What Am I to You

By Smoke Pup

Published on Mar 5, 2023


It was a close race, but Sadistic pipe master won the poll by one vote! I hope you all enjoy this chapter as this is just the beginning for our main character. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

I glanced over at my bed to locate my phone and my face flushed red after seeing a dried up puddle on the sheets. 3 loads, one evening. Damn. Every inch of my body felt sore as I remembered how caring yet firm Jeremy was, how dominant and fun Bass acted and then that scary, sadistic, yet exciting pipe smoker.

I had no idea what I wanted in life or how I saw myself after that day, but this got me really excited to try more things and discover what and who I really wanted. I heard my father sigh in the other room and realized that I didn't want to have this conversation with him after he found out where I was the night before. I didn't want to know his opinion about me being fucked by 3 practically strangers in a bar, all of them closer to his age than mine. We never even talked about me being gay before.

I noticed my phone and grabbed it as I remembered the ding, expecting it to be one of my friends whom I started the evening with, but instead I was greeted by a message from an unknown number with a place and time.

Confused for a minute, I googled the place and it looked like it was a high school gym, about half an hour away. The time mentioned was in an hour. I suddenly remembered, I gave the pipeguy my number and felt nervous all of a sudden. Was I really going to go to this gym? The man was exciting, that's for sure, though scary as well. I really wanted a way out of talking to my dad however, so I quickly scanned my phone for other messages, but as there were none, I decided to bite the bullet.

I quickly took a shower and snuck out of the window, keeping the door to my room on lock. My father was already pissed, so adding a little fuel to the fire wouldn't hurt at this point. Better to postpone the inevitable, so I quietly got into my car and quickly drove to the gym.

I arrived 10 minutes early and parked in the empty parking lot. The building looked abandoned, chains around the doors, windows barricaded and graffiti all over the walls. Was I supposed to wait in the car?

Curiosity got the better of me and I got out of my car to check if any of the doors were unlocked, and to my surprise, I found the backdoor slightly ajar.

I walked in and closed the door behind me, only to hear the door fall into its lock and hit myself in the head for being this stupid. I tried to open the door in the hopes I misheard but unfortunately, there was nothing wrong with my ears. I turned around and made my way through some equipment as I found myself in the old storage before I got to the main room.

The room was dusty, the floor was littered with empty cans and bottles, pieces of glass laying on the floor at the barricaded windows, yet all of it was swept aside to the walls. Besides a big, thick mat in the middle of the room were a fold-out chair and a keg with a wooden plank on top of it, so it could function as a table, judging by the empty beer can on top of it.

I checked my phone for the time and looked around the room for any possible escape. If the guy was even a minute late, I would call someone to get me out of here.

I waited for 2 more minutes, sitting on the mat when I heard a door unlock and I turned towards the sound. I sighed in relief when I saw the man from the night before walk in, since I wasn't sure if it was actually him who texted and got up to bow my head.

"You're on time, faggot. Good." He smirked, sending chills all through my body. He looked different without all of the leather. He looked like a handyman of sorts. Dirty jeans, dirty white shirt and muddy ranger boots.

"Yes Sir." I started. "Good afternoon, Sir." As he approached, I noticed the toilet seat he was carrying in one gloved hand and a sports bag in the other. He walked passed me as he placed the two items next to the chair and made his way over to me.

He chuckled and held out his hands towards my face as to hold it when all of a sudden, pain surged through me as he kicked me in the balls and I fell through my knees.

"Let me make some things clear." He started before circling me. "When I'm in the room, you kneel unless told otherwise. You don't walk, you crawl. You don't talk unless asked a question and most of the time, that answer better be, `yes Sir'. You do whatever I tell you, whenever I tell you, no objections. Fail to obey my orders will result in harsh punishments. Did I make myself clear?"

I just about caught my breath to muster a "Yes Sir." Before he barked. "Louder." "Yes SIR!"

He walked away and to the chair, sitting down and crossing his leg as he took some things out of his pocket to put on the makeshift table. "Get into my bag and grab me my pipe and tobacco."

