What Am I to You

By Smoke Pup

Published on Apr 8, 2023


"What the fuck?!" Connor yelled through the headset of his computer. "You roofied him?!"

"Come on man, we thought it would be funny. You know, with Damon being queer and all." Jesse laughed nervously.

"How the fuck is this funny, Jesse?! No one has heard from him since last night! You should have heard his Dad on the phone."

"I didn't know this would happen bro, chill. It was only half a pill and I'm sure he'll reappear somew-" Jesse said before Connor turned off the computer. Should he tell Damon's Dad? But what if Jim blames him?

He tried calling Damon on his phone again, but still no answer.

"Fuuuuuuck." He dialed another number on his phone and this time there was an answer.

"Ey bro, wassup?" Tyler's deep voice sounded on the other end.

"Ty, shut up and get over here! This is an emergency."

I followed my father into the livingroom, my heart racing and too nervous to look up at him. Though I was wondering why he was smoking a cigar all of a sudden. I knew he had one on special occasions, but I don't think this qualified as one.

He sat down in his armchair and let out a sigh as I stood there. "Look at me, boy." He growled, after which I obeyed. "I'm very, VERY disappointed in you. All this time, you never had the guts to tell me you like men. Now I have to find out through fucking Danny of all people! Not only that you're gay, but that you're a flaming faggot as well."

Tears filled up my eyes as I looked down again and I could hear my father puff on his cigar, the smoke floating over in my direction, which made my dick involuntarily jump.

"Then, you left this afternoon. Hell, you snuck out even! While you KNEW I wanted to have a conversation with you. Which shows, you can't be trusted. I had to call Ruby's too find out that you were with Eustass all evening. He told me everything. How you were such a slut for his cigarsmoke, How you shot your load all over some perverts boots without even touching yourself. You cleaned his hole. Hell, he even told me how eager you got when he farted in your mouth."

He sighed. "You let not only Eustass, but 2 other men dominate and fuck you last night as well... What do you have to say for yourself?"

My head was racing as fast as my heart, I wanted to spew out the words, but they weren't coming up fast enough.

"ANSWER ME, FAGGOT!" He barked.

"I-...I...." Tears started rolling down my face and before I knew it I was sobbing. My legs buckled from underneath me and I ended up on my knees. "I'm s-sorry Daddy. I Know I should have told you, please don't kick me out. I'm sti-"

"Hey, hey, HEY!" He lifted my chin and I noticed that he was squatting right in front of me. "You got the wrong idea, boy. Noo, now I know I have a faggot as a son, things are definitely going to change around here. But if you do as I say, I'd never kick you out."

My sobbing slowed down a little. "W-what do you mean?" I asked, confused as to what he was implying.

I noticed his smirk as he sat back down in the chair, grabbing his drink as he held it out to me. "Have a drink, son. Calm down."

I took the clear drink and took a big gulp. It looked like water, but I immediately regretted it when I realized it was vodka instead.

"Really?!" I asked between coughs, which just made him laugh and took the glass from me again. "I don't get it. If you're not mad, then what?"

"Oh I'm PISSED." He said as he slouched down in the chair. "And you're going to make up for it." He put the cigar back in his jaw and slid his hand down his pants. "First, there are a few things you should know about me.

1: I love to fuck fags. Now that I have one living with me, I don't have to search for one either. 2: I smoke cigars every day. Usually I smoke them down in my office basement, hence why it was off limits for you. That will change. You'll get used to my smoke wherever in this house. 3: You're MY property. I put you in this world and I will have a say in how I want my son to be raised. If you thought I was strict before, you got another thing coming. I can be a mean son of a bitch and I expect obedience first and foremost. I don't care about your needs and I WILL be selfish when it comes to mine."

"Wha-" I started, my jaw dropping to the floor. He couldn't be serious could he? He actually expected his own damn son to serve him sexually? Like some sort of slave?

"Know that there will be no days off. You will serve ME anyway I need. Be it my ashtray, toilet, footrest, anything I can possibly think of first. Only if your chores are done and I'm pleased, or going out of the house, you can do whatever you want to do.

However, Eustass and I have come to an agreement. He can come to the house whenever he wants to use my faggot. With my approval, you will go over there and take care of his needs as well.

You told him you want to be a proper cigar bitch and we sure as hell are determined to make you one."

"You're serious?" He didn't stop.

"Eustass and I are childhood friends. Everything that I'm discussing with you right now, stays between us 3. He will probably have his own set of rules for you and I expect you to follow them. Meanwhile, here are some of mine:

I'm going to turn you into a proper cigar smoker. You will learn how to store, prepare and smoke cigars. We'll start off your training regime at 1 cigar a day. If you complain, I will put you in a gasmask and force the smoke down.

Since you seemed to enjoy rimming so much, I'm going to have you under my rimseat EVERY day and I want you to beg for it. If you forget to eat my ass at least once, you're going to regret it.

Every morning, you wake up before me, and I expect to be woken up with your mouth around my cock and a cigar lit and ready for me to smoke. I'm going to teach you how to drink piss as my fluids will not be wasted, even my foul morning piss.

You will then fix me breakfast as I finish my cigar. Yes boy, the tables have turned. YOU will fix ME meals. During the week, I'll be headed out to work and you will clean up after me. When everything is clean, you can do your part-time job yourself. Your hard-earned money will provide us cigars. I'll take care of every other expense."

"Part-time job?" I asked, even though I did not agree with any of this, it became clear that I didn't have a choice in the matter. "But I work fulltime."

