What Am I to You

By Smoke Pup

Published on Jun 12, 2023


I woke up the next morning when my alarm went off and quickly turned it off with a light groan.

My entire backside felt like it was on fire and my muscles were sore all over. It took a minute before my brain processed where I was and all of a sudden I heard another groan as the figure next to me turned to his back.

I quietly sat up straight, not wanting to wake up my Dad right away as I wouldn't know what his twisted mind would come up with in the early morning. I slowly got out of bed, took my phone and made way to my own room.

When I got there, I sat down on the bed, looking at myself in the mirror as I remembered where the odd taste in my mouth came from and I blushed deeply as I looked away from my reflection.

"Fuck... I can't believe I did that." I mumbled out loud.

Dad had me between his legs all evening yesterday. I swallowed all of his ashes as he finished his cigar. Drank his piss, which he was very impressed with and then he took me downstairs to the basement which was usually locked.

Dad's "office" was basically a playroom. It contained a sling, a fancy rimchair that had a headrest installed, a closet filled with leather clothes with a rack of boots, a desk and a computer for porn together with a huge screen hanging on the wall, and a bed with restraints attached to each corner. The walls were dark red and there was a little showerhead in the corner of the room, a drain in the floor to match it. There was another corner which had a big humidor installed and a minifridge next to it.

He walked me over to that corner of the room as he barked. "This is where we'll spend a lot of time together from now on, faggot." He grinned. "As you can see, there is only one chair, and what I really miss in this basement is a footstool. Obviously, you would do just fine. If you're not smoking a cigar or serving my ass or cock, you are expected to crawl under my legs for me to put my feet up." He sat down in his leather chair and I blushed as I got to my knees.

"Woah, slow down boy. I told you we would smoke a cigar together every evening and it's time. Go fetch us some cigars from the humidor boy. Get a cigar you would like to see parked in your old man's jaw and get yourself one that is a size up."

I got confused when he told me to get a cigar bigger than his, but I did what I was told regardless. I opened the door of the humidor and looked around, finding the big cigars Bass was smoking the night before and took one of those. `Asylum 13' it said. I was then looking for another cigar that would be a size bigger, which were on the bottom. Another few asylums, el monstruos etc. I thought I would keep the theme of the asylums going and walked back to my Dad who laughed when I returned with the huge cigars.

"Of course you come up with the 9x90. Did Eustass teach you?" I remember I was very excited at that point and shrugged.

"No idea what that means Daddy."

I snapped back to myself in the mirror when I felt my phone buzz and looked at it in my hands. For the first time in 2 days, I checked my messages and noticed I had a lot of missed calls from both my Dad and Connor. I skimmed over the messages and told Connor I was fine. Just had a rough day yesterday before putting my phone on charge.

I grabbed my pillow and groaned in it as I remembered the rest. Dad taught me how to cut and prepare a cigar, how to store them, present them to him etc. I think I got a clear understanding how that works now. The rings and gauche were a little harder to remember however.

Though I wish that I could forget how sick I felt halfway through the cigar but Dad forcing me to smoke more. How he got behind me as I took a big draw from the cigar like he showed me and then put his gloved hand over my mouth. "Take it deep, fucker." He said.

My lungs felt like they were on fire before he removed his hand and I could exhale. He only did this a few times, but every time it got harder to take. When I started to feel sick, my Dad grinned and told me that I could puke in the shower. Almost on command, I rushed over there and as soon as I released it, I felt all better.

Dad decided to take it slow on me from that moment on, and promised me that we're going to practice with the inhaling. "Whenever you feel like you're reaching this point in the future, tell me and I'll let you have a break. However, you chose that cigar and you're going to finish it. I don't care how long it takes."

I smiled in my pillow when I realized I did smoke the entire cigar... well, Dad helped. But eventually we did finish it.

I rubbed my tongue to the roof of my mouth, remembering the taste of the smoke. It was warm, sandlewoody, spicy and tasty. It smelled different than Dad's cigars though. However as I was only remembering the smell and taste, my little dick got hard against my bed again.

"Fuck... I want to watch him smoke again... Eat his ash... drink his piss..." As I started thinking about it, I turned around and my hand was around my own dick. I stared at the ceiling imagining smoke swirling around the room, Dad, Eustass, Jeremy and the pipemaster surrounding me, taking turns on my hole while feeding me their ash. The pace of my hand was slow yet steady, and I felt precum slide down the shaft. My toes curled as I was getting closer and closer.