I was tempted to say `yes Sir' again, but this wasn't a question, so I shakily crawled over to his bag. Since I didn't get kicked however, I figured that was the right decision, which made me smile a little. I opened the bag and noticed the bag was filled with leather gear, however I didn't pay much attention to it as I quickly retrieved the huge pipe and jar of tobacco.

When I held the pipe in my hands, it felt even bigger than yesterday. And I might have been drunk, but it looked smaller and different too. The black, gritty bowl was shaped differently and the stem on this one was black as the one from yesterday was more of a reddish color, I thought.

I handed him his pipe and placed the tobacco on the table, seeing the pipe in his mouth made me almost certain that this was a different one. "I assume, the faggot never packed a pipe before?"

"No, Sir. I haven't." I said while looking down before his hand smacked across my cheek, making me bite my lip to prevent any sounds from escaping. "Stip. And watch closely then, bitch. From here on out, you'll be packing and lighting my pipes whenever I call you. Better practice."

I just nodded and quickly got undressed as I looked up at him, not wanting to get punished again. He opened up the jar of tobacco and took a few handfuls, delicately dropping it in the bowl until it was overflowing almost. He then used his fingers to softly push it down as I got back into my position on my knees in front of him after stripping down completely. "Gentle at first." He said as his foot lifted from his knee to my lap, softly wiggling its way to my cock and balls. I felt the rough sole of his boot gently stroking my dick, so I spread my legs and leaned back a little so he would have better access as I slowly got hard under his dirty boot.

He then packed the bowl with another few hands of tobacco until it was overflowing again and pushed it down a little more. This time, the pressure on my dick increased as well. "For the second time, a little rougher... And for the final part..." I braced myself as he packed the bowl again until it was full and pushed it down a little more, a little rougher as with every time he tapped it down, the heel of his boot would do the same to my dick which had me moan or gasp softly every time. He kept packing it until it looked like the tobacco wasn't going down any more and got a lighter from the table, bringing the pipe to life as he puffed while toasting the top of the cigar. I noticed he would use the pipetool to push the tobacco down this time and relit it, creating huge clouds of smoke.

Watching him breathe insane amounts of smoke, smelling the woody aroma, made my dick leak underneath his boot and that didn't go unnoticed when he removed the boot and grabbed something from his bag.

His pipe never left his mouth as he was rummaging through some things before he took out 4 leather straps and told me to stand up as he got up himself.

He circled around me and strapped my wrists with some leather cuffs, latching them together behing my back with a clip before he moved in front of me again. He was smoking his pipe so close to my face that I could feel the heat radiate from the bowl as I was looking up at his face. The smoke somehow made my nerves settle down, even when he squat down to do the same to my ankles.

He looked up at me as he was down there, a mysterious twinkle in his eyes as he moved his head closer to my crotch, my balls hanging over the bowl as they felt the heat. The heat made me moan as he drew from the pipe and I heard some sizzling when he moved his head slightly up, so I started to squirm. One firm hand smacked on my ass made me jump, but it held me close.

"Take it faggot, or I'll really burn these nuts and show you how useless they really are."

"Yes Sir." I said, even though I wasn't asked anything and braced myself for a punishment, not moving a muscle, yet it didn't come right away. He continued smoking up my balls for a little bit before he got up again and I dared to breathe again.

He continued to smoke directly in my face, blowing cloud after cloud in my face and told me to look at him and inhale deep, which I did. My eyes started to burn from the smoke as he was tamping his pipe again and he moved away with a smirk as some tears rolled down my face.

He put his hand on my shoulder and pushed me down, so I got on my knees as he sat back in the chair where he grabbed my hair and pulled my head down to the floor and kicking my feet so I was laying down on my back, horizontally from him and his boots before he rested one boot on my throat and one on my vulnerable balls.

I tried to focus on my breathing as Sir would shift his weight from my balls to my throat, making it harder for me to breathe while my cock and balls got very familiar with the pattern of his hard soles. My dick throbbed under his boot which I tried my hardest to ignore when I heard him sigh.

"This is perfect. Just relaxing, smoking my pipe, a faggot under my boots who I can make scream whenever I want... Don't worry though, I'll be sure to make you'll scream and cry plenty. Then maybe, you can take my cock."

