What Am I to You

By Smoke Pup

Published on Feb 2, 2023


The Leatherbar.

It was a Friday night in spring.

Me and my buds decided to head out for a few drinks and went into the city where we inevitably got a little hammered playing an old fashioned drinking game.

We were there for maybe 2 hours or so when things already started to get blurry for me. I have always been a lightweight, but that night, I got way too drunk after only 3 beers? It was odd.

I remember my best friend Josh, telling me that he ordered me a cab home, so I blindly got into the cab and let him drive me.

After a little while of being in the car, the cabdriver started to talk to me.

"You ok there boy? You look like you're gonna throw up." I could hear the concern in his voice, probably scared I was going to mess his car up but I did my best and shook my head.

"What were you out drinking this early anyways? It's only 10 p.m. and you're fucking smashed."

"I'm sorry... DAD." I responded annoyed, which just made him chuckle.

"Careful, SON. You might be giving this Daddy the wrong impression." he winked at me through the rearview mirror, which stirred something inside me. And it wasn't just the alcohol. I was trying to come back with a witty response but that stirring might have just been the alcohol and I was doing my best to hold it all in. The cabdriver noticed and pulled over almost immediately into a parking spot next to a bar before I opened the door and spew out my insides out.

"Aww fuck.. I'm sorry man." I managed to groan as I was panting to catch my breath. Only now I noticed that the driver got out of the car himself and was rubbing my back.

"That's alright son. I'm just happy it's all out now... And all over your pants." He chuckled as I looked down and noticed the splatter all over my shoes and jeans. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the doorframe with a sigh. "great. Those were new."

I heard the older man laugh and saw him shake his head. "Go inside boy." He nodded at the bar. "Tell 'em Frankie sent you and that you need a change of clothes. I know they have a laundromat you can use. Just call me when you're ready to go and I'll pick you up." He said as he handed me his card.

"Thanks man, I really appreciate it." I said as I jumped over the puddle I created and shook his hand. He growled a little and winked. "I preferred it when you called me Dad."

I felt my cheeks heat up as he chuckled and got back in his car, driving away. Luckily after that, I felt a little more sober and could actually form words and think a little straight again. I wondered why he didn't take me all the way home instead, but that's when I remembered my pants and shoe situation and quickly made my way into the bar.

Upon entering, I could hear the music and talking getting louder and the air getting thicker to breathe. There was a musky, smokey smell in the air and when I opened the second pair of doors, I realized why.

The Bar was filled with men dressed in leather. Most of them older and bearded and quite a few of them smoking.

In the corner of the bar, I noticed a guy head to toe in rubber? He was sitting on his knees next to a guy smoking the biggest pipe I had ever seen.

I noticed the people at the table turning their head towards me and that's when I realized almost everyone looked at me. I was probably so out of place in this establishment as probably the youngest guy here at 21 years old, not to mention that I was wearing a white blouse and some puked on jeans. The look of surprise on my face was ever present as I made my way over to the bar.

A guy made room for me as I sat down next to him and the bartender came up to me.

"You lost?" He asked.

"Uuh... Frank sent me?" I started, which made him frown his eyebrows. "Fitz? Larry? ah fuck. I'm pretty sure it was Frankie." The bartender laughed and swung a rag over his leathered shoulder. "What did he send you here for, sweetcheeks." "O-oh! Right! Well, it appears that I have had an accident and puked all over myself... He said that you could help me get changed and wash my pants?" "That son of a... What does he think we are? A drycleaners?" He basically shouted and nodded towards the end of the bar where he met me. "Jesus fucking Christ. That's a lot of puke."

I felt myself blush again and kind of tried to laugh it off when he looked at my shoes. "Are those the new Jordans?" He asked in disbelief. "Yep-." "I can't believe you wouldn't be more careful with those babies! take them off. Pants, shoes. Take them off."

I was hesitant to take off my pants and shoes at the edge of the bar, but the bartender seemed really impatient so I did was I was told. He used his rag to pick up my shoes and carefully took my pants into the other hand, making a disgusted look on his face. "Don't worry. I'll make sure they're nice and clean. Just hang out here for a while before they're clean and dry ok?" He smiled before yelling over at the other bartender. "CHUCK,THIS IS GONNA TAKE A WHILE. MAKE SURE OUR GUEST FEELS COMFORTABLE."

