By RimPig (RimPigFL, Bobby Michaels) (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Mar 21, 2006



Copyright 2006 by RimPig. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to Nifty Archives, to archive and display this work. All other uses are expressly forbidden unless explicit arrangement has been made with the author. This copyright applies to all chapters and pages of this work. It may not be reproduced, posted, stored electronically, or archived, except for personal, non-public use, without the express written permission of the author.


I'd fuckin' had it! My fuckin' so-called girlfriend had been on the rag for two months now, in more ways than one. Not only was I not gettin' any fuckin' but she was on my case about every fuckin' thing she could think of. I was sick and tired of her fuckin' bitchin' and constant naggin'! I'd finally figured out that I didn't need her for nothin'! After all, she wasn't that great a fuck and she didn't give head worth a damn. Not to mention, she wouldn't let me anywhere near her little booty and I dearly loved to fuck ass! Not that I'd ever gotten to fuck much ass, mind you. Only a couple of the girls I ever went with were willing for that.

Let's face it, I was one pissed-off jock! I mean, here I was, a Senior, just coming off an all- conference win with the football team that I quarterbacked and I had to put up with this shit from some spoiled rotten cunt?! No way! I didn't give a fuck who her 'Daddy' was. So what if he was the richest guy in town? I was sick and tired of having to come up with bigger and better 'presents' just to get into her panties. Basically, I might as well be goin' with a hooker for all it cost me to fuck her. And it's not like I'm ugly or anything. In fact, there are dozen's of girls that have thrown themselves at me over the years. After all, six feet of solid, ripped muscle, blond hair and blue eyes can get a guy a lot of pussy if he plays his cards right. Not to mention the fact that most girls think I'm 'cute'.

I really pitied anybody that got in my way that day. Let's face it, when your nuts are backing up with unshot cum, any guy gets a might 'aggressive'. I just wanted the chance to pound the shit outa somebody. That, at least, would take the edge off. But I guess the look on my face was enough to deter anybody from crossin' me that day, that was until right after school.

That's when I saw Carl and Louis who, ever since grade school, we'd all nicknamed "Bevis and Butthead" though, to tell ya the truth, it was more like Butthead 1 and Butthead 2. These two complete scuzzball losers thought of themselves as some kind of bad-asses when, in fact, they were nothin' but a couple of fuckin' trailer-trash pussies - as most wanna-be bullies are. The only kinds of people that this pair of skid-marks could intimidate were younger nerds and people who didn't know them and what they were about.

Carl and Louis had some guy cornered over by the handball courts. He didn't look like a nerd and I didn't recognize him so I figured he must be new to Pelham High. They had him down on the ground, kickin' the shit out of him. I walked up behind the two, grabbed each of them by their necks and slammed their fuckin' brainless heads together. When they turned to see what the fuck hit them, I slammed my fist into first one and then the other's guts. Well, maybe a little lower than the gut. After all, I didn't much consider them as human so those rules about slammin' a guy in the nuts didn't apply to them. Not as far as I was concerned.

Naturally, the two of them ended up writhing in pain on the ground, lookin' up at me like a pair of whipped curs. They knew better than to say a word to me because there was a lot more pain I could inflict given even the slightest provocation. Basically, they just kind of crawled away into whatever slime they'd emerged from while I went over to see to their victim.

The guy was laying there, kinda scrunched up into a ball and moaning. All I could see at first was that he had dark brown hair worn somewhat longer than most guys these days. Not as long as the 'Stoners' but what, I guess, you would call medium length. He looked somewhat short, but that could have been the way he was layin', all curled up and shit. I did notice that he wasn't at all scrawny, like one of the nerds. No, he seemed to have a rather nice, compact body with wide shoulders and a broad back that tapered down to what appeared to be a small waist. His jeans were tight so I could also see he had an awesome ass! Nice and bubble-round and stretchin' out his jeans in a way that I wished to fuck most girls' did. But that thought I quickly dismissed from my mind, figuring it was from bein' WAY too horny. After all, I wasn't into dudes.

I squatted down beside him and kind of rolled him over until I could see his face. Damn! And I thought I was cute! This guy had me beat all to hell! The girls would be all over him like flies on shit! Even with his face all scrunched up with pain, I could tell that. He opened his eyes and looked at me. It was like this laser beam when our eyes met. Something fuckin' moved inside me! I didn't know what it was but I felt it - down deep in my guts. His eyes only made him cuter. Dark emerald green and obviously very expressive. To be honest, I don't think I'd ever seen a pair of eyes more beautiful - not on any girl, much less another guy. And I may be an 'ass' man but, the truth of it is that it's the eyes I always notice first. In fact, that is what first attracted me to Cheryl, my soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend. The guy and me just stayed like that, staring into each other's eyes for WAY too long for me to be doin' that with another dude.

"Are you okay, dude?" I said, hoarsely, finally re-acquiring the ability to talk that I had lost somehow about the time his eyes first looked into mine.

Nobody, not even Cheryl, had ever effected me like this. I didn't know what the fuck was going on with me. No dude should be havin' this kind of ability to rock my world but, whoever he was, he was doin' just that.

"Uhh! Yeah. I think so." he groaned in a deep but gentle voice that seemed to set things hummin' inside me again.

"Do ya think ya can get up?" I asked.

"Maybe..." he said, slowly stretching out his legs.