I blushed underneath him and felt the pressure on my cock subside a little before he stomped and grind my balls under his weight, indeed making me scream in surprise and pain before he settled back in his chair.

"Mmmm yes. Perfect indeed."

I don't know for how long I was down there, watching him smoke, struggling to breathe and yelping out as he repeatedly stomped my junk, but I never got soft. Eventually, he leaned forward and moved his boot from my throat to my chest, telling me to open up. I obeyed and he flipped his huge pipe upside down over my mouth before tapping the ashes out and scooped some that was stuck on the bottom in there as well.

"Swallow, ashtray." I did as I was told again and chewed on the gritty ashes before swallowing them. I noticed Sir was stroking his cock through his jeans as he smirked down on me and sat back again. The texture was a lot rougher than the cigar ash and the taste was a little more acidic, making me thirsty.

I was a little lost in thought before I noticed the weight on my chest and balls increase greatly all of a sudden as Sir got up from the chair and stood with his full weight on me. I squirmed and struggled to take it, which made him smirk even wider before he stepped off me and looked into his bag.

Out of the bag came some rubber bands, a weird looking chain and something I feared right away, a whip. He told me to get up, so I struggled to get up in my restraints and once I was standing, he unclipped my cuffs and grabbed my balls, guiding me to the mat on the floor.

Only now, I noticed there was some sort of climbing rack against the wall the mat was leaning against. Once there, he turned me around and threw the whip on the mat. He then squeezed my sensitive balls a little which made me wince before feeling the cold rubber band clutch my balls and cock, keeping them outward and within better reach, which made me dread what was about to cum.

I then felt his hand over my belly and up to my chest before he harshly squeezed and twisted my nipples with a little laugh as I hopped around from one leg to the other. He released them and then I yelled out when the sharp pain returned and his hands were replaced with something metal. The chain connecting the two nipples.

"Now that's a pretty bitch." He said, patting my cheek a few times. "Wait here." He said as he walked away to get his pipe and jar of tobacco again. He handed me the pipetool and pipe and held up the jar of tobacco. "I hope you paid attention, fag. Do a good job and I'll whip your back. Do a bad job and I'll whip your front. And I'd love to see you try to take the whip on your burning nipples and exposed little dicklett." He smirked. "Did I make myself clear, faggot?"

"Yes Sir!" I responded, happy I was allowed to speak at least. Even though the whipping to the front seemed hotter to me, I realized I was barely taking those clamps as it was and that I would regret doing a bad job, so I was even more motivated to do a good job right then.

I tried to remember what Sir did before and took a handful of tobacco, spilling a little on the floor, which made me nervous, however, Sir didn't seem to respond right away.

I filled the bowl to the brim with tobacco, letting it fall in naturally, as I remembered the way he did it. I then stamped it down gently, remembering the pressure on my balls as he did and finished the second load of tobacco with added pressure before adding more pressure when tamping the last part with the pipe tool and adding more tobacco until it had a little hill on top which seems to be how much he filled it last time.

I tried reading his face when I was done but there was no emotion. I held out the pipe towards him but instead, he reached for my other hand to replace the pipetool with the lighter.

"Light it, faggot." I blushed and felt nervous as I was too busy looking at his smoke before to really pay attention and those nipple clamps started to really burn and get harder to take by the second.

I took the lighter and toasted the top however and puffed on it, surprised by the amount of smoke I was producing and kept puffing until the smoke thinned down a little. I noticed the tobacco in the bowl got a bit unruly so I temped it back down and roasted the top once again until a steady thick flow of smoke came out of my mouth. I dared to inhale the last puff I took and felt my lungs burning up before I handed Sir his huge pipe and exhaled in time to prevent coughing.

Sir took the pipe in his mouth and smiled as he puffed away. "Not bad. Turn around. Arms above your head, hold on to the rack and feet apart." I did what I was told and couldn't help but let out a moan as his body pushed against my backside while he tied my wrists to the rack exhaling big clouds as his pipe rested next to my cheek.