He yelled so loud that everyone looked into our direction again as I stood there in my undies and I heard most of the crowd laugh as the guy disappeared into the backroom.

I stood there for a little while in embarrassment when the constant creaking noise of leather suddenly became a little louder and the musky, smokey smell became a lot stronger. I looked up over my shoulder and noticed a man with a grey-ish beard, chomping on a fat cigar, wearing a leather cap, a leather jacket, leather pants with a weird looking crotch area and tall boots. He took a deep breath of cigar smoke, the cherry warming up my smooth cheek before he removed the cigar and spoke as the smoke seeped out of his mouth.

"You're the talk of the night, boy. Everyone is wondering what a guy like you wanders around gay biker bars and taking off his pants the first chance he gets." "G-Gay?" I asked as I looked around. NONE of these men looked gay. They looked so manly and tough, I could not believe it. "You seem surprised. Not gay yourself?" He put the cigar back in his jaw and puffed, the smoke traveling over my face and tearing my eyes a little. "I mean... I am... It's just... You all are not the kind of gay guys I'm used to seeing."

The man started laughing and waved some guys over. "Oh yeah? And what is that? Hot, sexy and exciting?" I chuckled and loosened up a little. They might have looked scary and intimidating at first, but it turned out, they were pretty friendly.

"My name is Eustass, but my friends call me Bass." He said. "Daniel." I grinned, shaking his hand.

Bass introduced me to his friend Rob. He was wearing the same kind of attire as Bass, but he was a slim guy while Bass was big in all places. He also only had a mustache and his hair was brown, not grey. His other friend was called Jeremy, His build was in between that of Rob and Bass, Blondish grey, curly hair, a trimmed beard and wearing a leather jacket, jeans and some brown boots. Like Bass, he was also smoking a cigar, slightly smaller than what his friend was smoking. The last of his friends was Mark and dating Rob. While everyone else was well in their 40's, Rob looked like he was in his mid 30's. He didn't have any facial hair, his brown hair long and wavy and wearing chaps which cut off at his front and rear, showing jeans underneath.

They bought me a round and while I just had a glass of water, we told each other our coming out stories, made some jokes here and there, and I showed my interest in the leather everyone was wearing. At some point, the bartender Chuck passed me a beer which I received from someone in the bar apparently and I slowly drank that down. Not wanting a repeat of what happened in the cab.

Because of all this, I practically forgot I was in my underwear and ended up having a great time with the men I just met. In the middle of a story Jeremy was telling, Mark pulled Rob away from the table and disappeared behind some curtains I kept seeing people disappear into. I must have staring at it for too long as Bass tapped me on my shoulder and smirked.

"Wondering what's behind there?" He asked and I shrugged. "The loo?" Bass and Jeremy both laughed and I felt Bass's arm around me. The two had lit up another cigar in the meantime and I was getting used to the smoke as Bass blew it around my face. "Not quite, sport."

They took me behind the curtain and out there was a dark room almost twice as big as the bar itself. It had some moodlights here and there and I could make out people making out. I kept hearing sounds of chains here and there and some moaning but I assumed that was the gayporn that was playing on some screens at the bar.

I stopped moving to take it all in for a second when Jeremy took my hand and guided me through.

While carefully making our way through, I almost stumbled over someone who was on the floor, licking someone's boots as he had his cock out. I recognized the guy from before as he was smoking his huge pipe, smirking at me as I walked by. I spotted some glory holes in the walls with a dick out in one or two as the rattling of the chains got louder. There was another room attached to this one.

When we entered the other room, I immediately heard screaming. The light was a little more bright, enough to make out peoples faces where I saw a guy that was getting whipped by another man in leather while people watched them. Some of them were jerking off and egging him on, while two others had a boy between their legs, sucking them off.

There was some kind of bench in the corner where someone was strapped on to, someone taking him from behind, smoking a cigarette. Somehow I found the sights weirdly arousing. Especially when we came to the "sling".