All of a sudden I heard the doorbell and I froze. "FUCK." I exclaimed as I quickly gathered myself and grabbed a pair of dirty boxers from the floor, realizing I forgot the most important thing from yesterday. The reason I set my alarm this morning. "I was supposed to wake Dad up with a cigar and a blowjob before this would happen. Fuck."

I hurried to the door and quickly opened it to be greeted by Bass' smug smile, a cigar in the corner of his mouth. "Howdy, faggot." My dick twitched as I saw him again and he pushed passed me into the livingroom.

He was wearing a black leather jacket, shirt and tie, a pair of jeans and riders boots under them.

"Good morning, Sir. You're early." I said nervously.

"Oh I know, slave. Where's your father? Still asleep I assume?"

"Yes he is, Sir." I laughed nervously. "Allow me to wake him up for a second."

"No need. Come here." He took a big draw from his cigar and pulled me closer by my neck, locking his lips with mine and making me moan in the deep kiss as I took his exhale. He growled into the kiss before he pulled me back by my neck and smirked. "Open your mouth, faggot."

I obeyed and he spat a huge wad of spit right in my open mouth, which I swallowed. With an approving nod and a few puffs on his cigar, he pulled me back in for another deep, smokey kiss.

I moaned as the taste of recycled smoke was so much smoother. It tasted spicy and warm, together with the feeling of his tongue rubbing against mine made me feel like putty in his grip as I gently rested against his cold, creaky leather, my hands folding into fists before he pulled me off again and he unzipped his jeans to pull down to his knees, revealing leather pants underneath it.

He took a seat in Dad's chair and lifted a leg. "Take it off, pig." I felt my face heat up and a smile form from cheek to cheek as I got on my knees and pulled off his jeans, folding it and placing it next to the chair as he unzipped his leather pants. "I've been holding it in since I woke up... Need to go for a wicked piss, boy. You know what to do."

"Yes Master." I responded shyly which I noticed, made his cock twitch before I leaned in and took the head in my mouth. It didn't take long before his piss was filling my mouth and I started to panic from the strong acidic taste. The taste was way more foul than the piss I drank before, but I forced myself to concentrate on not spilling a drop, not wanting to soil Master's leather or Dad's chair.

Luckily it wasn't as much as I had anticipated, but when I pulled off and coughed, Bass chuckled. "Yeah, morning piss is an acquired taste. You'll get used to it though."

I bit my lower lip and kept my eyes down, feeling embarrassed for struggling so much to take his piss, but noticed Bass was stroking his big pierced cock. Like a magnetic pull, I gravitated towards it, wanting to take it in my mouth again before I felt his gloved fingers on my forehead.

"Don't be so eager, boy. Get me a glass of water and lube me up with your throat. Let's wake up your father together." He grinned evilly and I could already imagine what my Dad would think when he would wake up from our moans, especially since I didn't wake him up like he asked me to. I softly groaned as I responded with a "Yes Sir." Before getting him a glass of water.

Bass smirked when I came back and put the glass of water on the sidetable, watching him stroke his now leaking cock. "Those are some hot marks on your back, boy. Can't wait to fuck you." He blew smoke in my direction and tapped his cock into his gloved hand. "Take off your underwear and work my shaft."

I did what I was told and got on my knees before I took his cockhead in my mouth with a soft moan. I savored the taste for a while before I took more and more of his cock in my mouth until I reached the base of his shaft, massaging it with my tongue and throat for a little while. When I wanted to pull back to cover more of his cock and for a chance to breathe however, Bass pushed my head down against his groin, keeping me in place.

As I lost my breath, I gagged and felt tears pool up in my eyes. I looked up, pleading in my head to be released from his grip, but that just made him throb even harder inside my throat as he smirked around his big cigar, the smoke making my eyes release the tears. He kept me there until my vision started to get a little blurry before he finally let my head go and I quickly pulled off his cock, falling on my back and gasping for air.

I watched as Bass got up, his cock hard and coated in my throat slime as he spat down on my chest. Fuck, I loved being treated like this...

He kicked my legs and I pulled them up to my chest as he rolled his eyes and bent down, snaking his hands under my knees and gripped me by my sides, placing me down on the chair before lifting my legs up even higher. I tried to keep them there as he released me and slapped his cock against my now exposed hole.