He looked to me to be about maybe five-foot eight or nine inches tall. I was right about his body, he was not scrawny. In fact, the way his t-shirt stretched across his pecs, it looked like he worked out, at least some. I wondered why I hadn't run into him in the gym or something.

"Here. Lemme help ya." I said as I saw him struggling to rise.

I got my hands under his arms and basically lifted him off the ground. Not that he was light or anything but I can bench around two hundred forty-five pounds so I'm pretty fuckin' strong. His legs seemed to be real weak at first and he ended up basically falling into me. I grabbed hold of him as his body pressed against mine. If I thought there was a rush that happened when our eyes met, it was nothin' compared to when his body pressed itself against mine! I immediately felt like an electrical charge goin' down into my jeans which quickly became very tight from the blood flowin' into my cock. Another thing I noticed was his scent. The scent of his male body. It was earthy and somewhat strong but it was deeply pleasing to me in a way I couldn't understand, much less describe.

'Damn, dude! You really need to get laid!' I thought to myself. 'Especially if other guys are gonna start makin' you throw fuckin' wood just by touching you!'

He looked up into my eyes again and I could see the pain and embarrassment there over bein' so weak. I really wish he hadn't done that, though, because maybe I could have gotten my unruly pecker to calm the fuck down from the feel of his body against mine but not with that 'laser beam' thing goin' on, too! In less time than I can take my pick-up from 0 to 60 mph, about 6.1 seconds, my cock was all the way boned and starting to drip cock-honey from the tip. I cursed myself for not ever wearin' fuckin' underwear, knowing that the dark spot on my faded jeans was goin' to be highly visible. Damn!

"Uhh...dude, why don't you let me drive ya home. Looks like you really do need some help." I breathed hoarsely.

Frankly I was surprised I could talk at all in the condition I was in.

"That would be very nice of you...uhh...?" he continued staring in my eyes but now with one eyebrow raised in question.

"Uhh...Cody...Cody Edwards." I stuttered, finally figuring out that he was asking what my name was.

"Thank you, Cody Edwards. I'm Tyler Hudson. It's very nice to meet you, despite the circumstances."

He gave me a smile that for some fuckin' reason just seemed to brighten my entire world. Fuckin' made me feel like this was the best day of my whole fuckin' life.

"Uhh...my trucks not too far. Can you walk, Tyler?" I managed to ask.

"I think so. By the way, who were those two, any way?"

"Those two fuckwads are Carl and Louis, better known as 'Bevis and Butthead'. To be honest with ya, I forget which one is Bevis because they're basically both Buttheads. The only people they try that shit with are either freshman or sophomore nerds or newbies. So, since you don't look like a freshman or sophomore nerd, or any other kind of nerd for that matter, I gotta figure you for a newbie."

"Yes, I'm new here. I just started here last week. My Dad an I moved here because of his work. He owns the construction company that's building that new bridge over in Broadmore."

"What about your Mom?" I asked.

"My Mom died when I was six. Car accident. It's been just Dad and me since then." Tyler said.

I could again see pain in his eyes. I guess he never got used to his Mom's death. That didn't surprise me. I never got used to my Dad dying when I was ten. He was killed when he fell off a building that he was redoing the roof on. Ever since then, it's been tough for my Mom and me. Money has always been tight and Mom works all the time to make ends meet. I offered to quit sports and get a job to help out but my Mom wouldn't hear of it. The only reason that I had a truck was because I worked every summer since I entered high school on local farms, harvesting crops. It was hard work but it sure built my muscles.

"Yeah, I lost my Dad when I was ten. It's been just me and my Mom ever since."

I saw the pain in his eyes turn to something else, I wasn't sure but it sent more shockwaves through me.

"I guess that gives us something in common." he said softly.

I didn't know what would happen if this went on any longer but I knew it was going to be something that would embarrass the shit out of me so I started helping him to my truck. I got him into the passenger seat and then went around and climbed into the driver's side.

"So, where do you live?"

"Dad rented us a house on Courtland Street." Tyler said.

"Courtland?! That's only two streets from where I live!" I exclaimed. "Damn!"

In fact, when Tyler showed me which house he lived in, he was almost directly behind the one where Mom and I lived, just two streets over. I helped him into the house and then upstairs to his room. His room was amazing. Actually, it was two rooms joined evidently by removing a wall. One room was a bedroom and the other was like a study/den with desk, computer and bookcases but with a couch and chair along with a large screen flat-panel TV and a home theater system. I noticed that there were literally hundreds of CD'S and DVD's in racks beside the entertainment system.

Tyler sat on the couch and I sat down next to him. We just kind of looked at each other for a few moments and that 'laser lock' thing happened again. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. It was the weirdest thing that had ever happened to me. Finally, Tyler broke the connection by asking me a question.

"So, Cody, tell me about you. Who is Cody Edwards?" he smiled.

This question totally stumped me. Nobody had ever asked me that before and I fuckin' didn't know how to answer him.

"Wha...what do ya mean?"

"Who are you? What makes you tick? What do you do for fun? What makes you happy?" Tyler explained.

"Oh! That's fuckin' easy! Football!" I exclaimed.


"Yeah! I'm the quarterback of the football team...well...at least I was. The season's over now but we went 13 and 0 and won the conference championship." I preened.

"Oh. Okay. So you're a jock." Tyler said but he didn't seem at all happy about it for some reason. "So what else do you do for fun?"