He went down to secure my ankles and to pick up his whip with multiple straps and moved away from me. "Let's warm up a bit, shall we?" He said before I felt the straps land on my back, making me jump and moan out. If this was the warm up, I was in for a long and painful afternoon.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile...

"That little fucker is really getting it when he comes back." Jim put away the drill he had been using before he sat back down in his chair, still fuming after finding out his son has ditched through his window.

He picked up his phone and called Ruby's, since he knew the owner pretty well. "Mitch, what's up. Any word on who my son has been with last night?" He grumbled.

"Hey bud, yeah according to Jamie, your boy was hanging out with Bass last night."

"Bass?!" Jim sounded angry for a second and there was quiet on the other side of the phone before Jim couldn't stop but laugh.

"You alright buddy?" The voice on the other end of the phone responded.

"Oh yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for the info man. Gotta go and make a phone call now. Bye-"

"Play nice Jim." Mitch warned, which painted a smirk on Jim's face.

"Oh, I'm planning to Mitch. Trust me." And with that he hung up, scrolling through his contacts to find `Eustass'.

"P-please Sir." I panted, barely standing on my legs as I felt tears roll down my cheeks. "It hurts so bad."

WHAP Another swat to my vulnerable ass which made me yell out in pain. I lost count after 30 swats to my ass and back and was still pulling myself together from the last one as Sir approached closed, running his fingers over my enflaming cheeks.

"Are you telling me to stop, faggot?" He said as he blew more clouds over my head, making sure that every breath I took was smoke.

"N-no Sir." I hesitated. Last time he begged him to stop, he only went rougher on his back until he was crying.

"Good. Cause you're here to suffer for my amusement." His fingers traced over my body, moving up and around until he found the chain connecting both my nipples. He pulled on them playfully to make me squirm, before brutally pulling them off, making me scream once again as my nipples burned even hotter than my back.

He pushed his body closer to mine and I could feel his huge cock throb on my tailbone as his thumbs and fingers found my nipples and started to twist them, making me scream harder.

"What do you want me to do then, bitch?"

"I want to suffer for you all the time S-Sir! P-please don't stop until you've had enough Sir!"

He moaned a little against my cheek before he let go of my nipples and took a few steps back, whipping my ass until I was audibly sobbing and I heard him throw the whip on the mat again.

I didn't notice him spit on his cock, but when I felt the head poke against my hole, I gasped. No way he was just going to slide it in, right? Wrong.

He thrusted his hips harshly and with a little resistance, he pushed through my sphincter and in that one thrust, buried all of his length in.

Again I screamed out "Please" as he fucked me like a bulldozer. Every thrust hurting more than the last as his hips slammed against my ass cheeks. He then pulled all the way out and slammed back in, his gloved hand wrapped around my mouth as I screamed into it. I don't remember when he put on gloves, but the smell and the feeling of the leather calmed me down enough to stop struggling his assault on my ass.

He used his other hand to unbind my wrists from the rack and if I wasn't impaled, I would have probably slumped down to my knees. He held me steady and finally let go to unbind my ankles before pulling me down onto the mat.

I winced when I landed and looked up at the incredibly sexy man stroking his cock and smoking his pipe as he looked down on me. Tamping his bowl as he got in position on his knees between my legs before lifting my legs up over his shoulders before pushing his huge cock back inside my hole.

He gripped my nipples with his fingers and brutally twisted them, making me squirm underneath him as I screamed out. And even though this was way rougher than the night before, I craved it. Every second I was in pain, it seemed like this man got more excited and abused me harder. And his excitement became my own. I wanted to be in pain for this man, even at the parts where I felt like I couldn't take it.

"Yeah, faggot. Gonna turn these nips into proper bitch nipples." He growled from the stem of his pipe. I don't know how long he fucked me in that position, but he eventually let go of my nipples and pulled out to flip me onto my belly and continued fucking me in that position. I tried to muffle my moans and screams into the mat, but he pulled on my hair to prevent me from doing that, his other gloved hand over my throat, squeezing gradually until I wasn't able to breathe at all.