"Not anymore. You'll contact your job and you will tell them that you only want to work 4 hours a day. That should be enough to provide us cigars. After work, you prepare for my arrival. I don't care if your ass is clean. You're going to clean my cock after I'm done with you, so you might want to douche out before I get home.

Your doors will stay gone. I want to be able to walk into your room at any given time to use my property. You will have no privacy. >From now on, I'll be open and honest to you about everything, son. And you can do the same.

After dinner, You'll smoke a cigar with me and then we can get into bed together. How does that sound?"

"I...uh...Wha-" I started stammering.

"Spit it out, son." Dad grumbled, obviously getting annoyed while I was going through the situation in my mind.

"You're my DAD!" I exclaimed, which made him chuckle.

"THAT'S the spirit, son!"

"N-n-no that's not what I meant..."

"I know what you meant, and I don't care." He put the cigar back in his jaw and slumped down, unzipping his pants. His big cock flopped out of the opening and I noticed he was as hard as a rock, the head glistening with pre-cum. "Strip down and get to work. NOW." He growled with his cigar clenched in his jaw.

Even though my mind was still clouded with doubt, I did what I was told and quickly took off my clothes which at some point made my father chuckle.

I dropped back to my knees and crawled over between his legs, his cock throbbing in front of my face as his hand held my chin so my mouth was just out of reach.

He leaned over me and smirked as he looked at my backside. "Damn boy. Did Bass do that?" He asked. I suddenly remembered my afternoon, the conversation completely distracting me from the pain and shook my head as best as I could.

"Someone else..." I gulped. My own dick throbbing between my legs as I inhaled my dad's musky crotch mixed with his smoke.

"Such a fucking faggot." He chuckled as he sat back again, letting go of my chin and placing his hand around the base of his cock. He slapped it softly against my face and I hesitantly opened my mouth.

It was barely open before I felt the head press against my lips and a hand on the back of my head, slowly pulling me on his cock. He sighed in pleasure as my warm mouth took inch by inch of his big cock, rivalling that of Bass, until my face was pressed into his pubes.

He kept me there for a while as I started to gag and he let go of my head so I could pull back slightly and breathe.

"Show me how good of a cocksucker you are, son. I am going to enjoy this cigar properly." He said before he blew the smoke in my face.

I know I probably should have been disgusted with myself, but looking up at him, enjoying a cigar, groaning as I worked my tongue over his shaft and feeling him twitch down my throat when I took it deep... It almost felt natural.

"Fuck. You were born to suck my cock, son. This is why I made you, damn." This made me chuckle a little as I continued to work his cock while I loved watching him relax.

At some point, Dad placed his hands on my head and fucked my throat, making me gag and unable to breathe for a while, and just as I was about to not hold it anymore, he released me to catch a breathe. Which was basically just smoke he inhaled.

I was filled with a hunger I never felt before and before I knew it, I took a deep breath and was back on his cock.

"See, his car is right there." Tyler said as they were pulling up to the driveway.

"Yeah, we picked him up last night, idiot. Of course it would be." Connor responded, still nervous about telling Jim what they did to Damon the night before. "Just park right here." He said.

They both got out of the car and Tyler groaned. "Man, I can't believe you're dragging me into this. We were not even involved..."

"Yeah, but he deserves to know, Ty. I would freak out if my son was missing too."

"Is he even home? There's like one light on in the house." Tyler whined again, obviously regretting driving there.

"I hope so. Let's check." Connor said as he made his way to the window.

"If he's not there, we're turning back dude. You can text him."

"Oh shut up. Damn these blinds, I can barely see anything." Connor spat back

"Ok, we tried."

"Wait... I see some movement... What the FUCK?" Connor froze.

"What? What is it?" All of a sudden Tyler's curiosity spiked as well and he joined Connor at the window.

The two were stunned to see the scene in front of them.

They couldn't see who was in the chair, but they could definitely see their friend on his knees, his back showing some red marks and his head buried between the other's legs.

"Do you think that's Jim?" Tyler whispered.

"Noooo.... Right?" Connor doubted.

"But he's sucking him off!"

"You don't know that for sure!" Connor blushed.

"Dude! It's obvious! But damn him. Here we are, worried our heads off while he is safe at home and obviously enjoying himself!" They moved away from the window as their friend poked his head back, having enough confirmation that was indeed Damon.

"Well, fuck dude." Connor shook. "That's an image that won't fade for a while."

"I told you we shouldn't have come here!" Tyler sounded agitated now. "Let's ring the door right now."

"Bro, chill. We'll head back and I'll talk to him on Monday at school. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation..."

"Yes, that that bitch is a fucking perv!" Tyler stomped off back to his car.

"Y-yeah..." Connor blushed. Something hard poking inside his pants.

It didn't take too long before Dad placed his hands on the back of my head again and pushed me down. His hips thrusting wildly as his cock ravaged my throat.

I struggled a little as I was already running out of breath, but this time his hands held me tighter. He thrusted one last time as my throat pulsed around his cock while I gagged. I heard Dad moan loudly around his cigar and a thick stream of cum filled up my stomach. Tears streamed down my face as he kept pumping inside my throat but eventually his grip softened and I was able to pull back when he finished.

I gasped and coughed when I pulled off, which made Dad chuckle. "Fuck... I needed that." He sighed, looking at me gathering myself as he took the cigar from his jaw, checking out the ash. "Open your mouth, boy. You're just getting started."

Next: Chapter 4

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