It was my first time seeing one and the bottom laying in it was being pounded to oblivion. The top who was fucking him was in a total trance, fucking him as hard as he could as he clenched a cigar in his jaw. I noticed some of the ash falling on the bottom's belly who just moaned louder and begged the top to breed him.

"You like that?" Bass asked me with his beard brushing my cheek as he leaned over me. "I understand if it's a little much." Jeremy added.

I shook my head and looked around again, thinking I was rude as I watched the guy fuck. Then I noticed some chairs that looked like toilet seats lined up against the wall and was wondering what that was about, and why no one was using them before I finally responded. "Naah, this is HOT." I exclaimed. "It's like a real life porn movie."

Bass chuckled again and patted my butt. "Atta boy." Before I noticed it, Bass and Jeremy guided me to the wall, basically pinning me against it when Bass took a big draw of his cigar and pulled me closer to him. He smirked a little before leaning in and kissed me deeply and aggressively. Almost primal.

I could feel his tongue against my lips and his hand moving further up my back, holding my head in place as I parted my lips in a moan. I closed my eyes as I tasted his smoke enter my mouth and we kept the kiss going, swapping the smoke back and forth for a while before he pulled off. I only just breathed out, the smokey kiss making me a little dizzy when Bass stepped away and Jeremy walked up. He held my arms together and leaned in for a kiss as well. The kiss was more gentle and I placed my hands on his hips as I opened my mouth for him too. Even though his kiss was softer, the amount of smoke that entered my body was way more than when Bass did it. I got dizzy almost immediately and felt some of the smoke make their way to my lungs, making them burn. He pulled away from the kiss and Bass moved in again, this time I coughed a little before he lifted my chin and kissed me with the same primal lust as before.

This went on for a while with them groping my ass or crotch, Bass his boot on my foot which I endured, and Jeremy's cigar burning a little hole in my blouse. I was panting when Jeremy pulled away for the last time.

"So. Is there anything in here that you want to try tonight?" Jeremy asked with a smirk, looking down at my now soaked underwear.

"Everything." I smiled as I was catching my breath. "Like?" Jeremy went again. "I want to be whipped, I want to be tied down, I want to be fucked in that swinging bed, I want to lick your boots, I want to have more of those smokey kisses. Everything."

Jeremy's eyes widened a little, probably not expecting this response while Bass just chuckled and came a little closer. ""Whipped too huh. You're a little painpig?" "I mean... I guess I am." I chuckled nervously before he reached his gloved hand down my partly unbuttoned blouse. I bit my lip, enjoying the feel of his leather over my chest until he found my nipple and twisted it fiercely, making me hiss and tense up in place. "From now on, I want you to address me as 'Sir'. You hear me, boy?!" "Yes Sir!" I yelped out, as he gave my nipple a firmer squeeze before letting go. "Good boy." He started. "If at any point of tonight it gets a little too much for you, say: Pineapple." "Yes Sir." I responded as he tapped my head.

"Go on. Strip then." Jeremy smiled as I did what I was told, stripping down to my socks as Jeremy put my blouse and underwear away. Bass commented. "Nice ass." As he firmly squeezed it and pushed me a little to guide me to the weird looking chairs.

He sat down on one and rested his boots over them before nodding towards them. "Lick, pig." He commanded. I didn't know where to start, but I got down on my hands and knees on the dirty floor, licking the rim of his soles before digging straight to the soles themselves. We gathered the attention of some of the men in there as I was licking Bass's boots and soon I was laying on my back on the dirty floor, licking his boots while 2 other men placed their boots on my body, adding pressure at certain places. I tried my best to ignore my throbbing boner as I felt someone stomp my balls. That's when I noticed I was about ready to explode.

I tried holding it in the best I could, but then I felt Bass's cigar ash fall on my belly and his boot pushing the hot ash down. That, together with the taste of his other boot and the pressure of the boot stomping my balls, had me shoot my first handsfree load of the night.