"I don't know. Regular stuff. Hang out with the guys from the team, drink beer, get drunk, stuff like that."

"Do you have a girlfriend?" he asked.

That immediately brought me down thinking about the situation with Cheryl.

"Well...kind of..." I muttered.

"What do you mean...kind of?" his eyebrow went up in question.

"Well..it's like this. I been datin' this girl named Cheryl for about a year now. Her father's about the richest guy in town and she's a fuckin' spoiled brat. The last couple of months she's been on my fuckin' case about everything and she ain't gave it up since. Not that she was any damned fuckin' good when she did! And worse, every time she fuckin' spread her legs, I had to buy her something first! And it was gettin' fuckin' expensive!" I said, unburdening myself, finally, to someone else about the situation.

"She doesn't sound like a girlfriend, she sounds like a hooker." Tyler said, sympathetically.

"Ya fuckin' got that straight! That's what I finally figured out. I'm gonna dump her ass, first chance I get."

"I take it you don't love her." Tyler said.

"Love her!? You're fuckin' kiddin' me! No fuckin' way! I just...well...I don't know. I guess I just wanted to fuck her. And, to tell you the truth, I guess I kinda wanted to make the other guys jealous of me havin' her." I said, suddenly realizing that my explanation didn't make me sound so good.

"Have you ever been in love?"

"No. I mean I've dated a lot of girls and I've fucked most of them but I never really loved any of them. I guess I did kinda love the way they made me feel, all macho and shit, but that's about it."

Fuck! I was soundin' worse and worse! It suddenly began to dawn on me that mostly I'd just used all the girls I'd dated. Meanwhile, Tyler just sat there quietly, looking at me with an expression I couldn't read.

"I...I guess I sound pretty awful, huh?" I asked, embarrassed as shit.

"No. You sound like a pretty typical high school male who's really good-looking and able to get probably about any girl you want."

My mind flashed on the part about 'really good-looking'. I knew I was 'cute' but it kinda amazed me that Tyler was saying that he thought so, too.

"You're way fuckin' more good-looking than I am." I said, quietly.

Whoa! What the fuck did I say THAT for?! I'd never told another guy that he was good- looking! Even if it was the God's honest truth where Tyler was concerned. I didn't know what the fuck was happenin' with me. First the 'laser-beam' thing, then gettin' fuckin' boners from being near him or him touching me and now I'm tellin' him I think he's good-lookin'! Yeah. No way around it. I had to get laid - and soon!

I guess things would have been okay that afternoon if Tyler hadn't done what he did next. Not that it was his fault or anything! But when I told him how good looking he was, he just kind of smiled at me and he blushed. Oh, my fucking God! As good looking as he was anyway, that smile and that blush made him...well, it made him fuckin' beautiful! I just sat there, completely stunned. So stunned that when he looked at me and our eyes did that 'laser-lock' thing once again, without even realizing what I was doing, my hand reached out and I gently stroked his cheek.

Before I knew it, I was moving in and he was moving towards me as well. In a moment, our mouths met and I was lost, kissing him passionately. I'd never in my life imagined kissing another guy so I was SO not ready for what it felt like! So strong, so intense, so wonderfully different than any girl I'd ever kissed. I tasted him and moaned deep in my throat. At the same time, I was also once again aware of his scent and it was driving me crazy! My arms snaked around his body and I couldn't believe how incredibly good he felt in my arms - so natural, so right. It dawned on me that all this felt more right than it had ever felt with any of the girls I'd been with. I was also starting to realize that this wasn't about being horny. Oh, don't get me wrong, I was boned to the max the second that my mouth met his, but something else was goin' on here. Somethin' that felt different down deep inside me, somethin' that felt so much more than just wantin' to pound my cock into a wet, warm hole.

I don't know what would have happened after that but I finally came to my senses and realized what the fuck I was doing! I was fuckin' kissin' another dude! This was wrong! This wasn't what I should be doin' no matter how good it felt!

I pulled my mouth off his, took my arms from around him and stood up. He sat there, looking at me in shock.

"Wha...?" he started to say.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what got into me, dude!" I practically screamed and then ran for the door to his room.

I flew down the stairs and out the front door, slamming it behind me. I laid rubber squealing out of his driveway and headed...well, I didn't know where I was headed. I just wanted to be as far away from Tyler Hudson as I could get. I eventually found myself drivin' north on the interstate. I took the exit for Turner Junction and headed up into the mountains. That's when I realized where I was goin'.

My grandfather, my Dad's father, had owned a cabin up on a lake in the mountains. Some of the happiest times that I remembered from my childhood, before my Dad was killed and everything when to fuckin' hell, were the times that Dad and I and Grandpa spent up at that cabin, fishing on the lake. But Grandpa died about a year before Dad and then when Dad died, Mom had to sell the cabin so that we could live. I didn't know who owned it now, but I figured since it was late fall, almost winter, that nobody would probably be there. I didn't want to go in the cabin, anyway. I just wanted to go down and sit on the dock where I used to sit with my Dad when I was a little boy, talkin' with him and askin' him all those stupid questions that kids ask their Dads.

By the time I got to the cabin, the sun was starting to set and it was getting much cooler. I grabbed my letter jacket out from behind the seat of the truck and put it on. The cabin was still there. In fact, it didn't look changed at all from when Grandpa owned it. As I figured, nobody was around, so I headed down the path that went down to the lake. The old dock was still there, though there was no boat or canoe tied up to it. I sat down, cross-legged, on the old, worn planks and just stared out at the water.

