What a Wonderful World

By Lking 4you

Published on Jan 2, 1999


DISCLAIMER: ----------

The following story is a continuing work of fiction depicting a consensual sexual relationship between an adult male and a young male teen. Any similarities between the characters and someone in real life is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, or do not approve of adult/youth relationships, or the subject matter is not legal in the area you reside, please do not read any further. The author welcomes any comments or constructive criticisms. Please direct your comments to: lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Authors Note: I would encourage you to read the first 7 parts before beginning Part 8, as this is an evolution of their story. I wish to thank all of you that have written with your appreciation and words of encouragement as this story has unfolded. If is for all of you that I write.

"What A Wonderful World" - Part 8

Part 8 ------

As restlesss as the previous night had been, I slept like the proverbial baby after Kevin's phone call last night. To say that we were both excited, would be an understatement of course. I am not honestly sure why the older people get the majority of them seem to lose the enthusiasm that they have when they are young. Perhaps the various trials of life, the many distractions that we face as we get older, have something to do with that. While age is truly only a collection of life experiences, losing the thrill of just living it has to be the real tragedy of too many peoples lives.

Kevin and I had found each other, just when I was beginning to join the ranks of those who had forgotten how to savor the sweetness of life. How I love him for saving me like this. I remember my grandfather telling me so very long ago, on one of our long walks around the lake, how easy it is to let yourself get trapped into your life, rather than being able to control it. He talked about how so many people in his parents generations, started whole new lives, many without giving it much of a thought.

The old worn out words 'do over' came to my mind as I lay in the comfortable warmth of my bed, thinking back over my life, especially the time since Kevin and I had met and fallen in love. Suddenly it struck me what a 'do over' really meant. People don't have to try a one time 'do over' to find the peace and happiness of life. Each day is a 'do over' no matter what had transpired up to that point. We get each day in an air tight compartment, to live it as we choose. Of course having Kevin now made the day seem wonderful and so much more full, but the realization that all of us were starting this day with the same clean slate, just made everything seem right about living once again. This truly is 'a wonderful world'.

Just as my bladder began to scream for relief demanding I get out of bed and begin the day in earnest, the phone on my nightstand went off like a school bell, and I almost wet the bed. 'Who on earth could be calling me at this hour' I thought to myself, the sun wasn't up and my alarm clock hadn't even gone off. "Hello" I managed to say, thinking a wrong number had to be the source.

"Did I wake you?" the soft warm voice whispered into my ear. "I love you Mason", Kevin cooed tenderly. "I just miss you so much and wanted to call you to hear your voice", he said.

"No, as a matter of fact I was just lying here thinking about you", I answered. "It's wonderful to hear you too", I said.

"I am so excited about everything Mason, I can hardly stand it" he gushed, his voice rising with animated enthusiasm. "I wish I was living with you already", he said. "Man, am I hard right now", he laughed. "I think I have been hard since last night, I hope it won't stay this way permanently" he giggled. "Do you think I did something way too much last night with you?" he asked, with a kind of half seriousness in his voice.

"He he ha", I laughed. "No, I am sure it isn't permanent, or you are in REALLY BIG trouble for the meet tomorrow" I teased. "Last night was as you say 'awesome' though Kevin, but today is definetely going to be a day of rest for you" I reminded him. "I'm sorry I can't see you today, but I'll call you from work like I promised", I said. Even though twenty some miles of phone line separated the two of us at this moment, it seemed so natural to be talking with each other this way. I couldn't wait for this to be our home together either, and these talks would become a daily face to face.

"Ok", I'd better let you go and take care of this little problem, I have in my hand right now", he laughed loudly. "But I promise to think of you though", he teased once again.

"Well, I wish I was there to give you a 'hand' with that", I chuckled, but do me a favor and try to avoid that until after the meet. "Practice hard today and get your rest, and I'll talk to you tonight then", I said. "I love you Kevin!"

"Wish you were here, I love you too....have a great day! Good bye", he said. Then he was gone.

God, I love early Fall in Indiana. A bright warm sun greeted 'Alphie' and I, as I speed shifted down the lane and headed in to the city. I was simply amazed looking ahead at the meet tomorrow, the upcoming surprise 16th birthday party at Loch Haven for Kevin. Maggs was going to marry Craig. Kevin's decision to move home with me, the enormity of everything, the thrill of being so deeply in love was indescribable.