The men were practically cheering and Bass got up from his chair. "Damn. You really are a pig. Cumming handsfree from some boots." "Your cigar also really helped...Sir." I smiled up at him as he grinned and moved the chair he was sitting on over my face. "Good boy. Let's see how piggy you can really get." He said as he unbuttoned his crotch area, revealing his big hairy ass and his huge, fat, pierced cock. I moaned at the sight and felt my dick twitching again, even though I just came.

I felt the boot that was recently stomping my balls, smear my cum out over my body, making my belly and chest sticky and red from the stomping while Bass lowered down onto the chair. I took a big whiff of his sweaty and musky ass, and even though it was pretty rancid. The second he commanded me to lick, I did.

I had licked ass before, but not as sweaty and dirty as this one. That, and I couldn't move my face away as it was trapped under the seat. I had no choice but to lick. I could hear him moan as his pre dripped over my chest and from the corner of my eyes I saw Jeremy swat down.

The boot guy was standing at my feet, jerking off it seemed like, however Bass's ass blocked the view for me to see clearly while Jeremy grabbed my half erect dick and started to softly stroke it. Within a few minutes, I was completely hard again and I felt splatters cover my cock and chest. Apparently the anonymous boot man just shot his load. This all made me dig into Bass's ass deeper and deeper, more enthusiastically as he was relaxing on the chair.

I kept smelling cigar smoke and when I opened my eyes, I saw smoke. I glanced to the side and noticed Jeremy kept blowing smoke in my direction, not giving me a lot of fresh air as I kept inhaling ass mixed with smoke.

Bass kept telling me how much of a pig I was and encouraging me to eat more as his hole relaxed more and more. All of a sudden, I heard a wet rasp and felt air coming out of his hole. I tasted it. It was strong.

"Oh, you're nasty." I heard Jeremy say to Bass who chuckled loudly.

"See it as blowing you a kiss, boy." I moaned in affirmation, and even though I was holding back a gag, I went right back to worshipping his hole. "Fuck. You're a natural, boy. I really want a piece of that ass right now." He said as he was twisting and heating up my nipples with his cigar.

I was about ready to shoot again, but then I felt Jeremy's hand move away from my cock and Bass getting up. They both laughed when they looked down at me while I was panting. Getting some fresh air.

"You look like a mess, boy." Jeremy snickered and helped me sit up. "You want to be a cigar boy?"

"Yes Sir." I responded enthusiastically.

"You want to be our ashtray?" he smirked as he held his cigar in front of my face, a long ash hanging from the end.

"Yes Sir." I responded again, this time a little more careful as I felt his hand around my neck, slowly tipping my head slightly back. "Open up, boy."

I did as I was told and noticed the cigar being lowered in my mouth, touching my tongue before he tapped the ash off and my mouth was filled with warm ashes. I wanted to close my mouth and swallow it, but then Bass kneeled down and held his even bigger cigar in front of my face.

"You think you can handle both, pig?" he asked, which made me nod carefully as he lowered his cigar in my mouth, twisting it off on my tongue before placing it back In his jaw. "Good ashtray." He smiled. "Eat up, boy." He said as he got back up again, resting his boot on my cock as I chewed and eventually swallowed the ash. That too, was nasty.

"show us your tongue." Jeremy ordered and so I stuck it out as Bass added pressure on my dick. "Good boy. We're proud of you."

"Thank you Sirs." I responded with a smile through the pain on my dick and felt Bass remove his boot. Jeremy held out his hand to help me up and I stumbled on my feet again.

I was so focused on Jeremy and Bass that I didn't notice the little crowd that gathered. One who I wasn't expecting was the leathered man with the huge pipe. Though he wasn't smoking one right now, he had another boy licking his boots again as he watched with his arms folded over each other. "Impressive little slave." He smirked as I felt a blush spread through my cheeks.

"Say boy, are you clean down there?" Bass asked as his gloved hand brushed over my ass, his finger over my hole. "I-I don't think so Sir." I replied honestly.

"Normally, I would not give a damn. You would be cleaning up everything I would stick in there with your tongue regardless. But you've been good. Head into the men's room, they have a shower with a douche." He smacked my ass and I jumped up slightly, smiling brightly as I realized he wanted to fuck me.

"Yes Sir!" I responded and walked off. "And hurry up. I'm horny as fuck right now."