My mind was racing. It was like there was two parts of it and they were fighting. One part was screaming out fuckin' horrible things like 'Faggot!', 'Queer!', 'Sissy!' and other things like that. All the fuckin' nasty things I'd heard kids call other kids on the playground when I was growin' up. Things I didn't even really understand the meaning of, at the time. All I knew was that they meant that you were different, and outcast and somehow less than a boy. Things that I was scared to death somebody would call me.

The other side of my mind was flashing images of the short time I'd spent with Tyler. The beauty of his eyes and his smile, the scent of him, the taste of him but, above all, how good he'd felt in my arms - like he belonged there.

Worst of all, was the feeling deep inside me that I not only had I just thrown away the best thing that had ever happened in my whole fuckin' life, but something that I needed more than the air I breathed. I was filled with the kind of pain I'd only known when I lost my Dad. I knew I was lost. I didn't know what to do, where to go, who to talk to.

As the fight continued to rage in my mind, I bowed my head and did something that I hadn't done since my Dad died. I cried.

I don't know how long I sat on that lonely, cold dock but, when I finally stopped crying and came to myself, it was fully dark. I walked back up the path, got into my truck and drove home.

When I got home, it was almost nine and my Mom was frantic with worry. When I walked into the house, however, she took one look at me and whatever screaming she wanted to do at me for being late and not being considerate enough to call kind of died.

"Cody? What's the matter?" she asked quietly.

I looked at her and I could see the concern in her eyes. I wanted to tell her but I just couldn't bring myself to. Not only didn't I have the words, I didn't want to disappoint her so deeply by what I realized that I had become. Or, maybe not become. Maybe had been all my life and just never knew it until Tyler came along.

"Nothin'." I mumbled, trying to get past her so that I could go up to my room and just lock myself away until I could figure out some way to deal with all of this.

"Cody, you've never lied to me before. Please don't start now. I can see that you are very upset and that you've been crying. Is it Cheryl again?" she asked.

I looked at her like she was insane. Cheryl?! Fuck! If it only was that little bitch!

"No, Mom. It's not Cheryl. I'm over Cheryl. WAY over Cheryl." I said, shaking my head at the craziness of it all.

"Well, thank God! I wondered how long it would take you to wake up and realize what a conniving, spoiled little brat she was." Mom said bitterly.

I looked at her in shock!

"Mom! You've never said anything about the girls that I've dated!"

"That doesn't mean I haven't 'thought' a lot of things. I realize that you're male and males are very different. I was always sorry that your Dad died when you were so young because he couldn't talk to you about things that father's and son's talk about. I wasn't about to try because it would have just embarrassed both of us. Now, some of those girls, I know, you only dated for...well...for what they would let you do. However, out of all of them, Cheryl was the absolute worst. I'm just glad you've woken up finally. So if it's not her, what is it, Cody. Why the last time I remember you looking like this...well...it was when we lost your Dad." she finished very quietly.

"To tell you the truth, this is the first time I've been glad that Dad was dead." I said, and I could see the shock on her face. "At least he died before this happened."

"Cody, what could be so wrong? Darling, whatever it is, I promise you we can fix it." she said, coming to me and putting her hand on my face.

"No, Mom. We can't fix this." I said, looking sadly at her.

"Cody, come on. Let's talk about this." she said, taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen, just like I was five years old again.

We sat down at the kitchen table and Mom took hold of my hand and wrapped both of her hands around it.

"Now, unless you've killed somebody, which I cannot believe you capable of, we most certainly can fix whatever it is that's tearing you apart inside." Mom said.

I gave a rueful laugh.

"No. I didn't kill anybody. I just kissed somebody." I said, letting my mouth run on without my fuckin' brain attached.

She looked at me strangely.

"But Cody, you've kissed lots of girls, I'm sure. What was the problem with this one?" she asked, mystified.

I hung my head in shame. I couldn't look at her.

"This one wasn't a girl, Mom. This was a guy." I said, so low, I'm surprised she could hear me because I could barely hear myself.

I heard her take a sharp intake of breath.

"Oh, I see..." she said gently.

I looked at her, expecting to see her hatred and rejection of me but all I saw was my Mom and the love I always saw when she looked at me.

"No, Mom. You don't see." I said bitterly. "Look, I really can't talk to you about this..."

I tried to pull my hand out of hers and get up and leave but she held on tightly.

"Yes, you can, Cody! You most assuredly CAN talk to me about this. After all, I'm the only one in this house that truly knows what it's like to be attracted to and in love with a male." she said, giving me one of her steely 'don't-even-try-to-bullshit-me' looks.

I'd learned a long time ago that once she gave you one of those looks, she meant business and nothing was going to stop her. I gave up and stopped trying to pull away.

"Now, Cody, why did you kiss him?" she asked.

"I don't honestly know. It just kind of happened."

"When did you meet him? Is he someone from school?" she asked.

"I met him this afternoon after school. He's new. He's only been here a week. Bevis and Butthead were beating him up and I broke it up." I related.

"Carl and Louis up to there old tricks again, huh?" Mom asked and I gaped at her. "Oh! Don't look at me that way. I've known what you kids have called those two since grade school. Can't say as I blame you, either. So what happened then?"