The first order of the day was to call Craig at the bank and congratulate him on his engagement. He was genuinely happy that I called. His voice was filled with emotion as well it should be. We agreed that Maggs was a special lady and I told him just how wonderful it was that they had found each other and would be starting a new life together. While he said he loved Kevin as well, he was absolutely thrilled that Kevin and I would be able to be together permanently too. While he wasn't sure yet, when the date for the wedding would be, they had plans to go away again for the upcoming weekend to celebrate, and he felt that they might try to shoot for the Thanksgiving weekend, and if not then, during the Christmas Holidays.

Of course we talked about Kevin's birthday party, and we talked for awhile about our old High School days, laughing like a couple of teens again ourselves. "I'll see you tomorrow at the meet then" I said and began my work day with a renewed vengeance. Suddenly it hit me. If Craig and Maggs were going away this weekend, then Kevin would be able to spend it with me! Whoa! God I love this life.

By late morning, I found myself with nothing to do, until the long depositions that were scheduled to begin at 2:00. I grabbed my jacket and told Sarah I had some shopping to do and would grab some lunch and be back around 1:30. I was on a mission from god, and my gift for Kevin's birthday my only priority now. I stopped by the bank and deposited the bonus check for the 3rd quarter. $9,200 not bad I mused, as I slid the Alpha into a space in front of Giles Jewelry store and entered.

After careful consideration, I just had to buy the Croton chronograph with the black dial, and 18k gold and stainless band. It was perfect! I could just envision how it would look on Kevin's slender wrist. Money was no object and I was positive he would be happy with the enscription too. I was more than giddy myself, thinking about the other surprise I had picked out, but like the watch, that would have to wait for the next two weeks as well.

By 7:00 PM I took a break and dialed the Club to talk to Kevin. "Hi kiddo, how ya doing", I asked.

"Man, I wish you were here", he said. He was obviously out of breath. Coach is working us extra hard, but I think we are ready", he said. "Are you still working?" he asked.

"Unfortunately I will be here for at least another two hours, but it is just one of those things that happen once in awhile", I answered. I didn't want him to know that this was all so I could be there tomorrow. "Do you have your ride all lined up?" I asked.

"Yea, Corey's mom is going to drop me off on their way home", he said. "Are you sure you can't come by when you are done Mason?" He was tempting me to no end, but I knew if I stopped neither of us would have any energy left for tomorrow.

"Sorry, I sure would like to, but you get home and get to bed, and I will talk to you in the morning. I'll be thinking of you tonight; tell your mom hello for me too", I said. "I've got to run now, I Love you Kevin.....promise me you will be asleep by 9:00".

"OK I promise, love you too, Oh, I had my best times ever in my events tonight", he added. Your help on the kick turns really paid off, not just for me but for everyone he said excitedly. "Talk to you tomorrow, good night".

"That's great, I'm so proud of you Kevin, til morning then, good night".

All in all, the rest of the work went smoothly. I even finished by 8:30, but in spite of the desire to stop by and just spend a few minutes alone with Kevin, I headed straight home and spent some quiet time down by the lake, just dreaming about the future.

The day of the meet had finally arrived! I could tell that Kevin was obviously nervous about it when we talked this morning. I was glad he had gotten a good nights rest, and without the morning practice today, he would be ready to go. These private schools don't have the full athletic programs that the public ones do, hence the earlier swim meet schedule. But it did allow them a longer schedule and I looked forward to watching Kevins team compete.

He was thrilled when the coach had announced that he was being moved up to the varsity team, following the time trials last night. As I parked in the lot next to the school and waved at Maggs and Craig waiting in the entranceway, I was inwardly so happy that the things I had helped Kevin with had already paid off. Any success he had I know we shared in the joy of it together.

Maggs was as close to jumping up and down as you can get and grinning from ear to ear as I approached them. She immediately shot her left hand out palm down and wiggled her fingers to draw my attention to the large Marquis diamond engagement ring that sparkled in the sunlight. Then hugged me like there was no tomorrow and said "Isn't it simply georgeous Mason". Over her shoulder an obviously pleased Craig was standing there with the biggest shit eating grin you ever saw on his face.

"Spectacular Maggs, just beautiful, I'm so happy for you both, I said, as I got my fourth-in-a-lifetime Sherburg hug from Craig which nearly squeezed the life out of me.

"You remember my mother Jean don't you Craig" he asked, turning to allow his beaming mother to get through.