I chuckled and almost ran into the bathroom where I took off my socks and headed straight to the shower. Once there I started to calm down a little and realized my heart was racing the entire time. I turned on the shower and couldn't stop smiling. To be used and abused like a slave had been a fantasy of mine ever since I was little but being only 22 now and never even had a serious relationship, I didn't think this would be happening to me right now. The fact that it was in public turned me on even more than I thought, but I was wondering if Bass was maybe looking for more than a one night stand. Maybe I could be his slave? He was sadistic, dominant, selfish... I loved it.

However I also liked Jeremy's approach. Dominant but more caring and sweet. Somehow he felt more like boyfriend material. I was thinking way too far ahead that night and decided to just ask them for their number and go with the flow. Maybe I only liked them because of the setting here.

I was almost done with cleaning myself when the doors to the bathroom opened and I remembered how public this was as the big guy with the huge pipe walked back in.

He must have been at least 6'7", very muscular and sporting a big salt & peppery mustache. He seemed to be in his late 50's and damn he was hot. He glanced over at me, still squatting over the sink and walked over to me with a smirk, his heavy boots echoing through the room.

"Fuck am I happy to spot you here. I need to take a wicked piss." He said as he turned off the shower over me and whipped out a huge cock out of the zipper of his leather pants. I was mesmerized by its size, and I could smell his ripe, musky cock all the way from where I was sitting. "Impressive, isn't it?" The man responded smugly. "I don't show my cock to just any faggot, so consider yourself lucky. Now, stick out your tongue as far as you can."

I looked up at him as I did what I was told and watched him take out his huge pipe again, packing it with tobacco and felt what he spilled all over my wet face. His cock twitched as he looked down at me and landed right on my tongue. It felt so heavy. "You better not spill a drop, fag. I'll let you walk out covered in my piss if you do. Wrap your lips around the head. There we go." He said as I obeyed, keeping my eyes on him and his huge pipe which he now placed in his jaw.

He took out his lighter and started to light the bowl, making my own dick twitch in excitement when I felt his cock dribble piss in my mouth which turned to a steady stream. The taste was not as bad as I had anticipated and I greedily swallowed every drop as he inhaled from his pipe, the smoke coming out of his nose and right in my face. Pipe smoke smelled different from the cigar smoke I was being fed before. Sweeter. But the amount of smoke coming from him was on a next level.

"Fuck yeah faggot. Drink this recycled beer. By the end of the night, this cock will have raped your pretty little cunt and my pipe ash will be down your stomach, swimming in my piss." His words made me moan around his pissing cock and I felt myself leak precum on the floor before his stream became a dribble again and happily swallowed the last drops.

"You want that huh? Want me to ruin your pretty cunt, faggot? Want me to use and abuse you? Rape you anywhere and anytime I want?" He growled around his pipestem and grabbed my head with two gloved hands before slamming his cock down my throat. He was not even hard when he pushed his cock in and I felt it grow in my throat. His cock was so big and thick that I couldn't breathe and I gagged around it, struggling to take a breath, but his grip didn't falter in the slightest. "Fuck, I love it when they start to struggle." He groaned as his cock throbbed and grew even larger. I gagged and felt his piss try to get back up, but as it filled my entire throat, it had nowhere to go but back down.

I was sure he would keep it there until I passed out when all of a sudden, he pulled me off and I fell on my back. I coughed and felt my tears roll down my cheek and drool dripping down my chin as I looked up at his now full hard cock. "Yeah, that's the cock that will rape you later faggot." He said as he took out his phone. "What's its number for in case I want to use it again?" I was still out of breath and needed a second when I felt his boot heel on my balls, crushing them mercilessly which made me yell out my number in pain.

"That's a good cunt." He said before he kicked those nuts and stomped his boot on my stomach as I was rolling in pain to keep me in place. He leaned forward and smirked after he put his phone back in his pocket, blowing a huge cloud of smoke down at me. "You should head back, faggot. I'm sure the others wonder what's keeping it so long."

He pushed his boot off and struggled a little to put his cock back in his pants as I got up on hands and knees, crawling passed him which made him chuckle before I got up.