His moans grew louder as I struggled to get out of his grip, spilling my own load onto the mat. He must have felt the contractions on his cock as his thrusts started to become a little sloppy and his grip on me tightened. "Fuck. Here it comes, faggot!" He announced as he shot a massive load inside me. As he did, he loosened his grip around my throat and I was able to breathe a little again before he let go completely and I fell face first onto the mat like a ragdoll.

He chuckled as he looked down on me, trying to get some more smoke from his pipe, but it was about spent. Maybe now he came, he was going to go easy on me I thought. But after a little break with his cock still inside me, I felt something warm fill me up again. I tried to grip the mat as soon as I figured out that he was pissing inside my hole but I couldn't move much and just moaned as I enjoyed the feeling of being filled to the brim.

"Phew. I needed that." Sir said as he started to rock his hips back and forward again. "Squeeze your cunt, bitch. Don't waste anything of mine. Got it?"

"Y-yes Sir." I responded, completely spent as I did what was told and he pulled out. I felt some drops escape my hole so I raised my ass up in the air to have gravity help me as he got up and grabbed a pretty big plug out of the bag to push inside my hole. "This will help."

He pushed the plug in, and with a bit of resistance and a stretch, it plopped in.

"Bring my stuff." He said as he walked away and I looked around to find his pants, nipple clamps and whip on the mat. I tried to get on my feet, but my legs weren't working properly and I remembered to crawl in his presence, so I took the stuff and crawled over to where he sat down on the rimchair.

"I'm going to relax now, get your face under here and do your job."

Damn. I was on my last bits of stamina, and this guy seemed like he was just getting started. Though I did not want to say no to him and went to lay under the chair, where I was met with his hairy asshole. It smelled musky and strong, like he didn't wipe before, yet I was compelled and my tongue darted up to his shitter before I even thought about it.

"Fuck yeah faggot. Eat my dirty shitter." He said as I felt him tap the pipe-ash onto my chest.

I ate him for quite some time as his boots rested on my balls before I heard a phone ring. He answered and it sounded like a work call. I heard he was held up and he would look at something when he was home before he hung up the phone and got up, my tongue still eagerly sticking out.

"Sorry faggot. To be continued." He said as he put his pants back on and put everything away in his bag. He squatted down next to me and took off my wrist and ankle cuffs. "You did a good job for your first time. Next time, I might invite some buddies of mine." He smirked. "Open your mouth." He ordered and so I did. He spit directly into my open mouth and got up, walking over my bloating and aching belly as I felt some piss and perhaps cum slip past the plug he kept in me.

"Clean the plug and bring it next time I call you over." He said as he grabbed his stuff and walked out of the building, leaving me there on the dirty floor to collect myself.

I finally walked out of the building after taking the plug out to relieve myself in the lockerroom and putting on my clothes, stumbling over to my car.

I sat down and groaned, my ass and back were welted and beaten black and blue, every inch of my body ached and I realized that I still had to go home to my father who was probably even more pissed.

I checked my phone and saw no new notifications from him however, but both Bass and Jeremy sent me messages.

Jeremy just told me he had lots of fun last night and asked how I was doing, which made me smile a little, before I opened Bass' text and I felt my soul leave my body.

"Hahaha Your father is PISSED. I can't believe you're Jim's son. I hope he didn't punish you too hard ??"

He knows my dad?!

I quickly drove back home, hoping that I could explain myself when I got there.

I parked my car in the driveway and opened the door, looking for my Dad as soon as I walked in.

I didn't notice him in the living room so I called out for him before I noticed my open door. I walked into my room and saw nothing wrong at first, but then I noticed it. "What happened to my door?" I asked out loud as I looked at my bathroom which missed a door

"Do you like it?" I heard my father behind me and I turned around, seeing my dad sport a big cigar in his jaw while leaning against the doorframe which also had no door on it anymore. "I figured privacy is a privilege. And you fucked me over when you drove away when you know we needed a talk."

"What he fu-" He slapped me across the cheek and I froze. My dad never hit me before in my life. I felt tears build up in my eyes as this slap hurt more than all the whipping and fucking I endured before and met his eyes with mine.

"Shut the fuck up faggot. I talk. You listen. Now follow me."

Next: Chapter 3

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