"Of course I do, it's really nice to see you again" I replied, giving her a warm, but much more gentle Langley hug. "Don't they make a super couple?" I asked, as I pointed to Maggs and Craig, who were locked in their own embrace. "Do you still make those fabulous sugar cookies"? I asked, wanting to remind her that I use to beg for those back in the old days.

"Sure do", she replied with a grin, obviously thrilled that I remembered. "Maybe I can make a batch and bring them to the wedding if you you two boys treat me really nice", she laughed.

"Would you two ladies excuse Mason and I for just a couple of minutes before we go inside?" Craig asked, as he grabbed my upper arm and steered me out across the lawn. Maggs just hunched her shoulders up with a 'I don't know what he is up to look' and smiled as we walked away.

Now as long as I had known Craig, he was never at a lack for words, but as he stood there grinning from ear to ear, I could sense a little hesitation in his demeanor as well. "Mason, I have given this an awful lot of thought, especially since we talked yesterday, and I would like you to be my 'best man' when Maggs and I are married", he proudly said, while staring intensely into my eyes for my answer.

"I'd be honored, absolutely thrilled to be your best man Craig" giving him the Langley hug which quickly escalated into my fifth Sherburg hug. We walked back to Maggs and Jean, his shoulder draped over mine like a couple of school boys, both of us showing our pleasure.

"Mason's going to be my best man" Craig announced with pride, starting another round of hugs. It just felt wonderful to be with them at this moment. The only person missing of course was our wonderful Kevin. For a minute the thought that Kevin might be hurt that Craig didn't ask him instead of me weighed on my mind, but then Maggs spoke up and once again my heart was deeply touched.

"I'm going to ask Kevin to 'give me away', I can't think of anyone who I would feel more proud to walk down the aisle with than my only son", she said, the radiance of her face showing just how much that truly would mean to her. We were all just euphoric as we entered the gymnasium and took our seats in the elevated bleachers directly in view of the start/finish line.

For the next twenty minutes or so we all just visited, and I met the parents of many of Kevin's team mates. I have to say, that it is sad in a way. A lot of parents were absent. I remember the looks on a lot of my team mates faces when I was young, feeling their sense of sadness when they knew in their hearts that with a minimum effort one or both of their parents could be there to support them. How fortunate I had been that my folks never missed a meet. I spent a lot of time trying to shore up the feelings of some of my best buddies when their parents were absent or 'no shows'. Kevin was indeed lucky today to have all of us here. I know Craig and I felt honored to fill some of the void he'd had since his dad passed away.

As the poolside began to fill with the teams, I realized that this first quadrangular would set the tone for the year. The Junior Varsity would compete first of course, so it would be awhile before I would see Kevin and his varsity squad hit the pool. The nice thing is there are no heats in this format. As I scanned the events sheet, I discovered that Kevin would be swimming in both the 50 meter butterfly, and the 100 meter freestyle races. Obviously the coach had been impressed with his progress this past week, and I smiled silently to myself.

The room and pool was filled with young boys now as they began their warmups. Kevin's team mates wore home-team whites. While the squads from Roosevelt, Whitney and Phillips Acadamies were clad in their respective school colors. Countless memories flooded my mind from the hours of practice and the dozens of meets I had been in this very same atmosphere. The JV coach was busy talking to his team, going over last minute questions and instructions. For many of them, this may very well be their first experince at even this level of competition.

Every where I looked there were wonderfully slender bodies limbering up. I felt the old familiar stirring deep within my groin, as their tiny racing speedo's did little to contain their young maturing organs that were held within. Especially in some of the postures they struck, as they stretched out their sinewy muscles. Their callipygian posteriors flexed erotically no longer resembling young hobbledehoys. It suddenly occured to me that this might be a much more difficult thing for me to observe than I had thought. I know many of my gay feelings were rooted in past exposures to my young friends and the competitors I had been so close to, in more ways than one. I just didn't anticipate the whole scene would take on such an erotic atmosphere. The sights, the sounds, the smells were innervating me sexually as I continued to watch the lithe forms surrounding the gym.

The warning buzzer sounded, and the respective teams began to gather in front of their own supporters. I immediately spotted young Corey emerge from the water, closely followed by Jonn. Their nearly translucent suits hugging their slender hips, the water draining from the crotch, momentarily highlighting their balls and penises. My mind flashed back to the vision of Jonn emerging from the shower at the club, his slim hard penis exposed unknowingly to my eyes that night, as his budding hormones had gone into obvious overdrive. Both he and Corey smiled shyly and waved nervously to me and I gave them both the 'thumbs up' and hollered "Let's go guys" to let them know I was behind them all the way. Poor Corey blushed red and held his hands in front of his crotch. How I love the modesty that the younger boys posessed.