I took a paper towel from the dispenser and wiped my face before throwing the paper towel away, too embarrassed or scared to look the man into the eye as I turned towards him and bowed slightly. "Thank you Sir." I managed to say before I walked out of the men's room.

When I came back, the room was pretty much empty besides Bass and Jeremy. The slave on the whipping post was receiving some aftercare from his Master on the fuck bench and the two friends of the others, Rob and Mark, joined them in the room.

"There you are! What was the hold up, boy?" Jeremy noticed first and Bass turned around, walking towards me.

"I'm sorry Sirs, where did everyone go?"

"It's happy hour at the bar, which gives us plenty of time for this." He said as he picked me up and put me in the sling, which made me laugh a little and put a smile on his face. "Nice bootprint boy. I'm guessing that's what took you so long?" He asked as his glance went from my stomach over to the man just walking out of the men's room, winking at us as he puffed on his pipe. I glanced down at my stomach myself and felt myself blush once again. "Whatever he did. He sure kept you hard, huh?" Bass asked as he traced his gloved hand over my dick. I couldn't believe that the way he treated me got me this hard and felt too embarrassed to say anything about it.

"Well, we're gonna go. It's getting late." Rob said as they took turns hugging Jeremy. "Don't keep the boy up past his bedtime!" Mark chimed as they walked out, which made me roll my eyes as the other two chuckled.

The pipe smoking man apparently went back to the bar as Jeremy joined Bass for the fun and tied my wrists and ankles to the sling.

"I didn't think that I was going to smoke all 3 cigars I brought tonight." Bass chuckled as he stood up straight and whipped out his last cigar from his breast pocket. "Shit, me neither." Jeremy chimed in, grabbing one of his own. "Can't believe we actually found a real cigar sub tonight."

I blushed again, but this time because I felt proud. I always liked the masculinity when men were smoking, but never imagined I would be this attracted to men smoking cigars... or pipe.

Jeremy smirked down at me as he had his unlit cigar in his jaw, and twirled it around his mouth. "You know. I should really train you in how to handle a cigar. How to store it, cut it, light it." He said as he took a cutter from his pocket and cut the end of the cigar, the little bit he cut off landing on my chest. "Shit, saves me from doing all the work."

"I would love that, Sir." I responded enthusiastically. "Of course. I wouldn't expect nothing less from a cigarslave." Bass chimed in as he did the same. His little piece he cut off landing on my belly. "You mean, cigarboy." Jeremy winked. "That's for him to decide." Bass smirked. "Well... What's the difference?"

Jeremy was busy lighting his cigar as I watched the flame dance over the tip, illuminating his facial features, so Bass responded. "Depends if you want a more dominant, sadistic Master like me, or a boring, caring Daddy like Jer."

Jeremy laughed as he blew out smoke and stroked my lips with his thumb, looking down at my face. "Oh I'm anything but boring, son. Don't worry."

I felt a blush spread my cheeks again as my mind was racing. Are they saying that they want to have me as their slave or son? Did I really have to make a choice?

The two took out their cocks from their zipper and leather pouch, Jeremy holding it in front of my face, teasing me by smacking it softly on my head while Bass smacked his a little harder against my balls. I was getting so horny again and opened my mouth for Jeremy's cock while I noticed the big piercing sliding over my balls and down to my hole.

"You ready, pig?" Bass grinned as Jeremy blew smoke down at my face, which just made me moan. "Yes Si-" I started before Jeremy's cock past my lips.

I looked up at him as he blew smoke, moving his hips back and forth, going slightly deeper with every thrust. Meanwhile Bass was between my legs, pushing his pierced cock against my hole. After some resistance, my body relaxed just enough for him to push the head in, making me moan loudly around Jeremy's cock.

"Atta boy." Jeremy grinned around his cigar as his hands moved to his nipples, playing with them as Bass slowly pushed in all the way. "Open up for Dad." "Fuck. This bitch is tight." Bass groaned around his cigar as I felt him throb deep inside me.

Soon, they both picked up the pace. With Jeremy sometimes giving me an `oxygen' break, which meant he would lean in and kiss me while blowing smoke down my throat before thrusting his cock down my throat again, making me gag and drool all over.