"He was lyin' on the ground and I went over to see if he was all right. I turned him over and he looked up at me. Mom, it was the strangest thing! When our eyes met it was like...well like laser beams meeting and locking onto one another. I couldn't stop looking at him. I don't know how to explain it." I said, apologetically.

"You're explaining it just fine." Mom said, smiling gently at me. "What happened then?"

"Well, I helped him up and he was not very steady on his feet and he kind of fell against me so that we were...well...we were..." I stumbled.

"I think I get the picture." Mom smiled and squeezed my hand.

"No! Something happened! When he touched me, it was like nothin' I'd ever felt before. Somethin' went through me but I can't explain what." I said, desperately.

"Is that when you kissed him?" Mom asked.

"No. I drove him home. He only lives a couple of streets over. It was when we were in his room, sitting on the couch. That's when I kissed him." I said.

"Anything else?" Mom asked.

"Well...I put my arms around him and I felt all those things all over again but then I got scared. I ran out of his house and hopped into my truck and got out of there as fast as I could." I said.

"Where did you go?" Mom asked.

"Up to the lake, to the old cabin." I said.

"What for?" Mom asked, surprised.

"I don't really know except that I remembered sitting on the old dock with Dad when I was little. I used to talk to him then and ask him all kinds of questions. I sat on that dock for a long time but, I didn't get any answers. I don't know, I guess it was just a stupid idea." I said, sheepishly, hanging my head.

"I don't think it was a stupid idea at all. I understand why you went there. You've got to know I did everything I could think of to keep from having to sell that cabin. I knew how much you and your Dad loved it. I wanted to keep it for you, I just couldn't." Mom said.

"I know that, Mom. I didn't blame you. I understood that we couldn't keep it. Well, maybe not at the time, but I do now." I said.

"Are you in love with this boy?" Mom asked the one question I was afraid she'd ask.

I looked at her. Part of me was screaming "YES!" and another part, the part that couldn't deal with the idea of being with another guy, was screaming "NO!".

"I don't know, Mom. I've never been in love with anybody before." I said, the anguish showing in my voice.

"Well, Cody, I think you are. I think you are very much in love with this boy but you're afraid to admit it because of what other people think about men who love other men. But they are just stupid and bigoted. And, I'll tell you something else." she said.

"What?" I asked, afraid of what she was going to say next.

"I think he's very much in love with you." she said, smuggly.

"But you don't even know him!" I argued.

"His name's Tyler Hudson, isn't it?" she announced.

I blanched white!

"How do you know that?!" I exclaimed.

"Because he's called here six times while you've been gone, trying to talk to you, worried about you." she said.

"But I never gave him my number." I insisted.

"Cody, allow me to tell you, there are these things called 'phone books' where you can look up people's names, addresses and phone numbers. You might try using one once in a while." she grinned at me.

"He did? He called six times?" I asked, completely awed.

"That's right. I have his number on a pad right over there by the phone. I think you need to go upstairs and call him, don't you?" she asked, in that 'if-you-know-what's-good-for-you' voice that all mother's have.

"Yeah! I guess I'd better." I said, getting up.

Mom didn't let go of my hand though.

"Cody, don't let your fear get in the way of what you really want." she said and then she let go of me.

I smiled sheepishly at her as I grabbed the note with Tyler's number on it and bounded up the stairs to my room. I dialed the number and it was answered on the first ring.

"Hello?" Tyler's voice said.

"Tyler...uhh...it's Cody." I said, not knowing where to go to from there.

"Cody! Thank you so much for calling. Are you all right?" he asked and I could hear both fear and concern in his voice.

"Uhh...yeah...well...no...uhh...I don't know..." I stammered.

"Cody, I think we need to talk. Are you home?" Tyler said.

"Yeah. I'm home."

"Can I come over? I think this is something we need to talk about face to face, don't you think?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess we do. Sure, come on over. You know how to get here?" I asked.

"Don't worry. I'll find it. I'll see you in a few minutes."

"Okay." I said and then we both hung up.

I sat down on my bed, wondering what in the fuck I was going to say to him. I mean, what do you say to a guy you met and in less than an hour you're sucking face with - especially when you've never done anything like that before in your life? I didn't have long to think about it, though because in less time than I would have imagined, I heard the doorbell ring downstairs. Before I could get down, however, Mom had already answered it. As I walked down the stairs, I could hear her with Tyler.

"Well, Tyler. It's very nice to meet you. I'm Cody's mother." she said.

"I'm pleased to meet you, Mrs. Edwards. Is Cody available by any chance?" he asked.

"I'm right here." I said, coming down off the stairs and walking over to them.

Tyler's eyes and mine met and that damned 'laser-lock' thing happened all over again. I didn't even realize that Mom was standing there grinning at the two of us until she spoke.

"Why don't you two go on up to Cody's room. I think you need to have a private talk, don't you?" she said, grinning.

"Uhh...yeah. Come on, Tyler." I said, heading towards the stairs.

"Uhh...thank you Mrs. Edwards." I heard Tyler's voice behind me.

We went upstairs and I led Tyler to my room. Luckily, Mom never allowed me to be a slob like my friends so Tyler didn't have to step over piles of dirty clothes and stuff like I did at my friend's houses. I sat on the bed and motioned for Cody to sit down next to me.