Suddenly, I realized I had forgotten the sack full of Granola bars, and fruit roll-ups I had brought for some energy boosts. I quickly excused myself and made a dash for the Jeep, grabbed the sack and was turning the corner to re-enter the gym, when Kevin emerged from the bathroom and his eyes lit up. "Are you just now getting here?" he asked, standing there in his blue and white nylon warmup pants and jacket. He was nothing short of spectacular looking. His soft brown eyes just sparkled and his his blush rose complexion just radiated confidence. "I've been waiting for you like forever" he laughed.

"No, I have been here for a half hour already, but I forgot these" I said, handing him the sack. You need to distribute these to everyone as soon as possible for some quick energy Kevin. "You look wonderful" I added, reaching out and squeezing his arm and smiling, but still keeping the proper distance. "We are all here for you, we had better get in there", I said. Then we turned and entered and I took my place back in the bleachers while Kevin joined his team mates down below us. I think I was more pumped up watching him now, than I could ever remember being myself at any meet I ever went to.

I'm glad I didn't count the number of times he had turned around to smile up at me. I know Mags, Craig and Jean got some eye contact too, but I silently began to worry that his consentration might be in the wrong place. I watched all of the boys intently as they got instructions from their coaches. I couldn't help but notice that Jonn had taken up some territorial rights at Kevin's left side and seemed to be paying more attention to Kevin than he was to his coach. Then the the whistle blew and the action began.

If you have never experienced the atmosphere of a combined Junior High and High School athletic event, you can't appreciate the sheer joy and electricity that filled the air as the starters pistol discharged and those boys hit the water. The rafters echoed from the enthusiasm coming from all corners of the room. It was clear who the favorites were as the meet progressed. Roosevelt, a nemesis even in my days was seemingly overstocked with talented young swimmers even at this level. When it came time for the final event, the 400 meter freestyle relay, Roosevelt had first place already wrapped up. But second and third were still up for grabs. We were all on the edge of our seats as Corey hit the water first and began swimming like there was no tomorrow.

Jonn was the anchor, and Converse was holding down 2nd place, but not by much. The Roosevelt swimmer hit the water perhaps 2 seconds before Jonn and a Whitney boy hit it virtually at the same time. Jonn had pretty darn good form and a particularly strong kick for a 14 year old. I had asked Kevin to help him on his turns and he had gained almost a full second on the Roosevelt swimmer as he approached his turn. When he rocketed off the wall and headed for home, he was neck and neck for first place. With just about 20 meters to go, it seemed like Jonn went into overdrive. His hand hit the electronic touch pad .35 seconds ahead of the Roosevelt boy and our crowd erupted. His team mates pulled him from the pool and they all embraced and celebrated the victory. Kevin gave him almost a 'Sherburg' hug lifting him off the concrete. The team had placed second and the victory celebration began.

Then it happened! The minute Kevin released Jonn, the swelling began. It was unmistakable as Jonn's penis began to harden and push his water drenched speedo away from his crotch in an ever expanding protrusion. I watched as Kevin tore his warm-up jacket off and pushed it into Jonn's stomach effectively covering him, but there was no mistaking his obvious embarassment as his team continued to pat him on the back as they came to the bleachers. Craig gave me an elbow in the side that almost knocked the breath from me, and grinned like he used to back in the old days, with that all-knowing look. I could only hope for Jonn's sake that as few people as possible had been watching the celebration as much as we were and had seen what we did.

No sooner did he reach the bleachers, he collapsed on the bench, his head buried between his knees. Coach was pulling the varsity squad away and organizing their own warmups. I was torn between my desire to watch Kevin begin his stretching and the pain of sympathy I felt for Jonn. It didn't help that neither of Jonn's parents were here to cherish his victory with him, and if it hadn't been for Corey's ceaseless attempts to distract Jonn's attention and continued lavishing of praise, I think Jonn would have fled into the locker room. My only concern now, was that he could put this behind him and relish his victory and join his team mates to cheer on Kevin and the rest of the varsity swimmers.