Bass on the other hand was having fun making me scream around Jeremy's cock. Twisting my nipples and using them as handlebars as he fucked me. Within a few minutes, my nipples felt like they were on fire.

During that time, I felt myself getting awfully close. And when Jeremy pulled out to kiss me once again, and Bass pulled my nipples harshly, I shot my second load over my belly. Bass complimented me by telling me I was such a pig, coming from two cocks fucking him at the same time, and Jeremy just glanced at my belly before looking down in my eyes and telling me I was a good boy before shoving his cock back inside.

It didn't take too long after that for Bass to cum, which felt like he was pissing inside me how much he came. That's when Jeremy pulled out of my throat, and moved away. "My turn." "Yeah yeah. The boy got a great pussy." Bass smiled as he pulled out and the two swapped places. "Clean up the mess you made, slave."

I didn't even bother trying to say anything as Jeremy shoved his cock down my hole and I moaned out loudly again for Bass to shove his pierced cock down my throat.

I now noticed the difference in sizes between the two. Jeremy was bigger, but Bass's was definitely thicker.

I did my best cleaning off Bass's cock as much as I could, loving the taste of his cum on my tongue as he slowly fucked my mouth. Because of the throatfuck of earlier, Jeremy also didn't take too long to cum and by the time I cleaned off Bass's rod, Jeremy shot the second load my ass took.

"Have you ever tasted piss before?" Bass asked with a wicked grin while his cock was still inside my mouth, which made me unable to respond but to nod as I was catching my breath around his cock. "Good. Not that I would've cared." He shrugged as he unleashed his bladder down my throat, which I greedily gulped down. Because this was way harder upside down, I spilled some and felt it dribble down my face however.

Jeremy slowly pulled out and sighed in relief, stroking my belly and telling me what a good boy I was.

Apparently the room was gradually filling up with people again who watched when I heard a familiar voice, accompanied by heavy bootsteps approach.

"That was hot, gentlemen. Mind if I have a turn?" My eyes widened when I realized it was the pipe guy from earlier and Bass retrieved his cock from my mouth. "Depends. You up for it, boy?" Jeremy asked as I looked over at the man.

I knew his cock was huge. I knew how sadistic and brutal he could be from just under 5 minutes with the guy and he told me he was going to rape me. I shivered, as I watched him pack his pipe and look down at me like I was a pile of dog shit. I was scared. But that was probably also the reason I said "Yes."

Jeremy must have realized and leaned down for another smokey kiss, which I happily returned and whispered so only I could hear. "Remember the safe word." To which I nodded.

"There you are!" I heard another familiar voice booming from the entryway. "I was wondering where you were and then a regular finally spilled that there was a twink in the sling he'd never seen before. I knew it was you!" The bartender said as he walked in.

Bass went over to him and they had a conversation about my clothes when Jeremy joined them, which they took and put near my shirt. During this time, the big pipe guy lit up his pipe and looked down at me menacingly as his hard cock throbbed against my hole.

"Suffer, faggot." He said softly before shoving his monstercock all the way to the root, making me scream out in pain. The scream made Jeremy hurry back, followed closely by Bass, who told the bartender bye and the two watched us like hawks. I think they were waiting for me to say the safeword, but after a few minutes of him brutally fucking me, the pain actually started to feel good. He would grab me by my throat as he fucked me, hold his pipe bowl against my cock and balls, making me feel the heat and eventually, while puffing wildly, grabbed my balls and squeezed them hard, making me scream as he came inside me.

I was catching my breath when he rubbed my cock and balls with his gloved hand and smirked. "Told ya." He just said as he throbbed inside me and try to inhale from the pipe again, but it went out apparentyly before he pulled out, leaving me gaping and leaking in the sling.

"Damn fucker." Bass grinned around his cigar. "That was hot." "You ok?" Jeremy asked, to which I just nodded, out of breath. "We'll be in touch, fagboy." The pipeguy said as he held the pipebowl upside down, tapping the contents in my almost dried up puddle I made on my stomach. I gasped, and braced for the burn, but the ashes were merely warm when they landed on me, making me blush in embarrassment for thinking...hoping it would burn more.