We both started to speak at once and then we both stopped, waiting for the other so that the silence dragged on in deafening levels. Finally, I blurted out.

"I'm really sorry, dude, for this afternoon!"

Tyler looked at me and smiled.

"Which part?" he asked.

"You know which part!" I said, exasperation showing in my voice.

"Was it that bad for you?" he asked.

That rocked me!

"No! Uhhh...no...it wasn't that bad." I said, sheepishly.

I wasn't about to tell him that it was the most incredible thing I'd ever experienced.

"I take it that you've never done that before?" he asked quietly.

"No. Never. Have you?" I asked.

"Uhh...yeah. A couple of times." he said.

"You have?!" I exclaimed.

"Cody. I have a confession to make. I wanted to tell you earlier but things kind of got out of hand. Cody, I'm gay. I always have been. I realize that you're straight so I kind of feel like what happened was somehow my fault. I didn't mean for it to happen. Not that I didn't want it to, but once I found out that you were...well...a jock and going with a girl...I just figured that there was no chance of anything happening between us. I'm really very sorry." he said.

"But...but...you didn't do anything! I did!" I said. "I wanted it to happen! Well...I didn't really know it at the time, but I did. You didn't do anything!"

"Cody, what are you saying?" Tyler asked, his eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"From the moment that I first looked at you, something happened to me. It was like I couldn't stop looking at you. Trust me when I tell you I've never said this to another guy before but, Tyler, you are beautiful. You are so beautiful, it almost hurts to look at you." I admitted.

Then he did the worst thing he could have done! Again! He blushed.

"God! Don't do that! That's what started everything before!" I cried out.

"Do what?" Tyler asked.

"Blush like that! It drives me fuckin' nuts! You are so beautiful when you do that! That's why I kissed you! I thought I had myself under control until you did that." I confessed.

He smiled at me and then his hand reached up and he very gently stroked my cheek. I groaned.

"Cody, don't you know that you are just about the most beautiful boy I've ever seen in my life! It was the same for me! The moment I looked at you, I just couldn't stop looking at you!" he said.

"Oh, fuck!" I said, grabbing his hand and just holding it against my cheek. "Please don't fuckin' do that. I don't know what the fuck might happen if you keep doin' that!"

"Whatever happens, Cody, I want it to happen." he said softly.

Then his face started to move towards mine. In a moment, our mouths were locked to each other again, picking up right where we'd left off this afternoon. My arms when around him and I pulled him to me. It still felt right. In fact, if it was possible, it felt even more right this time because now I knew what was going on. I pulled my mouth from his and looked into his eyes. He looked at me questioningly.

"I want you to know, this isn't about me being horny. Not that you don't fuckin' turn me on to the point that I throw wood every time I'm around you but...I don't know how to say this...Tyler, I think I love you. I don't know for sure because I've never been in love with anybody and I never believed it could happen this fast. But I do know that I feel somethin' for you that I've never felt before in my life."

"I know, Cody. I feel the same way. I have a confession to make to you. I wasn't hurt all that badly at all. When I fell against you, it was because I wanted to touch you so badly and I didn't think that you'd let me unless it was by accident." he said, sheepishly.

"Did you feel anything when you did?" I asked.

"You mean other than that huge hardon you got?" he asked, grinning at me.

"Yeah. Other than that!" I growled.

"Yes. I felt something really deep down inside me. It was like you just reached out and grabbed my heart in your hand."

"Oh, fuck! My fuckin' Mom was right!" I said.

"About what?" he asked, looking at me quizzically.

"She asked me if I was in love with you and I told her I didn't know. She told me that I was and was just afraid to admit it. She also said that you were in love with me, too." I grinned.

"How did she know that?!" he exclaimed.

"Oh, I don't know, dude. Maybe it was calling the house six times in one evening because you were worried about me." I laughed.

He blushed in embarrassment.

"I told you not to do that! I can't be held responsible for what I might do if you keep doing that!" I groaned again.

"Cody." he said huskily, looking at me from under his long, dark, sexy eyelashes. "Are you one of those guys who are all talk and no action?"

"Oh! Dude! You are SO gonna regret those words! I ain't cum in two months!" I said, pushing him back on the bed and rolling on top of him.

"I haven't cum in three!" he grinned up at me.

"Then I guess we die in this bed!" I exclaimed.

There was no more talking after that, not for a long time, anyway. I was awkward and fumbling as I tried to undress him but, then again, I'd never tried to undress another boy before. When we both were naked, I looked at him and I was completely blown away! Until that moment, I'd never realized how really beautiful the male body is. At least Tyler's, anyway. It was obvious that, like me, Tyler had done some serious working out in his life. Turns out, Ty was a jock, too. But he'd been a wrestler. I guess it just kind of figured that we'd be involved in 'contact' sports.

I don't know what got into me but I started taking my tongue and licking all over Ty's body, outlining the hard planes and the cuts of his muscles and tasting his skin. I ended up with my nose buried in his pubic hair, snorting his very male scent and getting totally high on it. I also spent a lot of time sniffing and licking at his nut sack. But when I moved up and took Ty's cock into my mouth for the first time, it was like the most intense emotional experience of my life! Though I didn't know the first fucking thing about 'giving' a blow-job, I quickly figured out that I didn't need to learn anything (other than to keep my fuckin' teeth away from his cock. He quickly told me that one!) because I already had the best training in the world - I was a guy and I had a cock of my own! I just did to Ty what I liked for someone to do to me and he totally got off on it!