As Jonn finally raised his head, I could see him wipe some tears from his eyes and quickly glance from side to side to see if anyone was still watching him. Then his eyes met Kevin as he approached and slipped of his nylon slicks and handed them to Jonn, leaned over and cupped his hand to Jonn's right ear and whispered something and smiled. Kevin turned around and what ever he said made all the difference in the world, because from that point on, Jonn was a totally different young man. My heart swelled with pride, because I know that Kevin's sensitivites to Jonn's predicament had set everything right. God, how I loved Kevin for everything he was.

Kevin was a poster boy for a swimmers body. I adored him so much. As I watched him loosen up, my cock began to swell. The irony of the moment was almost to much to handle. As he twisted and turned, streching out his muscles, I was captivated by just how georgeous he was. He was sitting there facing me and had spread his legs, pulling his feet tightly into his crotch. My eyes were riveted on his cock, held so closely by his white speedo. It didn't matter that he was covered, because I knew all to well now how spectacular it is. I couldn't help but remember the moment I first saw him at poolside at the club. I think I had fallen in love with him at that moment, and looking at him now, our eyes locked together in a lovers stare, my penis jerked involuntarily and I damn near had an accident in my briefs.

As he stood and turned sideways and raised his arms above his head and locked his fingers together and stretched, his developing abdominals showed a sculptured perfection that no one else who was here possessed. He was ripped, and ready for this meet, and as he slid gracefully into one of the lanes and began to swim, I could tell he was in a 'zone' of his own. Today was going to be his.

As the team broke their tight huddle below us at the front of the bleachers, I turned and smiled at Maggs and Craig. "He's going to be just awesome" I gushed. I blushed myself with the realization of what I had just said, but they both grinned their understanding and we shared the same feelings once again.

Suddenly the horn jolted the air, and my heart along with it. The 50 meter butterfly was the first event. Kevin turned his eyes to mine and smiled intently. I gave him the thumbs up and watched as he pulled on his cap and tightened his goggles in place, turned and walked to the starting platform and confidently stepped up. Converse had drawn lane one, so we had an unobstructed view of his lane. Next came my old adversaries from Roosevelt, followed by Phillips and Whitney.

I thought my heart would jump right through my chest as he leaned forward in anticipation of the gun. BANG, they were off! Kevin and the Roosevelt entrant came up to the surface at exactly the same time. By the half way mark, the Rooosevelt swimmer had a half body length lead. I was concerned with the side wash and hoped Kevin could weather the initial surge. He hit the turn with picture perfect form, and drew even with the other boy heading down the stretch. From that moment on, it seemed as if I was watching this in slow motion. Kevin's strokes were remarkable, and all the extra work was paying off. I could see the intensity in his straining face and his chisled muscles were in perfect sync. The Roosevelt swimmer had drifted slightly to his right and Kevin began his final push with 10 meters to go. We all rose as one as parents, friends and relatives joined the chants of his team mates.

At 5 meters the jumping up and down began and as Kevin hit the touch pad the electronic clock read 29.95 seconds. HE HAD WON!!! Not only had he bested a two time state champion, but set a new school record in the process. Craig and I were throwing high fives as Maggs and Jean were hugging. Kevin's hand shot into the air in victory and his eyes met mine in one triumphant moment. He pulled himself gracefuly out of the pool and jumped into Coaches arms. Kevin had 'arrived', and the tone of the meet was set.

All at once, Corey's mother turned to me and pointed at her cam corder, and beamed. "I'll have a copy of this made for you Mason, you can be sure of that", then turned to continue taping Kevin's proud walk back to the bench. That is a tape I will always treasure.

I was grateful that Kevin's only other event, the 100 meter freestyle was going to be last. He needed all of the rest he could get from the grueling effort he had just put forth. He tore into a granola bar and turned once again and grinned at me, then got a big hug from Jonn and began to cheer on his team mates.

No question about it, Roosevelt had the talent and depth, but I don't think any team had the heart of our boys. Not only was Roosevelt cocky and over confident with 3 events remaining, they were not shy in displaying it. But following a poor 3rd place finish in the 200 meter Medley relay, and a surpise win by Ryan Corbett, one of Kevins long time friends, it boiled down to the final event, and that meant it was going to be up to Kevin to bring home a team victory.

