with a nod, I got up from the floor to walk to my father. He locked me in his arms and kissed me deeply, his tongue deep inside my mouth as we made out for about a minute, almost primal.

When he finally pulled away from the kiss, he smacked my ass and him and Bass walked out the door, telling me to behave myself.

I planted on my bed when I was done cleaning up the house and let out a loud groan into my pillow.

`2 days ago, I was a normal boy, getting good grades, having great friends, explored a lot about myself and being gay. Life was already pretty good.

And now I am my Dad's bitch, am on a leather master's back and call, have a potential Master and there is another guy interested in me. Not only that, I am forced to smoke cigars, take ash and have my dick locked away so I can't even play with myself. My whole life felt like it was upside down now.

I just couldn't figure out what I wanted, who I wanted most.

My Dad was a selfish, entitled, dominant and difficult man with lots of high expectations. But I know that he wants what's best for me (and him). It was hard and hot seeing him like this however and would love to explore more with him. Why did he have to go away for a week?

Then again, I would be placed under Bass's care. Probably the hottest man I've ever seen. I was kind of scared of him however as he claims he is a sadist and the way the leather master makes me suffer and humiliates me was already a lot to handle.

Speaking of... I know I don't need to meet up with him anymore as my father already knows about me now, but there was something about him that just made me want to go back to him.

I realized that I love to serve. Seeing someone relax because of my service, seeing them excited, getting the approval and confirmation I'm doing a good job at these kind of things made me feel more proud and happier than ever before. I love feeling inferior and getting tortured, seeing the marks afterwards make me proud as well, knowing I served them in a way.

My Dad shows me affection too... I wonder if that would be something I would miss if I would become Bass's slave. Hell, I kind of wish I could keep all four of them. I know Jeremy treated me like I was something special, even though I served him in different ways as well and he was dominant with me.'

I decided to pick up the phone and call Jeremy's number. I don't know why I didn't just text him but as I was thinking about that, the phone was already ringing and I just bit my lip and hoped he answered. After about 3 rings however, a voice from the other end was heard.

"There he is!" He sounded cheery. "What's up cub? Miss me?" I smiled and asked him what he was doing later.

"Oh nothing much. Why? Want to meet up for a coffee?" I smiled and agreed to meet him at a bar of his choice, so I got dressed and took the car.

The bar that he chose was of course a cigar lounge, which made me smile when I got out of the car and got inside. It was quiet with just 2 other guys smoking cigars and Jeremy waving me in from the corner of the lounge.

"Hey there! Good to see you!" He said as I approached, holding my arms and planting a kiss on my lips before sitting down. "Would you like to have a cigar as well or do you prefer to watch me smoke?"

I remembered my Dad's demands of smoking cigars myself and chuckled. "I'll have one. Would be nice to smoke cigars myself too."

"Atta boy." He smiled and placed a cigar in front of me. Not as big as the one Dad and Bass smoked during play, but still pretty thick. "I love these cigars, one of my favorites. Produce lots of smoke." He said with a wink.

I already couldn't wait to watch him smoke it but realized I probably had to impress him with the way I was smoking as well. "So, how's my boy doing?" He asked and I let out a involuntary groan. "Oh, wanna talk about it?"

We lit our cigars and I tried to tell him the entire story of what happened to me in the past few days, though he was right. The "inch" was really producing a lot of smoke and damn, did he look amazing smoking that cigar. After a while of getting side-tracked, I finally came to my conclusion and told him how conflicted I felt about feeling the pressure to choose.

He puffed on his cigar for a while and looked outside the window, contemplating on what to say about this when he finally turned to me.

"Listen son. I don't think it's fair that they are pushing themselves on you like that. I think that you need to find out what you want, when you want." He started. "I think staying over at Bass is a great opportunity to find out if that is what you want, and still living with your father can help you understand that better over time as well."

"I know... I think I will learn a lot over time but I just feel like I need to make a choice soon."

"Let that feeling go, boy. When you're ready to make a choice, you make it. In the meantime, enjoy the experiences and see how you feel about it. It's also ok to admit you don't like something they do to you, you know. You don't have to suffer because you want to make them happy."

I looked down at my cigar which was about halfway done while Jeremy basically finished his cigar already, though he retrieved another cigar from his breast pocket as he ordered another drink for both of us.

"So.... If I would choose to be your boy..."

"Oh? So I am still one of your options?" He grinned.

"Yes." I blushed. "But if I chose to be your boy, how would you see that happening?"

"Well..." He started, lighting his cigar before he continued. "I'm not sure how you would be as my boy as everybody is different, however, my perfect Dad/son relationship would be to wake up with my coffee ready, cigar lit and my boy on my cock, teasing his first load out of me while I wake up with my coffee. When I'm awake enough, I'll make sure to cum deep inside his hole, marking him with my DNA. Then I would push my nub into his ass and plug him so the DNA and cigar gets absorbed into the boy's system, completely marking him as mine. He would light my cigars throughout the day, take my ashes, smoke and spit as I will try to have every exhale go inside his mouth, unless it is otherwise occupied." He took another break to smoke his cigar and wink at me.

"He would refill my drinks, fetch whatever I need, give massages, suck my cock, take my piss etc. while I work from home. Or be under the desk when I'm in a meeting. If he does a good job on that, I maybe fuck him while at work or wait until after work to dump a load in him.

Then I'll cook us some dinner, have another cigar and watch a movie or something while blowing all the smoke inside him and then it's time for bed where I pump him full one more time."

I had been smoking my cigar so fast to distract myself from getting too horny right there and then that I was starting to feel lightheaded before he smirked.

"And I would enjoy showing you off in lounges like this, smelling like your Dad, wearing what Dad wants you to wear, kiss you in public... Like this." He said as he scooted over to me, drawing from his cigar and placing his lips on mine, sharing a deep, tender kiss as his arm snaked around my back, sneaking into my pants and teasing my hole a little as I leaned into the smokey kiss with held back moans.

He pulled back and snickered. "Though my boy doesn't need to smoke cigars at home. Whenever he feels the urge, he would just light one for me and I'll feed him plenty of smoke."

I felt his hand move away from my butt and he moved back to his seat.

"Maybe I should stay a week with you as well." I admitted, blushing furiously.

"Oh you're welcome to boy. Maybe we could go to a cabin in the woods, having cigars in a jacuzzi underneath the stars."

"That sounds perfect."

"Glad you agree." He smiled, fixing his bulge in his pants.

"How many cigars do you smoke a week?" I asked, which made him laugh.

"Oh I actually smoke cigars. I don't just smoke while having sex or when I'm horny like others, son. So about 2 or 3 a day usually. Sometimes up to 6 whenever there is a hot boy around."

I closed my eyes and bit my lip as I actually felt something leak out of the cage upon hearing that, which upon seeing my impression made him laugh even more.

"What's the matter boy? Cage bothering you?"

"Would I have to wear one for you too?" I asked shyly.

"You wouldn't be allowed to touch yourself regardless. You'd cum by having my dick up your ass or you won't cum at all. Though you can have all the smoke, piss, sweat and spit as you want."

"Thank you Sir."

"Oh please," He took another draw from his cigar before leaning in and blowing the smoke directly in my face, making me inhale his thick smoke. "Call me Daddy."

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