I loved the taste of his pre-cum. It was a little bit salty but also very sweet. When Ty was about to cum, he tried to get me to pull off so that he wouldn't shoot his wad in my mouth. Now, I guess, had it been anybody but Ty, I wouldn't be the least bit interested in letting a dude shoot his load in my mouth but, like I said, this was Ty. There was no fuckin' way I was goin' to be denied the taste of his load. I had worked for it and I wanted it! 'Course, I nearly fuckin' drowned in it the first time! I had no idea a guy could shoot that much cum! It was all I could do to keep swallowin' fast enough to keep it from chokin' me and I still ended up losing about half of it out the corners of my mouth. That was okay, however. It gave me the fun of licking it up out of Ty's pubic hair.

Once he'd cum, he pulled me back up on top of him and wrapped his legs around my waist. I looked down at him questioningly. Did he realize what he was doing?

"Uhh...Ty...uhh...are you sure about this, dude? I love to fuck ass and all that but I'm pretty big." I warned him.

"I'm well aware of your endowment so you can stop bragging!" he grinned up at me. "Trust me, I can take it if you go slow going in. You do have lube, don't you?"

"Uhh...yeah. Of course." I said, like 'duh!'.

"Well, you better go get it if you want in my ass." he grinned.

I got up off him and maneuvered across the bed to where I could get to my night table. I opened the drawer and pulled out a bottle of lube. Then I remembered I kept the condoms in the dresser. I got up and started heading there.

"What are you getting now?" Tyler asked from the bed.

"I keep the condoms in the dresser." I said, distractedly.

"You don't need one." he said.

That stopped me cold. I turned back to look at him laying on the bed.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because I'm technically a virgin." he smiled.

"But I thought you said you could take me?" I asked, totally confused by this point.

"I said 'technically' a virgin." he reiterated.

"Define 'technically'?"

"Well, I've never been fucked by a human male." he said.

"So what have you been fucked by? Sheep?" I asked, totally lost in this conversation.

"No! But I've been playing with my ass since I was about ten or eleven. I own several dildos of various sizes, one about the size of you. I've been practicing for this day." he said.

"You have? This day?" I asked in shock.

"Well...the day that I was finally willing to offer my ass to a guy. And that guy had to have a couple of particular qualifications to deserve my ass." he said.

"Oh? And what were these qualifications? Was size one of them?" I asked as I began walking back to the bed.

"Fuck no! Size was completely unimportant. The first qualification was he had to be in love with me." he said as I crawled back onto the bed and on top of him.

"And the second?" I asked, looking down into his beautiful face.

"I had to be in love with him." he said softly and I could see in his eyes that qualification had been met.

"Then let the fucking begin!" I grinned.

I carefully lubed him up, noticing how easily his hole opened to me. I then lubed myself up and then leaned over him, resting on my elbows, putting my face directly above his. His legs were around my waist again and as I leaned down and captured his mouth with mine in another passionate kiss, my cockhead began slowly pressing against his opening.

I slowly sank into the hottest, wettest, tightest hole that my cock had ever been in! It was incredible! Ty groaned into my mouth and I quickly pulled back and looked down at me.

"Are you okay?" I asked, afraid that I had hurt him.

"Oh! Fuck, yeah! You feel so fucking good inside of me!" he groaned.

"Oh, dude! You have no idea how fuckin' good you feel inside!" I said as I once again bent down and began kissing him passionately.

Slowly but surely, my cock slid all the way into Ty's butt and then I stopped to allow him to get used to it. No matter what he said about the size of his dildos, I knew that I was pretty big. I'd had enough complaints from girls I'd fucked to know that. Ty's ass gradually loosened and then I began to slowly glide in and out of it. It was the most incredible fuck of my life! And it wasn't just that Ty's ass was the most amazingly wonderful butt I'd ever fucked. No! It was the fact that it was Ty that I was fucking. I finally knew what it was like to fuck somebody that you loved, not just were hot for or horny. Trust me, it's like no other fuck in your life and all others pale in comparison!

I tried to make it last, but I hadn't lied when I told Ty I hadn't cum in two months. All too soon, I started pounding his hole with everything I had. I might of worried about hurting him but Ty was laying there begging me to go even harder and faster. I was almost there when the most amazing thing happened. Ty's hole suddenly began tightening and loosening around my cock in spasms and Ty was screaming at the same time. For just a second I wondered what the fuck was going on and then I felt it - Ty's cum shooting out of his cock and hitting my abs. I had brought Ty to orgasm just by fucking his ass! Now, I'd done this by fucking girls' pussy but never had I done it fucking ass. I didn't even know it was possible! His orgasm, however, and the tightening of his hole around my cock left me no time to think about this because I quickly joined him, shooting more cum up his ass than I ever had shot in my life in the most intense and totally mind- blowing orgasm I'd ever had. It was so intense, it seemed to go on twice the amount of time of any other and when it was done, all I could do was collapse on top of Ty, gasping for breath.

I don't know how long we lay there. I know I went to sleep for a short time and I think Ty did too. When we woke, we looked at each other and shyly smiled at each other. We kissed, gently and then murmured to each other how much we loved each other.

"Uhh...Ty." I finally said.


"I'm fuckin' starvin'. How about you?"