I thought I knew about focus and intensity during all my years of competition, but when Kevin took the block and prepared for this final race, I had a peace in my heart like I had never known. Kevin hit the water first as the gun went off. Surprisingly, the Roosevelt swimmer was in 3rd place following the turn. Kevin had stretched his lead to a full body length as he executed the most perfect turn I had ever seen. It was pure poetry in motion as his long arms and legs pulled him onward. The celebration began as he approached the final 25 meter mark, and I was pulled from my seat, by the most rudimentary of forces, and felt myself scramble down the bleachers as he accelerated even faster and raced for home. My feet hit the concrete at the moment his fingers hit the pad two full body lengths ahead of the 2nd place Phillips swimmer. The scoreboard read 58.74 and pandamonium broke loose. Another record and total victory!

Kevin exited the pool in one tremendous lunge, then leaped into my arms as his team surrounded us. Chants of number one were every where, as his team mates hoisted him in the air and carried him back to the bleachers. Maggs was crying like a baby and Craig look like we had just won the super bowl. Even Jean was still jumping up and down as I climbed the bleachers soaking wet. In spite of all the celebration that was going on, Kevin's eyes met mine time after time and his thumbs up was proudly displayed.

Perhaps five minutes had elapsed before the medal and trophy ceremony began. I was more than grateful for the time for my heart to return to a more normal rate. My cheeks ached from smiling for so long. Just to be a witness to this, was almost more than I could stand. When Kevin's name was called to receive his first of two gold medals, his meet record time was announced, I was overcome with emotion, and the tears flowed freely. Kevin managed to meet my eyes as he raised his head after they hung the ribbon around his neck, and no words needed to be spoken. We both knew what this meant.

As they announced his conference record setting time for the 100 meter freestyle and he stood there with his second medal, the tears began to run down his face. I turned to Maggs and her own brown eyes had burst with tears as well. What impressed me most and I will remember all my life, was how Kevin had handed the first place team trophy to Jonn for safe keeping right after he and his team mates had finished hoisting it in the air. Kevin's calm and unassuming manner had endeared him to not only his friends and fellow swimmers, but the parents and fans alike. Even when he received congratulations from the boys from Roosevelt for his achievments, he tried to genuinely down play what had happened.

As much as I wanted to follow the team into the locker room to watch their continued celebration, I knew that this was their time. Kevin's time to be himself with his friends. There would be all the time in the world for us. As we waited on the lawn outside and revelled in the moment, reliving over and over again the exploits of the team, and most of all Kevin, I truly felt a part of this family, and was filled with joy.

"Kevins got a surprise for you" Maggs said, as he raced from the building, both gold medals bouncing brightly in the sun as they still hung around his slender neck. We were greeted with hugs all around as he continued to glow with the achievements still fresh. "Tell Mason about your surprise" she said as she rubbed the medals between her fingers.

"No school tomorrow, in-service day and Craig and mom are going to take Mrs Sherburg back to South Bend and spend the weekend", he grinned. "We can go home...er...ummm...I can stay with you from now until Monday he blushed, trying to stay politically correct in front of Jean. Jean grinned and gave me a knowing wink, and we all laughed and headed towards the parking lot.

Team tradition held that everyone would gather at Claudio's Pizzaria following any team victory. It was one of the last vestiges of homemade pizza which continued to defy the franchises onslaught. We arrived to a the welcoming chants of 'Kevin'....'Kevin', as his team mates once again paid homage to him for the heroic performance he had displayed. It was sheer joy to watch. Kevin was blushing and so naturally humble, never once overplaying his own enthusiasm.

He made sure that everyone knew that their victory had come from all of them, and I know I was as proud of him as Maggs was, if not more. The thing that impressed me the most was his decision to eat with his friends rather than join the adults. We exchanged those silent smiles and knowing looks, which kept us intertwined in spite of our being at different tables. He sat there jamming his face with food, joking and laughing with his friends. It was a memory I am sure we both will cherish forever. On either side of him sat Jonn and Corey, and it pleased me to see that he made sure the younger members were as much involved as the older guys. While the celebration was at a fever pitch, I slipped quietly out and made arrangements with Claudio to secretly pay the entire tab; just my way of silently showing my gratitude for being so warmly welcomed into this circle of friends.

Kevin jumped in the CJ with me for the short drive back to his apartment, and hugged me as tears of joy ran unashamedly down his face. "I love you so much", he said. "I saw what you did", he smiled. "You know you didn't have to do that" he whispered, as he dried his eyes.

"I should have known if there was going to be someone I couldn't slip it past, it was going to be you", I replied. "I just wanted to show my appreciation to everyone for being able to share in all of it without anyone knowing", I said. "Now about this weekend" I began, as I softly squeezed his inner thigh, drawing a soft moan from deep within his throat. "I've decided to call the office in the morning and take the day off", I said. "Since we have three days, why don't we drive into Chicago, and see the sights; maybe come back Saturday evening. How does that sound to you", I asked.