"Ready to scream, bitch?" He said with a smirk, feeling the pierced head push against my hole.

"Yes M-MASTER, FUCK!" I couldn't help but screaming as he pushed in right to the root and immediately drilled my ass. The first few moans that came out of me were loud enough to wake the neighbors I assumed, so I wasn't surprised when I heard my Dad from the other room asking what the hell was going on.

This seemed to amuse Master, however as he grunted loudly. "Oh Yeah! Take it you little whore! Let your father know how much you love your Master's big cock!"

I looked up at him, watching his face clouded by the smoke he produced as he exhaled in my direction, every panting breath filled with at least a bit of smoke before I noticed the silhouette of my Dad coming from behind him. I gripped the armrests of the chair tightly, worried what was going to happen before I noticed my father's hand on Master's shoulder.

"Yeah, fuck the shit out of the brat." He grinned before Bass smiled over at his direction and I felt his rhythm come to a halt.

"It's your boy. Want to be the first one to put a load in him?"

"Fuck yes. But not here. Let's head to the basement" He winked which made Bass shrug and pull out of me. I slowly lowered my legs down and panted before rolling off the chair, getting face to face with the two cocks in front of me before Bass lifted my chin up and held the cigar out in front of me. I instinctively opened my mouth as he dropped his hot ashes on my tongue for me to chew.

When I swallowed it all, I stuck my tongue out to show it was all gone and heard a "good boy" from both of them in unison which made me blush furiously.

"Sorry I started on the boy without you, Jim. I had no choice though, he opened the door with his boner throbbing and leaking." Bass chuckled before they walked off.

"Hmmm... Did he now?" My Dad asked as he glanced over in my direction, looking pretty mad.

I followed them down to the basement where my Dad started to set up a piece of furniture and attached some chains to it while ordering me to get him a cigar from the humidor.

I picked out a nice big one and prepared it like he showed me, wet the end and cut it before getting on my knees next to him and lighting it up as the two men talked about how to fuck me.

I handed my Dad the cigar who pulled me up by my arm and splayed me out on the fuckbench, tying my arms and feet to the legs of the piece of furniture.

"Nice work on his back, by the way." Bass commented which made my Dad chuckle.

"Naah, this little slut got these elsewhere, that makes his behind out of service. But because he has been a bad boy, not waking me up..." I couldn't see what he was grabbing, but I gasped when I felt him yank my balls from underneath me and sliding something cold over my shaft and balls.

"Damn, this boy is a menace." Bass chuckled again and got in front of me as my dick throbbed with excitement. He leaned in and kissed me deeply, his tongue exploring my mouth vigorously as my father stroked my cock. He pulled back and grinned, his eyes shimmering evilly as he whispered in my ear. "Cum for us boy, show us how hot we make you."

He put his cigar back in his jaw and drew from it deeply before feeding me a lungful of smoke again. He repeated this only 3 more times before I was humping my Dad's hand and shooting my load over the fuckbench, panting in exhaustion as they both cheered. "There we go!"

"We'll be back, son. Gonna get some drinks... Don't go anywhere." They chuckled which made me shake my head. "That was a lame joke." I whispered under my breath.

They returned when my dick was limp and I caught my breath, the two sounding like they were catching up before my Dad exclaimed: "Ah! Way better. Now let's just install this..." Again I felt something cold slide over my dick, but this time it was encasing it, pressing my dick back just a little before I heard a click of a lock.

My eyes widened and I tried to look back at it, but I was tied too tightly to even move my ass up, which was starting to strain my arms and legs at this point. "W- What is that, Dad?"

"This is a chastity cage, son. From now on, you will wear this 24/7. This will teach you to think of other cocks first and to ignore your own."

"You're a faggot." Bass chimed in. "You need to learn that your primary sex organs are your cunt and your pussymouth." I could hear him smile behind me, rubbing my hole with his gloved hand which made me blush furiously.

`I'm on the hockey team. They couldn't be serious about this chastity thing could they?' Before I could even process it, Dad put a chair in front of me, spreading his legs so I was right at his cock and balls while Bass was adjusting the height of the back a little, removing a little bit of stress from my legs as he lined me up with his cock.

My blush only deepened when I smelled my Dad's musky cock and opened my mouth when he rested it against my lips.

"Oh Bass... Remember, this is a punishment fuck."

"Fucking perfect." He grinned.

Next: Chapter 5

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