Jeremy untied my wrists while Bass untied my legs and they helped me get up and to my pile of clothes. "That was a lot of fun, sport." Jeremy said as he sat me down on one of the rimchairs. "I hope it was a lot of fun for you too."

"Definitely...Daddy." I hesitated to call him that, feeling a bit embarrassed by it but the proud laugh that came from him made it worth it.

"Here's your phone, pig. Add our number for in case you want to reach out again." Bass winked as I took my phone. "Thank you, Master." I responded with a little more confidence after seeing Jeremy's response, and Bass too smiled proudly.

I added their number as they added mine, noticing my actual Dad left a bunch of messages to see where I was, So I quickly sent him a message and got dressed. But before we left, Jeremy and Bass ashed in my mouth one last time before we went out the door to the bar.

Jeremy ordered 2 coffees and a water as Bass and I called a taxi. Though when I called mine, he said he was already at the door.

Jeremy handed me a bottle of water and we said our goodnights with one more smokey kiss from each of them before I headed out and noticed the cabdriver leaning against his car.

"Hi there. Seems to me like you sobered up after I left you at the bar. That's a first." He mentioned as he opened the door for me. I chuckled and got in the backseat. "Yeah... Puking helps." I said which made him laugh.

The cabdriver asked what happened but when I told the story, he didn't seem surprised at all, like he planned it somehow. I knew he couldn't have as I only just met him, but something inside me told me it was strange.

When he got to my address, he frowned however. "THIS is your house?" He asked. "Yep! Why?" I asked, remembering to check my phone to see if my dad had read the message I sent him, but since there was no response, I figured he was asleep already. "Wait. You're not Damon are you? Jim's son?" My eyes widened. "You know my dad?" "Oh, yeah I do. Here, let me help you out." The driver said as he got out of the car and opened the door.

I barely got out of the car when I notice the front door open and seeing the huge frame of my Dad in the doorway. "Where the FUCK have you been, boy?" He beamed. I stammered to find the right words as he continued. "What? Didn't remember to send you dad a fucking message? You're always on you damn phone!"

"Sorry Dad. I just had a little accident and didn't have my phone on me for a while." His voice turned from angry to concerned within a second as I approached the door. "Accident? What happened? You ok?" "Yeah no I'm fine. I just puked all over myself and hung out at this bar for a while as they washed my clothes.

"Get your ass inside!" And back to angry again.

"Whassup Jim!" I heard the driver say. "Hey Danny." My dad sighed. "Thanks for bringing the kid home. How much?" He asked as he approached the car. "This one is on the house, man." "Appreciate it Dan." My Dad's voice was a lot softer and nicer now. I just rolled my eyes and was waiting at the door for some sort of lecture when I heard Danny say something I wished he wouldn't have said.

"But damn Jim, your son is one sexy faggot." "What did you say?" my dad asked in disbelief. "He was over at Ruby's. I went in for a few minutes and saw him getting fucked and moaning in a sling. Hell, he even bragged that he got fucked by 3 men when he was in there." My dad was quiet, probably in shock as he didn't know that. I never officially came out to my dad, always assuming he knew, but didn't want to hear about it.

I quickly headed inside the house and ran into my room, locking the door as I heard my dad yell something, ending with. "...MY SON IS NOT A FAGGOT!" before the door slammed shut.

I dove into my bed and heard my dad trying to open the door before pounding on it. "Boy! You better get some sleep, because tomorrow, you and I are going to have to talk!"

Luckily the exhaustion from the night helped me getting to sleep, but just as I woke up well after noon, noticing how sore I was, I immediately remembered what happened the night before.

As I heard my Dad walk around in the kitchen, I heard a ding on my phone. I wondered who it was.

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Thank you for making it this far into the story, I hope you enjoyed it !

For part two, I would like to do something different.

Please write me a message with who you want part two to feature:

Master Bass Daddy Jeremy Sadistic pipeguy Biological Dad Jim

All options will be sexy/kinky/smoky. Some of them more extreme than others.

All votes will be gathered on the 5th of March before I post chapter 2.

Thanks again!

Next: Chapter 2

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