"AWESOME"!, he yelled. "I havn't been there since I was like 5 or 6 years old", he gushed.

"Chicago it is then" I laughed, as we parked behind Craig's Mercedes as they were all just getting out.

We spent the next hour just visiting like family, and while I went over our plans for the weekend with Maggs, Kevin excitedly packed his athletic bag. He was in such a hurry when he ran out of the bedrom while he was trying to zip it closed, he tripped over the coffee table and the bottle of Jergen's lotion popped out as he went sprawling onto the floor. Jean bent over and picked it up. "I just love this she said", as she handed it to Kevin. "It makes you soft all over", at which point most of the blood in Kevin's body rocketed up to his face. As if it couldn't get worse, Craig started to laugh like a hyena which turned my face red. Jean was obviously out of the loop on this one, but that didn't help.

"You two better get going before it gets late" Maggs said. I'll see you on Monday sweetie" she said, giving Kevin a hug and a kiss. "You guys have a ball", she added innocently, which promptly pushed Craig back over the edge.

"Gaaaawd" Kevin groaned, as the door closed behind us and we walked across the lawn to the Jeep. By the time we were seated, we were both laughing so hard, I couldn't even turn on the CJ to drive home.

"This has been one hell of a day" I mused, as we hit the on ramp of I-465. The sunset hung over the western hills as dusk settled in. I looked at Kevin as often as I looked at the freeway. He sat there with those two gold medals hanging around his neck, the red, white and blue satin ribbons shinning brightly against the white T-shirt he wore. My arm rested across the back of his seat above his head, and he turned to me and reached up and pulled my arm down and held my hand in his lap. I could feel his erection, but he just seemed to be so content to hold my hand and sit there with his eyes closed with a gentle smile on his face.

"Why don't you go on upstairs and I'll make some hot chocolate and bring it up in a few minutes" I said as we entered the Kitchen. He turned to me and dropped his bag, and his arms snaked around me and he pulled me tight.

"Wouldn't you like some chocolate covered cherries instead", he grinned.

"I don't think I could keep from laughing" I answered, as we both started to chuckle again. "Besides, I just want to lay with you and enjoy the rest of the evening and make love", I said.

"Mmmmmm, sounds wonderful" he said, nuzzling his nose under my chin. "Don't be too long then" he said, as he gave my cock a gentle squeeze. "It's great to be home", he smiled and turned and headed for the stairs.

As I stood there mixing the cocoa into the hot water, my whole spirit felt so warm. So much of life is viewed with negativity. As a gay man I had felt such sadness for man's inhumanity to man. Here I was, standing in my home, the most wonderful person I shall ever have the privilege to know was here, safe and secure. And even though we had only been together for such a short time as relationships go, I truly believe we knew more about each other and our feelings were so sure and strong nothing would ever come between us now.

Sometimes the love you feel for someone just makes your insides ache. Part of it is the depth of the feelings you have; part of it is the desire to be close to them; part of it is just pure love, and I suppose some of it is the lust that builds when you know you are going to be laying there holding them. It's probably where the term 'love sick' came from. As I climbed the stairs and the dim yellow light of the bedroom greeted me from down the hallway, even my sides ached from what I was feeling.

As I walked into the room my eyes met Kevin's and he smiled at me so tenderly. His face was so full of love. Each time his eyes blinked the long brown lashes, flickered like a firefly in the night. He lay there propped up on his back and was completely nude, with one wonderful exception. Two glowing gold medals rested on his chest. His long legs were slightly spread and his penis was semi- hard laying pointed to the side in the crease of his leg. I suppose it is possible to look more handsome, more sensuous, but as far as I was concerned, not in my lifetime.

I handed him a cup of cholocate to his outstretched hand and bent over and kissed him softly on the lips. "I'm so proud of you Kevin", I whispered. "Today, everything you accomplished.....all the things you are to so many people, but most especially to me make me love you all the more", I said.

"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me" he said, as his eyes began to glaze over. "This tastes great" he purred, pulling the cup away from his mouth, leaving a chocolate happy face on his upper lip. "Please get naked with me" he said, a yearning look effusing across his face. "And will you turn on some music too?" he smiled.