"Yeah. Me, too. I was too upset about not being able to reach you that I couldn't eat." he said.

"Let's go downstairs and see what we've got in the refrigerator." I said.

"Are you sure your Mom won't mind?"

"Knowing my Mom, I'll bet she's expecting it." I grinned.

And, indeed, I was right. We came down the stairs and Mom was sitting in the living room, knitting. She looked up at the two of us who rather guiltily smiled at her.

"I'm betting that you two are starving. I'm sure that's about the only thing that could have brought you down here." she grinned.

"Uhh...yeah." I said, sheepishly.

"Well, your dinners are in the oven warming. Just serve yourselves." she said.

"Thanks, Mom." I said.

"Thanks, Mrs. Edwards." Ty repeated.

Our dinners of meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy and corn were, indeed, waiting for us in the oven. I got us each a Coke to drink and we sat down at the kitchen table and basically ate like starving wolves, grinning at each other now and again. When both plates were practically licked clean, Ty looked at me and put his hand over mine, which was laying on the table.

"Your Mom is a really good cook." he said.

"Yeah. I know." I smiled.

"Remind me to thank her for dinner - and for having you." he grinned.

Now it was my turn to blush.

Ty called his Dad and got permission to spend the night and I asked Mom if it was okay if Ty stayed over. She just looked at me like 'duh!' and grinned. We spent a lot of the rest of the night talking. Really getting to know one another. I found out that Ty was actually quite a brain. At first I was a bit intimidated but he assured me that he wasn't interested in me for my brains. I, at first, was a little taken aback by that. I asked him to explain.

"I've always wanted a 'knight in shining armor'." he smiled. "After this afternoon, I knew I'd found one."

That pleased me to no end.

Some of the discussion was painful. Like, what were we going to do about school. While I loved Ty and I knew it, I just couldn't bring myself to 'come out' there. Ty said that there was no reason why we should. After all, it was nobody's business but ours how we felt about each other and since we didn't have that long until graduation, we didn't need to concern ourselves about anyone else.

"Dude, what about your Dad?" I asked.

"What about him?" Ty asked.

"Well, what do you think he's gonna say when he finds out?"

"Probably something like, 'Congratulations, welcome to the family.' Or words to that effect." Ty said.

"You're kidding?!" I exclaimed.

"Cody, my Dad knows I'm gay. He's know for quite a while now. He's cool with it."

"But is he gonna be cool with you being with me?" I asked.

"Once he knows that we're in love, he will be. Dad's only objection to being gay is being promiscuous and the inherent dangers in that."

"Pro...promiss...what?" I asked, having never heard the word before.

"Promiscuous. Having sex with every guy you can get hold of." Ty explained.

"No! No fuckin' way!" I said adamantly.


"No fuckin' way. I don't want any other guy but you! You don't want other guys, do you?" I asked with some concern.

After all, Ty was male. And I knew most guys were horn-dogs. I guess I could have been classified that way, so I was naturally concerned.

"Hey! I'm the one that 'unattached' here! I don't want any other guy but you, either. But what about your girlfriend, huh?!" Ty looked at me with his eyes burning in anger.

I started laughing and he didn't look any happier at that.

"Okay, Laughing Boy! What the fuck is so funny?" he fumed.

"You're jealous! Jealous of Cheryl!" I laughed.

"Well, I have a right to be!" he said.

"No, you don't get it! The only thing that could even tempt me into coming out would be the joy of watching that bitch's face when I tell her I'm dumping her for a GUY!!!" I finally got out.

Ty tried desperately to keep looking pissed but he finally cracked up laughing too.

While I am not a brain like Ty is, I had worked my ass off to get good grades. My Mom had insisted on that. I always figured that I would end up going to community college or something but, instead, I ended up going to Princeton. That's where Ty was going. And I didn't go on a football scholarship, either. Both Ty and my educations were paid for by Ty's father who just kind of considered that he now had two sons.

Part of that was that by the time graduation came about, Ty's Dad was dating my Mom! This was something that neither Ty nor I had foreseen. In fact, truth be told, we thought it was rather gross at first because if they got married, that would make us 'step-brothers' which would kind of make our relationship 'incest'! But we finally calmed down about the whole thing. After all, Ty's Dad and my Mom had been alone a long time after the death of their partners and Ty came to love my Mom as much as I did and I felt the same way about Ty's Dad.

By the time Ty and I left Law School and were interning with a firm of public interest law specialists, we had to fly to San Francisco for the weekend to help our parents get married. Ty was his Dad's 'Best Man' and I walked Mom down the aisle. They each promised us that they would still throw us a wedding anytime we got around to finally getting married. Ty and I are seriously considering it. We want to set up practice in Massachusetts so that we not only can get married but also adopt because we've decided that we would like to have a son ourselves.

Oh, and one more thing. The last I heard, Cheryl was on her sixth husband and 'Daddy' was still taking care of her. I feel just a little guilty about that because, you see, I did do what I had joked about doing. The day of graduation, I introduced her to Ty as my lover - the guy I had dumped her for. As the Master Card commercial says, "the look on her face - priceless!"


If you liked the story, please write me at rimpigfl@yahoo.com

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Instead, there is now a Yahoo Group that you can join where you will find links to all of my stories and the illustrations to BUDDY SYSTEM and to DANGEROUS MARINE. I will ONLY Notify people who are members of the group about my new stories.

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