I slipped into the bathroom and quickly undressed, then wrapped a towel around myself, re-entered the room and switched on the CD player and returned to the bed. I pulled the towel from around me as I lay down on his left side, and he slid his left arm behind me making a pillow for my head. He smelled clean and fresh, the warmth of his skin against mine stirred the recesses of my soul.

He continued to sip his chocolate as I reached for a pillow and slid down along his body, resting my head next to his waist. We were not talking now at all, only communicating with our presence. I traced my fingers gently across his stomach and ran my index finger around his navel. I watched his beautiful penis grow with each beat of his heart, it lifted slowly and became salient and hard, the perfect head gradually turning a wonderful shade of darker pink as it swelled to it full turgid length.

Sweet slow melodies filled the room. I was transfixed in time and space, as I lay there looking down at this man child's body. I softly curled his luxuriant dark brown pubic hairs thru my fingers. I marveled at how soft and dense they were. The circular mound which spread only a couple of inches away from the base of his cock formed a perfect circle. Not a trace of hairs led upwards to his navel. His breathing was coming in long deep draws. As my hand caressed the satin hairless ball sack, he pulled the pillows from behind his back and laid fully down.

As I trailed my finger tips along his side, the taut swimmer's muscles below the skin twitched in response to the soft ministrations of my hand. Each time one of the stimulated erogenous zones was grazed, he moaned softly. His hand slid into my hair and came to rest on the top of my forehead and he began to tenderly stroke my brow. There was no urgency, only the inescapable desire to pet one another, content to bask in the secure love that surrounded us now.

Sharing love comes in many forms. There is the gentle looks, the soft touches that remind each other of the security you have. There is the slowly building passion that grows as the needs that lie deep within gradually build. And sometimes there is the 'I've got to have it now' kind of carnal desire that tears your insides out as you race to keep up with the sexual desire to please your lover, and in so doing please yourself. Kevin and I had found each of these in the time we had together. And in each moment we fell more in love, never understanding how, only marvelling in the similitude we found in one another. There was a peace that always followed no matter how we had expressed our love, and in the end, that is what love is all about.

I could smell the rich aroma of Kevin's loins. The young musk that served as the ultimate aphrodisiac whenever it drifted into my nostrils. A marmoreal thin stream of lubricating pre- cum was seeping from the eyeslit of his beautiful penis. No one and nothing I had ever experienced could produce anything close to the clear sweet nectar that came from him. I moved closer, and swilled the limpid juices across the tastebuds of my tongue, and Kevin's knees lifted upwards as a deep moan escaped his throat.

My mouth closed around the soft warm head and I just held it there as each pulse of his cockhead spilt more of his seminal flow into my mouth. I pulled away and slid upwards and we enmeshed our bodies and began to kiss. Our mouths formed a seal and we withdrew and returned the breath from each others lungs. Our tongues savored the flavor of sweet chocolate that remained. Our bodies began to undulate as we held each other tight. The needs increased as the nerves switched on within.

Sounds of love began, as our passions rose. Tender sighs, that reflected the comfort we felt. Long slow moans that were drawn from deep within the need. Varied sounds from lovers caught up in the expression of that love. I reached between us and closed my hand around both of our cocks, and began slow stimulating strokes up and down. I masturbated us together, the heads slick with the egestion of pre-cum. Each time the heads abraded across each other we gasped as the nerves devoured our souls.

I lay on my side as the lubricated shaft of my lover slid inside me, his arms holding me close, his hand surrounding the length of me. For longer than time itself we rocked and ground our bodies together in a long slow innervating rhythm. We were truly one. His lips suckled on my ear, his hot breath escaping and dispersing there driving me insane. The feelings would build, then we would let them subside, then build again and again.

In the end, twin pinnacles of orgasm struck at the very same time. Kevins' stomach sucked in, in one final gut wrenching breath, then his groin lunged forward pushing him deeper inside than ever before, and I felt the whole organ swell further and the pulsating streams of his sperm erupted within me and my seed ejaculated time and again past his clutching hand and flew out in space. It lasted forever, as will our love.

I'm not sure when Kevin drifted off as we remained in that postion, his penis the umbilical cord that continued to unite us. His breathing had become so shallow and the hand that still held my now soft cock had relaxed. The last thing I remember as my mind began fading to black, was the sweet smile of Kevin holding his medals over his heart, and I said to myself, 'What A Wonderful World'!!

I hope you have enjoyed this continuing love story. If you have any comments, please write me at: lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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